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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1937)
NOTE:—Your question w! unin ONLY when a if ppm; of i QUESTION, YOUR FULL NA ADDRESS, l or PRIVATE RI h self-addressed, stamped cnv* READING and reecho by ret THREE QUESTIONS. Send nl The Omaha Guide, 2118 Grant C. W. I)—Thank you if you an awer my question in the column Tell me about when and how will I yet my plate in operation ? Ans: It. will take yon at leaM six more months to save enough money to begin operating this business Rut once you are started it will only be a matter of a few months before you nre on your feet and doing well. Save every cent you can. M. L. W—Just what does my husband intend to do about me and the baby? Docs he care anything for us? Ans: At this particular time h" doesn’t know whether he loves any one or not. He is just infatuated with love and the prettiest face he sees is the one that gets his atten tions. Dear the burden yourself for a while or until he decides to act a men and come bark and if not then get a divorce. J. W. W.—Tell me if my wife ia in love: with the tall dark skinned man that J have in mind? Ans; How absurd she isn’t In love with this party nor does she give him n second thought. Your wife LOVES YOU hut your constant fits of jealousy and sus picion are about to wear her nerves on edge. De a little more AFFEC TIONATE and a little less SUS PICIOUS. *~m * _ M. C. L-—I would like for you to tell me if you think that I am going to make a trip this summer? I don’t want to be disappointed? Ans: 'i am afraid there won’t be any trip for you unless some very unexpected money comes into your hands. I do think that you w'll see your FATHER before the end of this year and this is quite an important event for you to look forward to. C. R. Does the boy that I love care anything far me nnd is he liv ing true to me? Ana: Sure he cares for you nnd does not go with any other girl . This s only a TEMPORARY FEELING AS YOU BOTH ARE GOING TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE that will mean more to you and it will be several years before either of you innrry. I. H.—Will I ever get enough money ahead to buy me a home and if so about how soon? ... Ans: You are bargaining for no small proposition and it takes time and a good job also to bring this dream. By careful spending nnd saving these next five years you should be in tt position to pur chase a small place of your own M. A. M.—I am going around with a boy and I want to know if ho is going to marry me-as he pre tends ? Ans: Don't depend on it for he ia playing around with another girl telling her about the same things that he tells you. Let any thing he says go in one ear aiui out the other as it won’t mean much more to you than if you never heard it in the first place. I foe in"-#cred FREE In th!s col li i« column L-s enclosed with YOUR VIE, BIKTNDATE and CORRECT FLY send twenty-five o •• d lope for my NEW ASTRGD GY irn mail my FREE ADVICE on I letters to Abbe Wallace, care of Strict, Omaha, Nebraska. ■ E. C. C.—Will the l>oy I am en gaged to marry d< cidu on an early j ! marriage ? A ns: If lie had his way he would; have lied the marriage lake place) some time ago hut it is you; !who seems to be ho'ding up th,- I pr.rado by not getting a DIVORCE; I from your first husband. Go ahead! with this divorce as this boy will ! get tired of waiting. I .... -- I'. S, Will I make the trip and ! is it wise to go? Aits: (Jo if you like hut I don't thing it will be very pleasant for jou. If you desire a private reply you mentioned in your letter then send a quarter for same and I will give you free opinions on 3 questions privately. . Mrs. Mahammitt’s . . School of Cookery . j — Post's White Cake | 6 T. Rutter H e. Granulated Sugar 14 c. Pulverized Sugar 114 c. flour 14 c. cold water 1 Heaping t. Baking Powder 8 Egg Whiles Vi Heaping c. English Walnut Meats Crenm together 2 cups of sugar and (5 T. of butter. When very light, add % cup of flour, then 14 cup cold water with‘l heaping teaspoon of baking powder stirred in. Then add % cup of flour alternately with whites of 3 eggs beaten stiff. Add heaping cup of floured English Walnut meats. Bake in moderate oven at 360 degrees F. Melba Mold 1 quart of vanilla ice cream 1 can of Red Raspberries or < l pt. of fresh Itaspbcrrica 1 can of peach halves . 1 T. Cornstarch H Lemon I Melba Sam <■ Pu. 1 can r4 raspberries with 'j cuo of \vn r and juice of one- j half lemon. I ■ t come to a boil and | thicken with 1 T. cornstarch- Strain j through cheese cloth. Pile ice cream j in the .center id plate and lay the j peach halves in bottom of ice cream. Use 2T. of tne metba sauce over the ice cream. Pass the res! ! of the sauce. The ice cream can tv piled on a thick slice of angel food i or sponge cake. — Food for the <!ods 1 pound English Walnuts pound dates 2 cups Sugar 1 Tablespoon of rolled erncker I L fs tj| •< y 'j.c. * ■» - 4 H-'Jk > .AT -'»t 3 £a '• .4 Vw1#' - . * • . V „ : * • - 4 Imm i i r - ‘ HINEMAN’S GARAGE We always fry to please you. Our prices are, low and our work is guaranteed, feneral Repairing—Greasing— Car Washing—A No. 1 Wax Job—Battery Charging. 2417 North 24th Street JAckson 9269 For GOOD RELIEF of constipation use a GOOD LAXATIVE rjONSTIPATION is not to be trifled with. When you need a laxative, you need a good one. Black-Draught is purely vegetable, reliable. It does not upset the stom ach but acts on the lower bower, relieving constipation. Black-Draught la made of clean plant leaves and roots (finely powdered), not so very different, when you come to think about it, from the vegetables you eat at every meal This reliable laxative Is the stand-by for con stipation In thousands of homes. Sold In sealed cardboard containers, like the picture at the left. About 25 doses In each 25-cent package. iBMP—aiM—■—a "" The Ladens* Beauty Foundation was established by the Codsfroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of pi serving woman's natural beauty, C-. and to make the results of this research available to the public. DAILY D'L'FN FOR SUMMER APPEARANCE White shoes. While (lieSSOS and bright summer coho's are In the fashion Kpei-l rtitn now Not even the northern most reahleins of our country are Mill confined pi the somber tines of winter, In Dixie, of course, the Dills of summer have brightened I no scene for several Weeks. But how about you? Have you brightened up yourself? Have you given yourself your spring Itouse cleitnlng? There Is probably no time more than In summer when n parson con tie lit her best—or at her worst. Arid the nice thing about It Is. the difference Is up to our selves to determine. 11 OUT INK A simple routine Is the answer to most of onr grooming problems, n,s has I. pointed out repeatedly In this i-oh mu llahlt governa so many of our net Ions. Why then not make our grooming routine a part of our dally habits. me suggest n "dally dozen" for the benefit of your appearance and your comfort during the summer mouths. 1. lilso after eight hours sleep. A cooling bath, tub or shower. 2. Brisk rub with course towel. 3. Sprinkling of dusting powder. 4. Brisk work-out for the hair nod nn oiT-the-fare hair-dress. 6. Include yottr usual powder base. fl. Pat cold cream, or eye cream, around your eyes to prevent "sum mer-wrinkles.” 7. Apply cosmetics, to your usual taste—but you’ll find It preferable to use less cosmetics in summer than In winter. 8. Dress In bright, light, com fortable clothing. Sandals, If you hnve them. You’re ready for the morning! 9. Lunch time I Remove all make up and start over again. Cold cream your face. A dash of cold water. Then cosmetics und you’re set for the nfternoon. 10. Home ngaln. Get comfortable, whatever you do. Then, before go ing out for the evening, by all means, another cooling shower or tub. Take fifteen minutes for re laxation, Just loaf. 11. A change of clothing and out Into the evening air. Try to locate a breeze and stay In It. 12. And just In-fore you go to bet), n warm bnili. I’m serious. This will help you get that oil-important reisl fill steep. How do yon feel? Cooler al ready I That scheme of things cun be Ui into almost ev’fer) body's day. CREAMS IMPORTANT ; You don’t like the Idea of the creams! Now let me explain why they are Important for every worn an. In summer even more thnn In winter. Rummer heat and dryness has a ruinous elTect on the skin, ns well as on tile hair (Ree my next column). It dries it out. Dry ness cnusep wrinkles, so to prevent summer's roll, think ahead and use/ the creams. They nre really not so uncomfortable; they only sound that way. Moreover a good powder base Is especially Important In sum mer for appearance's sake nlone. Rome women tell me that they like to forget all cosmetics In the summer. They are sticky, they con tend. They make one feel hotter. 1 can sympathize with the woman who feels that way, but I cannot sympathize with her If she lets It get the best of her. She will be very, very sorry if she llnds her< skin dry and wrinkle-marked at the end of the summer, a condition that makes her look older than she really Is. NO EXCUSES, NOW I will admit that It Is n chore to do anything consistently In the summer Wo nre prone to sit nnd let the world go by. I’ve been guilty of that myself. But the above is n simple routine that should be a help to you In keeping both com fortable nnd at tops In nppenmnce. Inconvenience or summer laziness is no excuse for careless appear nnce, nnd there Is no other alibi. The writer, Mark Twnln, you re member said thnt ’’Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody seems to do anything about It." As a result, we all have to face the same conditions. You are no worse off than other women, but you will be the envy of them If you meet summer conditions more Intelligent ly than they. I hope you And my suggestions helpful Here’s to an air conditioned sum mer. crumbs 1 2 teaspoons baking powder 0 Eggs beaten light Cut dates fine, chop nuts, add racker crumbs, mix with sugar, j \dd baking powder, and last the six whites of eggs beaten stiff, lake in moderate oven a half hour. Serve with whipped cream. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? r HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU RegnrdU: SR of wliat your Mould* may he you can Until lb* world in tU* face. Solve #*J1 problem*, «et vt.iMyou win! *rt<ff«nr no m.»»* tirennulanici. Ym»r H*ppin*.»i and Sar. i*> dtnnml tbnt you print youv nani« dearly • mi it to REV, ('HAS. P. COl rie.KT WIOWLS AVE. UKiKUIT MC M [ 4 j HERMAN’S i 1 4 MARKET ! | « I HERMAN FRIEDLANDER j Proprietor “EAT FI.El SCII MANN'S | YEAST FOR HEALTH * 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 RESCUES TWO Camden, Ark., June 24 (ANP)— After falling in*o the river, Otto Mitchell and Hill Johnson, two whit e boys, were savod from drown ing Tuesday by Sherman Sanders, who was one of a group of NYA workers cleaning up the Sandy Heach resort on the Ouachita river. The white youths, neither able to swim, were being swept down stream when Snnoos leaped in fully clothed and pulled them to the bank. AFTER 45 Very often you grow older yo» ir digestive *y$ i tcm becomes deficient 1 end your U1o*k1 can not | get the proper nourlah a ment. You feel listless J N and worn ou?. Try J'd’Cs u single bottle of f/jpr" famous old Hoe jjjj’ tetter's. Its stiinu V® luting herbs and V roots quickly help in revitalizing the dipea tive glands. At drug Storcac very wl»ere.$ 1.50 - - - — ■ —•—i DELINQUENT SUBSCR3 The postoffice departmen of papers to delinquent subscr up to date, please mail or bring or call WEB1517 for represen greatly appreciated* Colored Orchestra to Play at Du Pont Party New York, June 24 (ANP)-^ I.uekey Roberts and his band, so cieity entertainers, have been se lected by Mrs. J. A. Montgomery, aunt of Miss Ethel Du Pont, fi ancee of Franklin D. Roosevelt, jr,, to play at one of the most import ant of the pre-nuptial parties to be given in honor of the young couple. The event will be held in Wil mington, Delaware,’on the evening of June 28 and is to be an exclusive affair with only 60 guests from all over the country in attendance. It is reported that Eddie Duchin, Vincent Lopez an a number of other society orchestras angled for the assignment but that Mrs. Mont gomery made the selection of Ro berts’ band at the suggestion of Miss Du Pont and Mr. Roosevelt. Why Laxatives Fail In Stubborn Constipation Twelve to 24 hours is too long to wait when relief from clogged bowels and constipation is needed, for then enor. mous quantities of bacteria accumu late, causing GAS, indigestion and ninny restless, sleepless nights. If you want REAL, QUICK RELIEF, take a liquid compound such as Ad lerika. Adlerika contains SEVEN ca thartic end carminative ingredientr that act on the stomach and BOTH bowels. Most "overnight” laxatives contain one Ingredient that acts on the lower bowel only. Adlerika's DOUBLE ACTION gives your system a thorough cleansing, bringing out old poisonous waste mat ter that may have caused GAS pains, sour stomach, headaches and sleepless nights for months. Adlerika relieves stomach GAS at once and usually retrieves bowel con gestion in less than two hours. Nq waiting for overnight results. Thi| famous treatment has been recom mended by many doctors and drug fliats for 3a years. Take Adlerika one lalf hour before breakfast or one hour before bedtime and in a short whilj you will feel marvelously refreshed. At All I.eadng Druggists TRIAL For SPECIAL TRIAL SIZE send 10c, coin or OFFFR stamps. to Adlerika V Dept 74,. St. Paul. Minn. AMERICAN WIENER SHOF 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CIIII.I AND BEST bed huts in THE WEST \u. KINDS of SANDWICHES ■*. ■ ■——— ■ —— mm { BUY SIMPSON GIFT j CERTIFICATES NOW j Redeemable at face value on a t suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux- i edo, full dress suit, until j July 1, 1937. GOOD as gifts for Christmas, birth- j days, graduation, anniver-1 sarie«, father’s day, Easter, I etc. | CALL l Charles H. Davis, j the Simpson Man ? WE 5627 j --- it iPOiliUC : j Stenographic ! SERVICE j | Say It In A Typewritten Letter! — Letters, Contracts, Statements, Etc., Typed. No Job Too Small—No Job Too Large H. M. Punches 1918i/2 N. 24 St WE. 1517 j BERS—PLEASE NOTICE ; does not permit the delivery ibers. If your payments are not amount due to The Guide office tative: Your cooperation will be The Management i' mtkaenm&MMag !For the Theatre or Any Social Engagement f Compare Our Rates “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men’s Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 • vrwv. >a was. rraffs-*.'ms**’'’* sSTl. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY~SHOP 2037 N. 24th St. At 6810 ^_ MILDRED TURNER’S BEAUTY SALON 2624 No. 27th ,St. WE 2514 MARTHA MAYO Beauty Culturist Marcelling Finger-Waving i WEbster 0274 2512 No- 24th St. Omaha ——- . i CHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2S65 Maple St. JA 6116 RAlIi S BUFFET 2425 N. 2iUi . i. Ja. 9195 American VViener Shop 2509 N. 2no Street. KING IUEN CAFE 201014 N. 24th St. Ja. 8576 Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0957 -1 Raybon’s Midget Cale, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIB* PLACE 1603 N. 24th St. We. 4019 YOUNG’S GROCERY 1618 No. 24th St. WE 6211 i Cigar Stores ELITE CIGAR STORE 2312 N. 24th St. Ha. 4236 HOUSTON'S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St. JA 3543 Our Sausage a specialty Free Delivery Service and Transfer Station* NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. Wa. 6664 CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2601 Cuming St. At. 6666 Drug Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St. We. 0998 BEN & KERMIT ANDERSON Painting, Wal Washing and Decorating 23 Years Experience Estimates free Work Guarantee! 2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St. Phone WE 5826 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St. At. 6155 Phont WE 4576 I. GRAHAM TAILOR SHOP Cleaning — Pressing — Repairing 1606 No. 24th Omaha Neb. Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 0500 '"HINEMAN’S GARAGE 2417 Norh 24th Street General Repair Work Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 0313 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 5444 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St_We. 6055 BREMAN’S TA1 LOR SHOP 1408 North 24th St. This months special $5.00 Any Coat relined with Storage Monument Makers HEFT ft NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1738 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th St. Ws. 4737 DO YOU KNOW WHY--- fatter Never Has Any Money to Spend on the Kidlets? on» n»pan® By Frank Lee! * ■ ■ —— * J... . — ■> I . " '■ i STaiCc ' r 1 . j ( 3t>% iNlUthnTtUfiAL CAIrtOOW CO., *. If'