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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1937)
I~M 1* -—* I li.-U Uf—Jl II—'I Ur-1! lit—'I llrr ,i Ur=ii U=U U.=±l Uczi UciJ Ut=J uc=y U«=J Ufcii UWV W— Wi_. ««--« ——■ • «<—1 “—‘ » ■ “—■ STARTLING FACTS 30,000 OF THE CONSUMING PUBLIC IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA READ Omaha G *de THE ACCREDITED FIGURES OF 16.500 NEGROES ARE ABOUT CORRECT FOR THIS METROPOLITAN AREA, THAT IS, OMAHA PROPER THESE FACTS HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY COMPUTED *v The Average Expenditure Per Person. My k $1.06. Th* Total Daily ftxpetxUtsra U About $22,861.08. Making the Annual Expenditure of $8,344,455.00. The Women and Mimes of Our ftreup Require $791,1 $9.33. Clothing and shaes fsr the Children, yearly totals *f M0,$87.91 w In Omahs^Alone, the 4,800 Families Spend Annua Ry far Bread $335,48$.Of More thanjRB60,39A.66 k Spent in Omaha far FW altar*. *-v»v , THE ABOVE ITEMS ABB A BXLBOTHD FEW #F THE MANY RIOMRIOR COMMOBI TIBS AND LUXUBEB8 CONSUMED IV THIS V*A0T BlimifM • «... «i$r* . l.—. WHICH ALSO INCLUDES- *- . " ^ Automobiles ~ Groceries, Meats, Foods, ** Automobile Accessories ^ ~~ Wholesale and Retail * Bakeries J "" Hardware Appliances *, T ■ Candy and Soft Drinks ' | i . Jewelry Cigars and Tobacco Men’s Apparel — ■ w Confections ’ Musical Instruments Construction and Building Material Notions Drugs Wholesale and Retail Novelties and Toys ~ Dry Goods Radios Electrical Appliances Shoes * Stationery and Office Supplies THE REQUIREMENTS OF OUR LADIES FOR TOILET PREPARATIONS EX CEED $100,000 These Include Many Kinds of Hair Beaulifiers, Massage Creams, Powders, Rouge, Lip Stick, Eye-brow Beautifiers, Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Talcum and Body Sachets and Manicuring Preparations. THESE 16,500 CONSUMERS ARE SERVED BEST BY OMAHA’S ONE BIG WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE OMAHA GUIDE WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU Mr. Advertiser The Omaha Guide Covers This Metropolitan Area Like the Dew Covers ths Moral**. ADVERTISERS WHO USE THIS PAPER DO SO BECAUSE THEY aims OV REACHING OUR PEOPLE AND GETTING RESULTS THIS ATTESTS THE OMAHA GUIDE’S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PULLING POWER PHONE OR WRITE OUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL The Omaha Guide Publishing company THE Omaha Guide Goes Home, Is Read a nd Preserved and Referred to Constantly PRONE WEbster 1517—1518 2418-20 GRANT STREET auausiuEnjcauauenjeiusiuaucinjEiuBupnj THsi A rmvvnp fx*r\ /AT f ATT A /^ITTfYG' rLAL!oAM Ur In^ OMAiiii ViUll/E Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brothei liood of man must prevail. These are the only principles which will stand the acid test of good citizenship in time of peace, war and death. (1) We must have our pro-rata of emp’oyment in businesses to which we give our patronage, such as grocery stores, laundries, furniture stores, department stores and coal companies, in fact every concern which we support. We must give our citizens the change to live respectably We are tired of educating our children and permitting them to remain economic slaves and enter into lives of shame. (2) Our pro-rata of employment for the patronage to our public corporations such as railroad companies, the street car company, the Nebaska Power company, the Northwestern Bell Telephone company and other establishments which we are forced to support by right of franchise. Also our pro-rata of employment in return for the taxes wepay in our city, county, state and federal government. (3) To encourage the establishment of a first class hospital that we may get the best that there is in medical science from our doctors whom we know to be nearest to us, also to encourage a high respect of them and encourage more of our girls to take nurses training. (4) And one hundred per cent deportment of our citizens in our public or private places of business, especially on street cars . If we are to be respected we must act respectably, especially in public places where we are constantly before the public’s eye. •5« A one hundred per cent membership in the Omaha branch of the N. A. A. C. P. should be had to encourage the efforts put forth by the founders of the organization and to assist the general office to establish a five million dollar endowment fund to maintain operating expenses and to further the principles of the N. A. A. C. P. All people of all races must be educated up to a higher principle and a more thorough understanding oi inter-racial relationship that our country may in reality be a government of the people, for the people and by the people, in whole and not m part (6) The re-establishment of the Christian Religion as Chnst taught it, for the uplifting of mankind, eliminating financial and per sonal gain. A practical Christian religion, week days as well as Sunday. An attitude toward our fellowman as a brother in order to establish a prin ciple which will guide the destiny of each other’s children, our neighbor s children today are our children tomorrow. (7) Courteous treatment in all places of business and the enforce ment of the State Civil right law. (8) To encourage and assist in the establishment of the following financial institutions near 24th and Lake streets: A building and Loan association, a state bank, and, also, a first-class trust company for the purpose of administering aid and assistance to our widows ppd Ofli'dten* (9) To encourage the erection of a one f/undred thousand dollar Young Men’s Christian association building near 24th and Lake streets. (10) To enlarge the Young Women’s Christian Association that it may supply sufficient dormitory accommodations. _ '(11) To teach our citizens to live economically within their earn ing capacity by printing in each issue a budget system for various salaries. (12) * To make Omaha a better city in which to live by inaugurating a more cosmopolitan spirit among our American citizens. (13) To put a stop to the Divorce Evil by passing a state law mak ing the mistreatment of a wife or a husband by either of them a crimianl offense to be decided by a jury, first offense, jail sentence of a short dura tion, second offense one of longer duration, third offence from one to five years in the penitentiary. This, we believe, will make men and women think before marrying. . ^, (14) We must become owners of our city government by paying a seemingly higher salary to those whom we employ to administer its af fairs, a salary that will attract men of high caliber. NATIONAL (1) Fight for a passage of the Dyer Anti Lynch bill and thus stop the shameful lynching of American citizens, j (2) One of our citizens in the president's cabinet. ^ (3) Federal control of the ed ucational system that every child must have a high school education. i (4) Assist in the furtherence of recearch by our scientists and His torians to prove that civilization was first founded in Africa, (5) Establish a political influence which will bring about our pro rata of higher appointments made by our chief executives. (6) Stop graft in politics by passing a Federal Law making election day a legal holiday and compelling every American citizen of voting age to vote. (7) Prevent further wars by teaching the socalled white race that it is high time for them to quit fooling themselves about white supremacy with only three-tenths of this world's population. They must be taught that color is due to climatic conditions. They must be taught that seven tenths of the world's population is made up of darker races. They must be taught that the rays of the sun that blazes upon the equator and turn the skin brown do not effect the power of the brain any more than the coldness of icy glaciers effect the brain of the white race; and that the darker races will not continue to be crushed by a money mad fed. If the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man are not welded into the hearts of this world's famly now, by teaching the principles laid down by our Saviour, it will be welded into the hearts of our children some day, soon, on the bloodiest battlefield this world has ever known. aiOUPrLraLrPrirPn r^n fpn rpn rpn rr^n rpn rpr rF*n rr^n t-an ran rar ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran r—__