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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1937)
CENTS PER COPY Entered as Second Class Matterat Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1937 VOL. XI, NO. 12 r Negro Civic Orchestra Plays on Court House Plaza Every Noon Promenade concerts by the Omaha Civic orchestra and the Civic Negro Concert orchestra of the WPA Federal Music Project given daily at Noon on the court house plaza have brought many messages of oommendation and appreciation to William Meyers, State Drector, since their inauguration last Mon 4ay. These oonoerts like Children’s Music Appreciation concert in the schools which were so successful during the past year were orginat ed and planned by Mr. Meyers. The Promenade concerts this sum mer are to be developed with a two fold purpose; to pravide the very best in music for the noonday throng of business folk, shoppers and visitors—and to learn through the medium of the request deposit Sox, comment, and letters, what "'■* popular favor Mtuuiig tuv ciiousands who iviil heai this orchestra during the course of the summer. The same procedure is to be fol lowed at the concerts in Benson on Tuesday night, those to be held on the lawn of St. Joseph hospital on Wednesday nights—iirfact at ali outdoor concerts to be held any where by units of the Federal Mu sic Project. Wed to Chicagoan .'i Miss Ethel M. Terrell Dr. and Mrs. Price Terrell wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Ethel Margaret, to Mr. Malcolm Henry of Chicago, at their home, 2602 No. 24th street, Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. Rev. J. S. Williams, pastor of Hill side Presbyterian church, perform ed the ceremony in the presence of te family and a few intimate friends. The couple left for Chicago at 6 o'clock where they will make their future home. Miss Terrell is a graduate of Central high school aad also at tended Omaha. University. Mr. Henry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. liesse Henry of Chicago. He is a graduate of Tilden Technical high school and the Art Institute of ♦Chicago. He also attended the Zoo logical Institute of that city, logical Institute of the city. 1 "~1 nc - WANTED - and Women ** to go to work immediately. Make money during vacation. Good pay, pleasant work, short hours. Call Mrs. M. Gilbert each morning at 8:45 or each evening at 6 p. m. at the Omaha Guide office, 2418 Grant Street. Phone WE 1517 PUBLISHER A TTY. NATAN &. fttctiILL Publisher of Metropolitan News, 3453 South Michigan avenue, Ohi ago, a weekly tabloid, who livs at 4806 South Parkway, was born in Quincy, Fla., and was educated at Cookman Institute, now Bethune Cookman college, and Boston uni versity, where he received the LI. B: degree. Mr. McGill is a member of the law firm of McGill and Mc C ill of Jacksonville, Fla., whicn is directed by his brother, Samuel De catur McGill, 610 West Duval street is a member of the Illin ois Bar, the U. S. District Court of Northern Illinois and the U. S. Su preme Court. He was formerly As sistant Attorney General of the State of Illinois, and is a member of the Board of the Public Library and of the Mayor’s Committee of the city of Chicago, and is founder of the Southside Council z o Mr- and Mrs. Arthur Bly of 2856 Binney avenue had as their house guests for the week-end, Capt Fred White and wife, Mrs. Lillian White, Mr. and Mrs- Earnest Porter and Mrs. Bessie Carthone of Kansas City, Kas. And from Thursday until Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Bly had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of Hollywood, Califoma. Mrs. Smith is better known as Peg gie Smith and is a singer in the movies. She stopped over on a va cation trip to New York and other eastern cities. Mr. Carl Smith is the nephew of Mr. Bly. -o Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young of Cali fornia accompanied by the sister of Mr. Richard Ward, Miss Cordill Ward of Milwaukee, who were vi siting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward of 2322 No. 26th street, motored to Chicago to see the Louis-Brad dock fight. While there, they vi sited wth Madame Margaretta Ward, also a sister of Mr. Richard Ward. Madame Margaretta Ward is celebrated for her manufactory of a line of cosmetics which bears her name. -o— Mrs. Charlene Lewis of 2855 Maple avenue and Mrs Addie Georger of 2531 Charles street re turned last Friday from Chicago after attending the Louis-Braddock fight. Durng their week’s visit in Chicago, they were the house guest of Mrs. Earl Longmire. Many cour tesies were shown them, among which was a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCants. WELCOME—Midwest Ass’n 1.3. P. 0. E. of 9. Sunday, Ju'y 4th, National Independence I'ay, marks the entry into our riLy of an organization that stands for independence, having done much toward advancing the educational, physical, economical ami social independence of the Negro race. This organization, the Midwst Association I. B. F. O. F.. of W„ is a part of tliat great body known I • throughout the world as the Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World, and enjoys the high esteem to which it is so rightfully entitled of not only other fraternal organizations, but of all other groups whether they be business, Political or religious. Just tliirty-eight years ago, in 1899, a group of our far sighted leaders in Cincinnati, Ohio and perfected the organization that is today known as the Benevolent, Protective Order of Elks of the World. During the passing years,the order has met with many difficul ties, but the^e were never so great as to cause it to give up the ship. They continued to sail on and on until today this organization stands as an emblem of achievement. Therefore, it. is with true sincerity that we doff our hats and bid the Midwest Association, I B. P. O. E. of W., weldome to the portals I of our city. Buy Nebraska Made Goods Says Storz Nebraska can add thousands of dollars to its wealth every week by buying Nebraska-made goods, de clares Arthur Storz, executive of an Omaha brewery. Every dollar spent for eastern goods goes back east, where it cannot return into circulation in Nebraska. Why then, ho asks, should Nebraskans ex port money when it is needed to stimulate our prosperity here at home? i " A Nebraska dollar spent for Ne braska goods is used by the manu facturer to pay wages to Nebras kans and to buy materials in Nebr aska. Local merchants, grocers, and every other Nebraska business eventually benefits by the transac tion. But when the dollar is sent east it is gone. It pays no Nebraska wages. It cannot be spent again with other Nebraska business. Using his own business as an example he points out that Storz Beer is as good beer as is made anywhere in the United States, There is no reason why eastern beer i should be bought here. Most peo [ plo do buy Storz, he says, but still there are thousands of dollars leav ing the state continually because some people forget how much they help their own state by buying Nebraska beer. Storz is not only the state’s larg est tax-payers and employers of Ne/braska labor, it is also a good customer of many other Nebraska business concerns. Storz makes it a point to buy from Nebraskans. Mr. Storz says money travels in circles. Bill Jones spends it with Jfee Smith, who spends it with Bob Brown, and bo on until everyone benefits. The circle is broken only when someone shoots it off to an other state so far away it cannot get hack into the state where it started. -o The L. E. W. club met at the home of Mrs. L. Gardner, 2503 Grant street, Thursday, June 24th. Three visitors were present. The meeting was adjourned and a very nice luncheon was served. Mrs. Cunningham, president; Mrs. Washington, Reporter. Critic Club Gives Four Annual Awards In keeping with the purpose of the club to encourage the develop ment of what ever talent its mem bers may possess and especially that of oratory, debating and pu blic speaking the Critic club award ed four keys Tuesday evening at their annual banquet held in the beautiful reception room of the YWCA. Those receiving keys are as follows: Messrs. J‘- Westbrook McPheron, oratory; Lacurgus Curry, debate; Charles H. Davis, public speaking; and Henry Levells, public speaking. Prior to the awarding of the Keys by the president, Mr. Levells, who is to matriculate in the Uni versity of Southern California in October, very inspiring addresses were made by S. Edward Gilbert of the Omaha Guide, Mr. B. E Squires, executive secretary of the Urban League and Mr. Levells who delivered the annual presidntial ad dress. Those who enjoyed the entire pro gram which included a delightful after party at the Harlem Cafe were Misses Catherine. Macey, Ce lia Mehan, Lome Lewis, Helen Huntington, Mary Alice Willis, Mrs. B. E. Squires and Mrs- S. E.. Gil bert; Messrs. Henry Levells, J‘ Westbrook McPherson, Charles H. Davis, B. E. Squires, Thomas Ross, Lacurgas Curry and S. Edward Gilbert. Mr. Charles H. Davis who served as master of ceremonies proved very timely and efficient in his brief remarks as to the purpose and miof the club, and in his com ments upon thoughts put in mo tion by the speakers of the evening. -—o - Mrs. W. H. Robinson of Detroit, Mich., is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lee of 2417 Ma ple street. Mrs. Robinson arrived Sunday night for a ten day stay, from Chicago where she attended the Louis-Braddock fight. Many social affairs are being planned for Mrs. Robinson during her stay in -• n ciiy. American Legion Plans Fireworks For July 5th, 1937 A concert by the Omaha Post band will open the American le gion fireworks celebration of In dependence day at Creighton sta dium at 8 p. m., Morris M. Jacobs, ehairman of the event announced today. “With this two-hour py rotcymic display and patriotic pro gram, Omaha Post again takes the lend in civic observation of Amer icas greatest holiday,” he said. Fifteen downs will entertain with pranks and antics during the concert and will assist fireworks engineers in carrying out the most thrill fireworks festival ever seen in Omaha. Ground pieces and aerial displays will follow each other in rapid succession, present ing colorful spectacles of exploding comets, skyrockets, Roman candles, aerial bombs and more than fifty show pieces. "Fireworks celebrating Indepen dence day are a part of the Amer ican tradition, the heritage of American children,’ George Gillan, Omaha Post adjutant said, discus sing the program. “Los Angeles has such a big crowd that fireworks will be shown two nights this year. Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Chi cago Legionaires also present the fireworks shows for Independence day celebrations.” General admission for children is twehty-five cents, for adults forty cents. Reserved seats are available for an additional twenty five cents. More than 75 boxes have been reserved, and both King Bert Murphy and Queen Jean Dudley Gallagher of the present Ak-Sar Ben royalty will give large box parties. Many other Omahans ares planning children's parties at the fireworks exposition July 5th. Marcshing into the arena at 8 p. m. Monday, July 5th, the Legion band of 30 members will first play national marches in parade forma tion, then arch to its special section and continue in a half-hour band cbnoert. Dr. (Floyd Williams t>f Council Bluffs is director of the the Omaha Post band. Other offi cers are Dr. W. H. McNichols, 365 No. 41st avenue, captain; Jack Lee, 2211 Howard, first lieutenant; Ed Myerds, 3032 Pacific street, secre tary; and Keith Danon, 2311 No. 61st street, custodian. -o Miss Marion Gray of 3011 Miami street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Gray of this city, gave a party honoring Miss Dorothy Irene lackson of Glenwood, la-, who is staying at the home of her uncle urn! aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Walker, of 2721 Parker street. A lelightful evening was spent in lancing with cash prizes going to Florence Murell and Spencer Ja :obs as the best couple and Neoma MoGill and Roscoe Smith as second !>«st. Refreshments of cake, ice :ream, fudge and punch were serv ed. - o After spending three weeks with her family, Miss Ruth Jones left June 21st for a vacation in the West. Her trip will include attend anee at a literary conference in Boulder, Colo., and visits with re latives and friends in Denver, Ore gon, California and Washington. -o POPULAR BARBER DIES Mr. Charles Cray ford passed away Thursday evening, July 1st. Mr. Crawford was employed for years at the Killiiigworth and Price Barber shop at 24th and Luke Sts. I)R. T. K. LAWLESS L>r. T. K. Lawless of Chicago, noted dermatologist, who served as an instructor during the past gradu ate school held at Dillard univer sity Inst month. (ANP) --o , . , Children In Court Now that the schools are closed for the summer it will be necessary for parents to exercise constant vi gilance over their children if they want to keep them out of court Too many mothers and fathers permit minors to idle away their summers in search of unsupervised amusement. Then, when a son or daughter finds recreation in ques tionable places and brings disgrace to the family, such parents usually blame everyone except themselves. To avoid all possibilities of a dis astrous vacation, the wise mother and father wll remain constantly alert and not relax their watchful ness for a single hour. Piano Recital to be Given July 11th An Adult Education School of Music will present a group of jun for piano students in Summertime Pageant Recital Sunday, July 11th, from 3 to 5 p. m. at Bethel AME church, 24th and Franklin streets. 'Characters will include “the Spi rit of Music,” Several Girls from the Gay Nineties,” "the Lady of the Garden,’ “the Boys and Girls from Music Land,” Betsy Ross” and “Indians.” The pageant will be presented by Miss Ethel JV>nes, music instruc tor. The public is cordially invited. Admission will be free. -• Revival Being Held The Omaha Third S. D. A. church invites everyone, both old pnd young, to attend its revival meetings now being held under the tent on Grant street, at 24th. Ev angelist Alldn Booker T. Hum phrey will speak each evening, ex cept Saturday evening, on soul stirring truths from the Bible. Song service starts at 7:30 p. m. and the sermon lecture at 8 o’clock. Come early and remember to bring your Bibles. -o The Pick-Up club met at the home of Mrs. V. Moore, 2506 Blon^o, with the president presid ing. A nice meeting was held- The club is doing wonderful work, and hopes to keep the good spirit up. A laigo number was present and very interesting remarks were made by the president and pastor. The next meeting will be at 2517 Decatur street, Mrs. Hawkins’ home. Midwestern Ass’n Annual Conclave To Convene Here The convention committee com posed of M. L. Harris, general chairman; P. S. Holliday, assistant general chairman; Daughter Jose phine Merritt, assistant general chairman; Chas. F. Davis, secre tary and J. Westbreok McPherson is sparing no pains in preparing a versified program second to none for the entertaining of hundreds of Brother “Bills” and Daughter Elks who are expected to invade Omaha on Sunday, July 4th, at which time the 12th Annual Mid western Association Convention of Elks will convene at the beautifully decorated Elks Rest, the home of Iroquois Lodge No. 92 and Chero kee Temple No. 283, located at 2420 Lake street. The highlights of the conventioa which is being sponsored jointly by Iroquois Lodge No. 92 and Chero kee Temple No. 233 are as follows: Sunday at 11:00 a. m., memorial service will bo held at St. John A. M. E. church, with Rev. R. A. Adams, pastor delivering the ora tion and the St. JLhn choir, under direction of Mrs. P. Gibson, furn ishing music; at 1:30 p. m-, the nnnual street parade will get un der way; 4:00 p. in., welcome ad dresses to the visiting Brother “Bills’ and Daughter Elks wlil bo delivered at the auditorium of Pil grim Baptist church; and at 8:30 p. m., the oratorical scholarship contest under the direction of J. Westbrook McPherson, State Edu cational Director, will fco held at Zion Baptist church, music to be furnished by the Hillside Presby terian choir under the direction of the Rev. J. S. Williams. Monday, July 6th, at 10.00 p. m., the Bills and Daughters will turn from the business side of the con vention for a few hoars of fratern izing, when they will gather in the spacious auditorium of the newly decorated Elks Rest for the annual banquet augmented with a red hot floor show. Tuesday morning, July 6th, at 10:00 a. m.. will find them again delvng into the busi ness realm of the convention, fol lowed by the election of officers and the selection of a meeting place for 1938. At 4:00 p. m., the visit ors will be earned on asight-sceing trip to all parks and points of in terest in Omaha. The convention which is designat ed to be the greatest ever held in the Midwest will conclude with a grand ball at the Elks Rest begin ning at 10:00 p. m. Out-of-town dignitarians expect ed to be present when the curtain for the 12th annual convention goes up are,; A. E. Toney, presi dent; W. B. Martin, secretary; A. E. Pullam, treasurer; J'ordan Mur ray, 1st vice president; W. J. Shep pard, 2nd vice president; J. D. Col bert, 3rd vice president; Aubrey Rutherford, auditor; W. IT. Towers, legal advisor; and Dr. G. B. Key, regional director. Also grand lodg* officers are expected to drop in upon the convention before it ad journs. -o——— ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Mrs. Thelma Littles who lived at 2428 Lake street i tiempted to com mit suicide Friday afternoon at he home. Police were called and she was carried to a local hospital. MEET ME AT THE CARNIVAL DANCE . Featuring Anna Mae Winburn at the Dreamland Hall on July 26th