The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 14, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3
v<Vp. ,,vv v.WAWA'.V.V.V.VWW.WWW.’.wv.v. ...... * ,v.v.w.v.v.-.w. . . . I COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA 1 »■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ~ — - NEWS NOTES _H. M. FUNCHES. EDITOR The Loving Four Quartette made its final appearance in Council Bluffs at Beulah Bap tist Church Monday night. Mr. Harold Tahl of Omaha, visited Mr. Ward Walker on Sunday. Mrs. Lillie Mills left Nov. 3, for Chicago where she will make a short visit with friends and relatives. Mr. Silas Holliday has moved from 2505-4 Ave. to 2511-5 Ave. The Sunday Night Whist Chib was entertained by Mr. Ward Walker. Attending were Miss Ijcnora Poston, of Omaha, Misses Bessie Reynolds and H. Funches. and Messrs. Clyde Gor don and Dan 1?. W alker. Mrs. Lena lhirine, formerly of Omaha, returned to her home in DesMoines after a visit in the James Wilson home. Mrs. Rosa Griffin has moved to 2511-5 Ave. Rev. G. Edward Green return ed to his home Monday, Nov. 2. from the Jennie Edmondson Hospital where he was taken because of gum hemorrhages caused by the extraction of eight teeth. Mrs. Ella Green has returned from Oakdale, Ta., where she was called by the sudden ill ness of her husband. Mr. Green’s condition is reported as being aomewbat better. Mrs George Cooper 1813-18 Ave., ntertained at a luneh°©n Wednesday honoring Mrs. Bell Riley of Los Angeles, Calif. TAKES VACATION Mr. L. TT. Baker, 2027*3 Ave., will leave Nov. 16th for a two weeks vacation. He will visit relatives and friends in Kansas City, Mo., Oklahoma City nnd Luther, Okla. and points in Texas. Mr. Baker will be back to his shop about Dec. 1st. Mr. Louis Filbright and Mrs. Louise Bowers, of Springfield, Til., spent Saturday with Mrs. Elizabeth ITodgs, sister of Mr. Filbright. Loving Four Close Meetings Sunday was Ihe last day of the meeting of the Loving Four Quartette at Tabernacle Bap tist church. To say that the pu blic who listened to these song birds were highly appreciative of their music is to put it mildly Over $76 wras raised by this quartette . 20th Century Olub Meets The 20th Centruy Civic and Art club met Thursday, Nov. 12 at the home of Mrs. Virginia Nevins. No further meeting will be held until after Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Lucinda Wright was an Omaha visitor Sunday and Monday. Council Bluffs Agents For The Omaha Guide Are Mrs. Clarence Ollphant, 2456- 6 Ave Little Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave. See Your Nearest Agent and Buy Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. Mrs. Harris Entertain? Mrs. Fannie Harris entertain ed at a dinner Saturday even ing honoring the members oL‘ the Loving Four quartette. Among the guests was Mrs. Cooper, a mother of the Cooper brothers of the quartette. Mr. Elijah Lane had the mis fortune to get both legs frae* tured when struck by an auto near the Rock Island station. Mr. John Guyton received a sentence of a year and a day on a theft charge, according to report received. Mr. and' Mrs. Irvin Miller arc now living in the house form erly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Anderson. WOMEN CHURCH WORKERS ANI) THEiR PROBLEMS By R- A. Adams (For the Literary Service Bureau) With many women church work ers, es'pei-'ully these who have un saved husbands, the chief problem is to overcome the antagonism of their husbands to such work. And this is not such a simple problem Some husbands are actuated by jealousy; some are just non-chuch ly in their attitudes; and others object because of the insults and indignities which the women must suffer in this line of work Subjectively, the chief problem is to be -able to “pass up” insults, innuendoes and subtle approaches in a way that will not give offense; and only God knows indignities are suffered by these loyal souls who “cany on” in spite of such unplea sant circumstances I am thinking of a preacher’s wife, who was approached by a steward of her husbands church, when his advances were indignant ly rebuked, not only did he lose in terest in the work of the minister '--it used all of his influence to ° his administration to fail '. j remedy for such a candition rnJ relief for the women of the church, in this respect, may be found in the budget system and in the tithing which will eliminate the necessity for endless solciting and selling tickets for various enter tainments- And the pastors and of ficers of Negro churches owe it to the cause and to the womanhood of the church to remedy these con ditions worthwith. WOLK CLEANERS 1506 North 24th Street 20 years of service makes our work superior. Your patronage is apprecia ted. ^n»n»T,i:nfO ‘ •' * Sweet Georgia Browl Hair Dressing Men and Women earr up to $35 a week as •agents for Sweet Georgia Browr Hair Dressing, Pace Powder, Blea ching Cream; 300 products. Just send name and address for FREE SAMPLE and Money Making Agent’s offer. Write Quick! VALMOR PRODUCTS CO., Dept 616, 2241 Indiana Ave-, Chicago III. North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Your worn shoes are formed to your feet. Retain their comfort and get more service and ap pearance by having them pro perly rebuilt. Shoes are never old until they can no longer be rebuilt We Call For and Deliver 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 ALBERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 New Yorkers Protest Civil Service Ruling New York, Nov- 14 (ANP)— Three thousand persons crowding tho St Nicholas arena Friday night here, heard speakers soundly de- j nounce the New York City Civil Service Commissioners and ap i plauded vociferously when Ferdin [ and Q Morton, colored member of this pwerful body, was branded a 1 “dumb Jackass.” | Assembled to protest the actions of the Commission in reference to I examinations for workers now em 1 ployed as investigators by the J Home Relief Bureau, the meeting was ant orderly affair and lacking usual firework* attributed such oc csions Contrary to the widespread pro paganda, it was not a “communist gathering," rather a gathering of indignant workers, many of whom ae not affiliated with any racial element, supported by members of I the American Legion and city offid as. Already, 25,000 persons not em ployed by the Bureau at present, are said to have filed their applica tions, with which the sum of two d»la<‘s must be remitted, for this examination I Many believe that the present situation, promulgated by sponsors | cf schools for the training of social workers and “politicians in on the grab” is aimed dlrecty at the thou sand or more colored investigators who have been rendering yoeman I service in the past four or five I' years. I Reading through the application blank for admission to the examin ation Says the blank “A person failing In the written test need not apply for the oral examination” or words to that effect. Further, a candidate, passing the first test may be rejected on the second for reason of lack of person ality, physical defects or handi caps and many other minor rea sons At the meeting Fnday night the | head of one of the Relief Bureaik Worker groups declared that “Fer dinand Q Morton failed to render a service to his race when he could have established a precedent and demanded the blanket induction into the city employ, the thousand col ored investigators- When asked what was his reaction and why he refused when he had an opportunity to set a precedent for the south and other sections of the country o follow, “the speaker declared Mr. Morton said “To hell with whole thing.” White and colored employes are working in unison to forestall the DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish ' We do glazing and make window f shades to order 1822-24 N. 24 WE 1607 Look At Your Roof! THERE S A BIRD ROOF For Every Type of Home Shingle or Roll, in a host of lovely colors. Oall for Estimate, JA 5000 1 to 3 Years To Pay j 19, Nicholas TAKING OFF SOME FLESH! Here’* Jack Dempsey In the act of slicing a luscious ateak from a chunk of prime beef In hla restau rant opposite Madison Square Gart den In New York, I’asage of the measure and are; ■ nten'ix.'at'ng court proceedings to hilt the elimination, scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving. An injunction is being sought to that the carry out of the intern, tion of Civil Service Commission, I which s bong supported by the city employes and the weekly publiea- j tion, “The Chief” sponsored by several men close to the Tammany administration. Several courses have been offered by the Delehanty School, another institution which thrives on would be city and state employes, be lieved to lead to qualifying for the examination. As the meeting Friday night pro gressed, Alderman Dench lent his support to the fight of the workers, the first public official to come out In the open and defy the action of the Civil Service Commission Lucky Millinder To Broadcast New York, Nov. 14 (C)—Lucky Millinder and his band will broad cast over WMCA regularly from the Savoy Ballroom after Nov. 15 Lucky has made several changes in the band personnel. ALTHOUSE Beauty Salon Everything new in hair coif" fures. See our complete line of ...cosmetics — especially blended for our particular needs. WE 0864 2422 N. 22 St. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0600 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kin# Yuen Cafe 2010% N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Loses Job; I^iys It To Ingratitude Colon. R. P Nov. 14 (ANP1— Seeming Ingratitude for his fail ure to return thanks to the Patron Saint of Porto Bello, resulted In the loss of employment for Jorge Mendez, Pannnvan employed with the Utility Gang at the United States Army base. Port Randolph As Is the annual custom thou sands of people make pilgrimage in October to the distinct provid ence to observe the feast of the Patron Saint, known as the “Black Christ.” Rich and noor, black and white, native and foreigner annual ly take part in the three-day festi val when the more superstitious or fanatically religious make suppli cation to the stone Image for ma terial gain. Last year Mendez out of employ ment. vl8ited the shrine of El C'is to Negro and was soon rewarded for his belief and faith with em ployment with the United States Forces- This year the youth made no effort to return to the shrine to give thanks for the blessings of the maestro (master). The loss of hts job for no ap parent or obvious reason a couple of days ago, caused Mendez to be lieve he has been frowned upon for ingratitude. Seattle Girl Hurt By Car in Los Angeles Seattle, Wash, N»>v. 14 (ANP)— Nellie Winslow, known as a mani curist and the sister of Zelma Win slow, an entertainer here, was struck and painfully injured last Saturday, by an automobile In Los Angeles- According to reports re ceived here, she suffered broken arms and legs and possible Internal injuries- Her sister, Zelma, left im mediately for Los Ang/es to at tend her. PATRONIZE 01TR ADVERTISERS RABE’S BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS dancing 2425 N. 24th JA 9195 Sl&saach Gas So Bad Seems To Hurt Heart "The ga* on my stomach was so bad t c J nLl e*.t e.- cl:cp.» my h:art seemed to hurt. A f- ,'nd sug nested Adlerika. Tha fi st doae I tcok brought me relief. Now I eat as I wiah, sleep fine and never felt better.” —Mrs. ii3. Filler. Adlerika acte on BOTH upper and lower bowela while ordinary In.atives act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika gives your syetem a thorough cleans mg. bringing out old, poisonous matter that you would not believe was In your system and that has been causing qas Rains, sour stomach, nervousness and e.iriachea for montha. Dr. If. £,. Sboub, New York, reporter "In addition to inlertlnnl ctcanring, Adlrrikn greatly reducer bacteria and colon bacilli Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS i . n c" • Ion. AT ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS TRIAL OFFER: For Special Trial treatment, send 10c, stamps or coin to Adlerika. Dept. 71, St. Paul, Minn. CUtftf IELD TEA KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You’ll Ilk* the way If inept you bock, overnight, fo fho fooling of "rorln’ to go" fid non ond Iniide cleonllneu! Illmlnoto the left-over wmt.i that hold you bock, cauio hoodochoi, In dtgoition etc. Gorflold too It nof a miracle worker but if CONSTIPATION bothou you. It wil certainly "do wonderil" 10* and Kf ol druoitoroi — or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ol Gorflold To. and Garfield Headache Powdeu to: GARFIELC TSA CO.. Dept. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It s Anto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us First We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming- St. AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Cm t NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Rhone WE5S5A 2414 Drant St. MEN LOVE PEPPY GIRLS You can become peppy this easy wey If you am happy and pappy and hill of f-tw, man will take you place.. II you ate lively, they will Invite you to dance* anil parti™. BUT. I* you are cm., and lllele.. and nln e tired out, men won’t be lulere.led In you. Men don’t like "quiet” girl.. Men go to partlea to enloy themwltee. They want glrl.1 along who ere full of pep. LYDIA E-. PINKHAM’S VF.CFTABLE COM POUND helpe give you pep end energy. For over slaty years girl, and women have been taking this famous old medicine to pep them up ... to help give them .trenath. energy> sparkle. Notice the girl, and women about you who are full of pep. Ask them what make, them peppy. If they are honor, many ol them will give the credit to LYDIA K. FINK HAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. You should give LYDIA K. PINKHAM’S VF.G ETAIII.F. COMPOUND a try. CUD With peg are more attractive to uien ALWAYS DEPENDABLE * Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. . 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Cannolene Cannolene Hair Grower Bleach Cream (Double Strength) (Double Strength) ~ ; Art* Orr 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we.will give • Free Start to intelligent energetic men or women who are ambitious lo make money and build up a business of their own selling beauty products ol the better kind. Ours la strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality line and y*u win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co- Dept 20-A, Atlanta, Ga, N-N-F. Ei. s. Here's Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Preducts. It's Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money MakingAGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS forSWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Har Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t wait Mail the COUPON NOW1 Valmor Products Co. Df,7’ 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, ID. —_ I “I VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. MS 2241 Indiana Ava., Chicago, III. I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I Fra# Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I S’ amt __| I Address_| >»»>'.'« • •.-"i" mmmmmrnmmmm J ftalsfng the Family*' Pa sikhiM worry about Owowi peawas _ __ fteBq OH. look. Pkm«*m f ^ 0»ar HI*J 1W. - / look at UHCVE 'o'O SmP 'ooa. r c -*"**■ %**? * - y ^ • i\\ *r, y& /4 a - • / £ ; JN THE ME.fMK,T»HeE nrmwATioNALCARTOOw eftwir.