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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1857)
t r ABMEIl. - .t biunr &ur Inn,-. St. KUHL &. ICAYSER, Miry, Mills County Iowa. tiiii' we Iiiii' tri, ni-vnt l.i.rK irottioalvo price of , P1-1 vV sugar serves to make the iutr.HhKijoii of tho Chino?C mtgircne into the linn .id I L' l.l, ...... f Ift.-.. Hi III r III ft StlbieCt Of I WT1' fiaive u " -""-"'- , i ' . . .1... rt ,,,, .-.-, " I great importance, hihhu j;.... . , inerMt, W to every individual, whulcver his location of pursuit. The ninn ..f poy. rrty U quite 'mah ' ""l n,(Sr'' ,,'Py iuiorswuM in it thiui the man of opulence, Lecflo-io frcahh can couimiiuiJ luxuries hi nny'c.0. vchili I'ip'h rri,, for "'",'m iiPccMiiy f every itay life, li'' iiRrt . - I I ...V... n I.I, llwt lliliir IHU3I l Ul WllUl'ui jiin.ii .7 - -;yi or cWiflrhiX inwiiveiiioncl, it' not sulkr iu'.tt'iU cnine.. ', ' Th engravings' show iho muo in full grown' siau, and tho null by which tlwjulcrt blob i xprc'd. From 1'' lauiy'e account of it,' o f,ivf n few con densed extract, whi:h will five our read 1 fi 0 fcood idon f tlio subject. I have witness' l the growth of the rn:,r by the ai re, and production of syrup by barrels.' Calmly iowing till thu facts which i U boci-. able to collect, I no lon ger enlortn'm a iM'U llmt this plant hwoII worthy of tho attention nnd study of the formers. Planters of tho South. Thi) ChincrC sugar-rune sectnsto adnpt ii.lf to nil ihe 'vicissitudes of our varied cliinnteftnd soil, with i facility unsuip.i.-.. arons, NEW FIRM, new ooons. W.illd Trpcr 'fully announce to the ;,o iff M.Us nnd n,lliiliig couniion. !uu located o ireve In the-new Uriel k'i'K1 it the corner or trout street nnu Htrr'x Act.uo. In St. M irv, f n I now nave on liiiu.l 11 full ttixl well sob'ciod Stork rr 3NTo'V7" GoodB, n.l ip'ed tii wauls r )hi cnmmuiilty, ci.11 ulnlniC of tcJ Vy corn or whont. In Clu-roV litor- 17 1 at. II KWtii tv -"o . . o . . (;nori'.nu'.R. 1 1 u Y (ioons. jiauhwaui:. jim's .v caps. t(M)TH A. siit)r.s. DItl liSA MKDIf'tM'.S, OILS. CI.orillNC, PANCV tiODHS, ruuMTiitr., I' M N T, i.Kji'ons. WIM)V-(.I.ASS, SASH, A.I-., &c W nr il,-l.i-llllliitl In Hi'll In rilll cimo r. i-,.r ihfiri niiv o'lior (ilnlilishin'-iil. in lliin onrtlmi ir tin siiito. An pinmlnation of mil- K'ot k iiii'l priri' will lie nil tint In ii.-ci-h- j niry I" rnnviTirc yn 1 of 1 lie f.ict. Look j fur tin ! MAMMOTH BRICK STORE!! ! FRONT STREET, ST. MARY. f;V" All kiniN of country priidiice takon in rxolmivr for liooiN. no.Vlf. kl'HL &. K AYSI'.H. rnosrr.fTfs rou h7. satuhday"evTning post. ItuKlHliod Auun 4tli, 1S!21. Tliii pililiiln'r!i of I'ali old nnd firmly-"! nl lislioil nnnrr l.lWi idi-.i ir i i nllini tlir at- pitii!i llm (iiiMiii to tin ir ruirr.uiimp for Hi,- i-oinin yr. SaiTrilrd ui'li iolitir, tli i-lalim or liii-rntnrf will mori' tlum rv-r nj)iriTi Of I tit Hi ir.nlinirw.irM. S li.iv tlii'ioforr ulrriidv inld'i nrr.insriiirnt with tho following lirilMfliit ll't of wriifM : Willi.iin Hnwitt (of Knu'l ind). Ali-f dry, T s Aril, , ip. Mn. Soithwori 1. A'.U'H' no DniTiititir. Mm. M. A. i).iuii.m, ttie mi'iiur i , 'ill.ih," Kc. , Wr ilmiitn rnmnirniitiff, "i 1 1 - lirsi ii itnDcr, In January nrxt, tho fullowrif; original Novcl- Tiill'.nu'pttii, or tli' S'lunllrr' Ilonir ny William' llnwi t, author of Kur il l.ifp in r.r.el.iiiil," 'IIoiiich of tli l'o"'.," Thin i a S'oiv of Am' l.ifr, Mr. IWilt having visilrd Anatrali.t evprriMv with Iho ol.ji'i t of nciinaintia liiin-o ll' wi h tin1 novel mid romantic. an'mrH undor which nature and mti-h-ly j'lrspivt thrimclvps in that aiiitrnlar iPirion. ' Tho rollow inii lvp'l' will tln lir civ.-a. th'i i(.'h 1'iohahly not in the exact order hero iiipntiotiPil Thr Carv AMKHICAN AM) OKKilN.U., THE KNICXEREOCKER MAOAZIKE. 1 I'.oiTii) nv Iii'i (iAVtonn ("i.'.hk. ritlir. numlirr for Janaarv. 1 '."". hririni llm J. I'orly-Si coiul VoIiiiiip of tho Knicki'ihock rr M iir.i.inn. Siucp Hip inrr of Kiili'rni" Ion h nrrn rr ilncrd from Tivp to thrcp dollars a vrar. thr circulation of thr K ni K 1 rbock f.r hai hrcn iucrcaird ncarlv four to otic. In many placei ton arc t.ilen whrrr fliorp wn'i hat omp tnTorr, nnd throunh the year it has Iippii nlpadily in rrpasinir. It ii niiw '.It'crpd an cheap an any nf the M ie iiiips, nil thine rormiilernl. In- nfpad of m-iki'iir new and pro.liitio.m jironnnp'", tvo milimit a few rxlrartu from notices of late i nnmhi-ri, which wc mij;lit extend to a nuinher of i.icp. "Thofle familiar willi the Hditor's Monthly! C(HMii with hli Itendprs,' have doiiblleHs. ' w ith onrMelvpn. admired the iiaronnial mvirce ,.r ll uil ntwl iovo'iiuea. In thin nuinher I he (i.Mnip' hold-i o-i i's r-v like mmi- fair pnt;e!i contain rivulet Matu-in;: and dancing in the nuiixlime or ; . ... 1 i.. 1 n .Ma v moriinic. we useu in wonm-i ion., Mr. Clark ci ild hold oat, i'X)Pctin)r he mast rer'ainly 'let down' in the coming nuinlier s hut thin nuinher piie-i 110 siu'n of exhaustion."' 1 I National lutellicnfer, Wanhint,ton. Kind; ! CllKAP KST MAGAZINE IN TIIE WORLD. BALLOU'S DOLLAR MONTHLY. r.nrnnragrd 1'V thr nnnrccedentrd uccrs which thin mMilar monthlvlias met w ith, and the rapidity with which it hnn incrrnned Itn circulation, the oroprirtor ha rrnolved to make H ntiTl more worthy of the patronage 01 thp public. That thl admirable work i a "Miiaclr of Chpapupnn," in admitted by every oae, containing, a it doe, "one hun dred' page" of reading matter in rach num ber, and forming two volume a year of ix hundred pare each, nr "twelve hundred' page of reading matter per annum, for DM. DOLLAR! , ., llillou Dollar Monthly is printed with new type, upon fine white paper, and its mat ter in'rarefnlly compiled nnd arranged by the hand of the editor and proprietor, who has been known to the public an connected with 1 it,.. n,,inn t,re for nearlv fifteen years. Us xmvs. TVT.r.S. POF.MR. STOHIF.S OF Till: SKA, KKKTCHKH, M ISC I'LL A NY, ADVKNTFRKS, HUKiRA PHIKS, WIT AM) HUMOR, 'IMeaniiit. e-Piiiiil. ileli''h' fill 'Owl I'hv name in a nuggentlon of thing delerlal i' ... .. ..r n 1 ittitiTrv 1. . 11 v 1 1 ' 1 1 1 e hi r 1 1 r i,r in v 1 onrn. . 1 i -.0 ......... An original Novelet, written i-xpriM lv for the Post. The Wilhpred H-arl. An original aovcin, the Post bv T. S. Ar- Novelet, Xlll.lh, fei-tion upon noils hish nnd low, rich nnd comporitively poor, producin;: heavy cropa of stnlk, ionf find bm-J I have found it .rrow with me, in nil rop.n ti, ns vi-joura lit m iftni. vv itli 11 cci.u'lv similar irentini'iit. In Allvjrany county Md.. a tor rep pot id out write f'of the Aiiteri.-ftii rarmcn "1 think it wen auaptvu ' - '.,,,., iBin,,m,vn,. ,.., flr,.oll,,t,-d for country, find it promise to i );ro uuun- Pby r(.L h )( l)( p,,,,,,..,,,., i;UP ,.,,,-,,1.-Urjthau any other Article we enn frow lor 1 willl t ,.Xpene. the s-ar Wri nrovender. . I believe it will produce t-ix hern of America. Tli- "Nation" In the only 1 1. 1..,. f,lri,.,l lie-vendor to th" ' paper which contain the Wittt. Iliiumroul or eight tons of Urieil prouiultr to " .jj, Sil,(..s.llit1il1!. Sketches of that Comical aire."1 The present wmer lias met many (;cnl,ll(ni),, ttMrivni(.,i Hmnorint, Knight Run IF YOU WANT A GOOD rATES. Hl'BSI IIUIK HK 'Tho Nation," fMlll'. mont jiop ilar Weekly in America, X which Inn iinini'dialelv upon itn npinng i 11I it 1111 1 111 iih-hho C"n cilat ion. 'I bin rapiil n ieces, in nniireceuenieil 01 no" rumory :..,..ii;,Ti,i iwl 'pnionirisiti'r tuiuiei. m Pennaylvnni't. Msryland, iiifinia, Xow Jersey and New Yorlc iontiendance nt the lato ationnl fair nt Philadelphia. Many oC them hnd witnessed ili growth in their respective States w ilh entire success. One gentlmnn of Now Jersey hnd mown u half acre of the enne this aenaon. It has been miccessfully grown in Illinois ulso, n!nd one gallon of the juice is sa d to have yielded, hy Wiling, 0 junrt of syrup of good qunlity. . There is every ruisou to conclude thntlhe cunc may he en-ily and successfully fjrown in' nil parts of our oountry. ' , ! n cuLTrnr. Lot tho rround ho well cultivated, us for com, A small portion of the crop should be reserved for seed, nnd permit t,.,l tosinnd until fully matured nnd dry. Hy n menu pennit no lltooin Corn, lXm. rtvh-Corn, or other plants of the same fam ily, to grow, near yojjr Cane. It readily intermixes, with theso varieties, and elf tctimlly ruins your wwd for the production of symp. "Fof th-3 -snmo reason, great cure, should, he observed in procuring reli nhlo seed, as well os in keeping them so. The epace between the rows may he three feet- dnd the' seed put its.' say two or three very sis inche . When well up, the stout est nd henlthi.-Ht should nlouo be allow ed To remain; when of sitthcient sizo they .KhnuldUtt suckefed down to one enne for cadi root.,!, Iu oilier respects, the success- full grower of com will not te at a loss in the cultivation of this plunt. I have found n suitable timo for planting to be immc dintoly ufior the corn crop, olihou-ih ex cellent results have been obtained hy " planting as late ns the 1.5th of May. in I'hpr.ik-pfi (leorcia. It will desirable to make several successive plan tings, that they mature gradually, nnd so pive more timo fur harvesting the crop. The 1 1 nd in my opinion, should be pre par ' cd in all rwpocta for com. -,,','',;'; '-' .11 V tSTl SO. ". ' " When the stalk shall have attained its full size, and tho seed have passed from ' the doti-rh stase to a harder texture, tho '. cane may be considered sufficiently ma ture. . . . ! . . ' ' Prior to the harvesting, a set of proper ' rollers and kettles should bo provided nnd ' well set up, ready for service. No fanner bluHild undertake to supply its place hy wooden roolers for a crop of even two acres. The loss of juiwe will more than eoonterbnlnnce the ditlerence in expense. ' It is worked bv two mules. Three Uetu ls of from 00 to 100 gallons capniity, will be ' required to keep pace fully with the mill. It is deMratle thai tnese biiouiu ue i roan aiul shallow, that they may present it lanre evanornlinir surface, and &iil;.-tanti- ully set in brick for security nnd coiiveui ence. , ,, rLS31NO. Tho canes located conveniently at hand ' are ono by one doubled in the middle and forced between the rollers, which are kept ', in as close proxomuy ns the strength of the mill and the power applied will warrant. , , 0OILIMU DOWN, One of Uie first things done in commen cing operations bhould Le to start the lire under ih keuels, that Uey may he well wanned by the tinie the juice i-i ready for Ocknbh', M. D..of which nerien. one sketch alone In worth the whole yearn' Subscript ion. Tin Nation In F.dited bv'S. M. lligelow and Mrs. I'.. D. K. N. Sonthworth, who in well known nn one of the Mont Popular Writer in America. In addition to the above, we have engaged a Contributors ; llenrv W. Herbert, AV. W. I'ondlck, C. A. Page, lien. Casneday, W. P. Kraun.ui, Clara Moreton, Alice C arv, Mrs. A. F. Law, Mr. I". V. I'll"!, Park lli'iiiainin, and niinii' other. TO TIIE FAIR S2X We particularly commend o ir sheet. Their denaitment wil he Lditpd with the utmost care, and no expense or labor Hpared to render the column ilevoteil to ilieir rspeciai iipiipiu, unusually Itiilliant, Attractive, Instructive and Oruauipntal. Tho Farmers' and Planters' Corner Will contain Practical Suggestions nnd Agri cultural Hints, contributed and culled from sources trie most rename, ami containing in formation which will prove to them iu the course of a single year, of almost incalculable benefit. The other ileoartmetita of our paper will re reive the nttcnlion they respectively demand, each being especially and carefully prepared to meet the vnneil tas'.cs or ttie several class es of itn render. Among these we in.iv men tion Originnl Stories and Poems, I'ditorial Rambling and Sketching. Spicy City Kows, Washington ("onnip. Now York Chit Chat, the. Latest Paris Fashion. Practical Receipts for tho Household and Toilet, "The Little Ones" Department, (iemn from Prose nnd Poetry, Reader's tiuide, Historical Sketches, Translations, .., fcc. The Nation is iimod in Qaarto Form, (eight pages.) and each number wil! contain at least two original i.ngravtngn, thus inr nishing our Subscribers at the end of the year with a volume containing 1lti large si.e, beau tifully printed pages of Unsurpassed Novel-1,-tts,' Sketches, &c, Sec, together with over 100 Original Illustrations. The Nation Is sent at the following remark- aldy low S.ibscription and Clubbing Terms: invartahlv in advance. Single Copies, $2 00 per annum. Two " (to one address,) $3 f0 Tbreo 5 0(1 Six " 00 ' Ten ' 1" ot) C'yi" And one copy free to tho getter up of the Club of TF.N. P" All tho sending us subscriptions frn'rn the IlritisJi Provinces, must enclose iu addition to the subscription price, M cents for rach subscriber, as we are compelled to pre pay the United State postage. 1 ... . .. . l 1.1 l. All letter coiuaiiuiij; miuii-v piiouiu c istcred, and directed jdaiulyi and they will come at our risk, otherwise we arc not ro BDunsible for them. fj" Specimen copies will be sent free to Post Masters, Agents, and all who wieh to get up a club to all others, on receipt of fo ir cents in s'.imp. The expense of ri'i-'.ciing is oulv 5 cents. Addre CROFUT fc HHJF.LOW. 83 Duck S.., Philadelphia, Pa. Among (he. hundred of complimentary no tices we have received from newspapers iu every section of the country, we quote the following extracts from: The Nation appears in clear large type,; on sno.v white paper, and i richly adorned with illniiati.i'.in."l N. Y. S.m. It will attain to a high position in the lit erirv world." Philadelphia Daily News. It is one of the bent weeklies now pub lished, and we take pleasure iu bringing it to the notice of the reading public." Harris-burg,-Pa. Herald. "The talent and energy of the proprietors, it original and interesting content, and the beauty of thp typography, cannot f-"l lo se cure f ir it a general circulation." Will iamsburg, Pa. Independent Press. As a literary and family jnunial, we have no hesitation in pronouncing it the best auione our exchange. We advise the ladies to jiro cure it wltho-it delay." Fulton, Pa. Repub. "We lUslike pulling city emanation, but in ibis case we are bound to give way to merit. I'i.I.L inanv citv eotemiioranes, the "Nation wri'leii expressly l-r tlinr. 0 . Lighthoune Island. An original bv Hi iin'bor of "Mv Confession,"' or the Child Medium,". &.c. Th" (Jiaker's Protege. Original Novelet, by Mr. Miry Denison. author of "Mark, the Sexton." Home Pictures," A.c. Original Novelet. Hv Angus'iliP Diganne, nullior of "The Los! of the Wibleme." Kc in also in coarse of preparaMon for the Pont. We have also the promise of n Short and Condensed Novelet, bv Mr. Sonthworlh. to run through about six or eight numbers of the Poll. In addition o (he above list of rnntribn i;,.,w ven .lesiin continuum the iintuil amount of Foreigh Lelter. Oi Sketclies, Choice Selections from nil sources. Agricultural Arti cles," (ieneral New, Hnni'iions Am-cilotes, Yiew of the Produce ami Slock Markets, the Philadelphia Retail Market. Hank Note List. I'.dilorials, itc, .c, o ir object being to give a Complete Record, a far as our limits will admit, or the ('rent World. I'ngravlngn. In the way or Kugravings, we generally present two weekly one of an in structive, nad the other of a humorous char acter. Tho Po-tage on the Post to any part ol tin- United S'ates, paid quarterly or yearly in nil- vaiioe, at tlio ollice wnere u is rttnira, " only id cents a vear. Trnv (Cash in advance) I copy $2 a year. 1 conies " (and one lo (ho goiter up or the Club) ?!) " (and one lo the getter up nr the Club) I") " (and one lo the getter up Ot 1110 Il.11111) Address, nlwavs pot-iaid, DF. CON PF.TF.RSON, No. fid Smith Thirh street, Philadelphia 13 20 Sample Numbers sent gratia to any one when requested. To Kditors Fjlitor who give the .move one insertion, or condense the material por tion of it (the notices of new contribution and our terms) for their editorial columns, shall be entitled to an exchange by sending a marked copy of the paper containing the ad vertisement or notice. bnl in I I ...I ...... n. ni. i, irl iiw-l. uilliln thee. I best, .intidolu for tli" blues. Thou hut given to kindly linmor, to phi lant delineation, and to side-splitting fun, a 'local habitation.' without which th' v might go wandering over the domain of letters, calling now and Una where a friendly door opened to them but re fusing to be comforted for the lo' of their obi dear home." Courier, Harlinglon, Vt. " The great care evinced iu the selection ol' j articles that adorn it pages, is a .snlliciet.t : guaranty that no contribution inee's tin rye of the reader but those which are known to be WovtUy of bis perusal. When storms and wild tempcs' me sweeping o'er our hill-side j village in these chill winter hours, nnd is drear and desolate without, we ask for no i more agreeable companion than the 'Kmck- K.Riior kt r' ; for while it content impart' vaiuaiii'i inioriiia .ion, rn n.ino , i wit are a sovereign specific for all fits of the j blues or attacks of the horror, and time passes merrily on. Democrat, J'nyles.own, Pcim. 'The KMCKKBiinrKrn has been and will be a fact of its own ; a genuine living thing, all the more desirable now that the new crop of magazines, filled with articles pirated from F.nglish authors, makes fresh home creations more conspicuous and welcome." Now York Christian Inquirer. Rev. F. W. Shelton, Author cr L-tlcrs from Up the Rivor,' etc., will be a regular con tributor. The best talent in the country w ill be en listed, nnd no expense or eirort spared, to make the Knu kkhiioi k kb more than ever de serving of the first position among our ori ginal American Magazine. TF.RMS. Three dollars a year, s'rictly In advance there will be no deviation from this condition; Two copies for $" 00; Five co pie, and upwards, $2 00 each. Iiooksellers and Postmasters are requested to act ns Agents. Those who will undertake to pro cure subscribers will receive favorable terms. Specimen numbers will be sent gratis on ap plication, post paid. 1NDUCF.MKNTS FOR CLUBIM NO. The IvN-trKr.nBocKv.R and Harper's, luitnam's, ("raJiam's or Codey's Lady's P,ook will be sent one year for five dollars; the Knickt.h nocKr.H and Home Journal for four dollars a from the best and most popular writers In tlio country. It is also spiced with a record of the notable events of the time, of peace and war, of discoveries and improvements occur in g in either hciniphpro, forming an ngreea l.lf. I'liiiihiiiiinn for a leisure moment or hour, aiivwhere. at home or abroad, each number linton- roiimlete ill itself. No sectarian subipct arc admittPil into it pages; there are enough controversial publi cation, each devoted to its peculiar sector clioue. This work is. mieimeci jor mi MILLION, north or south, east or west, am ia t',ll..,l In tho brim each month with chaste popular and graphic miscellany, just such as .mv r.illier. brother or friend would Place in the haiul of a family circle. It i in all its ibiimrtinent fresh nnd original, and. what it purports to be, the cheapest magazine iu the world. i fV A npw attraction has just been ndded I in the form of a Humorous Illustrated lie part incut. Anv nrrson enclosing one dollar to the pro irietor, as below, shall receive the Magazine for one year; or any person sending us eigui subscriber and eight dollars, nt one time. shall receive a copy gratis. CvT" Sample copies sent when desired. M."M. RALLOU. Pub. and Proprietor, No. 22 Winter St., Ronton, Mass. PROSPFCTUS OF THK A jbl'KNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL AFFAIRS, imrrn and rrni.isnro monthly 11 Y It. W. FURNAS, Bwownvili.v., Nfmaiia Cocntv, Nkiihaska Tl'.KHlTOBV. . year. POST AG F.. Two cents per number, pre paid nt the office where the works is deliver ed, quarterly in advance. All remittance and all liusijiess communi cations must be addressed, post-paid, to SAMUKL IIUF.STON, "IIH Broadway, New York. "To Improve the Soil and Mind." f 1 HI K object of the 'Farmer' is proclaimed X iu its motto; faithful lo this end, it wiil him to take rank with the Agricultural peri- I odieals of the day, and pursue such a coarse t as will render it' a welcome visitor to every I Kaanner in Nebraska. 'Hie Publisher deems it unnecessary to enter into an argument m convince tho farming community in this Ter ritory of the importance of such a work. The natural adaptation of our soil and climate to Agricultural pursuits, known to all Who have examined, is thought to be a sufficient, apology for entering upon this enterprise. We have mule arrangements lor regular communions i from a number of practical Farmers and Hor ticulturists, in Nebraska, and will continue to secure others to such an extent as warrants us in saving that the 'Farmer' will proven depository of a mans of important facts in re. lation to agriculture, rarely to lie met with, and at a coit which places it within the reach of all. , Horticulture. Special at'ontion will be given to the writing and selection of matter appertaining to th culture of all kinds of Fruit. Flower and Vegetables, adapted to ihi soil ami climate, accompanied, by numer ous I'.'igravings with full description. Ladies' Department. This Department w ill be devoted to Household atl'airs, and will be conducted bv a lady of ability and export ence, assisted by able lady correspondents. Plan and Size. Th? 'Farmer' will be pub lished on the 1st of each month, printed on new tvpe and good paper; each number will contain eight page of reading matter, three columns to the page; size of page, 10 by 13 inche. Ubistrated wuh cut of Domestic An imals, Implements, Tree. Fruits, Houses, tc. Terms. Single copy, $1. Seven Copies, $.". Twenty copies (and one lo the person getting up the club). Sl.'. The volume will com mence March 1, ls.iT. Kvery Postmaster and Farmer in Nebraska are desired to act as Nuckolls & Co. VTrHOLKSALF. AND RETAIL. STORK, Y Gbmwood, Mills Co., Iowa. The un dersigned beg leave to call the attention of the People of Mills and adjoining Counties to the lact mat tney are in receipt oi nieir FALL AND W1NTKR GOODS, Yi'hich for price and durability are misur passed la Western Iowa, which in addition to our Summer stock of GRDCF.RIF.S. &x., on bind, makes it one of the most desirable stocks of GOODS in the Western Country. Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23, ISad. 1-tf GODKY'S; GREATEST EFFORT. STM I. OSr.ATr.R ATTRACTIONS Will be ofTerM In GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1?57. Thi work habeen the standard for twenty. seven year, v lien an lmitauon lias ueen st tempted It has failed. It in THE ONLY LADY'S HOOK PUBLISHED IN A M Kit I C A. NEW FEATURES FOR 1857: How to dress with Taste. Children's Clothes lfow to cut nnd contrive them. Painting on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing In all it variety, useful to the be- . pituipr and the proficient. I-ashlons from the estannsliment or tne cel ebrated "Brodie," will be in every number. t'.very-ilav Actualities A new series or these illustrated article will be given. Point, Brnssels, nnd Venetian Lace of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used in cadi will bgivcn. In nddition to the above, One Hundred Pages of Heading will be given monthly. liodey's iipicmnu r.ngravings on steel. Ijondon, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Goiley four figured Colored Fashion. Embroidery rntterns, Model Cottage. Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by. Dress Patterns Infanta' nnd Children's dresses, with descriptions how to makp them. All kinds or I rotcliPt ami .Netting work. I lie ixurse nnd tne ixnrserv Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be given. GODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES ero svbjf.ct. MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given every vear. In" the various number for 1857, will be found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Proderic Anglnise Slippers, llonnets, Caps, Cloaks. Evening Dresse, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing. Robe do Cramble, Car riage Drosses, Brides' Dress es, Wreaths, Mantilla, Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, nnd Morning Dresses. Dresses for Infants nnd Young Misses, Boys' Dresses, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in sea'son, Pattern for Noodle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by are given monthly. Crochet and' Netting; Work In Colors, Slip pers in Colors. Drawing Les3ons for Youth. Send in your orders soon, as we expect list for 1S.V7 will roach 100,000 copies. The lies', plan of subscribing is to send your motiry direct to the publisher. Those' who send large amounts liad better send drafts, but nolo will answer if drafts cannot be pro cured. We think we can show how much cheaper it is to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late number of both. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 3d articles, the Lady's Book C2. Tne Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en gravings, the Lady's Book fid. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 01 pa ges, the Lady's Rook UNI. , - Twenty-four more engravings, twenty-Sit more article. aid thirty-six more itages. nearly double tl 9 quantity. The lowest club priro'or the Two Dollar "Magazine is $125; 'owes club price of Lady's Book SI, 117, only 42 cents diiii-rence in the price, which i three and a half cents on each number, and for that sum (three nnd a half cents), you receive tweu'y-six more articles, twenty-four more engraving, and thirty-six more pages month- THE GLOBE: The Official Paper of Coagre'ss. I intend to continue the publication of the Debates or Congress tn full, including the Law passed, during the next session, to com mence on the first Monday in December next. The cninimr in of a new Administration will cause the debates of the next sessioa to be both interesting and instructive, as its policy j will be foreshadowed in the speeches of its j friends. Those, therefore, who desire to know i what will be the course of the nexf President, 1 hi fore he takes the executive chair, so as to ! shape their business accordingly, .hould sub scribe for the debates of the coming session. The Daily Globe will contain the news of the day, together with such editorial articles as may be from time to timo suggested by passing events of interest, end the debates as they come from the hands of tin reporters. which will bo laid on the desk of every mem ber, to undergo his revision for the Congress ional Globe and Appendix. Those who may desire to see the debates immediately, should take the Daily Globf., as they are usually published in it two day before they are print ed in book form in the Congressional Glome and ArrExmx. The Congressional Gi.onE and Appendix will be printed on a double royal sheet, ia rov .il nun rto form, each number containing six teen pa"cs. All the Laws passed itiiig tin lv certainly a very cheap three and a BALLOU'S PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COMPANION. REIOBn OK THE JIE.U'TIFCL AND USEFUL IX ART. The object or the paper is to present, iu the most ch-irant and available form, a weekly literary melange of notable events of the day. Its columns are devoted to original tales, sketches and poems, by the PEST AMERICAN AUTHORS, ami the cream of the domestic and foreign news ; the whole well spiced with wit and linmor. Each paper i B E A UTI F ULLY I LLUSTR AT E D with numerous nreurate engravings, by emi nent artists, of notable objects, current event in all parts of the world, and of men and man ner, altogether making a paper entirely ori ginal in it design in this country. Its pages contain view of every populov, city iu the known world, of all buildings of note in the enteri or w estern hemisphere, of all the prin cipal ships aiul steamers ot tne navy ami merchant service, with fine and accurate por trait of every noted character m liic world, bo'h m it" and female. Sketches of beautiful scenery, taken from life, will also lie given, willi numerous specimens from the animal kingdom, the birds of the air, and the fish of tin sea. It is printed on fine sa'in surface paper, with new type, presenting in its me chanical execution an elegant specimen of art. The whole forms u iiiaiuino'h weekly paper of sixteen octao page. Each six months ma king a volume nf 11 ii pages, with about one session will be appended to the debates ; and copious indexes to the debates and the laws will be made out, printed, and sent to sub scribers soon after t lie clos" of tin sowion. The Weekly Gloue will he printed on a double royal sheet, in the usual newspaper form, and' will contain a synopsis of the pro ceedings of Congress and the news of the pre ceding week ; also editorial and selected mat ter, when there shall be room for such. An extra sheet will be printed whenever a donate on any important subject shall take place, giving it in fail. TF.RMS. For a copy of the Daily Globe, one year-$10 00 For a copy during the publication of the proceedings of the session 3 00 For two copies, during the session, when ordered nt the game time 5 00 For a copy of Ihe Congressional Globo and Appendix, during the session. 3 00 For two copies, when ordered at the same time 3 00 For a copy of the Weekly Globe one year 2 00 For a copy from the lst'of December to the 1st of May 1 00 Bank notes, current in the section of the country where a subscriber lives, will be re ceived in payment, at par. Small sums may be sent iu postage stamps. A paper will not be sent, unless the money accompany the or der for it. John c. rives. Washington, November 5, lSjii. Additions can be made to clubs and thousand splendid engi.miigs V , ' . nj . I'llUKf (lldPT 'Hi V"iriil'oiniirr,, uiv jihhi'ii them. Iu regard to the precise degree of js pom a nf V,u,, substantial and useful conceiitratiou to which tho syrup should j matter, and Is not filled up with an overdose be broue-ht. it is exce'diiiolvditlicidlluliiy I - . . - . . . . i '-' down any precise and simple rule wLu h r; shall meet every case. " ' Mr, Peters; of Goorujia )ates the yield af htvs4n t -eighth tr. iu syrup ul o2.mA " Lab cjaUvns-thut of tho poorest eighth 'fh and orU fourth gallons. Takin,' the averpjje,'' ve have, as the yield of tho en "j'j, tire au-e, 407 gallon?; aosiuniuj thu yield '' of juice ft -.correspond -with tho avera-re .r . -results obtained by expeii ie .t, tay oO .mr cet it, of the entire wt-ipht, with proper . . n iiiacfiinery, express;? f" i" ' " have a yield of 570 gallon-j r -iri of flimsy, wishev-woshy stuff from the ban Is of crack-brained authors." Erie City Dis patch. It lias the' most beautiful engraved head we ever saw, and it contents are deeply en tertaiuing. truly delicious and soul-absorbing." Williamsburg, Vs. Gazette. ' "Time is room for just such a paper, and It has secured two a true head and hearts to control its eoli'inn the literary and so cial world hold.." Wpllsboroi gh, Pa. Agi Ul.r. ' ' "It will soon become s lending paper at the (1 K,,.,v ill M Oiirior. iWe seldom endorse northern papers, but in tlii.t instanca we are forced t overcome ,1 r. , lumen I the N.i'to i to our , Ala. DMlh-'.i u J o ir I'tejuili.-'ivad.:." A""en' . back No, furnished at anytime during the vear. Club need not be confined to one 1'ost Ollice, but w ill be scut to different offices if desired. l' V Persons in the S'ates who are "look lug Westward" and desire agricultural Infor mation from Nebraska, could find nothing better than the "Farmer" to "post them up." Address "Nebraska Farmer." Rrownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory. Rrownville, N. T., December lt, lVt. Xotk. U i hoped every pero: to whom this Prospectus i ent, will feel the impor tance of the establishment of an Agricultural paper in Nebraska, and make an effort to ob tain a many subscribers as possible, and forward their names lo Ihe Publish ir. A slight effort only, 0:1 the pari of every one. will aceoinplisn tne onjrri. ir tuni-nr incli nation will not permit you to act as desired, please hand tin to some one who will act energetically in the maMer. A fast as you procure s number of names forward to me. Let no Prospectus be later than February 1st, in reaching the Publication Office. (y What we now want i name to the Prospectus Money until yo i receive the first Nit., when the mo.iev must ne reuni ted promptly or the j.nperwill not be rnu'.luu eif. In piviiig name and residence, write the nine and residence iu fill, an I give Post Office, County, nn l Territory it S'ate. TFRM-V-INVARIABLY IN 1 subscriber, one year, 1 subsr . iburs, " ll) ...... Any person sending us "twelve" subscribers at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth" copy gratis. One copy ot The Flag of our Union, and ojgi' copy of Ration's Pictorial, when taken together by one person, one year, for SI 00. I IV Traveling agents are not employed on thi paper. Published every Saturday, by M. M. UALLi'U, No. 2! Win'er St., Boston, Mass. Prairie Farmer FOR 1S57 VOL. 17. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. DEVOTED TO Western Agriculture, Horticulture, Meehnn. ics, Education, Literature, Markets, and General News. EDITED by CHARLES D. BRAG DON. JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Corres'ind Editor ASStSTEIl IIY Over Five Hundred Practical Farmers End Mechanic, who have heretofore written, and will continue, with many others, ' to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public. The "Prairie Farmer'is devoted to the in terest of the Western Fanner and Mechanic. It i the Oldest Agricultural Paper in tho ADVANCE. wp"t i pumisnod weekly in quarto lorm, lor i iiinding is characterised ny a nign moral $11 00 : tone labors to promote the interests and ad 10 00 j vaucemrut of the whole of the family, and 20 00 to develop the Agricultural Resource of the est. A special and competent Commercial Reporter Is employed to give accurate Market Reports weekly. It is essentially THE family paper for the West. I copy, 1 year, $2 in advance, or $J.30 at the end of the year. II copies, 1 year, $20.00 free copy to the person sending ciub. 20 copies, I year, $H.") 00 free copy to. halt . . n.i l. ecu's' worm, l ins view oi me case nan probably never before been presented, but it is a true stu'emen'. which any lady can con vince herself of bv comparing the' two inara ziues. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year, $tl. Two copies, one vear, $"). Three copies, one year, 0. Five copies one year, ai.'.l an extra copy to tlio person Bending the cluD, making six copies $10. Eight copies one year and an extra copy to ttie person sending the club, making nine copies $15. Eleven copies one year, and nn extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies $20. II V The above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey'g Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazines both one year for $3 50. "at Codey's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga zine both one year for $4 .r0. Codey's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, and Arthur's Home Magazine one year $. The above is the only way we can club with . Harper's Magazine. The money must all be sent at one time for any of the Clubs. ' Subscribers in the British Provinces who send for clubs, must remit 3d cents extra on every subscriber, to pay the American post age to the lines. Address. L. A. GODEY, 113 Chesnut St., Philada., Pa. the person Bending club, 50 copies, 1 year, $7.",lk)-Jree copy to the prison sanding ciub. f"V" An old subscriber sending two new ones, or ", will receive three copies one year. CV Subscription at the club rates must be paid invariably in advance, fi?" Subscribe now. You want and need "Tli Farmer." We want yo i to have it. I'V Current money may be sent by mail at J our risk, provided the letters are "registered." (;V Address "Prairie Farmer," 17 Clark i Street, I lnoago, III. WHOLESALE AGENTS. 8. French. 121 N.-.asan street. New York; A. Winch, lid Chestnut street, Philadelphia ; Henry Taylor, 111 Ilaltimore street, Ualti- timore; A. C. Il iglev, lni me street, be tween 4th and 5th, Cincinnati j J. A. Roys, 43 Woodward Avenue. Detroit; E. Ik. Wood ward, comer 4th and Chesnut streets, St. Louis; Samuel Ringgold, Ivjisvilli, Krn ii...U, W ,lt.ii.,. AiiuinV I'niel -.i ClarK S Chicago; TruSner fc Co., 12 Paternoster TV Advertisements, of an appropriate Row, agent for Great Hritaia ami l.urope .m, msi-nea i ieu iranpi nut-rum Ijeiif r ally. I Insertion payment in a,rTance. Tootlo & Greene, WHOLESALE &. RETAIL DEALERS, Glenwood, Iowa. We beg leave to call the attention of the Good People of Mills, Pottawattamie, Montgomery and Cass coun ties, Iowa; also, Douglas and Cas counties, Nebraska, to our large and late supply or every kind of MERCHANDISE, usually kept in Western Iowa. Our stock of Groceries 1. large and complete, hating been bouglit ani shipped a little lower than our neighbors. Our stock of Hardware, Queensware, www enware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps sni Ready-Made Clothing, have all been purchased! in the Eastern cities, at the lowest cas,lliijes.. Give us a call before you purchase, and if we do not sell you cheap goods, iv will raako. our neighbors do so. (2V Remember the rbeapast kouita hitowr.. TQOl'LR & GREENE. Clonwood, Iowa, Uct, S3, 1850. 1-tf Ohai'les A. Henry, M. P. , 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Respect fully informs the citizens of Nebraska, that having permanently located In Omaht city, and haing had several years experlwc In the treatment of Disrates incident to the West, now offers his professional services to those, who, may favor him with their patronage. OlHce In O. A. Henry k Co'. Drug snil Va riety Store, Omaha city, N. T. M C. A. Henry & Co., ITfllOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG- Y GISTS, At the N ebrask a, Drug Store, Omaha city, Nebraska, have on hand and are constantly receiving a large and complete assortment of Drugs, Chemical, Patent Medi cine, Dve Stuff. Liquor, Begars, Preserved Fruits, Confectionarien, 4,p.,Jtc Physicians order filled on a small advance on cost. 1-tf Tiios. Macon;" AlYx7Macon7II. O. Jons. Macon, Brother & Co.' . TAW AND LAND .AGENTS. Omaha Cily 4 Nebraska Territory. iu H-tf.