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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1937)
SOCIAL t „ „ i „ + _ r CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-O-C-l-e-I-y'' ORGANIZATIONS r- ' ) ' • ___ i Entertainment Whirl Ry Ken Je-samy Plana are underfoot to feature Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway and Bill Robinson in an English pro duction for London Films, Ltd. The producer of the film will be Alex ander Ko-^ and the direction w 11 bu handled ..y Ernest L bit c'e Calloway, he ause of h:s contract with the Cotton Club, may be un able to participate in the movie Freddie Taylor, who used to be billed as a snukehip darner, and who went to Europei with Lucky Millinder and hi-- orchestra, is now a competent trumpeter and is lead ing an orchestra Ho has made a fine record of the c Id favorite, “The Shi ok of Araby.” English mu ic publishers have changed the title of “Satan Takes a Holiday” to “Spooky Takes a Holiday” ratter quaint these Britishers.Duke Ellington, the Aristocrat of Jazz, returns to his old stomping grounds, the Apollo theatre for one week soon... .Phil Scott not only produced the new Plantation Club revue, but also •starred in the production. The other members of the company include Amy Spencer and He.nri Wessels. The Cotton Club opened its new revue this week. Av's Andrews plus a choir are the new attractions. The Harlem Uproar House ulso debuted with Erskine Hawkins and his llama State Colllegians getting the feature billing Clark Mon roe's Uptown House on 134th St. near Seventh Ave. is getting quite a play from those who stay up late nights.Jt’s the hangout i the theatrical stars . Drop in sometima and meet Monroe. he's a grand person ... Out of towners especially will appreciate ihis ability to make you feel at home and welcome. The Oriental theatre in Chicago is contemplating staging a battle of swing between Earl Ilines and Clyde McCoy’s orchestras... the. show should go in about the 28th ....The Joe Louis-Tommy Parr fight pictures have been going great in England. They hav« hear booked so far into 1,500 theatres, sotting a record. Stuff Smith has been given from the Local Musi cians Union, goes the report No sound reason has yet been given ... Mac Johnson, the Cotton Club’s eyeful and Harlem’s No. 1 strip teaser, dropped her suit against Dr. Clarence “Shag” Hogans, promin ent Harlem doctor.Several sports figures are listed in the “Big City,” a Metro Goldwyn production. The sport celebs include, George Godfrey, Jack Dempsey, Bull Mon tana and Snowy Baker. Chick Webb’s orchestra with Ella Fitzgerald, played a return date at the Loew’s State theatre, New York’s big time vaude house._ Chuck and Chuckles finished their turn at the Palace theatre in Chi cago last week. The Ubangi Club in Philadelphia, features in its floorshow, Mae Burnham and Scott, Lethia Hill, alda Hatton, Donnie Lyons, Bernice Douglass, Jack and Jill, and Derby Wilson -—o Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giles of Chicago, 111, were the honored guests at a bridge party given in their honor at the home of Mrs. Mable Fields, 2807 Wirt street, Thursday vening. Iho fflowing persons enjoyed a delightful even ing of bridge. Mesdames Bessie Preston, Harry Leland, A. L. Haw kins, Mamie Long, Yancy, Hazel Griffin, Gertrude Evans, Rufus Lctng, EHinnio Johnson, Mary Davis, Ida Giles, S. E. Gilbert, Misses Audrey Preston, Charlotte Preston, Messrs. Davis of Chicago, and S. Edward Gilbert Those, win ning prizes were Dr. and Mrs. Hawkine, high score. Mrs. Albert Giles, guest prize, S. Edward Gil bert, booby prize. A very delightful sea food repast was served appro priately embellished with cocktails in the wee hours of the morning. h ! « i» m< m m • m »■» * » •' ■ » Clarinda, la. News Miss Louise Nash, Reporter The Second Baptist Church Sunday school met at it* usual hour with Miss Rachel Cason, su perintendent, pres'ding. The Sun day school is growing rapidly and is plannng some wonderiiul pro grams. Morning servre was the, high light crvire cf the day. The pastor brought forth the message. Subjec , ‘'Some Things Tou Can’t I)o out. Evening service, the church had i splendid service ard n crowd' d ouse. Rev. P. Ni* hoUon, paste l'i'- s Louise Nu .n and cP s Fri n Ci.’ Brown and M1*. Worker r.pon' C.itU'day in Red Oak, la. Miss Gin Arnett has returned from Kansas City. Mrs. Irene Doton, the organist of the Second Baptist church, has re. ; turned from Lincoln, Nebr. Mrs. Creolo Gr;ggs visited her I mother and many other friends in Clarinda Sunday Mrs. Washington is on the sick list. fire of unknown origin Tho tent under which the 7th Day Adventists had been worship ping far several weeks located at 24th and Grant street®, was com pletely destroyed by fire lajt Fri day afternoon. The cause of the fire is unknown. --O' QUACKS START QUACKING Tho Quack club held their first fall meeting at tihe Northaide Y. W. C. A., September 17th, with Mrs. lone I-owis, presiding. Tho offer: s and chairmen will leave for Camp Brewster tho 25th to hold their hi1 annual setting up conference of which the purpose is to make plans for the remainder of tho year. -o Tho Silver Leaf club had fish fry Tuesday which v. a - a tremend ous success. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED The marriage of Miss Addie Lambert t • Mr. Glover Morgan which took place September 20th at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Redd,' is announced. Rev. D. G. Stevenson, read the ceremony. The couplo was attend, ed by Miss Amelin Partridge, who was matron of honor, and Mr. John Murdock, who acted as best man. The couple will be at home to their friends, at 6613 Railroad avenue. VA. STATE COLLEGE TEACHER VISITS HERE Mrs. Cleopatra White-Armst rong instructor of Home Economics at Virginia State college, Petersburg, Va., spent ten days in; the city vi siting her father, Mr. George White and other relatives and friends. While in the city, Mrs. Arm strong was entertained at numerous affairs. Those entertaining were: Mesdnmes Lucy Hawkins, Robbie Davis, Mnble Johnsoa, Gladys Bell, M. G. Chandler, Van B. Wheatley, and Corriue Hunter. Mrs. Armstrong will resume her duties of teaching this fall at Va. State college. Be Financiall independent Enroll Now! $109 course for $66. Graduates prepared to pass any state board examination. Shampoo, 26c; Press, 26c Croquignole, 26c; Manicure, 16c A.LTHOUSE_ BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 084C Men’s Dress Shirts 13ys to 20 $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open until 9 Sat. evenings ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Faraam YOUR HAT WARDROBE The profile, mediumbrlmmed shape on the left is| black felt with polled) edge hud simple ribbon treatment. The other is of green velour, the crown height lessened by the wide biuid of brown ribbon caught by a gilt motif at the side. They are two sniajrti numbers for Mi lady’s fall wardrobe. -o Boy Scout “My boy friend wan a boy -cout when ho was a kid and it’s still in his veins.” ‘No, every time a lovely lady passes he does his daily good turn.” -o Mrs. Christens Esparza has been ;11 with pneumonia, She is slowly '•ecoverag. •-o All food secrets, from mother to son of s'avery days. Jeff, 1818 No. 21th street. —-o Mrs. Ada Crocket‘e m visitin ' her sister who has been i*l in St. Joseph, Mo. -o— Geraldine Fields has lcm visit ing her mo* her, Mrs. Gertrud Fields in St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Hattie Healey is visiting her son, Clarence l ove and lie granddaughter in Baxter Spr ngs, Kas. Mr. Edward Wiggins and Mr John Lewis, students at the Uni. of Iowa were visitors in the Omaha Guido n'snt, Monday. They plan to leave Thur day of this week to re enter the University of Iowa, at Iowa City. -o Mr. Albert Williams, jr., of Sioux City, Ia.^popular dancer and singer, formerly of the Club Ala bam of Los Angeles, Calif., may be 6een and heard nightly at Jim Bell’s Harlem Nigh club, along with a new red hot sizzling show. $2.49 to $4.00 |hi All Colors slimming modes in Fall's most fashionable material. Discovered by Jollne, noted Hollywood style authority and sent directly to us. FRIEDMAN’S SHOE STORE 1510 No. 24th St. JA 0353 t____■ , ■■ Mrs. Ivory L. Barge, 2638 Pac ker street, left for Youngstown, 0. Saturday evening for a family reunion. The reunion will be Sept ember 26 th. ■-«* Mrs. Myrtle Bearley and Mrs. Lucille Florence of Kansas City, Kas., aro the heuse guo-ts of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Scott, 1912 No. 25th street. ■ ■■ o Florentine L igh Crawford, daughter of Mr. •, : d Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy Crswpord, 2505 Maple street, celebrs ed her seventh birth day, on Sundry, September 19th. -o Mr?. Belle Glover, of Minneapolis Minn, is visiting her neices Mrs. Geraldine Craig and Mrs. Nellie Jacks, 2620 Burdette, street. She 1 has been attending conference in Keokuk, la., also she has been vi siting her hometown, Lincoln. N br. M \ and Mrs. Willie II. Jackson of Chicago, lib, who were visiting relative* and friends, left Thurs day morning by motor for their home. Mrs. Jack-on, will be remcm be red by her friends as the former Miss Lillie Hoffman. Mrs. E. Jackson, who is the mo ther of Mr. Jackson, is extending her visit in the city, with her si - ter in law, Mrs. Joshtolcr, 2531 Hamlton. . Wolf Bros. Have the garments that ev ery well dressed man needs. Use our lay away plan on any type of merchandise you need. Sole what the well dressed man is wearing m woolslaeks and sport coats. Wolf Brothers 15th and Douglaa Sts. Mrs. E. Flowers, 956 No. 26th avenue, is reported to be HI. - ■ o Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Willis, 2721 No. 28th avenue, left Saturday to visit Mr. Willis' father. -o Mrs. Mildred Gillum, who has been confined to her home because of illness, is reported improving. -o——— Mt-s Nellie Bassett, arrived from Des Moines, la., Saturday morning, where she visited her cousins, Miss ea Catherine and Ruby Vandever. Miss Bas ett plans to enter Cen tral high school this fall. -O--— Mrs. A. L. Brown, sister of Mrs. A. D. Davi--, and Mrs. E. C. Hill, will arrive this week, from Denver, Colo., where she has been visiting her daughter. Ersler Walker, 3124 Maple St., lost contro1 of her bicycle, last Tuesday and ran into a curb, which resulted in serious injury, necessitating 15 stitches. She was taken to a hospital. •-.—o Mrs. Ross, 2814 No. 30th street, was injured in an automobile ^acci dent which occurred 30 miles from Kansas City. The father and son who were accompanying Mrs. Ross, escaped injury. --—o— Mrs. MlartMa Mills, 2940 No. 25th stret, Mrs. Geo. Bryant, and Mrs. Lula Williams, 2875 Wirt St. and Mrs. J. A. Drake, 2230 Wi'lis avenue, motored to Lincoln, Nebr. to attend the State Fair. -o-— Funeral services for Mr. Melford Lewis, 1125 No. 19th street, who passed away, September 13th, will be he,id at the Myers Funeral Home Friday, September 24th, with Rev. Johnson, pastor of the Metropolitan church officiating. He is survived by three children, Hazel, Melvin, and Helen. Tho Executive Board of tho Old Folks Home mot September 8th, at the home. The Association meetings are the 3rd Friday in each month. We wish to thank all for the donations for the month of August, who contributed to this institution. KERMAN'S MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor “EAT FLE16CHM ANN’S YEAST FOR HEALTH” 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 I. ■ • If' /A GIRL FRIE ; .. ' • -• ' Mrs. Hattie Smith and sister, Mrs. Anna Fenix, were called to Denver because of the death of their uncle ■ • > Mrs. C. A. Hawkins, 2923 Lake St., is spending her vacation visit ing relatives -and friends in St. Joseph and Kansas Cty, Mo. •-o——— Mrs. Rosa Pettigren is home after spending ten days in Ijos Angeles, Calif., attending the Na tional Baptist convention. -o Miss Louise Bryant, 2117 Clark street, was injured in an accident, while riding a bicycle September 15th. She was taken to Nicholas Senn hospital where i-he. was given first aid treatment. She is reported to be improving at this time. Ilf* No OH beyond hof* Wo* Insr 1 Write me today. Inform»tfcm.FRJ5*l M WILLIAMS, Journal Square S&u Jersey City, N. L Bargains in Homes Two five room houses all modern. Furnished, For resit. One room and kitchenette—modem. Furnished, for rent. 2803 No. 24th St-, 6 rooms all mo dern oak finish. Full cement basement. $200 cast, price $1,500 Bal. per month, $20. subject to owners approval. 7 room-. All modern Price $1,00. $200 down. Balance like rent. All monthly payments above in clude taxes and interest. E. M. DAVIS Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24t>h St. WE 1166 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c Shirts Finished in Any Family Bundle 8c i LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2101 North ? 1th fit. We 6055 I — i t I "gS^rc#*0'1 102 * sW.000 «f®0» *?,££ •*“£ 5 l0l%?»‘' tx£***i fC&6tXCa\ rtJ\V Ci 1-a CO» ® _ ejJtV^0' _rtV °* SfeSMsKg* -*’ 3***3Lp«rf»» SttJ* tO*)*1* **3.^5*deVa* ** « tOB^ «**•*£* t*1tl« *■*? ^-sr^SisgJss ' &&&&** - ' Nebraska Power Company