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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1937)
SOUTH OMAHA NEWS NOTES Bettie Dennip returned from Glenwood Saturday after spend ing the holidays with her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walker. Mr. Wise McCUnton, 5217 So. 2flth St., who underwent an operation in the Methodist hos pital, % improving. Mr. R. Wise, .r»2l7 So. 29th St„ is ill. M:*is Ella Mae l rank'in. 5R22 So. 32nd f If. nftunjml ’M m day from Milwanl ' e, \Yh„ where f,he spent New Year’s visiting relatives and fri nds. Mijss An.n.'i Franklin h s re turned to Knoxville college af ter Kpriufijig ten days in Mil s boro, Ky. Rites for Mrs. Mary Lewis Funeral sendees were held Saturday, Jan. 2 from the Allen Chapel AME church, for Mrs Mary Ijnvv is, 3002 V. St., Who died Thursday, Dec. 31. Mr. Eokt Banl'Vi, 5217 So. 29th St., returned to the eitv Sun/lay after spending the New Year in Kansais City. Mrs. Johnriie Jones, 30th and U St.., returned from Alabama Friday after visiting relatives and friends. Miss Pula Partridge of Colgate Mo., is in the eity visiting in the Forall home, 2903 T St. Rites for Mr Merrill Funeral services for Mr. Merrill, were held Monday af ternoon from Bethel AME church. Miss Elaine Davis, of 2(502 Jefferson St., is now attending FSt- Benedict school. She is stay ing with Mrs. Edith Brown, 2(512 Bmiioy St., as is her bro ther, Mr. Van Pelt Davis. Mrs. Minnie Wiliams', of Kansas City, was in the city to ftttend the funeral of her fa ther, Mr. Merrill. Mns. S. D. Rhone, who has beeai confined to bed from ill ness, is now able to be up. I)r. S. B. Northerns who hiis been ill, is out again. OUR CHURCHES Union Memorial M. E. Church Rev. Win. II. Adams preach ed morning and night sermons. There was no afternoon service. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 29th and T Sts. Rev. P. J. Sears, Pastor Joshua Henderson, Reporter Every clajss in the Sunday school was represented last Sunday The first Sunday of this year, at. 11:00 a. in., was the time the pastor decided to preach the installation sermon for the Sunday school workers. His basic tex^ Was Dan. 12:3, the subject was “The ministry of the disciple of Jesus Christ and their reward.” A few of the highlights that Rev. Sears put emphasis on were as fol lows: Literature, It shall be your duty to teach the people to read good literature. The best piece of literature is the Bible. Teach your pupils the import BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE FROM YOUR NEAREST BO. OMAHA AGENT McGill and Daria 2618 Q Street X. G. Harris Grocery Store, 6224 8. 80 8W JMA 0741. Dorsey Oliver, 1709 8. 29 St. MA 2878 Mke. Margaret Berries •BBT 8. 28 8ft. ance of virtue, and why it is i necessary to have pride. If you want to he a star, pet your liph from Jesus Chrat and teach by an example. The choir will sponsor a slat'1 country rally on the 17lh of this month. Rev. Curry, of Zion Bapli/st church, will deliver the sc in on at 3:00 p. m. Tim instajlntion for Rev. I'. . Sears will be pin Monday even ing, Jan. 18th . Dr. S. B. (Nofthcross, Mrs. M. P. Pierce and Mrs. Rosa Le ’ arc on the sick list The funeral of Mr. Henry Merrill wris held from Be h 1 Baptist church, Mamlay, with the pastor in charge. Why notcmne to Bethel next Sunday. Mother lAt-iter is ill. Elder and Mrs. A. IX Carter of Council Bluffs, Ini., spent Now Year’s day visiting South Omaha friends. Church of God in Christ Elder A. D. Carter, Pastor The church enjoyed good ser vices the pa*3t Sunday. Night service was in charge of Rev. Ellis ,of Kansas City. The Willing Workers club is trying to get started again. Leader of this club is Mrs. Ag nes Dozier. Come out and help thorn. i r Shadows of Rainey Bethea Case Noted v e at Owensboro • r a Tvouisvillie, Ky., Jan. 9 (ANP) —Hoyle Roberts, 28-year-old * deliveryman, living 'in Owens- n boro, wits charged with assault,- v fyig Mrts. Frank Dowell, white, v wife of a railroad switchman, in her home at Owensboro. Ro n berts was brought to the Jeffier- e son county jail in Louisville to j wvoid mob violence. Roberts’ ease is a reminder of 1 •’ (the very sim/ikir Rainey Bethea 1 ease in Owensboro several months 1 ago. It a recalled that ov«|r 30, 11 000 peopled from near and afar to witness ethe^fs haitging last 1 August for the ussualt and mjur- ' dor of an old white woman of 70 n years. Roberts Sent «>n krrand Roberts was employed by a drug * store and was dispatched by his | ' employer to deliver some articles to; Mrs. Dowell. Roberts was seen running by Frank Dwell, husband * of the assaulted woman, and began chasing him, but failed to catch !l him. Returning to his home, he c found his wife unconscious on the v floor. Afty>r the assaulted woman re gained consciousness, she told po lice it was the drug store delivery ] boy Shortly afterward, police a p-! ij'xlhendktd Talberts ridiaig ia bi cycle* and arrested him. Blood stains were found on his garments, j Roberts told an ANP correspond-\ ent he was sent to the Dowell hme to deliver Christmas gifts, and j was asked by Mrs. Dowell to de- 1 liver a present to her friend. He , denied having assaulted the wo- ’ man. Judge F. A. Roby, of the Owens boro city court, held an examin ing trial Monday, and Roberts’ bond was fixed at $10,000 pending grand jury action. Mrs. Pickens to Take Group to Europe New York City, Jan. 9 (ANP) —Mrs William Pickens, wift of the NAACP will lead another study group to Europe from JVilf 3 to Sept. 3rd, it was announced this week. The group will be sponsored by the Poeono Study tours and will be under the educational direction of American Peoples college. Mrs Pickens led similar arrow* to Eu rope in 1930 and 1932 for the stu dy of social and cultural develop, meats in Europe. HEAR HENRY BOYD IN N. Y, New York City, .Jan. 9 (ANP)— Plans for receiving Henry Allen Boyd 'if Nashville in this, the “Cdy of Churches," have been com pleted, according to an announce ment mad? last week by the Rev. S W. Times, D. D.., the president and chief executive, of the New York Rapist State c-opventi'on. Rev. Mr Timms has announced that S*n'#~y Boyd wll reach New York nn Tuesday, Jan. l!Jth and that a conform e and b;siness rrif't r.f v.-bh morribers of (he Na tional Rant .st Convention of Am erica wll be held that same day at 2:00 p m. An invdatjon has bc-on extended to all the Bapt st ministers of Now V’H; cn.’| an » r|l ng territory. Many are expected here. N. A. A. O. P. FILES SUIT Baltimore, Jan. 0 Continu ing its drive against equal itlns in public school educa tion, the NAAOP today filed a petition in tbe circuit court of Montgomery county seeking a writ of mandamus to compel thtc board of education of Mont gomery to pay equal salaries to white and colored teachers with lha » qualifications per forming essentially the .same du ties and < quin, cd with the same amount <>f teaching experience. The petition was filed in behalf of Wiliam B Gibbs, jr., act ng j principal of tlw Rockville elemen tary school in Montgomery caun ty. I’ho petition irtpj*p that- Mr. Gibbs is a normal school gradu ate, holds a first-grade teacher’s certificate of the first-class issued by the sta<« department of educa tion of Maryland, and is in his fifth year of teaching experience in the state of Maryland; that he is receiving a salary of $51 a month, or $612 a year whereas teachers in white schools in Montgomery county with his same qualifications and experience and performing essen tially the same duties are paid ap- j proximately $98 a month or $1,175 : a year. Tho (petition further recites that tho state of Maryland pays a high er salary to white persons holding the post of acting principals of white elementary schools than to white t^'.ehors in those ■ \ thools, but acting principals of Negro ele m -itary schools re eive the same salary as Negro elementary teach ers. Mr. Gibbn file I a petition with tho hoard of education of M wt gomery c«>unty on Dec. 8th asking the board to adopt a salary sch- I uilo w'itlhout f ny ^tinotjon th ing made as to rare, color of t « ■ hers or school, gut the board re fused to consider the petition arud the only step remained was court action. ■AUys. for Mr. Gibbs are Char les H. Houston and Thurgood Mar shall of the NAACP staff in New York and W. A. C. Hughes, jr, of this city Tho NAACP ipointed out in a statement today that in the state of Maryland the average salary of an elementary teacher in the counties of Maryland is $1,135 whereas the average Negro tea cher's salary in the same counties is $602, or he difference of $553. For the Theatre or Any Social Engagement Compare Our Rates PLEAFORIJ S ACTION IN LYNCHING Tacoma Kidnaping j Cited in Call For Action New York, J;pi. !) -C'ting the swift, action of the famous O-ricn in the Mattson kidnap ping case in T-en-na, Wash'n" tou, the NAACP this week aga in ea led upon AttJy Oenofyd Homer 8. Cummings to pro ceed with this federal investi gation of the lynch'ng of Claude Nerd by a m<*b at Mari-1 anna, Florida, (>ct. 26th 19 !4. According to the Lindbergh law a | erlod of sov n days must ol ,rpr<\ before the federal guYren iwm can presume that a federal 'rime hns been committed, that js that a state line has been crossed by thn kidnapers. Tho association’s letter pointed out that the f<d<fal investigators did not wait for tho elapsing of r. v<n days, as provided by the fed eral kidnaping law, in order to be come active in tho Mattson case, but rfjnhed in simultaneously with the report of the kidnaping to the Tacoma polite. Eight fodoral agents wero sent into Tacoma almost be fore the police teletype machines hid finished recording the kidnap ing of the Mattson boy. Theoretcally, if a state line is not 'Tossed, the job of arresting and '-ninishinp' the kidnapers is sup posed to bo confined to the state officers. In r'ac* } ■, how: v j-, the G-men have ignored this iportion of the law and have rushed into every kidnn.pdnig*—exdqplil the Nteal kiid r;sp-lynchin£. Nc«l was taken from a jail in r|-w*lion\, Ala. ar)d trf rurm-ted across the state line to Marianna. Fla., where he was lynched. Des J. W. BROWN Expert Piano Tuning and Repairing Done Reasonable. Guaranteed Satisfaction WE 4522 2610 Franklin GHOST WRITING Mean# WE Write and YOU Get the Credit Letters, social ami business; popular speeches ami talks for Teachers, Ministers. Civic, Bus iness and Lodge leaders; ar tides for publication. Your own work rewritten, revised, or criticised. Write us your needs and send 6 cents stamps fr more details. 0. N S. BUREAU 141 West 126th St., New York City Lake St. Coal Co. 2520 T.ake Phon® AT 2575 Quality cannot be substituted Prompt delivery Service Thomas Robinson, prop. MASON’S Bar-3-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 Ipite tho clear interstate nature of Vhe crime the *4 »«■ govern ment has refused bo act, basing its inactivity upOn a strict and highly technical interpretation of tho law. As the NAACP points out, the Department is not very technical; i h1 does it observe the letter «f I the law in the cases of white kid-! nap victims. Three weks ago in New' York City federal men cap tured Harry Brunette, wanted fotr the kdnapinlg of New Jersey state trooper. Although the, troop er, like Neal was kidnaped in one state and taken to another for the purpose of being killed, the G-men did not quibble on this point. On the other hand they have steadfastly mainlined that the fact that Neal was kidnaped for the purpose of being killed prevented them from taking action under the Lindbergh law'. The NAACP letter declares: “Tho action of the Department of Justice in the Mattson case further substantiates the quite obvious con clusion that its agents act on ad ministrative interpretation of the law white cases and the sflrict let ter of the law in Negro cast's.” This is the third demand in the past two weeks by the NAA(CP for action in the Claude Neal lynch ing. i*p« o ferny City, R. J. Poisoned Kidneys Stop Getting Up Nights To harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys and correct ir- 1 citation of bladder so that you can stop “getting up nights” get a 35 cent package of Gold Medal Haar lem Oil Capsules and take as di- I rected. Other symptoms of kidney and blader weaknesses are scanty pufy eyes.—ade. Golden Brown Hair Dressing NQW25< fnr Z+lr •COOOO*. *•»'! « ? t* #« &»m« o f !h*t «!<l If nift* .joe* m •' **'ff <lrrw ■■ rr HO* LUCK BAG FREE! f sor Affftrlan M*Jo Look end nampiM Hail Dreaafnr. T - ? der Ointment Free Send 10c to cover mailing coat Ooldan Brown cnemir**! Co., G, Memphis, T**no. NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-6 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Live Poultry, Ducks, Geese, Chickens and Turkeys. Heip fts dneys ^ Don’t Take Drastic Drugs Ifour Kidneys contain 9 million tin> j tube* or filters which may be endangered by neglect or drastic. Irritating drugs. He careful. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from (letting Up Nights, Nervousness. Loss of Ivp, Beg Pains. Rheumatic Pains, Dizziness. Cir cles Under Eyes, Neuralgia, Acidity. Burning, Smarting or Itching, you don't need to take chances. All druggists now have the most modern advanced treat ment for these troubles—a Doctor'd pres criptlon called Cystex (Slss-Tex) Worlu fast—safe and sure. In 48 hours It must bring now vitality and is guarani fed t< tnako you feel 10 years younger in on* i week or money back on return of * *upt j package. Cystex costs only 3c a «1*» druggists ami the guarantee protec• < v«, Here’s Year Hg Chance to Hake Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEMMA BROWN Heir Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Preducts. It’s Easy! Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good thing that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Faee Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time er Full Time. We show you how to make up’to *4040 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Monty! Just fill in coupon and aufl it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing. Race Powder and Spedai Offer to AGENTS. Don't wait. Mail the COUPON NOW1 Valmor Products Co. "ST* ZMl ladtaaa Asms, a. L- i S VAUMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dapt. 1M I 2241 Indiana An. CMcac*. IB. | ■ I want to make Qddi Manay. Please send me I I Maa So ta»ln and Special Offer teAjtata right away, t I Van. I I I I AdO*u.................................—...... I L?«moMimmiakoo2»di(lii»>J A Baby For You? If you are denied the blessing of a baby all your own and yearn for a baby’s arms and a baby’s smile, do not give up hope. Just write in confidence to Mrs. Mildred Owens, Dept. F-562, Hanan Bldg i Kansas City, Mo., and she will tell you about a simp'e home methoc that helped her after being denied 16 years. Many others say this ha* helped bless their lives. Write now and try for this wonderful happ* ness. CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU R«f*rdl«M of wliat your trouble may Fr you can look the world in tbe face. Solve all problems, get whet you want and fear no man circumstances. Your Happiness and Success demand that you print your name clearly and a*nd it to - - - REV. CHAS. P. COLB'JR T *45 OWEN AVE. DETROIT. MICH. ARE YOU ONLY a THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN, because they are men, can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is ali love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves seream—don't take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told soother how to go “smil ing through” with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go “Smiling Through." DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish We do {lacing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1807 FOR SALE & RENT APTS. TO RENT SHANK LINS AI’AK I'M B!W3 2314 No. 21st Street $4 00 $4 26 and $5 25$ Gas, eleetriety, heat furnished to each apartment; bath for all. Aj.fply 1711 Cuming Street Houses to rent 3, 4, 5, 6 7 to 10 rooms Buy yourselfabusiness. For sale all kinds of businesses. Many other bargains in property. $50. $100, $150 to $300 down. Wanted manor woman who onn In vest $500- Job pays $60 per asonth Money invested draws 6 per een», position as salesman Wanted ,third partner in coal busi ness, who can invest $359. Don’t try to roach mo bp phono com# to the office. SHANK LIN AGENCY 1711 Doming Stroet “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE’ 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men's Shirts Hand-Fin ishsd at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat \\ ork. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St _WE 1029 ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY and pave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ’tv and the thrill of youth and love again. ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days. Write at once for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave,, NEW YORK CITY _ S-C-F. Ex. S._ —-—ZZ---■—— WaMERICRSgreatest!?. . TILLING/™ KfAND NEW YOR/YS LARGEST.. • You will be* WNEGRO NEWSPAPER ISBRANCH-. Sscinatedby ) AnG OUT, AND WILL CARRY NEWS.. Ihe prestide ( l OF YOUR SECT/OR-fLUS FRESH.. ijoull dainrciffl El NEWS DIRECT FROM THE VM0S this midhbj ) lorcjamiatiaj WGET INCH MGROmFZOW/Lf. f X j£ 1 bECOME SOLE REPRESFmWFBMlXm KIN 'MR DISTRICT-NO PREVIOUS t^i YI ^perience !$£Mry Hm \ 2293 -'T’VWE. HBW XORK.KY. f | } ,