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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1937)
g ^ __ __ _ _ _______ — AFFAIRS ''S-O-C-i-e-t-y^ ORGANIZATIONS # . .i Daughter Marion Quinn, was the luiichuon gw'st of Mrs. Hollins, 2431 Char tea street, on Tuesday, April 6th. A delightful luncheon was ser eed., j -—-- , Mrs. Caroline «Iackson, 2(»13V liinney street, suffered broken ribs and other injuries in an auto wreck Whale Cnxoute to the funeral of her inother-’in law in Greenville, Ala. ■ ..—v 1 ■ IN MEMORIAM Melvin C. Smalls, who passed away April 15th, 193b, in Oma ha, Nebraska,: Your spirit’ took its flight, And went ho that Eternal City. Where Jesus is ihe Light: You were ever kind and failh fill, You loved us all so well, How we miss you Darling Mel vin, Tongue nor pen can tell. Loving Mother, Aunt and Ollie RABE PLANS SHOW PLACE Jn his new beer tavern now being constructed at 2229 Lake street, Carl Itabe says he is planning to install all of the latest equipment including new booths, bar and ventilation sys tem afcid possibly an outdoor garden. The building which is nearly completed will he opened to tlui public in a few weeks. -<» Mr. William Hudgens and Mr George Hudgens of 2427 Erskine, left the city Monday evening for Springfield, Tenn. Jo be at title bed side of their father, Mr. Spence* Hudgens who is reported seriously ill Th»s Community Widows alub en tertained Monday evening, April 12th at the Nortjhutde YWCA with an elaborate musical p: it ram nnd luncheon. A demonst *#tion wa^ given by the Cw Baking Co. IIcllo Everybody! Have you beard about the com ing Shirley Temple Style Review? It i‘< »n annual affair sponsored by He Trojan < lub. There will be mom km id about it later. The Tro jan* are rapidly progressing. Mrs. Annabelle Battles became a new member in the meeting of April 13th. Mrs. Ed Patton, 2(510 Patrick Ave., is gravely ill ami Inis been confined to her hod for the past week. Her sisier, Mrs. Charles S. Burns of Denver, and her neiee, Mrs. Neon E. Motts of Chicago, aro tending her. -- ———• Mrs. M. B. (Ireen who is ett route from California to her home in Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Anna Boss, 2000 N. 24th St. She also visited anoth er sister, Mrs. Ralph Myers at Denver, Colorado. Attention—Junior Choirs Miss Jones, general director of May Day Festival announces three unison rehearsals begin ning Saturday, April 24th, at St. John AME church at 3:00 o'clock. All choirs are urged to be on time. Friendly 16 Bridge Club The club met at the home of Mr. George Wead, 2630 Blondo ■treet. Regular business meet ing was held and Mr. J. Com mer, 2622 Caldwell street, was accepted as a new member. The battle for honors then started. We battled and battled but we didn't have what it takes to stop those hard hitters, Mr. W. Penn and Mr. «T. Phillips. They “stacked up" 1he honors in a big way. We enjoyed a delight ful luncheon served by the host. The club will meet April 26th, at the home of Mr. A. Hilton, 2415 Erskine street1. SCREEN STAR TO APPEAR IN CONCERT HERE A.N.P. Etta Moten, celebrated radio, screen and stage star, who Imp thrilled millions with her wonderful voice and charming personality, will lie presented in concert at Central High School Auditorium on the evening of Thursday, April 29, at 8:15, under the auspices of ihe QuachClub of th0 North Side Y W I'A., Mns: Gladys A: Pullnm, Executive Secretary. She lias appeared in many pictures and vaudeville houses from coast to coast, among them being the Palace and he Acad" cy of Music, New York City; The Tivoli, Gong Island; Proctor's ItKO, Newark; Warner Brother's Metropoli an, Chicago; the Paramount, Bos Angeles; the Orpheum, Seattle. She entertained President and Mrs. Franklin 1): Rouse velt at th(> White House. She was invited after Mrs. Rioosevclt heard her sing at the gala birthday performance given at the Fox Theatre, Washington. R'rosidi’in Roosevelt said, “I am 'm illed beyond words.” OFF TO CALIFORNIA Curtis Wales, proprietor o the Apex Hilliard Parlor and sportsman, left Saturday, \ • 17»h, ou a motor trip to l.os Angeles, Calif, llis wife uni Claude McKinney accompanied him. Mr. Wales purchased i new LaSalle in which to make the trip. Prominent sports ev cuts, he plans to return here or at least to pass through here in June, enroute t<» Chicago to see the Louis Hraddock l'ight lor the heavyweight tide. Manvmou'h Pastor Visits Here Rev. D. II. Hutrris.pastor of the Methodist Church of Mam mouth. 111., was in the eitv all of last week visiting his daugh ter, Miss Ruth Harris, who is attending Central High School. Rev. Harris was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. S: E: Gilbert, 2423 Maple street. Notice of Meeting The Northside Branch of the Yorkers Alliance of America will hold its first meeting on April 27 at 2404 Parker St. The meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m. Come one and' all. Miss Christine Dixon, 2889 Ohio, gave a dinner party in honor of Miss Helen Childs, the stenographer for the John Hen ry Lewis fight promotion svn dicate, on Sudnav, April 18. Out of town guests present were Richard Rice and Leon Vaughn of Minneapolis, Minn. NOTICE Mrs. Marion Quinn, Mrs, <' K: Ueynolds and Mr. .John Sin it 11 are t-l'o °<dy official rep resentative» connected with th Circulation Depart men. of The Omaha Guide. If in doubt a-sk for letter o authority xiene I by eireuiatioi departnien, managers. Edward (lilhert. NEBRASKA j P R O r> IT C E ; 2202-4-6 North 24th Street I Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers j Our prices are rcascnsable, j see us first. 5 HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FRTBDLANDER Proprietor 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 The Wide Awake 24 is giving a Spring Luncheon at the Zion Bap tist churdh, Thursday, May 13th from 4 until 8 p. m. —o FAMILY REUNION Mr* Efeter Morrison, 2821 Se ward atneet, celeb, ated her G8th birthday on March 31 «t with a fam ily reunion dinner. A few friends we re asked- There were four jT'n trations pro lent in this home. .■■■■ o— Daughter Marion Quinn wishes to an ounce the re-opening of the developing class on Monday nights fi«om 8 until 9 o'clock, starting April 2Gtl>. Meetings wiil he held at ho Firs,!) Spiritual Ttsnpl® No r, mil No. 24,‘Jh ptreat. Come out ami develop your gift. The public invited The Mary Mahoney Graduate Nurses Hub warn organized Wed nesday, April 14th. The club will meet the recond and fourth Mon day of <'ach month. Officers elected were: Mrs- Bvelyn Murray, pre sident; Mrs* Jennie Gain, vice pre scient; Miss Alberta Gary, secre tary-treasurer and Mrs. Pearl HJeronympuo, chairman of the pro gram and publicity committee. The club plans interesting, helpful and educational programs for the year. Any graduate registered Negro Nurse is welcome. For information call Mr«- Evelyn Murray, ATlantic 4736. -o Mrs. J. \\ Thomas, of 2212 Ohio street, is very ill at this writing. Mr. Thomas Blackson, who formerly worked for eight ears in the P. M Harris barber shop, lias returned there after an absence of two years. lie will be glad to see his many friends at his present location. -o Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Grant of 25(12 I she street, entertained ii| a three course dinner Tliurs day, April 15th, Mr. and Mrs. Prod Ervin, fight promoter for the Joint Henry Lewis—Mur phy fight, Gorilla Jones and Miss lie on Childs. The table vos very beautifully decorated with a fresh cut flower cert er piece. - I ■ ,* ,V,'A,iV.W.SWWAV.,; t Bargains hi Homes \ j j,’or Sale—Small down payments?1 | 5 rooms, price , $900—cash $'*0 | 4 p y balance like rent. • i r >'>ms. price, $1,000—cash $10 , balance like rent. ■ • f. i' tins price, $750—cash $*5| ! balance like rent. _ I •Jroams, price, 1.250—cash $125 t 1 balance like rent. f Many other bargains E. M Davis Licensed Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 110G t .V.VAViV.V.W/AV.V. AAA Coal Company JA. 2159 Coal—2 large sacks $1.00 10 Packages Coke.$1.00 delivered I DO HAULING Call “LITTLE BENNY” JA 2159 Mr. A D.. James, 4421 So 26th street is confined to his bed on ac count of illness. Mrs. E G- Scott, 2633 Decatur street, received word that her sis ter, Mrs- Charles Cousins of Den ver, (Solo., is seriously ill. -o— - - The Ladies' Friendship club was invited by the Brotherhood of | Sleeping Car Porters to an auction j bridge tournament at the Harlem club on Monday evening, April 12th- First prize of $’.00 was won by Mrs. Theresa Anjerson, pre sident of Uhe Friendship club. Sec ond prize was won by Mrs- Mary TuHner. A delightful evening was had by all Atty. Ray L. Williams Room 200 Tuchman Bldg NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of EDWARD ROBERSON deceased: All persons interested In satd estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had be fore said court on the 8th day of May, 1937, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 3th day of May, 1937, at 9 o’clock a. m., to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and ?rant administration of said estate to Ida F. Baker or some other suit able person and proceed to a settle ment thereof. Bryce Crawford County fudge Be Apr. 17-37 end May 1-37 HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning', Pressing and Re pairing. Dying a/nd Hot Cleaning. Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET -ALL KIlwS (RITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2033 North 24th St. Be Well Dress ed and Com-; fortable in Our New 1937 SPRING and SUMMER STYLES 522.50 and up | GLASGOW Tailors 11522 Harney JA. 1087 j Omaha, Nebr. j Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acids and poisonous wastes from your blood Is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubes or filters, but beware of cheap, drastic, irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Getting Up Nights. Nervous ness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circles Under Byes. Dizziness, Rheumatic Pains, Acid ity. Burning, Smarting or Itching don't take chances. Get the Doctor’s guaran teed prescription called Cystex (Siss Tex). Works fast, safe and sure. In 48 hours It must bring new vitality, and 1* guaranteed to fix you up In one week or money back on return of empty package Cystex costs only 9c a day at druggist* and the guarantee protects you. Damp Wash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c launderer and dry cleaners Edholm & Sherman 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 | Mr. Ja* k Lane, 2831 Decatur St. left last week for an indefinite stay in Fort Dodge, Iowa. —-o The niece of Mrs. An; & Thomas, 2702 Lake street, arrived in the city from Mississippi for a brief visit. She reports a lovely time. -o Mr. A. C Curry, s*>n of Rev.. M- K. Curry, motored from Omaha to Naaogdodhes, Texas where he is educational instructor in a CCC camp. He will return to Texas ijn a few days --o The Women's Mission 13 now open for Bible Studies, topic dis cussions and Praise service. Open ing period was Friday April 16t.h. Meeting will be conducted by Mrs. Anna Thome®, mist \ | tary, 2702 Lake St. Mee* Your Frioads at RABE’S BUFFET BEER liquor SOFT DRINKS dancing 2423 N 24th_JA 9195 I Opportunities I IN HOMES FOR SALE I 22nd and Maple Street.—Eight rooms, modern, reception I nail, living room, dining room, den and kitchen, down-1 stairs, four bedrooms upstairs: oak floors thoughout, fullK jement basement, doubl© gaage, large lot. j§ )28 North 25th Street—six rooms, modern, $1,500.00. J402 North 27th Ave., five oooms, modem, $2,600.00. ® )61 North 27th Street, six rooms, partly modem, $500.00.1 These properities may be purchased with small downs payment, balance less than rent, low rate of interest on fc mpaid balance, abstract of title brought down to date, 1| iaxes paid up, properties free of any incumbrances. t C. F. Davis Real Estate Co. I 2504 NORTH 24TH STREET IDciVt take chances on smooth, worn tires. Our process re I stores new life and wear and costs little. Let us show you. I ALL SIZES IN STOCK—New, USED, RETREADED LOOK AND WEAR LIKE NEW SAFETY TREAD CO.j 720 So. 2 7th St g : | Forbes Bakery .'W.— Try Our Delicious Milk Bread 2 Loaves for 15c HEADQUARTERS FOR All kinds of Poultry and fresh Conntry Eggs direct! from the conntry. Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish Special Prices to Churches and Parties Stoller’s Fish and Poultry Market 1623 North 24th Street JAckson 8699 I