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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1936)
■REVEALING't ijour 1 PAST, PRESENT anti. EEJIRRE •• 0/ ABBE' WULACE' hwiqssl' ment-j|i*f Ort Aferu-jr Stage - ■■■—« -- — NOTE—Your question printed tree in this column, por private reply send 25c and (self addressed stamped envelope for my New Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and correct address. Address Abbe’ Wallace, P. O. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. M. L. C. D.—I am only a child but still the young must think as well as the old now days. I am wondering if my father’s pension will be started before this year is out? Ans: I am afraid that your father’s pension is farther off than you think—Although it is my belief that he will secure money in form of a pension but it will be some time before this goes into effect. In the mean time, I advise your father to keep after that job at the COAL YARD. S. W.—'Does the second cook at the Jefferson hotel mean me any good and does the man that is sick intend to spend much money on me when he gets well? Ans: The second cook at the Jefferson hotel is a whole lot more interested in his “LAND LADY” than he is in you so don’t build up any hopes around him. This other fellow who is sick is fond of you but as far as spend ing any money on you when he gets well is concerned—HE NEV ER WILL HAVE ANY MONEY TO SPEND. M. D. S.—Would it bo wise for me to leave my husband who won’t support me ? Ans: It would not only be un wise but a very foolish move on your part. This admirer of yours doesn’t really mean it when he says he will give you things your (HUSBAND CAN’T. You can bet your boots that you will have to pay and pay plenty for any money that you get out of him. I. R. P.—I owe bills here and there and tl just get so depressed at times I hardly know what to do. I worry, grieve, and even have big cries at times because I am a person that always wants to pay my honest debts. Could you advise some way out of it? Ans: Shedding tears won’t help you. You and your husband must learn to work together. You both spend a great deal of money foolishly. The year of 1936 will bo very good to you providing you both “slash your present spend ing habits.” E. H. L.—Do you think I should move? Ans: If you do for heaven’s Mrs. Bethune Fights To Save Headquarters ' 'r " By Sarah Anderson Washington, D. C., Jan. 4, (ANP—Mrs. Mary Bethune, presi dent of the National Association of Colored Women, issued a ring ing challenge to the women of the country to save the headquart ers of the National Association this week. The financial diffi culty facing the Venture which was projected as a home for the national activities of the Negro women of the country, largely un der the inspiration of Mrs. Beth une hud been stressed recently by Dr. Mary Waring, the present executive. "First," said Mrs. Bethune, “May I extend hearty greetings to the women of the country, with tho hope that the spirit of sister hood an l peace and good will may be withall." “As chairman of the Headquar ters Board of the National Asso ciation of Colored Women, we now announce that tho drive for the financial salvation of Nation al Headquarters is on. Our Execu tive Secretary, Sallie W. Stewart, has been appointed Director of the drive. We now call upon every member of our Board, every member of the National Associa tion of Colored Women, every in terested friend, to rally to this call, that the money now needed may be supplied. Our Director will state the goal of our drive. “It is ours to cooperate and help in this great effort,” Mrs. Bethune continued. “May I de pend upon the women of our Na tional: Association to stand by this call. We need you now.” sakes don’t move in with your IIUSIJAND’S PEOPLE. They will run you crazy. You ought to real ize by this time that you cannot get ulong with your husband’s kin folk so don’t make the mis take of trying. W. W.—Shall I yield to the temptation? Ans: Don’t be a fool—Mar riage is all right for some people but you ore entirely too young to tie your self down with a wife. Wait a few years—this girl who is so anxious to marry you is sim ply trying to catch her a husband. A. D.-—Will my father be able' to buy a ear next year? Ans: Yes ho will—but let me suggest to you that you get this idea out of your head about DRIVING YOUR MOTHER back to New Jersey to live. You are much better off right whore you are and so is your mother. It. W.—Mr. Abbe’: When I reach the age of eighteen years of age, do you think I can accomplish the subject I have in mind? “Do you think I will ever reach the place where I have in mind to go when il get that age”? Ans: When you reach the age of eighteen years of age you won’t bo singing IN NIGHT CLUBS, nor will you reach the place you have in mind to go at that age— HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA. My advise to you young man, is to spend more time on your studies and less time worrying about the future, G. H. H.—Has my sister, the one 1 think went to some root worker, been trying to keep me from having admirers? Ans: You are all wrong Goldie —Your sister has done nothing of the sort. She is simply trying to scare you because she doesn’t want you to get into trouble with any man. P. M. H.—Has my father for gotten the attitude lie took not so long ago? Ans: Ho hasn’t forgotten it but he has KEGRETrED the atti tude he took towards your MOTH ER. It is only human for your father to "fly off the handle” once in awhile—he really doesn’t mean the things he says. A Kindly Heart Knoxville, Term., Jan. 4, (ANP) —A local daily carried the follow ing human interest bit lust Tues day. “Where,” asked Mrs. Herbert Brody, prominent young white so ciety matron, as she pulled her car to the curb, “is the colored or phanage.” “Look,” she said, her dark eyes smiling, "I just won it.” It was a bag filled with silver paper covered chocolato kisseR. There were hundred# of them. The bag must have contained a bushel at least “I want to take them to the col ored orphanage,” Mrs. Brody ex plained. “I hop© the children out there will like them." Mrs. Brody was given directions to find the orphanage out near Knoxvill col lego and the candy cargo went on its way. t MAXIE MILLER WRITES | (For the Literary Service Bureau) Girl 18 Has Two Fathers and Two Mothers—Can’t Live With Either Parent—Step-Father "Aft er Her and Step-Mother Jealous— j Better Get Away to School with i Hope of Good Husband—Parents j Ought to Do Their Duty and Pre vent Wreck. (For advice, write to Maxie Mil ler, care of Literary Service Bur eau, 51C Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kan. For personal reply, send self-addressed, stamped en velope.) Maxie Miller: I am in trouble and don’t know anywhere else to come for advice. I am 18. I have two fathers and two mothers and I ean’t live with either one. Par ents are divorced and both are married again. I can’t live with my mother because I'm good looking and my step-father is al ways after me. My step-mother is jealous of me and my father so I can’t live there. I am with my aunt. She is constantly grumb ling and saying I ought to stay with my parents. Now what can I do? Will you tell me?—Mamie Jones. Mamie Jones: Certainly you are entitled to sympathy and you do need advice. My advice is that you try to finish your education. Talk the matter over with your parents and see if they won’t help you. At school you will be away from your home problems. Then you'd have a chance to get a good husband of the best type. If this cannot be done, have a heart-to heart talk with your father and see if he will not help make pro vision for you to live elsewhere, and help you to secure employ ment.—Maxie Miller. Angelo Herndon To Speak At Annual NAACP Meeting New York, Jan. 4.—Angelo Herndon, who has twice escaped being placed on a chain gang in Georgia, will be the principal speaker at the annual mass meet ing of the NAACP here Sunday, January 5. Mr. Herndon will apeak on the Scottsboro case, which is scheduled to be tried in Alal«amA beginning January 6. Walter White, national secre tary of the NAACP, will speak on the work of the Association dur ing 1935 and project the program which will bo follower! in 1936. There will be special music. The meeting will be held at 3:00 p .m. in the Metropolitan Baptist church, 128th street and Seventh avenue, of whi h the Rev. Abner Brown is pastor. To Film “As Thousands Cheer” Hollywood, .Tan. i, (ANP)— With the division of M‘. G. M. to start filming “As* Thousands Cheer” soon, Clifton Webb, white actor who had the lending role in tho popular production, is here and ready for work. While no an nouncement of Ethel Waters hav ing been signed has been made, it seems certain that the popular comedienne will be soon in this flicker. H11 j i Kit Otr-our*/. * hunlm T%r’-*4t>lt L ropttrauot Lt® brOnxM f$t*f In fc*iT-«h^s oi ‘ ^ •rtri frum U*q K*rcMHi ^ V!>rfrtd o»Jmn*\t« j pUTK o >rt .uteri*, *U\At. kl*'- uoy t&A budtar l hU^iun Jut. II ttd Pafftf. TJtom ft mlO m * moony. , b®»\ nrrit# for fro® IU»n*farr, <letorJ» 1 not > Jur tWni/.u mi. C*-* k Thtft* f yrapttmy. Hen tliti'.A® i it®*’®. iotiru T>»k», cr®m *, nuinWu** In Kn*> ikirf It**. '* n? *«ii o'®**®®' MMuAtk. u* tnd t'VvW «*nd No K#«7. Ddejn art Cfcor*®..*. i to tfrukt *d4 lie'll liUlurt Wrttt todny. f'»*.on#l l ton® Company M Inrum > fiMirni* Md*. Pb sicimW PIk/s* ’^rdr THE SEASON’S GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES Herman’s Market 24TH and LAKE STS. WE 5444 OUB FRIGES ABE REASONALBE WE DELIVER Alcorn Students Uprising Brief Alcorn, Miss., Jan. 4, (ANP)— l The incipient uprising among the ! students of Alcorn College, Mis ! sissippi’s state school here, last i week, is over. The speedy sus pension of 22 boy students by President Bell and his faculty and the promise of a fair hearing of the student greviences resulted in the return of the student body to classes and ordinary routine. Seven or eight boys were sent home. There are 350 students in Alcorn. The chief demands of the stu dents, it developed when the faculty heard the greviences, were abolition of uniforms for girls and better food. The letter is common to all boarding schools but promises were made to seek improvement and permission was given the girls to dispense with uniforms from Friday to Monday. Chicagoans Honor Frederick Douglass Chicago, Jan. 4, (ANP)—Fred erick Douglass came in for a lot of praise here Tuesday night when W. H. Robinson, as guest speaker paid homage to the late statesman at a testimonial held by the Historical Society of the Monumental Baptist church of which Rev. James L. Horace is pastor. The picture of Douglass was unveiled by Robert S. Abbott, editor and publisher of The Chi cago Defender and was presented to the society by former Con gressman Oscar De Priest. MAX LUNCH MEALS 15c AND DP Come in and meet your old 1 friends. Now located at 1820 ; No. 21th St. Home Cooking a Specialty. TIRED, ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET MooncV Emerald Oil f-narantccd to Stop All Pain anti Soreness aud Banish Offensive Odors In just one minute after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the surprise of your life. Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet win literally jump for joy. No fuss, no trouble; you just ap ply a few drops of the oil over the surface of the foot night and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just a little and rub it in. It's simply wonderful the way it ends all foot misery, while for feet that sweat and give off an offensive odor, _ . there’s nothing better in the world. Moone’s Emerald Oil is guaranteed to end your foot troubles or money back. JESSIE’S ORIENTAL TAVERN. The Place Where (food Fellows Meet—Heer MISS BERNICE GIVENS AND HER POPULAR SONGS 2525 Erskine St. WE-5768 CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kins Yuen Cafe 2010 Vi N. 24th St. Jaokiwn 8576 Op«n from until 3 a. m. Nebraskans Sin# Christmas Carols Omaha, Neb., Jan. 4, (ANP)— Tho second annual “musical tea” at which Christmas carols formu lated the main portion of the pro gram, was staged by the Sunday Musical Club here at the North Side Y. M. C. A., at 22nd and Grant streets Sunday afternoon. Tho club was organized one year ago by Mrs. Delores Blackwell and has been of much benefit to the racial group here in this city. An Oregon inventor’s scare crow to keep birds away from plants is made to wave its arms by power obtained from a water wheel in a nearby stream. IT'D l? 17 LUCKY 7 herbs riVlj/Ey FROM 7 LANDS Believe in LUCK? Jf so, try famous 7 herbs from 7 lands, be lieved most powerful ever found for 7 YEAR’S GOOD LUCK. Send 3e stamp for FREE OFFER. SEVEN HERBS CO., 5916 West port Sta., Kansas iCty, Mo. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies' and Childrens’ Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. uoii&uS1 A Full Size Spt * *?lly posed photo FftEI with every ce*» of | Sweat Georgia Erown Hair Dressing Everybody want* a picture r.f this preai fighter, bo "elMLO-np" Hift MottP*' by giving away ft beautiful AuloytaphP'! Photo (*" x 12") of .'OF LOUIS shooin'-’<My FftRK with r^’h enn of Bweet Georgia Brown Hair Or»«ataK. Don t wait! V rite today for f Sni'clfi! .T< »i«3 LOUIS FltFE l lev,ire ' »«er. Buif/1 Do it ®owl VALMOtt PRODUCT*; CO. 5*43 Ca(tti|o Grove.- Are. hej-'. It41 Chicago, III* Dept. NP-67 COULD NOT PC HER HOUSEWORK VV7HEN every. vV thing you at tempt is a burden. —when you are nervous and irri table—at your wit’s end—try this medicine. It may be iust whut you ncea for extra energy, Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of Trenton, New Jersey, says, "After doing just a little work 1 had to lie down. .My mother-in-law .recom mended the Vegetable Compound. now." ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTT and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New York MATE is giving to thousands of ran-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men nnd women new energy and vital ity nnd the thrill of youth and love again. ONE DOLLAR for one mouth’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days. Write »t on«e for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 103 Manhattan Are., NEW YORK CITY Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery HOUSTON’S CASH MARKET 2114 N. 24th St. JA-3543. Every Day is Bargain Day Here FREE COURSE IN HAIR CUTLURE Including Diploma • Mail, Write CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 5315_Chicago, HI. DON*'TASU FfK™ 1 rid today for FRKK TRIAL. There** no obligation whatever. Write quick. SOLVOTONE CO. 4303 Cottaje Grove, Ch.cor FI£BE YOURSELF of evil con ditions. Master every undertak ing, Money, Control Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. THIS BOOK IS FREE. Get your copy at once if you want results. Dagget Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes, Chicago HI. niSK 91 I K IIOSK—Writ# Key#tone La* for out naw proposltloa. B# U>* * '-‘1 ** aw «bM. K#y«»oa# l*b.. ^ Dept. 9-R-12 _/|’i Free Yourself of evil conditions. Master every >‘it undertaking, Money, C011 ^"■trol Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. This book is free, get your copy at once if you want re sults. Daggett Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes, Chicago, J1L WHITEN SKIN while you sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free from freckles, pim ples, blackheads. large pores, blotches. . Tonight at bedtime spread Nadinola Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double acting. It gives results you have never found in any ordinary bleach. joy Get Nadinola today at any tol 1 n' let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR GOc. If not delighted, money RICK cheerfully refunded. NADI MdA nolA, Box N-17, Paris, Tenn. oNh&rvcAa'li/eaJungCraim [ (ORIENTAL LOVE DROPS! A Thrill HIM with that Irresistibly (alluring scent that clings- Ua . Lovers Oil to fascinate the mal you love—excite his senses—wll his affections. A GENUINE PURE MYSTICAL OOEUK PERFUME OIL—not ordinal*; perfume. Only a drop or tan enough. 6eld only by ut. Serwl S1 today, or order C.O.D. aii pay postman $1 plus postaaA FREE with each ordery ---‘SeCfCtr FRie, OftACLI PRODUCT!, m W. T4 Dept. N I • 1 HAIRDRESSING FACE POWDER We want everybody' GEORGIA BROWN HAItt DRESSING and Face POWDER. So don’t wait I Be aure to net your FREE Sample*. (Just send name, address and So stamp for mailing costs. SAMPLES and BEAU. B?,9K wil1 b* ®«nt you right away. We will also send you our Big Money! Muting age ns' proposition. Don't missl thi* big offer. Write today. Say: "Send me agents’ offer and FREE Samples.’’ VALMOR PRODUCTS CO., 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Dept. 616 Chicago, 111. MANHOOD LOST Heip your gianas by using DR. HOL LOWAY’S VIGOR TREATMENT. Spe- d cial gland medi- I cines for men and 1 women. You have ! tried the rest, now try the best. The Doctor’s own prescription. Don’t be satisfied until you have tried VIGOR. Feel young at 70. Price $1.00; postage extra. HOLLOWAY MEDICAL CO. 4304 S Parkway, Dept. A, Chicago Juwt tend 10a cola or •tamp* to cover shipping casts. No obligation. At tractive Agents offer is also included. Write fail dsn itrawm Chant. Cm Dept. NP66 Memphis, Tenn. S RO •* • STRAIGHT •LUSTROUS • CLEANING • LOftG I at Your fttfrror Provo The Reiu'U Yoni hair need not be ehort, gcraggly kinky, nor need it be dried out. faded and life less, For there*«s a wqy to . overcome this poor concii I tio.i that destroy* the na 1 tnrai beauly of the hair. This new different method Will grow Jglirf. lustrous. I glossy silken, straight hair, remove dandiuff. itch tet ter, dry ncqip and dried out hair condition OS’ lubricat ing, strengthening and pnv y longing the life of the hair for bo th men and women. Send COUPON now before It la too late for the FI'KK Treatise 7-Day Trial Offer. MA L COUPON FOR ppspjT floir^XJCOMPANY T R r- AT i -T; Dept. ciiaisN . Michigan Clikogo III. < • Please sen j FREE Treatise 7-Day Trial Of- I | far without any cost at all to me. | • | NAME. i (ADDRESS. I CITY.STATE. f hours — at home—alone! No more anxious moments at the telephone, waiting for invitations that never come. No longer does she ask: “What’s wrong with meandmen?” For now that she has restored to her hair its youthful lustre and loveliness, Lois has found love, happiness, and romance with a capital “R”. What is Lois’ beauty secret? Just this—an occasional application of Godefroy’s Lari ease Hair (Color ing. That’s'how she regained her glamorous charm—beauty that turns men’s thoughts to romance. That’s why her hair is so soft, silky, end jJieoys sparkles; ^ Simply, quickly—and at borne— you, too, can color your hair to a lovely, even shade of jet black, dark, medium or light brown, or blonde, with Godefroy’s Laricuse. No waiting. No disappointments. Soft, gleaming hair—hair that Leeps yon looking younger than your years — in just a few minutes. This famous preparation has been used and approved by stage and screen stars, celebrities and people of wealth, position and prestige, for more than 42 years. Satisfac tion guaranteed or your money back. Don’triskunhappiness—don’twait —get a full size bottle of God efroy ’• I-arieuse from your dealer TODAY / ify~~ CODEFROYS dr+Ur c*n't u-fph ?•* i€Md #1.21 R coloring IMPROVED * ooomov MAN UFA CTU ROM COMPANY • MO* OUVI STMCT. n. LOOM. MOL