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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1936)
BETTER HOME LIVING By Miss Pel’s Wkat to Serve at Bridge Clubs I remember when I was president of a taidge dub When they had their first business meeting, I pur posely called their 'attention to the matter of serving for fear someone would overstrain her pocketbook trying t* give sixteen iadips all the fried chicken or oysters they could eat. It was mentioned by the chair, discussed by the group, and lastly voted an by the body; that the »'r vica he limited to two courses, namely; a sai’ad and a dessert A beverage was understood- What a good Imc our bridge club had that yoar because no one felt the fin ancial strain of the club In order that others may profit by the ex perieace of that club, I am listing a few menus; 1- Shrimp and apple salad, potato chips—eh'ackers; ten with lemon; Neopolitan jello topped with whipped cream—crackers 2 Tun* fish, salad; cheese straws; ec.cna; ambrosia 3. Open-feed toast ed cheese sandwiches with bacon curls, coffee; prune whip- 4 Pine apple cream cheese sandwiches, ooffee and apple pie. 5. Waffles— syrup—crisp bacon and coffee PROBLEM PARENTS By R. A- Adams (Fer the Litei'ary Service Bureau) One of the most forceful state ments of recent times is one a wo man writer who made the assertion “The problem child is the product of problem parents ” The problem aspect of the childs life is what it is bemuse of failure in dealing with the problems of the parents The mother failed in the problem j of selecting the father for herj child and vicious heritage was the! result She failed in the conduct of her own life during the pre-nat'al period; and hereditary weakness wero accentuated by prenatal ne glect- Perhaps she was too busy with other things to attend to the early training of her ehild; and here .faulty enviorment had its damag ing effect- Perhaps the father made the same mistakes In his selection of the mother, and then failed to Aid in easting the life of the child Again, both parents might have been too indulgent or too imoatient and harsh Yes, it is true; and deal ing with the child is dealing wth effect when the trouble is with caus es- We are fortunate to have the truth propounded and emphasized, in this way, yet the information will he *f little service unless par ents and prospective parents will give heed and adopt subjectiveg corrective methods. Bishop Wright Says Ohio Colored Vote Goes To Roosevelt New York, Oct- 31 (Calvin Ser •dce)—Bishop R R. Wright, jr., chairman of the National Colored Committee of the Good Neighbor League, 103 Park avenue, said in his office, room 1217, on his re turn from Ohio Monday afternoon: “ I met leaders from 29 cities and town in Ohio where there are over 150,00 colored voters. Heretofore these votes have been overwhelm ingly Republican—in fact they were tho most dependable votes the Re publicans had- But a change has come over them- They have lost confidence in the broken promises of the Republicans who have de luded them for three decades- I feel conservative when I say that 70 per cent of them will vote for tho re-election of President Roose velt.” Observing that there a million colored votes in noirthern states, the bishop added that most of these will for Resident Roosevelt Giving the reason for this belief, the bishop added: “The colored citizens believe in the humanitarianism of President Roosevelt. They believe in his Good Neighbor policy and in the treat ment, imperfect though it has been, which they have received under the Roosevelt administration More Ne groes have registered this year than ever before and they intend to do all thy can bo re-elect President Roosevelt” MAN INJURED Selma, Ala-, Oct. 31 (C)—Thos Traver wag found by State Highway Patrol officers C- T Donaldson 'and Whitby on the side of Selma-Mont gomery highway at 12:30 Friday morning with injuries believed to have been caused by 'an automobile. W. C- Allen, of Demopolis, was ar rested by the officers near the scene ef the accident on a charge drtvlag while intoxicated. Chicago Attorneys In Ten Million Dollar Law Suit Chicago, Nov. 7 (ANP)—Legal circles in Chicago are interested in the retention of two prominent col ored lawyers in a famous case in volving $10,000,000 and in which all litigants are white S- A- WaUdns and James E Whi'e are the lawyers who have been retained in this most import ant litigation which has been pend ing in the courts for some years and which involves title to valuable lands extending back a period of mere than 150 years Several well known eastern law firms are also associated in the matter and the retaining of Messrs. Watkins and White was caused by th<< important question at law in volved with which they are fami liar and had demonstrated in liti gation they prosecuted before the Supreme Court of the United States Recause of the legal ethics in volved the attorneys would give no information except that the pro perity is near Charleston, West Virginia on which are coal mines and oil fields in operation and that the amount of property involved is valued at 10 million dollars Be sides them there are no lawyers or litigants of color interested in the litigation CHAMPION TYPIST SEEKS DIVORCE Washington, Nov. 7 (ANP)— Cortez W Peters, second speediest typist in the world and conductor of a business school in Washington, this week, filed suit for absouPe divorce from Mrs. Ida M- Peters Mr Peters charges desertion, c'aimlng that his wife left in 1934 and that he has not lived with her since. The Peters were married In January, 1925, and have two child ren, Cortez, jr. and Jewel IjaVerne, age 11 and 8 respectively Father Divine Taken Into Court Again New York, Nov. 7 (ANP)—law yers are still trying to learn some thing of the financial affairs of Fa ther Divine, Harlem messiah. Last week A My. William Lesseibaum had the cult leader in court again but again he failed to find out any thing, just as he did two weeks pre viously and last spring The attorney is trying to collect $7,245 judgment obtained against Divine by Mr. and Mrs Isaac Bay less, white Baltimoreans hurt when their tar was struck by a Father Divine Peace Mission bus a year ago near Baltimore. The latest hearing was held in the supreme court building Father Divine, dapper and com posed although obviously annoyed, answered every questin put to him but sad nothing He asserted he had no source of income, no wealth no prperty, nothing wich which to satisfy the judgments. Questioned as to how long he had been identified with the peace mission movement, he said; “A year maybe five years, not quite 10 years probably seven years.” Asked how long he had been a clergyman Father Divine said: “I don’t recall; many years, no doubt seven ” Clark Foreman Now PWA Power Director 'Nashville, Tenn-, Oct. 31 (C)— Dr Clark Foreman, former adviser on Negro affairs to the Secretary of the Interior, who was succeed by Dr. Robert Weaver, is now a PWA Power Division Director, it was re vealed when he visited here last week visiting 13 cities applying for WPA aid in the construction of el ectrical distribution systems. 7 Years In Stabbing Charlotte, N C., Oct. 31 (C)— Hoyt Hibson, 30 was givan 7 to 10 years for fatally stabbing Henry Neal with an ice pick PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. PROYER LUCKY TALISMAN OF THE ORIENT Jinx Removing Incense 25c JOHN THE CONQUEROR ’Incense 25c Lucky oil believed to prevent evil, misfortune; to attract good luck, happiness and pros perity. Send 25c for Jinx Removing Incense. Branch-Japo Oriental Incense Co-, 2419 Seward St, Omaha. Nebraska- Mail orders given prompt attention. Reccommend Fine ForD. C. Policeman Washington, Nov. 7 (ANP)—A fine of -50 was recommended by he police trial board, Tuesday, after Policemaan J- P Zier, white, of the Second Precinct, was found guilty of unprovoced assault on James A Dausuel local eab driver. Zier told the police board that he was at Seventh and S streets, north west1, assigned to a Daddy Grace parade on August 28th, where he allegedly struck Dausuel In an ap parent fit of anger as his cab, blocked by traffic, moved too slow ly thrugh the intersection of S St on Seventh- Zier pleaded his own case and claimed that he could not have kept pace with the moving machine long enough to strike th" taxi-driver twice as he alleged in his comp>aint Pour eye witnesses testified that they saw the officer hit Sausuel through the window- Prosecutor John O’Day, white of the corpor ation counsel’s ffice, maintained that it was not a matter of whether Zier struck the man once and twice but that he was there and struck him at all Policeman Howard Pilling, white, of the Third Precinct was found guilty of drawing his gun without necessity Pilling was accused by John Bradford, local government employee, was pulling along side his car and drawing his pistol on him, when the driver sped up- He was reprimanded by the board The case of Policeman William Melvin and Homer L- Pearson of the Ninth Precinct, charged with assault and dnmkedness by William Marshall, was again continued, be cuse of the absence of the defense attorney Masons’ Supreme Temple Holds 50th Annual Session Baltimore, Md-, Nov. 7 (ANP)— Willard W Allen In his allocation which marked the opening of the Fiftieth Annual Session of the Su-[ premo Council of the AASR of FM,1 declared: “Love, as the basis of I national and international relations,j has never yet been tried- Power, I might and authority, physical and financial and even ecclesiastical, have been tried and have filed. Here, then, is the great secret of Free masonry—-a secret of Freemasonry —a secret only because the world will not heed it ” This accounting of his stewardship together with the discussion of matters of cur rent import was the high spot of the first business session of the organization On Sunday night at a public meet ing held at Shiloh Baptist church, the assembled Masons of 33 were greeted by Governor Harry WT. Nice of the State of Maryland and Mayor Howard W Jackson of Baltimore Respnse to those official addresses of welcome was made by James A Jackson of New York, a deputy at large of the Supreme Council. A Baby For You? If you are denied the blessing of a baby all your own and yearn for a baby’s arms and a baby’s smile, do not give up hope. Jusl write in confidence to Mrs. Mildred Owens, Dept. D 662, Hanan Bldg , Kansas City, Mo., and she will tell you about a simp'e home method that helped her after being denied 16 years. Many others say this has helped bless their lives. Write now and try for this wonderful happi ness. For the Theatre or Any Social Engagement I i i u 11 11 <> : ' ' ^ " n| ' ' -I I ' " I I I ' 1 - I I Compare Our Rates Colored Man Is First Motor Victim Richmond, Va-, Oct 31 (C)—The Rev. Edward Jeffries, 70, of 1618 Idlewood avenue, was the first ped estrian motor casualty In October when he was one of three vctims of motor accidents Friday. Rev Jef fries died in St. Philip hospital from injuries received when, crossing laurel treet at Floyd avenue T L Lipford, 32, of Clayville, was arrest 's! on a charge of involuntary man slaughter, and was released on bail* Reverend Jeffries death was the 26th this year Clarence Bur n'll, 22, of Northumberland County, died at the same hospital Friday af ter being found by the roadside with multiple injuries Thursday night. Kentucky C M. E’s. Hold Conferences Carlisle, Ky-, Nov 7 (ANP)— This city was the Mecca for all CME Ministers at the state con ference. Bishop Ohas H Phillips of Cleveland, Ohio, president of the conference, presided at the sessions and over 500 ministers, delegates and visitors were in attendance and received the annual Holy Commun ion Wednesday on th« opening morning- Bishop Phillips has been connected with that conference ei ther as pastor, presiding elder, or bishop for over 36 years. The Pro- J siding elders of the conference were Revs- C- L Howard of Louisville, Kyand J H Stewart of Lexlng on, Ky. Thu reports showed marked pro gress and a hundred per cent re tun on the general claims was re ported. Recreation Need Told Jackson, Miss-, Oct. 31 (C)—Dr. G- T- Glllesipie, president of Bel haven college, and Frederick Sul icns, editor of the Jackson Daily News, addressed a meeting of color ed leaders at Central church Friday night on greater recreational op potunities for colored youth. The meeting was sponsored by the Jackson Council of Boy Scouts. The local boy scout program has been extended to colored youth for five years t The Elite Cigar Store (Direct Wire On All Sports Events i Indies Especially Invited Fred My era, Mgr HA 4225 2314 N. 24th St Now Open For BnsineM DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCKEY, Prop. WE 3162 2228 Lake 8t. AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST C1T1LI AND BEST RED IIOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES AREYdU NERVOUS? Here is a way to help calm quivering nerves IV> you feel ho nervous that you want tr •cream? Are there time* when you are eros* and irritable . . . time* when you scold those who are dearest to you? If your nerve* are on edge, try I.YDIA F. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND: It help* calm your quivering nerves and shouli' give you the strength aud energy to lace lift with a smile. When your worries and cares become too much for you and you want to run away from It all . . . take I.YDIA K. PINKHAM’S VEG ETABLE COMPOUND. Many women have nad nerve* a* jangled a* yours, but they have been able to build up their pep and energy and get back to normal with the aid of LYDIA E. PINKHAM S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. When yopr mother and your grandmother uaedto become nerroua. Irritable and rundown they depended upon tbla famous old medicine to pep them up again ... to help theit nervea ... to help give them a cheerful dlepucltlen. KIRK RECORDINGS ARE REST SELERS Andy Kirk and His “Clouds Of Joy’’ have become such an important recording unit for Decca Record Company that Jack Kapp, president of the firm, have signed them as ex clusive Decca recording artists and they are soon to make 12 new sides. All of the past re' cordings of the Kirk outfit have been excellent waxings and four of them are listed among the year’s best sellers. Topping the list is “I'ntil The Real Thing.Comes Along' with Pha Terrell singing the vo cal. It has been a sensational favorite both in America and Europe, and already this disc has grassed more than 75,000 sales. The other three best gross records sales were from Andy Kirk's “Christopher Colum bus’’, “Froggy Bottom’’ and “Walking and Swinging”. The two new platers, “(lit” and “Steppin’ Pretty made by the Kirk orchestra were released by Decca last week. Parents Meet At Rordentown Manual BorUertown, N J Oct. 31 (C) Parents Day will be observed at Manual Training school on Nov- 5, according to Principal W- R Val entine. ix-ia. o. Jersey City, N. J. I GEORGIA LEADS AT MOREHOUSE Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 31 (C)—Geor gia produced the largest number of freshmen a< Morehouse this year— 67, Florida sent 14; Alabama 8; and New York, North Carolina and Mississippi 6 each; from Ohio and Tennessee each sent five, and three from Louisiana and Michigan Beware Coughs from common cc!ds That Hang On No matter how mat y medicine, you have tried for your „our,h, ckcsi cold or bi.ii chlal Imtatlcr on get rdlai ntr.v with Crcumuialon Serious trouble may b - brewing and yon cannot afford to take a char.c with anything k. ; t.lian Creomui slon, which goes right to the sea of the trouble to aid nature tv soothe and heal tlio lntlamed mem 'innes ns the germ-laden plilegir loosened mid Jvea if other remedies httv .tied, don’t tig discouraged, you rug-dst is authorised to guurantei ureontulslon and to refund yom money If you are not. satisfied with lesults from the very first bottle Oet Creoniulsion right now. (Adv. Help Kidneys • Don’t Take Drastic Drugs Vour Kidney* contain !) million tiny tobea or Alter* which may he endangered by neglect or drastic, Irritating drug* He careful. If functouiai Kidney or Bladder dlaordera make you auffer from Getting t’p Night a, Nervouaneaa, Roe* of Pep. Leg Paint*. Rheumatic Patna. IHr.alneat*, t'lr clea Under Rye a. Neuralgia, Acidity, nurnlng, Smarting or Itching, you don’t need to take chance* All drugglnta now have the most modern advanced treat merit for the*e trouble*- a Doctor’" pro" crlption called Gyatex (HI** Tex) Work? fa*t—aafe and aure In 4ft hour* It moat bring new vitality ant! la guaranteed t< maka you feel 10 yeara younger In on* week or money back on return of erupt} package Gyatex coat* only 3c a dn*e >• druggluls and the guarantee prote* r- ------ ■■ | amp Wash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Ifeir.imum bundle 48c I lalnderer and dry cleaners Edholm & Sherman" 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 * ■-- .i/r-n.T-_. ■ j———-..... -—- -- ■- - ■ - - * ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY nd gave me the youthful vkal ty of a person of twenty years nays Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv uis and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. Oi\b DOLLAR for one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely fret with each order received within ten days. Write at once for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY S-C-F. Ex. S. FOR SALE & RENT APTS. TO RENT SHANKLINS APARTMENTS 2314 No. 21st Street $4 00 $4 25 and $5 25$ Gas, alactricty, heat furnished to each apartment; bath for all. Apply 1711 Cuming Street Houses to rent 3, 4, 6, 6( 7 to 10 rooms Buy yourselfabusiness. For sale all kinds of busineeaee. Many other bargains in property. $50, $100, $160 to $300 down. Wanted m inor woman who can In vest $500- Job pays $60 per month. Money invested draws 6 per cent, position as salesman Wanted .third partner in coal busi ness, who can invest $350. Don’t try to reach me by phone come to the office. SHANKLIN AGENCY 1711 Ouming Street SHE LOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you crave—you can't If you listen to gosslpers. To take off ere«>oS fat go light on fatty meats, but.,a, cream and sug ary sweets — eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every m<—"'ijg ,n uate excess waata. Mrs. Elma VerUie of Havre d« Qraco, Md., writes: "I took off 20 'bs.—my clothes fit me tine now.” No drastic cathartics—no consti pation -t>u< oiiesful "y jpv*1 ac tion when you take yout little jab/ dose of Kruschen. GHOST WRITING Means WE Write and YOU Get the Credit Letters, social and business; popular speeches and talks for Teachers, Ministers, Civic, Bus iness and Lodge leaders; ar ticles for publication. Your own work rewritten, revised, or criticised. Write us your needs and send 6 cents stamps fr more details. C. N S. BUREAU 141 West 125th St., New York City | Don’t put up ! with useless PAIN Get rid of it 1 if you can For the functional pains of menstruation, take CARDUI. Cf it doesn’t benefit you, con sult a physician. Don’t neglect such pains. They depress the lone of the nerves, cause sleeplessness, loss of appetite tuql wear out a woman’s re slSftce. Get a bottle of Cardui and find out by trying it whether it will help you like thousands )f women have said it helped them. Besides easing certain pains, Dardui aids in building up the whole system by helping wom 3n to get more strength from the food they eat. DO YOU KNOW WHY - - - It’s Hard To Get fl Woman’s Monlion When Dams Fashion’s Talking ? By nsher tNTERNATlONAi. CaHTOOH C°,{f. Y. 17