The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, January 22, 1910, Image 7

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A Diagnosis.
"How's yer 'usband after the acci
dent, Mrs. Ginnerty?"
"Faith, sonietoimeb lie's bettaer an'
aometoimes he's wurse, but from tbe
way be ytls an' takes on -when he's
betber, Ol think he's betber when he's
wurse." Kansas City Journal.
Tbe old proveVbs depend largely on
the point of view. For Instance, you
can't convince a mouse that a black
cat brings good luck.
Money talks in spite of tbe fact
that lots of men want to keep it quiet
Mr. Wlnslosr's Soothing Brrnp.
for rhlldrea leetDlu, softens the gums, reilnce h
SaauuaUou,aliajfeuala, cures wladcollu S&cabotUe.
Hope Is a magic lantern which often
shows impossible pictures.
Aa Ideal Present
Dbonchial Troches
Aa fcnoudlate rtuat lot Homnm, CmIii, Sere
Throat. Bronchial and ArthnuMe Xm.m.. a.
aritcla of aupcrior mrt. abaokmlr fcee front aur
Price, 25 cents. 60 cents and $1,00 per baa.
Sample malkd on request.
JOHN I. BROWN St SOW. Boran. Maw.
W. N. U. LINCOLN, NO. 4-1910.
When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain
remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't
any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would
also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ?
Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ,
Jdown, suffered from pains in her side, head and
limbs, and could walk but a short distance at a
Itime. 8 tie came very near Having: nervous
prostration, had beirun to cough a good, deal,
land seemed melancholy by spells. She tried
I two doctors but
I Lydia E. Pinknaui's vegetable Compound,
IBlood Purifier and liver Pills she has ira
J proved so much that she feels and looks like
another girl."
say a few words in praise of your medicine. When I began
taking it I had been very sick with kidney and bladder trou
bles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bot
tle of Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and find myself
greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed
u great change." Mrs. A. H. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont.
We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will
prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful
or that either of these women were paid in any way for
their testimonials, or that the letters are published without
their permission, or that the original letter from each did
not come to us entirely unsolicited.
What more proot can any one ask ?
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and'
has thousands of cures to its credit.
I " a Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women '
j,- m to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.
Save the Baby Use
VO. U5T Kltt TOR Q.t.fiS
Should be given at once when the
little one coughs. It heals the del
icate throat and protects tbe lunfs
from infection guaranteed cafe and
very palaiable.
All Drescfets. 25 seat.
Simple Home-Made Remedy That la
Free from Opiates and Harm
ful Drugs.
An effective remedy that will usu
ally break up a cold in twenty-four
hours, is easily made by mixing . to
gether in a large bottle two ounces of
Glycerine, a balf-ounce of Virgin Oil
pf Pine compound pure and eight
ounces of pure ; Whisky. This mix
ture will cure any cough that is cur
able, and is not expensive as it makes
enough to last the average family an
entire year. Virgin Oil of Pine com
pound pure is prepared only in the
laboratories of the Leach Chemical
Co., Cincinnati, O.
That's the Question.
Wife You were late last night.
Hub Beg pardon, my dear. As I
came in the front door the clock
struck 11.
Wife But what time did you arrive
at tbe head of tbe stairs?
Gastronomic. '
"What belle of the season do you
find most attractive?"
"The dinner bell." '
One way to acquire a reputation for
amiability is to agree with every sim
pleton you meet.
PAZO OlNTMBNTIsirnarnnteed to curs any aaaa
nf ltctiiW. Blind. Hlet-dlntf or Protruding Files in
itoltdajrsoriaoue? refunded. - fills.
Nothing that was worthy in tbe past
departs no truth or goodness realized
by man ever dies, or can die. Carlyla.
Fitchvllle, Ohio. -"My daughter was all ran
got little lielp. Since taking;
Mrs. C. Cole, Fitchvllle, Ohio.
Irasbunr, Vermont. "I feel It my duty to
The RAYO LAMP u a high-grade lamp, told at a low pike.
There are lamp that cost more, but there ia no better lamp at any
price. The Burner, the Wick, the Chimney-Holder' all are
vital things in lamp: these part, ol the RAYO LAMP are
perfectly constructed and there is nothing known in the art oi
lamp-making that could add to the value of the RAYO as
a light-giving device. Suitable (or any room in any house.
K.very dealer everywhere. If not at yonrs,wrft
for defieri pttvu ci roular to the nearest Aicency of the
Your Health Worth?
You start sickness by mistreating nature
ana it generally shows nrst in tne Doweis
and liver. A loc box (week's treatment)
ot CASCARETS will help nature help
you. They will do more using them
regularly as you need them than any
medicine on Earth. Get a box today;
take a CASCARET tonieht. Better m
the morning. It tbe result that makes
millions take them. 831
CUT THIS OUT, mail It with your address to
Bterllng Hemedy Co., Chicago, 111., aDd receive
a aaaUsome aouvuuir gvid iiou liuu X'ataK.
The Smallest Particles of Gold and
Silver That Escape in the Minting
Are Recovered Through Vari
ous Processes.
It has been aptly said that no miser
guards his treasure more religiously
than Uncle Sam watches over the
precious metals that Dass through his
! mints. Then, too, the precautions
against waste are almost innumerable.
Kvery evening in each of the mints
of the United States the floors of the
melting rooms are swept cleaner than
a New England housewife's kitchen.
The dust is carefully put aside and
about once in two months the soot
scraped from every flue is transferred
to the same precious dust heap. This
is. then burned, and from its ashes the
government derives no inconsiderable
income. The earthenware crucibles
used in melting are employed no more
than three times. They are crushed
beneath heavy rollers, and in their
pourous sides are found flakes of the
precious metal.
In the . melting room, when ' the
casters raise their ladles from the
melting pots, a shower of sparks fly
from the molten surface of the metal.
For the most part they are bits of in
candescent carbon, but clinging to
the carbon is often a minute particle
of metal. Lest such particles should
escape, the ashes and clinkers below
the furnaces are gathered up at night.
This debris is ground into powder by
means of a steam crusher and then is
sold to a smelter, like ordinary ore,
at a price warranted by the assayer.
The ladles that stir the precious
metal, the big Iron rods, the strainers
and the dippers, all are tested in a
most curious fashion. After consid
erable use, they become covered with
a thin layer of oxidized silver, closely
resembling a brown rust. The imple
ments are then laid in baths of a
solution of sulphuric acid, which eats
away the iron and steel and leaves
the silver untouched.
Gradually the ladle, or whatever the
implement is, will disappear, and in
its place remains a hollow silver
counterpart of the original, delicate as
spun' glass. These fragile casts re
produce the ladle with perfect accur
acy in all its details, although their
surfaces are perforated with innum
erable little holes. Scarcely have they
been molded, however, before they are
cast into a crucible, to become in time
dollars, quarters and dimes.
In one corner of the melting room
there is a large tank, into which new
ly-cast silver bars are dropped and
j left to cool. Infinitesimal flakes of
silver scale off and rise to the surface
of the water, which acquires the
metallic luster of a stagnant pool.
Here is silver that must not be lost,
so beneath the pipe through which the
tank is emptied is banked a thick lay
er of mud. As the water filters
through it, the mud retains the pre
cious residuum. Four times a year
this mud is removed, and each ex
periment discloses the fact that some
$50 has been saved.
Wet and Dry Moons.
There is an old superstition, which
dies hard, that the position of the
horns of the new moon tells what the
weather will be; if the horns of the
crescent are on the same level, it will
hold water, and hence it Is a dry moon;
but if it is tipped up, then the water1
will run out, and It is a wet moon.
One thing has helped keep this be
lief alive; the moon is "dry" in the
part of the spring that is usually fair,
while it is "wet" during the season of
autumn rains.
If this were a sure sign of the
weather we could have our predictions
years in advance, for an astronomer
can predict the exact position of the
moon at any time in the future.
The cause for the different positions
of the crescent is simple: The moon is
south of the son in the autumn and
north of it in spring. The crescent is
found by the light of the sun falling
on the moon, and the horns are natur
ally in a line perpendicular to the di
rection of the sun from the moon.
That is all there is fo it.
Farms Without Children.
Seventy-two houses, 13 of them
empty, on 11 miles of road through
excellent farming country, is what a
correspondent in Moravia regards in
his lecture as a typical situation in
this state. The farmers down that
way are in a large measure elderly
men. Among the original families
deaths are more common than births.
The problem of getting help on the
farm is a distressing one. Mr. Par
ker suggests that men must be hired
from the city or village.
And of all the unhappy details of
the unhappy situation the most so is
the fact that in the 11 miles there are
only 25 persons less than 21 years old.
Homes in a city where children might
be, but are not, are deplorable, but
such homes in tbe country are not
only lacking In one of the things that
make home happy, but are without
one of the greatest sources of the
farmer's wealth, and are denying to
the nation what has been the basis of
its greatness, farm-bred boys and
girls. Syracuse Post Standard,
Never Dined There.
"I understand you dine with Come
up very often, and I know he keeps a
good table. But has he a good cellar
to go with, it?"
"I don't know. They always put the
table in the dining-room when , I'm
Recent advices from Canada, our
next door neighbour, the neighbourly
country across the boundary line,
are that upwards of ninety thousand
settlers from the United States went
into Western Canada during tbe past
year, most of them for the purpose of
taking up and settling upon the va
cant lands, 160 acres of which are
given free by the government, and
lands adjoining held by railway and
land companies are selling at from
nine to fifteen and twenty dollars per
acre. Even if thirty and forty dollars
per acre were paid, the price would be
low, as the lands produce wonderfully,
and at these higher figures there is a
large interest on the money and labor
Invested. The ninety thousand set
tlers of last year, followed about sixty
thousand of the previous year, and for
several years the number has been
running into these large figures. There
must be a reason for it. It may be
found in tbe single phrase, "they are
satisfied." Nothing attracts people
more than the success ot others, and
the news of this reaching other thou
sands, causes them to investigate. The
investigation in this case is always
satisfactory. The splendid land of
Iowa, of Indiana, of Nebraska, Kansas,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio
and other States has risen to a high
value, and it is worth every dollar
asked for it. But there is not room
now for all on these lands. With the
ever increasing demand for grain,
there comes the ever increasing de
mand for land. Canada is the only
country on the continent in a position
to supply it. ; Land there that costs,
say fifteen dollars an acre, produces
on a reasonable calculation, 25 bushels
of wheat to the acre, or about $20.00.
The most liberal calculation as to cost
makes the cost to produce $7.50 per
acre, leaving a balance of $12.50 per
acre. The $7.50 carries good wages
for the farmer, and all other conceiv
able contingencies. With conditions
like this, covering the entire area of
about 500,000 square miles, it is read
ily understood why 90,000 Americans
should follow the sixty thousand of
the previous year. Canadian Govern
ment Agencies at different points in
the Union are always ready to give in
formation regarding the free home
stead lands, ready to advise the set
tler as to the districts which would
wit him best. -
After the Hunt. ,
Provided with some trophies of the
chase in the shape of rabbits. Rev.'
Sanford C. Hearn, pastor of the First
Methodist Episcopal church, Yonkers,
proceeded to dress them for dinner in
the parsonage cellar. His small son
watcacd the father's work with inter
est. ; Going upstairs, the youngster
called his mother. "
"Oh, mamma," said he, "what do
you suppose papa is doing?"
"I can't guess, child. What is he
"Well, he's just skinning, shaving
and cutting up cats.''
- A Question of Time,
"How much does it cost to get mar
ried?" asked the eager youth. ;
"That depends entirely on how long
you live," replied the sad-looking man.
How loafers grate upon the nerves
of a busy person. 1
When He Courted You
If he realized the
V anxious to have the
to restore her to true womanly health. Most men don't
know that when a woman
despondent, there is invariably something radically wrong
with the delicate feminine organs with which her entire
physique is in sensitive sympathy. - V
There is one, and just one remedy, tried and proven, that
will put things right when tbe feminine organism is weak or
, diseased. It is
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
This medicine restores perfect health to the weakened or
, gans and makes them strong.
It makes wifehood happy, and motherhood easy,
child-birth short and almost painless. It helps to make
real "new women." An honest druggist won't urge 1
upon you a substitute.
This "Favorite Prescription"
extract of native medicinal roots
cohol, iniurious or habit-formine
its ingredients printed on its
attested as full and correct under oath.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stom
ach, Liver and Bowels. Easy to take as candy.
Color more goods briohter and faster colors than any other do. One 10c package colors all Bbeis. Theii better ttansns other dr. Yoo ess TS
any garment without rippinaapaib Write lor tree booklet-How to De. Bieachand Mix Colors. - tOHHOE DRUG CO., Qulnoy, tllnolm.
Though a man may become learned
by another's learning, he can never be
wise but .by his own wisdom. Mon
has no substitute. No other remedy Is so effective
for rhenruutlRm. lumbago, stillness, neuralgia or
cold of aj3 j sorb. Put up In 25c, S6c una bUo bottles.
Most of a man's friends are of the
long-distance variety.
A Woman's Diplomacy.
It was the Chicago man's turn, and
he told this one:
"Diplomacy, you know, is a remark
able agent. The other day a lady said
to her husband:
" 'James, I have decided to do with
out a new fall dress, and with the
money it would cost I shall have
mother here for a nice long visit.'
"James turned on her excitedly.
'What, wear that old brown clotb thing
another season? I guess not!' he ex
claimed, vehement1?. 'You go right
down to your tailor's to-day and order
something handsome. Remember,
please, that as my wife you have a
certain position to maintain!'
"The wife bowed her head in sub
mission. On her lips played a peculiar
smile.'' Llppincott's Magazine.
His Discovery.
The swell son of the household had
just been initiated into the art of
cleaning his own teeth with the soft
little brush bis mother had bought
Hearing the baby cry lustily a few
minutes later the mother ran into the
nursery, only to find the nursipg bottle
on the floor and Johnny, toothbrush in
hand, leaning over the crib of the
screaming infant.
"Oh, muvver!" he cried, anxiously,
"baby must have been borned wifout
any toofs!" .
He Was an Old Hand.
"Do not anger me!" she
"How am I to know when you are
angry?" he asked.
"I always stamp my feet," she an
swered. "Impossible," he said. "There isn't
room for a stamp on either of them!"
That fetched her. Lippincott's.
'There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country
than all other diseases put together, and until the last
few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and
prescribed local remedies, and by constantly railing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dis
ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney
A Co.. Toledo. Obio. la tho only Constitutional cure on
the market. It Is taken Internally In doses from 10
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fail to cure. Send
lor circulars and testimonials.
Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druwsists. 76c.
Take Hall s Family Fills for constipation.
Period of Joy for Casey.
Casey's wife was at the hospital,
where she had undergone a very seri
ous operation a few days before.
Mrs. Kelley called to inquire as to
Mrs. Casey's condition. v
"Is she restin quietly?" Mrs. Keljey
"No, but I am," said Casey.
If You Are a Trifle Sensitive
About the size of your shoes, many people
wear smaller shoes by using Allen's Foot-Ease,
the Antiseptic Powder to shake into the shoes.
It cures Tired, Swollen, Aching Feet and
gives rest and comfort. Just the thing- for
breaking iu new shoes. Sold everywhere, 25c.
Sample sent FREE, Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
Le Roy, N. Y.
' Easily distinguished.
"This," remarked Mr. Cane, "is my
photograph with my two French
poodles. You recognize me?"
"I think so," said Miss Softee. "You
are the one with the hat on, are you
the signature of K. W. GKOVU. Used the World
over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c.
What a glorious country this would
be to live in if turkeys were as easily
raised as cats!
It certainly racks your system and may run Into
something serious. Atltn's Lima Halaattx will check
it quickly and permanently, itor sale at all druggists.
Let us have faith that right makes
might, and in that faith let us dare to
do our duty as we understand it.
Enthusiasm is the poultice men ap
ply of their scars.. ;
He didn't complain if you were a little despond'
ent or irritable at times. Now he does. He's
the same man. He didn't understand then. ,
He doesn't now. Then he thoiio-ht it was ca
price and liked it. Now he thinks it is caprice
and doesn't like it. But now he's busy getting
full truth he would be more than
wife he loves take the right remedy
is weak, nervous, irritable and
is a pure glyceric
and contains no al
drugs. A full list of 1
outside wrapper and-
If erer you wished for a home In Callfomi n, send for free information abont the greatteat Irriga
tion, colonizing- and home-making enterprise 'ever undertaken. In addition to their great
Buceess in irrigating 400,000 acres in thn Twin Falls Country, Idaho, the Kuhns are irrigating
850,000 acres in the Sacramento Valley. Send names of friends. Easy terms to settlers. We want
ewu cuirJr H. L. Hollister, Dept. K, 205 LaSalle St, CUcago, EL
After Spending Thousands of Dollar
and Consulting tne Most .Eminent
Physicians, He Was Desperate.
CHICAGO, ll-LS Mr. d. Q.
Becker, of 1 34 Van Buren St., a
well-known wholesalo dry gooda
. dealer, states as follows:
"I have had catarrh for mors)
than thirty years. Have tried
everything on earth and spent
thousands of dollars for other
medicines and with physicians,
without getting any lasting re
lief, and can say to you that I '
have found Peruna the only rem- :
edy that has cured me . per- :'...
manently. ..,.". ', I '
- "Peruna has also ; cured my -
wife of catarrh. She always keeps ! ',
: it in the house for an attack of
i cold, which it invariably cures in
very short time."
Vanishes Forever
Prompt ReEef PenaasKBt Car
fail. Purely veget
ables act surely
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after.
distress 4
cure nidi. '
an improve the complexion- bnsiitesi
i eye, assail flu, 9mall Dass, Ssaafl rrses
GENUINE mutt bear signature : :
Nebraska Directory
After Curing Yourself of
by using ,
Uncle Sam
Breakfast Food
You will continue to use it
because it is a delightful
breakfast dish.
If you don't know it's merits
: ask your grocer
He Certainly Kuans "
Doatrieo Croanory Co.
Pays the hlgneat price lor J
Qraln, Provisions, 8tocka, Cotton
Main Office. 204-205 FratsraHy Bids.
Lincola. Nebraska.
Bell Pbone 513 Auto Fhona MM
Largest House In State- ;
What Prof. Shaw, tha WattMCnowa AgH- (
culturlst. Say About Its
I would sooner raise cattto In Wwten
van a a man in tne corn dvic
tne umtea macea. a caa
M cneaner ana oiiium
better for the rarpoee.
Your market will tm
prove faster than tout
farmers will prodaoetbe
supplies. Wheat can be
grown np to theA0tnpa
ellel 800 miles north of
the International bounds
aryl. Sour vacant land
will be taken at a rat
beyond present concep
tion. ' jWe have enongh
people In the United
Htnfcsta a Irmt wnn want
homes o take np this land." Mmrlg
70.000 Amerissss
will enter and make t heir homes
in Wnstern Canada this year.
crop of wheat, oats and barler,
lu addition to which the cattle
exports was an immense Item.
Cuttle raising, dairying, mixed
farm ins end grain jrrowxna In the
provinces of Manitoba, Saskat
chewan and Alberta.
Free homestead aiid me-emp
tion areas as well as lands held
by railway and land companies, will
provide homes for millions. mm
Adaptable soil, healthful cli
mate, splendid schools and
churches, and good railways.
For settlers rates, descriptive
literature ".Last Best West.' how
to reach the country and other par
ticulars, write to Sup't of Inuml
gration Ottawa, Canada, or to the
CsnarltaTi (ioreroment Agent. ,
Soon 4 1st lldt. Omaha. Its.
(Use dress nearest yon.)
lUUw pixxiucea nnouier utrvn
and nesntuus usa
a limiariaai ClUWU.
Tfvtra Vsaflm to Bestaro Ol
Baiv to its Tonthiuf Color.
Cares scalp dissosu hair sbUIss)
fluc,tnafumw uiiiihi
-other starches only It ounces game price an4
Now or
-Aniens 1
s a
U mi. w VRSak