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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1935)
SHARPS AND FLATS THE MUSICIANS The musicians really had a ball in Mason and Knox’s Monday night. It looked like an old fami ly reunion down there. — We hear there’s a certain young man in the Dixie Ramb lers. who wears the brim of his hat down when he ‘sports ’em up and he wears it up when he goes calling in society. Now, we j wonder who that could be? I The boys who went on the good will iour all say they really had a wonderful trip. Oh, Palmer I house! We were glad to hear that their trip was a sueeess, and by the way, William Lewis is still the manager of Desdunes’ Band. De Wkt Mills has joined Lloyd! Hunter and his Kats. De Bo has! been running a pool room for the last eight months in Oklamoha j City, but he says he eould no longer resist the call of the Kats; so here he is back in the old game, and we’re mighty glad to wel come him back. . - * I Oh, swing! A certain musician was certainty carrying a torch Monday night, and how. Percy Walker told us he s been celebrat ing so much here of late because he’s going to get married. Yes! Yes! Yes! Gregg Williams says Sunday: night is artists’ night at Jesie’s: Tavern. So every Sunday night you can find the cats riff in’ at j Jessie’s. Unpardonable Treachery By R. A. Adams (For The Literary Service Bureau) A man was on trial for his life. He was accused of murdering his wife. ! The evidence was all circumstantial There was testimony that this woman' — A GOOD, CLEAR COMPLEXION AH the beauty treatments In the world will not bring you a clear, healthy skin if you are absorbing poisons from constipation. Take Thedford's Black-Draught to relieve constipation. You'll feel better when it acts. Thedford's Black-Draught Is Imi tated because it is so popular and to such steady demand. So lock for the nan 9 "Xhedf ord't” cn every ps^ka^e you buy. Genuine Thed.Vrd'g Black-Draught is made r:ily oy The Cbattanooea C and sold by arue,t- m* in toy mw was ? confirmed drunkard and a dope user and that she talked of suicide, j Poison was found in her viscera and I .he husband was charged with having adm nistered the poison - Some of the evidence was strongly presump tive. bu: aii circumstantial. Th. chief and n.ost riar.g rous pro secuting witness ras a woman of 2d years. The accused man fell in love with this woman when he became es tranged from his wife and | before her suspicious death. He gave her expensive presents ranging from a canary bird to a motor car. She accepted these and used them. She admitted that she even received from him money under false pretense and i “got all she could out of him ” Then this young woman took the witness stand and tried to send to death the man who loved her and made these rich presents. She did not know he killed his wife ■ But if she did and knew that he had done it be cause of love for her, it was rank treachery for her to seek his death. He gave love, adoration, devotion, and I expensive presents and she repaid with treachery. This is unusual for a woman and it puts her in the class with Judas Iscariot, Brutus and Bene dict Arnold. She deserves condemna tion and ostracism. The world will ever hate treachery, no matter what the circumstances. What Others Think! — A Colored Daily Newspaper or Tri eekly Newspaper would be a strong advertising feature heading 1 frcrn Washington. D. C to Chicago, j with subsidiaries west and south. A Daily running instead of weeklies. A Daily Colored Newspaper Syndi cate could add a million dollars a year income from advertising, over the present weekly newspapers, with a unit force from Washington to Chicago: having a strong politi cal force demanding better rights and justice for Colored Citizens. -- The time for a colored daily news paper has arrived- News matter 3 to 10 days old re-written makes stale newsmatter- It is poor composition against Caucasian dailies bringing forth fresh news matter every few j hours. With such weeklies as the Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore, Md., Pittsburgh Courier, at Pitts burgh, Penn-, The Chicago Defender, Chicago, 111., The Kansas City Call, at Kansas City, Missouri, and the Am sterdam News, New York, would make a strong combination. With a coupl ing up of these strong weeklies, they could issue from each point a part of a daily paper which would be no (more than the weekly publication, i which each of them now put forth • For instance, the Chicago paper could come out on Sunday and Monday, the New York paper Tuesday and 'Wed nesday, The Baltimore paper Thurs day, Pittsburgh paper Friday and the Kansas City paper Saturday. They could telegraph their daily matter over special wires going to each point, one establishment giving the news from their section from one quarter section, second, third and fourth quarter, completing a circuit of news each day. Since each of these newspaper publications have their own newspaper plants, this would make it easy, economical and profitable. It would cut down unnecessary expense. And give the daily paper better feat ure writers. The object in view would | be obtained. The colored citizens’ in ; terest would be advanced in the United i States and a colored daily would be competing with the caucasion dailies Advertising would be valuable to merchants in the industrial, commer cial world, because of the important current news freely coming forth about the colored population in the United States Many small weekly colored publications would be special correspondence because they would feed upon the news, as subsidiaries and would at the day of their publi cation have the main features in their You Can't Fool the Boy You Want! LARI EUSE Gives Dull, Dingy, Iron-Burnt Hair New Brilli ance and Blackness as Noth ing Else Can! MOW AD AYS it b the girl with soft, silky, gleaming jet black hair that gets the best looking boy friends — has the most dates—the most fun and en ioyment. She really gets to go places and do things. Why? Because she STAYS popular, young and beautiful — by using Godefroy's Laneuse French Hair Coloring. GODEFROY'S Keeps You Younfl Stage and screen stars have been using «JQe.rev's for more than forty years. So nave people high in society, and in busi ness. Godefroy's will make YOUR HAIR lust as lovely as theirs. Then, no longer T°“ £*J-ritay'*t'home — Forgotten, and lonely. *Then you can hold the boy I you want—enjoy love and romance again. Results Are Quick It is easy to apply — no more troeble than ordinary shampoo — and in jest a few minutes your hair will have that radiant coal black lustre everybody ad mires. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Get a bottle — TODAY. Your Dealer Has CODEFROY'S LARIEU SE French HAIR coloring If he does not have it Semi SI-25 Direct GODEFROY MFG. CO. 3506 OLIYt ST. ST. LOUIS, MO. |'REVEALING l/DUP ~ * PAST/ PRESENT and EUT0RE •• 8VAB9B:' WULACE— tawtyufr men+aUdf oa tfce Adernran ^ M. B—I would like to knew what my husband does every night to keep him away from home? Ans.—He has apparently been cheating on you, for there is a girl he has been going with lately that he is in the company with nearly every night—She is the one whose picture you found in your husband's pocket. B. G B.—What kind of employ ment should I seek to be able to obtain livelihood ? Ans.—Since you are taking a course in the afternoon and spending your mornings studying, you should try to find some kind of night job—Being af flicted in your right arm, and not able to do physical labor, the kind of work suitable for you would be as a night watchman. C. L-—I want to know when I will get what I want? Ans.—Your condition seems to be improved, however you are in no con dition at this time to leave the insti tution you are in and I suggest that you stay there until the doctor dis misses you—You won’t have to stay there but a few more weeks. C. D—I would like to know where my wallet went to? Ans.—A few nights ago while you were on the ship going to Baltimore, it seems that your wallet slipped out of your pocket during a card game. After the game was over, it appears that the waiter cleared away the table —Your wallet seems to be in his pos session now. F M. R.—Will I be successful in finding a good boy friend? Ans.—At the dance you are plan ning to attend the latter part of this month, you’ll meet several nice boys that will be attentive toward you. When you start going with a boy you should be careful so as not to scare him off— No boy wants to have a girl friend who checks up on every move he makes. A. H-—I would appreciate it very much if you would tell me who told my husband on me? Ans.—The girl you think was re sponsible for this happening appears to be the guilty party. M. G- thinks weekly papers. The daily publication as a political force would have a powerful influence and we would see far better represen tation in the U. S. Congress, the Federal government, City, County and State governments. If a daily could not be established at once, then a tri-weekly could be tried out. Yours truly, A U. S. Citizen THE DISTRICT COURT OF NEBR. Omaha, Nebr., May 18th, 1935 Editor C. C. Galloway, The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr. Dear friend Galloway: I want to tell you how much I en joy reading the editorials in the Omaha Guide. I have noted with pleasure that you devote almost a full page to these editorials. The subjects covered and the excellence of the style and material would do justice to a large metropolitan daily. I al ways regard the editorial page as the guide to the value of a newspaper. You are giving your readers a fine newspaper which they ought to ap preciate . Yours truly, Arthur C. Thomsen, District Judge Miss Battles to Preside at Elks Oratorical Contest Miss Evelyn Battles, of Omaha, has been selected as Mistress of Ceremon is for the Oratorical Contest to be held Tuesday night, June 4, 8 P. M., at the Elks Hall, 2420 Lake street. 1 The following have registered as con testants: Miss Madree Jackson, Oma ha, Miss Hallye Johnson, Omaha, Mr William Davis, Omaha, Mr. John Ell iott, Omaha, Mr. Paul Gibson, Omaha, and Mr. Woodrow Morgan, Omaha. At this time only one contestant has WWMWWVMWWWWKWWni The Omaha Gnide Recommends The State Furniture Co. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. As One of the Most Reliable and Accomodating Firms to Bny from. Prices the Lowest and Terms the Easiest a lot of you and she hated to see you cheating on your husband the way you were—She told him about wou going with G. R. and H J. just for your own good. R. A- B.—I want to know if I -vrill be successful in getting a job? Ans.—The Civil Service Commis sion appears to still have your name on file, and they are considering you for the position which you put in your application for. You’ll have to wait until you get an admission card to take the examination, and make a passing grade on it before you will secure this job—This procedure will take at least a month. I ' - N- C. L.—Please advise me wheth er I should sell my shop or not? Ans.—Yes, that would be the ad visable thing for you to do since you have a much better way of making a living—For detailed information, see note attached to this column and write to me for a Private Reply. E. D.—I want to know why people are all time picking on me? Ans—When people pick on you they don’t intend for you to take it the way you do. Your friends know that you don’t like to be teased and they only do it just to have a little fun. Next time they start picking on you, just ignore it or laugh it off as a joke, and they’ll soon quit bothering you. H. V—Is my boy friend in love with me? I can’t seem to understand him? ■ Ans.—The way your boy friend acts toward you is enough proof that he really loves you, for if he didn’t he surely wouldn’t stick to you the way he does. The reason it is so hard for you to understand him is because he appears to be rather bashful, and finds it rather difficult to express his feel ings for you. NOTE—Your question printed free in this column • For private reply send 25c and (self addressed stamped en velope for my New Astrological Read ing and receive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate, and correct address Address Abbe’ Wallace., P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. ; bled from out state, and she is Miss Yolande Rogers, of Lincoln. The winner of this contest will go to Kansas City, Missouri, June 9th, where the Regional contest will be held, the winner of which will be awarded a 4-year scholarship for any college or university of his choice. From these contests, since they were established by the Grand Lodge of Elks, more than 70 boys and girls have been graduated, and at present about 65 are attending the various col leges and universities. It is hoped by these contests to develop strong men and women who are able to stand on his or her feet and give expression to their worthwhile thoughts, and in telligently expound the doctrines and principles of the constitution, for this country is governed by law and not by men, and how are we to secure our rights under the constitution if we do not know what they are ? It is hoped that enough racial pride and educational interest will be ex hibited by the Negroes of Omaha to ‘ infuse a spirit of collective efficiency,' which seems to be waning among us. Hollins Case Victory' Means New Court Fight in Oklahoma State Authorities Announce Plan to Try Him Ag'ain in June or July; Defense Fund Needed Oklahoma City, Okla., May 23— Jess Hollins, twice snatched from death on the gallows by the N. A. A. C. P. and saved again by the United States supreme court in a decision handed down May 13, faces retrial almost immediately by Oklahoma courts. State authorities announced here this week that they are rushing plans to try Hollins again, perhaps as early as June. The state branches of the X. A. A. C. P. and the national office in Xew York are going forward with plans for the Hollins defense,. but are faced wtih the task of raising the money needed to carry on. In its decision Monday the su preme court again struck at the practice of barring Negroes from service and declared the convic tion of Hollins was unconstitu tional because Oklamoha had re fused to call Negroes as jurors. The case was argued before the court April 29 by Dean Charles H. Huston, of the Howard Uni versity law school and a member of the national legal committee of the N. A. A. C. P. He was as sisted in preparing the case by W. L. Houston and Edward P. Lovett. The state of Oklahoma was represented by its attorney general. Mr. Houston and his as sociates served without pay, but the incidental expenses were paid by the N. A. A. C. P. These were reduced somewhat by having Hol lo ' appeal as a pauper. Faced with a new trial in Okla homa. new money must be' raised. The previous trials of Hollins cost more than $500 and would have cost much more had not Editor Roscoe Dunjee and others given service without even charg ing expenses to the association. The X. A. A. C. P. is appealing for a Hollins defense fund of at least $1,000 as it is likely there wil be additiona expenses, no. in the first trial. The Hollins ease is one of the most dramatic ever handled by the N. A. A. C. P. Hollins was convicted in December. 1931 of criminal assault on a white girl in or near Sapulpa, Oklahoma., and setnenced to death. The L L. D. took charge of the case. Nothing was done for some months and the death date was set for August 1, 1932. Leading colored citizens in Sapulpa, and Okla homa City, seeing no effort was beine made to save Hollins wired the N. A. A. C. P. on August 15th, and on August 17th. a stay of exe cution was secured for him to ap peal to the supreme court. The Oklahoma state supreme court immediately reversed the conviction and granted a new trial. In its decision it used some of the strongest language in years in condemning the lower court for its handling of the case. It declared Hollins had not been protected in his rights, that he had had no lawyer, that he had been tried in the basement of the jail, at night, with a howling mob outside and that the authorities had taken advantage of him. In the new trial, testimony cast strong doubt upon the rape charge and revealed the young woman as one who mingled with Negroes. The jury also was brought out A conference will be called of the state branches on or before June 1 to push defense plans. Charge NRA Officials Helped Intimidate Negro Workers i Washington, May 23.—The fa mous Maid-well Garment Com pany case crashed the news lanes again this week when John P. Davis, secretary of the Joint Committee on National Recovery, asked Sol A Rosenblatt Complain ce and Enforcement Director of the NRA to dismiss two of his Arkansas agents for violation of well-established NRA rule that name or identity of any com plainant be not exposed to the persons or company complained against. The two agents whose dismissal is asked for aiding in the intimidation of complaining Negro garment workers at Forest City, Arkansas are Brooks Hayes and C. M. Meusel of the Labor Compliance Personnel of Arkan sas. Mr. Davis’s demand was accom panied by an affidavit signed by one of the Negro workers, Mrs. Lea Duncan, that the agents per mitted her testimony to be taken in the presence of Ed Ash, repre senting the Maid-Well Compnay and Attorney S. H. Mann, his lawyer. Mrs. Duncan testified j that other colored women, former employees of the company tried to avoid paying them the NRA wage scale, were also subjected to sharp questioning by the com pany’s attorney and the NRA agents, in violation of the above mentioned rule. “The case of Mrs. Duncan is but typical of the treatment ac corded more than sixty-five other complainants by these NRA of ficials,” Mr. Davis wrote Mr. Rosenblatt. “Further, affidavits furnished by me to the NRA have been made available to Messrs. Ash and Mann. With informa tion secured from these affidavits, the respondent and their agents have sought to intimidate nearly all of the affiants into signing statements in repudiation of their affidavits. I have good reason to state that Messrs. Hayes and Meusel were well aware that such use would be made of these affi davits. They acted in total disre gard of the fiduciary relationship they bore both to these workers and to NRA. As duly authorized representa tives of these workers and on be half of the Joint Committee on National Recovery I wish to ask the immediate dismissal of Messrs. Hayes and Meusel." Air. Davis in addition demand ed a hearing in Washington with the two Arkansas officials and four of the Negro garment work ers present. These Negro workers have been trying vainly to get back wages Help Kidneys • 9 {ppjfr |r Aci|^f| .TniT”?? Cystex iJSToSS/JttoSS due them when they were fired in January 1933. Recital By Madame Frances E. Motin First A. M. E. Church. Kansas City, Kansas. By R A. Adams Kansas Cit}% Kansas. May 17.— Magnificent, marvelous, incomparable are some of the terms used to describe the Grand Dramatic Recital at A. M. E. Church, Thursday night. The pro gram ran the whole gamut from Dun bar’s “Encouragement” to Shake speare's Macbeth and Julius Caesar. The partic.pants were “raw recruits” of only four weeks training by Ma dame Frances E. Motin, declared by the New Orleans Daily Times to be the best dramatic artiste the Negro race has produced. This woman pioneer and veteran in her line, reminds one of Madame Ern estine Schumann-Heink, the marve lous musical artist who is still an at traction in spite of advanced age. Madame Motin is the only Negro graduate of the Alberta Magnus Uni versity of Dramatic Art, of Los An gelesj from which school she has the much coveted degree of Bachelor of. Histrionics. A product of Kansas, educated in the public schools of To peka, Kansas and Kansas State Nor mal at Manhattn, th;e wonderful wo mal at Manhatten, this wonderful wo man has taught dramatics in Tuskee gee Institute; Western University, Kansas City; Lincoln Institute, Jeffer son City, Missouri. Madame Motin has conducted dra matic recitals in all of the leading cities of America, including Boston, New York, Chicago, Kansas City, In dianapolis and Los Angeles. She has received many medals of honor, one of the most highly prized being presented by the Y. M. C. A. of Indianapolis. A distinguished honor was her ap pointment to represent the states of ! Missouri and Kansas at the National j Negro Educational Congress held in Denver, Colorado, a few years ago. All Kansas City is urging a repetition of this marvelous recital Congressman Fish Says Deport Families For Color of Eyes Washington, D. C. — (CNA)—Ham ilton Fish, Jr., representative from 'New York, informed a New York City delegation that as far as he was con cerned “you can deport aliens for the color of their eyes’*. His statement was seen by many as having direct bearing on the attempt of the New lork City relief adminis tration to “” deport West Indian and other foreign born families now on relief rolls The delegation visited Washington to petition congressmen to vote against the proposed Alien and Sedi ; tion bills now pending in Congress The visit was sponsored by the New York City Committee of the American League Against War and Fascism. Legal Notices Attorney Ray L. Williams, Room 200 Tuchman Bldg., 24th. and Lake Streets. PROBATE NOTICE In .he Matter of the Estate of i Hattie Williams Johnson, Deceas ed. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 17th day of July 1935, and on the 17th, day of September 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for exami nation, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 17th, day of June 1935. Begin 5-25-35 Bryce Crawford. Ends 6-8-35 County Judge Attorney Ray L. Williams, Room 200 Tuchman Bldg., 24th, and Lake Streels. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the Estate of John White, Deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said Estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 17th. day of July 1935 and on the 17th, day of September 1935, at 9 o’clock, A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exami nation, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the . .."I creditors to present their claims, I from the 17th, day of June 1935. Begin 5-25-35. Bryce Crawford Ends 6-8-35 County Judge. Attorney Ray L. W.lliams, Room 200, Tuchman Boldg., 24th and Lake St. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. TO: ELMER CRUMBLEY, whose place of residence and upon whom personal service of summons cannot be had, Defendant. You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of January. 1935, Frances Crumbley, as plaintiff, filed her pe tition against you n the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Dock et Number 309, Page 348, the object and prayer of which petition is to ob tain a divorce from you on ihe grounds of desertion and non-support. You are hereby to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of June, 1935, or said petition will be takesn as true Frances Crumbley, Plaintiff Ray L- Williams, Her Attorney Begins 5-4-35 Ends 5-25-35 TOOK OFF 17 LBS. OF UGLY FAT HEEDED DOCTOR’S ADVICE „ Robert Hickey, Roseville, Calif, writes: -My doctor prescribed WonMn*f\SaUS f°r me—h€ said they ?? Lbu<n I°e in the least' I'v® lost li lbs. in 6 weeks. Kruschen is worth its weight in gold.” Mrs. Hickey paid no attention to g-ossipers who said there was no wl ThY t0 reduce' She wisely fol YOU? heF Qoclor s advice- Why don't Get a jar of Eruschen to-day (lasts 4 weeks and costs bat a trifle) Simply take half teaspoonful in cup aruggistTater every mormDe All I GET 1 guarantee to help yon get a new atari id life. No case beyoi-d hope. Stop worrwj fog 1 Wrl' me today Information FREE* M. WI LLIAMS, 901 Bergen At«J JERSEY CITY, N J, I Dept, 0. G. TIRED, ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET Moone’s Emerald Oil Guaranteed to Stop All Pain and Soreness and Banish Offensive Odors In just one minute after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the surprise of your life. Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will literally jump for joy. No fuss, no trouble; you just ap ply a few drops of the oil over the surface of the foot night and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just a little and rub it in. It’s simply wonderful the way it ends all foot misery, while for feet that sweat and give off an offensive odor, [there’s nothing better in the world. Moone’s Emerald OU is guaranteed to end your foot • •oowmi troubles or money back. TIRED, WORN OUT, NO AMBITION HOW many women are just dragging them selves around, all tired out with peri odic weakness and pain? They should know that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tab lets relieve peri odic pains ana dis comfort. Small size only 2 5 cents. «»Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville, Illinois, says, “I had no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tab lets helped my periods and built me up.” Try them next month. II i || 1 I How to Get Rid of GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger When you can change your eray. faded, or streaked hair to its natural youthful soft color in less than half an hour— And do it at home without fear of harm to the hair—why go on looking years older than you should look. Rap—I—Dol is the real, original hair colorer—18 shades to choose from it is so supremely good that the best beauty shops in all the large cities In the world feature it. Rap—I—Dol will not wash off or fade nor affect marcell or permanent waves. Go to any Beaton Drug Store today and choose the shade you need—you’ll be a happy woman if you do—for a long time to come. Special! MENS HATS : CLEANED and BLOCKED ,.*» EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 North 24th Street WEbster 1029