The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 14, 1935, Page THREE, Image 3

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    What Will Become
Of Negroes When
the Reds Get In?
A Book Review
By Loren Miller
“The Negroes In A Soviet Ameri
ca”—3c Pamphlet Published by
Workers Library Publshers—P. O.
Box 148, Staton D., New York City.
There is a pretty widely held opin
ion among Negroes that America is
headed for a change in governmental
set-up. There are few regrets either
because the average Negro is well
aware of the fact that he has fared
badly under capitalism. The one
question that bobs up when the mat
ter of change is being debated, is:
“What will the Reds do when they
get in?” That’s a sensible question
too. For years politicians have been
making capital out of the Negro
question. Many of them used it to
feather their own nests and then
promptly forgotten their Negro sup
porters onoe they attained their own
ends* In this work they have always
had the help of amibitious Negro
henchmen. The consequence is that
any person, white or Negro, who
comes to the Negro people with what
he calls a solution of the Negro ques
tion, is looked at with some suspi
cion. There is a very legitimate de
mand that he explain just what he
In Thick of Fight
Interest in the Communist position
on the Negro question has been help
ed along by the very obvious fact
that Communists are always in the
thick of the fight for Negro rights.
Their persistent friendship has led
to a demand for an answer to what
the Reds plan to do when they get
in. James W. Ford, Communist can
didate for vice president in 1932, and
James S. Allen set out to answer the
question in their five cent pamphlet,
“The Negroes in A Soviet America”,
published by the Workers Library
Ford and Allen maintain that only
a Soviet America can guarantee Ne
groes their rights. For, they point
out, only in such a society would the
incentive to oppress and exploit mi
nority groups disappear. »Tn fact, un
less all exploitation and oppression
wero done away with the socialist
state itself could not exist. Once a
Soviet America is attained, the new'
workers’ and farmers’ government
w'ould undertake a campaign to root
out all vestiges of the past, w'hich
keep people apart. It is idle to sup
pose that the triumph of the Reds
tomorrow would change the hearts of
those w'ho have been taught to hate
Negroes. But the new government
wrould, and could, undertake an edu
cational campaign to banish the old
prejudices and misunderstandings.
Any person w'ho know's howr power
ful our radios and movies and news
papers are influencing public opinion
can understand w'hat a concerted
campaign of this kL'nd yould do in a
few years.
In Poverty Together
Negroes have other grievances
than those that center around pre
judice. For one thing, they are now
living n dismal poverty. So are the
poor whites. One of the first things
a Soviet America would do would be
to set the wheels of industry' turning
again to produce all of the necessi
ties of life that are now' so lacking.
The practice of killng hogs and plow'
ing up wheat w'ould be abandoned
post haste. Instead the new govern
ment would make every effort to
produce food and clothes and the ne
cessities of life. Not only' would these
things be produced but they could be
distributed to those who need them
because there wrould be no owners
demanding profits before the distri
bution. America is rich in machines
and trained me* to run the machines.
A Soviet America would bring the
tw'o together and any' technician will
admit that in a short while there
w'ould be a plenty for everybody.
Negroes, as partners in the new
state, would share in whatever is
But, Allen and Ford say, this new
America cannot be w'ished into ex
istence. After all, American capital
are not anxious to give up their fat
livings. Time and again, they have
demonstrated that they will stop at
nothing to stay at the top of the
heap. They’re for majorty rule as
long as they can manipulate the ma
jority to their own advantage. Capi
talism will vanish only when Ne
groes and white workers and farm
ers make up their minds to pitch in
and build a revolutionary party to
overthrow it. There is nothing un
American about this procedure. The
United States was founded in revolu
tion and the slaves were freed only
when northerners and Negroes raised
an army and disposed of the slave
Choice Not Hard
At any rate, it must be admitted
that times are going from bad to
worse. Statistics adduced by Alien
and Ford show that the standard of
living is dropping for all warkers.
Other statistics show that Negroes
are losing out in land ownership.
Lynching continues unabated. Police
brutality flourishes in every city.
Negroes smply have to take a stand.
They can’t prefer a country in which
they are being shoved deeper and
deeper into the mire. The Commun
ists plan a now society in which the
old evils will be done away with.
The choice should not be hard.
Italy Makes Bid
World Opinion
At Geneva
Ethiopia Pleads Fcr Protection
From League
EIVTOR’S NOTE—The Associat
ed Negro Press presents below a
comprehensive factual and interpret
ative review of the most recent de
velopments in the controversy be
tween Italy and Ethiopia. Manifest
ly, we have not had the opportunity
yet to obtain direct correspondence
(by mail) from our agents in Europe.
The subjoined review, therefore, is
presented for the benefit of our sub
scribers whos domestic sources of
information may not be as extensive
as ours.
New York, Sept.12— (ANP)— At
the opening session of the League of
Nations Council in Geneva, Switzer
land, last Wednesday, Italy played
her trump card to escape the indict
ment of history and of humanity in
connection with her planned war
with Ethiopia.
Her chief representative, Baron
Pompeii Aloisi, submitted a volumni
our. report to Council members, docu
menting a long list of charges against
the East African Empire.
For readers who wish a full pic
ture and understanding of the action
at Geneva, a bit of retracing of some
of the facts of Italo-Ethiopian re
lations is necessary.
First, it should be borne in mind
that Italy possesses two colonies, Eri- 1
tree. and Somaliland, on the northern
and southern boundaries of Ethiopia,
respectively^ Each of these colonies j
represents an encroachment upon
Ethopia and are reflections of Italian
policy in the last sixty years. Eri
trea, the northern colony, possessing
seaports, was as recently as the 19th
century a part of the Ethiopian em
pire. But, in order to satiate the
greed of Italy, Ethiopia ceded Eri
trea to Italy, hoping thereby to satis
fy Italian voracity. This move on the
part of Ethiopia did not serve the
purpose and in 1896, the emperor,
Menelik, was forced to defend the
empire against Italian aggression.
The Italians suffered a disasterous
defeat at Adowa and were forced to
sign a peace treaty guaranteeing
Ethiopian sovereignty.
Peace For Forty Years
Second, the reader should remem
ber that this peace has lasted forty
years, and that although the two na
tions may have regarded each other
with some suspicion, as wras natural,
there have been incidents important
enough to suggest wrar. In fact, in
1923, 27 yeahs after Adowra, it was
Italy w'ho supported Ethiopa’s claim
for admission to the League of Na
tions. A that time, wrhen other na
tions, including Great Britain, level
ed charges of backwardness and
slavery against Ethiopia, the Italians
absolved the black kingdom and
strenuously demanded its recognition.
Although, during the forty-year per
iod, England, France and Jtaly, the
three nations most vitally concerned
in East Africa, entered into numer
ous agreements involving Ethiopia,
they were each careful to emphasize
that neither had in mind encroach
ment upon the territorial integrity of
Ethiopia. As late as 1928, Italy en
tered into a treaty of friendship with
Ethiopia. During this long period of
forty years, there w'ere no complaints
from either France, England or Italy
that Ethiopia had violated any of her
agreements, or that she had placed
in jeopardy any of the colonial inter
ests of the powers surrounding her.
Mussolini F’raises War
Mussolini, Italian premier, is, howT
ever, a vital third factor in the un
derstanding of Italian-Ethiopian re
lations. The background of the pres
ent controversy must certainly de
rive in Mussolini’s pronouncements
on w'ar made in 1933. Mussolini at
that time extolled the virtues and ne
cessity of w*ar. Few people knew
when Mussolini speech was delivered
the direction in which he was look
But events of 1934, bring the stu
dent of the situation down to date.
The Ethiopians have claimed that
Mussolini began his action against
them in August. 1934. This claim
was supported in a copyright article
by Will Barber, special correspond
ent of the Chicago Tribune in Addis
Ababa, last week. The Ethiopians
have listed the concentraton of
Italian war supplies in its East
.African colonies which began in
August, 1934, less than a year after
Mussolini’s pronouncement on war.
From August, 1934, to Decemeber,
1934, when the so-called Ualual in
cident occurred, was but a space of a
few months during which Italy was
pouring war materials into Africa
The Ethiopians encountered the
Italians at Ualual in Ogaden prov
ince, bordering Italian Somaliland.
They claimed that Ualual was in
Ethiopian territory and that Italian
troops, native or otherwise, had no
business there. The Ethiopian claim ■
was based upon a treaty to the ef
fect that the Ethiopian boundary
should follow roughly a line parallel
to the Red sea, 180 miles inland.
This line shows Ualual to be 60
mles within Ethiopian territory. As
late as 1923, Jtalian maps denoted
Ualual in Ethiopian territory, indi
cating the agreement of the Italians
and the Ethiopians on the issue.
Ualual Clash
When the Ethiopians met the
Italians at Ualual, there was a
clash, Italy blamed Ethiopia and
demanded reparations, including the
payment of 200,000 thalers and a
salute in Addis Ababa to the Italian
flag. Ethopia rejected the claim for
reparations, but offered to place the
money in escrow in the matter were
submitted to arbitration, and to
abide by the decision of a neutral
ec minis s ion.
Italy spurned the offer to sub
mi*; the dispute to arbitration and
prepared for war. Ethiopia ap
peaed to the League of Nations in
January of this year*
The League of Nations repeatedly
sought to duck its obligations under
the provisions of the League cove
nant, cited in the Ethiopian appeal.
The memorandum was shunted at
the January' meeting and again in
April. In May, the concentration of
Italian troops in East Africa had
reached such alarming proportions
that the League could no longer com
pletely ignore its obligations and set
up a conciliation commission to de
termine responsibility for the
Ualual affair. This commission was
given until July 25 to reach a con
clusion. The commission, consisting
of two Italians, and a Frenchman
and an American, chosen to repre
sent Ethiopia, failed in its first ef
forts. It broke up. Ethiopia in
sisted that responsibility for what
happened could not Ibe determined
unless the question of the ownership
of Ualual was settled. Italy ob
jected to considering this point of the
dispute. At Italy’s insistence, the
League had removed original maps
denoting Ualual in Ethiopian terri
tory. League members met again,
authorized the selection of a fifth
conciliator and ruled out the point as
to which nation Ualual belonged.
Neither Nation to Blame
The Conciliation commission, now
consisting of five members, want to
work again, instructed to present its
conclusions at the League of Na
tions council meeting, September 4.
The commission came to the conclu
sion that neither Italy nor Ethiopia
was normally responsible for the
Ualual incident.
Thus when the League Council
convened September 4, the situation
was somewhat as follows: The
Commission of Conciliation, consist
ing of two Italians, one American,
one Frenchman and one Greek, had
removed Ualual as a cause for war.
Long before the Commission and the
League had acted, world opinion had
reached the same conclusion and
Italy, in pursuit of her war aims,
found herself openly defiant of
world opinion. iTtaly had poured
nearly 200,000 troops into its East
African colonies and immense
amounts of war materials, Italian
statesmen and the Italian press -were
clamoring for war. The Italian press
had vigorously defied Great Britain
and. Japan. For the glory of Italy,
there was to be no turning back.
In contrast to the bellicose prepara
tions and statements of the Italians,
Emperor Haile Selassie had striven
to enlist every known agency to in
sure peace.
Collectively and individually, the
nations and the world public had
been appealed to. The Ethiopian
emperor had joined with America in
prayers for peace. He had appealed
against the embargo on arms to
Ethiopia, an embargo which left
the Ethiopian People defenseless
against Italian aggression. Stripped
of prejudices of race and color, the
cause of justice and peace was on
the side of the Ethiopians.
Italians at Geneva
It was in the light of the absence
of a cause for war, so far sustained
that Mussolini’s agents at Geneva
prepared a long series of indict
ments against the Ethiopian em
pire. These indictments were in
cluded under the following headings:
First, Ethiopia’s refusal to de
fine her frontiers with the Italian
colonies, consequently the illegal oc
cupation of Italian territories by
Second, continual offense against
the immunity of Italian diplomatic
and consular representatives in
Ethiopia, which was their inherent
Third, permanent offense against
the lives and goods of Italian citi
zens living in Ethiopia who were
prevented from developing economic
enterprises, whatsoever their nature.
Fourth, offenses and attacks
against the lives of Jtalian citizens,
even on Italian territories them
In respect to all these charges, it
is significant to note that they are
of the latest coinage, that they did
not constitute a factor in Italian
policy prior to Mussolini’s 1933
pronouncement on war, or even
prior to the outlawing of the Ualual
incident as a cause for war, and that
no other nations, with territoires
contiguous to the Ethiopian empire,
have been so grievously injured by
the Ethiopians, in spite of cause for
resentment on the part of the
Ethiopians. Will Barber of the Chi
cago Tribune writes of Greek hotel
proprietors in Ethiopia who draw
the color line against the Ethiopians
in their own country*
Slavery in Ethiopia
But even more important in Mus
solini’s aim to seduce world opinior
from the side of Ethiopia through
his agents at Geneva were Italy’s
charges in respect to slavery and
other alleged practices in the
Ethiopian empire. These charges
were listed as follows:
First, that Ethiopia •‘©cognizes
slavery as a legal condition.
Second, that raids continue on a
large scale for the capture of indi
viduals destined to slavery.
Third, that the slave trade is
practiced even now.
Fourth, that the Ethiopian govern
ment participates in slave trade,
cither accepting slaves in payment
of taxes or by permitting the de
tachments ol regular troops to cap
ture slaves.
Fifth, that along side slavery there
exists the gabbar system, under
which subjected populations are re
duced to a real servile state.
Sixth, that the Ethiopian govern
ment has not taken any account of
its obligations assumed under the
League and the recommendations
made to her by a commission of ex
perts on slavery.
As opposed to these charges of
Italy, there are the current reports
; of American and British newspaper
correspondents in Ethiopia who have
descrbed the nnocuous form of
slavery exixsting there and the
umperor’s efforts to stamp it out.
These newspaper correspondents
agree that as rapidly as possible,
without economic embarrassment to
themselves, Ethiopian slaves are be
ing freed, and that responsibility
for whatever is left of the slave
trade attaches to Arabian slave
traders, not the Ethiopians.
Barber declares that the British
are the only ones who have aided the
Ethiopians in the breakng up of the
slave trade across the Red sea
routes. Agan Barber writes: “A
Harriet Beetcher Stowe would have
extreme difficulty in writing an
‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ about slavery
in Ethiopia.” The children of slaves
are automatically freed by law.
Italy defines Ethiopian slavery
as an offense to civilization, al
though within the last 100 years, no
one would have so defined slavery in
Italian, British, French and Ameri
can possessions. When Rome was
most civilized, the English were
bought and sold in the Roman slave
Tortures Versus Lynchings
Baron Aloisi also told of inhuman
prison conditions in Ethiopia and
cruel practices of torture, as un
fitting Ethopia for League member
ship. But Ethiopia has no prison
practices more brutal than those
imposed upon American Negroes in
• prison camps in the southern states,
and there is no lynching of innocent
; citizens or foreigners in Ethiopia.
The Italian representative at
Geneva made his denunciation of
the Ethiopian government and of
the Ethiopian people the basis for a
demand that Ethiopia be expelled
from the League. He declaimed that
Italy would refuse to sit further
with Ethiopia as an equal.
To press correspondents, he made
it clear that Ethiopia must either
be expelled from the League or
On Thursday, when Prof. Gaston
Jeze of the French Sorbonne, arose
to reply to the Italian charges, on
behalf of Ethiopia, the Italian baron
refused to listen, claiming that the
Ethiopian representative, in the ex
ceptions taken to the Italian
charges, was insulting the 'Italian
government. Jeze’s language was
much less strong than that of the
Italian used in condemning Ethiopia,
but his speech indicated that
Ethiopia’s case is in competent
hands and that Italy has little
chance of diverting world attention
from her destructive military
policies by assembling her scholars
to oconjure horrible pictures of
Ethiopia. Rising to reply to the
Italians, the French jurist stated in
“A grave peril threatens the peace
of the world. Time presses. This
is no moment for dilatory measures.
The question is whether in a few
days’ time a war of extermination
will be under way. That s the point
upon which the council must at once ,
Haste Necessary
There is no question of once more
embarking on a dilatory procedure,
intended to take time only, the ef
fect of which would be to give the
Italian government the possibility of
choosing the most favorable moment
. for letting loose the war it seems for
1 long months past to be preparing,
and thus place the council in the
presence of an accomplished fact.”
Ethiopia pledged its loyal coopera
: tion to any procedure for concilia
tion, but wished, Jeze said, “to de
j nounce its adversary's maneuvers
(as herein chronicled). By publica
i tion of a memorandum and docu
ment Italy wishes to produce the ef
1 feet of surprise and cause Ethiopia j
to lose her head* Ethiopia will not
allow herself to be misled by this
maneuver. It is a puerile piece of
tactics to endeavor to dishonor one
whom one intends to despoil or
suppress. Italy, having resolved to
conquer Ethiopia, starts by declaring
Ethiopia has gone mad.”
Jeze said Ethiopia could appreci
ate Italy’s “outrageous insults” in
their real value because it recalls
I that “the Italian government, turn
by turn, leveled at all its European
neighbors in recent periods, accord
ing to the needs of its policy, the
most ignominious insults.
“Ethiopia is aware that had it
possessed sufficient quantities of
arms and amunitions necessary for
defense, as in the case of European
countries, those verbal attacks, not
withstanding their violence, would
not be followed by the act of war.
1 That unfortunately is not the case
and that is why the peril is serious.
“Why does Italy invoke the pre
text of civilization ? Is it in order
to civilize Ethiopia that Italy de
sires the domination of a people
whose courage and scorn of death
are known throughout the world ?
Or rather is it in the hope of con
stitutinog a powerful army which
it would one day be able to hurl
against Africa or Europe—against
those who would wish to prevent it
from realizing its imperial dreams,
“Italy accuses Ethiopia of prepar
ing acts of violence. The Ethiopian
ideal is not that of setting up a
military system which would take
children and prepare them in a
spirit of hatred with the view of
conquering a territory.”
“Do not refuse heip to Ethiopia,”
Jeze concluded, “because she is weak
and her aggressor is powerful. Let
it not be written in history that na
tions either were terrorized or were
accomplices or impossible in their
very selfishness and abandoned the
little to people who threatened their
very existence.”
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
(For advice, write to Maxie Mil
ler, care of Literary Service Bureau,
516 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City,
Kansas. For personal reply, send
self-addressed, stamped envelope.)
Girl 17 Loved Unwisely—Love Be
tween Them Died—-(Newcomer on
the W&j—Duty to Marry and Give
the Child a Name Even If They
Do Not Live Together—Do It Now!
Maxie Miller: I am broken-hearted.
I trusted a boy and he ruined me.
He says he’ll marry me if I insist but
confesses he does not love me. I
thought I loved him, but since he
treated me this way I don’t love him
any more. I hate to marry with no
love on either side, but I hate to have
my baby born with no father. I’m
worried to death over this thing, and
my poor parents are almost crazy.
I’m only 17 years old, too. What must
I do ?—Eulah May.
Eulah May: As a general thing,
marriage without love is a crime, but
to give birth to an illegitimate child
is a greater crime—a crime against
the child. In this case you should
pocket your pride and insist. You
should have this man marry you and
give the child a name if you never
live together. You owe it to the child.
By Dr, A. G. Bearer
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Dorcas—(A Female Deer)
Text: This woman was full of good
works and almsdeeds which she did.—
Acts 9:3C.
While the name Dorcas signifies
gentleness, tenderness, like the fe
male deer, by the actions of the wo
man mentioned in the text, the name
becomes a synonym of the most en
viable and most helpful qualities of
1. Philantrophy. Philantrophy
means lofve for mankind, and the
whole life of this woman was inspir
ed by such love. Only deepest inter
est in others could have actuated her
to make the contributions which she
made to the well being of- others.
2. She Gave Concrete Demonstra
tions. The love of Dorcas for others
and her interest in others did not end
with expressions of interest and -with
good wishes. She demonstrated these
by her actions—her almsdeeds, as
given in the text. It is stated that
“this woman was full of good works”.
To Peter came widows whom she had
helped, weeping and shoving the gar
ments she had made for them.
3. Every Woman Should Be a Dor
cas. Every woman should love and
serve others. Every woman will have
opportunity for such service. To be
?. Dorcas means the joy of service
and a continuation of the good after
the doer has passed to reward- There
is no greater life to which a woman
can aspire than that of a Dorcas—a
helper of others. Dorcas—“may her
tribe increase,”
Proverbs and Parables
By A. B. Mann
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
The Bird in the Hand
Very familiar is the adage “A bird
in the hand is worth two in the bush”.
The intention is to caution against
throwing away a certainty for an un
certainty. Another illustration of the I
folly is found in the story of the dog
which dropped the bone he had in his
mouth to catch the reflection of the
same bone. This is tersly expressed
as “Losing the substance to catch
the shadow”. Finally, the maxim is
Legal Notices
Attorney Ray L. Williams, Room
200, Tuchman Bldg., 24 and Lake St.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Margaret Tucker, Deceased.
All persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in said Court,
praying for the probate of a certain
instrument now on file in said Court,
purporting to be the last will and
testament of said deceased, and that
a hearing will be had on said petition
before said Court on the 28th day of
September, 1935 and that if they fail
to appear at said Court on the said
28th day of September, 1935, at 9
; o’clock A. M., to contest the probate
of said will, the Court may allow
and probate said will and grant ad
ministration of said estate to Charlie
Cage or some other suitable person,
enter a degree of heirship, and pro
ceed to £ settlement thereof.
Begins 9-7-35 Bryce Crawford,
Ends 9-21-35 County Judge.
In the matter of the Estate of
Lucy Jones, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given:—That the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the administrator of said estate, be
fore me, County Judge of Douglas
County, Nebraska, at the County
Court Room, in said County, on the
3rd day of October, 1935, and on the
3rd day of December. 1935, at 9 o’clock
A. M., each day, for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Three
months are allowed for the creditors
to present their claims, from the 3rd
day of September, 1935.
Began 8-10-35 Bryce Crawford,
Ends 8-29-35 County Judge
Attorney Ray L. Williams, Room 200,
Tuchman Bldg., 24th and Lake Street.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Hattie Austin Ford, Deceased:
All persons nterested in said mat
ter are hereby notified that on the
27th day of July, 1935, Maude Thomas
filed a petition in said County Court,
praying that her final administration
account filed herein be settled and
allowed, and that she be discharged
from her trust as administratrix
and that a hearing will be had on
said petition before said Court on
the 24th day of August, 1935, and
that if you fail to appear before said
Court on the said 24th day of August
1935 at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest
said petition, the Court may grant
the prayer of said petition, enter a
decree of heirship, and make such
other and further orders, allowances
and decrees, as to ths Court may
seem proper, to the end that all mat
ters pertaining to said estate may
be finally settled and determined.
Begins 8-3-35 Bryce Crawford,
Expires 8-17-35 County Judge.
Help Kidneys
_ If poorly functioning Kidneys an)
9 Bladder make you suffer from Getting
Up Night*. Nervousness. Rheumatic
• Pains, Stiffness, Burning. Smarting.
Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed
Doctor s PrescriptionCystex(Sis*-te*>
—Must fix you up or mooey
(y |fStCX back. Only 76/ at druggists.
We have discovered the way
to dream anything you wish
and have it come true. If you
wish to have success with your dreams
answer this ad at once. If sot, don’t
write. Free details. Daggett Pub. Co.
3430 Rhodes Are., Chicago, 111.
a warning against all kinds of chance
games and speculation. This lesson
was emphasized during the “chain
letter” craze. Many had dreams of
riches. They could not believe in fail
ure. They sent out the eagles they
had in their hands, but those in the
bush did not come, and they lost the
one they had in their hands.
Memphis, Tenn.
Day Just send your nama and add rasa aa«
get marvelous magic Lucky Love and Money
"golden-charm" pocket piece, and big near
axents proposition Write Keystone Lab.,
Dept. 5-R-9 Memphis, Tenn.
Fine for Weak Kidneys and Bladder
One 35 cent box of these famous
capsules will put healthy activity into
your kidneys and bladder—flush out
harmful waste poisons and acid and
prove to you that at last you have a
grand diuretic and stimulant that will
swiftly cause these troubles to cease.
But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules—safe and harm
less—the original and genuine—right
from Haarlem in Holland. Millions
have kidney and bladder trouble and
never suspect it—some symptoms be
jides visits t bathroom at night are
backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and
scanty passage that ofttimes smarts
and burns.
^|jgjw That’s what
crateful thousands
of users all over
the world say about
W Black and White
f Ointment and Skin
i Soap.
V. Use this famous
\ combination treatment
Vi to fade out dark
patches and mole dis
colorations; to smooth
out bumps and drive
away blemishes; to dry
up itchy, eczcnuc
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