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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1938)
AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hod Dogs in the All Kinds of Sant, yftes Ice Cold Deer to Complete the Meal . . . . i i . . . . • i < > t lViMfM Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame . . . Shoes loon new again with our new invisible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. SPECIAL . Shampoo . 25c -'t .. 25c • ’ • 95c M iTiicttre . 15c T'l n Facial . 25c A ETH OTTSE BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 0R4fi .■.■.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.*. Puffy Pharmacy We 0009 24*h .nd LAKE STREETS PKESCKIPTIONS F-ee Delivery jWWW.,.V.VM5V.*.V.V NORTH SI DR 1RANSRRR l-ong Distance Hauling .Moving and Stmage Phone WF.-fi’S 2414 Urant Sf I I BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Her. T. J. Sanford, Pastor J. S. Jefferson, R* porter Sunday school was called to at ■45. with the superintendent pre en'. The subject for discussion •ns in Mark 2:12-22, “Challenging he Social Order.’* The bteys and ■ .1 Is sremUd very inspired over tin- lesson and took great interest n the discussion. Everyone ig working to make our Sunday si hcol one of the best. Rev. Sanford took the si'and at 11:00. His text was found in Luke 10:28-42, ‘Hut one thing is needful otd Mary hinth ohosrn that good part which shall not be taken from her."’ Everji tie Patent'd patiently while h expounded his word. We were very glad to wloome Sister Alberta Michael and Sister Mag g i Roundtree hack to our services i tier a long sp 11 of illness. Sister Saunders is still on the sick list, ami aim Miss Thelma Louis of 673 >*i». 45th street, underwent an op rat ion and is still ip the hospital. V large number of visitors were I 's it n the morn'ng sr.rv:c:s. Vmtintf them were. Mrs. Lillian Pint- of Zionohurch ....... i l trui uooa an ffe’tin# busy to make this year’s work a sue e s. Rev. Sanford is very much ' ■ ased with the act’ons. There will Ik> an Allens Hay program rendered a* Beth I Sun lay. Fbruary 13. We are always welcoming visit ors to Beth: 1. Come and worship w-tih us. I> n’t forgot our prayer and" class meeting every Wedn-s day c vening. INTERDOMINATION AL CHURCH Rev W. I. Irving, I'astor Mrs. P. V. Avant. Reporter The church that stands for the unity of God’s children as a stand - uid of Christian fellowship. Sunday school is being nicely conducted by Miss Maroe Purkins. Morning services were very good. The pastors sermon was very deep and awakening in him, practical things of religion. Ev< tiing services conducted by Sister Gorum. Bible Forum meets Thursdays at 7 p. m. at the church. Come and hear these wonderful discussions. -o RUMMAGE STORE, 2621 Grant Street THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. RABE'S BUFFET £426 N. 24th St. Ja. 9196 CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 N« 22nd St WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY SHOP £087 N. 24th StAt 5810 CHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2866 Maple St. JA 6116 ECONOMY TAILOR Chas. M Simmons, Prop. We Cut, Trim Make Suita to Order Make all kinds of alterations for Ladies and Gents. Cleaning and Repairing 1918 No. 24th St. American Wiener Shop £609 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAFE M10V4 N. ?.4th St. Ja. 8676 CHARLIE'S PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 4019 For real Cleaning and Laundry Service Call DON’S JA 0666 2008 No. 24th St. R«v. D. C. Stephenson, Prop. ELITE CIGAR STORE £812 N. 24th 8t. Ha. 4226 HOUSTON’S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St. JA 3643 Our Sausage a specialty Free Delivery JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 04th and Lake We. 0609 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. We. MS* BERMAN’S TAILOR SHOP & CLEANERS Any Coal Relined for $1-00 1408 No. 24th St.AT 1196 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO A HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St Ha. 060C Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4606 Ames Ave. Ke. 031? Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 6444 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 10» EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St_We. 606t Monoment Makers HEFT A NOTES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 178f Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1616 N. 24th St. Wa. 478’. BEN & KERMIT ANDERSON Painting, Wull Washing and Decorating 23 Years Experience Estimates free Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St Phone WE 6826 J. B. CLEANERS and TAILORS 1806 No. 24th St WE 6161 We do all kinds of work. METROPOLITAN CHURCH Rev. K. \V. Johnson, Pastor Sis. M. Redd, Reporter Sunday was another great day at Metropolitan. The five o'clock holy communion service was won d< rful. It was wonderful to see a packed house out so early to serve the laird. Truly they must love Him. Many souls were revived and uplift' d by the way. Evangelist Gorr conducted the services. Sunday school started promptly with the superintendent, Sis. Mit chell. The children were all in their places. Text, "Christian Rest,” St. Matt. 11th chapter. Morning service started at its us ual time. Since Evangelist Gotr stated that all pasters should fill their own pulpits on Sunday morn ing our pastor brought the mess age. Subject, ‘I Will See His face.' Gen. 32nd chapter and 20th verse. It is a wonderful thing to he able to say I will see His face. If we desiie to see His face we will have tn live olose to Him. Who wouldnt want to the s°e the race of the Mast' V who said. "Come unto Mo all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you st.” One who rnil fnnA ...u „ " ^ »» m il vou a,'e hungry, comfort you when vou are burdened. One who said, “I will be with you always, ev:n unto the end of the world.’’ 3 o’clrwk service found the •-hureh filling with p ople. The ■xivice was uplifting to everyone Many deacons from neighboring churches can* to have their souls revived by (he holy spirit. The Lord took complete charge of the ser vice. Those that came in soitow were abb to leave saying deep <,rwn. in their souls happy am I. Union was very good for learn mg more about the Bible. The classes were in their places. The program was very nice. Come to Union and bam the Bible. Evening service found the house full. Their wasn t enough room to seat all the people. Some were turned away. The sermon was by Evangelist Gorr. It was taken from St. Luke. 18th chapter, 1st vei'se. Subject, ‘ Men Ought to Always Pray and Net to Faint.” It is wonderful to be able to pray and to know that it will be answered. Since God sometimes trys our faith ft pays us to always continue in prayer. For there is power is pray_ ”i and prayer does change things. Prayer ia the key to the kingdom and faith unlocks the door. There were three souls added to the church roll. Just a few days left, so don't fail to hear this won derful speaker. Many souls are being added to the church and we expect to have a great baptising soon if the weather permits. Comp early if you expect to geit a seat. Come where you will feel at home and bo with your friends. —-A_ PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Stevenson, Pastor Mrs. M. E. Dixon, Reporter Due to the illness of the reporter we have no church notes. Don t forget the Inter club Musi cal. sponsored by the Everloyal club, at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon 1 February 13. The following Negro History program being sponsored by the young people’s group promises to ! be quite informing. Organ Prelude by Miss Christine Dixon. Invocation. Music, Negro National Anthem. Introduction of speakers in Who's Who by the president, Miss Hattie Crump. Leader Miss Grower Marshall and speakers as follows: Miss Ella Mae Mills. Mr. Travis Dixon. Miss Mary Lillian Harris. Mr. Roy Gordon. Music by choir. Introduction of principal speaker, Atty. John Adams. Solo by Mr. Foster Good lett. ndmmWNF Millions say the Ethio plan Bible is the real one. Here it is at last printed in English—easy to read and understand. It tells the part you have played in Biblical His tory'. Send for more information --its f ree. Western Bible Co., Dept. G. 3633 S. State St., Chi cago, 111 NEW HOPE BAPT. CHURCH Rev. J. T. Cartel", Pastor Mrs. Gunner, Reporter The New Hope Baptist church is progressing nicely under its newly eheted pastor. Rev. J. T. Carter. The pastor delivered an inspiring sermon at 11 o’clock using as a texft, Hebrew 5tlh chapter, 11th verse. Subject, “Hidden from Death. ’ Everyone was thrilled with the spirit. At 8 p. m. the pastor ascended ! the pulpit to deliver his message j from Roman the 8th chapter and 11th verse. Subject. "The Pcwtr I and Work of the Spirit.” The clubs that are putting on a ! rally for the upbuilding of the. ! church, will have a sermonette rally Sunday, February 13 at 3 p. m. Sermons will be pr< ached by the young ministers of the Min isters Alliance. The public is cor dially invited to come and enjoy this soul's treat. The pastor will use. as his Sunday morning’s ser mon, Luke the 15th chapter 18-19 verses. Subject. ‘The Youth Re turning to God.'' The public is in vited to come and hear the jra.stor deliver this wonderful message. — ■ ' -ft I SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Sunday school opened at its us ual hour with Miss Rachel Cason presiding. All had a wonderful les sen and thg program last Sunday evening giv n by the Sunday srbe' 1, was a great success. I he pastor was absent on ae mir' of the weathir last Sunday. , Morning services was in high and the pastor brought forth a doctrine message which was en.J yed by all. In the af eraoon the Second Bap t st church visited Calvary Bantist I rhlwh in R*-d Oak, Ia„ in the sixth I anniversary of their pastor. Rev. Adams of Omaha was master of ceremonies, Rrv. Nich «lson br ught forth a powerful message. Evening service was in h:gh and the Commun'on service was held. The ♦hij’d Sunday in this month will be a gjrrat day in Clarinda. < ome one and all and witness th »i Tribe program at the Second Bap tist church. R< v. D. Nicholson. Pastor PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor M ilia Mae Ross Reporter Sunday school 9:00 o'clock with Supt. Mrs. I. M. Oliver, presiding Sunday February 0 was examin ation Sunday. The school was test ed on what tihey had learned in the Sunday school for the month of January. Present, 72. You are wel come to our Sunday school Mqrning worship 11 o’clock with paster presiding, prayer for the sick by Deacon Mitchell. A lovely covenant meeting was held for about an hour. Everyone enjoyed tH ■ meeting. Visitors. Mr. James Johnsi n and Miss Hatfield. Evening worship 8:00 p. m. with Rev. H. St. Clair presiding. It was requested that Rev. Union sing a solo. Title, “He Understand.’' He preached a v. ry inspiring sermon Subject “Dead List." It was enjoy ed by all. \ isitors Mr. and Mrs. Brown, ^ ou are welcome bo attend Pleasant Green Baptist church. JUNIOR CHURCH Dorothy Ross. Reporter The Junior church held its re gular monthly meeting, Sunday, February 6, at 3:30 p. m. The guest speaker was Bro. Richard Bass of ( leaves Temple church. His sub ject was ‘Love.’- It was inspiring. Attendance was good. Mrs. Warrick and Mr. Faulkner, directors. MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. G. Gatos, Pastor Helen Bradshaw, Reporter The Sunday school of Mt. Nebo wns well attended. The lesson was very interestingly taught and the interest of the children was held to the last w rse. Sunday was Covenant meeting and the spirit was felt throughout the congregation. The BYPU was enlightened to the highest and mfcst spiritual peak Sunday evening under the m w president’s direction. Rev. J. A. Harris. Our study of the Bible verses stirs great enthusiasm and study. Rev. Gates preached a very in teresting and inspiring sermon. He used as his subject, ‘ Father for give them for they know not what they do.” Taken from the 36th verse of St. Luke. His text was ‘ Having Found No Fault in this Man.' Everyone enjoyed the ser mon. The Lord's SSupper was issued Sunday night. Rev. L. C. Crawford of Zion visited Mt. Nebo Sunday night. Visitors are always welcome. MT. OLIVE CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor Mrs. Lenora Parker, Reporter Sunday school opened at 10 o’ clock. Miss Lenzcla Wilson super intendent, Atll a. m. testimonial meeting was held and everyone witnessed the presence cf the Holy Spirit. At fi p. m. the BYPU opened and was at its best. The True, and Tried group rendered a program that was enjoyed by all. Rev. Blocdsaw pr ached a won derful sermon. Text was found in St. John 17t>h chapter. The Mission Circle will have a program and preaching on the. second Sunday. Those on Che sick list are Sis. Mary Bculding and Bro. Leroy Thomas. Bro. Thomas is at the St. Joseph hospital suffering from a fractured rib. The church is pray ing for their speedy recovery. Misses Rosa Jenson, Beatrice Burden and Mrs. Mattie Stewart were the unknown ladies who re presented Mt. Olive in the style show. Mrs. Mattje Stewart had charge of the ‘Mt. Olive represent atives. Visitors are welcome to worship with us. I --O j CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Relf. Pastor Mrs. Edna Pankey, Reporter Sunday. February 6. Sunday school open'll at 9:30 a. m. with a lure-* attendance and an interest ing lesson found in St. Mark 2:13 2:!. Subject, ‘The Willing Workers Challenging the Social Order.’’ We were very tr 1 »el to welcome back our pastor, who has been visiting for the past week in Kansas City and Chicago. Rev. Relf preached an inspiring sermon from Roman 1:16. Subject, “For I Am Not Ash amed of th- Gospel of Christ.’ The I sermon afforded food for thought. ; At the 3:00 p. m. service we were favored with a sermon from Rev. ConweJI. rf Clair Chapel church. The subject of the sermon, “Obedience is Better Sacrifice.’’ It was well appreciated by the con gregation. The evening service was conduct ed by our beloved Bishop Holman of Los Angeles, Calif. His text was found, St. John 11:28. Subject “The Master Is Come, and Calleth.’’ . The sermon was enjoyed by all present. Come out and worship with us. Visitors are always wel come. MT. MORIAH PAPT. CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones. Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Attendance was good through out the day. The pastor brought to the congregation a stirring message, the subject of which was ‘‘Jesus Offered for Sale.’’ At the evening worship we again listened to another good sermcn on “The Blood of Jesus.After the sermon Oho Lord's Supper was observed. The BYPU had a fair attendance and a good program was given by the adult group. Of special inter est was the playleitt “The Bible.'' The moral it sought to portray is a much needed one. Three persons Mrs. A. HaJtcher, Mrs. E. C Hill and Miss Eloise Devereaux made the ‘ on time ’ goal. Looks like someone is going to win those candy bars. The sick are Mesdames Davidson. Watson, Beck, Wade and Long. We are asking God to strengthen and heal there persons if it is His will. To the many visitors we extend a cordial wlcome. Your presence is an inspiration to us. In conclusion we call your at tention to Matithew 17:26, “For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose, his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? .•.■.■■V.V.VAV.V.W.VAV.V RITZ SHOE REPAIR 2033 NO. 24TH ST. Special On Army Shoes Any Shoes left over 30 Days Will Be Sold for Charges W.V.V.W.V.VAV.'.V.'.W, Get Money Love I guarantee to help you get a ee*» to life. No case beyond hope. Step •oar mg t Write me today Information FRWI' M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta. Jersey City, N. J. Dept O. , To provt our battor naw and different wondar working Hair drawing pom ade and akin brightening fac* powder, tend for free large trial packaga*. new 36 page illuatrat.d Beauty Book taUlnf naw Beauty S.crata and guaranteed big tnon ay making aganf. proportion. Wnt. Lucky Heart Lab.. Dept. 1.2 01 ■ M.mph.a ,Tann. SALEM BAPTIST C HURCH Rev. Pefttis, Pastor Carrie Harris, Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. in. with the superintendent presid ing. Mrs. Harris gave a splendid preview of the lesson. The Sunday school had a good attendance. Testimonial services were held at 11 a. m. The spirit was very high. BYPU opened at 5:30. A very splendid program was given by group No. 2. At 8 o’clock, Rev. Pettis gave a inspiring sermon. His text was found in the 11th chapter of St. John and the 27th verse. His sub ject was, “Something in the Way.’’ Prayer meeting will be held Wednesday. A “bey preacher’ will preach a I sermon. We expect a large crowd. The sick of the church are: Sis. Henderson, Sis Dean, Bro. Blown. Visitors are welcome at Salem. ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH “The Friendly Church” Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor The Sunday school opened at the usual time of 9:30 a. m. Mrs. T. II. Goodwin, teacher of the young people’s class acted as superinten dnt of the school. The nice weather has increased the attendance. Rev. Adams sermon was based <>.i Souls at Sea. ’ Every human life is a vessel and only God knows the life of a vessel on the sea. Th? most dangerous on the sea ale the drifting vessels. There are many sou's drifting on the sea to day. We welcome the visitors: Miss Ann Elmore cf Mhama; Mrs. Joseph Mitchell of Moline. 111.; Mrs. Frank Cunningham and Mrs! Maggie Tayor both of Kansas City! Kas. CHOP SITEY American and Chinese Dishes Kin*r Yuen Cafe 2010*/, N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish We do glazing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607 GROW GLOSS Beauty Shoppe Use Elise Turner’s Glow Gloss For Your Hair Special Hair-styl ng For Ladies Use Our Face Cream and Pow. der to Keep You Looking Young. CALL AT 3036 2512 N. 24th Street CLAIR CHAPEL CHURCH Itev. H. C. Conwell, Past«r Lincoln Day at Clair Chapel, February 13 will be a spend id all day program arranged by the committee with Mrs. Chew, chair man. Speakers in the morning: Mr. Y. W. Logan, Mr. C. B Wilkes. Mr IN illiam Conwell, Mrs. Goosly, Mis. C. M. Farmer and a solo will be rung by Mrs. Marie Robinson. Readings by Jomette Coleman and Geraldine Smith. The children un der the direction of Miss Dudley will render a program at 7:30. Evtrybody is welcome. Warren Webb OIL STATION MOBILE GAS, MOBILOIL and FUEL OIL 24TH and WILLIS AVE DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 j Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions E 0999 1904 No. 24th St '.V.VAV.V.V.V.WAWWA £ COFFEE JOHN’S < •• 111 So. 14th St. ;! % Biggest 10c Meals In City 1} > Everybody Welcome MWAV.fAWWAW.WA ■ I y V# ' Pmau^POMADE 1 W IS JUST RIGHT FOB**! ^ JOE LOUIS, the World's Champion endorses and uses only MURRAYS HAIR POMADE because it is a World's Champion Hair Dressing It must be good I You try it TODAY II M any a beautiful face is spoiled because of over-oiliness and shine. Yet there’s a quick, easy way to get rid of these two troubles and at the same time make skin many shades lighter and lovelier. Just use famous Nadinola Bleaching Cream, guar anteed by a laboratory with over 36 years of experience in this special skin treatment. floir to use Begin tonight at bedtime. Just smooth fragrant Nadinola Cream over your face and while you sleep it begins to whiten your skin and counteract the causes of over-oiliness. Soon you see wonder ful improvement, your skin becom ing whiter, smoother, finer, free from blotches and more beautiful. IF e take all the risk—money back if you are not limelighted So sure are we that you will find Nadinola Bleaching Cream ex actly what you have been looking for that we make thfTOfWr. Buy a jar today. Follow the easy direc tions we give you. If you are not ■y>yy;::yy:yy^-' ■r-a-y'^-' delighted with the results, we will cheerfully refund every cent you paid for it. If you are satisfied . . . and we know you will be . .. then tell your friends about Nadinola Bleaching Cream. Go to your drug store today and get some. Regular size is 50c. Money-saving large size is $1.00. If you can’t get it nearby, send 50c or $1.00 and we will mail to you postage paid with book of treasured beauty secrets. NADI NOLA, Dept. 07. Paris, Tenn. QjSbjtiuveActfBleachingCream