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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1937)
SW V ■ V V WAVAWASVWWAWV.V/.V.W.V/.W.V.WV.V'ii .VW.S%mWWWAVASWWV,VMAW.^WiWW.SW.WAV. ASmVMmVJWMVAVW I COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA | f..■%A^WS%W.'^W\%V.^^^WAW.WWSSV.W.VAW.VAWAWWyWJW^VAW^^^V^WWVSWWASW.VAV%V.SSSWAWWWJWVWWAV.j NEWS NOTES ! -n. M. FUNCHES, EDITOR I Mr. Ely Bell who recently un derwent an operation at the Mercy Hospital, returned to hi8 home Thursday, April 8, where lie is convalescing. Mr. and Mrs, Nathan (Duke) Turner and Mr. Everett Hern don were Omaha visitors Fri day night. Members of Beulah Baptist choir took part in the installa tion services of Rev. Reynolds, Pleasant Green Church, Omaha on Friday night. DID YOU KNOW That George Lewis, of the Little Savoy, has a brand new music box—goola box to you They tell me, boys, you can’t use those slugs you have been carrying around in this instru • ment. Mr. and Mrs: Paul Holliday of Omaha were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nevins on Sunday: Celebrates Birthday Mrs Elizabeth Wilson enter tained informally at a dinner Sunday in celebration of her natal day. Joining her on this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs Lizzie Payne of Omaha. Mr. Horace Goodlow, jr:, left Friday by motor for Chicago. Mrs. Elsie Herndon and son. Junior, expect to leave Satur day, April 24tli, for Detroit, Mich., where they will make ■their home. Rev. S. Fant, who has been indisposed for several days, is better, Mr. Manson James spent Sun day with his family, returning to ResMoines early Monday. Mrs. Willie Nealv and Mrs. Inin Miller were Omaha visit ors Friday. Mrs. Lizzie Payne and Mr. Harry Payne, Omaha, were vis itors in the city Sunday. Tabernacle Baptist choir took part in the installation services of Rev. Reynolds, of Pleasant Green Church. Omaha, on Wed nesday night, April 14. Mr. Ben Harvey of Minneap olis, Minn., visited his brother,. Mr. William Harvey, and fam ily on Sunday, April 18th. Boy Scout Troop Returns T5ov Scout Troop No 21, re turned to the city Sunday af ternoon from a hike and a night's encampment near Cres cent. Iowa. Attend Father-Son Program Mr. Clarence C. Reeves, sr.. attended the program given at T.T school on Father-Son night. Appearing in the glee club were Miss Geraldine Herndon and "Messrs. Spires and Clarence Reeves, .ir. Mrs. Redick Hostess Mrs. Minnie Herndon and Mrs. Fva Finlayson were guests of Mrs. Walter Redick Wed nesday afternoon, April 14th, at which time a light luncheon was served. The afternoon was spent in sewing and talking over old time*. Clubs 20 Century CKvic and Art Club The 20th Century Civic uiui Art Club met April 8 at the home of Mrs. Inez Bowens, with the president, Mrs. Lillie Mills, presiding. In observance of National Ne gro Health Week, Dr. Wesley Jones of Omaha, gave interest ing information with regard to ! diseases common to Negroes. Opportunity was given to ask questions which were intelli gently answered bv this effi eierij physician. A delightful repast was serv ed by the hostess to the .twen ty-two members and friends who were present. Mrs. Frances Lee was the club's guest. Present also was Mrs. Ossie Cooper, this being her first a tendance to the club since becoming a member. Clevepettes Members of this club met on April 18 at the home of Mrs. Novella Cape. The Cleverettes will pive a. Fish Fry on Saturday, April 24, at the home of Mrs. Ger trude White. Sew On Uniforms Members of the 20,h Century Club met at the home of Mrs. M in. Harvey on Thursday, Apr, 15. Uniforms to be worn dur mp the eominp Federation were cut out. Hollis Art The Club pave a tea and ba zaar Thursday, Apr. 8, at the home of Mrs. Emma Turner. The table was a picture of lovliness in pink and white. A lovely lace table, doth covered the table, tall white tapers in pink holders and a centerpiece of pink sweet peas enhanced flie beauty. The menu consisted of dainty sandwiches, cookies, jello, whip ped cream, coffee, candy and mints. On display for sale were a number of beautiful pieces of needlework. Many persons were in at tendance. Our Churches Calvary Baptist Church 16 Ave. and 11 St. Rev. J. H. Harris, Pastor Mrs. Ethel Carbins, Reporter Sunday School opened at the sual hour. In the absence of Mrs. Joseph H. Gates, superin tendent, Miss Hall was in charge. ' Morning service was conduct ed by the pastor who spoke from Psalms 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" At 5:30 .the Young People’s Union was organized. Mr.s J. H: Harris was made president. She is a very efficient worker in the BYPU. and the Sunday school. At 8:00 the pastor brought us another message from Mark 1Before ye, the way of the Lord’/. After this message the Lord’s Supper was served * ECONOMY TAILOR Ohas. M. Simmons, Prop. 1812 N. 24th St. WE. 6370 * I W> ■ > Ni I _©1937 KTCrtATWm KCCO PRtSS^ _ _ ’'.‘"'.5_J I 1 ythp pastor, assisted by Rev. Carbins. The church has taken on new life. You are invited to come and look iu on us—come to boost, you cannot afford to ) nock God's word. We ask your prayers for our success. CHURCn OF GOD IN CHRIST 1618 Avenue B Elder A. D. Carter, Pastor Sunday school at 10:30 a m. Mrs. Q. Mina, Supt. Services at noon. YPWW at 6:30 p.m., Mr. Gamble Duncan president. General services at 8:00 p. m. Weekly services on Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:30 o’clock. \ Master Richard Mooney of Omaha), is visiting liiis aunt, Mr8 Anna Mae Workman. Slyter Ice & Coal Co j No extra charges on half tons of coal. Delivered within 30 blocks. 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 MASON’S Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 fc&I^FXELD TEA KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You'll like the way It inapt you back, overnight, to the feeling of "rarin' to go" fit ness and inside cleanliness! Eliminate the left-over wastes that hold you back cause headaches, in digestion, etc. Garfield Tea is not a miracle worker but if CONSTIPATION bothers you, it wil certainly "do wonders!" 10* and 2S« of drugstore: — or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of Garfield Tee and Garfield Headache Powders to: GARFIELE TEA CO., Dept. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Fannie Harris is now making her home with Mrs. lli ro Nichols. fc i.. i—« Mrs. Walter Rethink and Mrs. Minnie Herndon were (meats of Mrs. Eva Finlayson on Friday, April 16, at a tea. ARE YOU ONLY A THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN.because they are men.can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take it out on your husband. For three generations ono woman has toid another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tono up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must, endure in the throe ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through." PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS GHOST WRITING Means WE Write and YOU Get the Credit Letters, social and business; popular speeches and talks for T'eacliors, Ministers, Civic, Bus iness and Lodge leaders; ar tides for publication. Your own work rewritten, revised, or criticised. Write us your needs and send 6 cents stamps fr more details. C. N. S. BUREAU 141 West 125th St., New York City ™wi ;• Ciarmda, la. j News j Miss Louise Nash, Reporter Second Baptist Church Rev. D. Nicholson, Pastor Louise Nash, Reporter The Church held its regular services Sunday, with Rev, h\ C. Williams ns visiting pastor. Last Monday was Quarterly ly Conference the A.M E. Church: Presiding Elder W. H. Oglelon, presided. Mrs, Leon Pemberton of Kan sas City, Kan., has been visit ing her mothernnlnw, Mrs. dim Pemberton, Friends were saddened at the death of Mrs, M aha la Bn,1, les, mother of Mrs. Angelina (lib son, Mrs. Battles was 110 years I old. I - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sweet visited her mother in Banin, Kansas, recently. Virgin Wean Beard, son of Kir. and Mrs. Lawrence Beard, s visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stewart, in Red Oak, Iowa„ Mr. and Mrs. Ilershel Mont gomery are the proud parents f a fine baby girl. ~ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — • Mrs. Eliza Ann Signor of Shenandoah, Town, was a visit or in the Albert Cason home. BOYS! GIRLS Create a Spirit of Oooper ation by joining the “GUID ITE CLUB” Read all about it in this is sue. Join NOW. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladief' and Children’« Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. Beautiful Hair (By Mrs. K. Baker 2(127-3 Ave.) Becoming- Hair Styles The question is often raised as to whether a. woman of mid dle age or over should wear the hair bobbed. This should be left end rely to the wearer. We must admit that the un bobbed hair well groomed gives ro n woman of mature years, a •ertniu sobriety or dignity that the bobbed hair ean never give. Does bobbed hair make one look younger? No. Bobbed hair •toes not ehanco the face. We qqrV»{n to bobbed hair with youth and naturally when we see n bend of bobbed hair, we think of vmilh. but the fare remains ,*bn same. DO YOU WANT i i ‘; Stop Worrying! K Do You Need a New Start! Write Me. Today. Information Froo. M. WILLIAMS, Dept o Journal Square Station I Jersey City, N. J. | ,AFTER 45 " Very often na you grow i older your digestive aya A tern become* deficient B and your blood can not E| get the proper nouriah l mi ni. You feel listless ami worn out .Try a tingle bottle of famous old Hoe tetterItaatiniu laling herb* and root* quickly help in revitalizing the dige* tive Bland*. At drug gtoreaevery .vhcre.$1.50 I AGENTS !i WANTED TO 3LU CuncisM Hair Grower (Doublo Strength CsnwnMM Bleach Cream ftCeublj 8tr»sgthi J!n<2 Our 13 Other Caunoleno Beauty Creation! beginning our New AdverfliUng Campaign we will give a Free Start to intelligent. energetic n>«« c* women are ainblfioyJ to Dr ska money and build up a hualnea* of Iheiir own celling beauty prod'.trla •< tL.» bailor kind. Oun la /•triclly • quality Uae that appeal* ut the beet people everywhere. You make more money v ’.tb a quality Uae anc you wla valuable priiee. Write at once to Cc cr-tua Ccsmeiica Co* Dept. 20A. Atlanta, Ga, N-N-F. Er. ! _ Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET "GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream,' Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! ! S fM_a. • _ . * .. .. | VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 165 Just ill! in coupon and mail it I 2241 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III. today for FREE SAMPLES Of ■ I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I Hair Dressing, Face Powder and J ^ree Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t I Nam wait. Mail the COUPON NOW! i .j Valmor Products Co. .! 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, IIL DO YOU KNOW WHY-- - So Many l-olks Don’t Appreciate Art? bymsher _ I EVERT GUN OUGHT ~L_ WT-T- A SVveuTY !S THM ( GEE-.l ALMOSTt TG REVEL IN THE PuiUDEOFl h fS OILU ) (ME lAFFih m BEAUTIFUL-THEARTiSTlC TN A PRiXe- \ U PtCKLE OR / DIE LAFFIK AT fl.L LOOK THIS STUFF OVER. ) Fi ,<T y-J CD (A CAIN OF l TK,S | I> \ TUT^ijr rtt-\ •* . & —> THAfT »S l > <*•* s?#!* > *. nr ‘i'5 '| * o-= . I" WwA* c.) . . -2 ' i —nur fVF TE.R f\Lu jjfSflW** | N’ltwNATioNM Cartoon Co.m. y, ....-4———mmammmmm—*—^ ftV.V.V.V.-.V.V/AV/.VJV/ •: COFFEE JOHN’S ? £ 111 So. 14th St. > ■I Biggest lOe Meals In City ^ I; Everybody Welcome % ■WiV.V.ViV.'.V.ViV.'AVA .w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.w.w Duffy Pharmacy We. OGOO 24th nnd LAKE STREETS PRESCRII’TIONS Free Delivery •VV.W.V.V.W.V.'.V.V.VA BUY SIMPSON GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW Redeemable at face value on a suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux edo, full dress suit, until July 1, 1937. GOOD as gifts for Christmas, birth days, graduation, anniver saries, father’s flay, Easter, etc. CALL Charles H. Davis, the Simpson Man WTE 5G27 Sentenced to 20 years on the chain gang— for asking for justice! ANGELO HERNDON tells his own story, the incred ible TRUE record of conditions facing white and black work ers alike -in his autobiography Let Me Live! Just published. $2.50 at all book stores—or from the publishers— IANDOM HOUSE, 20 E. 57, N.r.C