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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1857)
Local & Miscellaneous. Kev. C. C. Gos, will preach his fare well sermon, at the School House, Sunday evening next, at G 1-2 o'clock. Clarke &. lirother are erecting l large frame building, on Main Street, to be us ed for a store. Copies of the Gazette, for sale at this office. Single copy for 6 cents. New Adv cmtisem cuts. Mrs. J. E. Nye, will open her school, Nor. 4. Send your children. Oliver & Stone, have purchased of H. Cook Griffith, his entire interest in the butchery business. They will supply our citizens with the best quality of meats, at reduced prices. We believe they are de serving of liberal patronage. II. Cook Griffith, requests all that are indebted to him, to make immediate pay ment T. B. Lemon, Attorney and Counselor at Law, advertises his Card, to-day. Mr. L came to our city, from Chicago, early in the spring, and has settled permanently nmong us. By tact, ability, and asside ous application to business, he has won for himself the confidence of the community, and an extensive patronage in his profes sion. . Palmer & A wrill have dissolved co partnership, having sold their stock of goods to Wm. C. Averill and W. H. Longsdorf. The business will be contin ued under the firm of Win. C. Averill & Co. The Board of Trustees of the Simpson University, will meet at Omaha, Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 2 o'clock, P. M., in the Meth odist Church. The Hon. Fenncr Ferguson, Delegate elect, has our thanks for valuable public documents. Rev. Mr. Mason, arrived, in our city yesterday, and will ofliciato the coining winter, for the M. E. Church Society. 'J. M. Douglas, Clerk of the E. A. Ogden, has our thanks for St. Louis pa pers, received by Mail from St. Joseph. River News. Boat arrival are growiug." small and beautifully less." It is now more than a week since the last boat arrived. From the latest St. Louis papers that we hnve received, we learn (hat several are advertised for points above. The Alonzo Childs and New Mononga hela, are now running between St. Louis and New Orleans. The Insurance Com pany have raised the Admiral, and 6he is now on die slocks, undergoing repairs. Gov. Grimes of Iowa, has issued a proc lamation, convening the next Legislature, at Des Moines. Weller, Dcmocut, has been elected Gov ernor of California. The Democrats were successful in the late election, in Pennsylvania. Packer is elected Governor. The Legisluture is ulso Democratic. It now appears, that Lowe, Republican, has been elected Governor, of Iowa. ' Gov. Chase of Ohio, has been re-elected, by a decreased majority. The list of passengers, that embarked on the Central America, has been receiv ed. Lost, officers and crew, 85, passen gers, 333. Saved, officers and crew, 0, passengers, 143. The amount of treas ure on board, exclusive of that in the bonds of the pascngers, was 9 1 ,425,000. IIaud Times in New Yobk Citt. We extract the following, from a private letter, from a brother typo, dated New York, Oct. 3, 1857: " Business is in a desperate condition. Many of the country banks have suspend ed specie payments, and hardly any bills, except city, will be taken for full value. Thousands of the poor, have to pay from 10 to 20 cts. discount, upon the money they now have, consequently, business is nearly at a stand-still, in all its branches. Some of the printing offices, (the largest Look and job offices,) have suspended la ter, for the present la some branches of business, laborers have been reduced to eight hours' work, per day, and some even less, when they indeed work at all. This will, indeed, be a disastrous winter for the poor. I hope, however, we will all find enough to do, to cupply us with sustenance ; but in all prob ability, the kind offices of benevolent soup makers, will again be called iuto requi sition." A Snow storm, the first of the season, took place at Island Pond, Vermont, Sept 39th. Mrs. Cunningham has appealed from the Surrogate's decision in the Burdell es Wheat is selling iu Iowa City, at 40 ictus it fusjiei. Cirrtjoniftice of lie Omaha Timrs, Washington, D. C, Oct, 1 1th, 17. Dear Times: My communication will not be very lengthy to you this week, ow ing to the dullness of the city and the scar city of the newr. There are a few stran gers in town the forerunners of the great migration here this winter, of office and pleasure seekers. Your Delegate elect is in town, and is received with a cordial welcome by the heads of the different Departments. What a contrast there is lietwocn him and tho insignificant Chapman. B. B. Chap man is here al?o, and trying to oppose and embarass all of judge Ferguson's move ments how effectually remains to be seen. He is received with coolness, and is not recognised as having nny right or voice in matters connected with the Territory, al though he claims he should be heard. I heard a story from some of Chapman's friends accompanied with a wink that there was a case before the Interior Di partment in which Judgo Ferguson wns implicated someting about his pre-empting a piece of land on which he had not lived according to law, I took the trouble to call and examine the matter, thinking it might be interesting to you. There is nothing of ii a mere humbug varn no papers being on file as reported", and no such case known to the Department. The substance of the matter is, it is a base falsehood circulated by B. B. Chap man and his friends to the prejudice cf Judge Ferguson. Yours, G. F. O. The State laws require N. O. Banks to keep an amount of specie on hand equal to one-third of their liabilities. The pen alty for falling below this is 6-100 on each director for every day that the bank is " out of line," a pretty effectual bar. to expansion. MASONIC ' A Tli regular meetings of Nebraska !r Lodge, No. 184, of Free and Accented Mason', will be held at Masonic Hall, on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at 0 1-2 o'clock. L. B. KINNEY, W. M. 1. O. O. F. Tli regular meetings of Bellevue Lodge, No. 4, will be hold on Saturday evening of each week, nt 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers of the order who may be in our city on that evening, are respectfully invited to attend. W. H. COOK, N. G. W. W. HARVEY, Bcc'y. 91 A It II i cn. bride, on Sunday, Oct. 25, bv Rev. Win. Leach, Mr, Lnaries m. auikock or wmana, iu juibs Alice J. Alexander of Saratoga. The hannv connle. passed through this city. (stopping at the Benton House, Sunday night,) on their wedding tour, through the southern portion of the Territory, we had the pleas ure of anendine an hour with them, during their brief sojourn here. Success to you and yours, Charley. May your wedding tour of lif, be a long and happy one. DIED. In tills city. Oct. 21, of typhoid fever, Jo seph Whipple, aged 37. Oct. 28, of the same disease, Saliie Maria, wife of Joseph Whip ple, aged 2rt, both formerly of Michigan. BELLEVUE MARKET. Corrected weekly by Clarke Jt Biotiier, Forwarding and font. Merchants. Flour Family, $5,0(1 per 100 lbs 44 F.xtra Superfine, $o,X 00 " " Fine, $1,50. Meal $3 &0 per 100 lbs. Apples Dried, $3 50. Teaches 44 4 (HI. Butter New 30 to 40 c V 9 do Old packed, 20 to 30c i D Beans $1 5(1 'f bus. Corn 70 T bush. Oats 75 (t, fOc Dried Beef iOc per lb. Salt O. A., per sack, $3. 50. Bacon Shoulders 14 ( lac lb. Sides lUc. Sugar cured 10c 3 fl Eg:s 30c t do Hides Dry, 7 (m 8e do Green, 3c Hay $4 00 (iu $rt 00 tua liran. -50 cents per bush. Pork clear $32 00 "P bbl., 30 per lb. Lard 22 fS 25 c fc Onions $3. V- bus Potatoes 50 (ft 1 00. Pelts Sheep 25c do Coon25c Luuibvr Cottonwood slielV 30 in " do sq. edged $35 00 44 do Oak, Walnut, Basswood $45 00 do PI ue siding, clear $55 (Ml jl in. do Flooring 2d $n5 00 1st $75 00 Boards, $50 (ft $75 ( Shingles Pine $8 50 (ft 'J 50 m. " Cottonwood $5 60 Lath Pine $12 00 per m. boors " $3 60 (ft $4 75 each. Sash $1 00 (ft $2 1-4 per easement HOT ALL, LOST. I WOULD inform all persons who are in vnt of Stoves, Tin Ware, tc, that they can purchase them with Foutcnelle money, at my Stove store, opposite the printing office. SAMUEL SNYDER, Sr. Sept. 24, 1857. 3t45 C. F. II. FORCES, CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SUR veyor, being now located at St. Marys, where lie expects to make a permanent resi dence, takes this method of informing the cit izens, that be is prepared to do any surveying ; and from his long experience in the business, he is able to give entire satisfaction. St. Marys, Sept. 24, 157. 5Urt STEAM FERRY BOAT. IjTnHE subscriber begs leave to inform the J, public, that he has now in operation, a first class Steam Ferry Bellevue.N.T. t the point known as old irMer's Point Ferry. The Boat is one of the best on the Missouri River, and every exertion will be used to ena le tli public to cross the IUv with safety, bud dispatch. a4ii4t NATHANIEL G. BENTON. A C A II D. DURING my absence in ths east, W H. Harvey, will be in njy cities to attend to business for me. (47) W. II. COOK. ti rx Mm B ARTELS & METZ. " f Ol'I.D respectfully anhounce to the In V habitants of flofleuve, and vicinity, that they have opened a store, on the corner of Main and 21st Streets, and now oiler for sale, a variety vt goods, which are entirely new, consisting f Dry (ioods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Drugs, Medicines, Taints and 1'aint Brushes, . Oils and Varnish, Window (ilassof all sizes, China and (jIuss Ware, Hats and Caps, Bulliilo Shoes, Blankets and Fur Gloves. The above articles are of the first quality, and as one of us remains constantly In tt. Isolds, selecting poods, and watching the mar ket, we feel confident that we ran sell as cheap, or cheaper, than any one else in the west. The public are invited to give us a rail and examine tho goods for themselves. We will buy farmer's produce at the highest prices. Give us a call, at the new store, corner of Main and 21st Streets, Bellcvue, Nebraska Territory. Bellevue, Sept. 10, 1R57. 41tf N O T I C K IS hereby given, that tho County Commis sioners of Sarpy County, will meet at the house of Bemhard Myers, in said County, on Tuesday, Nov. 17ih, 1K57, at 0 o'clock, in the forenoon, In answer to a petition signed by several inhabitants, to view and locate a road, which is proposed to run from Bellevue, to intersect the Territorial Road, at Bcmhard Myers, and crossing the Papillion Creek, at the People' Bridge, or in that viciuity,(which. in the judgments the of Commissioners, will be for the best interest of the settlers. And said Commissioners will meet on the evening of said day, at the Benton House, at 4 o'clock, to hear all parties interested in said road. By order of the County Commissioners. Stephen D. BANGS, 40 County Clerk of Sarpv County. NOTICE IS hereby given, that the County Commis sioners of Sarpv County, will meet at the house of Charles Wilson, near Buffalo Creek, on Monday. October 20, 1K57, to view and lo cate a public road or highwav, from the city of Bellevue, to the city of Plattford, In said countv, commencing at the latter point, across Sections 18. 17, In, and 15. in Township 12, Range II, thence to the most suitable point for crossing Buffalo Creek, thence by the moat practicable route to the city of Bellevue. Said Commissioners will ineet on the even ing of said day, at the house of Alfred Mat thias, in the city of Plattford, to hear all par ties interested in locating said road. By order of the County Commissioners, STEPHEN D. BANGS, Clerk of Sarpy County. Bellevue, Sept. 23, 1857. 4(1 PLATTE I! IVES FERRY, THE Platte River Ferry Company have their Ferrv in Rticcesxfnl operation at the MOUTH of PLATTE 1UVER This route is six miles shorter than that by Cedar Island, and is a much better route. EXPERIENCED AND CAREFUL MEN will be in attendance at all times to accommo date the traveling public. Rates of Ferriage as low as any other point. W. M. SLAUGHTER. Plattsmouth, Aug. 1, 1K57. 3in40 BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE ouantitv of first rate Brick and Lumber for Safe, at reasonable rates. Enquire at my Ofiice near the Benton House. 35 JOSEPH E. PRAY. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! THE undersigned takes this method of in forming the citizens of Bellcvue, and vicinity, that he has just received the Largest and Best assortment of Cooking, Iailor &, Office Stoves. ever brought to this Territory. He would res pectfully invite all in want of Stoves, tj call and examine for themselves. I am also manufacturing TIN-V ARE of all kinds, such as Buckets, Covrr.r. Pots, i'ans, &TRAINKRS &.c, &.c, and all articles in my line of business. ("Particular attention n.ii,l In niiin Spouting and job work of every description. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Or ders solicited. Mv place of business is oppo- .1.- .'il: n m 41 bub uie i wining iriiicr, jiriievue, is, i. n 35-tf. SAMUEL SNYDER. JJISSO LTJTIONWcbPARTNERBHIP NOTICE. The subscribers hereby give notice that the copartnership heretofore existing hetweea them under the name and style of Todd & Smith, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or against the firm will be settled by Burton V. Todd. BURTON W. TODD. K. P. SMITH. Bmlcvae, August 12, loo'. 40 TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, j COUNTY OF SARPY. SS. NOTICE is hereby given, that the County Commissioners of Sarpy Countv, will meet on Monday, Sept. 21st, A. D. 1857, at the house of Maj. Watson, at t o'clock, A.M. to view and locate a public road from the city of Bellevue, on the bet route to the cor ner of Sections 2, 3, 10, and 11, in Township 13, north, Range 13, east ( thence west in the line between Sections 3, and 10, to the corner of Sections 3, 4, 0, and 10, in the same Town ship and Range; thence westerly on the most practicable route throutru Anncreon'e Grove; thence westerly to the Platte or Klkborn Riv er's. Said Commissioners will meet on the evening of said day, at 4 o'clock, at the Ben ton House, Bellevue, to hear all parties inter ested Ln locating and establishing said road or highway. By order of the County Commissioners. l.s. STEPHEN D. BANGS, Clerk of Sarpy Co. Bellevue, Aug. IS, 157. 41 NOTICE! " LL persons indebted to Clarke It. Bro., will come forward immediately and pay up. "A word to the wise Is sufficient." CLARKE 4. BRO. Bellevue, Aug. 12, 1857. tf. Tailoring I 'Tailoring ! The undersigned bege leave to inform the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity that he is prepared to do custom work, in the latest fashion and most approved style. He feels confident that his work is unsurpassed East or West; and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. He will always be found ready to receive orders at tjie Bci)t:yue House, JOSEPH BRAY. Bellcvue, N, T. .March ilth, lSi7,tf IOVI1 r. HARTt.l.S, FALMER Ji AVERILL' S COLUMN. PALMER & AVERILL Wholmlt and Retail Dealers Iu CHINA, GLASS AND Qucciiswsirc, MIRRORS, And Fancy Goods, TABLE CUTLERY, BRITTAKIA WARE, &c. Our Block in entirely new, very large, an J carefully selected, and by adhering strictly to the cash system, wo are able to offer very great in duccments to all who may favor us with a call. PALMER & AVERILL, BELLEVUE STORE. Corner of Jefferson and 27th street, Opposite the Foutcnelle Bank, BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the at tenlion of the citizens of Bellcvue, Sar- fy county, and the surrounding country, to licir new and selected stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOOrS, GROCERIES & HARDWARE, Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail at F rices 30 per cent, lower than ever before of. ercd in this city. We can ami will sell Goods as low if not lower than they can he bought In Omaha or Bluff City. Please call and examine for yourselves. PALMER & AVERILL. Bellevoe, May 29, 1857. Just Received, and for Sale, A LARGE stock of Furniture, consisting In part of Wood, Rush, Spindle, Split Bottom, jenny I.I ml, Maple, Mahogaur, Children's and Office Chairs, Rockers, &c.j Bureaus. Center, Card, Office, Breakfast and Dinner Tables, Leaf, Toilet, Work and Wash Stands, Office Desks, Sofas and Sofa Lounges, Double and Single Lounges, Trundle Beds, Bedsteads of various kinds, Tin Safes. Mattresxes.A:e.,&.e. Terms cash. PALMER & AVERILL. 33lf JUST RECEIVED, a large and fine assort ment of Gent's Shoes and Gaiters. 33tf PALMER St AVERILL. ANOTLF.R LOT of Clothing just received at 33tf PALMER AVERILL. PALMER &. AVERILL have onliand a lot of fine Black Doeskin and Cassimere; also, a large lot of fancy Cassiuieres. Those wishing a good article would d well to rail and examine the above. 33tf N AIT.Sand CLASS Cheap at the BELLE VUE STORE. CUTLERY A large assortment of Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks, fcc, at the BELLEVUE STORE. A large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, t Eastern Prices, can be found at the BELLEVUE STORE. no 30-tf. fpiIE LARGEST LOT of Furniture and L Crockery ever broucht to the Territory, can be found at PALMER Jt AVERILL'S IjM.OUR, Salt, Salmon, Mackerel, and Cod. fish, at wholesale or Retail, by PALMER 4. AVERILL'S. A C00D ASSORTMENT of Glass Ware at PALMER k AVERILL'S. nss pad 0io yum g o , BELLEVUE Commercial K2iiiioriiiiii ! ! fpHE undersigned respectfully solicit t It n attention of the citi.en of llrlleviie and vicinity, X to their extensive assortment of goods, embracing every Viiriety usually kept in thn west. The attention of the I. idles is particularly called to our dirge assortment of dress goods, consisting In part of silks, Krem It himI American Jaconet and Organdy Lawns, llernges, De Lalnes, A.c. Klgnreil and Plain Swiss, Jaconet and Bonk Muslins, Calicos, Ribbons, Artifi cial Flowers and Wreaths, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Bonnets, Mats, r. BOOTS cfcs SIIOI3S. Ladies fine morocco slippers, lid and morocco buskins, pnroill ties, nnd Jenny Llnd.kM.nji Sineled and calf skin hire boots, Murk and colored gaiters, Ac, Gent's fiua iminircii and calf skin boots, fine cloth, calf skin and patent leather gaiters, sew'd and pvg'd nionro, Slippers, &c. Children's shoes, a great variety. Men's and boys' fine felt, wool, great variety. o m. o The largest stock ever opened In this enmity, consisting of coats, nants, vc la rs, over-alls, i.c. of all m.cs, styles, and quality, for men, boys and children lilMyM'J! MTJ) miS&MW A great variety of both English and American manufacture, Carpenleis' tools, A.o. House keepers and bullilers will lind it to their ndvantago to call beforo purchasing elsewheru. A L Qur-pnswnro, Medicines, Kxlructs, Oysters, ("Iioiie Cigars, Furniture, Flour, Also, a lnrgu All the nbnve srtli lea, together with a great rash. All k lnln or inereiiantsliln country produce taken In exchange for goods. Also Dr Hides, Furs, Ac. Thankful for tho lilieial patronage heretofore extended to us by the aili il.l- - 1 - I 1 zriis vi 11115 cuniny, wv rui iiesii y Buiicu lis cuuuiiuiiiico. BEATON II ROWLE8, 3moe3l Main Street Omaha Aiu:iaisi;ii i:rs. wool, woi rriis NEBRASKA IN 1857. THIS work will again be ready for delivery by the 17lh Inst. The fust supply was re ceived last week nnd was immediately sold. A new County Map, corrected by Mr. Dyers, according to the county bouml.irirs establish ed by the Legislature last winter, has been engraved expressly for tho work, and will ap pear in the next edition. Besides a history of the Territory, its con dition and prospects, the work contains the claim laws of Nebraska, and a digest of the United States pre-emption laws, making a complete pre-emptor's guide. Every person interested in Nebraska should havo a copy of the work. Price, with the map, 73 cents; without the ma p. 50 cents. Single copies mail ed, postage paid, on receipt of price, to any part of the country. C. C. WOOLWORTH, Omaha, June 11, 1H57 32tf Publisher. HOOKS, ST ATI ON Kit Y AND PArER HANGINGS. A complete assortment at WOOLWORTH'S Bookstore, Omaha City, N. T. C, t?" Special agent for School Books. 2w32 J. A. JOKES. CEO. W. WOOD. THE LARGEST Drug & Chemical House IN T II E WEST. OM AHA CITV, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD Wholesale and 11i:tail Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Wines, Liu'iors, Ciirars, Tobacco, Ac. Ac. Ac. Having purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry A Co., together with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to offer the public as complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can bo found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade ; ami having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured iu our statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, qual ity and price, are any object to those dealing in DRUGS and MEDICINES, we can offer these inducements to a greater extent than any other house in the West. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested to examine our block before purchasing elsewhere no li-tf JONES A WOOD. NO MORE HARD TIMES. H. M. P1HC, HAS established himself in a NEW GRO CERY STORE, in Bellevue, on Mission Avenue, east of Maiu Street, where he will keep constantly ou baud, all kuida of freuh Groceries, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas. Rice, Fish, &lc. He has also a choice lot of liquors, and ev ery other article usually kept in a Grocery Store. V"A meat market is kept in.the base ment storv, for the accommodation of the cit izens of Bellevue, and vicinity. 30 3 in EICHER & DAVENPORT, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity thit thev have coiumeneed the TAILORING BUSINESS in the buildir.g formerly occupied bv J. M. Btr taf.corner MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN UE, and intend keeping constantly on hand CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, Which will be made up to order with neat ness and dispatch. Also, FUKS and HIDES bought or taken la exchangefor goods. i.o 30-tf. ron s tiTU A valuable timber Claim of IM acres, with in three miles of Bellevue City, for sale. Eu 'piire at tbls Office. u37lX. Panama, curraros, seanetto, Leghorn, palm, a 1H I 3NT Gr. vests, ehirt j, col- S O, (ilasswarc, Perfumery, F.sence.i, Preserved Fruils, Tuliacro, Wooden Ware, Fish, &.u. stock of vlioieo variety not mentioned, will be sold low for 7. m i:i(. aiu:(.i:mi:m. Regular Packet for Kansas, Leavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, Havammh, Iowa Point, Netir..ska City, Bellevue, Council illuils, Omaha and Florence. I EfTZb T,"': new and elegant Passenger Jffiffi fi earner Florence, J. Thrnck-caje,"r-flmoitnn, Master, J. E. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trips as a regular packet in thn above trade, on the opening of navigation in the spring, nnd will remain in it throughout the season. The Florence having been built under the superintendence of the uneersigned, expressly for tho trade, is of extraordinary strength, and well nd.ipted to it in every particular. A rea sonable sharo of the patronage of shippers, and the public generally. Is respectfully soli cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master. 2.")-i J. E. ConMAK, Clerk, SEASON' ARKA(,K!H:T, Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska City, Bellcvue, Coui cil Bluffs, Omaha, ii uu r lurcuce. THE new ami i-Wnnf Rtomar rVTin.n r.VinVi n r'n.t rn, ..i.. N-aEB33l Uaker. Ma.l.r. J ir...hi.n. Clerk, will run as a regular packet, to tht above and all intermediate points on the Mis souri river, and persons can rely upon her con tinning In the trade regularly during the season. Die Min-ne-ha-ha is an entirely new boat, built expressly for the Missouri River trade, and being filled ujt in the latest and most ap proved style, her officers feel confident, that sliict attention to the comforts of Passengers, and to business, will make her the favorite brat in the trade. CIIAS. BAKER, Master. . . Hutchinson, Clerk. T Clarke, Agent. 2 H BOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS!!! subscriber has iust rereiviwl will TV "J. CASES of GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS, of all kinds and sizes, direct from one of the best manufacturing establishments in New Eng land, made expressly to order and warranted. These boots being from the same house as those I received last year, is tho best recom mendation that can be given them. The sub scriber defies any other firm In tho Territory to produce ns good a lot of Boots, and to sell them at such low prices. Sold either by the case or single pair. Call and examine for yourselves. RUBEN LOVEJOY. Bellevue, Sept. 3, 1S57. 43 tf. THE CHICAaOCITY INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE i Room No. 1 Masmic Temple, Dearbot Street, Chicago. capital, 8iro,ooo. DIRECTORS: EDMUND CANKIELP, HENSV CHAPMAN, ISAAC IUOIC, H. S. MONBOE, II. A. WYJttOOP. OFFICERS: Edmund Canfleld, Pres.,Wm. S. Bates, Sec'y, Henry Chapman, Treas. rpHIS Company was organized on the 27th X day of March, A. I). ix.r5, under a spec ial charier from the Legislature of Illinois, and business commenced under the most fa vorable auspices. Its establishment has been upon a firm and reliable basis, and in view of its stabilitv,soundness,and permanency, ranks as one of the first Insurance Companies in tho counjry. To those desirous of protecting themselves against loss or damage by Fire, or fierils of the Sea, they beg leave to offer the ollowiny REFERENCES. Messrs. Stone &. Witt, Cleveland, Ohio, Williams k. Avery, Chicago, UL " Norton t Brother, Stone &. Boomer, H. S. Durand, Pres. Racine & Miss. R. R. Geo. C. Northxup, Cash. Racine C. Bank. Win. P. Lind, Esq., Milwaukee. J. (J. Couroe, Enq. Racine. Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Com'l B'k, Chicago. Henry Famham, President Chicago fc Rock Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhodes, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, lit. Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs. Wadsworlh, Welle k. Seymour, Chicago. 111. ' Messrs. I. H. Burch & Co., Chicago Bank. Messrs. G. W. Sier fc Co. Chicago, 111. Wm. Blanchard, Esq., Morris, III. Messrs. H. C. & O. G. Cook Si Co., Rock ford. III. Messs. H, Wheeler t Son, Aurora. III. Messrs. Judd, Smith 4. Pratt, Dixon, 111. Nehamiah Case, Esq., Buffalo. N. Y. Wm. B. Fundy, Esq.. Springfield, HI, Gen. I. Cum, 'Springfield, 11L Richard Ivers, Esq., St. Louis, Mo. 31 JOHN J. TOWN. Agent at BcUcruf.