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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1938)
% Hg ' ! Largest : 1 Negro Paper I ^er in Nebraska I ^_____ Copy * /JUSTICE/ EQUALITY HEW TO ThcUNE^ Entered as Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha. Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1938 VOL. XII, No. 1 DR. BETHUNE CAPTIVATES AUDIENCE Youth Council Gets Northside Center Long School 1$ Selected As the $■». Right Location The Youth Division of the Oma ha Council of the National Negro Congress has been successful in getting the city recreational au thorities to name Long school >'.as one of the places at which a re creation center shall be conducted this summer according to Mr. \\ m. Meyers, city recreational director. Meeting at the home of Mi. S. Edward Gilbert, Sunday, April 3, the Council listened to an inspiring talk by Dr. T. E. Sullenger, in which he told of the eleven wards in which deliquency is the highest in Omaha. He further showed by means of a chart that Long school was located in the heart of a high rleliquent area and from such in formation the Council decided to ask that I ong school be named as one of the centers of recreation, based on the theory that for a cen ter to be effective, it should be lo cated in the center of the deliqu( nt are*, thereby enabling the influ ence,'f such a pro; t to radiate out. Mi John Elliot, a student at Omaha university, was named, chairman of the committee com posed of Misses Tamer O’Neal, Mable Longmeyor and Mr. Roy, Gordon, with Mr. Gilbert, execu tive secretary of fh'* Omaha Coun cil of the Natio :al Negro Congress serving as advisor. The committe seeking influen tial support, contacted Mrs, C. R. Ross of the city Welfare Hoard, who after hearing their proposi tion, backed wi h certified farts, agreed with the committee that I,,ng school was the ideal In ration, and immediately took the r re quests to the proper authorities, resulting in 1 ong school being named as one of ain 1 Centers widen drall bo opened to the public Sat urday April 16, at 10 o'clock a. m. Week Of Services At Claire Chapel M E. Beginning Monday night, April is, continuing through to Friday, April 22, there will be a series of sermons delivered by tbe pastors of various churches of the city. Monday might, AprU 18, Rev. F. p. oJnes of Mt. Moriah Baptist church and choir; Tuesday night, April 19, Rev. M. K. Curry of Zion Baptist church and choir; Wednes day might, April 20. Rev. G. E. Stevenson of Pilgrim Baptist church and choir; Thursday night, April 21, Rev. Sanford of Bethel A ME church and choir, and Friday night, April 22, Rev. D. W. Bass of Cleaves Temple church and choir. Rev. W. C. Conwell is pastor. Intense Interest Being r- r, - t fn Second nev Festival With Spring coming on us wo find intense interest being mani fested in the coming secoml annual May Day Festival to be held May i 22nd. the place to be announced af ter Easter. , TV following churches are giv ing 100 per rent to make the sec ond annual display of youth talent in song the most colorful event ever to be witnessed here: St. John AME, Zion, Salem. Baptist, Christ Temple, Second Baptisf, Cterinda, lowh, Bethel Baptist, MT Moriah. Metropolitan Spiritual, Bethel AME. Pleasant Green Baptist, and the Seventh Day Ad ventist. The Committee will meet Mon day. A.pril 18th at the North Side VWCA at 7:00 p. m. to complete final arrangements. All sponsors and directors of junior choirs are urged to attend. Mr. S. Edward Gilbert, general ehpirman, and Miss Ethel .Tones, d irector. --o Mr. and Mrs. .T. Shaw, accompan ied by Mr. Robert Horselv, motor ed here ?rr*m Detroit to visit the parents of Mr. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs Oliver Shaw. p “Seven Last Words” Closes Easter Music Season At Hillside Earlygoers to Hillside Picsby teiian church on Easter Sunday at 4:30 o’clock, where a chorus of 1 40 voices, and an orchestra will present, “The Seven Last Words” ! by PuBois, will possibly be the ; only ones who will be seated, ow ing to the fact that more than 150 patrons have already been procured through a courtesy ticket. There I fore music lovers who have no courtesy tickets, should be at the church not later then 4 o’clock. 'The altar will he draped with white linen upon which will be seen 37 lily white candles which will be lighted sometime during the ser vice. The introductory soprano will he sung by Mrs. Frank Smead. The first word, “Father Forgive Them” will be sung by Mr. H. L. Preston, Mr. Riehaid Miller and chorus. The word, “Verily today Shalt, Thou Be Wi h Me In Para dise,” will be sung by Mr. Preston and Mr. Miller. The third word, l“Woman Behold Thy Son,” will he : hv Mr Pear'. Gibson, Mr. Miller and chorus, The fourth word, e. baritone solo, “God, My Father, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?” will be sung by Mr. Preston and chorus. The sixth word, “I Thirst" will bo sum? by Mr. Preston and chorus, he sixth word, “Father In to Thy Hands I Commend My: Soul.” will be sung by Mr. Miller and chorus. The seventh word," It j I- Finished,” will be sum? by Mrs. | Irene Morton, Mr. Miller and cho rus. Mr. Miller is the tenor soloist at the Dundee Presbyterian church, Mrs. Smead from the North Chris tian church, Mrs. Gibson from St. John A ME, Mrs. Morton part time soloist of Hillside Presbyterian, and Mr. Preston, soloist of Hill side. Miss Ethel Webb, pianist of Die church, will be assisted by Miss Willis, who will play he first piano. Mr. Fred Demster, cellist, of the Omaha university orchestra, Mr. William Lewis, bass violinist, Mr. John Jteagan. violin ist, will constitute the orchestra. Rev. John S. Williams, pastor of ..lie Hilllside church will direct the service,. ID -O Zion Junior Choir Presents Operetta An operetta, “The Ghost of1 Lolly Pop Days,” will be presented at the Zion Baptist church, Mon- 1 fay, evening, May 2, at 8 p. m. un ler the direction of Miss Estella Robertson, who is known for her, success in present ng operettas, i plays, etc. his will be one of the most inter-' esting events of the season of our best young people of the city. We hope to have the church packed to j its capacity. Colored Chamber of Commerce , Backs City Clean Up Campaign f City Clean Up week campaign of the Junior Chamber of Com merce was unanimously endorsed by the Colored Chamber of Com merce Thursday evening in its re gular meeting held at the North side YWCA. The following challenge is made to each family in Omaha: Buy a box o-r barrel] for empty tin cans; empty ycur ashes on your own property; take pride in the place where ou live; the neighbors will clean up if you do; each yard should be kept neat; refrain from dumping rubbish into streets or alleys^ have yo uthought of your health? Only cleanliness will give you health; much sickness is caused by uncleanliness; everyone should take prind in a clean yard; surely ou will be willing to help; any yard can he made beautiful; no person admires an unclean yard or home; don’t put it off, do it to dy; you won’t miss what little time it will take; reward is yours for a few minutes effort each week; do your share to help make a more beautiful community. The Chamber invites every or ganization to send representatives to a cal! meeting Thursday even ing April 14th, matters of imnort ances, to be held at the Northside “Y” at 7:30 p, m. Etta Moten Takes Leave From Radio Chicago, April 10 —Etta Mo ten, famed concert and radio artist, will take a five-day leave from her current broadcast, “Cabin at the Crosstoads,” heard over NBC's red and blue no;works every week day morning, it was announced hero today by the Chicago Concert Bureau. Miss Moten, who was just recently signed to the Quaker Oats program on a 13-week contract, purposely omitted April 5 to 11 chapter, in Petersburg, Va., on April 7 for Virginia State College, and in Philadelphia on Aprilll. Her broadcasts will be resumed on April 13th. According to the NBC officials, Miss Moten has recieved more fan mail than other participant on the program, and she expresses a deep gratitude for this tremendous sup port from the radio audience she has been so sincerely endeavoring to please. from the agreement so that she might fill concert engagements* effected prior to the radio contr-! act. She will sing in Washington, D. C., on April 5 for the local AKA Society Suggests Sending Senator Bilbo, Of M ssissippi, to Africa Evanston, II., April 16—A sug gestion that Senator Theodore Bd l o, of 'Mississippi, who slandered the Negro race vi iously in his fight against the anti-lynching bill, be sent to Liberia, instead of attempting to send all American Negroes »o that country was made by the Society for Correction of Civil War Information^ with head quarters here. Bilbo’s solution of the race problem, advanced dur ing his Senate speeches, was to send Negroes back to Africa. In its bulletin for March the so ciety quotes Jefferson Davis, head of the Confederacy, as saying that the labor of Negroes had convert ed “hundreds of thousands of square miles of wilderness into cultivated lands with prosperous people.” And that “the labor of Aftri an slaves was and is indis nensible to the production of the South in cotton, rice, sugar, and tobacco which had swollen to an amount which formed nearly three fourths of the exports of the whole United States and had become ah solutely necessary for the wants of civilized man.” The society's bulletin points out that on the testimony of Jefferson Davis himself, the Negro wras a vi ly valuable force in building up the United States. It implies that Senator Bilbo is not half so valu able, and states: ‘‘If, therefore, Senator Bilbo feels that the United States is not big enough to hold him and the Negro citizens, since we owe so much of what Am erica is to the labor of the Ne groes, it would be more fitting and less of a drain on tlVe public purse, if Senator Bilbo were to ask for an ap propriation to colonize himself in Liberia instead of the 12, 000.000 Negro citizens of the United States to whose race Jefferson Davi,s bears witness we are indebted tor much of America’s greatness, and that greatness gained by their un requited toil.” Mrs W. B, Gibson Succumbs; Hold Funeral Friday Funeral services for Mrs. Wini fred Brewer Gibson, omiy daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Brewer, will be held in the chapel of the Charles S. Jackson, funeral home, Friday morning at 11 o’clock Re'. Peck of Great«»r Bethel A. M. E. chureh, will officiate. Mrs. Gibson, who had been ill for some time, died Monday aft ernoon, March 28 .She was strick en in Omaha, Nebr., and came f] om there to Chicago. Mi’s. Gibson was a graduate of Hyde Park high school and was ctmployed for eight years on the St. Louis Argus’ staff in St. Louis, .VTo. She had also worked at the Omaha Guide and the Chicago Bee. She is survived b her mother, father aw! a brother. -—o ARMOURS PLANT STOPPED FOR 30 MINUTES; GANGS RAISED; MEN CUT The Armours Packing Compan y’s refusal to raise the gang in its plant on Wednesday, April Oth, up to the required man power nec essary to man the out put against the chain which had been set up, resulted in a complete shut down of the three kills when-officials of the poweiful CIO gave orders to top production unless the gang be raised to the required quota. It is reported that the grievance committee of the CIO locals waited n the management on Tuesday the fifth and asked that the three uen whom the gang superintendent had laid off be put back to work, 'hey were told that the matter would be looked into. The follow ing morning the gang went to work as usual but found that the gang was still short of the three men dispite the promise to rectify the condition and at the same time they had raised the out-pot. The grievance committees of 'he five CIO locals then had a caucus with the national CIO Regional Direc tor, Mr. Frank Alsup and out of this meeting came an urimatum to th< plant officials, that unless the geng lx- raised to the required quota fhe plant would be shut down at 1:20 p. m. At 1:20 no act tier had been taken by the plant officials, orders were given and every man in the throe kills, hog, sheep, and cattle stopped, thereby paralizing the t-rrti'-e nlant. Upon recieving the knowledge that the Ultimatum had actually been curr ied out, the plant officials found time to meet and talk with the CIO representatives, resulting in the gang being raised and rhe jubilant men returned to work. It is report ed that the company lost $‘*>0.00 for every minute that the plant was closed down. Workers Celebrate Saturday night April 9th the five locals held a victory party at their headquarters on South 25th street, which proved to l>e one of the largest demonstrations of pack ing house workers loyalty to an organization ever to have been witnessed in Omaha. Fully 3500 persons packed and jammed every available spot in the building, so huge was the crowd tha1 it was necessary to utilize the outdoor court to the building, carrying the many speeches and other form of entertainment to them by means of a loud sneaking system. Repre sentatives were ;n attendance from all over Iowa and Nebraska. Among the non members who carried greetings from their respective organizations were: Solem C. Bell, chairman of the National Waiters Union, Bernard E. Squires, Ext Se'ty of the Urban l eague and S. Falward Gilbert, Ext Secty of the Omaha Council of the National Negro Congrasi. Hairdressers Hold Meeting In Omaha A number of Negro beauty oper \ ators attended the Trans-Missis sippi hairdressers convention a the Fontenelle hotel on March 20, 21st au.l 22nd, Much enthusiasm was shown among those present. The attendance on Sunday alone exceeded 800. Hair stylists from Oklahoma assisted Omaha’s own Francois, who has the shop in the Aquilla, ini introducing the most unusual and exotic styles in coiff ure tluat have been presented m some time. The most efficient Francois join ed the rest of thee beauty world in the prediction that the hiiir must go "up”, which is a death How to the recently popular ‘ page boy.” A crew of demonstrators | from New' York to the coast were on bfind to show the latest ini beauty accessors. Among the Negroes present were Mosdanies Klise Turner of the Grow Gloss Beauty Shoppe, Chr stinc Althouse, of the fAlthouse Beauty School, Katherine* Wilson of the California Beauty School, Martha Mayo of the Mayo Beauty Shoppe, and Miss Versie Winston of the ^orthside Beauty School. —-o Squatter Takes F. R. At llis Word Cambridge, Mass., April 16 (CNA—Nathaniel Brewer, 49, one | legged VVI’A timekeeper, his wife and their eight children moved into j a Home Owners’ Loan Corporation I house February 2, without authori zation. Refusing to concede Brewer the status of tenant, white officials of the HOLC found themselves in a dilemna. They could not institute eviction proceedings and have c<»n teted 'themselves with procesuHon for trespassing. Brewer protested: “1’vo heard the President in his Fireside chats.. He says everybody is entitled to food and shelter. Now I'm going to sec if he is giving me the run- j around.” visits friends Miss Sylvia Ware, 2008 North j Twerity-seventh street, left Mon-' day morning, April 11, by plane,’ for Kansas City, Kas, to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ware. She and her sister, Miss Bernice Ware, motored to Sedalia, Mo., to visit her aunt, Mrs. Gertrude Red mond. Senate Committee To Probe Civil Service; Include Jim Crow Washington, April 10—Various i types of discriminatio nin the fed eral civil service, including dis crimination against Negroes, will be investigated by a committee of five senators under a resolution in troduced by Senator Allen J. El lender of Louisiana and passed by the Senate last week . Senator Ellender, one- of the bit terest opponents of the anti-lynch ing bill, has long been interested in reforming certain evils which he chaiges are rampant in the civil service. He claiips that the main proposal ftf his resolutio-n is "to investigate the discrimination that has been oeeuring in the various government departments under civil service, with .reference to promotion-, transfers, displinaiy measures, etc." It is a well known fact that Negroes are discriminated against in civil ser' ice, not omly in the se curing of appointments after they have passed the examination, hut, in the few places to which they are appointed, they are are great ly restricted as to promotions ami transfers, and are held strictly to , disciplinary meaures. The postal service, although it has many Ne groes in it, is notorious for its dis criminatory treatment. The NAAfT wrote Senator El lender concerning the investigation,1 asking permission to appear he fore the commi'tee and submit re cords showing "abuses regarding Negroes qualified for civil service appointment.” Senator Ellender has not espiecialy noted the Ne groes in his resolution or in h's correspondence, but the language of the resolution is so broad that, cases of Negroc discrimination can be easily included. I ho NAA( I has sent out an appeal to its branches and to the public generally to send to its na* 1 ional office, 6<i Fifth avenue, New: York City, the latent correct in formation on any civil service dis-l crimination against Negroes in aroug localities. The NAACP em nhasizes that this information mu t lie accurate and factual with names .dates, addresses, and with docu mentary evidence such as letters, ratings, etc. It will he useless to semi mere complaints without facts. The Association emphasizes also that this invetigation does not concern state or city civil ser vice, but merely with the federal civil service having (o do with rover rare it departments. The civil service was critized in the syndicated column “The Wash ington Merry-Go-Round" written by Robert S. Allen and Drew Pearson, as being controlled, not by the three civil service commis sioners ,but by certain key men ami women who have a tight grip upon the machinery arul who have re sisted efforts to reform the proce dure. The column declares that James I>. Yaden, chief of the ex amining division, “holds the power of life and death over nil appli cants for jobs.” Goodwill Spring Musical Creating Much interest to Chureh Choirs The Goodwill Spring Mus'cal is I creating a great deal of interest among the choirs that are partici ptincr in the musical on Sunday. April 24, in the Central high school auditorium at 2:45 p. m. The rehearsals have been very] good, and show promise of a great | treat for those who love good sing-j ing. The final rehearsal will be, Tuesday night after Easter at the, Hillside Presbyterian church at| 30th and Ohio streets. It is very i important that all choirs and all members of choirs be at this final | rehearsal, so they may know just what you are to do at the high school on the day of the musical. With the fine spirit of coopera tion shown on the part of the, ministers and the city-wide uslier( board, we look forward to a day! long to be remembered in Omaha.: The choirs in their vested robes Will make a picture you should, see. The Omaha Concert band, direct ed bv Mr. George Bryant, will add much to the music for the day, as it will take part in the rendition of some of the numbers, such as the National Negro Anthem and the Hallelujah Chorus. .lust pic ture in your mind 250 or more people singing these numbers with this great band accompanying them It would be use to say lx? on time, because you are going to be there before 2:45 if you expect a seat and to enjoy the beauty and sacredness of the processional. You will be greeted by the city wide usher board with its service with a smile . You cannot afford to leave be fore the close of the service be cause of the beauty and impres sion you will get from the last numbers. Perhaps the number, “Dark Wa ter,” is creating more nation-wide interest, than any one composition in recent years, as it will be used as a contest number over in May by many white churches and choirs over the United States. Now this is a fine time to ask some of your friends, both in and out of the city to come as your guest. • - 1 Y. A. Leader In High Praise Of Local Projects — by S. Edward Gilbert I _ ___' DR. M. M. BETHUNE Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, na tional director of the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration, after a busy day in which she made an inspection lour of local NYA pro jects, attended a conference of the Council of Social Agencies, spoke at u lunheon in her honor, given by the NYA and Urban League, appeared in nn interview over the radio, was in attendance at a din ner meeting at the Urban League Community Center, where she made a brief, but inspiring talk, relating by way of constructive criticism that there was a great need in the state of Nebraska, for the appointing of some gualified Negro man or woman who could and would serve as a’ Liaison be ween the state NYA officials and the Negro, climaxed her stay in Omaha by delivering a magnani mous address that captivated the huge audience that packed the spa cious auditorium of Zion Baptist Church Tuesday night. IJV. liethune in the course of her powerful address urged Brown America, to have confidence in themselves, their own business and their own professional men and women. She interrogated the audience with the questions; Are you making the best of your opp ortunities or are you standing as it were with your hands folded waiting for someone to bring sal vation to you? Are you urging boys anti girls in your group to continue school in order that they may he prepared when the opportunity pre sents itself; are you sending your boy or girl to school and at the same time crying aloud that you don’t want one of your group to teach them ? She admonished youth to take 'he stand that I will study and prepare myself and perhaps my chance will come; giving as an example; her lifes experience, in which she has forged herself up frum the cotton- fields of the deep South to the formal recognition among the fifty most distinquished American women. Resulting in her today being the first Negro woman ever to occupy a key federal posi (Continued on Page 5). Prarie View College Band R&ted One Of The Country’s Finest Prairie View, Tex., April 16 (NP)— Emerging from compara tive obscurity to one of the finest college bands in the country in two years, Prairie View’s 66 piece stu dent hand, under the direction of Captain Will Henry Bennett, is the show of the college on gala oc casions. In addition to the band, P. V. now has a 30 piece symphony or chestra which will soon be ready for concert engagements. Another unit under the direction of Bennett is the P. V. Collegians Swing band, which has gained fame throughout the Southland in Collegiate circles. Included in the eolegiate band are some girls. P. V. being one of the few colleges, as far as known, to carry girl members. The two young wemen who sing in the or c’hestPr are Poverty Glenn and Betty Merrell. Captain Bennett was trailed in orchestral and hand wor1 u ’der Captain Frank Drye of ’’’uVcgou | and Kemper Harreld of Mo eh j He secured profession ’ «*xn- iie">’e I in swing h-nds in *■' Fn-t nod is called ft'- ,,'rhf> T ” “>‘e Swing ' King” i: musical circles.