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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1937)
- i Largs * §f % | Pap^* i i i I Ne-vr Entered as Second Class M a •' • j MR. THOMAS SIMMS —" Mr. Thomas Simms, popular M. (’. at the Elite, ^vill answer the | -all of our needy chidren at the Benefit Revue to be held at the Elks Hall Thursday at midnight. Mr. Simms graciously consented to act as the “EM-CEE of the fast ! stepping show and assures us that many of our most popular eele y 1 rities will be on hand. --o Thirty persons attended the ( Christmas party of the Bethel 1 Mission Art chib, held at the home of Mrs. Alice Nelson, 2621 Blondo street. Wednesday December 16 The club featured games, lunch and gift exchange. 1 Hurt, 3 Uninjured In Auto Accident Three persons escaped injury in an accident in which Miss June! Artison. 281(5 Hamilton street, re ceived minor lacerations about the head and an injured ankle, believed to be sprained, at 1:15 Sunday morning The party of four, havirg at Iended a dancing .party at the Urban League earlier in the even, ing. were enroute home when the car in which they were riding col lided with a ear driven by an al leged drunken driver who fled the scene, but later investigation dis closed that another passenger who had the drivers ability and pulled the emergency brake, bringing the car to a halt. A bystander. Andrew Glover, who witnessed the accident, ran a half block where he saw “Soup’’ I.awson. a driver for the Sunset Taxi Co., who gave chase to the fleeing driver securing his license number by which means he was later apprehended by police auth. oritiesorities who held him with out bond. Mr. Albert Harrison, driver of the badly damaged car in which Miss Mabel Longmeyer, Miss Arti. son and Larkin Arnold were rid ing stated that the damages were partly covered by insurance. Grandmcthrr GivesParty Mrs. Doran, 80, Fetes 100 at Yule Affair i * ! "Grandmother” (Mrs. A-wii j Doran, 80, yesterday resumed he f annual custom of giving a Christ- y mas party for children from mkte< t social strata. She started it mort f than 10 years ago. ! J Last year children were unokp t to troop into her home at 635 j Lincoln boulevard to receive g I Grandmother lay in hos-’to’ jl with a broken hip. So n'm» o' |j them took gifts to her, i—tmd . j t But yesterday o'ernean she || seemed as spry as the < .t? ’tin- n dred youngsters from Et. P* '■ diet’s parish. She demonstrated it [ by leaving her cone in o corner j pushing through the press nrovr j the Christmas tree and Fitting i i the lap of Santa Claus (I. O I Roberts, 643 Lincoln boulevard I Santa then uttered a Pied P’u ct call and a procession folio ed to the basement and tables l< ’ ’ ••, with food, fruit and candy. Rants then led the way upstairs, where the children repaid Grandma Doran ' with pongs and dances prepared at ! school. j Joining in the celebration wer three of her grandchildren. Billv and Shirley Doran, 14 and 7 re spectively, 420 Lincoln boulevard, and Jack McChrystal, 15, Milwau kee. A great-grandchild, George Baer, 7 months, lives in Milwaukee, Mrs. Anna Sue Gordon, residing I at 2411 Lake street, underwent an operation at the St Catherine hospital on Wednesday evening of last week. She is improving nicely. Mrs. Gordon is loved by her many friends of the Metropolitan church who wish her a speedy re covery. -°T~ Mrs. Pearl Mrtchell and her sons, ] Herbert and J'oseph Thompson, will spend their Christmas holidays in Brookfield, Mo. They will visit their relatives and friends.