The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 14, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    . EDI!0R1ALS ...
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Published every Saturday at 24618-20 Grant Street.,
* Omaha, Nebraska
Phone WEbster 1750
GAINES T. BRADFORD, - - ™itor and Manager
Entered as Second Class MatteTMarch 15, 1927a‘P°B*
fice at Omaha, Neb., undertheActof Congress of March 3,
Race' prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and
the Brotherhood of Man must prcvad. These are the
only priciples whioh will stand the acid test of good
citizenship in time of peace, war and death.__
T ' OmahaT^Ncbraska, SATURDAY, PEC. 14, 1985 _
Tuesday representatives of the government argued before
the Supreme court, in a test mase for the Bankhead act, the
federal right to deal with the purloinnig of cotton from a bond
ed wnrehoouse. And the Bankhead act, along with the powers
and the principles which it embodies, has had the enthusiastic
backing of the southern delegation in Congress.
On the very light after that hearing, a Texas mob seized
two negro youths, took them from a sheriff and his deputy
and did them to death. Aside from the violence of the act it
self. the circumstances under which it occured are significant
id the pattern which they follow. The negroes were charged
wdh the sort of crime which 'is calculated to give the inspir
ation for lynching*, if it is not sacrilege to suggest that lynch'
ings are inspired. It had been, officially announced that they
had confessed. Authorities were thoroughly familiar with the
provisions of the low whereby they could not be tried for a
capital offense but dealt with only as juveniles and the natural
reaction which such provision would cause amongst an aroused
critizenry. Yet, with all these considerations before him, the
sheriff to all practical purpose invited violence by bringing
the defendant's guarded by himself and only one deputy, back
to the scene of their crime for arraignment.
After the inch had wrought its vengeance, the offieal at
titude was further revealed. The sheriff does not think that an
immediate investigation, will he made. He recogiized none
among the estimated 700 involved and he has no clues; he
"guesses” the grand jury will make an investigation when it
meets in February. The county attorney hails the dual lynch
ing as "an expression of the will of the people.” The county
judge avers that the circumstances "prevent me from condemn
ing those citizens who meted justice to the murderers last
night.’’ A clergyman who attempted to dissuade the mob was
mocked and jeered at. and desisted when suggestion was made
fro mthe crowd that “we get another rope.”
Theft of cotton from bonded warehouses must be stopped,
exercise of Washington’s police power and jeopardy of the
rights of sovereign states to the contrary notwithstanding. But
federal interferes weith mob rule and the spirit which condones
it, that shall not be. Nor, southern statesmen have reiterated,
is it needed.
For whom was Secretary Ickes speaking when he sounded
the alarm against “the fascist-minded men of Amierica" in his
Detroit speech! For the Roosevelt Administration as a whole!
Or only for himself!
The New York Times, staunch conservative supporter of
Roosevelt, ridicules Mr. Takes' contentions, claiming that he
is “the Fat Boy of the Administration who always want* to
make your flesh creep.” Docs the Times reflect the President’s
views !
The New York Post, a “left” Liberal supporter of the Ad
ministration, on the contrary accepts Ickes’ speech as the voice
of the cabinet. “The Administration,’ conclude* the Post, "is
shaking off its fear and striking out again.”
The World-Telegram, a middle of thie road organ of Roose
velt, evades all reference to Ickes* assault on fascist develop
mients, confining its editorial comment to the secondary ques
tions raised in the speech.
This leaves the opponent of fascism in a quandary. Where
does Roosevelt standf An answer to th|c*e questions is vital
in determining one’s attitude toward the Roosevelt regime at
a moment when the Ilearsts, Liberty Leaguers, big manufact
urers, and bankers are driving ahead toward fascism.
The Post editorial unwittingly stresses the importance of
the question. It admits lhat Roosevjelt until now has not
fought the reactionaries: 'it even grants that he has favored
them with one concession after another. We quote:
“The recent apologetic air carried by Administrtation
chiefs, the ‘breathing spell,’ the retreat from relief have been
signals of Tory victory, of the suocess of reactionary propa
ganda in putting the Ne WDeal on the defensive. ’ ’
Now, on the basis of Ickes Detroit speeeh, the Post con
cludes that all that is changed; “the Administration is shaking
off its fear and striking out again.'
But we ask: is it? Will the President hack up Ickes! Can
we expect effective curb* on the Ilearst-Liberty League efforts
to destroy our civil rights! Can we expect a restoration of
relief for the unemployed! And the payment of union wages
on WPA! Will Rooesvelt act!—or will he merely let Mr. Ickes
We suspect that from Roosevelt thpir will be an endless
flow of words; but his deeds will mark a further retreat before
the Tory attack. The people can only servo thjear interests
though a Farmer-Labor Party. —New York Daily.
. A Modern Martyr . ^
By A. B. Mann
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
■» ■ — -
Just the other day I heard a
story that was pathetic and yet
morally encouraging. It con
cerned a man. Mark you, a man.
He is a poor honest man, and a
rare specimen, these days. He is
the father of seven children, all
living and nearly all dependent on
him for support. “And thereby
hangs a tale.”
A part of this man’s work had
to do with “weights and mea
sures.” He was told that ho must
cheat by putting his hands on the
scales in order to give short
weight. It was explained that the
firm must meet competitive
prices; that the others in the
same business were giving short
weight; and that his firm must do
so to compete. Without thought
of consequences, this poor honest
man refused to obey orders; and
he was fired.
This courageous stand for the
right reminds that even yet there
are those who have not bowed the
knee to the modern Baal of self
aggrandizement. May this mar
tyr find other employment; may
his children not be caused to suf
fer; and “MAY HIS TRIBE IN
. When Loss Is Gain
By R. A. Adams
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
If persecutions come to you,
Because you will not be untrue
To principles of Truth, and
Stand fast; content; whpte’er
your plight,
Forbear to murmur or complain,
For, in this way, all loss is gain.
It matters not what may be
What fealty Right may cost,
In things, in friendship or
I esteem;
Howe’er the circumstances seem,
Such sacrifice is not in vain,
For thus incurred, all loss is gain.
I In keeping with Etrenal Laws,
1 Who suffers for a righteous
Not reckoning the consequence,
Can never fail of recompense;
And ever will the truth remain,
Loss thus incurred is greatest
By Arthur B. Rhinow
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Plymouth Church
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
From the parish house we
passed into the church. The form
er a newer building, well equipped,
and automatically we expected the
church to be a house of worship
of stately splendor, commensur
ate with its fame. To our sur
prise we found a meeting room
of almost autere simplicity.
Memory, however, helped us to
overcome disappointment. We re
membered that this was the
church of Henry Ward Beecher
and his brilliant successors. Mem
ory robed simplicity with glameur.
Then the old pews told of
migthy days when through the
travels of a nation giants were
bom. The pulpit, so plain, echoed
the eloquence of great hearts, and
a picture arose in our minds of a
little slave girl standing in that
pulpit and being auctioned off by
one who was well able to ap
preciate the price that might be
exacted for the emancipation of
the slaves. The widows seemed
to be of later origin, out whether
new or old, they told of the
heroes of faith in the early days
of our country. Great church!
The shallow mind that picks
blackberries and never sees the
burning bush might say, “What a
plain church,’ ’but some there are
t o whom spiritual greatness
glorifies all things, even old
fashioned pews and a quaint old
Girl Reserves
Meet In Colorado
Colorado Springs, Dec. 14,
(ANP)—A joint recognition serv
ice of all the Girl Reserves in this
vicinity was held last Sunday
night at Payne Chapel A. M. E.
church here. Miss Bernice Shel
ton was the Mistress of Ceremon
ies. The program was ar
raigned by Mrs. Zola Marshall,
Miss Esther Carter, who is
sponsor of the junior Girls Re
serve group, gave the True Story
of Girl Reserves.
Prayers were given by Miss
Mae Stroud and Mrs. Elvina Lof
ton, who is the sponsor for the
older Girl Reserves.
Miss Ella Vaughn gave the Girl
Reserve Code. Miss Yvonnt
Smith gave the salute to the flag
Tableaux and musical numbers
completed the program.
(By Videtta Ish)
Dear Aita Vesta:
So you conclude all girls are
silly, sometimes, do you? Well,
11 suppose you are right. And I
consider that it is well for them
I to be so. I do not mean lacking
in ability to think, but jolly, free
from cares and worries. It is best
that all children should be this
way, because they will have
enough of worries in the years to
come; therefore, they ought to be
silly, in that way.
As to the present, I decided not
I to keep you in suspense. Already
, you have seen the present. The
present is a trip home for Thanks
| giving. I am lonesome and an
xious to see my little girl; so that
is your present. My next letter
will be longer.
Your Loving Father.
four new tunes by DUKE
ELLINGTON have been issued
in orchestration form by Milsons
Music Corporation this week.
They are: “In a Sentimental
Mood;” “Delta Serenade;” the
much discussed and lauded “Show
boat Shuffle” and “Merry Go
Round.” In each case the or
chestrations are identical with the
phonograph recordings of the
tunes made by Duke and his
Famous Orchestra—DUKE EL
ORCHESTRA open for a week’s
engagement at Loew’s Fox Thea
ter in Washington, D. C. on De
cember 13.
His Hi-De-Highness, CAB CAL
ORCHESTRA are currently (Nov.
28) back at the Paramount Thea
ter, Los Angeles, to play their re
turn - by-popular-demand engage
ment. More coast theaters and
dances are scheduled to keep Cab
and the boys solidly booked until
| they begin work as features in
I the A1 Jolson “Singing Kid” pic
ture, work on which begins Janu
ary 12.
is the gyrating-gallivanting-dy
namic leader of MILLS BLUE
RHYTHM BAND) somewhat face
I tiously organized baek-of-the-en
velope lyric writing club may now
be listed as an international suc
| cess. “Melody Maker,” British
| publication, forwards t o Lucky
ja lyric on the back of an envelope
j written by B. E. R. Roberts all
jthe way from Colwyn Bay, North
| Wales. The palm for long dis
tance membership i s hereby
awarded to Roberts.
_ - - ■
ever mowtu. J
-w\ \
_ w. QAr rgASr
\ AND l
By A .B. Mana
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
The parable runs, “All things
come to those who wait,” but the
thing is palpably fallacious.
Seldom if ever has anything come
to the individual who sat and idly
waited. Success in any given en
terprise depends on aggressive
ness, persistency, tireless activity.
Unreasonable, fatalistic and detri
mental is the sentiment of Sena
tor Ingall’s “Opportunity;” fall
acious is Shakespeare’s pronounce
ment as to “the tide-in the af
fairs of men;” but both of these
are to be preferred to this folly
of sitting down and waiting for
fortune to come. Better is Long
“Let a heart be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to LABOR and to wait.”
Negroes Recognized
In CCC Works
Seven Colored Men Are Given
Advisory Appointments
Washington, D. C. Dec. 14—
I Director Robert Pechner of the
1 Emergency Conservation Work
today announced the appointment
by the United States Office of Ed
ucation, of seven additional col
ored educational advisors in the
Civilian Conservation Corps. In
advising the Director of these ap
pointments, the last to be made
this year, Howard W. Oxley, Di
rector of CCC Education, pointed
out that the number of colored
educators serving the CCC camps
as educational advisers had in
creased from eight to 103 during
the calendar year of 1935.
This recognition of colored
CCC educational advisers may be
attributed to the fine records of
the first appointees to these CCC
posts and the policy established by
| President Roosevelt, Director
Pechner and Mr. Oxley of placing
Negro advisers in charge of CCC
, educational work in the colored
Nathaniel T. Gibbons of Brook
lyn, New York, was appointed on
the recommendation of Harold L.
Dunn, Educational Adviser of the
! Second Corps Area, and will serve
one of the eighteen CCC camps
at Middletown, New York. This
is a flood control project under
the supervision of the Army Corps
of Engineers. Adviser Gibbons is
the second Negro OOC appointee
who is a graduate of Bucknell
University In Pennsylvania. He
did graduate work at Penn State
Four of the recent colored ap
pointments were made in the
Fourth Corps Area on the recom
mendation of Dr. Henry R. Hal
sey, Educational Adviser of the
Corps Area. E. L. Lipscomb
and A. T. Wilson, two of these ed
ucational advisers, are graduates
of Clark University a Atlanta,
Ga. They are the first of the al
umni of this institution to re
ceive appointment in the Civilian
Conservation C^orps. Adviser
Lipscomb did graduate work at
Columbia University, New York
in addition to his A. B. degree,
Adviser Wilsonreeeived a B. D
degree from Gammon Theological
Seminary at Atlanta, Georgia
Floyd C. Pollard and Prince O
Wailes, the other two appointees
are graduates respectively of A.
and T. College of Greensboro, N.
Carolina, and Southern University
of Louisiana. They will serve in
OCC camps in the South.
William I. Pryor and Richarr
M. Hughes the other two colored
CCC educational advisers, wen
appointed on the recomimendatior
of Sanford Sellers, Jr., Educations
Adviser of the Sixth Corps Are*
| They will serve camps in Illinois
i and Michigan. Adviser Pryoi
1 is a graduate of the Armstronf
i High school in Washington, am
j received his B. S. degree fron
| Howard University in 1935. Ad
! viser Hughes graduated from th<
i Manual Training High School o
I Indianapolis, Indiana, and receivet
an A. B. degree from the Illinois
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Girl 16 in Love with her Broth
er 20 —May not be Brother and
Sister, After All—Better Investi
gate — If Really Kin, Separation
Indispensable—Strange Case; and
For advice, write to Maxie Mil
ler, care of Literary Service Bur
eau, 516 Minn. Ave., Kansas City,
Kans. For personal reply, send
self-addressed, stamped envelope.)
Maxie Miller: I am 16 and I
am in love. And I am nearly
crazy, too. The boy I love is my
brother. We have been in love all
our life time and we want to be
man and wife, but our parent*
won’t let us marry. Sometime*
I think we will run away and
marry, and sometimes I think w«
will just be what we want to be
to each other without marrying.
But we are afraid of what peo
ple will say about us. What
would you do if you were in such
a terrible fix?—Madahne.
Madaline: Your case is so un
usual that I am wondering if this
boy is your eal brother. Since
he is older, he might have been
adopted before you were born.
Then, perhaps your parents have
been careless and you have been
too intimate especially during the
exciting years of adolescence.
Talk it over with your mother and
ask her to tell you honestly if thla
boy is your real brother. Since
then there would be no wrong ia
marrying. If he is, then separa
tion is necessary and your par
ents should send you off to school
and let you get over this unnat
ural sentiment. Write to me
again and tell me how things
come out.
—Maxie Miller.
1. When was the Iialy-Ethi
opia war actually begun?
2. Who is Ambrose Caliver?
3. What noted authority on
education i s Executive
Agent of the Southern
Ass’n of Colleges and Sec
ondary Schools?
4. When was Hampton Insti
tute founded? By whom?
5. When was the Bible first
printed in English?
6. Who is the editor of Op
portunity Magazine and
when was it founded?
7. Negroes bought an entire
town once. Where? When?
At what cost?
8. Where and when was
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
organized ?
9. When was the last banner
year of finance for the
10. Who is the author of
“God’s Trombone’s?”
1. The Italians crossed the
border north of Adigrat,
September 25, 1935.
2. Senior specialist in the
education of Negroes, U.
S. Department of Interior.
3. Fred G. McCuistion, Nash
ville, Tennessee.
4. In 1868, by Gen. S. C.
Armstrong, for the prac
tical development of Ne
gro leadership.
5. In 1535, the 400th anni
versary of which is being
celebrated this year.
6. Elmer Anderson Carter Is
editor. It was founded in
1923 as the official ergan
of The National Urban
7. Truxton, Virginia. Built
by the Government during
the World War at a cost
of over a million dollars.
It was purchased for
$145,000 by a syndicate of
.8 At Howard University,
Washington, D. C., Nov.
17, 1911. First Negro
Green Letter Society to be
started at Colored School.
9. In 1927, a total of 73 Ne
gro banks with total capi
l tal of $6,260,000.
i 10. James Weldon Johnson, in