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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1936)
*s - j ■' ^ y ■ ■ '•■'tnc-mi j i ■ 4, -.-. - ■ * - » .1 ‘ ii*» define* of hi* country MR. ARTHUR B, McOAW Young Republican Appointed St •' c Director Arthur B. MeCaw i < i ' th appointment of the Negro Re 5 obi *-nn Director in the State of Nebraska. Ha s a clerk In the county assessor’s office, was se mittccmsn, Mr. Hugh M. Butler and Mr. Lylo Jack on, ehairman of the Slate Republican commit \ as director of the colored dh' ion of the R publican party for Ne braska, Mr. MeCaw has boon active in (Republican panics for the past six years. He has headed the young Republican organization for two years and is now a member of Douglas County exoctutive com mittee, and the Douglas Coun ty Young Republican’s executive committee. H ih: - ■ ■■ ■ ■ 7 *i*Uin* i : ■ . ... ;' • . * Our children ate hzitiq ; educated and mil became ; «*«f id tiliizm arid apuw?~ • wall «i|taiifr'ef life! EMANCIPATION THEN AND NOW BY ARTHUR E. McCAW September 22 marks the 74 anniversary of the Kmam'ine' tion Proclamation. Its issuance was proceeded by year of edu cation by American patriots Durinpr this period of ' ■ >t' n and imitation, the liepuhlcan party was horn: and to ii v \ en the task of vt'dinu chattel slavery in Ameri-a. Lincoln, hum in preparation Cor the task, v as ioarvurn'o 1 President in March of 1 SGI. Almost immediately secession •• • *r ed its itplv heed: then Civil War. And for cars the 1 h >tt' cl ' 1 1 i'k -1 until the • aiise of fi- i m Wil VT Tim iimunciputiou Proclamation was ; m sure, dosijrto d to weaken the states in rehcllion ■. ! s'it, 1::• , tl e North. It applied only to those states narticipalin i. lie and ft 1 llion in ti < asure; an 1 of the million • \ black iwcvi; ' .it r t they all did and • dark hours o' oni ion I ' I. tip. Prod a ati< n am 1 hut empty words. Once before in an li.iUr almost as dark, {li nap in' th throes of Revolution. It is, we sincere!> belmve, confronted today by for •» > ;nre subtle and ■ nist • i!i n slavery and civil war of tlie pa t. These new and dangerous forces seek to destroy the liber ties of all the people, white* as well as black. And thus we turn again to the party of Emancipation, repentant and regenerate. oti the anniversary of its sublime, pronouncement and ask il in the name of humanity to save the liberties of the American people Will the Republican Party in 1936 meet and vanquish the foe as it did in those other tragic years and vindicate the spirit of liberty for all men in America? Is there another Lincoln to he sent of Hod out of the Western Plains to lead the wav? We believe tihere is. Let us, then, give thanks for the Proclamation 0f that other day and rededieate ourselves to all it meant and means in this hour of national danger. EX-CONGRESSMAN OSCAR DEPRIEST Ex-Congressman Oscar DePriest, nominated by the republi can® for Congress for the first district of Illinois in the City of Chicago is Jj lingagaiif the present Congressman, Arthur W. Mitchell, the Democratic nominee. ONCE REPRESENTED RACE IN HALLS OF CONGRESS X*°" I A 48« 4*0 COW,,,, V >w£\\ — - ** ..*• :: The above picture shows our representatives in the House of Congress honied ately after the < ivi! V suit of the Ne ro ballot in the south when tr t I Atty. <Mi-arl sF, Davis, Democratic Stab I <• • if Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-derled. In feu-.• the expire th-rc isn’t any doubt in his mind but vrh-l t. i a 5r 6*0, W. Muff Mr j S C** ts -,r* 34’.? co*MMrtt if*t 9*_ ii i i ii ii'—wwiik ,n.. ,■ JOHN BROWN The Man That Broke the First Link in the Chain of Slavery. After kissing a little black boy on the head, he re marked, “T willing go to the gallows; that you might have a chance in life.” vole will lie attain counted, and we will, have a now picture of the i i•• ot i onjiie i ni . . ' e. now : a »(> one l/eieoei ,t 111 .»• 1 *ri • s, liatll.’ n . •! < I ■' u et of Ju MOW