The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Image 9

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    More than 12 times larger
Than Any Colored
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Qin Hi ttemt Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA \\ 1 DNESI) \Ti . SBPT 22, 1937 VOL. XI, NO. 22
Union Refuses to Support Jim Crow Rule
CIO Body Moves
From Hall With
Jim Crow Rule
Milwaukee, Sept. 22 (ONA)—
Meetings of tfie Milwaukee Coun
ty Industrial Union Council, con
trol CIO body, were last week mov
ed from Pythian Castle Hall be
cause of discrimination against
Negro delegates.
The council voted unanimously
to abandon the hall, after a Negro
delegate was charged 50 cents for
a glass of beer at the bar in the
hall. Gumsar Mikelson, Wisconsin
CIO director, istated that white de
legtes were charged only five cents
for beer and that a committee in
vstigating the incident found the
hall had a fixed rule against Ne
groes drinking at the bar.
When the manager refused to re
scind the ruling, the delegates vot
ed to change their meeting place.
Slugged At Trial
Marion, N. C., Sept. 22 (CNA)—
The trial of Mann Smith, 15 year
old youth, was abruptly halted
after the defendant had been slug
ged in the heed with an iron pipe,
while sitting in the p '. oner’s dock.
Smith is charged with “attacking”
t. white girl.
Sheriff Grady Nichols arrested
b white man he booked as Frank
Anderson, local boss plumber, and
charged him with the attack.
Judge Felix Alley, presiding at
the trial, dismissed the venire from
which a jury was being drawn at
the time of the incident, and order
ed a new trial.
“Confession” Forced
i With Blackjack
Tampa, Fla., Sept. 22 (Jas. A.
Boykins for CNA)—A county of
ficer was charged with forcing
Jas. Reetves to confess to stealing
69 bags valued at $2.96 in prelimin
ary court this week.
Reeves pleaded "not guilty” in
court and was challenged by the
State’s attorney who referred to
his previous “confession.” Reeves
then told the court that the arrest
ing officer had beaten him with a
blackjack until he entered a “con
On the witness stand, the stoirt,
bespectacled officer stammered out
a few words which gave no explan
ation of the incident. The defend
ant, however, was remanded to
jail to await hearing in criminal
Prof. Curtis Honored
Institute, W. Va., Sept. 23 (C)—
About fifty persons gathered at
the home ef President and Mrs.
John Davis of West Virginia State
college last Wednesday afternoon
to honor Prof. A. W. Curtis at the
btginning of his thirty-ninth year
as head of the department of agri
culture of the college. Prof. Curtis,
a native of Wilmington, N. C., was
educated at St. Augustine, A. and
T„ and Cornell university. He is
the father of Prof. A. W. Curtis,
jr., wtie is assistant to Dr. George
W. Carver of Tuskegee Institute.
Notice to Sabetribers:
If you do not get your paper at
least in the Saturday morning mail,
call the office, WSbceter 181T, and
we will send you a paper at once.
Mr. G. G> Galloway, Manager
M^rie Downing
Glamorous Marie Downing,
dancer, writer and cosmetolo
gist who was awarded a plJh
que in reeogni ion of her work
by the Urban League of New
York and the National Beauty
Culturists League during the
convention of the latter organi
zalion in New York last week.
Hitlers Demands Tse
Return of Colonies*,
Japan As Ally j
Nuremburg, Germany, Sept. 22
(CNA)-—Tlie annual Nazi Congress
meeting here this week, heard Adol
ph Hitler, fascist dictator of Ger
many, renew his demands for the
return of “German’s colonies,” hail
Nazi ties with Japan and Italy,
assail the Soviet Union and de
precate the failure of Britain and
the United States to unite with
Germany in “defense” cf the “in
terests of the white peoples.”
Hitler was preoeded on the ros
trum by Adolf Wagner, Bavarian
Nazi leader, who read tihe Nazi
party’s annual proclamation, in
which the Nazi theories of race
hatred were expounded at length
and the Jewish people singled out
for particularly savage attacks.
The proclamation stressed Ger
many’s demands for colonies and
called u,pon the German people to
accord "blind obiedience to the
leadership of the Reich” and to
accept uncomplaining and with
“the tightened belt” the Increasing
hardships that have beset the Ger
man people since the Nazis came
into power. The proclamation laud
ed anti Semitism and other forms
of race hatred sus a necessary
"condition of racial hygiene.”
The star attraction of the Con
gress opening was Prince Chichubu,
brother of the Japanese Empexor.
Premier Mussolini of Italy was ex
pected to visit Germany during the
The Japanese prince Is here to
confer with Hitler on the Nazi
Japaneeo military alliance and its
application in the Sino-Japanese
war. It is believed he will also meet
Mussolini, during the latter’s visit.
- - -
Rosemary Walker
Gets Teaching Job
In Little Rock
Little Rook, Ark., Sept. 23—Miss
Rosemary Walker, who received
the B. A. and the Teachers’ diplo
ma from the University of Kan
sas last June, has been appointed
to the staff of Dunbar high school
here. Miss Walker is the daughter
of Rev. George G. Walker, rector
of St. Philip’s Episcopal church,
and vice chairman of the Interra
cial Commission of Little Rock.
i he Omaha Guide’s
Emancipation Celebration
Going Over in A Big Way
rhe Omaha Guide’s Annual Emancipation Celebration for the
Chvil War Veterans and Their Families Will Be Held At
The Elks Hall, 2420 2422 Lake Street, Monday Evening,
September 27th, 1937, at 8!00 O’clock
From Indications Shown The House Will Be Packed
Selection City Service Orchestra, G. W. Bryant, Director
Invocation ______— Rev. J. S. Williams
Pastor Hillside Presbyterian Church
(National Anthem
Presentation of Chairman...r_-Attorney John Adams, Jr.
lemarks by Chairman--Attorney, Charles H. Davis
•(election-Los Cantores Chorus, Miss Ethel Jones, Director
Remarks---- Civil War Veterans
Solo, ‘Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen”
----—. Miss Estell Roberts
Remarks --......-—..Mr. R. I;. Brown
Selection —..— W. P. A. Concert and Dance Orchestra
Reading ---- Mrs. Tola Holliday
Negro National Antliem
Address.—. By Guest Speaker (To be announced next week)
Vocal Solo, ‘The Negro Has Fought Every Battle
But His Own’.. Miss Irene Morten
Presentation of Civil Wa,r Veterans by Chairman
Vocal Solo ----- Mr. II. L. Preston
Selection ----Los Cantores Chorus
Benediction, .........Rev. R. A. Adams
Pastor St. John’s A. M. E. Church
Refreshments will be served and music rendered by the band
for your entertainment. No children under 18 years of age will
be admitted to this Emafrdpotion Celebration. Admission Free.
Students Receive
Scholarship Awards
Twelve University of Omaha
students have been awarded junior
senior scholarships, the University
scho'arship committee announced
The scholarships are awarded on
the basis of grades and general
activity. Instead of giving eight
scholarships covering full tuition
for the semester as has been done
in the past, the committee awarded
full tuition scholarships to four
students and made half tuition
awards to eight students.
Those receiving ful* tuition
scholarships are Earl E. Cairns,
senior, 3303 No. 21st street; Vir
ginia Elfrink, junior, 6709 Leaven
worth street; Wyn Ilollier, senior,
2564 Manderson street; and CUtus
Olson, junior, 1046 No. 34th street.
•Half scholarships were awarded
te John L. E'liot, junior, 2434
Seward street; Helen Hanner, jun
ior, 2714 No. 40th street; Alta
Hirsoh, junior, 3169 Myrtle avenue;
Lucille Hurlbut, senior, 1408 Jaynes
treet; Verona Jerabek, senior, 2126
Lothrop street; Leonard Kurtz,
junior, 1008 So. 36th avenue; Rex
Perkins,senior, 4614 No. 24th street
and James B. Peterson, senior,
6C32 Wolleworth avenue.
Dr. Caldwell to A. U.
Atlanta, Sept. 23 (C)—Dr. Otis
W. Caldwell, professor emertts of
education of Teachem college, Col
umbia unicersity, New York City,
will be visiting professor o< edu
cation at Atlanta university this
year, according to announcement
by President R. K. dement.
Wins Scholarship
Earl Butler, a June graduate of
! Alabama State Agricultural In
stitute, won first prize—'Four years
college scholarship from a field of
3,000 contestants in Phi Beta Sigma
National Essay Canted t nn the
, subject, “How Can Negro Youth
Contribute to Future American
The grand prize winner is the
foungest son in a family of eight.
Recently his family has moved to
Adrian, Michigan. He enters North
Caroline State college.
The judges fn the National finals
were: Mrs. Julia We?t, nationally
known YWCA and sicial worker;
Mrs. Ellen Commons, librian, the
Social Security board; Mr. John P.
Davis, secretary, National Negro
The essays of all state winners
will be published by the Brown
Printing and Publishing Co.,
i 'Washington, D. C. in November.
Southern AAA Serves
Colored Farmers
Washington, Sept. 28 (C)—The
nine southern states coverel by the
Southern Division of the Agricul
tural Adjustment Administration,
have a colored farmer population
of 654,000, according to A. L. Hol
sey, field officer. "These fanners
are vitally concerned with the pro
gram* that have been carried out
to restore agricultural prosperity,”
says Mr. Holsoy. “These farmers
constitute an important part of the
group and will continue to be de
finitely included in the program
for Agriculture and its benefits.”
W. J. Barber Says
Lower Rates Increase
Use of Gas Heating
New, lower gas rates are res
ponsible for a rapidly increai ing
use of automatic gas eating in
Omaha, according to W. J. Barber,
assistant to the general manager,
Metropolitan Utilities District.
A largo percentage of the new
homes now under construction and
those completed this fall wiU have
the advantages of completely au
tomatic gas heating.
Besides the lower gas rates,
whicih went into effect in January
of this year, new gas heatirg equip
ment is so highly efficient in opera
tion that operating costs have been
progressively reduced. These rea
sons, plus the advantages of care
free operation, greater cleardiness
and more uniform comfort, is win
ning the approval of builders, and
many who are remodeling as well
as those who have decided to con
vert exi ting equipment to gas.
'The modern gas furnaces have
provision for humidification forced
circulation, and air filtering.
Dry, parched air, in which most
of us live durag the, writer months,
is believed by physicians to h? one
of the greatest sing'e contributing
enuso to the common cold, which
is said to cause an annual economic
loss running into the, millions. Such
air has an irritative effect upon
the dclicatq membranes of the
throat, lungs and nasal passages,
which prepares them for the at
tack of the as yet undi’eovered
germ causing common cold.
Adequate artificial humidity in
home heating, such ns that found
in modern gas heating equipment,
wil1 eliminate in homes, at least,
the principal cause of winter ills.
In order to acquaint Omaha re
sidents with the actual cost of
automatic gais heat, applied to
different home3, the Metropolitan
Utilities District is offering a free
gas heating service. The Utilities
District heating engineers wil1
make a complete, careful survey of
a home, prepare recommendations
as to the type of gas heating equip
ment suited to the particular re
quirement, and estimate accurately
just how much it will cost to heat
with gaB. It seems that many peo
pie are under tho Impression that
gas heat is expensive and the Dis
trict is taking this means of de
monstrating that homes may be
heated cheaply and efficiently with
(Continued on Page 3) -
French Train Guns
On Arabs in Africa
Meknes, French Morocco, Sept.
22 (CNA—French troops erected
barricades around the Arab sec
tion of Meknes this week in an at
tempt to prevent further demon
strations against French rule in
North Africa.
French officials said anti-French
agitation was spreading rapidly
throughout French colonies in
North and West Africa.
Twenty-five natives, sixteen
soldiers and three police were
wounded here last week when the
authorities ordered the breaking
up of an anti-French demonstration
Mr. Morris McClain, of Des
Moines, la., visited with his frlc/ids
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Gilbert, Tues
day. Mr. McClain is completing his
vacation which carried him through
Illinois, Michigan, and ether points
East. Hs departed Wedneeday
noming for hie home.
Rev. Wm. Carrington
Rev. Wm. E. Barrington of
the A. M. E. Zion church who
has been appointed assistant
professor of religious education
of the graduate scnool cif Re
ligion of Howard University. <
Ha comes to Howard tfVom
Livingstone college where he
served as dean of the Theologi
cal department
He received his A. B. degree
from Livingfctcne and his M. A.
and B. D. from Oberlin college.
He received the Master of Sa
creel Theology from Union The
ological seminary in New York
and has had experience in the
active pastorate and is an or
dasned minister.
“Forget Me Not” Day
Saturday, September 25th will be
“For Get Me Not” Day in Omaha.
The day marks the 19th anniver
sary of the beginning of the Bat
tle of the Argonne in which the
Amercian Armies dealt a crushing
blow to the German forces and
forced the Armistice Agreement,
November 11, 1918.
Blue For Get Me Not Flowers
will be sold on downtown Omaha
streets, in office buildings and
in residential sections of the city,
raise funds for rehabilitation and
loson activities of Omaha Chapter
of the Disabled American Veteran*
of the World War.
Street sales of the little blue
flowers next Saturday will be in
the hands of a group of more than
100 Omaha mothers with depend
ent children who have offered their
services for the work according to
an announcement made Saturday
by Charles O. Strike, Adjacent of
the Chapter. A percentage of the
receipts from the sale will be paid
to these mothers, Strike Btated.
All activities in connection with
the drive will be under the direction
of members of the Omaha Chapter
of Disables Veterans. Herbert
Mollinson in charge of the street
sales and the word of the mail di
vision is being directed from Chap
ter Headquarters, 4507 No. 40th
The drive this year will have the
support of both civic and business
leaders of the city. The. headquar
ters will be maintained during the
coming week at 1806 Famam St.,
a building space donated by a lead
ing Omaha business firm.
Disabled Veterans of the World
War now number 782 in Omaha,
and total 8,181 in Nebraska, ac
cording to Adjacent Strike. Fund*
obtained from “For Get Me Not”
sales will be used to provide ef
ficient prosecution of the claims ef
veterans w%> are elgible and are
not receiving compensation of dis
abled veterans and the widows and
children veterans, Strike aanoenoed
Georgia To Shoot
Chain Gang Fugitives
In Spite of Laws
Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 22 (CNA)—
Georgia chain gang wardens re
instated “shoot to kill” orders for
fugitives this week and asked re
storation of the whipping post for
prisoners who attempt to escape.
Votes were taken at a meeting
culled by Governor E. D. Rivers to
check escapes which he said had
reached* ‘scandalous proportions”
—100 in August.
Whether whipping conld be res
tored legally w as n question. It was
abolished in the administration of
Thomas W. Hardwick, as gover
nor in 1923. Hardwick pointed out
then that it violated the Georgia
Constitution’s Bill of Rights which
provides ‘neither banishment be
yond the limits of the State nor
whipping, as a punishment shall be
Rivers indicated that such a little
thing as legality will not be per
'mitted to bar resumption of the
practice. He said Attorney Gener.
al M. J. Yeomans would decide. ‘‘If
he rules we can return to whipping,
I'll cooperate with you and put it
on trial under certain restrictions,”
the Governor promised the chain
gang officials.
Tho State opened a woodland
“Alcatraz” for chain gang prison
ers near Reidsvill, Ga., last week.
Tho prison, described “as near es.
capo proof os you can get it,” was
built with Federal aid.
Porters to Fight For
Rights of Maids
New York, Sept. 18—Accord
ing to A. Phiilip Randolph, inter
national president of the Brother,
hood of Sleeping Car Porters, a
fight will be made, by the union in
behalf of the colored maids retain
ing their employment rights in
Pullman and railroad service out
of Los Angeles and other districts.
The removal of the colored maids
from Los Angeles was ordered by
the railroad company so white
graduate stewardess nurses could
beplaced in their stead, says Mr.
If the railroad policy of removing
Negro and Chinese maids can not
bo changed, a vigorous fight will be
made to get some graduate Negro
stewardess nurses on the Pullman
and railroad trains, concluded
Randolph, the perters’ leader.
Rex Ingram Goes
Into Bankruptcy
New York, Sept. 23 (C)—Hex
Ingram, “De Lawd” ef the film
version of “The Green Pastures,”
filed a voluntary plea in bankrupt
cy in U. S. District Court Thurs
day, listing his assets as $20 worth
of clothes on his person, and lia
bilities of $9,511. Ingram, who is
40, lives at 319 West 116th St. in
Harlem. Mr. Ingram said he was
unable to get theatre parts of suf
ficient dignity to continue his car
eer as an actor. He had been of
fered plenty of roles, he said, but
they portrayed tha Negro as a
comic, and he said ha would rather
quit tha stage than take any af
W. S.HornsbylnL. A.
Lob Angeles, Sept 23 (C)—Wal
ter S. Hornsby, vice president and
general manager of tha Pd grim
Health and Life Insurance company
of Augusta, Ga., and retired pre
sident af the National Negro In
surance Association, is hers at
tending the National Baptist Cos.
vsntion. Mr. Horneby is vies pre
sident of tha Laymen’s section of
the convention.