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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1934)
An Uubridled, J ?-=sb Outstanding Mouthpiece for Your Community e, “The Omaha Guide \ Is vour Paoer” v/s do cur part VOL. VII— Omaha Nebraska Saturday March 3,1934 NUMBER 53 Negro Airmen Plan Ocean Flight Economis HIGHLIGHTS Happenings That Affect the Din ner Pails, Dividend Checks and Tax Dills of Every Individual. National and International Problems Insepar- i able from 1 oeal Welafre. Two potential courses of action j when the Senate disclosures concern-. must have occurred to the President | ing the air mail contracts were j brought before him- One was to fer-1 ret out the guilty and punish them-j The other was to cancel all con tracts, good and bad, and turn the carrying of the mail over to the army- The President took the latter course—and started the hottest bat tle of his Administration. As usual there are two sides to ev ery matter. The Senate disclosures are sensational- Fund and collusion are charged along with terrific pro fits through specuation and pro motion- In one case it is alleged that a few hundred dollars was run up to j a paper total of some twenty million ‘ —-while the government was paying heavy subsides on the grounds that they were essential to the develop ment of commercial aviation But it has not yet been proven that all the operators are crooked- To cancel every contract, lumping the good with the bad, is punishment of an unprecedented sort- That was what the Lindbergh telegram com plained about. It threw a bombshell into the proceedings—and it created a highly dramatic situation in which the most famous private citizens and the head of the government clashed violently- The Colonel laid himself open to criticism on the grounds that the giving of the telegram to the press before it reached the White House was a breach of ethics and that in being associated with an in terested company he was a biased party- Opinion seems to be about evenly divided—half lining up with the President, the other half with the Colonel. The belief is expressed that the president’s action was certainly drastic on innocent stockholders—but that Spartan means to get graft nt of government are essential. At this writing, the fight is mov ing in the courts- Government won the first victory, when a plea of Transcontinental Western Air to re strain the order was refused. A determing factor in arrivinv at a basis for future air mail contracts will be the efficiency of the army in handling the mail- Its ships are slow er than those of private operators, though it is hoped that this will be offset by shorter tops due to elimin ation of passenger service- The first schdules are pretty sketchy in view of past private service—many points will be left off the map, at least to begin with, and flights will be fewer in number. Army air heads are wor ried by the fact that their pilots are young and inexperienced for the most part when it comes to this kind of flying and are starting at a bad time of year. Three were immediate ly killed enroute to posts in Idaho and Utah The cancellation order was vague ly worded, left room for new private eonracts if they are demanded and are necessary. It seecs certain, in that case, that the subsidy system is to be dicarded, that the fixed price basis will prevail, that smaller con cerns will be given a break in ob taining contracts Yes, business is better. And the curve is holding stubbornly to its upward trend- Mainstay of the jump is still the automobile industry’s spectacular recovery— and spectacu ( lar is the word. Every fresh report \ coming from the motor centers is more encouraging than the last- Un filled orders for both trucks and cars are zooming- Ford and General Mo tors alone are reported to be at least a quarter of a million orders behind Omaha Boy Makes Giod MILWAUKEE, Wis., March 1— Paul Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Phillips, 2874 Corby Street, is a member of the Marquette Uni versity track team which is just be yir.niny it3 indoor season under the leadership of Captain Ralph Met calfe, another colored star and world’s fastest human Paul Phillips Mr. Phillips was graduate from Omaha Central High in 1932 and im mediately entered Marquette where he was an outstanding member of the freshman track team, specializing in the dashes. He is now a sophomore j in the College of Liberal Arts He placed second Omaha Metcalfe in the 60 yard dash in the indoor meet held at Notre Dame and second in the 40 yard dash at Wisconsin, also an indoor meet. He is a member of the High Episcopal Church And other industries are racing along with the auto makers. In the depart ment stores, according to the last an nouncement, the casr registers are ringing merrily, with an average national gain of 25 per cent in dollar volume over last year. The chemical i industries, which survied 1933 n good shape, are continuing their ad; vance now, with glass, textiles, pa per, etc-, finding good markets and stable prices- The most recent De partment of Commerce survey shows steel output higher, business activity better, commodity prices on the rise, stock and bond prices up and general betterment all along the line Discontinuance of CWA, which has employed 4,000.000 people—including teachers, artists, street clearners, in sect eliminators, a poet or two and about every possible classification of worker—,is beginning and will natur ally react unfavorably on business But leaders hope for the best—and. what is more, seem really to expect it. There will be no Nobel peace prize j for 1933- Reason: In many parts of the world war is closer than at any time since 1913 Gei-many is the center of European j troubles. The way the wind blows was shown by the note the great j ewers sent her recently, saying i ‘•hands off Austria-” It looks as if, in case Hitler starts trouble, every one will gang up on Germany and bring the war to a quick and definite ending. U- S- stand will doubtless be strict neutrality- Wilson’s brave, tragic and futile effort to sa\e a world bent on self-destruction is still too fresh in the American f id to bear repetition now. DOOMED TO THE GALLOWS FOR $1.80 ROBBERY GREENWOOD, Miss- February 27 —(CNS)—Although he stole only $1-80, 0- C. Brown, Negro, will go to the gallows March 23 as the first to be convicted under the new Mississ ippi law making robbery with fire arms a capital offense. Nashville Educator in tmaha Professor Alto L- Snell, Ph. B. of the Department of Education and Psychology at Fisk University, Nash ville, Tennessee was in Omaha last thursday, on a tour of some of the most prominent cities making a study of their school systems and contact - .ng prospective students for Fisk. He was very highly pleased with the school facilities and practices in Oma ha. He said they ranked with the best he had seen. Professor Snell was very much impressed with the meeting at Cen tral High with members of the Jun ior and Senior Classes- He told them he hoped he would see some of their faces at Fisk next Fall. It was only through the kindness of Mr. J. Harvey Kerns of the Oma ha Urban League, Rev. Rhone of Woodson Center and Miss Rachel I. Taylor of the North Branch Y- W C- A., that Professor Snell was able to make the day so successful. Professor Snell addressed a group of graduates, former student and friends of Fisk at a luncheon at the Hillside Presbyterian Church, Mr. L L. McVay, a former student of Fisk, regrets that more of the good people of Omaha did not have a chance to see and meet Mr. Snell, but as the Educator was only in Omaha one day, he could not get in touch with all who would have been glad to have been present- Professor Snell was very glad to see Mr. Robert Rucker and Mrs. Alice Carrel Wilson both graduates of Fisk. Mrs- Wilson, from the Music Department, Mr. Rucker, from the School of Business Admin istration. Mr- Rucker was for four years a student in some of Professor Snell classes. Laundry Code Keeps Down Buying Power in The1 South. WASHINGTON, February 27 —(C NS)—The wage differentials in the Laundry Code signed the past week by President Roosevelt with a note of apology from the NRA, are called “ridiculous” and the News and Ob server of Raleigh, North Carolina, protests that “t like the sixty-odd Qthe code differentials keeps the South the poverty stricken, under privileged, poor black and white sec tions of America.” It is pointed out that while laundry workers in the North will receive a minimum wage of thirty cents an hour, those in the South must subsist on a minimum of! fourteen cents. It goes without say- j ing, of course, that the minimum i wage which laundry operators will, permit the thousands of Negro men i and women working in that industry i to earn The News and Observer says: “This ‘Southern’ wage differential is fast becoming one of the most dis creditable features of the whole NRA program. If it were a definite thing based upon definite studies asd find ings as to costs of living and effi ciency of labor, such a differential might be justified as representing a gradual lifting of wages and living standards in various sections from an uneven past* As a matter of fact, however, the South set up in the codes is a region so nebulous and so diverse that it means little more than the success of some unwilling employers to pay such wages as would carry out the purposes of NRA itself. THEY SHALL NOT DIE’ OPENED IN NEW YORK CITY FEB RUARY 21 NEW YORK CITY, February 27— (C-NS)—“They Shall Not Die” by John Wexley, the author of “The Last Mile,” opened here at the Roy ale Theatre, Wednesday night Feb ruary 21- The play is based on the , Scottsboro case, the second trial and l the cast numbers some 82 persons. Pres. Asks Walter White To Serve As Adviser WASHINGTON, February 27 — Walter White, secretary of the Nat ional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People, was named as one of the seven members of an advisory council for the Virgin Is lands by President Franklin D. Roose velt today. Other members of the council are Secretary Ickes, Secretary Wallace, Alfred K- Stem of Chicago, George Foster Peabody of Saratoga Springs, Dr. Mordecai Johnson of Howard university, Washington, and Chrales, W. Taussing of New York City. President Roosevelt outlined the purpose of the council in his letter! to Mr. White, saying: “The administration has formulat ed a comprenhensive plan for the social and economic advancement of the people of the Virgin Islands, which is being financed from public works funds- For the first time suf ficient capital is available to deve lop a well-rounded program which will bring a permanent benefit to the islands if properly executed- The economic phases will be conducted on a non-profit sharing basis and will include the development of cane is lands and the operation of sugar j mills and a rum distillery. “Coincidentally, he social aspects will be cared for through adult edu cation, nursery schools, homestead ing and improved housing conditions. Cooperative methods will be used wherever practicable, which will en able these people to help themselves toward an improved standard of liv ing. “I desire to form an advisory council of seven members to assist in the program, and I would like you to serve with the Secretary of Agricul ture, business and professional men and others interested in the economic condition of the Negro. As you know, the active functions of managements will be assumed by the Governor and his staff and by men who will be en gaged for the purpose, under the general supervision of the Depart ment of the Interior- I believe your support will be helpful in this unique movement and that you will have an opportunity for accomplishment in a field in which I am sure you are in terested. Will you please advise me whether you would accept an appoint ment to the council? “Sincerely yours” “FRANKLIN D- ROOSEVELT” Policy Holders’ Savings Build Payrolls As an illustration of how direct an! interest the owner of a life insurance; policy has in a public utility com pany, figures made public by Paul B- j McKee, President of the Pacific Power and Light Company, Portland, j Oregon, are of great interest. Mr- McKee is the president of three utility companies in the North west which have $37,000,000 in bonds ; outstanding. Life insurance compan- j ies hold 6,000,000 or approximately i one-sixth of these securities Nationally the same ratio prevails, life insurance companies owning $2, 000,000,000 worth of utility secur ities, out of a total utility investment of $12,h00.000000. These figures graphically Ulus- j trate that any action which injures; the security, stability and earning j power of electric light and power j companies, strikes immediately at j the investment and savings of life in-1 surance policyholders. The best way to help business and protect savings, is to advocate mea sures which help the community, create confidence and build payrolls Committee On The Education Of Negroes To Fleet * A joint meeting of the National Advisory Committee on the Educa tion of Negroes and the Planning Committee of the National Confer ence on the Education of Negroes has been called by the U-. S- Com missioner of Education, Dr. George F- Jook, to meet in Cleveland on Feb ruary 27 in connection with the con vention of the Department of Super intendence- These committees are comprised of approximately fifty of the outstanding leaders in education ar.d other activities relating to Ne gro life. There will be a brief report of the regular work of the Federal Office j of Education for Negroes, and of the emergency educational projects- The main feature of the meeting, how ever, will be concerned with the Nat ional Conference are expected to make reports of the progress of their work- Also, there will be brief mes-1 sages from Commissioner Zook, i President Paul Stetson of the De-1 partment of Superintendence and Miss Jessie Gray, President of the National Education Association. Dr- Ambrose Caliver, Federal Spe ' cialist in the Education of Negroes, who is director of the Conference, will be in charge of the Cleveland meeting. The report further expresses the feeling that the American Negro is being placed at a disadvantage with respect to his economic and social ad vancement through: (1) The curtailment of the ele mentary school term (2) The inadequacy of education al facilities on the secondary school level Atlanta University Offers; Scholarships For Gradu ate Studies During 1934 1935. ATLANTA, Ga- February 28—A limited number of scholarships open to men and women who are eligible for graduate study will be available for the next college year, according to an announcement made this week by President John Hope of Atlanta University Application for these scholarships which are open to graduate students in the departments of biology chem istry, economics and business -admin istration, English, history and mathe matics and sociology, should be made to the Registrar, Altlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, before June 1 w. C. Handy’s Daughter Marries Banjo Player NEW YORK, February 28—Eliza beth Handy, daughter of W. C Handy, who wrote the immortal “St Louis Blues”, has become the bride of Morris White, banjo player in the Cab Calloway orchestra They will spend their honeymoon in London, England, where the band opens an engagement March 5 at the Palladium theatre MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL ARGUED Osmund K- Fraenkel, of New York City, ordered the motion for a new trial in Decatur Alabama, Saturday, February 24th- Judge W. W. Galla han overruled the motion for a new trial and the attorneys in the case served order for an appeal in the Dis tict Court- Mr. Fraenkel stated that he was prepared to fight this case, even if he had to take it to the Unit ed States Supreme Court (3- The frequent inability of the Negro parent to gruirantee his child an education on the collegiate level. An appeal is made to urge the Fed eral Government, in prosecuting its program for higher education, to provide liberally for the Land Grant Colleges and othe educational needs, in order that the Negro’s education may be better assured. Some discussion of the working of the KRA-, as its program has affect ed the NegTo, b came inevitable- The report expresses the belief that more encouraging hope might be given to the Negro, during this crisis, if he were given representation on each of the following Boards: (1) Consummers’ Advisory Board (2) Labor Advisory Board (3) Industrial Advisory Board Under the caption of Labor Unions, and exposition is given of \ie general barriers set by such organizations and the consequent embarrassment to Negro labor Finally, the attitude of the Fed eral Government itself towards the aspirations of Negroes wishing to be appointed to Civil Service positions, in the upper brackets of employment, is outlined, with an earnest appeal for a more democratic consideration in respect to Negro appointments to such positions. ' . ■ I Colored Woman Appointed Factory Inspector PHILADELPHIA, Pa- February 28 —Mrs. Charlotte Carr, newly ap pointed Secretary of Labor and In dustry of Pennsylvania has recently acted upon the suggestion of Herbert E. Millen, president of the Philadel phia branch of the NAACP-, and ap pointed Mrs. Ruth V. Doss, a colored woman, as special investigator of Factory Inspection in Philadelphia, Pa. This is the first time a colored woman has served in such a capacity in this state. A letter expressing sincere appre ciation for the appointment has been sent to Secretary of Labor and In dustry Carr by Walter White, Secre tay of the NAACP Miss Florence Allen Made Fail to Get Judeship As Did James J. Parker. CLEVELAND, Ohio, February 27 —(CNS)—President Roosevelt is be ing urged by Senator Buckley of Ohio at appoint Miss Florence Al len, Cleveland jurist to the vacancy existing on the bench of the Sixth United States Circuit Court of Ap peals. There are a number of as pirants but Miss Allen is being op posed by the Cleveland Branch of the NAACP The opposition to the appointment of Justice Allen to the position to which she aspires is based on “the infamous opinion of herself and as sociates in the case of Doris Weaver vs- The Board of Trustees of Ohio State University et al, rendered Feb ruary 1933.” The opinion, the com mittee “"holds “is contrary to the, policy and law of Ohio for the past fifty years,” and was based on the! notorious “black laws” of Ohio, re pealed fifty years ago. Miss Weaver applied for a la Dora-1 tory course in Homes Economics at Ohio State University without which she could not complete her course This involved keeping house for a, number of white persons approxi mating in size a family- The Court; held this contact to be a “special privilege” and upheld the action of the University in discriminating a gainst Miss Weaver- Justice Allen concurred in this vicious discrimina tion- If appointed to the job she seeks, Justice Allen’s district will in clude the states of Michigan, Tenn essee, Kentucky and Ohio, a section having a Negro population of around one million. * —. Plan Flight To • Paris NEW ^ ORK CITY, February 27_ (CNS) — The George P. Davis Post ° No. 116, American Legion, a post of colored war veterans has purchased the Curtiss Thrush airplane, used by Frances Marsalis and Helen Richey m establishing a womens endurance record last year and have rechristen ed it the “Comrade.” At the recent ceremony at Floyd Bennett Field it was announced that the “Comrade” will take off for Par is in June, piloted by two colored fliers, Charles H. Bolden, of Green ville, South Carolina and Lloyd V. Cox of the W'est Indies Four Office of Education Conferences to Be Held at Cleveland. (Special to The Omaha Guide) !• rom The United State Department of The Interior—Office of Education February 28—Four educational conferences have been called by United States Commissioner of Edu cation, George F. Zook to meet in Cleveland next week in connection with the annual national convention of superintendents of schools. One conference on* February 25 will take up the financial implica tions of the consolidation of schools and transportation of pupils. Anoth er will be a meeting of the National Advisory Council on School Building Problems to be held February 28 The National Advisory Committee on the Education of Negroes also will hold a conference and on February 25 a conference on comparable test scores on the secondary school level is scheduled. T he conference on consolidation and transportation was called by Commissioner Zook as the result of many inquiries and suggestions re ceived by the Federal Office of Edu cation from school administrators throughout the United States con cerning economics, if any involved in school administrative and taxing the revision of the boundaries of units Some of the questions to be taken up are: 1- What economies rjay be ef fected in a school consolidation in volving an entire county? 2. How large is it economically feasible to make an attendance area? 3- Under a plan of partial State aid, what constitutes a satisfactory basis for determining transportation costs ? 4. Where should the ownership of transporation equipment be placed? The School Building conference will be the fifth annual meeting of the National Advisory Council. The relation of schools to the Public Works program, subsistence housing, and city housing activities of the Government will occupy the center ot attention. At the meeting of the National Advisory Committee ori Education of Negroes, to be held February 27, a report will be made on the progress and plans of the national conference on Negro education to take place in Washington, D- C-, in the spring. Persons engaged in testing work throughout the United States will work out problems relating to the construction of tables of comparable test scores at the conference on Feb ruary 25.