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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1934)
r ..... . ATTACK ON BAR ASSOCIATION OPENS THE DEFENSE OF BERNARD ADES Baltimore. Md—Proceedings to disbar Bernard Ades from practice in the iftat® courts of Maryland opened last wo ik in a crowded courtroom with an all ack by the defense on the exclusion of Negro attorneys from the Baltimore City Bar Association In a pr liminary rncton to dismiss. Josefdi R. Brodsky, chief counriel for liha international Labor Defense ap pearing on behalf of Ades. eloquently and forcefully argued for the di - missal of the charges against Ades preferr id by the Baltimore Bar As sociation on the ground that xh® Asso ciation excluded Negroes from, mem bership and that as such charges an> ba d 'n-on Aden’ d fense of Negroes the charges and entire proceedings are improper and unlawful- He drew By All Means Give Handkerchiefs 7 wo Splendid Value Groups tor Men and Women at 25c There’s a selection of white linen j handmades with hand rolled hems . . . .Gay prints or solid colored linens. i at *-*v/v* Irish and sheer linens with hand rolled hems and initials . . . .orAppenzelled for women .... Also French hand blocked prints. «r ERANKBIS—-First Floor BRANDE1S Damp Wash 3‘c Per Pound Minimum undie 48c Edholm and Sherman laundbrer and dry cleaners ... - • . »■ 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 an analogy between ithe formulation rf charges by thj Association, a quasi judicial function, a ad the return of an indictment by a grand jury and argued that syjjjematic exclusion of Negroes in either case was unoonsrti tutional . The prcse'-u&ion of Ades, attorney | for the I. L. D., and Communist Party candidate for governor of Maryland in tho lafeft election, arises out of the fight he waged again t the exclusion of Negroes from juries on the Eastern shora of Maryland in the cas.s of Euei Lee, Pago Jupiter, and George Davis, and that he continues to wage generally on Jim-Crowism in the South. A previous effort to mudzle Ades resulted in his suspension from the bar of the Federal district court ffor svj months; although disbarment was refused in that .ir/lianue and Ades was reinstated he was “repri manded by the court, i he prxent attemji, to disbar Ades is brought before nine judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore assembled to hear this casi3. HU defense is conducted by Joseph Brodsky and Edward Kuntz who has handled many I. L. D. cases, and who participated in the cross examination of the prosecution wit nesses. to the struggle against legal Inching and di criminal.ion against Negroes and who was himself on one occasion ' brutally bjaten and almost lynched is charged with attempting to incite race prejudice and also with “unwar ranted” criticism of judges. Ades Suspended from Bar Six Months Baltimore. Md-—Su, (pennon for hr e months from practice of the law was ordered for Bernard Ades. ; •"n.'-mational Labor Defense attorney. | last w.ek, by the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, because he fought , f r i,he rights! of Negroes in the Euel j L c case. In his hrial last week, Ades. repre ' sented by Joseph Brodsky, chief coun s 1 for the I- L- D., and Edward Kuntz, of the I. L. D. legal staff, challenged the whole proceedings on di (barm nt charge^ on <the basis that they w-re brought by a Jim-Crow City Bar A sociation, bearing the same relation Ho the Supreme Bench as a grand jury to a criminal court. Proof was given, through examina tion of the officials of the bas asso I elation thaj Negroes are syst matlcal I !y excluded from the association on i account of race and color. The charges against Ades wer.o the same that were brought against him in federal court, «n which he was ac Ades. who has bent all his energies quitted last sprfcig. _____ MY BOY* • IVE PLENTY OF \ PRESENTS IN MY PACK THAT f YOU MIGHT SEND • • • BUT IF C YOU WANT TO MAKE THEM EXTRA HAPPY-** AND YOURSELF TOO »* * CALL THEM BY LONG DISTANCE DURI THE HOLIDAYS. Classified Ads and Business DIRECTORY Help us to Build Bigger and Better Business. The Omaha Guide in its Eighth Year and is offering a New and Greater Service to its Readers and Advertisers throuqh this Weeklv Clasified Directory of Community and City. 1 ROOMS and 9APARTMENTS _ **• Kitchenette apartment for ren^it 2618 Patrick Ave. We.. 5553. Strictly Modem famished rooms for rent. WE. 0718. Kitchenette for Rent—etrictly modern 2914 North 25th Street. [ Twe room apt. and use of kitchen We. 4162. Apt., reasonable to quiet couple. WE. 010#. FOR RENT—Two or three room front apartments wibh private b«-ths. Heat, sas, lights anad w*tfer furnished. 2430 Blondo Si. These apartments have private entrances. WEINSTEIN REAL ESTATB OFFICE 213 N. 26th St. JA. 0986 Closed Saturday*—Open Sundays Strictly modern furnished rooms for rent. WE- 0718 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT l Morder 7 room house newly decor ated with garage, rent $21.50. CaR L. White, JAchBon 2869. RESTURANTS, CAFE Mississippi Way Bar B Q 1825 N- 24th ST. J. H. Parker, Prop. Fried’s Kosher Delicatessen 1509 N. 24th St. WE 2190 TULULA TEA ROOM 2422 Burdette We. 0689 GROCERY STORES Spend Where Your Dollar Will Come Back To You In the Way of Employment. CAREYS NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Open AH Day Sundays Spring Chickens, per lb. . 15c 27th St at Grant We 6089 FURNITURE, CLOTHING j Yoa can b«y me£e for your money at THE RECORD STORE Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, Second hand clothing for men, women and children We also accept relief orders for your Merchandise _2116 N. 24TH STREET lining Room Set*..$10 Kitehen Tables __ j qq Stoves——Assorted Paicee Good New Finish Beds... $ j q0 1833 N. 24TH ST. B«ing thi* ad wi'h your purchase for Free Gift. BEAUTY SHOPS —SPECIAL OFFER— You Can Secure ROGER’S SILVERWARE By Trading With VNLLA’S BEAUTY SHOP WE. 5699 2225 N. 24TH 8T GROW GLOSS BEAUTY Shop Winter Cut Rate Pros* -- 50 Shampoo, press, marcel _ $4-00 Children’s work ... .$• WB 2864 2512 N- 24TH ST. FOB XMAS give USEFUL COSMETICS Complete Line In Beautiful Gift Box Also Free Faeial and Scalp Analj?: is Christine Althouse Beauty Salon 2422 N. 22nd St. WE. 0846 j Creole Doll wigs 50c this week, also j the usual line of hair goods. Eula Overell Brii.t, 2010 Lakj St. DRUGSTORES DUFFY PHARMACY WE 0609 24th and Lake St*. Quality First OWEN PHARMACY WE 6100 24th and Grant Sts. Prescriptions JOHNSON’S DRUG STORE Oar Telephone Number WE 0998 1904 N. 24TH ST. ! _RADIO SERICE BEi 1T.K UADl\j faCUVlcK A- E. and J. E. Bennett 2?1"* Cum mings St. Phone Ja- 0696 COAL COMPANIES Burn Coal That’s Hotter Than Hades It Costs You Less —$7.25 Per Ton— CAREYS NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY 27th St. at Gr^t We 6M9 “LET GEORGE DO IT” for COAL. BXPRESS AND MOVING AT. 4076 __ SHOE REPAIR S^OPS FRIEDMAN’S SHOE STORE Shoo Repairing W« Accept Relief Order* 0383 1510 N- 24th St. North 24th Street Shoe Hospital 1887 N. 24th St. WE 4240 Y.OUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE N8NE BETTER; 2487 Lake St. MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS WANTED EVERY WHERE to sell Waving Hair Dressi. ing and other rtoilet goods. National ly advertia <1- Big Profits. Boyd Manufacturing Company, Depart, ment R., Birmingham, Ala. WOMEN or MEN—Invest $25.0(h Home work, selecting names* and addressing envelopes Salary, $15 00 ev ry two weeks. E. SHANK LIN, 2623 Lake St. HA. 5273 HAIR SHOP! Ladies’ Braids, ChHs, Doll Wigs Best Massage and Cleansing Creams Free . Demonstrations—Pressing Oil, Hair Grower. 2208 N. 24th St. At. 7356 SAVE TIME, WORRY, CONFUSION AND MO NEY BY CONSULTING THIS COMPLETE DIRECTORY OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CITY BUSINESSES, 1 Ralsin^the Family-: Talk about your moving pictures^___ ri i ■ Hi\s' AttNWHS CCAOSB VjJE EA\*jV 6ott K(C& facrE^-s >M VAOOSE, l REtkOtl 'SHE OU6ftrrx UWE MAvS'. <—‘ ——L < INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CO N Y. 1 f 's&uj jr\ / -"JT Vs^-“T^r 00 YOU KNOW WHY— Boys Seem to Keep Cleaner InUie Good OF Summertime? am »to mb Bj Frank Ltaf wnte^-^/ HARN.iT^ ^ i JtST WASWO —— / _tr3 _ « «mv v» • 3 JJlACttAM or »Johw*Y'$ FaC.C last WINTER/ gggj - Shows Pi~/t ZZt- Shows wseK 2?t52/T was ■52/EMOWEO INAL Cartoon Co., s.'t. *3 3 7 A CASE OF GOOD CHEER . ASpecialStrength Holiday Beer r t * i 5 ► r \ » i j ♦ i i i i } j ' , . f; ., j Order one of these festive new cartons of the World’s Champion Beer (24 pints). Be prepared when friends "drop in” during the holidays. STORE TRIUMPH BEER 1 LEAVES FOR INDEFINITE STA1 IN CHICAGO Mrs- Jeanette Chapman, of 1820 N. 25th Street leflt the city Thursday1 night December 20 th, for Chicago, where she expects to remain indefi nitely. Mrs. M. B. Evans, 2875 Wirt street, is visiting in Kansas City over the holidays). * pggPING UP WITH THE JONESES”___ Ye, w wwv! MV DEAR MR. BOWERS - TSK-T5K FOR EXAMPLE, THERE 60ES MR. WUA SMACK.,THE WaU-KMOWfj SOOETV MAM — HE WAS UP AMD OUT FOR A HORSEBACK RlDE AT SIX. "THIS MORNINNi, AFTER that HE SWAM FOR.AM hour' IN THE SURF, THEM BREAKFASTED , AMD MOW HE'S OFF FOR 30 HOLES OF 60LF ^ « ^ ’*■ ' •_ AFTER LUNCHEON) AT THE CLUB HE PLAYS SIX.I SETS OF TENNIS, THEN COE A UP IN HIS PLANE FOR AN HOUR TQ COOL OFF, AFTER THAT HE DANCES AT THE CASINO UNTIL Si* “THEN TAKES A DIP IN THE POOL, DINES AT| EICaHT AND DANCES UNTIL MID - HICHT- THEN "TO £3ED - > f --- A tty. Ray L. Williams, Room 200 Tuchman Block, 24th and Lake Streets. O NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraka. In the Matter ,f tho Estate of Samuel Houston, Deceased. All persons Interested in said mat. ter are hereby notified that on tho 27th ray of November, 1934, Joseph D. Lewis filed a petition in said Coun ty Court, praying- that his final ad. ministration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he l»e discharged from his trust as adminis trator and that a hearing will be h*d on said petition before said Court on tho 22nd day ef December, 1934, and th«t if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 22nd day of Decem ber, 1934 at 9 o’clock A. M., and con test said petition., the Court may grant h® prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as te this Court may seem proper, to the end that ®U mat ters pertaining to said estate may fc® finally settled and determined. Bryco Crawford, County Judg® Beginning 12—8—34 Ending 12—22—34