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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1936)
NOTE;—Your question printed free in this eolumn. For private reply send 26c and (self addressed stamped envelope for mjr New Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my adviee on threa questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and correct address. Address Abbe' Wallace, P. O. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. ABBIS WALLACE J. L. R—I danced with a boy at a dance the other night and I would like to know if he is inter ested in me or not? Arm—This fellow always has a congenial air about hin\ and tries to be nice to the girls he dances with, but he was particularly in terested in you- He showed very plainly that he was MORE THAN INTERESTED in you V. D. W—Wilt you please tell me where my husband is? What is there in store for me? Arm—Your husband appears to be with ANOTHER WOMAN. You are wasting away waiting for your husband to return to you for he is more satisfied now than he has ever been. There is another mar riage indicated for you in the fu ture p. H.—Am I doomed to old maidenhood ? Ana—-Yon are acting too hasty in forming such ideas about your Cooper Heads Virginia Federal Vocational Survey Hampton Institute. Va., Feb- 26, The work to be done in Virginia survey of vocational education for Negroes is to be aupervised by William M- Cooper, who has been engaged for many years in insti tutional and emergency education al project*. At the present Mr. Cooper is the district supervisor for east ern Virginia for adult education projects initiated by the Federal Emergency Administration and di rector of Hampton Institute’s ex tension work. His appointment was anounced this week He will serve part-time and without pay. The assistant project manager working in coop eration with him will be Miss Con stance Fisher. She will be in direct charge of the research work to be done in Virginia as part of the survey. Miss Fisher will serve full time The survey is being conducted j by the oflce of Education of the i United States Department of the Interior, under the direction of Dr Ambrose Caliver, senior specialist in Negro education- It is intend ed to answer the questions “What opportunities for vocational edu cation are available to Negroes, and to what extent should they be modified and enlarged." Differing somewhat from a number of other studies being made, this survey will be carried into certain selected rural sections of the state, as well as to the cities. Prof. Cooper is directly respon sible, under the regional director, for the expenditure of the funds allotted to Virginia fo ♦he study Tho headquarters of wo of ficials wil be in Richtnor.u. Prof. Cooper is a graduate of Hampton Institute, and holds the degree of master of arts from Co lumbia University, for specializa tion in teacher training and edu cational administration. A success ful school executive, he was called to Hampton Institute to become director of its extension work, a position which he has filled with such ability that he has been des ignated to assist in a federal hous ing project in addition to being a district supervisor of the FERA •dolt education. Mias Fisher holds the degree of bachelor of arts from Fisk Univer sity in social science and the M A. degree from Western Reserve Uni versity. She has done one addi tional year of graduate work to ward her doctor’s degree in the de partment of mental hygiene and psychiatric social work, . in the New York School of Social Work. She served one year as a girl’s camp director for the Phyllis Wheatley Association of Cleveland Ohio, and has been a case-worker and supervisor of trainees for the Cleveland Associated Charities, for eight years, which included one year as the supervisor for the Cuy ahoga County Relief Administra tion of Ohio To this experience she has add ed one year as teacher in th* At lanta School of Social Work self, for no one at your age of SEVENTEEN is considered an old maid- By not getting married so young, you'll be able to find the kind of man you want for n hus band. He will be your social elect and will be intelligent and NICE LOOKING. K. W—Please tell mo where my daughter is and what I can do ? Ans—Your daughter seems to be very heartbroken over this love affair which turned out so bad for her, and took a SHORT TRIP to HIDE OUT till she got over her hurt pride The best thing you can do for her when she returns is to, pretend nothing has happened and don’t mention the name of A. T. W. J.—Will you please tell me where I can locate my overcoat? Ana.—You seem to have left your overcoat down in the POOL ROOM and one of the men who came there that night from out of town took it before you had a chance to return for It You will not get this overcoat back. A. L- G—I don’t want to go with this man but I can’t make him leave me alone wthout hurting his feelings. What would you do? Ana—This man’s feelings are not as easily hurt as you believe, therefore you should tell him just how you feel about him. His wifo thinks a lot of you and would think mighty bad of you if you had anything to do with her husband L. M. S—Do you think I will! get over this trouble I am so wor ried about? A ns—An operation will bo the means by which you will overcome your trouble- This operation will prove to be a successful one if you tako the proper care of yourself afterward ? S- R—Please tell me if my hus band is gambling or just cheating when he goes out nights? Ana—Mostly cheating, although ho roes spend a lot of time gam bling. Your husband is known to be interested particularly in a cer tain girl in your city, and he spends many hours with her. However, 'this won’t keep up much longer. N- P. R.—I got a valentine and I would like to know who it is from and what was the meaning of it? Ans—Don’t get sore about a little thing like that, for a girl friend of yours just wanted to have a little fun. This valentine was sent with the Valentine spirit and you should take it that way. M T- B—I would like to know if I ask for a rnise in salary will I get it? Ans.—You have already been with the manager of this store for over seven years, and your work has proved to be most satisfac tory. You should ask for a raise in salary for you certainly do de serve it. This job will pay quite a bit more in the future. J. H—Will I ever get my money back? What can I do about it? A ms.—There is absolutely no thing you can do about it. When you invest money in stock you are merely taking a chance with it. J am happy to predict that some of the stock you bought will pay div idends within the next few months although it will only be a few dol lars. 1 Mulatto Proving: 2nd ‘Tobacco Road” By Floyd J. Calvin,—Special New York, Fdb. 26—You can never know from where a new leader wil spring! Who would have thought that "Mulatto”, the South, would be hanging around all this time, now in its fifth big month on the Great White Way? Who would have thought that Langston Hughes, a colored man, would have the honor of penning lines that would be spoken over and over by an interracial cast (some of them whites from Texas) on a subject that is sub-rosa talk by white folks all the way from tho Batery to the Galveston Sea Wall. Well, "Mulatto" is still on the boards, (to the chagrin of the "de cent people" even of New York), and there is no telling now just when it will close. It is proving a ] second "Tobacco Road " You know the story of “Tobacco Road”, the play of Georgia "po whites” by Erskine Caldwell, author of the erotic "God's Little Acre." The whites of "Tobacco Road" are so poor a futhcr soils his daugh ter for a “mess of turnips.” Yet tho play has taken such a hold on the consciousness of New York that artists have made its theme a motif for cartoons in the ultra smart “New Yorker.” Will "Mulatto" really turn out to be a second "Tobacco Road"? That is a big question. To answer it you must know, first, how "To barfoco Road” has stayed in the lights for over 24 months. It was about to close. Crowds were slim, and all because the language was so raw the self-same “decent peo ple" wouldn’t bo seen in the then- : tre or heard indorsing tho show ! The New York Daily News, a tab- j lend that is regarded by the atari- 1 dard sheets as a bit ‘‘cracked",! took up the cudgels, editorially, i and made the Big Town take note of tho clay raters from North Georgia- The News carried edit orial after editorial, Maying people ought to see tha play so they could > learn, at first hand, in a way they would never forget, just what kind of people help to make up the pop ulation of these United States, and ipso facto, help elect our president, send representatives to Washington that may help to keep off the statute books some laws that the “decent” people might have their hearts set upon. In other words, The News said the play was dirty, yes, but so are the people who live in the tumble-down tenant shacks in many parta of the South, and the best way to get their necks washed is to become so nauseated with their dirt that we will “do something about it. Don’t just leave them in their dirt. That is why they are still in it But figure out a way to get the dirt off After theso hammgues the empty seats at the Forrest began to fill up, nnd now the play is in Help Kidneys • Don't Take Drastic Drug* Your Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tubes or filters which may be endangered by n»gleot or drastic. Irritating drugs. Be careful. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you sugar from Getting Up Nights. Nervousness, Loss of Pep, I*eg Pains, Rheunmtlc Pains, plains**. Cir cles Under Ryes, Neuralgia, Acidity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, you don't need to taks chance a. All druggists now have the moat modern advanced treat ment for these trouble* * Dootor'.i pre* crlptlon called Cystex (Si*s«Tes). Works fast—ear# and sure. To 4 8 hoars it must bHng nsw vitality and 1» guaranteed lc make you reel 10 years younger In one week or money back on return of empty package Cystsx costs only Sc s doso «t druggists and tbs guarantee protects you. ! Herman's Market 24TH and LAKE STS. WT5 5444 OUS PUCKS ARM SJUBOHAHLB wa DMj*m Harlem Fire Trreatens Families Twenty-two Negro and Latin-Am erican families were menaced last Monday night when fire swept through a six-story building at 117 West 118th Street, near Lenox Avenue. With memories of recent tra gedies in Harlem’s fire-trap build ings still fresh in their minds, panic stricken tenants were threat ening to jump from windows when the police arrived- They were final ly persuaded to wait for fire appa ratus, delayed by icy streets. Leopold Atherton, 20, severed an artery by thrusting an arm through a window, and five others suffered cuts. its third year in Gotham, and may ers over the country are making it last longer by barring the appear ance of the road cast Will some newspaper take up tho cudgels in behalf of “Mulat to”, in the hope of shaming into better conduct the white male of tho "Black Belt?Hardly, yet you never know what will be the next sensation on Broadway. But the fact remains that "Mulatto” is do ing very well, in spite of the news papers. The critics beat it furious ly on the opening night and left it for dead- It got up, staggered along and finally recuperated- Then Rose McClendon, the colored star, took ill. Another blow that left it groggy. Predictions were again made that it would close. A white couldn’t carry the role of the great Rose. But week after week passed and for a second time the wobbly legs of “Mulatto” grew firm and strong, it is still with us, now boasting proudly of its nine lives. “Mulatto's” appeal is unique in these parts—stark sex realism between black and white in Dixie. Here, for tho first time, is shown in the open tho origin of the "high Yallers ” Both 3ides come because they don’t like- it—the story. They come to hate—and the box office, strangely unemotional, gloats- The publicity man puts still larger ads in tho papers. '* HOHE YMOO JF FOB LOT" LOST MANHOOD RESTORED BY ALTA-KAKUR PERLHS Vitamin B—CTha Box ViUmln") Send |1 99 Today; Romilt* Gnarauteed AK LABORATORIES Dopt. 14M—440Q HARPER AVB. Chicago, Ilinais Write today befon all bottuw an ton*. _ v*i Hitt pnoouers co. tail Indian* At*. Dapt.191 Clllim. H I7PI7I? LUCKY 7 HERBS nVE/JC/ PROM 7 LANDS x-liev in LUCK? if so, try frmmw 7 herbs from 7 lands, be lieved most powerful ever found for 7 YEAR’S COOD LUCK Send Ac stamp for FREE OFFER SEVFN HERBS CO.. 5916 Wear nort Sta., Kansas iCty, Mo. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Diahea Kin* Yuen Cafe 2919 Vi N. 24 th St. Jackson 8576 Optn from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Hearst Hotel Sued For Discrimination New York, Feb. 26, (CNA) At torneys for John Ryland, colored doorman and superintendent of the Empire Theatre Building, are pressing for a decision in Munici pal Court on his suit for $1,000 , damages against the Hearst Hotels Corporation- The suit charges the management of William Randolph Hearst’s Warwick Hotel, 66 West Fifty-fourth Stret, with the viola tion of the New York State Civil Law prohibiting racial discrimina tion by hotels, restaurants, private schools, etc. 25' Proves YouCar ENJOY LIFE Power PH is Restore Lost Giant Pom and Bring Back Joys of Youth MunhandaHmfnrf1 FeettogeM, Head oat. pepiecs aad raodownr Kaae’t a mcnam of arar hops! Mail coupon bekwr with ahc fcr postage and nackitm route frr a fhrtr day teat of Doctor’! Pnactiriffon K)00. Thaw powerful puls litanill y rail back Or yrrm. Yeu fed yoang again— pcjny, Itrvtej aod chuck fall of energy You an* i asorr at trad me too, hecm*e you radiate good health and vitality No more kinraome nigtita! l)cai*t delay mokttig Ora ao evincing feat. Mail the aaagxui pvbt ana far tkrahle auvagth the aRtotion KWl Your 35c back if feat doc an‘t dd«bt yon! Sant nutter pVna wrapper. ra~- MML VMS COUPON AMO .. I CHEMISTS SA1JB8 CO, Dept. t ■ 3001 Dving Park BivdL, Cluaaar. UL ! Eorlnaad D 23c. Sand ana a 3 day auppiy J j PrtKriprtoa MQ0 on jmm noMf u«k J r s s LPaa X tear* and enclave $1X0 far fall aiaa J »aiteipi If C.O.D. pnaiaac raraa ( ) ! • ••■■•••••• «Mi • « •••«•■••••••••■■ M **wt pmhotts «i, r>-rr* tod 14*4 K. W*Ik »k—*, OUmw, DL COULD NOT DO HBR ROISEWORK WHEN eeery thing you an* tempt it a Durden —when yoa arc nerrooa and irri table—at your wit’* end—ore this medicine. It may be iuat what you need for extra e'irtiry. rara. vjnaries l. caamni ot Tgpfffon, New Jersey, saya, “After doing just a little work 1 had to lie down. My tfDtber-in-iaw •>recom mended the Vegetable Compound. I can see a wonderful change now." miwdtr ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctor* MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY and gave me the yotrthfol vital ity of a person of twenty years says Iaent. Clifford of Now York. MATE is giving to thonsands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. \ r- II llll | ——— ONE DOLliAK tor one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied VR J’!3—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely fneo with each order received within ten day*. Write at onee for r*ur package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Cliffond’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 4$b Are., NEW TOM 01YY HUP. In. BL Daffy Phan—ry v* om PRESCRimONS Fr— Dclh—7 HOUSTON’S CASH MARKET 1114 N. Utk St JA-tUt. Kvtrj Dag ■ Bargain Dag Bara FREE COURSE IN HAIR CULTURE InHudLn* Diploma • m«H, Write CUBAN COSMBTIC CO. Box 33 It Chicago, ID. j ♦tty, Mo—y, OnM WVfo, Sbub»—M. TM MOM IS nn Go* yoar mm ■» •—a °aTw*> *■ Trme Ttontlf af avH M taker aaary M at* jr Dam ir Jf c, iraa, gat your eoay at aoea fcf jraa want ra tal ta. Daggett Pah. Ca, 54*0 Shades, rhiUt ga. IH. WHITEN SKIN while you sleep Now—almost otct night—you can make your skin many ■hades lighter—ire* from freckles, pim ples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime spread Nadinoia Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinoki is double acting It gives results you hove never found in any ordinary bleach. x py Get Nadinoia today at any tei '" * let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money DICK cheerfully refunded. NADI iUOIV noLA, Box N-17, Paris. Train. cNbudhuAa<Bkach^Gam Dept N P 78 D#yt N ; i m 1 GROWS HAIR • STRAIGHT - • Lustmou* • GLEAMING • LONG l a* )Mr BKn«r Pm* Th* Rttalh I ► MAIL COUPON FOB pfVpp EloupJycompany lAt-Vli * 4 ipt. Of Jts H. Mkhtjan CUkU* W. * I FW» Mod FREE TrtatVe «-Day Tnm v)f ( | far w+thoot any seat at al to at I | I ADDRESS....... i | CITY.BTATB. J ■a mm m^mm mm mm mmf mmm twi lm i* ~ ■ * (joN| in dioM uwaUai hour*—et boat*—«W No more aoxioutaoMM M tki Nbfheoo, wojtlngjbe MmIom tbm am come. No longer does aba ask: “What's wrong wkh ate and Men?** For now that aha has restored so her hair its youthful lustre and loveliness, Lois has found lose, happiness, and romance with a capital “R”. What is Lois’ beauty secret? Just this — an occasional application ofGodefroy’s Larieuse Hair Color ing. That’s how she regained bee glamorous charm—beauty (bat turns men's thoughts to twntsca That’s why her hair is so mA, silky, and sAawyr sparkles. Simply, qnkkly—at home yon, «M| can color ywr.i#/r tu a knmly, even shad* of )« black, dark, medium or Light La wn, or blonde, with Godctroy's Laracuae. No waiting. No disappointments. Soft, gleaming hair—hair that keeps yon looking younger than your yean—in just a few minutes. This famous preparation has bean used and approved by ataK* and screen stars, celebrities and people of wealth, position and tires rite, Cor man than 42 years. SttisMe dw guaranteed or year money Don’t risk nehappsnass—d n’t wait —gat a fall aixtjttqtleof Gotletroy'• Larleosefrom y our dealet'TO DA Y i