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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1934)
.IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson 1 (By REV. P. B FITZWATER, D. D„ Member of Faculty. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) C by Western Newspaper Union. * ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■■ | Lesson for July 29 MICAIAH speaks the TRUTH LESSON TEXT—I Kings 22:1-40. GOLDEN TEXT—And Micaiah said, As the Lord Hv«th. what the Lord saltb unto me, that will I speak. I Kings S2 ! 4. • ;JMART TOPIC—A Man Who Told tin: Truth. JUNIOR TOPIC—A Man Who Dared to Tell the Truth. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IU -Telling the Truth Under Difficul ties. i oUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC—Courageous Truth-Telling. 1. A League Between Two Ktnge (tv. 1-4). L Who these kings were (r. 21. ft. Jehoshaphat king of Judah. He was for the most part a good king, ha'ing done much to put down ldot •try and restore the worship of the true God. b. Ahab, king of Israel. He was a jreak and wicked king. 2. The occasion (t. 2). It was on a Visit of Jehoshaphat to Ahab, perhaps , vfor the cultivation of a friendly rela tionship in case of an attack by the Syrians, or it may have been becauss ef a social relation incident to the mar riage of Jehoshaphat’s son to Ahab's daugnter, the wicked Athaliah. 3. The purpose of (vv. 3, 4). It was a merger for the purpose of conquest The fortified city of Ramoth-gilead had been ceded to Ahab as the result of; a previous war. but it had not been! actually turned over. Jehoshaphat! pledged unreservedly the support of his people, without seeking the mind of God. II. Advice From the Lord Sought (vv. 5 28). Even though the merger had been formed Jehoshaphat was unwilling to go into battle without inquiring of the Lord. L Through a group of prophets (v. 6; 9-12). Some four hundred prophets responded to the call of Ahab. Who those prophets were we are not told. Evidently they were not prophets of Baal (I Kings 18:19); neither were they true prophets of the Lord. They knew Ahab's wish and therefore sought to curry favor with AiUt bx of.'unrn— in- him lU.follOW OUt bis desire. Zedeklah, their leader, symbolised the success of the Joint campaign by the use of horns of Iron. Jehoshaphat sensed the falseness of these prophets. 2. A message from the lord's proph et desired (v. 7). The king of Judah was unwilling to carry out his contract with Ahab without knowing the miad of God as to the matter. This he fthould have sought before consenting i to the merger. | 3. Micaiah speaks the truth (vv. 13 28). a. He first speaks in irony (v. 15). The kings messenger who brought \ Micaiah from prison advised him to (Speak that which would be pleasing to 'the king, but Micaiah was not a man ser\er but God’s faithful servant He I courageously declared that his message | would be what God told him to say ‘ (v. 14). Regardless of result he would 1 do only as God directed. ' b. Micaiah speaks plainly (vv. 16 28) Ahab detected the prophet’s ironic speech and demanded of him the plain • truth. To this demand Micaiah re i sponded by making clear the peril which awaited them. He also told j Ahab that through lying spirits he , would be lured to a place of death, i This faithfulness on the part of God’s prophet was rewarded by flouting and 'smiting by the false prophets and with {imprisonment from the king. The true pProphet will speak God’s word regard less of consequences. 1 From Micaiah s experience we should learn: , (1) The inevitable opposition be tween God’s message and the purposes } of evil men. This explains why true preachers of the Word of God are un popular, and are called narrow and glum. (2) The folly of the attitude of hatred against those who truly wit* ,n«a against them. Ahab hated Mi caiah because Micaiah told him whet would coat to him for such e course at action. God’s prophet did not make the evil hut only made it known. * III. Ths Doom of Ahab (tt. 29-49). ] 1. He went forth to battle 1b spite of' Mlcaiah’a warning. The Issue proved1 that Mleal&h was right X He disguised himself as a com mon soldier. He thought to escape the predicted fate through disguise but an arrow from the enemy pierced him in spite of his armor. Ahab died as predicted and his blood was licked by the dogs as Elijah had said fi Kings 21:19). There Is a bitter end coming to those who wlR no: heed God warning. The only way to **s C" •• > to tort: H tut ' The Church Of God 2025 North 24th Stret R«V. E M Ashley—Pastor Mrs. John Willis—Reporter Sunday School mot fit 9:30 a. in. with Supt. Joe Edden, pr siding. A wonderful lesson was taught, afterwards; Rev. E. M. Ashley preached a wonderful sermon, and at 7:30 p m. we had a good burning message all were revived^ The subject was, "Why Call Me Lord, Lord And Do Not The Things I Say.” Salem Baptist Church 22nd and Seward Street Rev.. E H.. HiLscn—Pastor Minnie Harris—Reporter Salem Baptist Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m.. with a group of smiling youngster on time. The lesson was revived by Mr. Joe Henderson, teach tr of the boys senior class. Our Sunday school is planning for the August picinic. The Sunday school is also preparing a lunch for each child. At 11 a. m. we listened to an im pressiv. message from Rev. D. Nicholson, his subject was. “A Shin ing Example,” text, St. Matthews 6:33. We always enjoy Rev. Nichol son’s preaching. The BYPU op:ned at 6 p. m., its opening hour with Mr. B. Turner acting president for one Sunday. A timey program was given by group No. 5, the immediate of the union. Rev. Foit brought the sermon at 8 p. m., his subject was, “The Pre sence of Jesus.” He spoke from his soul. He left with us much to think about. The Mission Society of Salem is giv ing a special program on the Fifth Sunday, wth Rev. Fort delivering the sermon. Our pastor is out of the city at jersent. You are welcome all times Church of the Living God C. W. E. F. 2316 No*th 25 Street R v. I.. Graham—Asst. Pastor Cara Graham—Secretary Sunday School opened at 9:30 a. m with Supt. Robinson presiding. The Sunday school was well attended, the % lesson was taught by Brother J. C. day, teacher of the senior cass. At 11 a. m. Rev. M. Steels brought to us a remarkable sermon, his subj.cct was, “Fear Ye Not; Stand Still And See the Salvation of the Lord.” He also told us about a wonderful visit to Chicago, where the forty finst annual assembly of the Church of the Living God C. W. E. was held. At 8:30 p. m. Rev. J. Battles preached to us a soul stirring sermon. We are always glad to have visitors come to our church. Choir rehearsal, Friday at 8 p. m. Sl. Benedic’s Cruhch Rev. Father J C Daly—Pastor Madoline E. Sterling—Reporter. We are pleased to announce that Father Daly, who has been confined in the hospital for th past ten days, will be leaving today, to resume his regular duties at Creghton and St. Benedict’s. His sudden illness was brought on by an attack or high blood pressure, causing a severe nose bleed that was diffcult to stop. The St. Benedict’s Study club, spon sored by the Altar Society, will meet every Tuesday evening, in the church club room, promptly at 8:00 p. m. Those whe wish to learn more about their religion the Mass> the Vestmen and general church movements, local ly and nationally are invited to attend this pleasant round table meetng and discuss their vews with others. We were very glad to have Father Boomer, S. J., to say Mass for us on last Sunday, during the abense of the j.usor, Father Daly. Father Bloomer has assisted with the work at St. Benedict’s on several occasions, and is a ways a w. Icoine guest and as sistant. The funeral of Miss Daisy James, was held at St. Benedict’s, last Sat. morning at 9 o’clock, with a large •r wd in attendance. Miss James was a recent convert to the faith and very much interested in the study of her religion. She was a patient suf fe.vr, during her long illines and re ceived the last rights of the church. We offer prayers for the respon; of her soul and for hr bereaved family and friends. Mrs. Victor Matoyer is planning to leave for her vacation, visiting her mother and relatives in Louisiana. She is taking h:r children for the trip also. Peasant Green Baptist -2nd and Paul Streets Rev. P. J. Price—Pastor The Pastors Aid club members and friends and, too. the well wishers of Pleasant Green Baptist Church gave the Rev. P. J. Price a very nice suit of clothes, last Thursday night, July 19. at the Pleasant Green church The suit was pjTesented to Rev. Price by Deacon Shelton Pearl. The Progressive tea, given by the Woman’s Home Mission Circle was a nice affair, last Thursday night at the church. CHRIST TEMPLE Rev. O. J.. Burckhardt—Pastor CHRIST TEMPLE GIVE DINNER Christ Temple members are serving a chicken dinner w|ith vegetables, Thur. August2 from 11:30 a. m. to Attend Seme Church livery If you get any service out of Before vou buv vour household , , .. consult the pages of ihe Onra cnurch direitory write us a line or r j. I - ■■ ' 3 (:- ide first- That will make your l*°« we ■ uat to serve- — —- — paper a bigger and better paper-. . j No: ce—Because I have been unable to reach a fe' of the pastors of some chures. I am a:! ing that any church omitied, will “lease get in touch with me. or said in written statement, regarding your church activities, and I wiii giadly enter the same in this column Any error or ommision in th*» present arrangement, if brought to my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor. Y»’e live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body. It must be fed and where is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your choice of the following Churches and aite nd some church every Sunday. ADVENTIST. j 1 nited Sahaih Day Adventist. 2320 N. 28th Are. Rev. M. M Boodle. Pastor. S'*hath d?y services (Satur- j day), Sabafh school. 9:30 A. M Mrs. l. , Smith Supt. Sermon. 11:00 o’clock ■Tr. and St. Mission meeting. 3:00 m. . conducted by Mrs. A. B Wr«<nt, *nd Mrs- Edith Boodle. Sunday. Sermon and Song Service. 7:30 P. M. Renenfh-Pay Adventist Church. 28th and Lake Sts. _ Brother George Anderson. Church Elder. Acting Pastor. Sen Down Vespers. Friday Evening. Saturday Services. Sabbath-school 9:45 A. M-. Mrs. Ethel Anderson. Su-■ perintendent- Sermon. 11:00 o’clock. .Missionary Volunteer Society. 4:00 P. M-. conducted by Mrs. Anna Part ridge- Prayer meeting. Wed. evening 8:00 P. M. Zion. 2215 Grant St.. Rev. C. C Harper. Pastor S rvic<*s—Sunday schorl. 9:30 a. m Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent S'rmon. 11:00 a m- and 8:00 p- m Prayer meeting. B. Y. P- U- 6:00 p. m. Mr( Murray Landrum, Presi dent Salem. 22nd and Seward. St*.. Rev. E. W. Anthony, Pastor. Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. Mr. F. L. Wesley Superintendent. Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p m B Y. P. U. 6: p. m. W. M- Cooper President. Prayer Meeting. Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev. F. P Jones, Pastor Services, Sunday school, 9:30 a- m. Mrs. A. B. Speese superintendent Sermon 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr. M- Niles. President. Mission society Meeting, every 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct ed by Mrs. F. P. Jones. Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev. X. C. Cannon. Pastor; Rev. P. M Harris, Assistant, Pastor. Services— Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C. H- Garner, superintendent. Sermon. 11:00 and 8:00 o'clock. Prayer meeting wed- evening B. Y. P. U. 7:00 p. m- Mr. J. Henderson, President. Mission Art Club. Thursday afternoon conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche. Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J. A. Dotson, Pastor. Services— I Sunday school. 9:30 A. M., Superin tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon. 3 Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr. J. W Baker, President Tuesday evening, 8:00 o’cloek. Gen eral Group Meeting. Men’s Laymen, Mr. George Lewis, President Heart to Heart Club. Mrs. Fannie Porter President. Willing Workers Club. Mrs. Fannie Porter. President. Ever Loyal Cluh Miss Nicholson. President. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Senior Red Circle. Thursday. 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Fletcher. President. Junior Red Circle Wed. 4:30 p. m.. Miss Mildren Dotson. President. Missionary meeting. Wed. 2:00 p. m. CATHOLIC. St. Benedict The Moore. 2423 Grant St. Father J C. Daly S. J . Pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.. Sister Mary Dani.l. Superintendent. Lot* Mass. 9:00 A. M. High mass, and Benediction. 10:15. Altar society Tuesday afternoon, 2:00 p. m. Mrs. M. Sterling. President. Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p. m. Mrs- Ona Glass, President. Week Day Mass every morning, 8:30 Christ Temple—26th and Burdette Sts. Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor Services, S. S. 9:30 a- m- Rev. J. W. Gooden, supt. Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p m. B \. P. U., 6:30 p. m-, conducted by Beacon Stafford, and Elder Hunt ley. '■ ission Rand .Meeting, Monday even ng. 7:30 p. m. by Mrs. Willa Vann Bible Class and Bible Institute. Tues-; uav evening, 7:30 p. m. conducted by Brother .1. C. Parker, and Rev Tanzimore. METHODIST St. Johns, 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev. L. P. Bryant, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:00 a. m. Mr. W. E- Webb, supt-. A. C. E. League. 6:00 p. m. Mr. Rucker. Sermon, 10:45 a. m and 7:45 p. m Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Bryant. Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St. Rev. J. W. Williams, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Maggie Smith, Supt. Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. A. C. E- League. 6:30, Mrs. Etta .Mae Woods, President. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening. 7<30. Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts. ! Rev. Alfred Clay. Pastor. Services. S. S. 9:30 a- ra., Mr. R. R. Boone Superintendent. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Lucille Gray, President Choir Practice, Friday at 8:00 p. m. Board Meeting. Monday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8:00. ! Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts. . Rev. O. A. Calhoun. Pastor Services, S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr. Charles Stallworth, SUperntendent. Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:43 p. m. by the Pastor. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening Mission Society, Wednesday after noon. Forward Step Club. Tuesday evening, by Rev. O. A. Calhoun Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon; Choir Rehersa. Friday evening Allen Chappel— 25th and R Sts (South Omaha) Rev. W. S. Metcalf. Pastor. Services. S. S. 9:30 a. m . Mr, John Fellows Supt Sermun. 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. 7:30. Metropolitan Spiritual Church. Lake St-, m-ar 2lth. Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pas:tor • Services, S. S. 1:00 p. m., Mrs. Ransome. Supt Church services, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson. Church Services Tuesday and Thurs day, evening at 8:00 o'clock. Rev. Johnson. Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p m conducted by Mrs. Payton. Penny Club. Wednesday 8:00 p. m. : by Mrs. Grffin. Choir rehersal. Friday evening. St. Phillipe Episcopal Church—21st and Paul St. Father B E. Holly. Priest Sermon and Holy Communion First and Third Sunday at 11 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion second and third Sunday at 7:30 p. m Sunday school at 9:30 a. ra. Mr. Dil lard Crawford. Supt Regular morning services every Sun day at 11 a. m. Auxiliaries— ' espers meet second Tuesday in each month. W. M. Haynes, Senior Ward en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden. Women’s Auxiliary—Mrs. John Al bert Wiliams—President. Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets every Thursday afternoon. Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustas Hicks] —President. Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets Every Tuesday night. Choir Guild—Mrs. Margaret Wil iams—President. Mrs- Valaria Me Caw—Secretary. Meets every Thursday night. Dorcas Society—Mrs. H. Wiggins— President. Mrs. J. C- Donley—Secretary. Meets every Friday afternoon. Pleasant Green, 22nd and Paul Sts. Rev. P J Price, Pastor Mrs Lottie Keks, Reporter; Mrs King, Clerk Servces—Sunday School-9:30 a m ; Supt Mr Vealand .-Morning Ser vices, 11 a- m every Sunday morning ® ^ P l: , 6 p. m , President Mrs Ida M McGuire-_Evening services every Sunday night Weekly Meetings Mission, Thursday night-_Prayer meeting. Wednesday night, led by one of the Deacons.—Anion Cub, Monday night .President Mrs. Estelle Waters Pick Club, Tuesday night, President Mrs- Turner. Choir rerearsals, Friday n:ght, President, Mr. S. Me 11:30 p. m. at 2414 Grant St. in that spacious headquarters of the North side Transfer Co. Dinners will be sent out. Call WE. 5656. The pur pose is to raise money to send Rev. Rurckhardt to our convention which meets at Jackson, Miss. August. 12 Elder W. Irving—Chairman Theodore Mallory—Assistant Sister Willie Vann—Pres. W. W. SisterBernice Love—Pres. Boosters Sister Matfie Middleton—Trta. — Pilgrim Baptist Church North 25th and Hamilton Streets Rev. Jas. H_. Dotson. Pastor “ S. S. opened at the regular time i with a good number present in spite of the heat. Fred Dixon, Supt., is making a strenuous effort to keep this a front line '.Sunday School. There is a great demand for teach ers. Five visitors were pr.sent in the morning . The pastor filled the pulpit at 11 o’clock sharp, preaching from the subject: “The Guilty World ” a very timely sermon. He touched on the unemployment situation, thj drought and the effect it has,on the country, the relation of one nation to another and asked the Biblical question: How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? His text was Romans 1:18: “For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. who hold the truth in unrighteousness In the evening Rev. Rogers" of th: l Presbyterian Seminary delivered the message, which was enjoyed by all present The B. Y. P. U. held an *pen air service in Humbolt Park. J. Harvey Kerns taught the adult group. Mr. Duffy the Junior Boys and Mrs. Gatus and Young had charge of the Primary and Junior Girls. The wo men and men rendered quartetts re spectively . Brief remarks were made by the pastor and president J. W. Dacus; afterwhich a group picture was made. The group met at the church at 5:30 o’clock. Eight cars and one truck with about seventy five persons were present. The pres ident was all smiles. Other open air services will be held during the slimmer months. The ushers will present a love play in the very near future. R. T. Jowers was able to attend services Sanday for the first time since his accident. We were glad to have Mrs. Cora McIntosh worship with us Sunday morning. PROVERBS AND PARABLES By A. B. Mann The Gods and Thi ir Mills) tFor The Liteuary Sendee Bureau) It is not difficult to understand the old aphorism which readg, “The mills of the gods grind slow, but exceeding ly fine.” The inference is that retribution may be exceedingly slow in its ap proach, but most certainly will come The axiom is a warning to all who ■s. ' may conclude it to be possible to -continue wrong doing with impunity. This is the pagan idea of retributive justice. But it is in harmony with the Bibical declaration “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap,” and the modern version. “Your chickens will come home to roost.” LOOKING BACK By Videtta Ish (Mercenary Marriage) (For The Literary Service Bureau) “In my mother’s time people mar ried for love. That might have been all right then, but it won’t do now; so I'm marry for convience.” This was the frank statement of a young woman of twenty four. A school teacher compelled to “work in service” remarked. “I’m so ti~ed of hard work; I am going to hunt me a husband to take care of me.” A young divorcee remarked, “Yes, I’m going to try again. The first time I was foolish enough to marry for love, but this time I’ll marry for a living.” She added. “Of course, he is homely and I just couldn’t love a man that looks like him, but I need him as a meal ticket.” A character istic e^piession is, “I consider it better to marry an old man: he’ll be a fool about me and work himself to death for me.” Well, these are modern views of marriage but the martial wrecks test 1 ify that they are wrong—and destruc tive. Looking back, I remember when love was consider d the princ: pal thir4j in manage. And I do no4, hesitate to insist t'. t t ere was '■»? more material happim.-* taanw h;i, n HELP FROM THE GODS By R A Adams (For The iLterary4 Service Bureau) The gods ae genrous. indetd, n ; ing to human need. - et. they will only help the man Who helps himself the best he can. * * * The gods would have all men to b.. Happy and prosperous, and free. But these alone on those b stow4. Who help themselves the best th y know. * * * Searching, ‘twill be no task to find The gods help all of humankind, But rjekon most deserving they, Who help themselves in every way. » * * So, all who would the gods implore. For bless Ligs giv’n. or blessings more. Should know they’ve done theii very best; Unto te gods thin, I leave the rest. GOD IX EXTREMITIES By R. A. Adame (The Literary Service Bureau) There was a murder—gang murd.r. i A rich, influential politician had been shot down at his very door. He wa in a hospital, dying. His wife was weeping—and praying. She crieo ■ out, “0, God, don’t let him die; don’t take him away’ from me!” To friends who sought to edmfort her, she urg ed, “Pray; pray to God fo him; I • don't want him to die.” Th.n she ! resumed her prayer, “0, God, don’t take him away.” These peoplj belonged to the ,vc;dly element. Their religion is TIRED, ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET Moone's Emerald Oil Guaranteed to Stop All Pain and Soreness and Banish Offensive Odors In just one minute after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the surprise of your life. Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will literally jump for joy. No fuss, no trouble; you just ap ply a few drops of the oil over the surface of the foot mgfht and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just a little and rub it in. It’s simply wonderful the way it ends all foot misery, while for feet that sweat and give off an offensive odor, □ there’s nothing better in the world. Moone’s Emerald Oil is guaranteed to end your foot troubles or moeey back. that of a church which stresses the functions < ‘ the p ,i st. as meditator between Cod anj man. Peiaps. at V^st. th y cnly "said prayers.” But >’* h extremity this wife annealed directly to God. It. is thui with men i t gneal. r . may be godless, or careless in regard to God; may speak c rlessly of the Deity, and of immortality B it when human help fails, intuitive ly they tu n to God. It is consoling tc- know that even under such cir cums‘2ncc-. as well. I t .! be re tr 'end that man needs God, not only in extremiti s. but always— un it r ail circumstances. NORTHSIDE ] Ff rniture Repair ! 2717 North 24th Street j Y o u r old furniture \ made like new here— | Price right. Give Us A Trial—If You { VVant Results I The Omaha Guide Recommends The State j Furniture Co.jj Corner 14th and lJodg? Streets. As One of I he Most Reliable and Accomodating Firms to Bay from. I'rtci-s the Lowest and forma ilte Lasiest il t_ _ Ideal BottMng Co. “IF IT’S IDEAL IT’S GOOD” 1806 North 20th Street WEbster 3043 THE ONE | Horse j Store j W. L. PARSLEY, Propr. t Phone WEbster 0567 I 2851 Grant Street ,,,,,,,,, , , , t TELLS HOW SHE TOOK 4 INCHES OFF HIPS 7 INCHES OFF WAIST O (lay. by taking Krutchen Saita. Mrs. Helga Blaugh of New York City reduced 26% lbs.—took 4 inches off hips, 3 inches off bust and 7% inches ore waist, she writes: "I haven’t gone hun gry a mement—I feel fine and look 10 yrs. younger.” To g'et rid of dou ble chins, bulging hips, ugly rolls of fat on waist and upper arms SAFELY and without discomfort— at the sarria tlma uuua up glorious health and acquire a clear skin, bright eyes, energy and , JpJlft°U»9°i. Ioolt younger and itt1 it_7.ta,^e a half teas poo nfu! of Kru i echen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast. „ ,lasts * weeks and costs but ® j£‘“e a‘ any drugstore the world bJcJuse^rssJpp \°u get Kruschen satisfied SAFE- Money back if not f A M A Z E A MI N U T E |i SCIENTI FACTS BY ARNOLD i—-i™.- .. . ... . ... 111 g-1 -i V. Concentrated thought 1=* voltage/ | Two million people thinking j AT THE SAME time WOULD TOGETHER • generate enough electrical voltage , To LIGHT ONE ordinary INCANDES CENT lamp. I