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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1938)
| Largest 1 . ■ | j Negro Paper [ IJL—?^2L- HEW TOThcDNE^ . - , filtered as Srcmd ^V-~ Matter »t Pos'office. Omaha Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1938 VOL XI, NO 45 Both Parties Watch Reaction on Anti-Iynch Bill W.P.A. Hoax Gets Workers In Trouble WORKER GETS PRIVATE JOB: GIVES TICKET TO FRIEND KEEPS CHECK . . 3 As result of WPA “proxy” work charges of falsely diverting gov. eminent funds will be filed against John W. Bry am, 202# Grace street, and Charles Adams. 2111 Clark street, William Merrill of the local secret service said. Mr. Bryant Rot « WPA job when J’e was laid off as porter at a hoW When he got his hotel job back, he gave his WPA card to Mt. Adams he said. Adams then ■went to work as '‘Bryant,” but a chock for $16-72 was mailed to the real Mr. Bry* it. wkn cashes it Bryant told Merrill that Adams had agreed to give*" him a “few dollars” out of each check for the. privilege of using his name. But v her. Adams came to him for his share of the money. Bryant told him -he check had not arrived. He gave Adams $200 “in advance.” Thinking the check lost, Adams asked WPA to stop payment on it. Tber, the story was revealed, and both principals were jailed Sunday. -o BLIND MAN DONATES 25 CENTS TO CHARITY Norfolk. Va, Mar 3 (ANP)—A blind man found his way to Mi * King's Daughter's headquarters here last week and contributed twenty-five cents to the driv!> they have on to raise $20,000. The King’s Daughters, white, is a branch of the King’s Daughters of America and is conducting a money campaign to support its clinic here which provides medical aid for underprivileged children and expectant mothers. The blind man said that years ago ih* clinic “took his sick daugh ter and made her well” so that to day she is able to earn a living OUTLINES STEAM PLANT Looking through the bars in this picture is one of the boiler makers helping to build the water wall of one of the two huge boilers in the new $1 200.000 steam electric plant of the Nebraska Power company, to the Swift and Armour packing plants in South Omaha. Each of the two boilers is 24 feet square and 30 feet high and will produce 200 000 pounds of steam an hour. Every 24 hours they will convert 1,200.000 gallons of water into steam,- in addition to furnishing power to drive a turgo-generator to i WINS ESSAY CONTEST Competing with five high school gills from Chicago and surround • ing communities. Miss Cara Gray of Roosevelt high school, Gary, Ind., won first prize in the ! essay contest conducted by Zeta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta I Sorority Miss Gray wrote upon • Finer Womanhood-” (ANP Photo) The Two Harrys Party A Big Success I -- The party given by the two Harrys, Bindley and Leland in honor of the members of the Jolly Twenty club and their wives, was a grand success The hal was beau tifully decorated with flags in comemoration of Abraham Lincolns birthday- The table with its eu | rbroite ace cover, draped around with flags and the bowl of tea roses, surrounded by crystal scones , with their red white and blue can dies, made a gorgeous background for the lovely gowned ladies. The festive tabe was filled with an abundance of delicious food. The guests stayed until the wee [hours of the morning. Miss Marguerite and Kobert Hill entertained with a new fantastic dance and the ‘Big Apple’, little Miss Maualice, 6 years old, our lit tle Shirley Temple, sang two num bers, her sister. Bernice, was her accompanist- Among the distin guihfd guests was Louis Bureholz, director. State Department of Ag riculture, Foster May. radio station WOW News broadcasts and Man on the Street, explaned the techni que of i-adio broadcasting Mr. May was accompanied by his beau tiful wife and Mr and Mrs- Wilson of World Advertising Agency. Dance Music was furnished by Buddy DeLanche’s orchestra. The hostesses, Mrs. Bradley and Mrs I.eland were assisted by Mrs Mary Hill. TWO ADMIT GUILT; GET SUSPENDED SENTENCE Two boys. James Lozine of 2412 Indiana Ave.. and Joe Fountain of R16 North Forth-sixth street, after admitting that they took a number of shirts from the Dave Gross store at 25th and Erskine streets, they were given their freedom when Mr. Gross asked that they be given Moving Day At The Fontenelle Homes, 44 Negroes Have leases Tuesday March l, was possibly the largest mass moving day e'er witnessed in Omaha, and stranga though 9t may seem, we found 110 families migrating to an erst while slum area of the great city of Omaha, an area where its phyt sical appearance has been changed from that of shabby dilapidated, overcrowded houses, breeders of disease, moral breakdown and a h'gh rate of deliquency. into 284 beautiful new homes, which are modern and fire proof, built of brick with seej saohe and casement windows, attractively grouped, set off by landscaped courts. Thus with advent of spring one can vi sion the garden spot of Omaha, built at cost of $2.000.000 for the express purpose of allowing those of the low income bracket to have decent and modern homes with (Continued on Page Two) LOCKE WINS, SMITH LOSES IN CHICAGO BY BILLY DAVIS The decision against Roscoe Smith, ligihltiweght champion of the World-Herald, in Chicago, was loudly booed by the Chicagoans who really thought that the Omaha Negro had won. Smith put up a great fight He punished his op ponent a plenty in the first. Lu chesi found the range with rights to win the second. Smith was beat ing Luchesi with lefts and rights in the third round as he hung on for dear life just before the final bell Steve Locke of Grand Island won on a technical knockout over Mays in the first round- He pum itfhed him terrifically. Locke is the. only Negro that is left on the World-tHerald team since the bril liant little southpaw, Smith, was defeated LEADERS OF BOTH PARTIES DODGE ISSUE _J Washington, Marc^ 3-—The lead ers of both parties h*ve their ears to thg ground for t))e reaction of the public to the votq on February 21 which laid aside the Federal AntHLynching bill in order to take up the President’s $260,000,000 re lief program. The White House is also report ed to be deeply interested in how the country will receive the laying aside of the anti-lynching measure. It was reported here, upon the highest authority, Monday, follow ing the vote of 58 to 22 to take up th0 relief measure, that if the pro ple werp insufficient volume, some test and indignation from the peo thing would have to be done about Inching before the end of the pre rent session The Gavagan-Van Nuys anti lyntchng bill is off the Senate cal endar entirely and can be called up for consideration whenever the op portunity seems favorable. The bill merely has lost its preferred pvmwvit VII Hit*. trtll'UUiU. Senator McNary, in defending the votes of the Republicans against cloture, charged that there had been very little enthusiams for the bill on the pai-t of those. Democrats who were supposed to be for it. He said that even if the Republicans had voted for cloture, there would not have been enough votes to carry it In l-eply, Senator Barkley stated that all the speeches that had been dt liveied for the bill had been de livered by Democrats and that not a single Republican had spoken ex cept Senator Borah and he had spoken against the bill Senator Wagner at first attempt ed at first to make a motion that the Senate take up the relief bill, but postpone action on the anti lynching bill only until March 28 when it would he taken up again as th« pending business of the (Continued on Page Throe) Negro Commercial Chib Starts Better Homes Campaign The Negro Commercial club inerting in regular session at thg Urban League Community Center Thursday evening, February 24. voted to launch a better home, bet ter yard campaign. The Commercial club which has as its purpose the doing of any and everything for the promotion of civic and community welfare, by a program of entra and enter organ ization cooperation, urges all pro gressive organizations in Omaha to join them in this all important campaign. The committee appointed to work out ways and means for the carry ing on of this worthwhile campaign are Messrs. J. D Crawford, chair man; A. Handed, Paul Holliday, C. Coleman and F. Walker. Every Negro man in Omaha who feels thalt there is a need for bet ter homes and batter yards among our group is urged to be present at the next meeting of the Commer cial Club, Thursday eveniftg, March 10. at the Urban 1/eagu.e Commun ity Center at which time the com mittee will make its report. _—. —n EX.PUG GETS THIRTY DAYS FOR LARCENY Tiger Jack Payne who at one time was one of the greatest fight ej s in the light heavyweight divi sion was gent to jail Monday for 30 days He was convicted on a charge of stealing an overcoat off a truck on Nortth 24th street. Payn« who had one time been champion of Australia and earned more than $100 000 in the prize ring, has been working on a WPA .project for a year. He said he would get a lawyer and appeal his case According to Piayne, he did not steal the overcoat, but just “«* changed it," leaving his old one in its place Dental Leaders in Chicago Convention The Executive Board of National Association which met in its mid winter session at Chicago last week to plan for the organization’s sil ver anniversary next August and to transact mid-session business Dr. R E. Beamon of Cincinnati is president, Dr- J. A Jackson of Charlottesville, Va., secretarv tieasurer, and Dr E. W- Taggart sanding, Doctors: P. W. Hill. Clarksdale, Miss ; L. H. Anderson Terra Haute, Ind-; E. L. Harper. St Louis; W, I>. Heed, Nashville; C. B. Absalom New York; W. H Springer, Cincinnati; Dean R A. Dixon. Howard university; S. B Smith, Ambler, Pa: E. W Taggart. Birmingham. Seated: F. S Upshur, Philadelphia; J. L Baxter, Orange. |vill'■ Va.; S- C Hamilton. Chicago, president-elect; Reginald Beamon. | Cincinnati; W, J Howard, Houston Texas; R- H. Thompson, Westfield N J.; and Dean D, H. Turpin of Meharry Medical College, Nash ville, Tenn. The Lincoln Dental Society of Chicago, Maurice Her bert president, entertained the board with a clinic and banguet. RAIDING SQUAD TAKES OWNER AND PATRONS IN NORTHSIDE CAFE ,. ! - 1 GETS PHILLIPINE POST :....I LT. COL. WALTER H. LOVING who has just received from Presi dent Mauel L Quezon of the Phil lipines an appointment as lieuten ant-colonel in the Phillipine Army with th«. additional title of “Ad visor to the President.” Col. Lov ing’s appointment was made ef fective as of October 16. 1937 and he is to have charge of re organizing the bands of the Phil lipine Army under the provisional government Col. Loving served in tbs Phillipines 20 years ago as hi ad of the famous Phillipine, Con stabulary Band President Quezon is a man of tremendous capabilities and great character, and his sel ection of a colored American to perform this task is significant Mrs. Loving and their son, Wal ter H., Jr . are in Manila with Col Loving. (ANP Photo) -—_ .—o Audiences Acclaim Metz Melody Hour The new program entitled the "Metz Melody Hour" which is broadcast over radio station WAAtV every Sunday afternoon from four to five o’clock has al ready proven itself a great suc cess. Sponsored by tihe Fontenelle Brewing Company of Omaha, ma kers of Metz, Robin Hood and Mete Jubilee Beers, the "Metz Melody Hour” is broadcast directly from the stage of the Sokol Auditorium, 2234 So. 13th street in Omaha, and the public is invited to attend. The ticket of admission is a label of any of the three beers mentioned above. These programs are planned not only to provide entertainment and amusement for the people of Omaha, but also to preserve the traditional folk songs of tihe var ious nations. Each week a differ ent nationality is saluted, and e.n tertianers from that nationality presented during th,, course of the program. Other entertainers include Rillys and the Metz Melo dians, Hi Schneider, master of ceremonies; Ben Vosik, baritone soloist and the Polonians, an oct ette of young men who sing both Polish and American songs. It’s a great show, plan to attend this Sunday and got, the habit. It’s worthwhile entertainment - ft MARRIED Raymond Powell and Eva Lee Johnson were manned February 23 at 2:30 p. m at the home of the groom’s mother, Mrs. Powell, k - 7h« Omaha Cafe at 24th and Burdette was raided Saturday night, Febi-uary 26, at 3 a m. All together 60 boys and girls were taken to !thp stJation, also the pro prietor, Levi James. The ease came up for trial at 10:30 a. m Monday morning February 28. Judge Battin presided The attorney for the de. was Irvin C. Levin. He put ur a very stiff argument in behalf of his dints In a cross examina tion by his attorney, the proprietor said that he runs a soft drink es tablishment and cafe and that he does not sell any intoxicating li quors. The cafe is the only place that is open after 2 a. m on the north side. After hearing the defense at torney and the prosecuting attor ney’s pleas Levi James fined $25 and costs as keeper, with the rest drawing suspended fines of a dol lar mnd costs A crap game was discovered at the address, police testified. The arrest ing officers were, Baughmen, Captain Boxer, Cranick, and Hinnie. -u Memphis, Mar. 3 (ANP)—Found lost Monday in an abandoned house flooded by water from the Cold water river, Wesley Yates, only five years old, is in a hospital here suffering from hunger and expos ure, both feet and legs frozen and facing the amputation of both legs in an effort to save his life. Phy sicians at John Gaston hospital call it one of the most pitiful cas es ever to come to their notice. The boy’s relatives told police attaches that in the excitement of the flight from the house near Pitchard, Miss, little Wesley was completely forgotten. Food waters had invaded th* home and there was a wild scramble in the rush for safety. Five days later a rela tive returned to the house for cle thing when the river had some what subsided, found the child al nost dead with hunger aad expos ure, his frozen limbs infected. federation officer 11 i DOXEY A. WILKERSON, a pro fessor at Howard university and vice president of the American Federation of Teachers, a militant and influential interracial organi zation of educators, affiliat"!1 • :th the A. F of L-, which is s- ’.'>'K to improve standards, curr'cnla and Kenexal conditions in American schools, Mr. Willtrr««„„ is a iv • it.