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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1936)
BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores CCC Dependents Receive $7,000,000 The War Department today, ad vised Robert Fechner, Director of Emergency Conservation Work, that approximately 50,000 young colored men and war veterans of the Civilian Conservation Corps camps have sent home to depend ents more than $7,000,000 out of their earnings since April 1, 1935. The Department stated that most of this amount was allotted to de pendents by enrollees when they entered the CCC camps and for warded direct to the families of the forest workers by disbursing officers of the Office of the Chief of Finance of the U. S. Army. The basic cash allowance paid enrolled CCC men is $30 a month. All CCC enrollees with the excep tion of a few war veterans and a small number of locally enrolled men allot approximately $25 out of their $30 a month cash allow ances to dependents immediately upon being enrolled. At the end of each month, the War Depart ment deducts the amount of each enrollee’s allotment from his cash allowance and mails this money direct to the designated depend ents. Thus out of $30 paid each CCC youth, normally $25 is mailed direct to the young man’s family and the balance of $5 is paid in cash to the enrollee. In addition, each enrollee receives his board and lodging and all neces sary summer and winter clothing. During the first ten clays of December, the Office of the Chief of Finance, through disbursing officers in all sections of the country, mailed out about 460, 000 checks to the families of en rollees. Although final figures have not reached Washington, the War Department estimated the aggregate value of the checks at $1,250,000. More than $1,000,000 of this amount went into the homes of colored enrollees. This sum, representing the amount al located to dependents by enrollees out of their November earnings, is the largest amount sent to the families of CCC men in any month since the corps was founded. “The millions of dollars that have been sent home by CCC en rollees represent approximately five-sixths of the money which the young men and war veterans have earned through their work in for ests, parks and eroded fields,” Director Fechner said today. “Since the CCC was formed, it has afforded approximately 1, 500,000 men an opportunity to contribute substantially to the support of their families. The largest, number of enrolled men, including Indians and men en gaged in CCC-type work in Hawaii, Alaska, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, that have been in the conservation camps at any one time is 519 861. War De partment records indicate that the average enrollee spends eight months in the CCC.” 90 Per Cent Of Baptists Members of Incorporate Body Chicago, Jan. 4, (ANP)—That of the 3,000,000 Baptists in Amer ica, 90 per cent are members of the churches affiliated with Na tional Baptist Convention, Incorp orated, was the declaration made to the Associated Negro Press here last* week by Dr. L. K. Wil liams, president of the organiza tion. This statement was made fol lowing the announcement made by Dr. Henry Allen Boyd, secre tary of the un-incorporated group, that he had been appointed to rep resent 3,000,000 Negro Baptists. Dr. Williams stated that this an nouncement was an error, point ing out that the cencus of Reli gious Bodies of 1926 bore out his contention that 90 per cent of all Negro Baptists in America are af filiated with the incorporated body, and remarking that this lat ter group would hardly elect Mr. Boyd to represent them. Including a rack for nine pairs of shoes and shelves for small articles, a dressing table with dis appearing mirror is built into the foot board of a new bedstead. Germany's grain crop this year has been forecast at 21,900,000 tons, a million tons more than last year, the wheat and rye being suf ficient for all domestic require ments. Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Nor thside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding | Between Merchants and Consumers an dfor the Purpose of Bringing Dircetly to You the Latest Price Quotations Hell In Heaven By Davis Lee New York, Jan. 4, (ANP) — Hell broke loose in Heaven last Tuesday night! Two angels in Father Divine’s kingdom, 20 W. 115 street, fought a battle that made the Louis-Baer fight look like a Piker. The battle which began in the kingdom ended in the street be tween a Miss Pretty and her hus band. Both at one time were members of the kingdom. How ever, feeling that Divine’s being God is a lot of hooey, the husband withdrew from the kingdom and made several unsuccessful at tempts to persuade his wife to do so. The fight started when the hus band found that his wife was turning all of their valuables over to Father Divine which included papers to his automobile and two insurance policies. He followed her to the kingdom and pleaded with her to give him his papers. This she refused to do, and upon entering into the kingdom she at tempted to slip them to one of the angels, thus Hell broke loose in Heaven. Father Divine was holding a meeting at his kingdom on 63rd street during the battle. How ever, at two o’clock Wednesday morning three big cars rolled up to the 115th street address. The ' front and rear car was filled with armed white men. In the middle I car two armed men rode in front and two on the rear seat. Father Divine sat between the two on the rear seat. He was ushered into the large dining room where more than two thousand angels were waiting. Father and Mother Divine took their places in the center of the table. Food was served. Then hero and there an angel would stand and give testimony as to how Father had blessed her. Presently four female agnels situated at strategic points claimed that Father’s “vibration” had reached them. They fell up on the table, upsetting dishes, food and all. The entire two thousand followed suit, tables were completely upset, dishes and glasses were broken. A grand stampede was on with many be ing mashed and trampled under foot. Thus for the second time in one night Hell broke loose in Heaven. Charlotte Hawkins Brown Answers Dr. Mary Waring Sedalia, Jan. 4, (Special to the Associated Negro Press)—Mrs. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, the i dynamic and popular president of | the North Carolina Federation of j Negro Women’s Clubs and princi pal of Palmer Memorial Institute here, gave her version of the pro jection of the National Council of Colored Women in a statement issued here this week. “Dr. Waring is in error as to the motive, aims, and purposes of Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune’s call to Negro women” Mrs. Brown said. “Charlotte Hawkins Brown acknowledges no defeat for the j presidency of the National Asso ciation of Colored Women either at Chicago or Cleveland, since she both times received the largest national vote. Dr. Waring suc ceeded both times on a small mar gin of 40 votes out of 300 or more cast, carrying the local delegation of 100 or more at Chicago, and 65 or more Chicago votes at the Cleveland meeting. “Local politics in both instances elected Dr. Mary Waring. The country at large has been dissatis fied, not with the woman’s char acter or natural ability, but her inability to corral the women of the country in a united effort to put the national program over. “Charlotte Hawkins Brown ob jected strenuously at the meeting in New York to a permanent or ganization lest Dr. Waring should accuse Mrs. Bethune of splitting the National Association. There was absolutely no desire on the part of the women who met, (for many of them had never attended a National meeting) to in any way impair or hinder the work of the National. National Council Idea Not a Jim Crow Proposition “Persons who have been con nected with the National Associa tion over a period of 25 years have seen politics creeping in to the extent that nothing else of a constructive nature has been done,” Mrs. Brown continued, “the main idea has been to elect a president. “The place and problems of women in American life comes up for no discussion; no committees are appointed to look into the af fairs where Negro women are concerned. It has ceased to be a clearing house for Negro women, and has become a political ma chine, a bally-ho for section, while its national headquarters is about to be put up for mortgage sale. Praises Mrs. Bethune. “Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, the most unselfish woman in the world, had no other desire but that the Negro women might pool their efforts and thoughts in a concerted attack against prej udices affecting the lives of Ne gro women. It was no attempt to pull away from the National or ganization, but the small repre sentation in the group gave no chance to work on fundamental problems in the development of strong womanhood. There i s, however, no intention of with drawing from the National Coun cil of Women of America. “Charlotte Hawkins would not permit the National to split on her; she considers the opportuni ties for doing something too great. She has other interests that are so absorbing and so nation-wide that other than the right of any individual to run for office, if through that office that individu al would hope to do something more than wear flowers and par ade up and down the country, that she has permitted her friends from all over the country to pro mote her candidacy, but has al ways left the convention with good feeling and a smile. “With malice toward none, and charity for all, she renews her at tack upon the problems of preju dice, illiteracy, and lack of cul ture among her people, with a de sire for peace and fellowship, and p, “Thank Godd” for Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, who is bigger than any organization that we have been able to perfect up to the time because of her unselfish and sacrificial spirit for the good of her group.” Features of grand and upright pianos are combined in a new in strument having a large sound board and vertical strings, pro ducing fine tone qualities and sav ing floor space. We have discovered the ■I]g| way to dream anything you wish and have it come true. If you wish to have success with your dreams answer this ad at once. If not, don’t write. Free details. Daggett Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111. ZSti-rowesYouCan ENJOY LIFE Power Pills Restore Lost Gland Power and Bring Back Jop of Youth Manhood alippini/? Feel in gold, tired out, pepleas and rundown? Here's a message of new hope! Mail coupon below with 25c for postage and nr.eking costs for a three day test of Doctor’s Prescription 1000. These powerful pills literally roll [jack the years You feel young again — pt -py, loving and chuck full of ener/v You are more attractive, too, because you radiate good health and vitality. No more lonesome nights! Don’t delay making this convincing test Mail the coupon right now for double strength Pre scription 1000. Your 25c back if test doesn’t delight you! Sent under plain wrapper. • ■••• MAIL THIS COUPON AND 25c--*** : CHEMISTS SALES CO., Dept. ' 2 5001 li ving Park Blvd., Chicago, III. 5 Enclosed 2s 25c. Send me a 3 day supply | • Prescription 1000 on your money back ■ , guarantee* ■ Name. j • ■ J Addreu* J | City....State.| • Tut X here and enclose $1.00 for full sire J 2 package. If C.O.I). postage extra ( ) | Suggest Deportation For Julian New York, Jan. 4— (By Dav is Lee for ANP)—1That Hubert Julian, the Black Eagle and recently a Colonel in Emperor Selassie’s army, is a menace and should be deported from the. U. S. is the contntion of certain organization of Negroes here in Harlem who arte now circulating a petition to have the State Departinet take such action, this writer learned to day. According to information given out by one of the mem bers of the organization Julian made several disparaging and injuriour statements about Eth iopia which was carried by the white papers last week. The Black Eagle is also contem plating a lecture tour of the United States in the interest of Italy, this the organization hopes to prevent by deporta Peterson Bakeries 24th & Lake A Merry Christmas Everything for Your Xmas Din ner, made with as mueh care as You would take in Your own Kitchen—Place Your Orders CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Assorted Layer Cakes Mince, Pumpkin and Cranberry pj0 .25 & 35c Fancy Xmas Cookies _ Decorated Cakes in Christmas Colors that would make a lovely pift—60c, 75c and $1.00, also Fruit Cakes wrapped and tied 50 cts, lb. Rolls—Parker House—Clover Leaf White Mountain and Tea Rolls, doz.&(?r Danish Kringles and Stollen Cof fee Cake for Christmas Eve 20c 25c and 50c We will roast your Fowls or Hams at a charge of 50 cts. .ach. get MONEY—-LOVE, i .?rrrrr",u ■» life No case beyond hope. Stopirorryj i Write me today. Information rKkbl M. WILLIAMS, 901 Bergen Am JERSEYiCITY, N. J. Dept. 0. G. 5BSSSL1I] When delayed don'tbadlscourm*®d or »brm edI Yon can now depend on MMR S. «*• Parlodio Raliaf Compound (u*M»** Sliwnrth), powarful. Acta Oulchly. OfUa r Jiovea bard aawpraaaad lrr«cularlaM. dla* . ourasinar loacC oy®rdu® abnormal dalaya. < .morally relle>*d very quickly. SEND NO MONEV *J\ vrjRxs&sgpr— “’“’VTlT Iff ^GUARANTEED [* I fond your mon*7. Highly r*< led and 7f ' n • d by thouernd® af woman for n I f. hire. rt. if wHtaa-Miaacd pariod far 2 n»mitb®-R«.lc»*d d Jay Ij • un k u hhvh-S. P. Canpound nayar f *1 ; Sand'$*.00 for box doubta ax iftxen rtb. Plj XXX ■trenath $6.00. Tidal ansa 46c: ca *h. Don t o®- 2. • nJ vow order now. Frao bOOMAt~‘ What a Married W . n Sliouid Know." S.1VDER PRODUCTS Cu Dept. 70D 1434 N. Wells Street, Chicago, 111. HARRIS & SON Grocery Now Located at 1410 N. 24 Street We wish to thank our patrons for their patronage and hope to continue to serve you. Phone—JA. 4118 '^Ask for a 1936 Ladies Birthday ALMANAC Tha nearest druggist will be clad to give you one of these hOTJUlar almanacs if you win ask for h before pj> p p| they are all fcone. a l\kihn Help Kidneys _ If poorly functioning Kidneys and A Bifvdder make yon eulfer from Getting Up Nights, Nervouancaa. Rheumatlg Pains. StlrTnesB, Burning. Smarting, A Mching, or Acidity try the guaranteed ^ Doctor's Pret-'-riptloaCyatexiSiaH-tcx) — _ ,__ —Moat fix you up or money CyStCX back. Only 76f at druggista, Mali* Today lour Snaky Day Just send your u»« nod addree* aad get marveloue marl' Suelry Soye and Money ■golden charm" noct-t piece, and h'g new • eenta' dronoaUlon Write Keygtone s«k., Dept 6-R-9 Memphle, Tenn. tion proceedings. This writer also learned that the Blaek Eagle was once u dining ear porter o nthe New York Central Railroad. In an interview with a porter on the Railroad with whom Julian worked and once roomed, this bit of information was glean ed1 Before getting the job with the railroad company, Julian was on the hum-down and out. He was not able to pay his room rent and went without eats several days at the time. After going without eats for a couple of days Julian is alleg ed to have fallen out and play ed unconscious. He was rush ed to the hospital. This was his scheme to get something to eat. het porter explained. For Dependable Service White Eaffle Oil Station 24th Sc Willis E. Carter, Mgr. Courtesy Our Motto. FREE - FREE 1 A Beautiful free gift to any reader of this paper. Just send us your name and address to day. ' HARRY ANDREWS 49 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. I . ■ . —— ..... i ■ - "i • lie Bought New Car! Mou#5Mresstf Can you use $10 extra every month? To buy new clothe3, ,new shoes, hats, help pay for furniture, a car and lots of other tilings i.may have to now do without. < a you can. Who can't these < . So I’m going to tell you how to get it—and more too—without working hard or running a penny's risk. Just fill out the coupon and mail it today. This isn’t a contest. You arc under no obligation. Just mail the coupon today sure. Then Do This One Thing Just read the most amazing offer you ever heard of! It will come to you by return mail if you write your narno ana address on the coupon and mail it t* FAN TAN ANNE today. Don’t wait. Don’t send one penny. Be the first*in vom community to make this real money. Mail the coupon. It puts you in the lead to real success. Tomorrow may be too’late. Only honest, reliablo folks wanted. But mail the coupon now. HTHiscom I FAN TAN ANNE, Dept A-7G B B*v 3374, Chicago, H.mois • (Dear Fan Tan Anne: I Without obligation or cost, tell *■ I me how I can easily make up to # $10.00 a month, and more, just I | in my spare time. | A7/»i« | A/frlrttt p AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO. Twentieth & Cuming* St. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS PHONE ATlantic 4927 All Work Guaranteed “We hare served your friends”—Aak them BEER ON TAP AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. RED HOTS AND SHORT ORDERS TRY OUR DOUBLE DECK CLUB SANDWICH JOHNSON DRUG CO. We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N- 24th St. How To Get Fid Of GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger: When you can change your pray, faded, or streaked hair to its natural youthful soft color in less than half an hour— And do it at home without fear of harm to the hair—why go on looking years older than you should look. Raj)—I—iDol is the real, origin al hair colorer—18 shades to choose from it is so supremely good that the best beauty shops in all the large cities in the world feature it. Rap—l—Dol will not wash off or fade nor affect mar eell or permanent waves. Go to any Beaton Drug Store today and choose the shade you need—you’ll be a happy woman if you do—for a long time to come. IB I I 1 f J I I iJ M Draa'tful women, handsome / ■wo, hair aaparla all over V lbs world, bass gone craay U about tha uaw Rorsan Hair- f drawing bwauw It la a lam- A pie oil, a drawing, a grower M a ad a atralghtener all la ooa. ■ i [ J . I J J Band name and artrtreaa ■ ■ ■■> it TL.J1 to race It* tha world’* bl* zowt apwit*' proposition, wad aiao racal** I (m *w|npi* Mor*an, w pur** paokwf* •( L-wJwa rwo* rpytw, Lack; Mojo Numbered tp **■■», pad pap* Beeut; Book. H*7 ■hM U* ' at -. Mwmpbld. Twin. Dept. 8-R-ll LEG SORES If you have stubborn, torturing trichophyton tinea leg sores, don’t suffer any longer, without trying IJLtlO. As a user “I would not take $1,000 for what Ulgo did for me. It completely healed my leg sore of years* standing.” SEND NO MONEY—just nans© and address. Use all. If satisfied, send 50c; if not, your report can cels charge and you owe nothing. Write to Ulgo Co., 125 Wirthman -O' I made my skin shades lighter! And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, dearer skin—free from freckle*, pimples, blackheads, large pore*, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nad> nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you deep it actually dis solves dark pigment—for Nadinola i« double-acting. That's why it geU result* where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST Get Nadinola today at any toi 1 let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money pieir cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA, Box N-19, Paris. Tenn. cMjudfowiay&M&ngCitam TIRED, WORN OUT, NO AMBITION ') W many women are just dragging them selves around, all tired out with peri odic weakness and Eain? They should now that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tab lets relieve peri odic pains and dis comfort. Small size only 25 cents. ♦ Mrs. Dorsie' Williams of Danville, Illinois, sajjs, “1 bad no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tab lets helped my periods and built me up." Try them next month. jHHHKZuuOBHnl Whiten SkinThis Fast Easy Way I' To quickly whiten, lighten and ■ clear skin of pimples, freckles ^ and other ordinary summer time \ blemishes, just do this one simple r easy thing. Get 26c Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Oint ment at any good drug store. To night spread a little of this de lighful pure creamy ointmeat over your skin. See for yourself the' wonderful results it gives. In sist on the genuine. Ask only for Special Whitening Soaprree Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment A free trial of DR. FRED Palmer’s products awaits you. _ your name, address and 3c for postage charges today to DR. r Palmer's Laboratories, Dept. 890, Atlanta, Georgia. A valuable and Ji^eful WEEK-END-KIT will be sent to you without further charge. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street _WE 1750 -----——— AGENTS WANTED Canno’en* Hair Grower (Double Strength) TO SELL C*'”10'1'' 19 Blsach Cream Vi^oub! j Stran^ih) p And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our Now Advertising Campaign we will give a Free Star! to Intelligent energetic men or women who are ambitious lo make money and build up a business of their own selling beauty products of the better kind. Ours is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality line and you win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co., Dept. 20-A, Atlanta, Ga, N-N-F. Ex. S.