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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1857)
,,-d, ivnJr, fa vi-man:,! I ,,,,,, , ,. , -,ri .,M,4 ,.;:-, , . i,.- . :i 1 - ' 1 1 i ' ! ' '!. .i ll JM-.t"!.! j:M;i?ij i: 'MB" ftttS-' V".' v . W i :iw ,iiii'ir, - . i it !-c -.r ;:, ?i.iK:Mi;i:i.ri ujr 1 i . I . , i.i... ' i V K4 I If.flL- ikll L 1 Ii- . . u . ... L.eV. ... II .1 . I v It, Jl . IV.. .. . 11 a if i iuii it i .. i iu it ! . . . . . i. ii. i a. i f a. bm it rn i 11 - i - - t i ( an i -; - i - aai -t t . . . tea . ir n si ' saa as 1 i - .. . it v l-.V a' Family Newspaper J--Dovoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics) Education, Amusomonts and Gonoral IntolHgcnco. OKtaV"- " : - tJELLEYTJK bGTQJjKR.!,; 32. 1857. NO. 50. roauimo LLEVIE CITY, Nt T. .U .V ttonrV M! Burt dol'i ili 1 ....Mil . oil ("! ! 'l 1. m-;1 ,v TV in ik '. hi- i- - Jl 'Unei! rj (UUne or less) 1 yea ft 0V Oae col'iim, one yar. ............ .. fHI (10 Oa;-lnlf column, one ' j4"1' 3 00 , eolman,' sit aionta . 35 00 " ..htlf column. si iaonth.''. J W 00 foirth ' " .... J 10 00 tirtth fV,".. .;.. 'H 00 " ,to!umn, thf"a months ..i. ........ 20 (X) half colums lh' mohths...'i tS 00 eighth J J. .. 'A. rt 00 Aaaauacinx ctadldates foi1 ofliea...- . 0 1l' ' JOB WORK. v For eljhth nhet bills, nr 100 A.. t 00 For quarter "' . i.'...., ..i 4 00 For h Alt, M. ........ n m Yot whole !- iS .v. .... 18 00 Fo eoUred pa pT, half sheet, pr 100. 5 00 Yoi blanks, pr q'llre, first quire ... t 00 Eech subsequent autre 1 00 CsrHn.'pfr pack i VJL .'X'Jl .1. 1.1 1 880 Each suixeauent pack ' 4 (! 1 (9 For Ball Tickets, fancy paper per hun'd A 04 Kaeh subsequent hnudred,, , 4 00 BUSINESS CARD. .nt a . Bowen it Strictliad, .. , 4 TTOIlEYS AT LAVT. Raal Estate, City IMi and Claims bought and sold. Purchasers. wiQ do well lo call at our offica and examine oar list of City' Lots, tc, before iturehaiiur elsavraere. .Qmc to Cook's new li Mu.r '.-orniir bf FilQrihZ Mali, street flit. ii I L. Bowen I LAW, Hellene, MJi.t,. 1-tf S. A. Stricltluu'd. A'TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR' AT iV!LAlV,.-Hellerue, N. T- l-U C. T. Ilolloway, 1 ,A ITOREV, AND . COUSELLOJl- AT a.,i,AW,.41eUvu, S..T, , ltf 'M,,,'J''W."n. Oook. fiJe,lieu:tty,br ESTATE ska. l-tx v. t . i n, B. P. Raokin. .,i! "A' TTORNEY" AND'- COU.N'SXLLOB J AT IIl LAW. La PI Ute, N. T.' 1 -S"vlitf T ,u .. .. h. v. uoMens. i , mi,,,) " TTORXEY AT LAW and Geaerai Land X. AGEN T, cite, N. T( . OUice-iu Ufiry Woj4'S by? Brick illock, Faruhain streeL -'"i .5i'A it Itinttt. fU J lipsTATE 01 fpy l! 0fW?f r-'Af r.-'OTiiooli ilaruey street, j..-t.i'.ii P 0;l!v;i Farti.iUr ati te ..i i i . i t-tf .Ti. j;ifi4ion Crro Wo 'jl.'ahinnorr.- V-iordMlky i'.ri VO.njVAUOINO MER tert8? ''.V'k..flrriT I 'ScaWt. in ' fadia'atSoods,' Horses; Mule), and ; STw.ivi-a 'Uis u.. ..1 wfvM-' 4-.-mTr7 ,smn'd D. J. SalliTaHj M Dm k i f'JYSICtAV " a flip SURGKONiOmceJ Head of Broadway,1 Cotmeil Blots, Iowa. -tyM.m i ll.l.l IM ,ty0 -i-t. a. comiko. CW. f. 1 John c. Tcaa. i. '-.iLtj,j.'J,iw, . u 1 !;TT r r v,..,, ..jVVWuiJ j JfJ - inerueut ul Uuo mnti tuai csiaie ,3rw. OMAHA CITY, N. T AT7ILL atteud faithtullv asd promptly to 11 all buiiness entrusted to them,, io. the T.rrifArlAI AilMt-.An... Ia lit. nurAiM nf lot and lamts, entries and prs-emptionsA col- K '.0&n1rXsSs of sVymts , (tew building, nearly pppo-ite th Westera , Ejhsng Bank. Ffirwhapi Btreer," Jl fj 1 .Paper liUt Territory, Connell BluffiVBii . fU and, KeoVuk. '.Tl! 1 pi ' copy and charge Kebratka'plnee. V " ," , ' - i . . boxes & co'3 :; WESTERN , LITHOGRAPHIC ESTAnLISIlMEXT, riorences'irebtbak, iu Main It. ""Town PUts, 'Maps, . Sketches), . . Business Cards, Checks fc Bills, Ceitiacates, ; anderfry deecrintlon of plain and fancy Wh . gravuig, exacutsd prompfly iq eastern style., .i '""'1 W. LEU'I .t - Mil a'A JnV'H9 V V. .. u" Miifinesslh nia ifii:v ume n urgarytfetv ;: fsriiva::ta:::.: fwl : f-horetf?wir & Benton, ?t V.'",. eio rtaf ' ...i ..... liOpV I y AN If EtS AND L:4 AUENTA, Council IAWnONABLE Hair Cntttiig, I Shaving,' -' ' Dyihei, and Bathing halooi,, ihl4 d-r Tl west of tue Bank, tt- i!,a, V T. ! J CHjuU, Oot. 1, 1.'7. ty " D C S I ICK IS ..!C A U U S.. D. H. Solomon, TTOHNEY. and I CQUMSKLLOR.! AT LAW. Ulcuwooik Mills Co.. luw. J.rac- tlcs In all Ui Coiirti tt n vieni Iowa and NebrisVa, and tht 1'iptetne Con of Iowa. Land Kfeeiwy ttrt In the I'roprammc. no 4-tf EN'fetlAL ' LAN'i) 1 AOCNTS." Belni VT.y,; r.. lN 'pKaipil7 acnind t tht cblfrcu.itf aad iiJrrKiBg;inauXi locating i.and Wattaiilsi u and elUucity,ota, kc. OlliC at the tfollevut .llousf . i o.n uusuv oeeger, ,, ... . , rilOPOGRAPHlC AXD. CIVIL (ENUl- I si- t- i- as a .. I 1L!. iV. j., .execute Jrawing i ime l ana aescrfpuon. aiso, -an l BKiifsc Htgwattamie onnt, Greic Werc, Cellar Rapid, Iowa. -. Greene, Weai II Rice, Fort Dcs Mwlnes, fa. Colecllpritf msfle v ,iax pam; ana l.ana purcliaseVTaiKf sold, in any part of loWa.: 1-tt S6tkfYlsL,RVE,rofT ,op sAnpy co. J will attend to all buiiness of Surrey tnpy I laymc out and dividing land, nr.eyinc and platting townr. and!.ruada. Ulfice ail Main street, Brllevite, N. T i . .. . 2C-tf - i . UftOi SNTftrflfe'l li'l .lU. 'JOHH M, SHkKMAIT, .it:,.! Snyder tt Sherman, ,i , A' TTORNEYS a ad COUNSELLORS AT L taw vrrrimrti pi'iii in pn,.. A 4W4 U J. . .'IV .1" ..... . WVW.NW..f- cil Blulfs, Iowa, will practice their. profession' in all uie Uo irts or lowa ana enrasKa. An clVeetfoirs entrusted to theif care. at. tended tff'pramptlT'..'i! ! : '....i .. Esixcial. attention civen to bnyinc and. sell- Ins real estate, and making pre-etuptlous in Nebraska. " ' " '"'-'' Deedsj MortaResj an4 othni1 Snstrirmentt of writing, drnwn i with dispatoh , IcJtnowledg. ments taken, tc kc. . . . W O.Tice west aids of Madison tret, itist above uroaa lwaj. no 13 'I IT 1-tf.M III, a. SMITH. . "'' J.'H. SlttTH h' T ".' Biitith''&! Brother.,,,,!' A TT6REY$ft COUNSRLLORSatLAW l aiM Dealers In Real Es'nte, Bellevno Nebraska Territory, will attend faithfully and promptly to 4uying and selluie Real tutste. Ciiyi Lota, Claims, nd Land Warrants. Office ' " 1 " ii n'siii'ii'i'i t ATTORNEY mimMELim iTwl.tlf ' t. ;i CENERAL.LAND A1$ZrM 1! v A N D 8 NOTARY;; PU BIJC, PlcdUmouth, Cass Co. An.'"' ATTENDS to bfcinec in: any of jth. Courts of this Texritory. Tdrticular attention paid to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, rol- fectton oT debts; Sne taxes imld. 1 L'lters of i inquiry Mlativatn any parts of the Territory answered, u accompanied witua le. -m-vaA v. REFERENCES f- ,;) .' i . HajQLvmi. Trama'Ul, U. . 8. from His.;, Hon, Jamaa.Kiox M, y.. , f',, " i Hon. 0. II. Browning. Qulncv. " n" 1 Hon. James W. Gim's, Governor of tows. Ifbn rt. P. Benwtt, De4 o C. 'fwlm fit. T. I " -OeanJlVesre It. Benton Council .Hluffs.-l.. I t Nixkollw K Co.. Glaiwupl. lows... 13'f. I. xr A. W. Buck,? .',.,tl KrTT) and .General Arenr. , Pre-F.mption Phpea prepared, Lmd arrant bpuebt Ui - oVH. Oifice inlyi 0!d Stats House, over th V. S. Land OilSce, , T' ' Iton; XM- ftfllmorej ReceWtr, Omaha.'U " Hon; Kn6 Iw. i . " .f! i. Hoii.jA. slkland, Bellas, y,B(J lln IIah n L'miiaV lloo". 1 SteHing'mrtopVXebrisJckCl'r;' 1 bitiitia.'Jnn')1. m7J"' I "i t 9i .etflikk. Ti nir'.n 7fiimjni tv'K ' FHB W A l niA'ILMutljJJOjf JtE'EliMJDS, . i Vri.STKMBQATijAND CtULE,CTJLXG; ... try M . m rmy a BELLEYUE, NEBrAA. Dealer! in P?n Lumber, Boon, 'Sash, Flour. MeaL Eaeon. ftoA &c. 1 Cf Direct io4W'WTO r f.sjpA.141, ni.m u(:)i.(.i.i..i nellevue Nebraska. ITS prepared to transact, Uisgeperalkysinesa 1 x of Banking, will receive deiiosits. Discount I short paper, buy Bills of Xxthang. .on all1' parts of theComitrv, apd sell ;u HU-Loui,(i. Chicago jiad New .York tuaVa. collections lu thm vlilnlt tf Slid f nr I li A&k in. At fnpranl - "I",-. w . rates or r.xenanges (f v . imeresi auowk4snepctai ueposus. JUtiK..wr,aat,t i'rev'nt. ! Tiioi.- n. Bsmtok,. Y. Pres. Johw J. XowajCaslaer, mi j., lti l-tf Banking Honrs--1lo 9 ,U 12, A. M- and 1 toa, rj.Ti. ,.i.m v ) i- .r W. IT. tongidorf. M. D.J TSHYSICIAV AND SCRGEOt:-0'fne oii 1 X Main, between Twety-FifUYand Twenty. c . ,u . . - tj -1 1 r. . tn. ... j ' . aee. "macok;' ..; t. JWaeon L Brother, M A TTORNEYS AT LAW 4 LAND AGTS., ' T ! i . 1 of every style XX Umaha City, Nebraska- Office on corviu ;i r: i.e.ti i 1' . ' ner of Parwham and Fourteenth Mreeta. iltfisTe fAf wamic cf HIS GUST5 "XtEATLY and expadltiouslv etscnted, oe 1 1 resoavu teifs, at mis t0ce. . DOTS "and" K nty-Hses 5t Obe' Btnd io, all etres BLLIEVLE T0kE. p. asarpi; MERCHANT,'., .,, '.,,.. (.,, 6til continues' hi above bnslnes at , fcT. MARTS, IOWA, to BELLEVUB, ! Mei'crnnts'and 'F.inlcrniits will find tbeir coimIs promptly and carefully attended to. . i , P..t J have the only ,W ARKHOUSE tot atora're at the above iinina tandlni;. ' '' " St. Mirys, Feb. '2hv, 1837. : ' ' gl-tf ' in vTootl tt Oreuo, .. . ,,,, i WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALERS, U'nn.t Inu-B. W, a,v, t.i loa'litii attention of th Good Penpltf Mill, pM. .Mol.,marO:aad Caa .!: r:, - ,...7." , ' , ....i r... i. etasRs, to our inree ano: laiesuppir r every krnd ot MERCHANDISE, -usually kept lit Western Iowa. Our stock of Groceries is laree and complete hsvliic tea " hourht ami iliipped a. little ilowcr than o:ir tifi(cliMrj, O ir stock of Hirnvvare, Oueenswnre, Wood- enwarev Boots and hoes, Hats and Cap aod Ready-Made ClOtiHng, have all bean purchased In the Eastern citie. at Hie lowest cash prices'. Give us a; before you purchase, and if we do riot cheap good, we will make oiiriieiglibors ilo so. ' ' ' ' ' ' . CS Eemembw th cheapest hoiiso in towi , I Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23; 1R50. 1-tf' ' . .i! i : '. ' , -I'-r t-rf - . . Tootle & Jackson, 170RWARDIXO fc'COMMISSlON MER JL? CHANTS,' Conncil. ; Blntf city, . Iowa, Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse on the Lwp t lha Connail 1iuTa landing, are now prepared to receive and store, all kinds of mtichsndise knd produce, will receive and' pa v" charges otii all kinds.. oi freigtns so that Steam Boat will not be detained as they have been'heretofore, In eettlrij tome one to receive freight, whan Uie consigners are absent rtii! Livermoore & Coolcv. S. C. D'axit k Cb. and Humphrey, Pitt fc. Tory,- ftu Loaia, Mo. v Tootle. Fairleidi, St. Jeti,; Mo. .1, S. unenewortn M.o., Lincinnati unioi W. f . Coulbongh. Burlington, Irtws. i . f. T, rSAK L, KEMr.. WILLIAM JtROCSllAM. New York W 1.. r 0 '. -AND . J E W E L R Y . SIORE, Y BAtF.RS,iB .ClocV, Watches, Jewelry, J Musical Instruments, Killea, Shot Uitns, Ihi hstoU; " ' ' l . i . .!)..,!) .li.-'if.;, CLOCKS,..'. r i ,v Thlrtvhoiir and eighjt .lav clocks 6f the two twst-manufactories' rn th Vnloaj atmmboaf M office apryig e locks. Vj. ... ,. ... .. , guns: single and" do-ibl shot Guns; from" five W ftfty .dollars tj Rifles) of our iOwu inske j also. S. astern rrtake ;. Pistols of all kinds; pistol ask', shot bag, wadding and Wad cn tiers j 'eoromao viod. water-proof ca pat coltfs caps, Western trade, which norther. tiae nor spae anu numerous o.ner articles suinoie ior me Will aiiow-to eMnmerate, , ,,. )... ,, ij All of the above arficVs sold bn the fno reasonable terms. ' RtpdtHng doni to ordej-afshort notie.'" ,-'i . noV-tf : '..''OmaHJi Ci-.-NVT.l - ! ' ! NEW GOOCS! NEW STORE!! THE undersigned hnv opeaedyai IhitoesV store on Do-iglas freet, opposite the aokt, a, or w ant) 'plei.dfd assortuent of ' DRY d60DS.' ' " '"'I ' 1 CLcmiivfV .''"" r.'.-BOOTS kndl RrtftES, . ,'-,,n . , , i ,J10QKS;.STATIONERY,i.T ' Oir stock of Dry Geo Is eo apriaesalr kinds pf LAD3ES?, Gni'LEMEN'' and CHILD- ALX. KINDS OF OJIEft t3S ' and everyUilim that. Is reqpisU to make up a complsie atsurtninnt exf Dry Coodf. ' " ' -1 We have a Urg-. lovnf ,Clo khif that Is well and fashoab.l.y. made, and oH of. the best material... 0r stock cansistk of all kind of Cents jiirnlshlng Gootr. :' ''-- ' ' '"' "BOOTS and !irjEU ' , " Our oefe of Hoo and Shoes is the largest ever offered to the citiiensof Nebraska,, They are, pureanf ind TrS'ol hl very beaV.oTallrV.1- . atvi,kt A ) rise ff rtn .that mamirai.ii 1 j . A . . v fx ' a . a a . 1 turers, an , Our gopd opd r- all newt and reWtJy pur. enaseii 1 ,: .1 .... - 1.... i n lhe of p.nih And Vicl-iitv ai-e re.,., ,h ttlairil of ,hft NfcirYsirk Dliic - - I 'f,'"?i r?r.M.r ,och'Mt1i ti,u. e(.. !I .T - ,i t: " M "'A . .-.V,: . - I , . THE PROPRIETOR Clt TitF ATthT V " 1 -'I... i.i Il j t. i m ., J I .II.- ,, .. J. I A DOC AtirVDfiDIll AD T' ' knnwu' nnu t wi u.rii t t.'i Iws.J II.,., f ! Liu. i ','t , lul V .. . - ' bna ; :0FFERS E b.. j.D II'"'. I : '-.' 1 .-... ... ntiiTM.I Itl ).' n .4.f 1 To the ' rubllo. 'l lad1' will: readir . . . . ' . . '; '1'',:,""!' "' '" AWtlUUOU ATTKXTIO.Y i 1 1 ; ! i.l LLE. . .Tin . J.T, A sn i Jtb . ' i rrtE'A, TEA; 'TEA r.A, 11.1,1 c A-vn wp-op ariicis r Ye-Jte Hv.a. at 6i cc. rer rouAd. at the A Up-op irticls af BfLLEVCE EVOKE. .POETRY. I , The Merry Heart. ! .1 BY CAARhtt SWAIK.i. , " 'tis welt to haVt i merry nMt,'' is T'.l '""lloweyii1 short wagtayi ., 'i: j i '. There's w sdum in a mercy hcact, , , ; .i 1 v , Whatever the world may say ..Philosophy may lift Its head l!l Hlllil Alia nnu o n m iny u ui. ' Jl I. I!. 1 Silt cIVe' rne the philosopher .1 ... Th't aappy 'with a straw. .; ,., '-.' ' 1 ti...'.. . . . . i . . , , . If life b it brings us happiness, " ' It brings' ils; we' are told, ,r ' 1 ''" ' ' WhVfe hsd to though rich os try !- . With all their heaps ot geld.,,, ' ,. . Pien laugh away, let othrf any, ( , , . Whate'er they will of mirth, . 1 Who laueh the moat may truly boait ' '' Hei got the wealth of earth. - ! '' ' i u . .) .,; , .-.., ,x, , There'a beauty the, merry Mart, , A moral beauty, too ',' Itshnus the hearl'l an honest heart, ' ' 'Tliat'a paid ch mD itc due ' a) ' Asd lent a ihmre of whit to pr, , Despite of wisdom's fears, And makes the cheek less sorrow to speak, The eye weep fswsr (earsi -- i s n ') .- ' -..' ,. (I i, ) . .. .j j .i The sun may shroud 'tself In cloud, k ' ' The tempest wrath begin ""1 It find I sprk to obeer the darkr; -3 t It's suniigtit la within -,, j,., ,.; , .,. , .Then, laugh way, let otherf My. j t Whate'er they will of mirtli t' ''VYhoiauhs the most rnayWuIy boa't; ' '"He's got th wealth Of earth. !'' i:.- 1 klSCELLANEOtTS. TiiiErrroTOP tiic Moa;v Fatasva, O.S llfDL'kTKI ,L ErLOrMEHT. Too if" ftct (f the 'money prWfiire i. btiumng to be felt on iu'Juvtrtal euiployuieiti. Some factories working only l.uit tune.andronio iraUsif nearly su.-pend'i d i.t ilu jr u-.uu! op- PlilMOliS, IU Ul UIIII..UIII II' I'lVUIUII ui fi.W.r.:i"A:hnV.a1.-ff e...rATA..-.W tx.i ,l be 'more' il.aii' lnHioarr.'.prui,v, uih,!?1 P?9!0V'f V'" 8,c elmuld the:pf,v- llU) lon J oici.tATfy oj.fH.,tM Mnei and out of l..t tpi Kfl i Jet ubl.i.vtul' -1 ;Ji. i'oJlo v. lo N e i ifi.e niiiuiT.oi ujiniii.iyLU j.erou.u iiigd-iily Inrer.uiid iiia:'ry )ierona h'hj'durly inii.pmg tit ft'oui ihe! toniury i .eorchof placW n uaclter, j.nirn. ym.-n, c4erk-,.M'auireiM'a. uiUairiiiMfiwC. , T.e JJew Yorif Tnbuue uy II rd y, aince 1 637, hu 'A glooiiiy u pfbipeot (lit vvintet lotVred upon the labornfg ' tlaS..' Ot rbiir:.. a c mhkI ratle conirnutun in Hie tire ilution,- uhicii ,n uiy vume of la I tor, wil uiif ltiw.. nee, hj) u hn u the en use cOut iiue, tlie elfecl will each day lie fr It more severely1.' " We do not op. preheml, InAteVei,! thar tile present ditli culiy will, la t to touir, or be productive of the'ame 'dia Jior ti hi iSiff Dne'ef- feet of r sciti he) reduce th Intone urkMi of,dii,iricea,rs of life, vlii'ch iaveLfep iorijii This f:ict,' which is rocorded by the upreajing frjii year to ynwitu die ex- .ILmoo Trauacript, u highly, crtdiutble to jiaiibioii iif rredit, till ihe "urJiuury lud 6T tho pptleman j.umeil., Siiipmaaer " fre Mut Vinuld bctifoely td hr tiaed ivith ft ; quen'ly excose their leaving wrecitd veil otdiiiary ties.i Wfun ih atofia deuf J iels id Aetrfate,' by aaylnjr that the deter)'- By ,r,,Tr.wrt .w,f rt ,W..aeMuel,ce.iuura v k..:ii fc.. ..u. - r . .1 1 " 1 1 , r ,9, , . , - s k-jW my nnd ili'rifi wfli hi iit'ceisaH' ii briiclic'e 1111 nuiu.i 1 nil inn anus iTiii 1 diiv. 1.1 1111 till the stbrrtt JdvrtVs ovtt.' 'Tlief1 will: a. U nlo id liHkteu! it departure I y, ,,,-, ' CicY! ati,, Sept.' 21. The1 rortowifVg J.,,,n:1: l..W .. . rlaiiee tn thi rr.k. Co.imu.iv i, L'iven iu the jubnev arno'e of p?y " "PP'-'tLV ,"'lp . su.chr tt Sie curj thi morS " j? Tjfl.!'!!!ncf. ....... . . . .. -----c- - rr0U.l,tra " f " if.T i- J " i'guauou 1 miiVfit. Wi,h lho lenkioo of our coiumerce J!"tf,T"Wv,up...i"MliiW.w disaster increase i.. the . . r -u' I . .1 - - I 1 . . . y v v" e-w-, - W sjt i.i....ii., .i... i........... .k- should rega k a isku flirheult thims for H a nsuia oiincuil ining lor iheni to iiaike a statvmeu wheudiey have irothiug lii SUtei They appomtea a coat inittejcVrtnjvisvd of twi of our wll known i iii,irrul , llid. if.i i m ..I il CTtliellr., er YJrV offltv. 1 When ihat cominttUre arrived' city, it found the acoouuts of dint ofliue In th reate confuaiuo. and 8p.k v.iedly, about as ignoranrof tbe4 f M vtu,lvim(, niM la mtn ,eiu uhrr the sdi..,. t6ok fl-lj)Qm&it filing novr i evident from'p, should reffurd n a itro ddheult thmir for 'fr. u r . " Mr. Lmllow1. htf Cuhter. refused to i-ive truaa vakcj fre h in the iii'ud f the ps any iuformutioii whatever, o aaUoeikiUqkener dial ii added much to tht ex i'c ttii coMiiaiitee tufarranir d.accoiat. nient and alarm! The Troy BvAgH eays. IntUufefuiig, .e auid he wa ai'ting f ,1- Oi)8 gehdeman wa. so overeoiue with uiidur uJvioe of counsel, lie since, now ever, c.niU.-kceiiUea io imnnn a rme tutor ........ . r , ... . I'" . r I ft 1 . I . . I I - 1 - m ttlori. tiut'os a ffer.eral 'thintr. the coin, 1.. .1 I :.L nitueea io o,ea a .creepwra.HKe w.m iwr... A., awowe at tn- urn rran.seiZe.i . , A rceM ,of Milwaukee Wsroo tbe eredilor and aW tof in urder o ena- hicurp.'llb; nnd b.uneed out of hi room. fc;u Vnows a population i f 41 51 Ti ble it,. to .u-ace .t lhe. a. .tpui.ts, W,iU a hop iif.dtjr, he, rau afi.aut 'n4w jn ju. iS55.two years a.J floury i necearily tedious and th pr' gM.pmifrt r hfe prerver, p ared two thr ,0lrth, lb, p,H,laiiou gresAiuade s far throws no light what. v. of iU U round hi carpel tg aud the oih. 30 061. makius au inerease of 11.4SI. er upm. ine state 01 mauevs, anu ine wuoie. . t .. . . i.s si auair presoiua una aim giouiiiy an riraiire 4 did at atiy liirii) iic the ' I I-"' s,asml 4u7 , .1 , 1 .1 . 1 are upon mojt re able qfonnato,ri. show 'c!eiirly that tU acvomju 4 tho Yurk.hii uiioroi, . . urjicu ru in n iiio.t uiucralile coti.iuiuii, ami tin f.rt iiicr pm ii u of tlieui, no il.LlX, for thf Inst iVwirioiitlis have betru ktpl in Um aliapo of luvinuraiiiiuiiia. , '. ' Ca VSE Tilt OuTMBtiX t! lufJlt. Tim Etilnih' papcr iiro jiikt biluninj Id reanie tou fuel it in nl rligiuu Ua u Uo ir riiM. Ute MuuuinincOnn tiiij ire Uiut ha iuukd dm uuilrtuk iu I.idm. luteiliL'iit KiigliihiiK'ti in Indm I, nve no ticed tliii feulirij' hiiioiig'tlle Moliamm" d ii in for year, anil it i uaul tkut it wa th practiuo la bavo daily prayer ollVrt d iu the ilosquu tor hu ro-tluljli.Liiiciit uf the Ktiitf ,t Doli.i. Thu revolution i not k inu'.ujy ia Hie nfinV ulonr-.1 but a icvolu tion 6f the whole Motiumiiiodan population ol iuiiia. - Thd povirliiutnt Mk so secure that it only luuhuj, at tlieso iniuuuUou; and it waitioi il the army fceiacd on the pi it'. xt of the gn asuti cur triea to mut ny ttmi it 'Logan to realize the extent uf the dunircr. ' 'IliO rapid fcproud f tlie mutiny ahows Hint it wns the work of cuu ert. A Ocruiuu pupur, in a letter to Calcutta, ay the revolution vm to begin iu Calcutta aud not Delhi.1' The plan wa to murder all the European and Christians, and tare, siort the ancient Mohaiiimedan empire. All (be plans were well laid,. aud the ob i:ct uiuat haye biren Utaini'd, if it had not beeii for ihe precipitancy of one of the native regiment, v.hich coinii.tnceJ the outbreak-to toon. -l . i.o p. ' Tnc ' Ntw ' I'ibuan Milo. Mr. Carpehter f Jlye, yesterduy eili bited in Trc Thibvni OlHce una cf these new aud valuable contributions to hor'icullurr, growu by C. K. Jliker of Stamford, ( uu. that mi'Mireil, eitfhtoer imhek in length iu(f ticc hty-foor ruche in circanifererice. Tlu-be nit-Ions are, in form and etterior culi. r, like tl.e bid fiitliioiinj mil k-meloo, but. the f ! la of grenih color, like the (h'h of the uiiuri.. variety. Iiiai l ' those mel.tna Were intr.iduced into thlal country mo years ao by a who liurpeiiid tti uolice the very uprtor Imvvf of a iin Joii nerved ul a table in 1 wa,.Vleti. w alipiwd a lew aeiUa MoM, ad . uifU tiif mo.'4 ii yor bi.'ii)ff ((illosed tbiyuJi so m;iuy cfiniiii' ls, 'vill ti.jse a f.i piil fJpri'uul in the ii'roduijti -n of one of thi l,et lu lens; prouiibly.' ererr)ixlucd into lh oowitry. The flneqr. is not'otily de - ritinui, but. the Iran ha a quality for keeping better than any. melon how culti vated, , wlii- h will add to its value 16 thu market gardener. .V Y. ' Triton. ' ISoai.r. I ON DUCT OP AliaCUANT I ' ' . -.' t' J... a The ln Marine which so opportunely relied one- hundred, of th. ptteer.?er. ?." tha ;emral Amwi i,-tt by l.luhu Auuia, Ei ol BiMlua. ,Tbut 1 k . - . - , ; gen leiuai, dec men compensation for the l-tniut "iiirf.W.V V4 iiwnrr..H l. n, dui.i. 1 nssiiniiLo iriiui'iiu uj uie i'i iE, aii.tuugu i . . , . , : . - , , . . , t on .utwMm-ri-Fy vuua uriSif iiien. imo Jtuey t irt Miami -r 1 1 bst'ava sai iikia ti 1 r i rsirsiiiif 1 1 rx l. , . .ai iu bp vi ivv va 1 vaunuit on Ibe I'ereise of Uieir better feeling if it realty eTts. ' Certainty no where is hu inanity placed iu n situation where it 110 Utile able to n4p itielf, os.vpon a wTeck 4 . wpa l . J.I 1 iv. a u-reienea unm 10 live uituer trie thta. ' ectiun of its laW. end endtM to its bene- t : . . . : . : unwiliil"," ' w l lUlirsw 1 t tl'V.'-0: V wereiore a better "' ' . consciention. feeling of th-iri .1 , it a-ffv, . il, I .da iltaarsatakH in aiiurt.dit Ii. uf. . u7 -rr .- . ....v... ...... . lM n a v uVnVh have been recently fecdrdrd where timely asaiatauce would have saved many live. . , '.Ul '! 1 !. U MIMIISSkBSW L V n icap o 1 n ts Ti t Or Da eta. When ihe'tteamef ' Uaae A'eiofon broke her walk ins oeam 6a Saturday nitht. he lamentable disaster to the CttJrmlJm ,' ' fear that be ,du, headlong out hj, aIMl sixty eight firms fa.M in Bostoo p. ataierotau wmdoumto lh- uajr- An-ih. l'ur,M-' lhe lx .'hP'cedin5 the sua i. er.ahvKKHi.dricolo!d fellow from Roches. P'""- Lovil lkrK. er.a bvivwvunlrirnl i h ler. N. Y.. awoke at th t-t fro-h. seized . ,-. . . . a fvti a er en fco ann. i4 awontered. n- saurtiereii eatic. wim oeaa erect, auu WI Q a p'eaant, self-reliant ipre !.,. Itwa; "nin ul" snii as nirrum raiiUf . . , . . - . - , , , 7 light rarunu, tUl he hot bacl: acaiu Mom: v. Money in a ijin nr institution. Il buy pro inilur, latielies juaiicu.uml heal wotmdid honor, i J'.irryiliinjj resolve ii aelf into ciuh, fiiu n Mwl jobbing to build, inir t.liurt hec. CInMhooil iTiiveo pennies; youih uf,iircs t ilime-i: inunhud i ewnyid by the miphly dollur. The bluck.tmilb , awius hi hlnlkje, the lawyer plead for hU client, uml the jtiilu deciilua the idea tion of life nnd denih for his salary . Money timkes tho tuun; therefore uiao makes the money, if he be refpected by foolj for the eye of iho world look through goMun hettucleJ. It buys Jirui. kelsinrpet.i, luce iiirtuin. pilded lornice and ricn furniture, ; nd build marble man. tii. It drive it to church in splendid equipage and Miy die rent of the best pew. It buy ilk aud jewelry for my la ily it enmmund tlin repect of gaping crovd and obsequiou ntteutim. Il enable u to bo cl.anuil.le, to a. nd bi (ilea lo the hoaih'-n. aud relieve domestic indigence. It g'ld the rugid Scenes of life over the rugged path uf existence a velvet carpet eoft to our tread. Am IriQViBiNu Mian. The followirtj anecdote which a friend related lo us as a..tiial iccurreme, omack some snmewhat if tho itoriea ot chi droit rvlaud by the KnickerlKMiken A art rippl i nvr oin eight years of age, was engaged in the tnnuufueture of a stool, which on account of a dii-purity iu the lenth of the leg, refused to ttaud up. After fruitless effort to, make it do a?, said: ' "Mother," ''doea tho Lei toe evary thingr , ' res, my son." ' 'Well." replied tie young hopfiful, -I guess he'll laugh when he aee thiato;l? FaANKLiK aToA.iT. Long after Wash ington's victories oier ihe French and Eng. ' li'D had mii.le hi fmniliar over alt Murune. Or. Fruukliu i huuctd to dine with geutUmautaae Eiiili1.! nnd French Ami Dndors, wheii the following toa.,t were drank: Ily the Ilritijh Aiiiiiuu.lor 'Eng'nnd Uie sim wh,e beams idighUi and fruo-. tify the remotest corner of ihe earth." Tue French Ambassador, glowing with, n itional pride, drunk ''France ihe moon' whi-e m i.d, mo.kIv and cheering ray, are' tho delight of ull nations, consoling them in diirkne.-, nnd mnkiiu their dreariness benoiiful." . I).-. I'Vunliliii ihpii rosH. and 1 with hi uaual dignified aimpliciiy.taid: . "George Wnhinirt. n-the Jo,hua. who Ctiiiinaii.led the Sun in id Moon to alaod u II, utid they oh. yed him." , . Ciarrt LLr Maukco. The 'Syracuse' Standard say that one of the ladies o .Omil.'BIU M1 ll.Sl VI U1V lUIC W ; Af) y111(.wh. al lUe iu.llio fJ . curfjon 01) We,.naT last, eipiaed tl x iltIvr fc(.irU duri,ff .. 0n ..' j.. ' ihilh . uii wi iiri hi.i, nil in illicit 111 st ;ei,ch. ilt Ulia ,elltfrs: JExtra Crv. Ait Ibimi roTscaii'T. Tt)e Btor Museiiiii uys ihut die following postcript 1t hn Irrh letter rnn ls seen at thn office: .'Dear Mike: -If ye doi.'i pn thi inter at all. write, au hu lu It, an 1 1 raise ihe . . ..... . .., ivil wilh lhe W(uoMher. ., AnTiniud nosr I iJit t . .tn . - . . va nee, tut wn t ti'.I yo see the utter tuk safe from the ofTi . :.' n: 1 . FoaattR BijfxbvkMsiios. rst uieit.-iou of .H.'cii; payment by banks, i w . I . " "7 . I J" -J " w j 1SI4. iin.i.edi.rtely ofter the 1 i"re of he thy of WakhmgUMt by the nAtislu : The bank of New York end all .tvuui anu rrrsi kufuniuru. uim uei 1101 re ' .v. 1 11:1 kume fur three or four year. . Tho geiierul suspenVi.Hi in 1S37, hegaa at'New York, May 10h.' nnd the next day the! ank of lljsion; Philadelphia and liaiuumre followed. The . Uuk of Ciu- , a a . ciunatu lusnended on the I7th. A general resumption of cpccie pay - ments was attempted in 1839. but a large pioportion or me anK ohi noi succeea in .i ' :.. . i : : j Kt5 ll04 f ff, W( d uuu iSd3 aul 1S44. Tne rU-penMon in New York in 1S37, I , . .1 . T i . ! Teeue. nenoo ui .preceaeni- ed cominerrtnl distre. Three hundred heavy firm failed their that tpriri? with liabilitien ea m itd at sr40.0U0.UU0, nnd it wn Mid that 2000 men d. pendent on their dn'ily lalior for their Mippurt, were thrown out of employment. . The pressure waa equally severe in other plat es; one hun 1 t . k . - 4. W .1 .i . ' a ' A ,lke irCT..,sa Uill;j jcqp 65,. 000 inhabitants. ' . , ' , .. . . ' 1 - W . new readm? td: Shake , ou trraceiers ri ku'oiou at oute fTri iu oal luC tiinc-'JIclA CA wi, wr ij sijir