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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1938)
i Largest 1 A C &nts I ! Negro Paper a - * 1 in Nebraska 8——- <~'0|>y 1 i==-- =r» —1 ■% Entered as Ser«nd CTaaa Mutterat Postoffiee, Omaha. Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1938 VO!/ XI, NO. 46 Urges Voters to Register Now for Coming Election Elected to Honor Fraternity at Omaha U. A WARD IS MADE IN RECOGNITION OF W 0 R K IN COURSE J. Westbrook McPherson, senior j student at the Municipal Univer sity of Omaha, was elected to Al- ' pha of Nebraska Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta. National Honor Fra ternity in Sociology “ inrecogni tion” of his “interests and at tainment in the field of sociology . _ .high scholastic standing and social personality In addition to an eventful school life, McPherson has been activ° as a youthful and militant worker in civic, economic and political af fa'ifrs of the race; he is now serv ing as the President of the Omaha Council of the National Negro Congress, State Director of the Elks’ Educational Movement, and State Director of the, Roosevelt’s First Voters’ League. He is also a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and Tau Kappa Xi fraternities Youth Council Will Perfect Organization The Omaha Youth Council will meei Friday evening at the Urban League beginning at 7:30 p m-, for the purpose of forming a pe,rmar$‘ ent organization. All youth who are interested in an organization that has been set up for the purpose of bringing about a better social and economic condition for the boys and girls of Omaha, are urged to be present and f»ke a part in this all import, ant election. Folowing the election of officers there will be a social period Don’t forget the time and place, Friday evening at 7:30 p. m-, Urban Lea gue Be on hand and and vote for individuals whom you deem qualifi ed- The Colored WPA orchestra will furnish the music. CLINIC AT ZION The clinic which opened at the Zion Baptist church, February 16, has created much interest in the community. Many patients are seeking and receiving medical aid at the clinic which is open each Thursday from 3 to 6 p. m All persons who are unable to employ a regular physician for medical aid, are eligible to be treated at the clinic.1 I Tacoma Visitor Feted One of tha most charming visit ers Omahan’s have been privileged to meet for some time was Mrs. Anna Laura Buck, widow of the late Captain John Buck of the U. S Army, retiied, of Tacoma. Wash., who stopped off here for a few days to visit with her friends. Sgt. and Mrs Isaac Bailey of 2816 Pi att street. Mrs- Buck was returning to her home after a two months trip to Washington, I>. C. her former hmne and to New York City During her short stay here, sh? I was the motif for several delight ful soc;al courtesies. Friday after noon, Mrs. Rae Lee Jones Honored her with a theatre, party; Satur day Mr and Mrs. Saybert Hanger took Mrs. Buck on a motor sight seeing trip o'er the. city; Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Cecilia W Jewell gave an elaborate dinner at her home 2233 Grant street. Covers were laid for eight Sunday even ing, Sgt. and Mrs. Bailey invited a few of their friends in to meet them guest- Among those present re re: Dr. and Mrs. D D Gooden, Mr. and Mrs. J. D Crawford, Dr »nd Mrs G. B. Lennox, Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Wright. Dr and Mrs W W Peeples. Mesdames A. L. Wil son, John Albert Williams. J C. Donley, Florentine Pinkston. Cecel ia W. Jewell, J. C Jewell, Jennie Scott and Misses Lena Paul, Jen nie Rob'nson, Rae Lee Jones Monday afternoon Mrs. G D. Gordon of 3007 No 30th street gave a beautifully appointed lunch eon complimenting Mrs. Buck. Covers were laid for the honored guest. her hostess, Mrs Isaac Bailey and Mesdames A. L. Wilson. .1 C. Donley and Mrs. Cecilia W Jewell, Following the lbncheon. Dr. Jones Returns From Washington I)r Wesley Jones. Omaha physi. c’an. returned last week after three months spent in research work dealing with the control and prevention of veneral disease «t the B'reedman hospital, Washing ton, D. C He was one of the four doctors who completed the course supervised by the U- S. Public Health Administration, under Dr Parran, surgeon g neral of the U. I S. Department of Health. | Dr. Whitter. the fifth member of I the group was appointed lecturer on veneral disease in the southern states by the government. Dr. Jones will make several lec tures in the state concerning the control, management and preven tion of veneral diseases. He said that he met many former Omaha ns who are now making their homes in Washington and they all were doing very well •--o Omaha Council of N. N.C: Will Hold,. Second Forum The second Forum of 1938 will be sponsored Sunday afternoon at 3:30 by the Omaha Council of the National Negro Congress at the Urban League. The Negro Commercial club will conduct a panel discussion on the Housing Condition of Omaha Dr. T. E Sullenger, head of the Sociological department of Omaha university wit be the principal speaker Dr. Sullenger who has conducted several surveys based on the sociological condition of Oma. ha will bring a wealth of material for your consideration. The gen eral public is cordially invited to attend this meeting and join in the discussion. Mrs. Buck made a special call upon Mrs. Hiram Greenfield, a shut-in at her beautiful Dundee home. She k-fit Monday evening for her home in Tacoma. Heard on National Broadcast Clyde Barrie whose rich bawtone woice wag again heard on the "Heinz Magazine of the Air,’ dur ng the February 27th concert over ~BS from 5:00 to 5:30 p. m. EST, Barrie sang “The JI ills of Home’’ and ‘The Lord Chord,’ accompan ied by Mark Wamow’ orchestra and chorus. NAACP; CALLS VOTERS TO ACTION New York, Mar, 10—Without I making any open threats or dis I dosing any immediate plans of I actfdn, the National Association for th0 Advancement of Colored People today 'ssue-l a statement urging all citizens who nr„ quali ! fied to vote to register and be ready for the coming elections “We have important tasks, ahead jf 11s,” the statement said, ‘‘in :he 1938. 1940 and later elections and we cannot perform those tasks | unless Negroes are qualified to vote.” The association emphasized that it is not interested jn what politi J cal parties Negro citizens join, but I in their registration so that they | can vote when the time comes. In reply to a question as to whe ther or not the NAACP will dir ect any political action as an af termath of the anti-lynching bill failure, association executives avoided giving any comment It was learned from other quarter however, that the NAACP is by no means taking the anti-lynching bill defeat lying down. It has merely ret red to a perfect strategy which is certain to be announced and to bo followed up in the spring and full. Some hint of the attitude of the association may be secured from the comment of Walter Winchell. widely syndicated columnist, who declared in his column of February 28: “The National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple is taking the defeat of the an ti-lynching bill grimly, but pati ently. The abrogation of the two thirds rule (for nomination in the Democratic National Convention) breaks the hold of the Solid South. The Negro vote, they believe, con trols. the ddst'my of 17 states ” For the present, the association W urging a heavy registration of colored voters throughout the North and West and in all those southern states where they have th^ least chance of voting, The let ter sent today to NAACP branches by Walter White, secretary, urging registration states: “Stress that the NAACP is not Interested in what party ticket or candidates are voted for, but in the registeration of every qualified Negro. Get ministers, civic groups, women's organizations, labor groups, and others to stress un ceasingly this important matter. Particularly important is this in states where the Negro vote po tentially holds the balance of po wer, and in southern states. There are several of the latter like Vir ginia. North Carolina. Kentucky, and Tennessee where more Ne groes could register and vote if they would only do so It will mean a sacrifice for some to pay accum ulated poll tares but that sacrific0 should bo urged. We have import ant tasks ahead of us in the 1938 1940 and later ejections and we cannot perform those tasks unless Negroes are qualified to vote. Ob tain from the secretary of state, of your state election laws and a statement of qualifications requir ed and the procedure; to be follow ed in registering.” Commercial Club To Map Out Campaign The Negro Commercial club will hold it# regular meeting at the Urban League Thursday evening at 8 p. m. at which time the com mittee composed of Messrs Dillard Crawford, Chairan, Paul Holliday. A. Mameler, C. Coeman and F Carter will make their report as to the outlined prngam which shall he followed in the launching of a Better Home. Better Yard cam paign All Negro men interested are urged to attend. GUEST IN CITY Mrs. Henry Brncey of Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Brown of 1230-7th Avenue, Council Bluffs. Many social affairs were in her honor. Mrs Bracey is very attractive, and is very popular in Chicago. The Salem Missionary Society was well attended March 4 The spirit was high all through the meeting. One visitor was with us. The Bible instructor taught us a beautiful lesson It was enjoyed by i all. The mission will meet at the home of Mrs. Ader Watson. 1609 No 27th street. Come out and be | with us. Visitors are nways wel come. Mrs Mary Alexander. Pres. Mrs. Inez Henderson, Reporter R. HUTCHINSON HIT SUNDAY MORNING DRIVER ESCAPES Beauticians Organize An Omaha un't of the National Beauty Culturers was organized at the APJhouse Beauty school. 2122 No. 22ml street. The officers elected are as follows: president, Mrs. C Althouse; vice president. Hazel Parker; secretary, Homer McCraney; assistant secretary, Bessie Mae West; treasurer, Ven j ey Walker and reporter, Mable I Thomas. All beauty operators interested in this movement are, extended an h.vitiation to become a member. THRIFTY 12 ART CLUB Mrs. Gussie Nelson was hostess to the club Tuesday. March 1 There's no nerd to wonder, for our president is always present on time with a new quotation and its au thor. After a few minutes of busi ness discussion, the hostess then served a very nice luncheon.. Mrs Pearl Lee is unable to be out. Hurry Mrs Lee we sure miss you. We were happy to have Mrs Tyson. Sr. and Mrs. Tyson, Jr as our guests Mrs. Tyson, Sr. said she had enjoyed the visit with us and she had hoped to become a member of the club someday, Mrs. Tyson, Jr asked if she could meet next week. M. Robinson ' Robert Hutchinson, 55 16131^ North Twenty-first street, was struck and fatally injured by a bit and run driver, shortly before 5:30 a, m Sunday morning as he step, pod from the curb to board a street :ar at 20th and Cark streets. The car which was described by an eye witness as a large black Or dark green Sudan going south at a high rate of speed, struck Mr Hutchinson at the intersection hurled his body 25 feet. A police ambulance rushed the victim to Nicholas Senn hospital too late to save, his life. According to police physician, death was due to a fractured skull Compound frac ture of both legs and a chest in jury It was thought he was killed almost instantly. Mr. Hutchinson had left hi* hom8 only a few minutes when the fatal accident happened, on his way to work lie was employed at Nick Sara, 'ovic’s restaurant, 709 South Six teenth street. —-o ’IS HUZ 'on 2192 aMHM '3 too;j -8.1 w •qanui os sxtiaqj pu« 00'2$ ^utpues iub j \3ujop o.n» *>noj Jno imp* mou>| oj oaoj jnq ui tnqs b uib j Mousj noA sb Aof qaruu oux uoaiJI sbij jt puy 41 joj A»d oj pjOJJB JOU P[nOO ] UoqM flflJJ °iui t -autos joj apinf) aqx oiu Sujpuas ui ssauputxi .moA jo uoijBioajddB uj :sJt<i isa a Art epjno sqsuio *MX °X 8661 ‘9 _ Gives Library to Fisk College A library of one thousand vol- ] umes which I>r. Robert E. Park has toileted, because these special books have been found useful to him and his sociology students at the University of Chicago, has just been given to Dr. Charles C. John son with the understanding that they be held in trust for the use of the Social Science institute at Fisk university Dr. Park hopes that they will form the nucleus of a larger collection available to students .interested in the broader studies of race. When Dr. Johnson decided to ' give up his work as editor of Op portunity to direct the department of Social Science at Fisk, he d'd it with the advice of Dr. Park Three years ago, Dr. Park joined the Fisk faculty, and together they have set up a Race and Culture Seminar which is attracting wide spread notice Only two other such courses are offered, one at the University of Honolulu where Dr. Park lectured four years ago, and one at the University of Chicago This year the group at Fisk has centered its attention on problems of acculturation involving the Ne go, Indian, and Latin peoples of Brazil where social, economic and cultural aspects of racial problems are similar to those in America. Dr. Park’s library is made up of books and magazines containing much source material throwing light on the history of th,. Jew’sh people and on racial situations in Hawaii. Japan, Chins, Africa, South America and the United States