vv. 14 (ANP)— Nellie Winslow, known as a mani curist and the sister of Zelma Win slow, an entertainer here, was struck and painfully injured last Saturday, by an automobile In Los Angeles- According to reports re ceived here, she suffered broken arms and legs and possible Internal injuries- Her sister, Zelma, left im mediately for Los Ang/es to at tend her. PATRONIZE 01TR ADVERTISERS RABE’S BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS dancing 2425 N. 24th JA 9195 Sl&saach Gas So Bad Seems To Hurt Heart "The ga* on my stomach was so bad t c J nLl e*.t e.- cl:cp. F.tr» my h:art seemed to hurt. A f- ,'nd sug nested Adlerika. Tha fi st doae I tcok brought me relief. Now I eat as I wiah, sleep fine and never felt better.” —Mrs. ii3. Filler. Adlerika acte on BOTH upper and lower bowela while ordinary In.atives act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika gives your syetem a thorough cleans mg. bringing out old, poisonous matter that you would not believe was In your system and that has been causing qas Rains, sour stomach, nervousness and e.iriachea for montha. Dr. If. £,. Sboub, New York, reporter "In addition to inlertlnnl ctcanring, Adlrrikn greatly reducer bacteria and colon bacilli Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS i . n c" • Ion. AT ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS TRIAL OFFER: For Special Trial treatment, send 10c, stamps or coin to Adlerika. Dept. 71, St. Paul, Minn. CUtftf IELD TEA KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You’ll Ilk* the way If inept you bock, overnight, fo fho fooling of "rorln’ to go" fid non ond Iniide cleonllneu! Illmlnoto the left-over wmt.i that hold you bock, cauio hoodochoi, In dtgoition etc. Gorflold too It nof a miracle worker but if CONSTIPATION bothou you. It wil certainly "do wonderil" 10* and Kf ol druoitoroi — or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ol Gorflold To. and Garfield Headache Powdeu to: GARFIELC TSA CO.. Dept. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It s Anto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us First We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming- St. AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Cm t NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Rhone WE5S5A 2414 Drant St. MEN LOVE PEPPY GIRLS You can become peppy this easy wey If you am happy and pappy and hill of f-tw, man will take you place.. II you ate lively, they will Invite you to dance* anil parti™. BUT. I* you are cm., and lllele.. and nln e tired out, men won’t be lulere.led In you. Men don’t like "quiet” girl.. Men go to partlea to enloy themwltee. They want glrl.1 along who ere full of pep. LYDIA E-. PINKHAM’S VF.CFTABLE COM POUND helpe give you pep end energy. For over slaty years girl, and women have been taking this famous old medicine to pep them up ... to help give them .trenath. energy> sparkle. Notice the girl, and women about you who are full of pep. Ask them what make, them peppy. If they are honor, many ol them will give the credit to LYDIA K. FINK HAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. You should give LYDIA K. PINKHAM’S VF.G ETAIII.F. COMPOUND a try. CUD With peg are more attractive to uien ALWAYS DEPENDABLE * Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. . 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Cannolene Cannolene Hair Grower Bleach Cream (Double Strength) (Double Strength) ~ ; Art* Orr 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we.will give • Free Start to intelligent energetic men or women who are ambitious lo make money and build up a business of their own selling beauty products ol the better kind. Ours la strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality line and y*u win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co- Dept 20-A, Atlanta, Ga, N-N-F. Ei. s. Here's Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Preducts. It's Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money MakingAGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS forSWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Har Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t wait Mail the COUPON NOW1 Valmor Products Co. Df,7’ 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, ID. —_ I “I VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. MS 2241 Indiana Ava., Chicago, III. I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I Fra# Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I S’ amt __| I Address_| >»»>'.'« • •.-"i" mmmmmrnmmmm J ftalsfng the Family*' Pa sikhiM worry about Owowi peawas _ __ fteBq OH. look. Pkm«*m f ^ 0»ar HI*J 1W. - / look at UHCVE 'o'O SmP 'ooa. r c -*"**■ %**? * - y ^ • i\\ *r, y& /4 a - • / £ ; JN THE ME.fMK,T»HeE nrmwATioNALCARTOOw eftwir.