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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1935)
SOCIAL CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-0-C-i-e-t-y> ORGANIZATIONS _PAGE F0UR_ THE OMAHA GUIDE. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1935 ~ . ~ THE HAPPY HOUR BRIDGE CLUB The club met on its usual date with Mr. Marcellus Hayes as host. Fol lowing the business, was the election or off.ctrs for the ensuing year. Mr J. E. Dorsey, a man of social promi nence of whom the members will be proud, was elected president. Mr. PhiWips was elected vice-president. Mr. R. A. Mills was reappo.nted. The former president was given a vote of thanks for her loyalty to the club. The previous meeting of this club was held at the home of Mr. R. A. Mills. It was very much enjoyed. We had three guests, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Jackson. Prizes were awarded at that meeting to Mr. James Dortch and Miss Thearis Taylor. The guest prize went to Mrs. Evans. Prizes awarded Thursday night went to Mrs. Daniels and Mr. Dortch. We were glad to have Mrs. Addie Dorsey, who has been ill- with us again. A lovely evening was spent, and the club adjourned to meet next week. Mr. J. E. Dorseyi, President Mary Banks, Reporter THE SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. Eva Phillips entertained the club this week at 2616 Maple Street. There was a very successful business meeting, after which bridge was played. Mrs. Levingson won first prize, and Mrs. Adklnte won the booby. Mrs. Mattie Tate, President Mrs. Washington, Reporter THE ABSIT INVIDIA CLUB The club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Gretchen Smythe, 2414 Bur dette Street. After a lovely luncheon was served, the evening was spent at fcrige. Miss Fannie Freeman won first prize, Miss La Verrts Wesley, second, and Miss Gladys Walker, booby. Miss Mary Gates was assigned the office of club reporter. After the meeting was adjourned, the members visited the better night spots of the city. Anna B. Lovely, President Mary Gates, Reporter SOJOURNER TRUTH AND STUDY CLUB The club met at the home of Mrs. Dallas, 119 N. 37th St. All members were present, and they are doing very nicely with their needle work, thanks to Mrs. Roland. They are working on gloves and collar sets. There were three tables of bridge. After the business meeting, a delight ful repast was served by the hostess We adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. Frazier, 3618 Jones Street. Lillian Mills, President Gladys Clayter, Reporter THE LA MODE GIRLS The club met at the home of Miss Preoia Harrold Monday evening at 4:30 o’clock with the president, Miss Irene Harrold, presiding. After an important business meeting, the club adjourned. Eight girls of the club visited Pil grim Baptist Church Sunday morning. It was decided by the club that the officers of last year hold the same of vce for one more year. The officers are as follows: Mrs. Mable Ray, spon sor, Miss Irene Harrold, president, Miss Iantha Hall, vice-president. Miss Ceola Nelson, secretary, Miss Ada Walker, assistant secretary. Miss Precia Harrold, treasurer, and Miss Leona Davis, reporter. Fannie Lue Levison is the Honorary Member of the club. NeOw members taken into the club. New members taken into Ruth Gray, Melba Robbins, Marian Wharthen, La Nelle Perry and Thelma Dickinson. Irene Harrold, President Leona Davis, Reporter THE CLEVER SET CLUB The club met with a very good at tendance this week. Cards and danc ing were the main attractions of the evening. We had with us one visitor in the person of Mr. Eskel Chiston, of Chicago, who is visiting Mrs. Flos sie Mayberry. 2602 N. 27th St. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. Isaiah Jones, 2511% N. 26th St. Mrs. Leona Allen, President Mrs. Minnie Burns, Reporter SWEET SIXTEEN BRIDGE CLUB A special call meeting was held this week at 2920 Grant Street. Owing to the extreme bad weather, few mem bers were present. Two new mem bers were enrolled, Mr. Walter Wil liams and Mrs. Mary Williams. We adjourned early to meet next week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stringer, 2731 Blondo Street. Miss Marguerite Harold, President Mrs. Myrtle Stringer, Reporter THE LADIES' FRIENDSHIP CLUB The club met at the home of Mis. Tresa Anderson, 8867 Maple. After business was discussed, bridge was played. Mrs. Florence Morris won first prize again this week, and Mrs. Hope won the booby. We were delighted to have three visitors this week. They were Mrs. Murray, Miss Opal Murray and Mrs. Johnson. Tho hostess served a luncheon in courses which suited the appetite of ever tone. The next meeting w.ll be at the home of Mrs. Minnie Burns, 8920 Grant St. Mrs. Ida Fountain*, President Mrs. Minnie Burns, Reporter THE LAS AMJGAS ENTERTAIN The Las Amigas Club entertained at i Valentine part1/ at the home of Miss Louise Robinson, 2309 N. 27th Ave nue. The house was beautifully dec orated, and a red heart was pinned on each guest at the door. Music was furnished by Mr. Fred Davis. A trio Mr. E. Hudspeth, Mrs. Minnie Cooper and Mr. H. D. Piggue, sang one num ber. Pit and Old Maid were the chief forms of entertainment. Sandwiches, fruit punch and ice eream made a dainty repast. Each guest was given a comie val entine. The guests included Mes dames. J. D. Thornton, Charlotte Beams, Helen Kane, Frances Cloud, Katherine Williams, Minnie Cooper, Anne Bowler, Maggie Smith, Kathe-. rine P.ggue, A. E. Beck, C. E. Lee, Misses Mable Richardson, Margaret Beck, Evelyn Beck, Helen Key, Etta Mae Woods, Hilda Woods, Josie Woods, Messrs. E. Hudspeth, Fred Davis, Frederick Sloan, 0. C. Oliver, Herbert Patton, E. Brown. H. D. Piggue, Lester L. Carter, and Rev. J. W. Williams. This is a Church club of Bethel A. M. E. It is doing great work un rer the president, Miss Margaret Beck, and the sponsor Miss Hilda Woods. The club will hold its regular meet ing Friday night, February 22, at the home of Miss Evelyn Beck. MITZI CLUB The Mitzi Club held their meeting Wednesday, February 13, at the home of Mrs. James Peoples. After a short business meeting, luncheon was served. The table was very pretty, carrying out the Valentine decorative scheme. There was a red heart for a center piece. After luncheon, con tact bridge was played- Mrs. Jack Scott won first prize, Mrs. James Peoples, second, and Mrs. Wm. Mooje, booby, after which the club adjourned to meet on February 27th with Mrs. Jack Scott Mrs. Ethel Kirtley, President Mrs. Ruby Reese, Secretary CLUB TRI-VI-RA The Club Tri-Vi-Ra held its regular meeting Thursday night February 14, at the club rooms, 2417 Erskine St. After club business was disposed of, the usual game of bridge was indulged in. Mr. Luther Johnson won first priee, and Mr. Calvin Ware won the booby. Our Sunday night social entertain ment for visitors and members is growing very popular. We were hon ored last Sunday night with the pres ence of two brilliant and beautiful young ladies, of Chicago who are vis iting their sister. Among other in teresting visitors and members were Mr. Raymond ‘Strut’ Whiting, he of the inimitable feet, who obliged with a couple of specialty dances that set the guests and members wild with ap plause. The club will hold its next meeting Thursday night, February 28th. Mr. Carl Hefdelberg, President Mr. C. Ralph Watson, Reporter FAIR PLAY CLUB The Fair Play Club met at the home of Miss Elizabeth Winn, 2410 Decatur. We played four games of bridge. Mrs. Smith won first prize for ladies, and Mr. Smith won first for men. Mr. Sims won the booby. The next meeting will be guest night. Each member will be privileg ed to bring one couple. Prizes will be awarded to both the members and the guests. The meeting adjourned to meet next Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs Moore, 2130 N. 27th Street. Mrs. Carolyn Sims, President Mrs. Alice Moore, Reporter THE GOLDEN RULERS’ CLUB Mrs. Bertha Patterson, 2118 N. 28th Street, entertained the Golden Rulers’ Club this week. At 9 o’clock the reg ular business meeting was conducted, with the vice-president in charge. The discussion of the evening was sug gestions concerning the next social to be held. A George Washington Tea was mentioned. One new member, Miss Selector Cannon, was received into the club. Amelia Thomas, President Bertha Patterson, Reporter I BE AU BRUM MEL CLUB The Beau Brummel Club held their last meeting on Wednesday, February 13- The meeting was conducted by the president, Virgil Shobe. He would like very much to see all members present at the next meeting, which will be February 27th. V. Shobe, President J. Jackson, Reporter THE FRIENDLY ifi BRIDGE CLUB The club met a the home of Mr. II. J. LaFall. The election of officers was included in the rou tine of business. Mrs. M. A van! was elected pre sident. L. Johnson, vice president, S. Weed, secretary, H. J. LaFall, treasurer. Four rounds of bridge were played, and refreshments were served. Everyone had an enjoy able evening. Two members were admitted to the club, Messrs. O. Dennis and V. Harris. M. Avarrt, presiden . Raymond Gains, reporter. ENTERTAIN AT ST. VALENTINE PARTY The Misses Dorothy Beck, Ruth Burleson, Stenola Williams and Mes dames Dorace Bowden and Beatrice McRae entertained their friends at a S . Valentine party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leland, 2824 N 26th Street. The house was very at tractively decorated with hearts and balloons. The guests of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leland, Mr. and Mrs. John Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickens, Mrs. Lucille Hey wood, Mrs- Jeannette Farmer, Miss Faith Patterson, M ss Willa Johnson, Miss Julia Williams and Miss Mar jorie Smith, Mr. Booker Gordon, Mr. Adrian Stamps, Mr. Ernest Williams, Mr. Dave Eleb ", Mr. James Farmer, Mr- ‘Skeets’ Morgan, Mr. James Cal loway. The out of town guest was Mr. Rodger Williams, of Chicago, Illi nois. A most enjoyable time was had by all the guests, who will long re member such a joyful evening. FAMILY NIGHT AT COMMUNITY CENTER Friday night, February • 15, was family night at the Mid City Com munity Center. The Dramatic Club, under the direction of Mr. Buddy De loach, presented the play, “Devil Laugh”. The players included Willie Chaptman, Hildred Harvey, Calvin Bradley, Helen Sherwood, Harold Bid diex and Hattie Northington. There was a very appreciative aud. ience, and Mr. Deloach says that there is some very promising talent in this club. The entire staff of the Commun ity Center was present. Each class instructor is under the supervision of Mrs. Evelyn Singleton, In conjunction with the play ivas the first class exhibit in tap and soft shoe dancing, headed by Gloria Clax ton with eight chorus girls, and also a snappy military drill arranged by the athletic director, Mrs. Dell Lewis. Another class in tap and. buck danc ing contributed to the entertainment of the evening, and Mr. Deloach gave a song and dance number. Anyone interested in the classes of fered at the Community Center should register now while the classes are still open. WED IN COUNCIL BLUFFS The wedding of Miss Theressa Sey ton and Mr. Harold Hunter was sol emnized Wednesday, February 13, in Council Bluffs, Iowa, with Rev. George White off.ating.. A lovely reception was given the couple at the home of the groom’s parents, 2414 Binney Street, Sunday, February 17, from 6 until 9 p.m. They were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. Mrs. Hunter is from Vicksburg, Mississippi, and Mr. Hunter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hunter, '2414 Binney Street. At present they are making their home at 2021 N. 27th Street. ‘Y’ NEWS I “Y” PLAYERS IN THIRD ANNUAL PRODUCTION Appearing in the cast for the third annual production of the “Y” Play ers of the North Side Y. W. C. A. are Messrs. John Williams, Eugene Mur ray, Alvin Goodwin- J. C. Harris and John Elliot, also the Misses Lavin.a Scott, Margaret Dickerson, Fanny Lue Levison, Katherine Williams and Mrs. Madoline Sterling. Paul Green’s, “OP Wash Lucas” “Cru.ter” by Jonathan Matthews and “Suppressed Desires” by Cook and Giaspcll have been chos en for this year. Mrs. Dorothy Ware, former director of dramatics at Ben son High, a member of the Prairie ! Play Makers is dramatic coach. The production this year promises to sur pass all those of former years. Tick ets are on sale at the North Side Y. W. C. A. and in the hands of members and club members of the Y. W. C. A. The plays will be presented again this year by the House Committee Mrs. Lenora Gray, Chairman. The place is St. Benedjct Church and the date is February 26. Get ; our tick ets in advance! WIIAT IS r/ORALITY? Rev. Lawrence Plank, Pastor, Firs Unitarian Church opeeed the second series of Sunday forums. Sunday af ternoon. February 17 at 4:30 at the North Side “Y”. Rev. Plank present ed the subject “What is Morality?” following: there was a gen eral di cussion. Mr. James Hughes, Pastor of the Church of Liberal Thought presided. “HALL OF FAME TOUR” DRAWS LARGE AUDIENCE Tlie North Side Y. W. C. A. was filled to capacity Sunday afternoon, Feb. 10, 1935, when the Boy. and Girl Forum Comm ttee presented as the second program of their yearly series, a “Hall of Fame Tour” of famous Negroes. Pen and ink sketches and photographs of out standing Negroes were mounted on screens attractively placed within view of the audience. Interesting facts concerning the Negro were giv en in a most interesting manner by the following speakers: Science and Invention—by Rachel Covington. Business and Economics—by Ada Lee Walker. Literature—by Irene Harrold. Music—Evelyn Lucky. ^Dramatics—Mary Green. Athletics—Allen Gordon. Miscellaneous—b.4 Frank Jackson. Katherine Wheat who wras to talk on prominent educators was unable to appear. Miss Rachel Taylor gave an inter esting “foreword” making public many sociological facts pertaining to the Negro. Special music by Negroes included: “I’m So Glad Trouble Don’t Last Alway” for trio by Dett sung by Katherine Taylor, Margaret Beck and Vonceil Anderson; “Seems Lak’ to Me” by J. Rosamond Johnson was sung by Mar / Ellen Dickerson. The meeting was a most dignified affair with the excellent Frank Jackson as the presiding officer. Others who as sisted were: Bernice Dorsey and Wil lie Chapman. Miss Ruth Whitfield w'as complimented for her excellent pen and ink sketches exhibited at the meeting. The 1934-1935 Boy and Girl Com ' mittee includes: Walter Rhodes, Chairman; Allen Gordon, Irene Har rold. Carlette Lewis, Rachel Coving ton, Ada Lee Walker, Katherine Wheat, Ned Moore, Mary Heddy Wig gins, Mary Green, WillJe Potts and Evelyn Lucky. CAPACITY AUDIENCE HEARS REV. LAWRENCE PLANK A large, interested group attended the opening of the series on Morality and Convention, sponsored at the Y W. C. A. Sunday afternoon at 4:30. Rev. Lawrence Plank, Minister of the First Unitarian Church presented in r. most provocative way the subject “What is Morality?” M .ss Lena Dallas, member, Educa tion Committee, will speak on this coming Sunday from the subject “What is Convention?” There will be special mus.c and Miss Gertrude James, teacher in the Woodson Cen ter, will preside- The meeting starts at 4:30, is free and open to the public. Persons are urged to be on time. Mrs. H. B. Bergquist, President, Omaha College Club, will be the third speaker on the series March 3 and her subject is: “How Can We Merge Old and New Conceptions of Morality?” Mrs- Bergquist is a member of the Board of Directors of the Social Set tlement and the Woodson Center. She is a fine speaker. “Y” PLAYERS AT ST. BENEDICT CHURCH IN THEIR THIRD ANNUAL PRODUCTION The “Y” Pla. ers of the North Side Young Women’s Christian Association will present a fine evenings entertain ment Tuesday, February 26 at St. Benedict Church. Performance will start promptly at 8:15. Mrs. Mado line Sterling, who has attracted much attention in previous performances has the lead in Cruiter. M'iss Lavinia Scott who joined the players last year does a fine piece of acting in “The Man Who Died at Twelve O’clock.” Eugene Murray, remember ed as the No ’Count Boy of last year appears again. Miss Fann.e Lue Lev ison W'ho has been with the players for three years portrays again her fine acting ability, etc. The new players all add a realist'c touch to the evening perfoi nuance. They are: Messrs. John Williams, Alvin Good win, J. C. Harris and Lloyd Lee and also the Misses Catherine Williams and Margaret Dickerson. Reserved seats are 25c and general admission 15c, two for 25c. rI ickets are in the hands of Mrs. Earl Wheeler, Mrs Clara Dacus and Mrs. John A. Wil liams. A large crowd is being ex pected. The players are being pre sented this year by the House Com mittee- Mrs. Lenora Gray is Chair man assisted by Mesdames Malcolm Scott, Lula Williams, Jane Johnson, Marie Lecoq, Solon C. Bell, Aimnda Jenkins, A. V/. Anderson, Mae Jack son, Essie Harris, G. B. Lennor, E. M. Moore and Sarah Bradley. iVJD CITY TEAM PLAYS AT UNIVERSITY GYM The Mid-City girls’ basket ball Nteam had their first game Saturday night at the Omaha University Gym nasium. The first team played the second, the first winning by one point. The girls looked exceedingly well in their new suits of black and orange. The game was well played, but due to the fact that the time w'as very limited, and the quarters were cut short, the game never reached its us ual peak of excitement. The line-up is as follows: First Team Madree Jackson. Captain & Forward. Bertron Johnson, forward. Ola McCraney, center, forward. Cleo Sales, guard. Elsie Alls, guard. Ruth Griffin, guard. Second Team Gladys Brown, forward, center. Elizabeth Hunter, forward. Berniece Dorsey, forward. Adelaide Nelson guard. Ethel Hunter, guard. Mildred Dorsey, guard. Watch this paper for announce ment of game dates. -ot GOLDEN BROWN BEAUTY AIDS »n» upon receipt of 10c in coin or stamps to cover shipping costs. Also most attractive agents proposition on one of the best known and fastest selling race lines. Write GOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Memphis Tenn,. _I_ Losing Love? You can't fool the man yoa want! Streaked, faded, off-color hair does make a difference! Don't risk unhappi ness—a $1.25 bottle of Godefro/s Larieuse French Hair Coloring will bring back that charming jet-black luster to your hair in just a few minutes. If your dealer hasn't Godefro/s, send direct to GOMKOY MFG. CO. 1506 OiiteSi. it. Leak, Me. ea Win Him Back — use GODEFROY'S LARIEUSE French HAIR Coloring LINCOLN - DOUGLASS BIRTHDAY BANQUET The Lincoln and Douglas Banquet, given at Beth.l A. M. E. Church Tues day' night, February 12, was a decided success. Many were present to wit ness the peerless program and par take cf the banquet repast. The pro gram was as follows: Opening song, America; Invocation by Rev. J. H. Harris; Instrumental solo by Mary Laster; Vocal Solo, E. Hudspeth. The Life of Frederick Douglass was reviewed b. Ralph Hol liday. Mr. Holliday is a student at Tech High School. His oration on the life of Frederick Douglass was both educational and .nteresting. In strumental solo by Mrs. Mickens. Life of Abraham Lincoln by Rev. W. V. Preston. The main incidents of the Emancipator’s life were sketched briefly by the speaker. Following are a few of his main points: Where there is unity there is strength. Rev. Pres ton brought out that point to show us that if we ever hope to succeed, we must, unite as one great family, and he sa d we must not give all the credit to Abraham, but must realize that Lincoln was on?/ an instrument in God’s hand, bringing about the Eman cipation Proclamation. And, too, we must shape our lives so God can use us to the extent that we render better service to humanity. There was an instrumental solo by Florentine Turner, vocal solo, Mrs. Sarah Jenes, which was carried out in pantomime while Mrs. Jones held a beautiful red rose, Instrumental solo by Lois Turner. Very talks were made by Mr. L. C. Craw ford. of Nebo Baptist Church, and Rev. Kennedy, a missionary of Pleasant Green Baptist. Beth of these men are active members of the Associate Board, which sponsored the banquet and program. The closing remarks were by the pastor, Rev. J. W. W.lliams. Program Committee: Mrs. Matilda Young, chairman, Mrs. Jessie Turner, Iv:rs. Maupin. Mrs. Alice Seals, president of the Board, made a brief talk on the purpose of this club. THE LADIES AID OF CLAIR M. E. CHURCH The Ladies Aid of Clair M. E. Church met at the residence of Mrs. Sallie Simpson, 2216 Grant Street, Thursday, February 14. Plans were, made for a George Washington Tea at the residence of Mrs. Corrine Hun ter, 2318 N. 27th Avenue, Thursday i ni'ght, February 28th. Admission is one cent for each letter in the nanre George Washington. The public is in vited. Mrs. L. Gray, President Mrs. G. Bell, Reporter. I Personals Mrs. Deila Hopkins, of Tuscon, Arizona, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W. London, 1524 N. 25th Street. Mrs. Ijaura Love-Wagner is ill at her hcaoe. Miss Cllie Redd, 2230 Willis Avenle, v-as confined to her home with a cold last week. Mr. George Hiblor. 2125 Ohio Street, who has been conf.ned to bed for the past three weeks, is able, to be up again. Mr. Joseph Gathright, of Minr*? apolis, Minnesota, was called to the bedside of his mother who is very ill at 919 NT. 26th Street. Her cond.tion is not improving; so Mr. Gathright’s stay will be indefinite. Mr. J W. Harrison, 2719 Wirt Street, injured in an automobile acci dent last week, is able to be up and out now. Rev. E. H. Hilson has returned from his trip to Oklahoma The mother of Mrs. Wesley, 211.3 N. 25th Street, passed away Thurs day in Oklahoma. Mrs. Wesley had just gone to Oklahoma for the funeral cf her brother and found her mother ill. Mr- Wesley left the city for an indefinite stay his wife and daughter in Oklahoma. Mr. Fred Moore spoke Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. on the Townsend Pen sion Club work at the Pioneer Club Rooms SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Beulah Watts and Mr. Charles Sims gave a surprise birthday party at 1839 N. 23d Street, in honor of Mrs. Evelyn Sims, Mrs. Alice Moore and Mr. Archie Watts, whose birthdays are in the same week. Everyone en joyed a delightful evening playing cards and dancing, pauiiepia^ua pun sui;s with a ukelele and by tap-dancing. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Watts. COULD NOT DO HER HOUSEWORK TV^HEN every " thing you at | tempt is a burden ' —when you are ) nervous and irri table—at your wit’s end—try this medicine. Ir may be just what you need for extra energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of Trenton, New Jersey, says, "After doing just a little work 1 had to lie down. My mother-in-law recom mended the Vegetable Compound. I can see a wonderful change now." Under the social spotlight . . . wherever beautiful women gather, you’ll find Black and White Complexion Powder. Not only does this superfine, fragrantly perfumed powder bring CHARM to every i cheek it touches but the CHARM lingers A for hours. Women marvel at the way v Black and White Powder blends so per- 1 fectly and clings so lastingly. Choose your tint from White, Flesh, Pink, Brunette, High Drown and Nut Drown. Large box, 25c. Trial size, 10c. At druggists. TRIAL -. SIZE . Tune in "Lombardo-Lend” Featuring .* _^V_Lombardo*< Orchestra. Wed. Night, 'Uc I Special! | MENS HATS i CLEANED and BLOCKED :j 5 v i; $ EMERSON LAUNDRY J and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS $ !; 2324 North 24th Street WEbster 1029 ?