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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1857)
BELLEVUE GAZETTE. TUT US DAY MARCH 2(5, ls,7. RATES OF ADVKIITISINC;. Npiare (12 line or lens) 1st Insertion I'.arh subsequent Insertion-" One square, on month " thrc monthi n u R;x . . " ' one year Business cards (0 lines or loss) 1 year $1 INI M 2 rxt 4 (HI n (N 10 N 5 00 00 00 3: 00 20 00 10 00 3.') 00 20 (Ml 10 00 8 00 20 00 1 t (Ml 10 (Ml li (Ml r oo - fine rnlntnn. nne Vef One-half column, one yenr" ronrrn eiehth " . " 44 " rolmnn, six months half column, six months fonrtti " " ' ellrlitll " column, three months h;i!f column, three months" fourth " " " " eighth " " " Anno'inein candidates for ollice- j on WORK. Vor rijrhdi sheet bills, per KM) Vor quarter " " " " Vor half " " " " Vor whole " " " " Vor colored pa per, half sheet, per 10().. Vor blanks, per quire, first quire Eech subsequent quire Cards, per pack Each subsequent park Vor Hall Tickets, fancy paper per hun'd Each subsequent hundred xotic'i:. Persons bavin! Any law business to transact villi the firm of Bowr.w it Stbickland, for (he next eixfy days, will please wait upon C. T. Holt.ow ay, Esq., who will pive them any ndvice or lojjal assistance required. ' BOWEN' & STRICKLAND. KOTICt:. Letters directed to me within the next sixty days, will reach me soonest nt Albion, Or leans county, N. Y. S. A. STRICKLAND. notice:. rpiIK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex L istine under t tie name and firm of SARPY t KINNEY, is this ilav dissolved by mutual consent, L. B. KINNEY having purchased out the entire interest of P. A. SARPY. Will fettle all claims that he has contracted for the benefit of said firm, and all claims due said firm are to be paid to no one except the undersigned. L. B. KINNEY. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. rrillH CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex 1 Islin-; in the LA PLATTE STEAM SAW MILL between the undersigned, known as the firm of J. ARMSTRONG k CO., is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. All the business of the late firm will be settled bv the new firm of DAVIS, HOGEBOOM k CO. JOHN ARMSTRONG. KICHARD HOG E BOOM, ALEXANDER DAVIS, JOHN M. LARIMER. La Platte, N. T. March 5th H.r7. A CARD. Having sold mv Interest in the above firm to ALEXANDER DAVIS. I hereby re commend the new firm of DAVIS, IIOGE BOOM k CO. to iny friends and the public generally. ' JOHN ARMSTRONG. La Platte, March 5th lS37-:it 5F Spring is coming! Spring is com ing; and surely it is greeted with joy anJ gladness by all ; for those who have spent the winter in Nebraska arc sensible of the delightful influences that accompany the earliest indications of firing. 'I he Missouri is opening fast, and in a week or so the shrill sound of the tteam whistle will again reecho among the verdant hills and fertile val'cys of Nebraska. Communicated. Mit. Editou. : Your correspondent has frequently heard complaints uttered against the impropriety and bad eflect of long sermons. As a consequence he 1ms thought it might be well to note a few ideas ujion the subject and its connections. The question might be asked, by what rule is a preacher of the gospel to be gov erned as to the length of his discourse ! The question is no doubt easier asked, than answered ; b'it we would venture to tay, that circumstances must in u great measure determine ; and here the judge ment of the preacher must come in action. If it is a time of unusual seriousness, and the audience are hungering for the bread of life, he would see himself justified in protracting his remarks; or if the- case was, that Christians had long been de prived of the ordinance of the tic-pel by reason of exile or persecution then it might be expected they would hang upon his lips. Or if the peculiarities of a time required the full discussion of a subject, which could not be condensed within the ordinary limits of mens patience, Le might under these circumstances enlarge with out its ever being a tax upon the mind of the heares. But in these days of degeneracy when custom has by its own stern decree fixed the length of a sermon at from thirty to fifty miuutes, a preacher bhould spin out his even well digested and well connected discourse to the ler. ii of one hour, in the face of his audience who, under the influ ence of Morpheus are by three's and fives doing him obeisance, or what is rouc'i worse to be excited to laughter by the distorted and wild grimmace of gen tlemen, who b.ave lost the power of their under jaw, and tobacco juice oozing out of both side of the inouth. With such things as these right in the face and eyes of the minister, a want f judgement would certainly be dispkiyed, if he bhould continue to draw upon fiu exhausted re , ceiver. AN OBSERVER. yRCS" Mr. Buchanan has selected his nephew, J. B. Henry, us his private sec retary ; Miss Lane, his niece, to do the honor of the White House. rQ The Illinois Central II. li. Co. has contracted for the delivery, next sea ton, ut aixty-six locomotjua, und lSu tars. $2 (Ml 4 (Ml 8 (Ml 111 (Ml 5 (Ml 2 (Ml 1 00 1 50 1 (Ml 0 00 4 00 Tootlo & Jackson, IOUWARDING & COMMISSION MER. 1. V HANI'S, Council Muds ,-f.., W,1. li ning a Large and Commodious Warehouse on the Levee nt the Council Binds landinc. are now prepared to receive ami store, all kin. Is of mrr.'handise and pro-luce, will receive and pay charges on nil kinds of freiir'hs so that Steam Boat will not be detained as they have bien heretofore. In getting someone to receive freight, when tlieconsignees are absent. Ru i.nPNcKsi l.ivcrmoore k Cooley, S. C. Daii, k Co. and Humphrey, Putt A, Tory, St. Louis, Mo. Tootle. Fairleigh, St, Joseph, Mo. J. S. Cheneworth A. Co., Cincinnati Ohin( W. F. Coiilliouph, Burlington, Iowa. . l-tf ROBINSON HOUSE. f1 HE undersigned having recently taken jL and refilled the above well-known and popular Public House, he trusts by the strict studious attention to the wants of his gues's, to merit a liberal share of public favor, confi dence and patronage. His table will be sprend with the best the market fllFords, ami no pains will bo spared to nuke his guests agreeably at home and comfortable. (!. A. ROBINSON'. Council Binds, Iowa. nnv El-lf. TaylorhiK ! Tayloring ! The midiTsigucil begs leave to inform the citizen of Bellevue and vicinity that he is prepared to do custom work, in the latent fashion and most approved style. He feels coi fi lent th'it his work is misurpusscd East or West and by moderate prices respectfully solicits n share of the public patronage. He j will always be found ready to receive oi Jcm at the Bcllevuo House. JOSEPH BRAY. Bellevue, N. T. Much 11th 1X57 ,tf w. u. &"jriirs.nfiT LAND AGENTS, BELLVUE, N, T., WILL attend faithfully and promptly to buy ing and selling Real Estate, City Lots', Claims, and Lnnd Warrants. Olice at the Beiituu House. 21 -Cm im;i AT the residence of his Daughter in Alle gan, Michigan, on the 10th of February, ELI WATSON, in the liSthyear or his age. The old gentleman has been a resident amongst us for the last two years, and while here won for himself a host of friend His loss wo deeply deplore, and his many virtues will be remembered for ever in the hearts of those who knew him. The Death of lr. Kmto. I'm l. a Dr. lp li l a, Monday Feb. 23. It is reported llmt n special dispatch has been received from New-Orleans announ cing the death of Dr. Kane,nnl the arri val of his body there cn-routo for Phila delphia. It h a jviiuft.l duty that we aro called to pel form in chronicling the decea of Dr. Kane, which w nini Kince, on the somewhat dubious authority of the above dispatch. It is but a few wccU since in telligence was received of hi departure from England in search of health in Ha vana, and strong hopes were entertained that this change of climate and scene would serve the purpose f recruiting the physi cal energies which hud become prostrate thrtiogh a lotm of iuiremi:iiitr toil and exposure. The hop ; proved fnliucieus and DiKaue is gathered to his fathers, while yet at the iln eahlmld of his life, and at the commencement of a career whose early promt: o was already abundantly ful filled. He died at Havana, at the age of 3-5 years. His mind remained clear, aud though making rapid progress, left him moments for calm reflection, and gave him a peaceful end. Dr. FlishaKent Kiuih wits a native f Pennsylvania, born in Philadelphia, on the 3J of February, 1SJ-2. His early years were notable chiefly for the rjpid development of that spirit of adventure nud love of investigation which afterwards car ried him over the world and led him into places which no man but he had ever trod. In character Dr. Kane was peculiarly re tiring a:id unoatentous; not distrustful of his abilities, but slow to obtrude them into notice; ambitious, yet prud nt, energetic, amiable and upright: In person he. was scarcely of the average height, but his muscles were firmly knit; hi had a finely developed head, remarkably full in the faculties which gave artistic power and taste. His constitution, never strong, has succumbed beneath the burdens that his energetic nature imposed upon it. The Doctor's published works are few. His two Artie Narratives ure comprised in three volumes, nud ho has issued some scientific treatise, besides preparing lec tures on subjects connected with the Artie Explorations. His labors as a navigator and geographer, have been rewarded by u gold medal, presented by the Royal (Jtug raplucal Society, an by other testimoni als; but his best and most enduring record js found in the remarkable acts of a crow ded life. N. V. T. Kxtbi:mci.y .rnoros. Consider how hard must be the times that forced from the wret;hed perpetrator tho following, which we clip from the Mobile Advertiser. 'OWfcU TO THE TIMES." "Notes on the falling dew of eve Are pleasant thoughts in poet's sonjp But Notes on eve or falling dus To one to whom the cash belongs, And who not getting it, will sue "Ain't so pleasant by a d d sight!"' A bridge is now being built ocross tho upper Mississippi, at St. Paul, Minnesota. It is to be l,yoJ feet in length, resting upon nine piers, the highest of which are seventy feet above high water mark, so a to enable the largest lioats to pass un der without dilliculty. The greatest spau will bo two hundred rid twenty feet;sutli ciently wide to allow the largest rafu M pass without routing in contact with th'j abutments. The whole com of the work will be near fcltJO.OOO. f5F A man who pives his children habits of industry, provides for thein bet kr than by gi'vig them a fortune. BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OK THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR HOTEL, OFFKUS l'. T.IIY To the Public, and will render ttSim oi M ATTKXTIO'V To t.'ir w,nh of HIS (WESTS. 3. T. Bellevue, Oct. :, 1S.VI. l-tf ALLEN. NEW STORE. SEATOX & ItOWLES. Ecllovno, TXT. T. II WIMi removed Into our large new store, on Main street, wn are now enabled to ntb-r to j the Citi.ens of Douglas county, one of the i Largest, Cheapest and best S"iected Stoi k of (oi)ils, ever opened in tins city, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, &c, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its continuance, feeling confident that the quality and price of our goods, cannot fail to please, S EATON ROWLEY Bellevue, Oct. 23, 18oii. l-tf BENTON HOUSE. George Jennings, Proprietor. THIS House Is situated in the pleasantest part of Heib'vue, in n beautiful and healthy, location and commands a view of country, ' which for beauty cannot be excelled in this Territory. It is fitted up in the best manner, ' and no pains will be spared to make nil who ; may favor him with their patronage, feel at ! home. HIS TABLE. Will always b supplied with all the delicacies the market nlWds. Attached to this Hotel is an excellent STABLE, which we shall always have attended by com petent and faithful Ostlers. Ilellevue, Oct. 21, lSM.l-tf GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG RICULTURAL PAPER.' pciiMsnr.D at GERMANTOWN, PHILA'IA CO., PENN. EVERY Wi:iNi:SD.tY MOUNING. BY PJULIP 11. FRLJS. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We take this occasiun to announce to Farm ers throughout the country, that it is the in tention of tho Editor and Proprietor of the 'Gcruiantown Telegraph." not only to con tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of his paper, but sedulously to add to its character and value by all the means at command. All necessary space shall be pro vided fur a full record of Agricultural Details and a full development of every branch of tho Farmer's Pursuit. Ho will in future, as he has always heretofore, aim to be practical, and to be of real and substantial advantage ta husbandry. His course, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, aud wholly un biassed by any oilier motives than those he conceives to be promotive of the true interest of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliijues, societies, or any other in fljiunee shall swerve him from the path of right and duty. Farmers, throughout the country, who de sire a Newspaper, Issued weekly, and equal to any other family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture a speci ality, will find the 'Geniiantown Telegraph", to fill All every condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a periodical exclusively agricultural. Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. As a Literary and News Journal it shall not be surpansed by any in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of the largest class, it shall continue to be one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. Every Family, in town or country, whether they take other papers or not, will find the "German! own Telegraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, twice the amount of subscription. No subscripMons received without the cash. Price Two Dollars in advance. Subscriptions not paid within the year, $2.50. Mail sub scribers will have the cash postage deducted when riot exceeding 25 cts. per annum, pro vided the subscription be paid s'rictly in ad vance. Pos'age stamps to this amount will be returned as change with the receipt. Any persm sending five new subscribers at one time, with the cash, will bo entitled to the paper for one year. Specimen numbers sent on request. SPECIMEN OF LYTHOTYPINC In Prcse, and will be ready soon, Or a collection of Social, Mural and Intellec tual Maxims, by Samuel M. Smacker, A. M., Author of the Court and reign of Catherine II of Russia;" "History tf Em peror Nicholas I," JLc., tc. This undoubtedly will be Uie most interest ing work of the kind ever published in Aiiht ica. It will contain twenty Caskfs, richly laden with the finest 'gold, wrought into over seven hundred separate Original Maxims ami Independent Reflections, wilij wise saws and Profound Aphoriums, which refer to every body and everything worth referring to, and especially adapted to the, present time. It will b printed fro'n plate-; formed by the New Lythotyiiing Process spoken of in the last number of the Monthly K i:ibow. . It will, without doubt, be the handsomest book intopographical appearance ever before published ; and it will be piloted anil bound in the best style, and it contents w ill make it a'., tractive and pleasing to all classes of readers. cents a copy, for which it will be beat, post-paid. Address, ' GEO. A. GROFl'T, Publisher. Si Dork St.. Philadelphia. Conn! rv paper choosing to copy the above, will receive the boA, pint-paid. iNEW A".!.Y!: AT THE THE Siiliscrilu r respectfully Invi'es the t tr nt lnt of purchasers, to liis large nud splendid slock of (ioods, COtlSidtltlg of DRY tJOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS, BOOTS, CAIN, SHOES. TOR VCCO, PATENT MEDICINES. lc, kc. All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this imukcl. He has also well selected stock of UKADY'MADM OliOTIIIKTG, Made urter the LATEST FASHIONS. f the REST M ATI ".It I XLS, and bv EXPI'RI ENCED WORKMEN, ull of which he sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. IMlevuc, Oct. 2.1, Rill. I -If BELLEVUE Boot eft; SHOO S T 0 It E . J. M. R ART AY, would respectfully I nt m in tile lull Mutants nt lli lli'V and vicinity, that he lus roinaienr to Manufacture. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of all descriptions, from the finest linisli to the coarest make. Einpkjving none but the best workman, he will be utile to warrant all work done nt his establishment. I'VThe highest cash price paid, in trade, for all descriptions of RAW HIDES. Hellcvue, Oct. :i0, JS.Vi. 2-tr l iStS WAMT.Il. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, by (he sub Mcribcr in Hellenic. SIX GOOD M A SONS, lo whom (iOOD WAGES, aud CON STANT Employment, will be given. M.SHAW. Ilellevue, Oct. 21, lSjll. t -t f sr. jury ai)V!:imiskiii:ts. P. A. SARPY, Wholesale &. Retail Merchant, COHNtll OF MAIM AND CIRRHORV STBKl:TS, ST.MARV, IOWA. II AS just received nnd now has for sale, a large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of nil in this new and thriving communit y, which hn can soil asc lieiip as can be ollered elsewfiero so high upon the Missouri river. His goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and wants nf all classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children nnd youth, ull can be supplied. Call and see fur yourselves. His stock consists or the following, among a great many ether articles he cannot now enu merate : Among his Dry ;ouis, May bo found Woolen and Satinet Cloths, Cassinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, 'Linsevs, Flannel, Red, White, Gray and lllue, Caspian Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetiugsaiul Shillings, llleached aud Unbleached, blue nud White, Drillings, 0.4iinburg, Red-Ticking, Hickory Checks, tc., tc Fanry (ioods. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of every variety of style and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca, llombaines, Hom bayetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, &.C., kc. do Hi In?. A well selected at ck of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting hi part of fine Dress Co.-its, Pants aud Vests; also, good Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers nud Undershirts, Socks, kc. Mens' and Hoys' Hats aud Caps, of va rious fashions, qualities and prices. lion's Slme, tliirk anil thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children's gse. Cirornks. Crushed, Clarified. Loaf aud llrown Sugar, Molasses. Syrup Molasses, Gulden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Colfcr, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spire, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snail's, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, kc, kc. Provisions. A large assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farm and Garden; Ilacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, kc. Hard ware. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking am Heating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbow, larg ond small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets H ind-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, M inure an I Hay Forks, Scythe. Shovels ami Spades, LoJ and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files Saws. Knives and Forks. Pocket Knives, Ra .ore, RutU and Screws, Door Handles, Kuoh, Locks, kc, kc. Tinware. ' A general assortment kept for liouschok purposes. Wood ware. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. Leather. Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, S ullies, P.ridle, II liters, Lariat, Circingles, Relly. bands. Driving-lines, Collars, Back straps, GirLhs, Rliud-briillcs, tc, ..., Medicines. A general assortment of Medicines, -for Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the common complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sipponytou's, Bragg' und Javnes' Pills, (Qui nine, Tonic, and various kind of S'imulan'.s, Anodynes, Liniments, and other article neces sary for the tick and the invalid. l-tf I'O I X ( I L B LI F PS A I) I EK Tl SE M EM'S. Greene, Wearo & Denton, BANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, and Laud Agents, Council Btufl's, Iowa. Nolea aud Hills collected and remitted to any part of the United Sulci. Money received on deposit, and intercut allowed. ' F.Jstern or Southern Draft furiiiliel in turns to suit pur chasers. Ltnd Dllice fund paid for Currency or bilU of Exchange. Loan clIVct'l on good security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. Laud entered for aettler and time given for payment. Olllce opposite the Pacific Jl Juse. in west lower room of Land Olllce. Ret r since! : F. S. Jesup k Co.; W. J. Barney k Co., Ranker. Dubuque, Iowa ; Co.k k Sargent, Rankers, Daveiqiort, oa ; Cul berton 4. Reno, Rankers, Iowa 1'itv, Iowa; People' Rank, New York City ; K' tchem, Roger k Ueuiirt, Rankers, New York City; S.-ko:i, Wi lier k Co., Washington, D. C. Hon. Chas. Mason, Com. of Patents, Wash ington, D. C. ; lion. A. C. Dmlge, S. U. S. Bai lie.gtcu, Iowa ; lion. G. Jo- . S. V. S , Dubuque, Iowa ; ll a. Jmeph Williams, Chief Jus'ice, Muscatine, Iowa. , Council Blurts, Oct. 1S.V1 l-tf inVINC'9 LIFE WASHINGTON. ILLUSTRATED. drtit tndurriiwitn for (Vi7i. Messrs. O. P. Putnam k Co., having now published the I'm si volume nf the Illustrated Edition nf Irving' Life nf Washington, being Hie complete Life nf Washington before the Revolution, are ready to furnish the same to subscribers, free of postage, on the receipt iif $:l 50. Single number sent post-pnld to an pan oi me i moil on uie receipt or v.) ri. The following Inducements are otlered to Club desiring to subscribe to this magnifi cent and national publication i Any person remitting four subscriptions for the first vol ume, comprising fourteen numbers, will be en titled to live complete set delivered free nf postage. Clubs nf six, remitting U, will be entitled (o two extra ropies of the volume, or an extra ropy and any other of Putnam's k Co.'s publication nf nn equal value,. Clubs ir twelve remitting $12, will be entitled lo four extra copies, or an extra copy k'uI a complete set nf Addison' Work ill M. Vol umes delivered free of postage. The same premiums will bo given for a like number of subscriptions to the succeeding volumes. Each number of the Illustrated Washington will contain one, and every other number two, first class Steel Engraving or Maps. In ad dition to the Steel Engravings, the work con tains numerous elegant Wood Engravings, i Ins'rative of hUtoilcal subjects. Caution. Persons subscribing to the Life of Washington, should bo particular lo obtain the only work which m ist forever remain tho standard authority, living's Life nf Wash ington bears the 'imprint of G. P. Putnam &. Co.. (he only publishers ir Irving' winks. 'Every American should put this work on his honk shelf, side by side with hi bible. Let your rhildren read II, and learn by the example nf the great Washington the lessons of patriotism, moral courage, perseverance under dilliriilties, which 'the history Of his life iillords. We know of no American book which we had rather own than this. It la Worth a thousand nf the trashy publication which the pi cs is daily issuing forth." Sci entific American. Country papers copying the above adver tisement 'twice will receive a complete set of Putnam's S'ory Library. G. P. PUTNAM k CO., No. 'Ml Broadway, New-York. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. For 1857. fMHE Cheapest Family Newspaper in the L West 1 Tho Weekly Plain Dealer will commence its Sixteenth Volume, nn the lit day of January, 1H.Y7, It will continue the same Independent, Jocose, Fearless, Fighting Jour nal it has ever been, Dealing Plainly but kind ly with all. It will battle for the Constitu tion and the Union, a ''he world's best trea sure nud last hope." h will oppose Fusion ism in every form, and battle Dis-uuioii in every disguise. Of its vigilance as a Sentinel upon the watch-tower of Liberty, it is letilll cient to say, that it has never yet been foiim! napping at its post. THE NEW VOLUME ND HIE NEW YEA R! The New Volume will commence with a New Year, big with Important events. A new leaf in the history of this Republic will be entered, upon tho Inauguration of a new President and Vice President. During the coming year, the policy of the New Adminis tration will be fully unveiled in regard to the following Important and exciting National topics :-The Final Settlement of the Kansas Dilflcu!tv, on which the whole Slavery ques tion In the Territories is pending 'Hie Final Settlement nf the Central American Question, as against the claims of England Our Right of Transit Across tho Isthmus, and the recog nition nud maintnlnance of the Walker Re public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Due The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation nf the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota n a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, with or without Poly gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories The Inaugural Message nf James Buchanan The Doing of the New Democratic Congress. These are some nf the leading events which will distin guish the incoming Administration, and most of them will transpire during the coming year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Cleveland, from iti central location, and from its great concentration of Rail Roads, Telegraphs, and water communication with the world, is admitted to bo the Best News Point in tho West. It can furnish Intelligence from all part of the world, days ahead of the New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be longing to the New York Associated Press, i the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Markets, News, Disasters upon the lakes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches' from Washington during the Session of Congress, and has regular Correspondents in all the principal cltieFof the Union. In addition to a full and faithful record of passing events, we Intend to devote a consid erable portion nf oar paper lo Polite Litera ture." Every Paper will contain a Story, either original or elec'e,l. accompanied with the choicest variety of Miscellany, such a Poetry, Discoveries, Biographic, Joke, Od dities, kr., kc, making altogether one of the most Valuable Family Journal in the Weetl ' Prompt to Improve and to invite. We'll blend Instruction wi'.h delight." fTi?" Our Agricultural, Commercial, and Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth the subscriptioa price nf the paper. The Brighton, i.'ew York, I) ill iniore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Marie'. will be remirted Weekly. TERMS i Single S ibscribers, ....$2.00 Clubs of Ten (to one Office), l.MI Club of Twenty (to one Office),.. . 1.23 Clubs of Fifty, " " ... 1.110 Pay Invariably in a.,V4Jice. T'J the getter np of a Club, one copy gratia. Post-Master are especially req-ifirJ to aet as Agents. They should in every case, where possible, substitu'e Western 'Demo cratic Paper for Eastern Fusion Paper. Those desiring the President' Message and other Public Document, can a ihsrribe now, or at any time before the firt of December. V Subscriber to the New Volume should send in their name as early a the middle of December, so that they may be registered In time for th first mimher. All fundi received at current rales, and if registered, mailed at our risk. Address ' J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, O. CH ARLES D. GREEN AND RICHARD KIMIiALU Having purchased lint well known and popular Saloon, in Omaha citv, would respectfully inform the public, that 'thv are now prepared to famish their customers, at all hours, with HOT MEALS, OYSTERS, S RDINF.S, PIGS FEET, PlCkLLLD TONGUE, GAME, and oer iKrnnsirMi;xTs, Comprising all the Dclirarie nf the srasnu, f n ve that hunger and thirst Coins to the APEX and v khll he filled. Mf URrlEN It KIMBALL. CHAS. CUIllSTOrilER, MACHINISTS CO PER SMITH li all its Eranclie. BELLEVUE AND OMAHA. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN a at n t , ,. a AMERICAN COtTRIF.Il. " a WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL j v i neapesr in rne woriii. a new vmume beirins January 3, 1W. The grent ucee attending the publication of the Philadelphia, Saturday Bulletin during the past year, ena bles the' Proprietor to promise to Its reader that it will continue to deserve aueh succes. He ha lately purchased and united to the Bulletin (hat obi and famous Family Journal, the American Courier, and III facilities for making a first-rate paper are thereby much Increased. The new volume fof the year IM.i7 will much anrpsa the volume for the year IH.iO, In all restecH. The Philadelphia, Saturday Bulletin ami American Courier. Se lect Ion from American and Foreign Perlnll rale. All the new of the week, received b telegraph and mall from all part of the Uni ted Stale. The new from Europe, furnished by correspondent In the Foreign Capitate,' and selected from copious file of the best English, French and German paper. Ori ginal Tales, Sketche and Poems, Editorials, by capable writer, on all current topic. The penrrai niernry cnnieni or xne paper Will D nf the most varied and attractive character. 'The Humorous Department will be unrivalled in it aelectious, and Invariably In part Ori ginal. Great attention will be paid to eurJ lug the freshest and most Interesting Local, Miscellaneous, Religion aad Scleutlfic lutel- ngnnce , The Saturday Bulletin ami American Cour ier I a large double-sheet, containing eight pjge nf six column each, making 4S eoU limns, which will be filled under the direction or experienced and skillful editor. It I printed on one nf Hoe's Celebrated Lightning Type Revolving Machine, which are known to be the best Printing Presse In the World. In fact It will, we feel confident, be found t contain more ami better reading matter than any other newspaper In the country, and will be the cheapest and best paper In the world. The proprietor, from hi lonr experience In the publishing business, with ample capital, ha unusual facilities for furnishing a firt iste Newspaper, The Saturday Bulletin and American Cour ler will be furnished to tubtcrlher and club nccordingto the following unprecedented low schedule. PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. For $2,00, One copy, and Book from the sub joined Catalogue, published br T. B. Peterson, to the amount of 00 cent. , , , ,, For $3,00, Two copies, or one ronv and book . to the amouut'of f lK). For $5,00, Four copies, and one to the getter III, t9 ll,A Ml.lW 1 1. . t ii.. amount of 73 cent. I or $10,00. Ten copies, and on lo the getter .in II.. I I.. . ... i'i III" . oiu j VI UUIIR 9 M1V amount of $1. For $13,00, Sixteen copies, and one to the get ter up of the club 1 or book to , 1. - - , Aa ino niuouiu oi 1. For $20,00, Twenty-four cople, and one to' the getter np of the club or book to the amount of $2. For $30,00, Tliirty-elght copies, and on eopr nf "'The Poet and Poetry of America" a superb octavo vol ume, containing choice selection from all the poet of the United' States. tfcThe price of this superb book, In the stores, I fay For $ 10.00. Fifty conies, and a eonv of Dr. Oris wold's "Female Poet of America," a work similar to the I last, and the same price. , i ;. , For $13,00, Fifty cople, and a copy of the "Illustrated Loudon New" the ' most splendidly embellished Pa per in tlfe world, th prleo of which, at any Store, I $13 per ammiit. To be mailed weekly, for one year, to th address of th party getting up the club. . One Copy and any of the Three Dollar Maga xinesfor Three Dollars. " 1 ' :i . ' .. I Farther Inducement to Clabt, i CV To tho largest club, provided If cenls KM), the paper will be continued to every subscriber forth eecond year to the aine address, without charge, CV For the second largest club, provided It exceeds 00, a complete set of the " Waverty Novel" will be ent free of postage, . (fir For the third largest club, provided It exceeds 50, a copy of 'Abbott' Life of Na poleon," free of postage, C3T For till greater Inducements, ee prospectus In specimen number of Paper, which may be obtained by addressing Uie Pub lisher, a below. LIST OF BOOKS FROM T. ' B. PETER SON'S CATALOGUE, With the Prices Annexed, from which Selec tions art to be made of th above named' Premium, .i , , ! . : I ...;- Dickens' Christmas Stories. ecmtaliiUa a Christina Carol, 'ITie Chimes, The Cricket oi the Hearth, Battle or Life, the Haunted Mae, Picture from Italy, Ax. Price 50 cent. , Dickens' New Stories, containing th 8errn Poor Traveler, Nine New Storlea by the Christ ma Fir, Hard Time, kc Price 50 cent. . . ' Charle Lever The Knight of Gwyaae, Kate .O'Donoghue. , Price 50 cent each. T. S. Arthur A Year after Marriage, The Banker' Wife, Love In a Cottage, the Orphan Children. Price 15 et. eacii. Alexl Dumas Memoir of a Physician, th (jueea Necklace. Pric $1 each. Genevieve, (Illustrated) Pric 50 cents. ( . D' Israeli He.iriotta Temple, Yivaa Grey, Yeuetia. ' Price 50 cent each. Mr. Crey The Belle of the Family, The 'MinovTlng Mother, Lm Caaxtron, The Young Prima Doana. Pric 25 cent each. Eugene 8 le The Wandering Jew (llluat ra ted.) Price $1. Woman' Love, the Mm of War' Man. Pric 25 rent each. y C if Til Book referred to above, will be cut by mail, free of postage. , , i I'V Subscription aud Uateof Club should be forwarded, if possible, hefor th first of January, IH57. Addre CUMMINCS k PEACOCK. Proprietor, B illetiu Building, Philadelphia. BZLLEWE mSXETS7 cobbcctkd wckklv roa the. oMtirc. RuuFlour,Vek$o 00. nutter, T?1J M Wheat, per bash. 1 Of' Shoulders, do ' 10 Corn, do t 0OH-ms, ..: da- ' I 20 Oats do 'Llftl, v 4a li PiVaio do I 00, Egg, pet dor, 31 Dried I'earhea, do 2 7' 1t, per sack S Of ArP'i ' "0 Hey, per toa 00 Ho I For Fresh Water. THK unritria?iari rMnststtfull in far ma Ik inhabit.. of Be l!evu ui th urrouadiitt cvuuirr "in n i repair! to oi ana Btutii. WELLS AMD CI3TEHII8, 1 At th shorVtt noliie, and onth aol rea- onihl terms. I), A. LOU AM. I JWs'V ie, UC 3, 1831. l-tf