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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1932)
WATCH YOUR HAIRGROW nr1 . . . and the price of Genuine Black and White Hair Grower is only 25c You wouldn’t believe that there’s a product made that will grow hair as quickly as Genuine Black and White Hair Grower. But your eyes will tell you it’s true when you use this amazing grower and see the long, luxuriant, silken tresses which it never fails to grow. Try it today and be con vinced. Genuine Black and ~ White Hair Grower in the big can, only 25c at your druggist. ^ BLACKtEWHITE HAIR GROWER See How Easy B it is to Dress I B Your Hair, Too I I Apply a little Gen- ■ wine Black and B White Pluko HAIR | DRESSING to your | stubborn strands and see I how soft it makes them ... 1 how easily you can dress your K hair in any style, and keep it always I looking smooth, lovely, neatly dressed. I Two kinds: White 50c. Amber 30c. I To Protect Hair From I Burning and \ Breaking Off — apply Genuine Black and White GLOSSINE every time you p use hot irons and combs. Keeps hair I from burning, turning red and break- I ing off. Makes it soft and silky, fairly I glistening with life and lustre. Gen- I uine Black and White GLOSSINE in I large can only 25c at your druggist. I PUZZLING PROBLEMS A man gave a sum of money to his 3 daughters and 2 sons. The younger son received ?8,000, which was 4-5 the elder son’s share and 4-15 of the entire amount given. If the re mainder was divided equal ly among the three daugh ters, what did each daugh ter receive? ANSWER ♦4.000. Explanation — multiply 8,000 by 15-4; multiply 8,000 by 5-4: subtract S10.000 from $30 000; subtract 8,000 from 20,000; divide 12,000 by 3. WHAT TO WEAR By VALERIA Knitted Clothes in Spotlight of Fall Fashions COLORS GET ATTENTION OF SMART SHOPPERS The knitted things for fall are still spotlighted in all the busiest and smartest sports shops. Good looking new things, with all the in triguing new patterns and colors are hanging casually around to tempt the early bird shopper. Designing knitters continue the modest method of knitting the skirt of the fall dresses in the same practical, solid formation of last season . . . but they ertainly knit the" sleeves with a large and non chalant abandon. The new sleeves must have been copied from the first amateur effects of certain wartime numbers, for the patterns are as loose and open as any careless knitter ever lost count over, but the lacy effect is tremendously effective and fashionable. The colors are complete knockouts . . . until you have seen the one piece affairs with long sleeves tight ly fitted from the shoulder to about four inches above the elbow, then puffed, and then tight from there to the wrist, you have seen noth ing. Sport Dresses Other knit sports dresses go in for stripes . . . clear, bright streaks of color against a white background for the surplice bodice top and long, unpuffed sleeves . . . for instance, a bright blue closely woven skirt with a bodice that is an eyefilling display of yellow, green, red, and blue streaks marching horizontally from left to right across the upper half of the anatomy. week^~poem REMEMBRANCES By NETTIE RAMSEY Between the covers of an old scrap book, All faded now, and worn and dim with age, Dear friendl, loved scenes look out from many a page; Old gardens beckon, or some shady nook ur meadow para invites my restless feet: I lose myself in thoughts of “Days Gone By,” I laugh with these kind friends, or heave a sigh— Their ever-changing moods I always meet. Here's "Old Aunt Mary” in her gar den, sweet With scent of lavender and mig nonette, Where tall Delphinium in prim rows are set, So like their owner, quaint and trim and neat. And gently stealing through this waking dream, The presence of “And Old Sweet heart of Mine,” And here, “The Barefoot Tiad,” with rod and line And string of fish, tanned face with smiles agleam. In “Orchard Lands of Long Ago,” I roam, I tramp the meadows sweet with new-mown hay— I hear the bells ajingle far away, As through the twilight dews the cows come home, I dip the paddle of “The Old Canoe ’ And ply again the river's placid breast, Where snowy water-lilies gently rest Like fallen stars upon the mirrored blue. BUTTERSCOTCH FROSTING ..One and one-third caps sugar. 2-3 cup brown sugar, 1-3 cap batter, 2-3 cup creaji. Mix the ingredients and boil until a soft ball forms in cold water (about twelve minutes). Cool with out stirring, then beat until right consistency to spread. D. C. BRIDE — Mrs. Alonzo H. Brown, Jr., who was formerly Miss Alice I. Fry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fry. THE HUMAN THING TO DO Don't talk loudly in parlor car or day coach, as it may be very dis-j turbing to other passengers. * * * The efficient secretary answers her employer's telephone In this manner: “Mr. Brown's office; Miss Smith talking.” A serving spoon or ordh iry table spoon, held in the right hand, is used for most vegetables, such as' peas, mashed potatoes, spinach,1 etc. * * * If a sheet of paper Durns when thrown into the oven, the oven is' too hot for baking. When purchasing rugs that are to receive quite a lot of strong sun-] light, it is well to remember that greens, browns, and dark blues will fade more readily than lighter shades. Modern Etiquette What is the- correct way, of introducing a man to a v jman? ANSWER The man is invariably presented: to the woman. The only exceptions are when a woman is the President of the United States to a Cardinal or to a reigning sov ereign. CHICHESTERSJJLLS Ribbon. _ 'of your Brnggiat Ask for ’ Cin.CHE8.TERS DIAMOND BRAND PILL8. for40 yenrs known ns Best. Safest. Reliable. Bay Now I SOLD ST DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Why worry about delayed period, from unnatural cauaet. Get Quads Result, using fEMINKSE— Liquid-Tablet Relief. Uied by doctors. Mores caaea long otvdK. Pleasant, safe, uo interfereoe* an dotted. Sutf if action guaranteed treatment *2.95. Pootaga if C O.D SpuriaBy Compounded for Vgaw Ctriani Cases *500. Illustrated Polder Free with order. PETONE CO., Dept j#.y St. Louis *fo. The Farmer Clothing Budgets and Negro Movable Schools To be Discussed on Radio Program, September 21. An important item to the thrifty housewife is the expenditure of money required for clothing the family. How farm women in New Jersey are attempting to solve their clothing problems with the help of the extension service will be ex plained by a home demonstration agent—Alice M. Seely—in a radio talk entitled “A Clothing Budget for the Farm Family,” to be given during the land-grant college radio program - scheduled for September 21. In his talk entitled ' Carrying the School to the Farmer,” T. M. Camp bell, colored field agent for the United States Department of Agri culture. will describe how modern extension practices are carried to colored homes by a motorized school. Ozie ' '1 Garrett, Negro 4-H Club member from Missir-ippi, will ex plain how 4-H Club work has help ed her and her family. The United States Army Band will provide mu sic between the talks. Land-grant college radio pro grams are arranged by the agricul tural colleges of various states in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture. They are broadcast always on the third Wednesday of each month from 12:30 to 1:"' p.m.. eastern stand ard time, over a network of 47 radio stations ass<''! ted with the Nation al Broadcasting Co. Tune in one of these stations on network of : ational Broadcasting Company. Eastern Standard Time—12:30 to 1:30 p.ra. KDKa. Pittsburgh; WBAL, Baltimore; WBZ. Boston; WBZA. Springfield; WFLA WSUN, Tampa: WGAR, Cleveland; WHAM, Rochester: WIOD, Miama; WIS, Colum bia; WJAX, Jacksonville; WJR. Detroit; WJZ, New York City; WLW. Cincinnatii; WRVA, Richmond; WWNC. Asheville; WPTF, Raleigh; WRC, Washington. Watch for land-grant college hadio hour. Always the third Wednesday in each month. A CLOTHING BUDGET FOR THE FAM ILY, Alice M. Seely, County Home Dem onstration Agent, Oc?2*n County, N.J. CONCERT, The United States Army Band. WHAT MY 4-H CLUB HAS MEANT TO ME. Ozie Bell Garrett, 4-H Club m mber, Madison County, Miss. CONCERT. The United States Army 3and. Time of Broadcast—12;30 to 1:30 p.m, eastern standard time; 11:30 am to 12:30 p.m.. central standard time. 10:30 to 11:30 a m., mountain standard tune; 9:30 to 10:30 a.m Pacific standard time. Distribution.—Copies of this announce- • ment have been sent to all extension workers. Advice to Lovelorn Dear Suzanne: I am 17 and not allowed to go out with boys. My father says I can only go with my mother. Is he right? JOY. Parents are always right. How ever, your dad seems a little strict. Tell him that 17 is okay for boy interest, but promise him you won't become too deeply interested, and keep your promise. * • • Dear Suzanne: I go with a musi cian who is not doing so well now and has no other trade. Mother says he will never amount to much. What '■’-".ll I do? LOVE, pathy with his profession—well, it’s up to you. It all seems a chance, after all. ALMOST FLAT ON HER BACK Aching back! Will it never stop? She’s nearly desperate. Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vege‘a' 3 Com pound has relieved “feminine trou bles’’ for over 50 years. CHICAGO WOMAN DREADED CHILDBIRTH ■ ■ Told She Might Die, Woman Almost Crazy With Fear. “When little Joan was on the way,” reports Mrs. Marshall of Chicago, Illinois, recently, “I was sick and run-down. I just felt tired and mean all the time. My mother and friends told me it was very dangerous for a woman to have a baby when she felt that way. I was plenty scared. Even if I lived thru it, I was afraid my baby would be weak and ailing. I was so frightened I just had the misery My skin was terrible. 1 had an awful backache and was consti pated. I could scarcely do the chores. Even my husband looked at me with pity. E%rerybody kept telling me what a chance I was taking. I scarcely knew what to do. “About that time an old school friend who has four strong, lovely children, and is the picture of health hersolf, dropped in to see me. She was shocked by my con dition. “ ‘WhyRuth,’ said she. ‘This is all your own fault entirely. It is so easy to help nature and protect both*yourself and child!’ “ ‘But how can I, Martha?’ I asked. I just broke down and cried. “Then she told me about a Doctor Caldwell, who attended moreTthan three thousand births in fifty years of family practice without losing a single mother or child!” (The official Platt County records in Illinois prove the truth of this astonishing statement.) _ “ ‘Heoriginated a wonderful medi cine, based on years of experience. Expectant mothers who do not dare \Ke strong, habit-forming cathar tics can take Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any thne. It drives the body poisons out of the system, MRS. RUTH MARSHALL *. .... ..A permitting sound sleep and health ful digestion. Nature does the rest. Why don’t you trylsome, Ruth, and see how it picks you up almost at once?’ “I began noticing the benefits of taking Syrup Pepsin almost at once. My liver became'more active and bowel muscles stronger. Even my complexion began to clear up. Everyone noticed it. It was just like a miracle. “I am so grateful for my present good health and my fine strong girl. We are all so very happy we are looking forward to having an other lovely baby soon.” Mothers! You are only as strong as your organs. When these become run-down and your liver and bowels are weak, you should act at once. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is not expensive and it is nut up conve niently in large-size bottles carried by most good druggists. Don’t tak« a lot of patent medicines which may be dangerous and weakening. AnJ don’t “Just give up.” Get a bottle of genuine Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, take it according to direc tions, and feel the new energy and strength returning to your entire system! Don’t be subject to colds, heartburn, biliousness and other evidence of run-down system. Dr. Caldwell’s prescription is perfectly safe, and very pleasant to take.