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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1937)
I—" 1 * ..... ■—r;---a--I NOTE:—Your question wI be answered FREE in this col umn ONLY when a «l pping of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTH DATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents aud a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. E. M. W.—Please tell me in the column if I will ever a boy friend to call my own? Ans: You could easily have sev eral boy friends but first you must come out of your “she'l” and meet the boys half way. They are n't going to run after a girl who seems ashamed to show her face. Get out among your friends and meet the boys. E. II.—I would like very much to know if I should depend on gradu ating in the summer of 1938? Ans; You had better or there will be plenty of “fireworks” at your home. There isn’t any reason under the sun why you can’t pass this last year’s work and you are act ing very silly by allowing yourself to get nervous. This is really your most interesting year of all. M. L. D.—Please tell mo if I am doing wrong by not giving this friend a dnte whom seems to care so much about me? Ans: No indeed. There are too many nice church going boys for you to go with without fooling away your time with this boy who A Matter of Principle Kato belonged to the W. C. T. U., the II. C. P. A. (Brooklyn Crime Prevention Association), the Welfare Board, the S. P. C. A.—in fact anything that had a high mor al principle. She was fanatical in her worship of morality. Alex should know for she bad been harp ing on various phases of it for at least nineteen years, which was the length of their married life. Alex carefully tamped rough-cut into his pipe, the solace of which was denied him inside the portals of his home because Kate disap proved of smoking. Once .she had even invaded his offict and thrown a cherished briar out of the win dow. 'Cocking his feet up on his desk and pulling strongly on his pipe, ho assumed an attitude which might have been meditation. But it wasn’t. Ijong ago he had lost the power of expression—nineteen years to bo exact. Agitation was wSiat Alex would have registered had he been capable. for ifl ever a man was caught between the frying pan and the fire it was Alex. As surely ns she su perintended everything else he did sho would in ist upon helping him with his income tax report. He was scrupulously honest and in all fairnes it was as much his idea as hers it was wrong to cheat on his taxes. And tliat one item! When she saw tliat there’d be heck (he would have liked to think "hell” only Kate didn’t approve of him even thinking in profane terms) to pay. On the other hand, if he didn't put it down it would bo cheating the government. He feared the consequences if either Kate or the officials found that he had cheated on his returns. Look what hap pened to Capone. Plenty of money and lawyers to fight but they fin ally got him! What chance would a fellow such as he have? But how in the world could those fellows check everything so close ly? Why in this one town alone there would probably be at least ten thousand who would turn in income tax reports. It seemed al most impossible that they could check into all those items for every man. Still they got Capone. Alex wondered if maybe Capone hadn’t had a wife who helped him make out his reports. Maybe, like Alex, he had been afraid to put all the items down on account of her. Well, that Capone could be a •ucker, but he wasn’t going to get himself tangled up like that. For once he was going to assert him self. His feet came off the desk. He had crossed the Rubicon and the item stayed, Kate or no Kate! At that momement he saw Kate’s mannish figure sriding down the long corridor. One hand ditched the briar inside his desk as the other hand reached for an eraser. The line which had read, "Profit from race horse wager._$4.80’’ sud denly became blank. • desires to drink and advertise he doesn’t like to attend church. Your people would object to his company ao ignore his advances. H. A. J.—There are two girls in my life and I am wondering which one I should give up as I can't tell? Ans: You are doing quite well with both *f them aren't you? They aro young as well as yourself so don't think of giving up either fri end as nothing serious is going to become of the affair anyway. K. E. G.—I am confronted with a problem. Will I be successful in getting a job that was promised me? Ans: I urge you not to take a position at this time if you can possibly do anything else. Go back to school and complete your train ing for a BUSINESS WOMAN for in this line of work you will be able to accomplish the desire you are working towards. L. W.—Am I going to he success ful taking the trip that I desire to make this fall? Ans; You will leave around the middle part of December and it will bo an enjoyable trip for you. Hold on to your job. a change would n’t help you at all. You shou*d how e\er, save a little more money than you are doing now so that you will have money to spend on your trip. L. C. C.— Will it be possible for me to get in college, this fall ns I urn very anxious to go? Ans: It wi'l lie yes ... as you will have to help out with your family at home. Go to work and make plans to enter school again next fal' wh-n your oldest brother will he throe,h with school. S. B. C.—M husband and I are se,parti i and ) c till wants to come and see mo. 1 os he mean me any good ? Ans: He would like to call the whole thing off and start living together again_but before tak ing any step you should determine whether you love your husband or your boy friend. Take your time as you don’t wish to make another mistake. Please call our office, WEbster 1517, if you change your address. When you call the moving men, call (he Omaha Guide office at (he same time. Either you or the Omaha Guide must pay Mr. Jim Farley, Post Master General 3c when you fail to call our office if you move Since January 1, 1937, somebody, through our office have paid Uncle Sammy $139.80 just because you and your neighbor did not call our I office when you called the van man. N'ow please cooperate with us in this matter. WTien you call, ask for Mrs. C. E. Reynolds, circulation manager, and wo will assure you that your change of address will be properly made at once, and you will not miss a single issue of your paper Thank you for your cooperation. C. C. Galloway, Manager -o Acres of roofing for the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposi tion will be finished with aluminum paint, to harmonize with the great San Franc isco-Oakland Bay bridge nearby. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phene WE5S56 2414 Grant St Hineman Garage 2417 N. 24th Street 24 HOUR SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kinjar Yuen Cafe 2010 •/, N. 24th St Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. BEflUTy^RomnncE^ WTiliHVaMr^imiTOITHIliBfc The Larieuse Beauty foundation was established by [ the'Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods * of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public.* ^ w. . COJIPI-.KX10N CAUB A dear, fine textured skin Is n fundamental neeesaitj for every woman seeking to make the most of her natural beamy. This lm-’ portnnt factor cannot he neglected If you hope to attain ■ lie well groomed appearance which Is so vital to women everywhere today. Don’t depend upon milk* up to cover skin blemishes which on a and should be corrected now. Medical attention should be sought for extreme cases of pim ples or acne. These limy he caused hy many different ailments i of the bodily functions and should 1 he handled very carefully because of their Infectious nature when opened. Your doctor will advise. In addition to his constitutional treatment, absolute cleanliness of the akin and constant elimination of the excretion In the pimples. A reliable antiseptic such ns alcohol should he used sfter each pimple has been opened and contents dis charged and then the entire face sponged with an anilseptlc wash— a boric acid solution will be found effective. Tips to the Teen-Age If you are In your teens and have a normal skin, soap and water nre the beauty nlds for you In addition to n lubricating cream which should be used occasionally. Don’t feel that you must have a host of ex pensive preparations on your dress ing table—a good cream and a mild soap will do nicely. I.ather the face and neck generously and rub with a complexion brush until the lather Is creamy and the skin Is cleansed and stimulated. Then rinse thoroughly In clear, moderate ly warm water ami finish off with n dozen cold rinses. Rinsing clenrs the skin of soap as well as acting as n mild astringent. Then follow with a light nppllcatlor of lubricat ing cream. This Is a simple Inex pensive beauty method and Is very effective when used regularly. Some young girls are bothered with plinplcs and blackheads. This condition Is usually the result of a disturbance of the oil glands Id the I skin. Excessive oil Is secreted, making the skin oily, which collects ths dust and grime from the air. The resultant mixture of oil and dirt clogs the pores, making It dlf flcult for the skin to rid Itself of Iti natural secretions. These gradual ly expand the pores, forming a wax like substance which !a4topped by I blackhead. Treatment for Oily Skin The treatment outlined ebon may he used with some varlatloni for the correction of oily skin ant blackheads. The water used should he as hot as Is comfortable. Tb< Soap should contain more alkali and the rinses following should t>« several hot rlnsos then graduallj colder, followed by a good astrin gent. The use of a lubrlcaMnj cream Is not recommended, al though many of the socaUed bleaching creams may he used wit I effectiveness. Women with sensitive skins suf fer constantly from the use of soa| and hard water, which makes tlielt faces dry, rough and blotched foi hours. Rain water Is a boon t« those sufferers. The alkali in tin soap Irritates many skins and « cleansing cream may be used will good result In such cases as a sub stitute for the soap and water demising. Olive oil or mineral oil will remove surface dust and make up and leave the skin smooth and clean. A slilney nose Is n handicap In business and social life. Constant application of powder nitty glvs temporary relief but It may also aggravate the condition. This con tlll ion may oftener be traced to faulty diets plus Insufficient exer cise. A regular diet which Includes raw fresh fruits, green vegetables and snlads and nvolds fried and rich foods will go far toward clear ing anil toning the skin. Resolve today that yon will Im prove and Safeguard your complex ion In the future by the most meticulous care. What nre your beauty problems! Write It* Downing, Room 607 511 1.oiu-O Street. St. Louis, Mis souri, and she will he glad to an swer them. I!e sure to enclose stumped, self addressed envelope. Records Helping Negro Bands New York, Sept. 2H (C)—Oonn:e Timmerman, who 1 brougtht Ilnrlenm to Broadway” through h:s famous "Connie’s Inn,” hot?, taken time ou to tell the public that he {J inks phonograph records ‘‘ar0 doing more to populirire colored orches tra talent than any o'her form of musical prepentnt on—stage, screen and radio included.” Speaking before an executive meeting of Ms-ter Record*, Mr. rmmerman sa d: "R d:o sponsor, are reluctant to draw upon c lored bands for flheir programs. Though everal important colored orehos 1 rns have found spo’s on sustain :ng programs, ini tances of a col ored band being engaged for a com mercial are most infrequent. Even with white hands, with few excep tions, radio has never beep partic ularly receptive to Harlem or Dixieland swing. * Tn the matter of dance orches tras, Hollywood largely takes its cue from tJe radio, but because of tho dnrf h of colored bands on the air, the films mui-t look to other sources : r :h musical talent. In the past night clubs have contribut ed more than their share of col ored talent to the screen, but now there is a growing tendency to look toward phonograph records for colored orchestras.” Tm merman mid the orchestras headed by Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, Cab Calloway and Louis Armstrong have been invited to Hollywood largely because of their work on discs. “With tfhe revival 'f public interest in phonograph recordings,” added Immerman, “there is an increased demand for !h • hot’ jazz so intimately asso eiatel with colored lowing bands. Don Redman, Frankie Newton, Chick Webb, and Biily Ilicks are old names to tfhe night club goers, but most people knew little or nothing of them until phonograph records took up their cause and introduced them to tho general public.” .'.■.•■•■.‘ Daffy Pharmacy We onoa 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery ■£ Do you Know what your future has in — ttore lor you?* Do you wont to know about ~ h nance, love, marriage, children, travel. — lucky numbers, bast traits? Have you ; ~ lores that worty you that 'no one — answer? K PROPHET COSTONIE .win tin you S how your star of destiny aMOcts ■ your, future, and how astrology, the 9 science ol reading the stars. an» r) wers your questions end personal I problem*. Do not delay, but send m me yew exact birth date at once ' ■ together with Sic (coin or stem pel ® lor a horoscope and Iniormadoa' 1 that tnay astonish you. _ ‘ FREE—My private 10.000, word Lucky Dr cans, Book will Be tnchfaeJ ^Iree U you send aJ once. f ■ v tOSTOMIt TEMPLE mt EigtJi Avenue * writ he lnHudfl ri esc*. $50,000 Are Spent By Divine on Property New Your, Sept. 22 (CNA)— About $60,000 has been spent since last spring to improve properties used by Father Divine’s Peace Missions, Ralph Meyers, the cult leader’s new attorney, asserted in an affidvat submitted this week to Justice Philip J. McGook in Su. preme Court. Such expenditures, he added, make ridiculous the charge that the properties might be abon. doned to tax sales and mortgage The prospect o£ tax sales and foreclosures was cited by William W. Lesselbaum, attorney for Ver inda Brown, a former “angel” in support of a motion for appoint ment of receivers. If the properties were allowed to run down, Lessel baum explained, it may be impos. sible for his client to collect her judgment if she is successful in an action to recover about $4,400 that she claims she invested in the Peace Missions. The defense affidavit was filed in support of a cross motion to eli minate the requirement of a pre vious court order that Father Divine post a $6,000 bond to obviate the need for a receiver. -o "A bay within a bay” will be formed by the Treasure Island site of the 1939 Golden Gate Interna tional Exposition, aking one of the finest yacht harbors in the world. — o Some 3,000 special events, from sports to opera, will te staged dur ing the 288-day run of the Golden Gate Internationl Exposition in 1939. T-- II l~l~ Guide Classified Ads . Are Money-getters What have you to rent or sell, your very closest neighbor may want it, in fact, may need it and maybe getting ready to go out scouting trying, to find that which : is in your way. THE OMAHA GUIDE classified adverisement moves things. Try it! If you have anything to rent or sell. Let be a roem rug, ice box, just call WE 1617, give the office girl s two line classified advertisement and watch it- We get hundreds of calls daily for apartments and rooms you are not using. Remember the phone number. Just call WEBSTER 1617 Tell the office girl what you have to sell or rent and she will write your ad for you or if you prefer, you write your own copy. We say ngain GIVE US A RING. CALL WEBSTER 1617 and our lightning street get-away bicycle boys will pick your copy up in time for the current issue. Don’t forget the pkone number, WEBSTER 1617. '.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.W.W.V. CHAMPION Always Leads Track Odds Show Parlays CHAMPION CIGAR STORE 2047 No. 24th St JA 4777 VWWWVWdVWWVAVAW 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRV ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St ___WE 1029 —ssaemk ■■ ■■ III " Tunm*' ^ " Y ■■■■■■■■—wmmiZZr l > • - - ^ - — - - -.- -- You cun easily afford to own a new GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR I • , tor Enduring Economy Own the best—it costs no more. Choose a new , General Electric Triple-Thrift Refrigerator and you now save three ways-on price, on current and on upkeep. G-E's automatic Thrift Unit will produce all the ice cubes, all the fast-frozen desserts, all the cold storage you will want. And remember this champion cold-maker operates just as economically after years of service as when brand new. i Big Roomy Cabinets Have Advanced Features of Convenience and Economy Faster freezing speeds. Easy-out ice cube trays. Full width sliding shelves—even the top shelf slides. Thermometer. Interior light. Stain less steel super-freezer. Temperature control and defroster. Matched food containers. * Automatic G-E THRIFT UNIT Sedled-in-Steel in All Models \ THE "FIRST CHOICE" OF. tj ALL REFRIGERATORS | j NOW COSTS LESS TO ^jU^N^^WNj Raising tn6 ramlly- Ahyway a compromise naves a lot of argumentf ^ PLshe? ’{-5 » Si-’tsS h" c>u>n U. __...__ r -- I „_*-- ■■ --JL ■' ...■■■■ ■ ' ■ - )fatPSR-S PICTORE wilU f uMift*- g'va( AW KXTS! f . /»*'■'■ THE ONcy ^ C SURE, THAT S A mamc. in we Moir J I «ttrav s>rurF Ju£r ^ same \ we can oo ) \faiu enguc-h TOoH.MeKr, i^ROi-OMAH HEA1NT€CNNA is To compromise LErs li?£EArl ^ HANfc’INTHE (.» I SPOSE -' 'COMPROMISE'. even PQ parlor, he ) J0L' I I