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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1934)
- guide nan via « a omaha __ The eye of a Master will l| I I I ||| I I I fl I “No Man was ever do more work than his if I I I 1 L# I 11 I Glorious who was not hand.-P| III I rllMIl Laborous.” - March ol Even,. JJ JJ A j 1| A U ■ ~Ot,. ana No,’I Life '==^THE GUIDE OMAHA NEBRASKA SATURDAY JULY 7,1934 - “ the OMAHA GUIDE Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street by THE OMAHA GUIDE PUBL. CO.t Incorporated All News Copy must be in our office not later than Monday at 5 p. m.,and all Advertising Copy, or Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday at N non. htrered as Second class mail matter, March 15, at the Post office at Omaha, Nebraska, under the act o*’ 1 'nngrts'i ol March 3, 1870. SUSCRIPTION KATES (Strictly in Advance) One vears ..$2.00 Six Months.... $1.2b Three Months. $1.00 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION—The Omaha Guide u •issued week!. and will he sent to any pant of the Uni ted States fo $2.00 per year in advance. Foreign .ubscriptions (including postage) $3.00 in advance. Trial six months' subscriptions. $1.25. Trial Three Months' • ubseript: n $1.00. Single copy, 5 cents. RENEWALS—In renewing, give the name just as it appears on the iabei unless it be incorrect, in which case please call our attention to the mistake; and al ways g:ve the full address in. vhich your paper has oeen sent. CHANGE OF ADDRESS- In ordering a change of address, always give both old and new addresses. If the paper does not reach you regularly, please notify us at once. \DVERTISINO RATES—Given upon application. REMITTANCES—Send payment by postal or express mo*Ky order, cash in registered letter, bank check or stamps. OUR ADDRESS—Send all communications to The Omaha Guide Publishing Company. Incorporated. "r > *,RF>S %iSS:no>' f * • • • % «*•-•■— - ■ ■ ■' —»i i .it ..„ ... «,»*. ff>r general - •» ;*k* Preaa _ EDITORIAL i \. _ I «nr<5»*8ja«ateMijj(et -~i titiiiiwii ... IN VS ESTIMATION WELCOMED Jhe reJeral government is to conduct an investigation °^lc rates throughout the United States—in- ! Cludmg both private and municipal plants. To A/^en} -iss^e of the ^ouse or£an of the Pacific Mas and Electric Company, a representative private util-1 fty. carries a lead article entitled “We Welcome Federal Rate survey. It states that the survey will show l.iat private company rates are reasonable, and that abun ilant pclwer costs the) average householder less per day than the cost of a pack of cigarettes; that if allowance is made for taxes, the rates of this company will compare favorably with those of municipal plants; that the private utility gives iservice to all classes o|f customers, including many farmers in arqas where users are few and far be-1 tween, while municipal plants stick; to serving the cream of the business in congested localities. That utlity is like most others in this country—and it can be safely forecast that if the survey is conducted with out prejudice in favor c$f either side, the facts obtain ed will not be to the disadvantage of the private electric industry. To be of I any consequence^ the survey must take into considerotiqn such important factors as the locality a company servers (it obviously costs much moire to produce pqwer in the middle of a desert than at Niagra j ,e ^axes it Pays; the difference in bookkeeping methods between private and public plants; the zeal it has shown m broadening srvice to bring the benefits of .power to distant and non-profitable customers. If that is done, the survey will clear up much misundetrstanding and be of great value to the country. ; ' ir r X . _ * ' * A GREAT SERVICE Stock fire insurance is the foundation of the nation’s credit structure. It provides a service that, from the standpoint of commerce, is invaluable. Without it, not a ship could put to sea, not a building could be erected, fnot a freight shipment could be moved, unless the owners of the vroper ty were willing and able to face great risk. For that service, the stock, companies charge a fee ' that is amazingly low. Ever since pre-war days, it has con tinued to come down. In 1913, the average charge for $100 df stock fire insurance was $1.10. In 1932, it was 70.16 cents. During that time the insurance industry inaugurated many services which are almost as useful to the public as the issuance of policies. It has made great strides in preventing and punishing arson. It has i shown communities hdw to guard against the occurance of fires, and how to more dfficieitly quench them when they start. It has carried on inspection campaigns throughout the country to eliminate} needless hazards. ' It has perfected a model building code which is incorpor ated in the laws of many progressive communities. All ’ these activities, it should be pointed out, mean money-in pockeit for pojlicy holders, as they tend to reduce fire loss, and thus, in the long run, to keep the insurance rate down. Efforts to artificially force fire insurance premium interest. Safety and soundness are the prejrequis ’ iter- of any insurance} institution. A legisla ■ tive policy which made it impcjssible for the compan ies to earn a fair profit with which to build and keep up - reserves and carry on their many activities in the public interest, would be costly indeed to the insuring public. (Corrected and Re-Run) WE SOUND THE ALARM Race voters with a new determination and an express i intention must meet the recent decision of the Nebraska : Supreme Court, holding House Roll 162, the re-district 1 ing measure, introduced and passed by Representative : Johnny Owens, unconstitutional, ready to do battle at the ( pojls. The new intention and determination should be to send a race representative to the legislature regardless nf the district._It can ■ ■ ■ r~ * .. — ■■■ 1 ^ — ■ ■ 00 YOU KNOW WHY - - - Some Fellows Tty Te Grab Saccess In Tills Way?__t» m m Sr Rato-„ ._____ *' I 1 ' 1 " I 1 r LtO *:v'. fu ! ") I R t~rtiLE o mscir s ij. P'5(.oer ?uU'~~■“■o' **c-w to Soocee to sue«lirWi-f *11 °R- W,-B*5 0 i 'rFrrrw y vJs. am ins'ir-m _ S Tne^e 6ook5> \ CX/OHT rc j me up me to r c\ ccessfl (^peeee.. International Cartoon Co.. N. y. ** t - - I-— ! (7muSt * 1 ABSORB *>■-\ [ these ceeAr( I Thoughts J i i Hf«e. [ lO TCARS 8€A01M<, 1 IHSPiR-IH^ VOt-UMoSj MOW h-U START" f' out wp uve < THIS TM60aw A I TEST I OUtHT J TO SUCCEED \ h&p«. vou ve /» MAoe* / IM the CAST 10 ? teAR.S. V.MNT r\ (IT DOE TO mSPiBATISnTJ , no! I PERSPlRATlOH \ War or pe|ace-time battles are won by a well plan ned and systematic campaign. That we may be assured a race representative in the next legislature,, it is there fore up to us to nominate a race candidate upon both the republican and democratic ticket. This fight is bigger than any one man. There should be in the field on each ticket a singl race candidate. The weaker race candidate al ready filed or anticipating filing should withdraw or de cline to file in favor of the stronger man. Any can didate or aspirant kriowing and realizing that he is the weaker candidate, in view of the Supreme Court’s de cision on the re-districting measure, and who wilfully continues opr enters into the race is defeating the object for which we have so long labored, and is not true to him self or the community in wThich he lives. Let’s have one race candidate on each ticket, get behind him and give our all. Each vo'teir should make himself a committee of one to bring out the largest registration in the history of Omaha. We have a great potential vote, half of which lies dormant, disinterested and unregistered. Register all of our votes and get them to the polls. We need have no fear of the outcomes The predominately white pre- j cincts ar.e registered and voting full, strength. They can not further increase, we can. We are the mighty giant of the distict lying asleep, undonscious of c(ur greiat power. All we need do is stretch our arms and the prize is ours. Let us awaken. • Heed the sound of the alarm. We must not pass up our greatest safeguard, the ; right to participate in government to dictate policy and to select officers. We do pass up that opportunity w^hen j we fail to register and vote. Regardless of what our j registration may be, REGISTER. Democrats or Re publicans let’s nominate a candidate on each of the tickets and make sure of race representation in the legislature. Giant strength is needed to win this important fight. Is your neighbor registered? It is your duty to find out. If he or she will not see the light or be convin ced of his responsibility, call the Omaha Guide, and give us his name and address. We will take up where you leave off. Read What Others Say I Qmaha, Nebraska July 2, 1934 Editor of The Omaha Guide Dear Sir: If you have space in your paper kindly run the following news item “One of the most outstanding en tertainments of the summer was held on the beautiful garden lawn of Mrs Dolores Blackwell, when a hundred or more danced and made merry at the “Moonlight Cabaret” given by the Junia League. Tables and chairs were arranged informally on the • > spacious lawn making a picturesque setting under a sky of blue with the silvery rays of the moon adding a ' ttuch of romance to the beauty of it all. Soft lights out lined the dance space where the dancers glided gracefully to the mellow strains of the music- Refreshments were also ssrved on the lawn by the club mem bers who were daintily clad in cool summery frocks.” Thanking you I am. Yours truly, MRS- ALBERTA JONES Billions for Progress » George B- Co-telyou, President of the Consolidated Gas Company and j the Edison Electric Institute, recent j ly made an address containing some I facts of the utmost importance— facts that should be known to every citizen who seeks an intelligent under standing of government and of busi ness. Mr. Cortelyou : aid: “Electric light and power companies as a group have been the largest contributor in this country to the market for durable goods, without which complete res toration of prosperity is impossible. During the ten year-period from 1922 to 1932 the electric light and power industry spent foe expansion $7,500 000. . . .As late as 1930 the electric light and power industry spent for construction purposes the sum of $919 000.000- This outlay included an aver age payroll distributer throughout the country of nearly $40, 000,000 per month, and was two and one-half tim_ es the monthly rate of expenditure by the Federal government on Federal projects financed by the PWA funds, as reported in March, 1934, issue of Monthly Labor Review, published by the U. S. Department of Labor. Even during the year 1933, with the demand for extensions at a low ebb, the electric light and power industry spent more mon^y for new construc tor than the federal government dis cipalities and expended on the Bould er Canyon and T. V. A. projects combined.” That requires little comment—but it is worth observing that a policy that can destroy a great industry, through tax-built, tax-financed, tax subsidized Federal power plants, is going to require a gweat deal of ex plaining when enough of the voting public gets hold of the actual facts WHEN “FARM RELIEF” SUCCEEDS _ . » There is a growing feeling on the part of those in a position to know the facts that government farm relief measurers have made their most ccnspicious successes when they have sought to help the farmer help him self—and have come nearest to fail ure when they simply tried to change condition through legislative judicial or exxecutive fiat. It’s on old axiom that doing a thing for a person isn’t nearly so worth while as showing him how to do it on his own hook, and that is as true of agriculture as anything else. When official agencies have work ed to build and strengthen the farmer owned cooperatives, which represent concentrated individual effort, they have produced excellent results. Thecooperatives have the great vir. tue of permanence. They are im mune to political considerations—they ence. They can determine upon a policy, and pursue it one year, five years, or twenty years if it is ad visable The soundly managed cooperatives, consequently, are getting somewhere They a;'e winning out along a dozen fronts—winning in their fight for stabler markets, better prices, and a fairer break for the farm producer. They eminently deserve the great measure-' of agricultural, public and official support they have been given by those who understand their mo tives and their methods ROBERT SMITH-REPUBLICAN I THE MAN — THE PUBLIC SERVANT — THE CANDIDATE FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR By Sidney J. Cullingham 1 here is nothing surprising in Robert Smith’s interest in the aver age man- His parents, coming from a long line of farmers, ministers and professional men, were born in Aber_ deenshire, Scotland and moved to County Wexford, Ireland, after their marriage in Aberdeen in 1856- Rob rt was the sixth of seven children The family immigrated to Omaha in 1880 and at the age of 13 Robert went to work- His first job was as a laborer in excavating a basement, for which he received twenty five cents a day- In his second job he doubled his wages and received fifty cents a day- Subsequently, as a youth, he worked for the local as a printer’s ' “devil” in a newspaper office and then, for eleven years, as clerk, sales man, bookkeeper and general assist ant in the grocery store of William Fleming In 1896, Robert Smith and an as sociate employee purchased one of the Fleming grocery stores. Four years later, Mr- Smith bought nut his partner and the store was conducted under the firm name of Robert Smith and Brother until 1903. On April 3rd., 1902 Robert Smith was married to Edna B- Edson, of Albion, Nebraska. They have five children—three daughters who are school teachers, one son. a lawyer ! and one son a student in college There is nothing new in Robert Smith’s sympathy for the oppressed j and the unfortunate. As a grocer in i the “hard times” of the “nineties” he extended credit generously to men who could not pay for the food which he supplied. As a member of the Douglas County Insanity Commission for twenty-six years, he acted wisely and judiciously for the best interests of the afflicted, comforting stricken families with the sincerity of his un derstanding. The Douglas County Insanity Comjnisson deals with about 450 cases each year There is nothing unexpected in Robert Smith’s declaration for ef ficiency and economy in the admin istration of public office. During the years 1900, 1902, Mr. Smith served as a member of the Omaha Board of Education- His activity in uncover ing official irregularities, in enforc ing economy and in reforming pro cedure led to his appointment, in 1905, as County Auditor. In that office, in a single year, he saved the County $25,000 by demonstrating to the County Board the extravagance of existing methods of purchasing supplies. The record thus made re sulted in his election as Clerk of the District Court When Mr- Smith took office as Clerk of the District Court, he found that the County had just lost $40, 000 from failure to collect fees. Partly by his administrative effi ciency, partly by the enactment of new legislation which he prepared and championed, he converted the office into a money maker for the County treasury. Every County in the State profited by this legislation prepared by Mr. Smith- During his administration of this office he has turned over to the Treasurer a total of $223,774 after the payment of all expenses- Long hours of painstaking hard work, careful attention to de tail and deserved loyalty of capable subordinates contributed to this suc cessful achievement When Mr. Smith became Clerk of the District Court, he found an or ganized graft in the cashing of jury warrants, jurors being charged an exorbitant discount because the County was unable to take up war rants until six to twelve months had elapsed To break up this graft, Rob bert Smith borrowed money at the banks on his personal note, paid the interest out of his own pocket, and paid the jurors in cash aigjMn full. _ - ' custodian of all funds paid into court for litigants, widows, orphans and others- Robert Smith handled over fifteen million dollars of these trust funds without loss to a single person. His successive reelections evidence the satisfaction of the public When a z*eform in the procedure for selecting jurov^ resulted from Robert Smith’s exposure of jury tampering practices, the Obi aha World-Herald said editorially: “The thanks of the community are due to Robert Smith, Clerk of the District Court!” When he was reelected Clerk of the District Coudt by petition in 1930, I the Omaha-Bee News commented: “His triumphant victory is the best possible proof that the voters of j Douglas County have confidence in the integrity and capacity of the j man who has so long and so well served them in one of the principal offices of the public administration’- ' There is nothing strange in Rob- ' ert Smith’s insistence that public of fice is, in fact, a public trust, and in his passion for carrying out effect ively the true expression of the pub- ! He will. He ended the uncertainty of public school teachers’ employment in Omaha by forcing the adoption of the “permanent list.” He helped to j write and he championed the enact ment of the “honest elections” law which made it certain that the votes of Omaha citiz-ens would be counted honestly as they were cast- He fav ored the direct primary and woman suffrage to give all the people a voice in the administration of their government- When an effort was made to prostitute the primary law by entering candidates with names identical to those of trusted public servants, he instigated an action in che State Supreme Court to free United States Senator George W Norris from this unfair embarrass ment. W’hen the Omaha boss con trolled political machine attempted the same tactics against himself by filing another Robert Smith in the primary to confuse the voters and divide his vote so as to nominate his real opponent, he withdraw from the primary and administered a stinging rebuke to such disgraceful bossism by becoming a candidate by petition and winning a triumphant reelection as Clerk of the District Court by al most as many votes as all other candidates combined There is nothing uncertain about Robert Smith’s Republicanism. Rob ert Smith has been a Republican all his life- He has been an active .Re publican, working diligently and courageously within the party, as in public office, to make the party policy truly expressive of the popular will and to Imake its administration of public office honest, efficient and tolerant. He is the Theodore Roose velt type of Republican In 1932, as Chairman of the Re publican State Committee, he fought valiantly and courageously to the very end of the campaign for Her bert Hoover, presenting the Repub lican program and the Republican candidates to voters in every County in the State, with the smallest ex penditure of funds reported in a nat ional election in thirty years. When, on May 3rd- 1934, Robert Smith handed in his resignation as Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee in order to be come a candidate for the United States Senate, he left the party or ganisation in the State in splendid working condition. There was no dis sension within the ranks, harmony prevailed, and the party had no un paid obligations. For this accomplish, ment he has the thanks of the Re publicans everywhere Robert Smith has had a wealth of experience that will make him in valuable to Nebraska in the United hours and higher pay, but those mat. ters are the least of it. The reason behind the strikes is the drive for closed shop industry—the unions are out to make American business 100 pjr cent closed shop, and they mean business. It is both amusing and important that in at least one case employers finally agreed to meet the wage and hour demands of strik ing workmen—and were tum.d down, because they wouldn’t consent to the closed shop plan. As fa: industrial production, there is little to report. There have be n some slight advances and some slight recessions, and they about balance each other. There may b- a down ward swing soon, due to summer sea sonal influences. Government spend ing still confuses the picture, inas much as it is impossible to ten how much of recovery is due to more nor-, mal times, and how much to abnormal stimulations from distribution of public money from Washington. LOOKING BACK If it is true that familiarity breeds contempt, there must be a tremendous surplus of contempt among young people today. This familiarity is a mazing to us of other days. Looking back, I wonder how the older people of the conservative days managed things. that my father, the late Senator R B- Howell, served Nebraska in the United States Senate, Mr. Smith was his representative in Nebraska, his confidant and adviser- In that cap acity he was consulted by business men, farmers and ex service men of all wars, who came to him by the hundreds from every section of the State to obtain his help in matters befo-e Congress and in the various departmental bureaus in Washing ton- These activities ranged from ob taining a special pension for a nine ty year old soldier who had fought in the Union Army, to legislation for drouth relief for the stricken area of north-central Nebraska- He has never turned a deaf ear to a man or woman whose just cause at Wash ington could be promoted by him. There are few men in the State who are better posted on what is going on in Washington than Robert Smith— or in the technical methods of get ting work done We need a Senator who will be for Nebraska first and last, and all the time- No one could be sent to the Senate from this state who would be more helpful in getting for her citi zens needed legislation, relief and pt.’ojeet assistance, and a just share of the allocation of federal service in the various economic fields. It is because of the service that Robert Smith has already rendered along these lines that men and wom en in every walk of life, in every community of the State are support ing him in his candidacy for the United States Senatorship Thousands of men and women active in civic affairs in Nebraska know Robert Smith- They know that he has kept business ability which had it been devoted to his private af faire, would have made hikn weelthy They know, too, that he subordinates self interest to public interest and gives the talents that would make him materially rich to the servioe of others Robert Smith is today in the height of his mental and physical powers- Just as he engaged himself in the study of law and won entrance to the bar, so he is continuously ex panding his talents for public service. In moral courage he is literally afraid of nothing. He has physical and mental energy that is phenom enal- He has the independent and fearless character that is so much needed n Washington where, in this hour of experimentation and change, we have government by professors, young and old, who have had little or no experience in the practical affairs of Life and Government We believe, that because of hia background of Republicanism, busi ness experience, professional train ing, knowledge of economic, social and political problems, devotion to the public service, loyalty to our form. government and broad sympathy with, and understanding of, the aver age man, Robert Smith should be sent to the United States Senate to * * ri* • • i .