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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1937)
Ti peka Man 1 s Named County Treasurer f is T’ft n!*e UU ' i ~ . or ic > 1 oo le fey i'lool., '*o »rook« I . _ I r CENTS |\ CITY j j* PER I § EDITION j |U copy j ~~ ' _ = = OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2,1937 \\ , M VOLUME 13 _____ __!= Topekan Ss Appointed Treasurer Topeka-—John M. Wright, who has been depiity treasurer of Shawnee county for 33 years, has been appointed to the of fice of county treasurer to fill out the unexpired term of J. C. Glenn Davis, white, vrtiose re signation will become effecti' e January 9th. The county com missioners made the appoint ment. , Mr. Wright is the oldest oinciai in point of service at the county cofurthrtuse. He was first appointed deputy treasurer in 1903 by Capt. H. M. Phillips. He has geen in of fice continuously since that time wjth the exception of two years he spent as county clerk and six months which he spent in Y. M. C. A., work during the World War. lOnce before, Mr. Wright was named to fill out the unexjpired trm of a cdunty treasurer. He held this treasurers position in 1928, filling out the term <«f Tom Boyd. Well Known Mr. Wright is one of the best kivnvn citizens of Topeka, regard less of his color. Mr. Wright is particularly valu able in the county treasurer’s of fice because of hs ability to find ral estate on the tax rolls despite the fact that owners of the prop erty g|peak in U-fms of street ad dresses and not number of lots. Each year, he has charge of the tax rolls during tay paying season. Mr. WYight says he does not con template any changes in the per sonnel of the treasurer’s office. Davis resigned to take over the duties of county clerk to which he was elected in November. He is serving his second term as county treasurer. DOG NABS CHILD Dorine Wise, 8, of 923 North 25Ui St. was bruised when grabbed by a large police dog, the property of L. B. Pixley, 2510 Cuming St., Monday, Dec. 28th. When Dorine and little companion ran up on the porch of the house at 918 No. 25th, Dorine was seized by a large police dog. She was treated at the police station and later taken home. BULLETINS! Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 2 (C)— The Voice, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Coles editors and publishers, 39714 Clar issa street, has exposed “The Green Scandal Sheet” as doing “all Afro Americans residing here a great injustice.” The editors of the Voice have personally on the editor of “The Green Scandal Sheet” (white) and asked that he desist from this course of jr^sreplrefeentationl of 4,000 colored people in Rochester. New York, Jan. 2 (C)—Ten thou sand people jammed the Paramount j theatre as “Pennies From Heaven,” | with Louis Armstrong and Bing Crosby, had its premiere on Wed-! nesday. To Appear Here For One Week A • .. . fc»S LOUIS ARMSTRONG Starting New Year's eve at midnight and continuing for one week at the Orpheum thea ter, Louis Armstrong, baud and entire ensemble of enter tainers from the Cotton club, all in person. Louis Amrtrtrong, king of swing, says swing music is the kind of music that just happens along. It is the height of iu formpjillyyy. Tlii rei(n Hies i| s greatest attraction, You walk into a place where swing is being played and you wonder if the boys are really together. It is informal and one would think tihe boys were tilli ng up, except that they all seem in closest harmony and working on the same rhythm. MR. AND MRS. JOHN V. WALKER ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. John V. Walker, 2721 Parker St., entertained at din ner Monday night, Dec. 28th. Guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gpay, Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby, Mrs. Gordon, M^s. Mary Pidgett of Kan sas City, Mr. Monroe Wyatt, Mr. Jimmie Woods, Mr. Nels Rutledge, Mr. Walter Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Andrtif Logan. The evening was spent ipjaying bridge. MISS ANNIE LEE CARTER JOHNSON ENTERTAINS One of the most outstanding af fairs of the holiday season was the dinner held Thurs. Dec. 24th, at the lovely apartment of Miss Annie Lee Carter Johnson, 2624 No. 25th St. » Covers were laid for 12. The ta bles were beaut iflul, all in keeping with the season. The red and green service added to the tables’ beauty. During the course of the evening, many other friends dropped in, contributing their merriment to this gala affair. Miss Johnson was voted, by those enjoying her hospitality, as one of Omaha’s most delightful and gra cious hostesses. A six pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs, Dan Merrigan, 2731 Blondo. Mother and son are doing nicely at the Methodist hospital. i | SEASON'S GREETINGS ' From the Staff of # H. J. Ford, Executive O. M. Shepard, Advertising Flurna Cooper, Executive Dudley Wright, Advertising Boyd V. Galloway, Manager D. Rucker, Office Secretary C. C. Galloway, Manager Edward Lane, Linotypist j Correspondents Paul Barnett. Machinist Chas. Wake, Linotypist j L. L. McVay Hazel Funches, News Dep. Edna Mitchell, Circulation Rev. 0. J. Burckhardt Win. McLride, Adv. and Cir. Lillian Harrington, Cir. | j f . G0L1ETH MURRELL CUT In an argument over money, Gol ieth Murrell, 1918 No. 25th St., was cut with a tazor Saturday, Dec. 26th by Fred Robinson, 2817 l^arker St., at the home of R. S. Jones.. Murrell was tr*aied by Dr. G. B. Lennox. Robin ;on could not be found. RECEPTION HELD The Northside YWCA was the scene of a beautiul wedding reception on Saturday night, Dec. 26th, following the mar riage of Mr. George Simpson to Miss Erma Speese. The ta ble, on which the refreshments were (served, was covered with a rich lace cloth, upopn which reposed a beautiful array of cut flowers. I lighted candles were placed at either end of tihe table. The bride, beautiful in a popular shade of blue, car ried a bouquqet of pink roses. The groom looked stately in a full dress suit, included in the receiving lne with the bride and groom were Mrs. Clara Speese, mother of Mrs. Simp son, anjd Mr. and Mrs. I. Riv ers. The young Ladies who as sisted in serving looked chic in formats. Mr. (Simpson was formerly of Omaha, having left last year for Wyoming where he now owns and operates a ranch. Mrs. Simpson ofrmerly lived at 2864 Miami St., is popular both in church and social circles. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson left Thursday for Wyoming where they will make their home. Mrs. Sampson, 2606 Lake St., whp 1ms been ill is now able to be out. MISS GERTRUDE RUOKER ENTERTAINS Miss Gertrude Rucker enter tained Wednesday, Doc. dOth, at a luncheon honoring Miss Kathleen Macey, K. U. studetat, who is in the city for the holi days. Guest list included Miss es Willette Emhry, Eva Mae Stewart* Juanita Macey, and Rachel Covington. JOSEPHINE WESLEY CUT While drinking Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, with a man by the name of Charlie, Mrs. Josephine Wesley, 1611 No. 11th St., was cut by a pocket knife on the back, left arm and left hand. Charlie fled the scene before police could get there. - ■ MISS CHRISTINE DIXON ENTERTAINS Misb Christine Dixon, 2889 entertained Friday, Jan. 1st honoring many college students who are spendin the holidays in the city, among which are Miss Charlene Lewis, Mesisirs. Wm. Glenn, Herbert Gamer, W. S. Fletcher, Tlios. Jones, Eugene Skinnerand Ed Wig gins. Present were guests of honor, Miases Eva Mae Stewart Lorene Lewis, Hester Brown, Asilee Dotson, Mary Gordon, Charlotte Hicks, Versie Win ston and Lavna Adams and Messrs. Julian McPherson, John Woods, J. C. Williams and Ralph Adams. Mr. and Mrs. C.. B.. Fredercks, 2220 Lake Street, entertained Mr., and Mrs. George Simpson, newly weds, at a dinner on Sunday Dec.. 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson left Thursday, December 31st for Wyo ming, where they will make their home. Miss Amanda Offutt is ill. SAFEWAY CAB DRIVER ROBBED Boyd Allen, 518 So. 2Gth, driver of a Safeway Cab, was robbed of $3.03 Wednesday, Dec. 23rd near 28th and Dcdcatur Sts by an un identified Negro, whom he picked up at 25th and Farnam Sts. Mrs. Edna Mitchell Entertains Mrs. Edna Mitchell, 2431 Parker St., entertained at dinner Christ mas Day. The house was decorated through out in Christmas colors. The table was beautiful, the colors of red and white predominating. Red ta pers were to be seen at each end of the table. Gorgeous red roses made a centerpiece. The five course dinner that was served was enjoyed by Miss Violet Holt, Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Harring ton, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mitchejl After dinner, Christmas calls were made and upon returning to Mrs. Mitchell’s Christmas carols were sung. It goes without saying that when the time for departure came, everyone voted Mrs. Mitchell a dharming hostess. Fight In Derby Beer Garden In an argument between Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hightowell, 1518 No. 25th St., who with Mary Jones, were drinking in the Derby Tavern 24th and Clark Sts., on Dec. 25th Hghtowell struck his wife in the face with his fist. She in turn pulled out a small pocketknife and stuck him on the left, side of the abdomen. Hightowell left the tavern stat ing that he was going to a doctor to be treated. When the women went h<ime, Hightowell entered with a hammer and struck his wife on the head cutting her scalj) and putting a out over her left upper eyelid and then fled. Mrs. Hightowell was treated and book t» the charge of “Investiga tion.” Football Stars Hold Banquet Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 31— Twin City Negro football stars were eulogized at a ban quet Saturday night, at Phyl lis Wheatley House. The affair was sponsored by the Minnea polis Big Brothers. Coach Bernie Bierman, Go phVF Coach, vdasl among tilie speakers. Other speaker were C. O. Seversoki, principal at South high sch<tll: Rf|v. C. F.. Stewart of St. Peter AME church; Rev. D. P Young and Phil Brain, University of Minnesota coach, who exhibited motion pictures of the highlights of the 1936 football of the Gophers. John F. Thomas, head of boys1 worker at the settlement house, ser ved as master of ceremonies. riayers introduced included Her ace Bell, Gopher guard; Bill Wal 'ac-e and Tyler Howell, Ray John 'snif, Maurice iPuwett,* South high Minnea.polis players. Bobby Mar shall, old time Minnesota star, and Bill Smalls, former Central high player. About 160 people were in atten dance at the banquet. MR. & MRS. EARL MeCONNELL ENTERTAIN FOR CHILDREN Mi*, and Mis. Earl McConnell, 2634 Maple St., entertained Roberta and Clyde Longmyer, children of Mrs. Alma Longmyer, 2723 Miami St., and Almeda Lou and Buddy Holiday, children of Mr. and Mrs. Mol Holiday, 2112 Elm St. on Christmas Eve at a delightful three course dinner party. Assisting was Mrs. Mel Holiday. The evening was spent in playing games. Attends Kappa Conclave Mr. Carlton Goodlett, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Goodlett, 2815 Biraiey, left Friday, Dee. 25th, for Washington, D. C., where he will attend the Kap pa Conclave. From Washing ton, he will return t» Berkley, California to resume his school duties. CUT IN APEX BRAWL Claude Atkins and wife Mannie, Willie Ross and another man were in the Apex Pool Hall, 1820 No. 24th St., on Dec. 25th, when Ross and the unnamed man began ar guing. When Atkins interferred, he was cut on the hand. No arrests were made. MARRIED Mr. Homer McCraney, Omaha and Miss Margaret Dallas, of Chic ago, were married Dec. 28th in Council Bluffs, la., by Rev. Geo. W. Slater, jr. Mr., and Mrs. Watson 3212 Corby entertained at a lovely Christmas dinner party an Christ mas day. The color scheme, in keeping with the holidays, was green and red. The guest list includd Mr ..and Mrs.. Willis, and daughters; Miss Hazel Parker and Mir. Coleman; Mr., and Mrs.. Ramsey and Mr., and Mrs.. Bry ant. The Watsons will be remem bred as enwlyweds. 1936 Records Show Decline In Lynching According to title record)* compiled in the Dejtartment of Records and Research of the Tuskegqd Institmtpv of whiieh Mr. F. I>. Patterson is pre sident, there were 9 persons ly nched in 1936. This is 11 lefes than the number 20 or 1935; 6 less than the nlmber 15 for 1934; and 19 less than the number 28 for 1933. 6 of the persons lynched were in the hands of the law; 2 were taken from jails and 4 from officers of the law outside of jails. There were 35 instances in which officers of the law prevented lynch ing*. 6 of these were in northern states and 30 in southern state*. In 30 of the instances the prison ers were removed or the guards augmented or other precaution* taki o. hi the 5 other Instances, armed force was used to repel the I would be lynchers. A total of 69 | persons, 7 white and 62 Negro, were j thus saved from death at the hands ! of mobs. Of the 9 persons lynched, all were Negroes. The offenses charg ed were rape, 3; attempted rape, 3; murder 1; activity in share crop per strike, 1; charge not reported, 1. The states in which lynchings oc cured and the number in each state are as follows: Arkansas, 1; Flor ida, 1: Georgia, 5; Mississippi 1. Louis Makes Slew Year’s Resolution —. * Detroit, Jan. 2 (ANP)—“Tell ‘em to watch Joe Louis in 1937.” That was the Brown Bomber’s New Year’s advice given out on Christ mas cTay as he spent the holidays witih his mother and family as well as hundreds of well-wishers who dropped by to extend the season’s greetings and express their belief that Joe will be heavyweight cham pion before Yuletide comes around again. "Next year is going to be my biggest,” said Louis "Right now I’m ready to fight anything and every thing they put in the ring against me. As soon as I get through cele bratin’ the holidays, watch my smoke. Pm going to train harder than ever before, and the more fights I have, the better for me.” John Roxborough, co-manager, added, "A big fight-a-month cam paign is being arranged for Joe ia 1937. After he lost to Schmeling, it meant another climb to the top of the heavyweight heap. But the strange part of the program is the fact that none of the fighters Joe met in his first climb to fame care to meet him again. That’s pretty good indication that Louis is by no eans burned out or through.” Joe’s tentative schedule calls for a six round exhibition jn Buffalo, N. Y. on Jan. 11th, a six-rounder at Minneapolis on Jan. 14, a major fight with Bob Pastor in New York on Jan. 29th, and probably a bout with Phil Brubaker in California during February if the Rosenhloom match is not made. CStA HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE®