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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1934)
SOCIAL ^ • a CLUBS AFFAIRS 'O-O-Cl-e i-yV ORGANIZATIONS ... 4 • . . ■ .. .. TT ■: t-t - ■ - . .:■ —~ : ■— - rs -rrr?— .. ■ -!■- iJi—=L—. THE GUn)E OMAHA NEBRASKA SATURDAY JULY 7, 1934 —■ - - . — PAGE FOUR Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Singleton Saturday for a month’s visit in De troit. Michigan. Rev. and Mrs. M. D- Johnson of Boonville, Mo., has returned home after spending a week visiting Mrs. Johnson’s sister, Mrs- Daisy Millet*, 2132 North 29th Street- While in the city. Rev. and Mrs- Johnson was en tertained by friends. Accompanying them home was Mrs- Botts of Ex celsior Srings. Mo-, and Mrs. Miller, who will visit her sister for a month. Musical Progam Given at Social Settlement Monday evening, July 2, 1934 at 8 o'clock a musical program of interest was given at the Social Sett! ment, with talent drawn laigciy from South High pupils Miss Do x>thy Madden, pupil of Mrs- Welpton’s sang. Miss Virginia Elfrink gave piano numbers. Mr. Charles Alston, baritone, sang Mr Alston recently won first place among 39 other contestants in the State High School Music Contest at Lincoln. He is a member of Woodson Center. * The Settlement Violin Trio also played- Besides Miss Luella Anderson director of the Settlement Music School the trio includes Miss Celia MAjchenski and Mr. Julius Bognich, with Miss Ruth Church at the piano. The public was invited. This was aecond of a series of musical evenings arranged by Miss Anderson at the Settlement Miss Lois Turner is visiting her father at Eldorado, Ark- From there she will go to San Francisco. Cal-, , where she will bi the guest of her brother and sister1, Edward and Helen Turner- Miss Turner will visit Los Angeles and Oakland before return ing to Omaha- She expects to re turn to Omaha about the 15th of Sept. Miss Ruby Washington, who has been the guest of Mrs. Bessie Childs, of 1105 So- 13th St-, for the last three or four Months, left for her home in San Dijgo, Cal., Sunday morning, July 1st Mrs- Pearl Huston of 2716 Franklin will go to Missouri to spend the 4th of July at the home of her brother Mr. Lloyd L. Lee, son of Mr- and Mrs- Clarence E. Lee, 2863 Maple St-, left last Saturday morning for Chicago- After visiting relatives and seeing the World’s Fair, he will probably return home next week. Mrs- A- W. Johnson, 899 Marion St- St. Minn., and Mrs. N. J. W’right, 1705-7, S- E- Minneapolis, Minn visited over the past week-end in Omaha- Mrs- Johnson and Mrs Wright are motoring on a vacation trip, visiting friends in Iowa, Missou ri, and Nebraska Thaddeus Russell, at the Braggs Apartments after three weeks in the hospital, returned home a few days ago, and is recovering nicely. Thad deus is expected to b? out soon, ac cording to Esterline Lomax, who is nursing him daily, and she is indeed a wonderful nurse- Thaddeus extends thanks to the young P. P. Club, and the Salem Baptist Church for the kindness and hospitality shown him during his illness Mr J. D. Lewis and his daughter Miss Charlene Lewis motored to Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday evening July 3. Miss Charlene Lewis will attend one of the noted social events of the season in Des Moines, Iowa, a danc ing party given by the Royal Dukes Club. HONORS DALLAS GUEST Mrs- Hooper and Miss Calhoun en tertained at a Sunday afternoon Tea, in honor of their aunt from Dallas. Texas, in their home at 2408 Maple Street Over 125 guest were present. The house was decorated with beau tiful assorted cut flowers- In the re ceiving line w'as: Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs- Louise Foster. A delightful refreshing fruit punch was served by Mr- Nelson- The hostess of the dining room was Miss Myrtle Calhoun, Mrs- Rose Lucky, Mrs- Lev ida Erving, Miss Irma Speese, Mrs Zenobia Carey, Mrs- Kerns and Mrs. McPherson The refreshments were chicken salad wafers, individual brick ice cream and cake, mints and peanuts All having attended this affair de clares having spent a delightful aft ernoon New Cabaret Opens Mrs. Mary Pierce, who owns and operates the Bon Ton Cafe at 1010 South 13th, opened to the public the Bon Ton Cabaret, located on the Sec ond floor of the mentioned address Six large spacious rooms has been redecorated and painted in the latest gay colors to dive your blu:*s away. The seating capacity is for sixty guest, not including the large recep tion room- From time to time Mrs Pierce expects to have renowned enter tainers- Last Saturday, the famous three from the Pacific Coast enter tained. This Cabaret specializes in cold 3-2 and that famous old south ern style barbecue, including other dishes. When out for a pleasant evening do not forget 1010 South 13, you are always welcome, Miss Mary Cassi day is Assistant Hostess- Mr. Hiram Bailey attends the bar and Lawton Strother is chef cook i - DOINGS AMONG THE HOTEL AND DINING CAR WAITERS By Hopie Say Mr. West what happened to that trip east and back to the ex treme west? The 20th of June has gone for 34. Was it thj year or month you got crossed upon or the cash, or the will? We broad minded men in the hotel game know that a trip like this can't be made on $42.50 er.> But we do hope you make it as the p.'ess hates to lie, and your fri ends wont be laughing up their sleeves Oh me, the Fourth of July is just about played its part, but when plan- 1 ning your fishing trip avoid the Hap py Hollow Club’s district, because the ! seem to dislike the name fish. Out ! of the two fishers that was on their j pay roll for years, not one was let in the pond. They hooked Mr. I. Fisher last week. That killed the old slang we use, “We we lose a boy or girl fri end, there as good a fish in the pond that’s never been caught. _ The Assn, met Monday nght, and mportant thing happend. The pre sident is sure of another week in the chair, good. Their business was the same as stock soup. The same, only a little added each week, making it thicker and harder to solve. Add some beans and let’s hear some news new noise. Say, Mr. President, of the Swast ika Golf Club, why didn’t you let the dancing public know that you had canceled your dance Friday night? Oh well, the ress only played its part. I do hope that the smoker or stag you wll give at the Elks Club Tuesday night will go over. So I am told the ladies of the Swas tika Golf Club will give a luncheon iuesday night at Mr. Davis on Binney St. You can depend on the ladies. They don’t make those long drives like the men but they can putt. That means a lot to friends, because it takes the puttts as wee as the drives to put the gam.i over. Talking to the U. P. boys this week, all is 0. K. on the lines. Old faces of the rails is pulling up nightly in Omaha’s Harlem. Mr. Bell and Mr. Harding sure figured out the baker heater. Where they go so goes the business. Oh well, Omaha needs needs a little life. JEWETT SHOUSE' LATE ADVICE ON TEMPERANCE By R. A. Adams (For The Literary Service Bureau) It seems the acme of irony for Jewett Shouse, the man who headed “The Association Against Prohibi tion” to come out and advocate tem perance- But he did, if resent press I dispatches were true- According to these, he urged the home and the church to return to teaching prohibi tion in order to save the youth of the land from the corrupting influence of liquor. No nation of state would remove its laws against narcotics, place them in reach of all, then talk of educating aganist their use! Would it be wise to put poison within the reach of child ren and then prate of educating them against its influence? No one can honestly advocate such a course. Such inconsistency regarding traffic in strong drink is as weak, and would be as foolish as the othe»rs mentioned in this conection. Thi nation contains millions of il iterates and millions of morons who are too ignorant and too weak to deny themselves these destructive things which give them xcitement a<.d a kind of pleasure- though they are aes_ troving them- So, it is criminal and almost inhuman to put such destruc tive things within their reach- It is consumate hypocrisy to make the na tion wet and then talk of ducating against the d- .structive infTtrgnce of mm- But. this is just -what Jt vett rhouse, farmer chalAna . of the Na tional Democratic Commiti- e has done Announces Engragrenicnt Mss Idabell Gilbert __Miss Idabell Gelbert of Texarkana, Tex, who announces her engag » u nt to Mr Lawereno - of De Queen, Ark The wedding will take lace Aug 27 It is reported that these two young eople have be n in love with each other for some time_.... __ ...._ NEW RECORDER DR. THOMPKINS LIMITED TO $6,000 PAY WASHINGTON—4CNS) --Control, ler Gemral McCarl has decided that Dr- William J- Tompkins, the new re corder of deeds for the District of Columbia cannot raise his own salary from $5,600 to $6,400 annually, but that he might take a $400 increase in the next fiscal year, provided the apropriation for the office will stand it Dr- Thompkinsp ointed out in a letter to the controller general that he was drawing the minimum for his grade—CAP—13—and asked if he could raise it to the maximum of $6,400 or must stop at the average for the grade, which is $6,000- The controller general held that the aver age provision must apply and Jeffer. Coage the previous incubent drew only $5,600 per annum A MOVE TO GET MORE WHITES INTO NAACP _ OKLAHOMA CITY-(CNS)—Thou sands of white people all over Amer ica would join the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People , and support its program, if they were properly informed and re cruited by coored people,” asserted Miss Mary Whit? Ovington, treasur er of the Association, and one of its founders in 1909 In her address to the open mass meeting of the 25th annual confer ence, Miss Ovngton declared most white people are ‘"abysmally • ignor ant” of the problem of Negroes and urged colored people" to drop th^ir own race prejudees and approach whites “man to man” and ask them to join n the wo^k of thie Associa tion. ---- TORGY’ TO BE DONE IN I OPERA; HIT OF 1927 NEW YORK CITY-(CNS—The Gershwin brothers, Ira and George, in collaboration with Dubose Hey wood are composing an opera of “Potgy,” the Negro play which was an outstanding hit of 1927. RE-ELECTED PRESID ENT OF MINISTERS CONFERENCE WASHINGTON—(CNS)—The Col ored Ministers Conference of the Me thodist Episcopal Church in Washing ton and nearby Maryland and Vir ginia has reelected the Rev. T. A. Middleton as president, the confer ence has a membership of 150 clergy, men representing over 75 churches. Other officers elected included the ReRv. R. R. Wilen, vice president; the Rev. R. S. Ried, secretary; the Rev. M. L. McKinney, assistant secretary; the Rev. W. G. Simms and the Rev. E. C. HodDges, members of the editorial staff. DR. ROBERTS FORMER SHAW PRESIDENT DIES RALEIGH. N. C.-(CNS)—Dr. N. F. Roberts. 85. pioneer educator and prominent Baptist minister, died here last week. Dr- Roberts, one of the first graduates of Shaw university, was also at one time president of that institution. 1 Swastika Golf Club Aux.! r hr- Swastika Golf Club Auxiliary entertained a stag party at the home o.‘ Mrs. Nat Kuntei*. About eighty guests we-e present. Th party was a benefit in the inter, st of the golf \ tournament to be held between Kansas , City and Omaha July 8. The Golf club at resent has 27 golfers. JUNIOR AUXILIARY OF THE AMERICAN LEGION The Junid4 Auxiliary of the Amer ican Legion, a juvenile Auxiliary to Unit No- 30. met June 5, at the home j of the president, Miss Louise Gray, 28th and Corby Stre ts- After their regular business meeting, reports were made on their Jitney Party, which was a huge success- After business discussions, a delicious re ! past was served Or> the Fourth Tuesday in June. ' uxi'if../ met at the home of | ’ . .>h<- pn, 2878 Corby. The m." ting was open d with the pre amble and the pledge- Plans were j mad ■ fet a lawn social to be given by thrso girls on July 7- We hope all of ] th ir friends will come out and help boost these young girls. A delicious j luncheon was served and the girls ad- j joumed to meet at the home of their ! supervisor. Mrs- Mable Fields, 2807 Wirt S'4 i «et. The Junior Auxiliary plans on go ing to the hospital Sunday to visit 1 the scldiers and carry them some ! thing to cheer them up This group of young girls was re cently organized, and they are doing very nicely. Th«y invite all of the I young girls, that are eligible to come | out and join them- To be eligible you must be the daughter or sister of a ! Wojld War Veteran. Louis * Gray, president Francis Alfred, secretary MOORE’S NEWS CLUB Join now, your loyalty and admis sion is the purchase of the Omaha Guide each week- Give or send your news to Bert Moore, phone nothing but cl >an news, solicited such as church, social, sickness or deaths, ar rival departure of you >self, friends or relatives and sporting events. Let’s help to make Moore’s News Club Column the bigg;st and best in the Guide- Look for Moore's News Club Column, and say: “I read what Moore said-” You send your name by card or letter to become a mem ber to Bert Moor? in cane of the Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street Start now purchase a Guide and lets make the Omaha Guide the largest in the West ST. BENEDICTS CRUSADERS Mrs- M- E- Sterling op.n club meeting by saying the “Lord’s prayer and the Hail Mary. The prayers were answered by the membe.’s of the Crusad u's, Speedy action took place soon after the opening—“It was election day ” Due to the change of the constitution, article number four, the president was not voted on- The voting of th.- president will take place next club meeting. Mr- Alvin Goodwin and Mr- Sam Barton run for vice president- The votes weie counted as six and three Fix in favd - of Mr- Goodwin- Con gratulation Mr- Vice President- Mr Goodwin was also reelected as trea surer, and Miss Minnie Preyor was reelected as secretary. The excite ment won’t be over until next club meeting- The Crusaders are planning a danc;- in the near futucte. Minnie Preyor, reporter FLAPPERETTE CLUB The Flapperette Club had a social at the home of Mary Ellen Britt- The guests were Mr. Robert Richard, Harold Bidd?x, Edwin Riggs, John Taylor. Hiram Pittann, Chrisman Clark and Leonard Turner- The hos tess served some very nice refresh ments. The next meeting will be at Edna Blair’s home Olive Willis, president Juanita Macey, reporter HAPPY HOUR BRIDGE CLUB The Happy Hour Bridge Club held their annual dance at the Dreamland Hall, Thursday nite, June 2t- More than two hundred people were pnes ent- The hall was very beautifully de corated in the club colors, the scheme being carried out according to bridge entirely- Dancing was enjoyed the entire evening- The music was fur nished by Simon Harrold’s orchestra Th • next meeting for the summer was held Thursday nite June 28, at the hrtme of Miss Daniels- The even ing was devoted to the election of Oh Boy, It’s Here Free Lunch With Beer FREE MENU—TAKE YOUR CHOICE Each Night With Budweis.r Beer—Starting 8:30 p. m- Uuntil 6 a- m. MONDAY _ CHICKEN SALAD TUESDAY __—..CRAB SALAD WEDNESDAY..—-.- AMERICAN SPHAGETTI THURSDAY __—_--- SALMON SALAD FRIDAY _ ___ SARDINE SALAD SATURDAY .....— TAMALIES SUNDAY .. SHRIMP SALAD Remember we sell the best Barbecue in town. It is barbecued by Colonel Mason and served by Gen eral Knox. MASON AND KNOX CAFE 2307 North 24th Street WEbster 4208 THE HOME OF THE KING OF BOTTLED BEER BUDWEISER HANDKERCHIEF TEST THRILLSSMOKERS How a New Kind of Tooth Paste Dissolves and Removes Ugly Tobacco Stains BOST Tooth Paste is more than a clean-tasting, refreshing denti frice. It is the only tooth paste specifically created to remove the handkerchief. In like manner, BOST Tooth Paste, and no other, will re move from your teeth the stubborn chemical deposit of tobacco. BOST unaigntly yellow stains from smokers’teeth. Go to your druggist today, buy a tube of BOST Tooth Paste and make the famous "handker chief test.” It is this: Inhale a mouthful of tobacco smoke and blow it through your handker chief. Thebrowuish, yel low stain on the eloth _ is the same “Smoke contains no acid, no abrasive, and is as safe and beneficial for the teeth of children as for adults. It sweetens the breath and refreshes the mouth. Brush your teeth with BOST Tooth Paste reg ularly. Consult your dentist periodically. And you will* be doing all that you possibly can do to protect your teeth Screen” that cigarettes deposit on your teeth. Now squeeze enough BOST Tooth Paste,on the handker chief to corer the stain. Then rub the spot briskly with your wet tooth brush and see now quickly the dis coloration disappears. Make this same test with any other tooth paste and you.wiH find that the stain remains on' your' and keep them spotlessly clean. BOST Tooth Paste Is sold at leading drag counters everywhere. Or in liberal trial tubes at your nearest chain store. If your dealer is out of stock, send 10c (to cover postage and handling) for a gener ous 14-day supply. BOST Tooth Paste Corp., 9 East 40th St, New York City. officers The n.w officers are: Mrs- Mc Falls, president; Mr- Rutledge, vice president; Mrs- Taylor, secretary. Mrs- Dorsey, treasurer and Verti Stamps, critic and Mi s- Welch re port r- The sext meeting will be held the first Thursday in September Mrs. McFalis, president Mrs- Welch, reporter JAMES WELDOiN JOHN SON HAS RECOVERED HIS RECENT ILLINESS NASHVILLE, Tenn—(CNS)— Re ports from Fisk university give in formation that James Weldon John son has completely recover.d from his recent illness and will soon visit in the East STRUCK BY AUTO GETS $10,000 VERDICT NEWARK, N. J.—(CNS)—Fred a ick D. Sapp, 37, a colored man of this city was struck and injured May 10, 1933, by an automobile driven by Roy H. Smith. While crossing Mar_ k.t street carrying a bowl of soup to a sick friend, he was run down by the suit Sapp had to have his right leg amputcd 5 inches above the knee. A jury gave him a $10,000 v.rdict last week NEW QUESTION ARISES OVER 1921 CONVICTION OF LIQUOR CHARGE WASHINGTON —( CNS )— The United States Attorney’s Office here and Police Coivt judges have a new riddle to solve growing out of the detention of George Jason, colored, who skiped bond here nearly 10 years ago after a conviction of ‘Possession and sale of liquor.’ Judge McMahon held Jason to determine whether the man can be recommitted on the li quor conviction. Attorney Hart said he thought the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment voided th? charge, but he believed Jason would face a sentence as a car operated by Smith. As a re fugitive from justice. Swiftest and Best RHEUMATIC PRESCRIPTION 85 Cents Pain—Agony Starts to Leave in 24 Hours Just ask for Allenru—Within 24 hours after you start to take this safe yet powerful medicine excess uric acid and other circulating poisons start to leave your body. In 48 hours pain, agony and swell ing are usually gone—The Allenru j prescription Is guaranteed—if one bottle doesn’t do as stated—money back. Maxie Miller Writes (For The Literary Service Bureau) _Wife, yet not in the intimate— Wife snsp cts husband is intimate with another, but has no evidence— 'Know nothing, pay nothing” is a 'nod plan! ! i For advice write to Maxie Miller, j <are of Literary Service Bureau, 516 I Minnesota Ave. Kansas City, Kansas. Tor p irsonal reply send self-addressed j stamped envelope.) , ■ . Maxie Milla4: I have reason to believe that my husband has inti mate relations with a young woman; I must confrss he has some excuse j but it hurts just the same I am not a wife to my husband in ■ the intimate way. I care for him, i in a general sense, and do all I can I to male < him comfortable, but have absolutely no desire for the intimate art. In fact, such became distaste ful to me and there’s been nothing of the kind bAween us for more than six years. Now, I wonder what I should do.—Julia Lucket. Julia Luckett: In the first place, you do not claim to know anything. You just believe. You may have rea son or you may hav- i ungrounded sus. pieions. Of coarse, such a thing is \»-X)ng, but. under such circumstances, ! your husband is unfortunate and you i should be generous. So, unless you are willing to resume intimate re lations with your husband, my advice is to do nothing and say nothing.— Maxims Miller. , Close at 4:00 A- M Saturday and Sunday, Good Food PI us EFFICIENT SERVICE KingY uen Cafe Chop Sney and Retcamein our hobby American and Chinese Dishes rhone JA 8.170 2010 Vi North 24th St. Omaha, U. S. A. Attention! OUR NEW LOCATION Square 5?al CtuerssfeR Co. 2520 Cuming- Street Phon ' ATIanfic .>711 Mr. and Mrs. Clark Miller form ally with Omaha Poultry Market will he please to meet all old cus welcome nsw ones. Ram0 kind and courteous treat ment- Lowest Prices on Poultry and Eggs. by V1VAUDOU 25* 50* $100 + Of course, Mavis Talcum is as indispensable as a razor to well grooming after shaving Men prove that everyday But don’t stop there... To really enjoy the benefits of Mavis Talcum, as millions of both men and women now do, sprinkle or lightly massage the same incomparable Mavis Talcum over the entire body. That’s comfort — and protection! • Cools—absorbs perspiration—de odorizes. MAVIS POWDER