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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1938)
I —————— —■——■———I———————i NOTE:—Your question w;'.l be answered FREE in this col umn ONLY when a <lipping of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, B1RTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five vents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send ail letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide. 2118 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. L. A.—I have a plan that I de sire to put before a distant cousin of mine and I am wondering if it will work out all right or not? I am most anxious to begin on my journalistic career and wonder if I will ever accomplish the things in life that I desire? A ns: Get in touch with your oousin although it is doubt ful to me if this party will ever be able to finance you in (the way you desire. They would be glad to help you get started and you must prepare to get employnxnt even though you do make the trip to visit this cousin in March. S. J. R.—Please tell me if my Robbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 24th St. IVE 1711 HINES TAILOR SHOP j Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing. Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET Men’s Dress Shirts 13ya to 20 j $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open Saturday Evenings Un i!9 ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnam North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 Have your old shoes made to look and wear like new. Our invisible resoling is j\ st what you need to keep yc ur feet nice and warm. Men's and Women's shoes left over for sale, i - I VISIT THE New Elite Bar 2423 N 24th St. Drinks Of All Kinds At Moderate Prices Special Courtesy to Ladies Direct Wire on All Sporting: Events Christopher & McGill, Props. friend cares as much for me as he says ho does and will 1 get out of this present strain that I am in? Ans: He loves you but he will never be able to accumu late enough money to put you on the ‘ Easy Street that you are sitting back waiting for. The only way for you to get out of this strain is to get out and get yourself a job and quit depending on someone else to bring the change, about. J. L. L.—I am planning on mov ing my family here and would like to hear from you if you think it is the right thing to do ? Ans: You know perfectly well that this man will never really be the type person that you will be proud to love and there is no need to continue to try to fool yourrelf. Why not admit it right now, before it is too late. P. P. N.—Will I qualify and hold my present position in the. coming year? Ans: Yes, and before the end of the year you will have received a slight increase in salary. If you work hard. this yean is going to prove one of the best that that you have had in quite Some time. W. M. M.—Will ,1 ever get my mind off this party Ed and find someone else that I can think as much of and can depend on them thinking a lot of me? Ans: Not soon buit the sooner you force yourself to forget this old pal Ed. the o.uicker you are going to make the acquaintance of an other very desirable friend. You need to get a job and go to work and ybu won't have so much time to think. W. P. G.—Will the insurance company evtt pay me. the money that they owe me? Ans: This company is going to make some kind of an ad justment wit h you during the. year although I don’t think it hat ytou will receive the sum of money that you are expect ing. COLORED CAB CO. ORGANIZED Announcement was made Wed nesday of the formation of the United Cab Co. to be located at 2203 No. 24th street. The Omaha City Council approved the com pany’s application Tuesday and active operation is pending accept ance by the State Raliway Com mission. The United Cab Co. is in corporated with a $10,000 valua tion. but will issue only $3,000 worth of stock to begin with. The officials and directors of the company are: Chesly Pierce, president; Mildred Johnson, vice prsident;' James Brown, treasurer; John Adams, jr., director; Herman FViedlander, director and Louis Moore, director. -o JOLLY MATRON ART CLUB , The Jolly Matron Art club met February 4 at the home of Mrs. Young, 2604 No. 22nd street. The past year’s work was closed and the election was held. Mrs. Ethel Morris, president; Mrs. Alice Sherwood, vice president; Mrs. Annie Redden, secretary; Hattie B. Knight, treasurer. The h°8te8!!> Mrs. Miles, served a lelightful lunch Hattie B. Knight, Reporter -o wish to thank all my dear fri ends for their kind expressions of sympathy. Mrs. W. A. Cai-r and family. 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRY ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 Doty Explains Housing Regulations (Continued from Page 11 kitchen cabinet and wall shelving. The plumbing fixtures include a deep tub which is adequate for ordinary small time washing. Each back yard is equipped with a clo thes post. In addition to these fa cilities, tenants will be given pri vilege of using two community laundries at such hours as may be assigned. Each house is provided with a concrete back yard space * where children vehicles can be placed so as not to obstruct walkways when not in use. Two store houses have a large closet under stairs which i can accomodate baby carriages, etc. Every tenant leasing an apart i ment in the Logan Fontenelle | Homes will not bo expected to any greater or lesser expense than I would be required of them when l asing from private landlords. | Lights may be burned at any time and there is no restrictions on use of radios provided they do not necessarily annoy neighbors at j late hours or use at unnecessary j volumes. Tenants of 3 room houses will he allowed a kilowatt consumption ranging from 60 kilowatts in June to 80 kilowatts in December. 4 room houses from 70 to 95 kilwatts 5 room houses from 75 to 100. Gas allowance for 3 room apart ment, 1,600 cubic feet; 4 room, 1.880 cubic feet; 5 room. 2.000 eu 1 ;c feet per month. Consumption of either electric or gas in access ef th se allowances will be charg ed against the tenant as addition al rent. Unmarried persons are not eli gible nor will tenants be allowed to rent rooms. Any cohesive (any normal) family group will be eli g:be such as widowed mothers with children or father with jjis ch ldren As the purpose of the act is to avoid overcrowding of families. 3 person families may occupy a S or 4 room apartment, but more than three persns will not be al lowed to occupy 3 rooms. Not more than five persons to 4 room apart [ ments. Not more than seven per i song in any house on the project. [ The family makeup must be taken i in consideration in leasing the j houses as privacy and decency ; . must prevail. In no case will an applicant be found eligible who is now living in decent safe and sanitary homes. When the project is completed iind accepted by the United States Housing Authority an initial mov ing date will be announced. It is hoped that this will be about the first of March, but no positive in formation can be given at this time Mrs. Robbie Turner Davis has been appointed Home Investigator Mr. S. Edward Gilbert has been ap pointed application clerk.. Hoziki ih Bates has been appointed jan 'tor. Only one janitor will be re quired as there are no hallways or public siwc-e in the project other than the manager’s office. It is probable other colored per sons will be employed as firemen, hut no full time crew will be em ployed on maintenance work. In order to give full time all year round work, it may be decided to use a fireman during the summer as yardman. The permanent office personnel will bo composed of only two per sons and these have been filled. The families of the lowest in come group who can afford to pay the rent will be considered first. Minimum income will be de t rmined in ease of each applicant. 1 There is no rule stipulated that a person must have an income of three times the rent. This used to be a requirement but no longer evasive of eligibility. Each case will be investigated and decided on its own merits. The shelter rent is bawd on $6.44 per room and utilities $2.12 Mr. Dalty also stated that there ha$ been no definite law stated about pets. That is entirely left tip to the manager. In most cases he feels that tenants will be allow ed to keep their pets unless they become a nuisance. iCIeo Cola | Queen of Sparkling Drinks * 12 oz. For 5c IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Ohildren’s Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. i EAHA’I NEWS During Negro History week. the l.aha’is pay homage to one of their pioneer teachers, Louis Gregory, in recognition of his notable ach ieve monte and work )for the Baha i Faith. The oneness cf mankind is h Baha’i principle, and adherents of the Baha’i Faith pay tribute to Louis Gregory and his wife, Louise Gregory, for their significant con tribution to the spreading of the teachings. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Gregory undertook a journey to Haiti, and this year Louis Gregory is carrying on teaching work near Tuskegce to establish a Baha’i group. As executive secretary of the litte.r-racial Committee of the Baha’is of the United States and Canada, he has compiled a pham plefc of teachings on the oneness of mankind. Alain Locke, well known author and editor of ‘The New Negro’ is also a frequent contributor to Baha’i publications on world unity, and the basic Baha’i principles for (the cause of the brotherhood, peace, and social justice. For despite, polities and politi cians, despite war and the makers of war. the fact is becoming ccn stantly more clear that all man kind is one family inescapably join *d by ties of trade, commerce, by the interchange o fthought and by mutual fears and hopes. As ‘Ahdu’l-Baba, th" eldest s n of Bahn'u’llah said. ‘In this day, m ans of communication have mul tiplied and 'he five continents of the earth have virtually1 merged into one. In like manner all the numbers of the human family whe ther peoples cr governments, cities or villages, have become increas ingly interdependent. For none is self-suffifick ncy iany longer pos sible.’ Real oneness of mankind is only P ssible by making the world one vibrant, living unity through uni fy in the political realm; unity of thought in world undertakings; unity in freedom; unity in religion which is the very essence of the entire structur:; unity of nations; unity of races; unity of language. Baha'is believe that n^t onlv will each one of these be accomplished, but that even today the spirit of the ikw age which was kindled by Baha'u’llah is overcoming the (instructive forces of the world of jesterday. Alma Sotham Doreene N. Holliday. -o NEEDLECHAFT ART CLUB The club met on Friday, January 28, at the home, of the presid*nt, Mrs. Rose Murrell, 3014 Miami street, with nine members and one visitor present. After the, reading of (he minutes and roll call there was a discussion on the pieces of work to be done. After this a de lightful luncheon was served by the hostess, which was followed by an hour of sewing and socializing. The meeting was adjourned with the members extending a vote of thanks to the president for her hospitality. Mrs. Rose Murrrll, President Mrs. E L. Corks, secretary Ritz Photo Studio' 4 Photos—4 Poses—10c Let us Jnaice your application and identification photos. Erilargements 15c to 50c. Open Evenings and Sundays 2035 NO. 24TH ST. LOOK... Ladies' 2-Thread Hosiery in seconds All Newest Iridescent Shades 49c and ud Also A Complete Line of 1st Quality 2 and 3 Thread Hosiery In The Newest Shades 69c and up _ Hosiery Headquarters for North Omhha AT FRIEDMAN’S SHOE STORE 1510 No. 24th St. IA 0353 W)UNG COUPLES ORGANIZE SPORTS CLUB On Sunday evening February 6, a group of young men and women, mostly married couples, met at the home of Miss Estella Robertson for cocktail hour and for the pur pose of organizing a sports club. The idea for such a club was ad vanced by Mr. Valder James Rat. liff and was heartily, and unanim ously accepted by a select group including Mr. and Mrs. William Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 Britt, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ham monds, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Fry. Mr. and Mrs. George Porter, Mr and Mrs. James Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Louis White, Misses Jewel Lott, Ella Mae Mills, and Es tella Robertson and Messrs Mnr c« Hus Ritchie, Jaseph Haynes and Valckr Ratliff. The name of the club will be ‘The Wagon Wheel Sports Club’ and the purpose will be to build dean minds and healthy bodies through participation in all spoils. The officers elected were: Pre sident. Mr. Ratliff; vice president, Mr. Reese; secretary, Mr. Britt; assistant secretary, Mrs. Reise; treasurer, Mr. Leonard; and re porter. Miss Robertson. ZION BAPT. CHUKTH TO HAVE HEALTH CLINIC Encouraged with the progress of thc new health clinic opemd by the First Bapt'st church, several wet ks ago, Rev. M. K. Curry announced, Wednesday the opening of n Fra? Health Clinic at the Zion Baptist church, 22nd and Grant, to be opened next Wednesday from 2 to 4 p. m. under the supervision of Dr. Goodin. Rev. Curry states that the organizers of the First 1 Baptist Clinic will be present at the opening. The clinic is non-denomina tional and open to all those un- ' able to pay for medical advice. Zion Baptist church will present on Thursday night. February 17, at 8:15 o’clock, Woodrow Horn in ! a unique and startling performan ,ce | At the World’s FaiHn Chicago . he was awarded the. title as Rip ley’s B-t lieve It or Not ace attrac tion. Having been born without hands or arms he has the gift of perform ing as any normal man by the use of h'is feet and toes. Featuring this performance is Prince Eriz Zulong, known as the Cannihal Prince, of the Island of Tokeroo. ■W.W.VAVWAAW.'.WJ PATRICK Liquor Store Specials on Wines and Whiskey i 2 year old Whiskey 90 proof, pint. 24th and Patrick JA 9255 .•.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V, KNOW THE JOY OF A ~ YOU'VE ALWAYS \ S& Jf WANTED/ LIGHTEN AND BRIGHT EN your skin this fast, easy way. Just try I)R. FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER OINTMENT today. Only 25c at drug storeg every where. Yet, amazing how it makes skin LIGHTER, BRIGHTER as it helps remove surface pimples, blackheads, freckles. Money back guaranteed if you aren't pleased and delighted with results. ur.FRED Palmer's SKIN WHITENER FREE: Write for free sample to DR. FRED PALMER’S LABS., Dept. D-301, Atlanta, Georgia. ( _CLASSIFIED ADS TOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2618 Grant st. Call We. 5663. FOR RENT lice room in modern home. 2705 Ohio street FOR RENT Apartment for rent, AT 0748. FOR RENT Apartment. All newly decorated and newly furnished. AT 7313. FOR RENT Apartment for rent, 2014 No. 25th. TOR RENT Furnished Kitchenette. 2705 Ohio. HOl'gES FOR RENT 1617 No. 2»th St. 2517 Corby St. 2825 Parker SI. Apply at office 1607*'i Cuming St. 2nd Floor Call IV 5033 or KF. 6069 FOR RENT Apartment for pent AT 0320. OMAHA NS RELATIVE DIES ■1 • Alfred Galloway, brother of Boyd V. Galloway and nephew of C. <’. Galloway died in Detroit, Mich., Monday Ftibnwy 7. His body is beinjj removed to Dallas, Texas for burial where his mo ther, Anna Grey; brother and sister, Charles and Ozabe Gallo way reside. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms stricklj modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses foi rent. Cal! ATlantic 7435, o< Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3078 *%-FOR RENT Apartment for rent 2 rooms 2604 Burdette St. FOR RENT Front Room near carline AT 270« FOR RENT -arge front modem apartment ..nd garage. 2226 Ohio street. FOR RENT Two and four room apartments with private bath Call JA 0986. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room for rent, 2516 Burdette. WE 4571. WORK OUT Wanted a man aaid wife to share our home. Rent reasonable to reliable party. Call WA 2660. I NEBRASKA! PRODUCE ; 1208 18 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 ; Poultry and Egg Dealers } Oui prices are reasonsable. > * see us first. 10c NOW 10c WONDER Cracked Wheat BREAD by the Wonder Bakers with that delicious slo-baken flavor BASpSPENT U line Quality GwrtiTiiir ~im i \m^ It I nu Pried Women's Fine Gouge 2 and 3-Thread Genuine Crepe Ringless I li if ion Stockings WE INVITE COM- Y^^ PARISON WITH $1 ^ to STOCKINGS A ■ R||< Heavy pure silk tops with shadow welt and garter run stop. Heavy pure silk panel heels and pure silk soles. No detail has been Over looked to make these stockings outstanding values. Get here early Saturday to choose your spring stocking wardrobe. Wear Spring Shades Sixes 44 f 144 | letemeet—Where Qualify It Lew Pelted HEW LIBERTY COAL “““ lBITUMINOUSI A coal so hard it has to be crushed like anthracite to size it. Consequently delivers dean. NO DIRT, NO ROCK, NO SLATEI Just the Coal You Have Been Looking For! — I LOW IN ASH - BURNS LONGER HIGH IN HEAT New Liberty Js!"hte.u«ht AT 2806