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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1934)
SOCIAL f ^ a ,T CLUBS AFFA|RS ^-O-Cl-e-t-y^ ORGANIZATIONS MRS IVY’ RAY SANDERS WAS ENTERTAINED Th« Pefham J Robinson’s enter tained Friday evening at their new home. 2411 I>ake *|tr with an in formal Bridge parity complimentary to Mrs. Ivy Ray Sanders of Chicago now, and formerly of Kansas City, and here Mrs. Sanders wore a l«w cut blue velvet tire s wif h accessory® to match, blue with accessories to match. W hile Ithe midnight supper was be ing served the prizes w re given. Mrs. Sander lady’s prize; Mr. Ver nen gentleman’s prize; Mrs. Craw ford, lady’s booby; Mr. Crawford, g ntleman’s booby. The guest?i were Mr- and Mrs. Har vey Cailer. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Crawford, Mrs- tlvy Ray Sander.. Miss Ruth King- Messrs. Bums Scott, Tom Chandler, Vernon Blackwell. Mr and Mri. Robinson and Dr. Lake. Mrs. Sander left early Saturday morning motoring to Chicago. Mr- Nebvon. who has beeen confined in the Douglas County Hospital, re turn -d home Tuesday evening about 5 p m. He is by ter and now on the road to recovery. Mr. William Owsley, who has been ill. i.» now at home and well on the ror-d oo recovery. Mrs. Gordon, 2806 Bianey street, left Monday night for Quincy, 111., to attend the funeral of her mother who passed away Saturday morning SK-.i had been in the hospital nine months and is survived by three daughters and one brother who is in Wa hirurton, D. C Mrs. Gordon, on this trip. They ex pect to be back Sunday nigh;. Mrs. Mildred Samuels and her two sons are accompanying their moth.r. Mrs. Malcolm Chamber? is e,ick In her home at 2707 N. 26th i.reet. Mr. and Mrs- Malcolm Chamb rs were the proud parents of an eight pound son, Eddie Douglas Chambers, November 7th. Mr*. Malinda Hollins- 2716 Corby ^tre^ has b en very sick- She is nov; irr(proving. Shirley Walker, 2707 Corby street, who is five years old. haf< bo n con fined for Ithe paat five weeks in her home with Glandular trouble. Sho ip the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. James Walker If you want to have a gay time New Years Eve, why don’t you make up a party and have it at the SILVER SITFPER NITE CLUB. Louis Sa lerno. fora| r manager of Baby Tiger Flowers, extends a hearty greeeing no all his friends and especially to those in 'die vicinity of North tw.nty Fourth SSt. Shorty Glas^. drummer and enttertainer with Hot Hill’s or chestra i; arranging a special ent.r tainment program for the occasion The club has an excelled, dance floor and the band CAN get hot! The Night Club is located at 1123 South Sixth St*. N. E- Comer of Sixth and Pierce « ■ A J> __ InfrociCM—16ik, Dodge end DouglaFStreet* Boy’s Melton Zipper Jackets | Made of 32-oz., all wool material, in »avy blue, | Cossack style, full cut throughout, £ zipper front, sizes 4 to 12 and 8 tol8 f® Boys’ Gift sots 39c UP Tie and handker , chief sets, belt and buckle sets, belt handkerchief sets, silk and wool scarfs, etc. B o y s’ Rayon Ties 19c Wide range a* pat- | eras and colorings. 1 1 • • Boys’ Broadcloth Shirts Better quality shirts that are . * sure to please him. Range of fancy patterns. Sizes 8 to 14. B 0 y s’ Pajamas 98c Up Slip-over and coat stlye: either broad cloth or flannelette; sizes 8 to 18. Boys’ Bath Robes $1.98 Up Good heavy quality attractive colors and patterns; sizes 8 to 18. He will like one fof these Boys’ Sheeplined Coats Genuine Dupont lefherette, sheep lined and reinforced wrlth eorduroy Sizes 6 to 18. Boy s’ Longies $1.98 Either corduroy nr wool longies; well tailored and full cut wanted colors and patterns; sizes 8 to 18. ■ ' ? Boy s’Sweaters ! $1.98 Heathy, knit, all wool and mohair slip over and turdleneck sweaters; sizes 30 to 36. Boys’ Lumberjack Shirts .. j Wool plaid lumberjack shirts in attractive colors; well made and full cut; srizes 8 to 14. . . Corduroy Jackets Made of “H#ek meyer” corduroy, in wanted colors. 1 Corduroy Jumpers j Well made jumpers of Hockmyer cordu* roy.Skes 2 to 12. BOY’S OVERCOATS 8.95 Made of heavy wool fabrics, in gray and brown mixtures; come with hat to match: finely tailored Mid warmly lined; belted styles; skes 6 to 10. Mr. Arthur Hollins cf Chicago, and Rev. W- W. Hollins of Dallas. Texas, jpei^t two weeks visiting their mothu r who is ill. Rev. Bryant, 2416 Binney street, pastor of 9:- John's A. M. E- church, left Sunday, accompanied by his wife for Kansas City to be at the bedside of his mother who is v.ry ill. j Mr- Milo Austin, janitor at the Elks lodge, is confined in the hospital with a nervous breakdown Mrs- T. P- MahammitL gave a recep tion at her home, 2116 N- 25th street. Friday. B,«. 14th, formally announc ing tho marriage of Mrs- Helen Lam bent n.e Helen Jenkins to Maurice Lambert. Nov. 7th. The bride was beautifully gowned in a white formal, adorned with a red rose- A hundred cr more gue.fts were th re throughout the evening. Mrs. Mason’s mother, Mrs. Webster, j hai: been ill ait '.he ho mi j of her daugh ter for the past week Mi*}. McDaniels, 2620 Bristol street, spent last wa ik in Coffeeville, Kansas, visiting her father. Mr.v J. D. Lewis gave a dinner pa i y in Lincoln. Nebraska, last week in honor of Mrs. Anna Burris a visi tor from Battle Cre k. Michigan, and also sister .to Mrs- Mahamimitt. Four guests were present and a lovely time was had by all. Mrs. Forman of Chicago, is visiting her parents. Mr- and Mrs. P. H- J.n kins, 2506 Maple street. She arrived Monday and will remain throughout the holidays. Mis ? Juliet e Thema Le , the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L e, 2863 Maple Street, rdturn id homp from Kansas City, Mo- for the holi days. Miss Lee hs b:en studing nurs ing at the General ho ipital No. 2 for the past year and is* hom? fifteen days . She will return to Kansas City January 3 to resume her nursing cou r:> --1 GET. MONEY—LOVa l""lr»nte« to «*» » S«* i t, ! fr^2 If. WI LLIAMS, Wl Bartt* AvcJ ISkwpr city, h. x_♦ AWiSWA'AW.VAV.V.V.'- S f 5 l Gall £ i Omaha Poultry Market £ f 1114 N. 24th St. We. 1100£ \ FRESH EGGS— FRESH £ ? Dressed Poultry While £ !• You Wait 5 ^■VAWAW.VAWAWW.V* W/yV/WVUV^AWJWAT/.' .» % The Omaha Guide *" jl Recommends •* \ The State I; Furniture Co. := Corner llfh and Dodge *" Streets. As One of the Most ]j» Reliable and Accomodating •C Firms to Buy from. ■" ■« Prices the Lowest % 5 - g ^ Terms the Easiest „■ V.'.VW.WW.VAVWW.W QUACK CLUB NEWS Plans for the Quack Club Annual Christnsas Party are under way at thij time- The pair y is to be formal and will be held at the Brown 11 Hall Gymrnassium, 5j|.h and tJYflerwood Streets, on Friday Evening, Decem ber 21st. This party prom is s to be one of the mpst gala affairs of the seaSson- Mu.tic will be furnished by Ted Adams, six piece orch s) ra. More than three hundred guests are ex pect. d to be present- Alice M- Jones I: the Social Chairman, and presented some very favorable reports. The Quack Club att nded Zion Bap tist Church in a body on Sunday, De cember 16th for morning Services at which time special numbers were dedicated to the Quack girls by the choir of that church. The Annual Kiddie Christmas Party for poor childr n will be Riven at the Y-W.C-A- on Chri tmas Eve. A spec ial Christmas Gi8. Committee has been appointed to collect toys which will be repair d and renovated by the Girl Reserves and Quack members The clubs expect to haV-‘ candy and fruit for each child invited. Tho Ladies Friend hip Club met with Mrs. Floreno« Mon-is, 3118 Bur de'i e street. Nine :mlty2rs were pr sent. An interesting game of whist was played- MS. . Tresa An deron won fiijst prize, and Mrs. Min nie Burns won the second prize, a brown skin babp doll. A delightful luncheon was s rved by the ho. tess. Mrs. Ida Fountaine, President Mrs. Minnie Burns, Reporter The Clever S *t Club m'< th :’s week with Mrs- Leona Allen- 1823 N. 23rd street. Mrs- Laura Brf wer carried away thl1 fir it prize again this week. Mrs. Edith Hope won the booby. A very delicious luncheon was served by the hostess Mrs. Leona All n, President Mrs. Minnie Burns. Reporter The Eureka Club wa? enten-ained December 15 by Mr. Sedall Phillips, at the home of Mr- and Mrs. J. Phil lips, 3036 Emmet street- After busi was disposed of, which const ted of plans for the Christmas party, four chau 'es of bridg 1 were played, Mrs. Payton winning fir.t prize for ladies, Mrs- Nowling, booby; Mr. Wilson and Mr. Ford first and booby prizes re lpew :veH. After everyone had en ic« i d a very palatable supper, we ad journed to meet Jan. 12 with Mr. and Mrs- Wilson. Mr- and Mrs. J. Phillips anterteined the club Dec. 1st- Mr and Mrs. Roberts ent rtained the 24th of Nov. Mrs Penn is on the ■rtek lint J. Phillips, President B- Nowling, Reporter Tho Pirk Up Club and Autumn Leaf Club of PI asant Green Baptist church are giving- a joint meeting at the home of Mrs- Lottie Key. 2517 N 25th street, Tuatday D-':e. 18, 1934 Mr*. C. P.'anklin entertained the Wide Awake 24 Club of Zion Baptist Church, at the resid nee of Mrs. Jones, 2612 Corby street Pass Time Social Club The meeting of the Pass Time Club was held at the beautiful home of cQov’me^ Face Powder Many select Lov'me be cause of its exquisite fine ness—a Face Powder that permits a powder film so thin it is practically invis ible—many, for its thrill ing fragrance, and, others, for the perfection of color which complements and enhances every skin. Stays ©o for hours. Delicately so with the inimitable Lov'me fragrance. Fltsb— Whitt— \athtT 01CLBA £o'v’mzj 'Powder 75? NS « 5&0 Fifth Avnoo « N»^ York, N. Y. Mi^ Verlin Fulghem. 2117 Grant The next meeting will be held, the first Tuesday in January at the residence of Mi» . Mildred Samuels, 2806 Binney A re t. Mrs. Carrie Clark, President Leroy Nerwland. Vice President Fr d H- Johnson, Reporter The Jolly 12 Art and Social Club is preparing for the annual Christmas party which will be Christmas night at the home of Mr- and Mrs- Norse Sherwood. 2218 Lak_ street- Chrst n-/a- gifts will be exchanged. The Jolly 12 gave a -tea Friday Dec. 8th at the home of Mrs- Chari s Wil liams The Penny Club was entertained at tho parsonage Saturday with a ehitterling and fish dinner. Mrs. Varner, Pn ,*ident Mrs- Warn. Secretary Mr- Dallas Brown and Mrs. Georgia Peoples enjoyed a wonderful Parents program at T. ch High school Monday night Mr- Biown represents his daughter, Dalla.t Elizabeth Brown. Mrs. Peo ples represents h r nephew, Janies H Lajine Club NeWSE ENTERTAINS FOR SITSER Mrs. Mary Banks enter amed eight at a bridge luncheon on Monday aft.r. noon from 2 to G. in honor of her si. ter, Mrs- Carrie Gregory of Corono N- Y. The other guests included M s C- M-cFall. Mable Fields, Addle Dor. s.y; Andrew Davis, James Griffith and Mis.- Margaret Dortz. Prizes were wcn by Mrs. Addie Dor i sey, Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. C- McFall i Mrs. Gr gory leA Wednesday night, for her home. Tho recently organized club, the Dames, met ail the home of Mrs Maxine Owei4-» on Fa-day evening. Dec. 14. After a short bn iness meet ing and a delightful repast, the even ing was spent in bridge playing. The Dames consist of Natalie Brown, president; Celestme SmLh. Vice president; Lorraine Fletcher. Secretary; Louise Fletcher, treasurer; Maxine Owen. sergeant-at-arms; Elizabeth Cole, ass’t secretary; Ma bel Longmire. reporter; Frances Sims, Maryanne Elliott. Waverly Is. ler, Madeline Brown, and Dorothy Patterson- Watch out for us beeau e tho Dames are going out West Mae West. Next me« ing will be at the homo of Mrs. Frances Sims Natalie Brown. President Mabel Longmire, Reporter Mr. Oscar Ricketts who was hurt in an automobile accident several moil hs ago, is now on the road to recovery, but is not able to be out yet JUNIOR LEAGUE OPENS SANTA CLAUS SHOT Junior League of which Vera Cowan is pro ident. lone Hang! r. secretary and Mabel Avail . sponsor, is con ducting a Christmas Santa Claus Shey a!. 204? N. 24th street Visiting the shop on Wednesday, Dec. 19th. one could :.'-e busy hands painting Itoys, repairing, pressing and altering clcrihing. Long lines of suitable clothing are hung throughout the shop. A table the , intire length of the 'store room ip. piled high with apparel. One win dow is filled with shoes and the other with toy . Much more wear ing appar 1 and toys are expected from day to day. Man , of the less fortunate, poor i and indigent families will be aided at Christmas time by r.he Junior L ague. Tli i clothing, shoes and toys will be distributed aim: ng thoiee needy and | do erring families at that time. The ! Junior League wa ■ organized during I tho past year and bis is their first Christmas 'since organization. They aro expecting to ocntribitte in a large r-1 asure to the relief of those about them. Thu ladies bu ily engaged in the job on Wednesday were Mrs. Chas. P. Davis, Mrs. Sa;Uert C. Hanri re. and Mi’s. Claude Hunter- Mrs Davis and Mr3- Hanger were pres- ing and al tering clothing, getting thorn in shape for distribution, whits Mrs. Hunter was engaged in painting and r . pair ing toys that might: make little child ren happy Christmas day. The pastor aid of the Metropol itan Church sponsored a sox showing Thursday Light, Pur ember 13, 1934 at the church. We had wit us pastor Rev. Mayfield and his co'workers from the ONE WOMAN TO ANOTHER LADIES RELIEVI PAIN AND DELA3 NOW. Don't suffer unnecessarily when na ture fails you. Thousands of women have used my “Special Relief Com,- j pound” for prompt relief of abnormal j delay. QUICKER ACTING THAN | PILLS OR TABLETS. Wonderful j testimonial*. C- W- “I was decayed | for nine weeks. Had a natural flow , in 3 days. D. C. “I was about six | week" past, in 5 days I was 0. K ” E U- “Delayed three weeks. Menses stinted on 4th day. Simple as A- B C. to take.” Safe Harmless. Re«— ular package $2.00. Special Formula No. 2 for slow regulating functions J3.00. FAST SERVICE. Liter ature FREE. MARTHA BEASLEY Box 22, Northwestern Station, Dept IO U R jj JEWELRY STORE 0 Welcomes and Writes your V patronage for Xmas gifts Q j and repairing. U Lovely things 50e and up X T. L. COMB & CO. 0 1617 Harney Street W FOOTSTOOLS Like picture with turned legs finished walnut in a good selection of tapestry covers. While they last. . . k $1.00 Orchard & Wilhelm Go. ^ 9» church of God at 25th an 1 Ersk ne Streets. Rev. M-vfeui preach ini a wonderful—his text wa<j a wcfritjerful counsel. The choir rendered some very beauti ful songs. The president sends her thanks to the pastor and -his co-workers of said church ofr the way they put the progra mover. The president and members of the pastors aid also thank the visiting friends for the way they gave in the soxs. The recoip s of the evening were $7.23. The total ifor the week ending was. $12.00 hieh was paid on the par sonage. The president is asking the members of the Metropolitan church to please come out. and help us. For every member of the church is a member of the * pastor’s aid. Sister Willa Varner, 1V’S. DEAFENED HEAR Without Ear Drums New Amplified Acousticon uses a new auditory path bone conduction, detouring ear drum and middle ear mechanism. You can hear con versation from all angles and at greater dis tance, enioy radio, talkies, church services. A happy release from present handicaps. Com plete information and Free Booklet "Defeating Deafness" on request, write— ACOUSTICON AMPLIFIED HEARING AIDS _580_FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. | Burn Lucky Mo-Jo Incense, How it perfumes the air. Fills your room with the fragrance of flowers. Banish, es bad smells. Write for F R E SAMPLE of Lucky Mo-Jo Incense and Agents’ Money-Making Offer. Famous Products C», Dept. 802— 5249 C'ttage Grove Ave. Chicago III. USA. I Ross i Drug Store | Now Located H At 2122 N. 24th St. f Vie.2770 [ Lonely Nights? Love dice with the coming of grey, streaked, iron-burnt hair-^because love lives on beauty. Be beautiful,' have fine, luxuriant coal-black-hair. Use Godefroy's Larieuse French Hair Coloring, naticnally known for marvelous results. . Be years younger. Be loved. If yewr dealer han't Godefroy's send $1.25 direct to GODEFBOY MFG. CO., 006 Olive St. St. Louie, Mo. as Attract Admirers - - - use GODEFROY'S LARIEUSE French HAIR Coloring you'r dealer has it.