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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1937)
SOCIAL - CLUBS AFFAIRS ORGANIZATIONS SUPREME CHANCELLOR S. A. T, WATKINS Pnominent Chicago attorney and Supreme Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, who has Just completed visitations in 21 states, covered 15,000 miles in a nation-wide membership drive He reports a widespread reviv al of inteprst in fraternalism. Mrs. Mary Kerin of 26th and Biondo is confinid to her homo be cause of illness. -o Robert Johnson, 2004 No. 27th street, is starting a stable of ama teur boxers. He now has six boys, all of Omaha _A__ Eugene Skinner, one of our fore most young track stars is home after finishing his course of study at Iowa university. -o Mr. C. F. Williams, proprietor of the W W. Rug Cleaning Co. of Sioux City, la., and h s son Mr. A1 Williams, spent the past week end in the city. -o friends would 1 ke to inform little Paul Jones, wiho ran away from home the middle of June of the death of his only sister, Mrs. Rosie Mae Evans. -o Mrs. Rosie May Evans, 2526 Charles street died at the County hospital. She is survived by a hus band, father, two children and a brother. -o-— Mr an Mrs. W. M. Taylor, 2515 Wirt street, has as house guest, Mrs. Maggie Osby and Mrs. Pearl Ferguson, of Evergreen, Ala., Mrs. Ferguson is the sister of Mrs Taylor. -o Mrs. Pete Lindley and Mrs. Anna Lee Johnson, entertained their niece, Mrs. Floyd Penick of De troit, Mich., at a breakfast at Elm vood park, Sunday morning. Those present were the Misses Lorraine Fletcher, and C'destine Smith, Mr-and Mrs. J'. B. Crum biey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Owen and Messrs Mose Ransom, Pannick and Charles Dickerson. -o Mrs. Beatrice Turner was the house guest of her sister, Mrs. E. L. Dudley, 2624 No. 26th street. I ric* •yo' hei^ Visit Ito Omaha, she visited her son in Sandusky, Ohio, and another son in Columbus, Ohio, then visited in Helena, Ark. Mrs. Turner deported Thursday morning for her home in Denver, Colo. -■. n The Mary Mahonney Graduate Nurses club met at the YWCA, July 30th at 6 p. m. Guest at the meeting were the Negro Social Workers of the city. The club pre sented a plan for a Negro Health camp to the Social Workers. This organizations sent Clarence Harris to the Carter Lake Day camp dur ing tiie month of July.Mrs. Evelyn Evans- Murray, President, and Al berta Gary, secretary. •-o The Silver Leaf club entertained at a party at the homo of Mrs. Winifred James, 2432 Franklin street, July 31st. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer White, Mr. end Mrs. Pumus, Mrs. Edna Moore, Mrs. Lillie Ross, Dora Buford, Myrtle Chambers, Leona Allen, I.aura Ashby, Rene Jackcon, Lelia Mecham, Miss Ann Stephens, Mrs. Anna B. Woodridge, Mrs. Minnie Bums, Lloyd Shipman, Buford Shipman, Clifford Lawson, Jfclhn Pitts, Earl Jones, Mingo Parnell, Thomas Douglas, Curtis Thurman. ' Mrs. Terrell Returns From Eastern Tour Mrs. Florence Terrell, wife o. Dr. Price Terrell, and daughters Etlhel and Jean, returned Fr’day morning, from their eastern tou" Mrs. Terrell was lavishly entw tained by many fomer Omahans and friends while storping in Chi cago and New York. -o-- — CALIFORNIA VISITOR Miss Ruth Enn's of Ix>s Angel's, Calif., was the house guest of Mrs. Ester Hicks. Mrs. Ennis is the wife of Dr. Charles Ennis, who was a former resklent of Omaha, having been graduated from Central high srthool nnd Creighton university. Mrs. Hicks entertained the vi sitor at an elaborate luncheon, nf terwhich they motored around the city and visited tibe places where Dr. Ennis had attended school. Mrs. Ennis departed this week for Den ver, Colo., where she will visit re latives before returning to Los .An - geles to join her (husband on his vacation in the mountains. -o DFM Eh ‘Y’ SECRETARY HERE I ~~ ~ * | Mr. Leon W. Steward, executive secretary of the Denver YMCA, and hs wife spent Saturday evening and night in Omaha, enroufe from Chicago and Wisconsin to Denver, sin. Mr. Stewart is a member and | tions and YMCA camp in Wisccon Mr. Stewards, a member and j ‘ Guide Right Chairman” of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and his wife j were the dinner guests of Attorney j nnd Mrs. Ralph Adams, and lodged ! wtih Mrs. Martha Smith-Carter as j guests of the fraternity. Mr. Ste- , ward spoke briefly to members of the local chapter concerning pro per youth guidance tact’es. -o Miss Sula Mae Williams of Port land, Ore., has Lein Ihe house guest of Miss Dorothy Scott, 2811 Maple street. Miss Williams been attend ing school in Chicago. She depart ed Sunday n g’xt for her home. -o Mi. and Mrs. Arthur Justus, 2911 No. 28'ih sir -t, motored to Wit chita, Kas While there, they will attend the conference of the M. E. church. -o Miss Helen Childs, 2909 No. 28th former sleongrapher for the John Henry Lewis Fight Promotion Syn dicate, is now in the employ of the Omaha Guide, as stenographer. -o Mrs. Solomon S. Woods and daughter, Dorothy, 2323 No. 27th avenue, are visiting in Portland, Oregon. -■ o — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, 2403 No. 28th avenue, celebrated their 12th anniversary, Jtuly 23rd, with an outing on a fishing trip. -o Mrs. Cecelia Jewell is confined to her home under the care of a physician, because of a recent heart attack. ; •-o Mrs. Lyda Pattan, 2314 No. 22nd street, is convelescing after having undergone an operation. - - -*■_ Mrs. Susy Yancy has returned from St. Paul where she spent her vncation. FORSAKE Hark, there's a Kooin singing in the old elm. Come out and hear him and see my six room, cosy, niodern house. Oak finish throughout with full cement basement that I will sell cheap. For price. Call— • E. M. DAVIS Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 Men’s Dress Shirls 13y2 to 20 $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open until 9 Sat. evening’s ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnam I __® 1QZ7 IMTIIIWATIOKAL ITTOBO PRBE3 ^_ M< LANE Stay in the shade witlh a largo irimmed hat. The large hat car ies with it perfect accompaniment or your bright summer pr'nta. This :enr the trend seems to be—the ligger—the better. Crowns, or no crowns, tihere is ust something about these lovely tun shades that is distinctively 'tminine. -o Dr. Wesley .flmes left Tuesday morning for Norfolk, Nebr. Dr. Jones is president of the local jraneh o the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. -O . -- Miss Fredia J. Stewart and Mr. Jdhnny Williams were united in marriage, July 31st, by Rev. T. M Harris. VI• at d Mrs. Stewart will reside at 5020 No. 19th street. -o Announcement of the marriage of Mr. Maurice Corbett, of Omah i to Miss Ella Saunders of Des Moin os, la. The nupt'al vows w re taker Wednesday, ..'lu’y 29th, with th( Rev. R Adams offin'ating. The newlyweds will live in Omaha. Pastor A. I>. Humphrey left foi St. Louis last Wednesday night and while there, his marriage t< Miss Alice Almina Parker, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George U Cloud was solemnized at the bride’s home on Thursday evening, July 22nd. On their return to Omaha Sunday morning, pastor an the charming Mrs. Humphrey were greeted at the station by friends who escorted them to their home for breakfast. A reception was giv en by the S. D. A. church at thi George Anderson’s home, on Sat urelay evening. The newlyweds re side at 2219 Ohio strtet. AMERICAN WIENER SHOI 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHILI AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWIfHEi Ice cold beer to complete the meal V.W.WVAW.WAWAV BOOST JOE LOUIS Wear a Joe Ixmu button now oi sale at your local drug store. WVAV.W.WAW.VAV The Pick-Up flub, met at the Ihome of Mrs. B. King, 2211 (lark street. -o Autumn Leaf club met Monday at the home of Mrs. Lottie Keys, 2217 No. 25tih street. -o W!,;rtr Workers club will meet at the home of Mother Edwards. 11M4 No. 22nd street, Thursdty. -o i Mrs. Sarah Stevens of Chicago. III., left Sunday evening, after an enjoyable visit with her sister and brotS’er-in-law’, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones, 2512 Corby street. Also vi siting Mr. and Mrs. Jones, was Miss Lillie Clay, of Kansas City, Mo ■ Many social courtesies were given ' in their honor. E & E LUCH ROOM TO MOVE The Litt'e Diner, 24th and Grant coming little lunch room will move to a new location, 2314 No. 24 th stieet witlh all new fixtures and newly decorated. Mrs. Ennis and daughter, pro prietors, says, “Because of busi ncs reasons, we are forced to m rve in larger quarters to take care of our increasing trade and demand for service, for which wc are *hank i ful to our many cu'dormers and fiiends for their support.” Mrs. Ennis also says that she will be in a better position to take care of her increasing business with her home cooked meals. TRADE AT TUGHMAN’S Food Stores, Inc. * BUTTERNUT COFFEE . ■ 1-lb can 80c 2-lb oan 59c WE 0402 24th & LAKE FREE DELIVERY “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men’s Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRV 4Nn ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 o Miss Addie Mae Holmes, 2819 No. 27th street, is confined to bed because of illness. Miss Pearl Winston, 2720 Corby street, has returned from St. Jjseph, Mo-, where she spent her vocation. -o Mrs. Johnson, 2617 Parker re ports having an Easter Lily in full bloom. This is the second time this year that the flower has been in bloom, whiefh is very unsual, and has three large blossoms. *-0 ! John Capelton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Capelton, 1814 No. 28th street, is confined to his home with an eye injury. He was injured when small boys playing witlh rub ber guns accidently struck in his eye. -o Although he is entitled to one every year, Ezra Cap lton, 1814 No. 28th street, after working for the Griffin Wheel Co., of Council Bluffs, la., for 18 years took his first vacation this year when he motored to Alabama. —— — . Bargains in Homes 2018 Grace Street, 5 rooms mo dern except heat. Price, $750. Cash, $75. Bal. per month $10. 959 No. 25th Ave., 5 rooms modern except heat. Price, $1,100. Cash, $110. Bal. per month $13.50. 1418 No. 25th Street, 6 rooms modern—Price $1,350 Cash. $135. Balance per month $14.50. 1124 No. 26th St., 6 rooms modern exceept heat. Price, $1,000. Cash, $100. Balance, $12.50 per month. All monthly payments above in clude taxes and interest. E. M DAVIS 1 Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 Be A Booster When our solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show YOUR interest in your LOCA.L PAPER, THE OMAHA GUIDE, by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscrip’ion for 12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month. When yotr BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boosting Omaha, xnd are enabling us bo give employment to more of our own boys and girls. “SO COME OIT, BE A BOOSTER." • Beautifully appointed and completely air-conditioned. • Adjustable, reclining seats, a Wide windows with Vene tian blind shades. • Lights are dimmed at night for sleeping. • Spacious lounge and wash rooms for men and women. • No charge for pillows, soap, towels or drinking cups. "A Set\ur Irtililutioit” Daily between little rqek find ALEXANDRIA An innovation in low-cost travel comfort and convenience for Mis souri Pacific colored patrons. A de luxe, air-conditioned coach with an attractive lunch refreshment counter. Appetizing meals served at counter or on trays at vour scats. Breakfast—25c, luncheon— 30c. dinner—-35c. Grill coach is now in daily service. Sou'hbound leaves Little Rock 5:35 pm; north bound leaves Alexandria 3:20 am See nearest Missouri Pacific rep resentative for complete details P. J. NEFF . Ass't. Chief Traffic Officer 1501 Missouri Pacific Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. 102 —--I EVERY HOME CAN NOW jAFFOROAj-t ^gas? I The Sensational New G-E Triple-Thrift Refrigerator is One of the Thriftiest Investments Any House hold Can Make. It Will Last for Years and Save Money Every Month. No need to put up with incon venient, inadequate and expen sive refrigeration service another summer. Now the famed G-E Refrigerator is priced within reach of every income. This "first : choice” refrigerator, that always cost less to own now costs less than ever to buy and to operate. You save three ways—on price, op current, and on upkeep. ■ Convenient, Easy Terms