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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1937)
SOCIAL C » • , CLUBS AFFAIRS 'O-O-C-i-e-t-y ^ ORGANIZATIONS I_ _____ _ Mrs. Clara Davis of Pocotclln. Idaho spent the week end in Omaha visiting n nephew,James A. Bythwood and family. . -—- - Mrs. (Jer.rude Jackson I(c»b bins and son, (hirtis Jaekson of 222(» Seward street have r turned from a months vacation to Evergreen, Ala,, where , hey visited Mrs. Robbia's filth r aad rein,t lives. Jimmie Byth ood. i > ' ily, Mrs, Ida, May Bvthv/t t, daughter, Bellevery J- •», I' tbwood and Mrs. M Mide Cheese* botirough all motored to M i phis, Term,, to vi if Mr aril Mrs, C, II. Wlii field a,ml fri ends. --o ,0h Brothar, "Don’t yon want to save a dime?" Get your 'ick-, et on time to th - is n'g great-j os\ Carnival Barn Dance, on or before Sat., July 24, 10 P. M.j Mr. ami Mrs. I . C Harris have just returned from tlieir vacation where they enjoyed a wonderful week of fishing on Lake Victoria, Alexandria, Minn,, one of the finest summer resorts in the state. They were accompanied by Mr O. Wathem, Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison, and Mr. S. (Joosbe, -u— RAB**T OTRT,fS Omaha's famous colored girls afters two weeks ,our of West ern Nebraska and Wvominc journeyed wi,t,h about fifty oth ers to Shenandoah. la., where they easily drfea ed the white girls of Shenandoah. 15-5, be fore the largest crowd of the season. They will leave Thu-s day for Holstein, Wilcox, Nor h Platte and Areaden, and will return Tuesday .1 ul\ 21. These Kirs will enter the Iowa State Tournament and will have th ■ honor of being the first colored girls to ever play in Iowa, in the state tournament. -c-. Everybody’s Going! WHEREt To the big Carnival Dance featirring Anna Mae Win burn and her Swing Band on Mon., July 26, a.t, the beautiful Dreamland hall. The Itaeehanite Bovr will he on hand to see that everybody bus fun. ■— Q The Friendly 10 Bridge Club The Friendly Hi Bridge elub gave their annual pienie, July lLth, at Elks Valley Park, four miles west of Elk City. The park was an ideal spot with its magnificient woods, and the sparkling water of the Elkhorn river made it the coolest spot one could wish on a hot July day. There was a crowd of about one hundred and .thirty people. Many games of differ ent entertainments were had. The lunch was served buffet style. Beer .a, ndhot dogs were also served later in the evening. Everybody enjoyed themselves. All left the grounds about 7:30 p. m. ■-o for sale Ilark, there's a Robin singing in the old elm. Como out and hear him and see ray six room, cosy, njfodern house. Oak finish throughout with full cement, basement that I Jwil! gelt cheap. For price. fc11" Mrs. Mggie Aiisbev of Ever ; green, Ala., is visitin her sD ter, Mrs. M E. Matthews 240' No, 2flt,h K.. Mrs. Annie Ker ru son also of Evergreen, Ala., r visiting relatives in Omaha. The Bible vacation sehoo I opened Monday, duly 12 li ni '/Aon Baptist church, We wit he glad for all parents to sene their children to the Bihli school who are eligible. A* e up to 12 years. Mr. and Mrs. Neely of tilt)' Corby street enter.ained t ■ ! '"•/,i at dinner Katun! v i" honor of Mr, and Mrs. I’, d. Perr ins. Mrs, (’art i Don ■! s Miss Lamb and Ban >hery, for merly of Omaha, hut umv o Kansas City, Kns., Miss Luna McDonald, and Mr. Willis Pur ,*cr. The Baechani e Club’s Curni \!\l Dance tickets are on sale at the following places of busine,s’ Robbins Drug Store 24th and Grant K.. 'luxedo Billiard Parlor 24th and Grant K s. George Lewis Chicken lint Council Bluffs General Admission 50c. Before, you can save a dime, if you buy a .ticket on time. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Woodard and Mrs. Eena Cold's of Minneapolis, Minn, drove through .to spend .July 4th with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richards, of22J0 Ohio hio street and two sisters, Miss es Mamie and Eenora Riphnrd of 22" 1 ! e street. T1 ’ i ais i i-cess.'’llI meet in of .(fie '4 a • i ('deration of Col ored Nidiiim'., club was hel > i Lincoln last week with t>r> nual election of off» ers. T’t public reception was held Mo day light with the fo>> hostesses: Misses Emetine 1 and Evelyn Edwards. The col or scheme for decorat ion v a red, yellow and green, id summer flowers were u i add at,trac\iou to the decora (ions. The serving was done in buffet style. Tuesday evening the committee me,I, the County Commissioners on important business matters, concerning C c j lJavis-Xursing-lioine on Vine Js.reet. Eater in the afternoon (the election,of officers was h id. The results were: Essie Har ris, Stute President; Rose Adair vice president; Mrs. Jessie Ec lnnd, secretary; Mrs. Audry Stewart, corresponding secre tary; MrS. Mary Jackson, trea surer; Rev. Mrs. Truxin, board of trustees; Mrs. Lenora Gray chairman; Rev. O. J. Burek hardt, llarry Lelland, Harry Bradley and T. McWilfiams. The financial committee made their report. A spirit of coop eration prevailed throughout the meeting. I made 1 my skin jj shades | lighter! j And now you, too, can have the joy of a fighter, Clearer #kin—free from fn-dde?, pimple.-s, blttckhcsdlargo per- , blotch. Tcadfiht tit bedtime just smooth on Nmli nola Bleach;;.- Cream—no.managing, no rubbing. While you deep it actually dis te us dark pigment — for Nau-ncila i fozHk-acUng. That's why it gets n alt where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST <“'ct Nadinola today at any toi at nun *et counter or by mail postpaid, Dorothea M» Lane I© 1MV it -, >a Formal Dross r.cq ■-.t.ju? Dame Fashion Inis arrang ed the styles so that you can he cool, comfor.ahle, look chic, and still be formal., j Vaporous sheers with swirl ing skirts suave chiffons— bright colors, a ire leading. On the left is a black organ'll ■’ dress with hem-line flounces of layers of peach colored organ die. The o her is a lull s’ irted period frock of mousseline de soie with wide borders of black or contrasting lace, which also makes the jacket. Eat spring chicken until ba con comes down, 20c a lb. Sug ar-sweet modems, ice cold 2Vaa a lb. Ilarding solid packed ice cream—pint 15c, quart 25c. At ! Carey's Grocery Store 27th and | Grant Sts. WE. 6089. Open Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, 5622 So. 32nd stree, annoum e 1 th engagement of their daughter. Althea Franklin ,o Warren Al ston, jr. The win will t 'he place Suudaw evening An us 8th, at Allan Chaped church.. 'at 8 o’clock. I ' -o —_. | Every body’s v»oiag! i WIlKliKT To the big Cnrnivi I jlXmce featuring Anna Mae Win I burn and her Swing Hand on IMou., July 26, at, the beautiful 'Dreamland hall. The Hneehanite jlloys will be on hand o see that j everybody has fun. AVyW.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.VbSN Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery ,v.\v,v.v.v.v.v.v.,.v.,.v. 1 AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST C1I1LI AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES Ice cold beer to oomplete the meal VW.V.WAW.W.W.V.V.V BOOST JOE LOUIS | Wear'n Joe I.ouis button now on jsala at your local drug store. '.V.W.V.V.WAV.VAW.W DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Mrs. Lenora Gray, 2429 Par ker street left, this week for Kansas City on business. She will he away for eight or ten days. -o Sin: ! S - int?! Dance! ' a t f wi , and Dance C *t tra \ il’ oe in town soon featuii ; ia Mae Winburn, tlio Mid-we s most popular en tertainer. --<> A Carnival will he given on he I wo of Clair Chanel AMM ehurch, 22nd and Miami s'-e ■ July 19th to 24th. Lo s of frn for everyone. Sponsored by group lenders. Mrs. C, M l’a> i o r and < ’ll tries R. Tri id) • | DOLGOFF HARD WAKE Paint. Class uud Varnish e do glaring and make window shades to order 822 24 N. 21 WE 1GQ7 CliOF 81 K\ \ (iiru <t ii iimi t iiiiu>f Kin«r Yuen Calc ' D) ■ * A till At. Juksuti 857k Opt'ii from 1 |i. in. until 3 a. m. Miss Bernice (Iriee left Sat urday morning for Chcago where she will spend several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Karl Smith. A farewell party was given her by the Los Canhores, at her home Friday evening. j -o | ,Oh Brother, ‘' Don’t you want to save a dime?” Get your tick i et on time to the seascn’s great est. Carnival Barn Dance, on or before Sat., July 24, 10 P. M. A big birthday party was given Saturday afternoon duly 3rd, in honor of Little Katie Mae Billingsley on her ienth birthday by Mrs. Nellie Brad shaw, 3720 Creighton Blvd. over thirty guests were pre sent. Being an outdoor affair, a long table was beautifully de corated with lovely mixed sum mer flowers, with all appropri ate fancies. Delightful refresh ments were served and many useful gifts were reoived. Was Katie ever excited? Carnes were played and all posed f a snapshot. Everyone enjoyed a happy afternoon. Many 1 hanks to Mrs. Bradshaw. -o DO YOU WANT A JOB? Phone Ma. 37G4 and cur mana ger will call at your home. Good Money Steady Week Short Hours Bargains in Homes 2801 No. 24th St-, 6 rooms all mo | dern. Full cement basement. I Price, $1,900. Cash, $300. Balance ' $22 per month. 2803 No. 24th St., 6 rooms all mo j dern. Price, $1,000. Cash, $300. Balance, $20 per month. 1124 No. 26lh St., 6 rooms modern except heat. Price. $1,050. Cash, $105, Balance, $10.50 per month 2421 Decatur St. 0 rooms all mo- j dern. Price $2,300. Cash, $400. Balance per month, $22. (This house is subject to owner's ap- . proval.) All monthly payments above in clude taxes and interest. % E. M DAVIS Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24tk St. WE 1166 iWlViViV/j'/iWi11 !;: COFFEE JOHN’S «. *: m so. i4th st. *: •J Biggest 10c Meals in Cit} dj £ Everybody Welcomt ii • 4»a«.*aHaaa*a«. * ■ ■ m ■ *aa»« i | Hayden’s j Entrance*! 16th, Douglas and Dodge Streets The "Fcshhn cf the Hour” Print Frosb , in White ani ^ rs & Gay prints ... in vivid profusion on coo3, frosty-Iackmg white or pastel grounds! They'ra mid summer’s "must have" for every j smart wardrobe . . . and Hay* * 1 den's Casement presents them in coo! cottons rt WASH ABLE rayons ... "b idget find" price! — Bargains in Homes 1418 No. 25th Street, ti rooms modern—Price $1,350 Cash, $135. Balance per month. $14.50. 3009 Lutadsay Ave.. 3 rooms part mod. Price, $900. Cash, 90. Bal. Per month, $8.25 2018 Grace Street, 5 rooms mo dern except heat. Price, $750. Cash, $75. Bal. per month $10.50. 2021 Burdette St., 4 rooms part1 modern. Price, $900.,Cash, $90 Balance per mon.h $9,25. 2533 Binuey St., 6 rooms part modern. Price, $1,000. Cash. $100. Balance per mo. $10,00 959 No. 25th Ave., 5 rooms! modern except heat., $1,100. Cash, $110. Bal. per j month $13.50. E. M. DAVIS Licensed Real Estate Broker - ; ' ). 24 ! WE 1 CG j Louis Larsen Garage j j For ser'ice and number one j I repair work Catteries and Tires j Come to Louis Larsen's Garage j 3014 No. 24th S*. JA 9220 j SPECIAL Shampoo ... 25c EJroquignole marcel.™.25c Press__ 25c ALT II OUSE BEAUTY SCHOOL ?.422 N 22nd St. WE 0S46 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■»■■■■ ■ i mm i ■ ■ T , , , , ■ For Quick Sale 5 rooms all modern in the heart of the business district near 24th and Lake streets. Newly decorated and painted. Price, $2,750. Cash $500. Payments to suit. Call AT 9826 or for further information call at Guide office, ask for C. C. Galloway. rOLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 2934N. 24th Ja 9999 Magazines -ALL KIN a>S (RITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2033 North 24th St. ifaceifasiiis Champion Cigar Store 2047 No. 24th S*l JA 4777 Harlem Cigar Store 1614 No. 24th S\ WE 5595 Babes Buffet 2229 Lake St. AT 7527 iaV,1 ■«•■■■■» ■ ■■ with a FtiUDERH ELECTRIC FAN! Keep every room in your home cool and refreshing with modern Electric Fans. When temperatures soar upward, let Omaha's cheap Electricity bring relief! Three or four fans cost so little, you can easily afford to beat the heat • • , ELECTRICALLY! With heat waves on their way, don't wait another day! Buy your Electric Fans NOW I SEE YOUR DEALER , OR NEBRASKA pnwrp PflMPANY