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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1932)
Reminiscences Continued from Page One sibilitk of heroism in the race ‘The highest is the measure of th< man” was said by a white man anc is accepte for white men. It shoulc also De accepted for the Negro. Ours was an abolition family. My grandmother on my mother’s side came from Brooklyn. Connecticut where, as a young girl, she was un der the preaching of Samuei J May He nelped her to the highest ideals. I was with her when she died and heard her in her last words repeat his benediction: ‘Help us t: be more pure and holy, more de vout and thankful, more heartily inclinca to every go- ' v. ork." His good works 'nrluded complete de tion to the anti-slavery caus-. His disciple ./as not an aggressive wom an, but she went to anti-slavery meetings and to’.d me of the mobs she had encountered. I was a sym - pathetic listener. My father left Plymouth Church because Oeecher had dealings with the foreign missionary association that in turn ha dealings with the slavelio.der. That is as I remember it. He oined the Unitarian Church, in whicv> my mother had been rear ed and sat under Samuel Longfel low, whose abohvio-ism was of the strictest brand. And the minister, V -in White Cnadwick, who came to our little Unitar'an Church shortly after I was born, was always a radical on the Negro question. He used to lecture on some of the great Americans and taught us to despise Daniel Webster for his Fourth of March speech and Henry Clay for his continual compromising. George Williams Curtis often lectured for us, and I can remember his de scription of how “Henry Clay, com promise incarnate, left the Senate when Charles Sumner, conscience incarnate, entered it.” Garrison was a personal friend of my grand “REMINISCENCES, OR GOING BACK 40 YEARS” by MARY WHITE OVINGTON ' One of the founders of the N.A. ! A.C.P., and for many years a di rector, treasurer, president and chairman of the board. Back in 1890 she heard Freder ick Douglass speak in Beecher's Meeting House in Brooklyn. She was in the midst of the great Booker Washington-W. E. B. DuBois controversy that re sulted in the Niagara Movement and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Then there was the Cosmopoli tan Club dinner, New York's first interracial affair at Peck's Res taurant, which created as much furor in the Southern press as Booker Washington's dining at the White House. j "Reminiscences” answers the i question, why does this white woman take up the Negro's cause? BEGINNING THIS WEEK MARY WHITE OVrNGTON'S “REMINISCENCES" mother this wife came from Brook lyn, Connecticut) and was my childhood’s greatest hero, with Robert Bruce as a close second. I knew how he was Jrr jged through the streets of Boston by the mob. We spent our summers in the country, at quiet places, usually on a hilltop. I had a passion for the starlight. Evenings were nevei a problem, for if nothing was going on at the little boarding house, t ’ere was always the open road and the stars. The few horse-drawn vehicles that went by were negli gible. So I could study the con stellations undisturbed. Emerson said: “If the stars ; -ould appear one night in a thousand years how men would worship and adore and preserve for generations the mem ory of the City of God that had been sho .” For three months this City of Gcd was spread before me save for the nigh.s when it was INI When you choose a face powder be sure to select one that brings out all the loveli ness and charm of your complexion. Genuine Black and White Complexion Powder will do this and more FOR YOU. Made by a special new process, this super fine powder blends magically with your complexion and clings for hours without caking or streaking. Its soft, smooth tex ture and its alluring perfume give to Black and White a luxurious quality unequalled by other powders, no matter how much they cost. Today select your own individual tint from White, Flesh, Pink, Brunette and High Brown. BLACKEWHITE COMPLEXtOH POWDER World’s Best Face Powder VALUE Just compare Genuine Black and White Complexion Pow der at 25c with any face pow der costing three or four times as much and see for yourself why thousands of America’s smartest women in variably prefer Black and White. Finest quality at a sen sible price is a combination that all intelligent women are demanding these days. That’s why Black and White Com plexion Powder is in the midst of its greatest popularity. # CAMERA CLICKS TOO SLOW FOR CHOCOLATE’S MIT—The Keed is shown giving Steve Smith (white) iii^A e man ciiuugn ill a llgnt at Boston recently. Choco late’s right is moving so fast that the camera failed to record its position. Note Steve’s distressed look. slotted out by the rain. The North star I cared for most. It embodied heroism. I saw the slave creep through the swamp, his :lotnes ragged, his feet tire. I saw dim reach Canada, i always felt ishamed that complete safety only ;jme outside the borders of the United States. I was a happy, he',lthy child, olaying hard and enjoying school ;o the utmost. I was taught by a family of great teachers. But be ns sensitive, this abolition teach ing made a deep impression upon me. However, I never thought f joing out into action. The eco nomic depression of reconstruct 1, like the economic depression tod - monopolized men’s emotions. At borne I never heard of any work for the emancipated slave. Even my minister took little interest in Negro education. Slaver was end ?d. That was the great point. The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments had been passed. The Negro was free and a citizen. These iwo facts cast everything else in the shade. So when, after a leis urely private school education, two years at Rndcliffe College, and .liree years of what we called “going into cociety,” I ; lrned to e: my living, I never thought of the Negro. In stead. I went among white working class peor’e a 1 started a settle ment in my own city.. But that’s a Cory foi another chapter. (To be Continued) --o Household Hints Always put laces and other dainty pieces of laundry inside of a bag when laundering. These pieces are seldom very dirty and should not be rubbed hard. Putting them in the bag will help keep them. * * * There are certain meats that should be limited or avoided in the diet of the small child. These are: ham, bacon, pork, kidney, sausage liver, or dried and salt meats. * w * Mustard can be removed from linen by boiling in water, in which washing soda, (a teaspoonful to one quart of water! has been dissolved. After boiling, rub until the stains disappear. IN BALTIMORE— Charles 3. Morris, Bluefield, W.Va., professor Look and Learn What is the most used let ter in the English language? ANSWER The letter “e.” -- How Can I? How can I preserve a new clothesline? ANSWER A new clothesline should be boil ed for about thirty minutes before using it. This prevents stretching It will not tangle readily and will last much longer. Embarrassing Moments Send your Embarrassing Moment to the Editor and it will be published. MISPLACED I went to the grocer’s, and, after making my purchases, started for the door, with my arms full of bundles. Then I missed my um brella, and went back to the clerk to ask him if he had seen it. He laughed and said: ’’ThCTe it is— hanging on your arm!” IT CAME BACK As I could not decide exactly what to give a friend of mine as a wedding gift, I sent her a check, with a note asking her to buy some thing. A few days later, she ro’.e to me, saying my check had been returned by the bank, as I had dated one month ahead! Bright Sayings of the Children What Do Yours Say? Send them to us and they will be published. Mae was crying. Her kitty had strayed away. Brother came up and put his arm around her. “Aw, your cat will come back. Don’t you think it has enough sense to look at the house numbers?” R. E. K. My little nephew, aged 4, climbed upon his uncle’s lap all the while giving said uncle, who is slightly bald, the once over. When he was comfortably seated, he said, “Why have you got so much forehead?” M. M. M. ' My little brother is spending the Summer at an ocean resort. I re ceived a card from him, which read: “We are staying at a hotel which is right across from the ocean!” I took my young son for a long walk. Suddenly, he observed that none of the buildings and houses looked familiar. Bewildered, he . turned to me and said: “I don’t see our house anywhere. It must be lost!" JOHNNIB After havin; a birthday party for my 3-year-od nephew, I thought I’d take him for a walk before bed time. We met a friend who said, “Happy birthday, Sonnie.” Much surprised, he answered, “O, I had my birth day at home.” J. G. Most for your MONEY: in a good laxative Thedford’a BLACK-DRAUGHT! has been highly regarded for tf long, long time, but it is better appreciated now than ever before. People are buying everything morq carefully today. They count every1 penny of the cost. In buying Black-Draught, they get the mosfl for their money, in a good, effec tive, easy-to-take laxative, mad*1 of approved medicinal plants, de pendable for the relief of ordinary constipation troubles. 25 or more doses of Thedford’s Black-Draught) in a 25-cent package For Children, get pleaaant-taating SYRUP of Thedford'a Block-Draught* WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— WITHOUT CALOMEL And You’ll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin’ to Go If you fed sour and sunk and the world looks punk, don't swallow a lot of salts, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full <jf sunshine For they can’t do it. They only move the Dowels and a mere movement doesn’t get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Oaa bloats up your stomach. You have a thick, bad taste and your breath is foul, skin often breaks oOt in blemishes. Your head aches and you feel down and out. Your whole system is poisoned. tJj*Jold CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILIiS to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel ‘‘up and up." They contain wonderful, harmless, gentle vegetable estracts, amazing ^ben it comes to making the bile flow freely. But don't ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's Uttle Liver Pills. Look for the name Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red label. Resent a 1 substitute. 25c at all stores. C1931 C. M. C*