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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1857)
1 Si if 'Iff WAV ri 1 ill !'9 1 CI m ft if J A Family Newspapor-Devotcd to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements and General Intelligence.: vol. 1. vj PUBLISH ED EVERT THURSDAY AT DELLETIK CITY, N. T. BT S. A. STRICKLAND & CO Terms of Subscription, Two Dollars per annum, if paid in Advance, or z do ix not paia wiuun trie year. to clubs : Three copies to one address, in advance $5 00 Seven do do do 10 00 tifteen do do do 20 00 A club of seven subscribers, at $10, will entitle the person making it up to a copy for mx uiuiiuin; a cino or unpen. at Ju, to a copy for one year. When a club of subscribers has been forwarded, additions may be made iu ii, on me same terms. BUSINESS CARDS. Bowen & Strickland, A TTORNEY8 AT LAW. Ileal Estate, .lx. L ity L,ota and Claims bought and sold. Purchasers will do well to call at our office and examine our list of City Lots, &c, before purchasing- elsewhere. Office in Cook's new building, corner of Fiflh and Main streets. L. L. Bowen. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT -X LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf S. A. Strickland. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf C. T. Holloway. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf W. n. Cook. 1 evf.h r. r. nii a vn up at. rupiTr AGENT, Bellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf B. P. Bankin. A TTORNEY AND COUNSNLLOR AT uw, L,a ri itte, N. T. 1-tf J. Seeley, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Omaha, N. T. 1-tf S. W. Cozzens, ATTORNEY AT LAW and General Land AGENT, Omaha city. N. T. Office in Henry & Root's new Brick Block; Farnham Btreet. no 16-tim. . ; John W. Pat tlaon, TOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE XI AGENT, Fontencllc, N. T. 1-tf James S. Izard & Co. LAND AGENTS, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska Territory. 1-tf Drs. Malcomb & Pock, OMAHA CITY. Office on Harney street, opposite the Post Office. Particular at tention given to Surgery. 1-tf P. E. Shannon, R EAL ESTATE AGENCY, Cerro Gordo Vosl Uttice, &t. Marv, Mills Co., Iowa. 2 P. E. Shannon, COMMISSION k FORWARDING MER J CHANT, St. Mary's Landing Mills Co., Iowa. 2-tf Peter A. Sarpy, T?ORWARDINO k. COMMISSION MER X CHANT, Bellevue, N. T., Wholesale Dealer in Indian Goods, Horses, Mules, and Cattle. 1-tf D. J. Sullivan, M. D., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa, nov. 13 1-tf. D. II. Solomon, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa, prac tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, and the Supreme Court of Iowa. Land Agency not In the Programme, no 4-tf t. a. cumins. joiim c. turic. Cuming & Turk, JIUornrys at Law and Real Estate Jgents. OMAHA CITY, N. T., WILL attend faithfully nndpromptly to all business entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa courts, to the purchase of lota and lands, entries and pre-emptions, col lections, &c. Office in the second story of Henry & Roots new building, nearly opposite the Western Exchange Bank, Farnham street Papers in the Territory, Council Bluffs Bu pe and Keokuk Times, pleas copy and .charge Nebraskian office. CEO. INYDEft. JOHS II. SHERMAN. Snyder & Sherman, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT LAW, aud NOTARIES PUBLIC, Coun cil Blurt's, Iowa, will practice their profession in all the Courts of Iowa aud Nebraska. All collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptly. Especial attention given to buying and scl! i"K real estate, and making ure-emptions in Nebraska. Deeds, Mortages, and other instruments of writing drawn with dispatch i acknowledg 7St.krn,Jte.,fcc. i.. , I i 'r""e WMt 8'"9 ' Madison street, I'ist ahoy, Broadway. -"ovJ3 ' G Johnson, Casady & Test, v?A, LAND AGENTS, ATTOR- Land ' V. Pr"'"l,"y "d to ( ur every description of style and fininh, on the Locatim'7.? ' ,V oll,'-ellol1'9;l'''t''S Money, must reasonable terms. ' Thankful for past oth.r h h.h St'!,1"r Warrants, and all favors, he solicits a continuance of public in V, """V P'rti'""lP t their J)fofe.i, 1 patronage. 1 ' Western Ioa and Nebraska. M B-llevue, Oct. 3d, lS.-Ml.Mf BELLEVUE, BUSINESS CARDS. G. P. Theobald & Co., COMMISSION & FORWARDING No. 20 Pine Stheet CP Stai ST. LOUIS, M0 CjT Particular attention paid to filling of oruers arm to twue or 1'roduce. no ln-ly. ANDREW J. POPPtETON. WII.I.IAM N. BVERS Popploton & Byers, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, AND GENE - KAI. LAND AGENTS, Omaha city, KTI 1 r . I ... .... . nruiHHKa. i.ana warrants oougiit and sold. L,and Entered on Time. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiring choice loca tions. Land Claims, Town lots and all kinds or Ileal Estate, bonght and sold and invest, ments made for Distant Dealers. l!TV A Competent Surveyor and Draughts. man always in readiness to survey lands, find and select Lands and Town lots, aud draft City Plata 1-tf Qustav Seegor, rriOPOGRAPHIC AND CIVIL ENGI J. NEER, Executes Drawing and Painting or every style and description. Also, all business in his line. Office on Gregory street, St. Mary, Mills county, Iowa. 1-tf Greene, Wearo & Benton, T ANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, Council l J lilullH, PotowattamiR comity, Iowa. Greene & Wcare, Cedar Rapids', Iowa. Greene, Wearc & Rice, Fort Des Moines. Ia. Collections made; Taxes paid j Rnd Lands purchased and sold, In any part of Iowa. jl-tf Job Printing "VTEATLY and expeditiously executed, on reasonable terms, at this Ullice. BELLEVIE ADVERTISEMENTS. VJIOI,KSAL,:U &i RHTAIL, STORE IN BELLEVUE. WE would respectfully invite the citizens of Bellevue, and Douglas Co., to examine our large and well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, , - HATS & CAPS, DOORS, . SASH. &c.. tc. And in fact every variety usually called for in the West. We are confident that any . one wishing to purchase goods will be entirely satisfied, and find it will be to their interest to call and examine our large and well selected assortment of goods. SAIIPY & KINNEY. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 18511. 1-lf S P LE NDID GOOD S, AT THE VARIETY STORE op n. VALE. THE Subscriber having juct opened at his store in Bellevue, a fresh supply of goods, of every description, would call the attention of purchasers, to the fact, that he hag the largest and best selected stock of Goods, to be fouud in ieurasKa, and Uiat they will find him sup plied at all times, with SILKS. KATIVS MILLINARY A. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, I'lJWDEK, SHOT, .LEAD, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. &C.&.C. All of which has been selected by himself from the best establishments in the country, and which he will sell lower for cash, than the same quality of goods can be purchased at, in any store in this section of country. If- l.aa - 1 . 1 1 i 1 i .. 1 i l . .r linn ami., a inie, aim ncil vvicuiru BlUCK of READY-MADE Of every description, best quality and finish. and inferior to none in Nebraska. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con tinuance of public iiatrouage, and hopes that purchasers will call aud examine his goods, before buying elsewhere. H. VALE. ueiievuc, uct. s.f, l-tr STONE MASON AND DFl,33tor,Gr. MMIE Undersigned having commenced the X above business in Bellevue. is nrenared to do all work in his line, at the shortest no tice, In the best manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. WM. WILEY. (TV?" Four or five good Plasterers, will find constant employment, and good wages, on ap- piicnuuii to uie aoove. llcllevue, uct. 30, 1X30. 2-tf I CAME TO" STAY." The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Bellevue and vicinit v. that he it prepared to do HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. GRAINING, MARBLEING. &.c. in all its various branches. PAPER HANGING - Executed in the neatest style. !Tv Paints mixed to order, and for sale. ocMM J. T. WHITE. HOUSE CARPENTER AND AN. BRIGGS, Takes this method of In . forming his friends, and the public generally, that he is prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in ths best manner Dwelling Houses Nebraska; Thursday, FeK RELLEYtE ADVEKTISE.IIEXTS. Charles E. Watson, fllVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, V J tlll 1 .1 m ' w iii'iii'vur . ii v, ii'orasKa lerntory, pro fesses to be posted" in the lay of the land in this vicinity, and offers his services to such as may need tliem, on reasonable terms. (h it" He will also act as agent, for Die pur chase or sale of Real Estate, in the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon niiuiiiiii. wen. u ,i nuns men nnu pre-emp nous iiDiaincd. 4-tf A. Schimonsky, rilOrOGRAPHIC ENGINEER. Execirtr. X Topographir, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every style and description. Fancy, Oma- ini-iuai ami nam raiming exeruted to order. vmce at Uie ISellevne House, Bellevue, N. T. ItEFERENt'F.Si P. A. Sarnv. St. M jiinr wiiniiiiT, iieuevue. T...I i. ' J' 1-t IUMLaELLE BAXK OF KELLEVIE. llcllevue, Nebraakn. IS prepared to transact the general business of Banking, will receive deposits, Discount short paper, buy Bills of Exchange, on all parts of the Country, and sell on SI. Louin, Chicago and New Yorkj make collections in the vicinity' and remit for the samo at Current rates or ivxcnange. t J?" Interest allowed on special Deposits. JOHN WE ARE, President. Tnos. H. Benton, V. Pres. John j. I own, Casliier. j-tf jiaiiKing Hours From U to 12, A. M., and n. t. Clarke, T70RWARDING . COMMISSION MER. J- CHAM, Bellevue, Nebraska. Dealer 111 1'liM-. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, fcc. Refehf.ncf.s: Gold &. Brother and Edward nempstead, water street, Chicago; J. W. llaskins, Milwaukle, Wis. 5 R. M. Norton, Pres. Racine co. Hank, Racine, Wis.; C. Barrett, Rivec, street, Cleveland, O. ; Fenton 4. Brother, Cincinnati, O. 5 Tibbie &. Hoys, Eric, Pa. ; C. B. Wright t Co. Bankers, Erie Pa.j C. B. Wright, Banker, Philadelphia, Pa.; n. rimiii oi, nose, r ront street, IV Y.; W. J. Willis. Water street. N. Y. t R. Ball, Troy, N. Y. ; Mr. Hungerford, President naiiK or wesllield, Weslhcld, N. Y. 1 Hon. 8. morion, .Nebraska City. l-tf A VAI.TJAHI.K Cr.AIM The undersigned offers for sale his claim of itoi acres, situated four miles West of Bellevue, in Township 13, Range 13. i ma claim is well situated, has several rl.r. M'UINua, a Never Failing Stream of Water, About EIGHT ACRES OF FINE TIMBER, Four aires of land broke, aud a c-oorf I.ilfJ CABIN on the place. Title undisputed. Pos session given immediately. U. A. LOGAN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1850. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respectfully inform the Inlinhi. tants of Bellnvuo and vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions. On the shortest notice, and In the most woik menlike manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, we feel confident In stating, that all who favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our work. , WEST &. STORUS. Bellevue, Oct 23, 1856. 1-tf BLACKSMITHING, rpiIE Undersigned beg leave to inform a. me innabitauts of Douir as counl tliat they are prepared, to do all work their line of busiuess. in the beat manner, and on the most liberal terms, at Uiuir shoo in Bellevue. Having had . : atllORSE-SIIOEING. In some of he he.t shops in Eastern Cities, they will be able to give entire satisfaction, to all who favor them with their patronage, in this line. SHAW & ICETON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1850. 1-fini JLm JLm 13 V XT 33 rpiIE Proprietor of the above Sa JL loon, takes great pleasure, in announcing to the public, that he ia now prepared to serve at all hours, and in the best manner, WARM OR COLD MEALS, OYSTERS, COOKED IN EVERY STYLE. SARDINES, PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE. BOILED EGGS AND GAME IN SEASON, Together with every thin? that is usual v found in a FIRST CLASS ' Refreshment Saloon. Having had considerable experience in ca. tering for the public taste, he is stir that all who tavor nun witn a call, will be satisfied. CHARLES JOHNSON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 18511. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOINKHS. rilHE undersigned takes pleasure in an X noiinrinu to the inhabitants of Rpllnvu. and vicinity, that they are now prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best ina nnpr. all styles of Dwelling Houiei, Cottagei, &c, &e., On the shortest notice, and in the most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be also happy to do any work lu their Una of business, which their friends may stand In need of. MYERS &. HILLY Ann. Bellevue, Oct. 3rt, lH5fi. 2-tf Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully informs ths inli iliitanU of Bi'llevue and the snrro linf? country, that he is prepared to die and finish, t the shortt st notice, and on the most r. sonable terms. 1). A. LOG AN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, ISM. 1-tf POETRY. Speak Ueiitly. Speak gently it is better fnr To rule by love than fear Speak gently, let not harsh words mar The good we might do here. Speak gently love should whisper low To friends when fault we find ( Gently let truthful accents flow, Affection's voice Is kind. Speak gently to the little child, Its love be sura to gain ; Teach it in accents soft anil mild, It may not long remain. Speak gently to the young, for they Will have enough to bear ; Pass through this life as best they may, 'Tis full of anxious care. Speak gently to the aged one, Grieve not the care-worn heart j The sands of life are nenrly run Let such in peace depart. Speak gently, kindly to the poor, Let no liiirnh tone bo henrd ; They have enough they must endure, Without an unkind word. Speak gently to the erring know That thou art also man j Perchance unkiniiness drove them so ; O, win them back again. Speak gently, for 'tis like the Lord, Whoso accents, meek and mild, Bespoke him as the Son of God, The gracious holy child. ' Washed in his blood, redeemed to life, The family of heaven, Floe from all anger, wrath, and strife, Forgive as they 're forgiven. VnSCLLANEOU3. Mick To lour Business. There is nothing which should be more frequently impressed upon the minds of young men than the importance of steadi ly pursuing some oue business. The fre quent changing from one employment to another is one of the most common errors committed, and to it may be traced more than half the failures of men in business. and much of the discontent and disan- pointment that render life uncomfortable. It is a very common thing for a man to be dissatisfied with his business, and to desire to change it for some other, and what seems to him will prove a more lu crative employment ; but , iu nine cases out of ten it is a mistake. Look round 1 .. -11 you, unu you win mm among your ac quaintances abundant verification of our assertion. Here is a young man who commenced life as a mechanic ; but from some cause imagined that ho ought to have been a doctor, and, nftej a hasty and shallow pmmration, has taken up the saddle-hairs only to find that work is still work, and that his patients are no more profitable than his work-bench, and tho occupation not a wnit more agreeable. Here are two younu men. clerks : one of them is content, when his first term of service is over, to continue a clerk till he shall have saved cnoujrh to commence business on his own account ; tho other can't wait, but starts oil without capital, and with a limited experience, and brings up after a few years in a court of insol vency, while his former comrade, by pa tient perseverance, comes out at lust with a fortune. That young lawyer who became dis heartened because briefs and cases did not crowd upon him while ho was yet re dolent of calf-bound volumes, and had small use for red tape, who concluded that ho had mistaken his calling, and so plunged into politics, finally settled down into the character of a middling pettifog ger, scrambling for his daily bread. There is an honest farmer who has toiled a few years, got his farm paid for, but does not grow rich very rapidly, as much for lack of contentment mingled with his industry as anything, though he is not aware of it he hears the wonder ful stories of California, and how fortunes may lo had for the trouble of picking them up; mortgages his farm to raise money, goes away to the land of gold, and, after many months of hard toil, eomes home to commence again at the bottom of the bill for a more weary arid less successful climbing up again. war tne men in every community wim re notorious xor anility, and equally iioouioin ior never gelling ahead, and you will usually had them to be those who never nick to any one business lornr. are always forsaking their occupation 1 jiisi micu u wgjna to oe preamble. 1 ming tunn, mick to your Imsine, It may bu you lmvo mirtakcii your railing if so, fiinl it out qs quick as possible ami I'hnnjio it ; but don't lot any uneasy de sire to got along fust, or a dialiko of your liont'Kt railing, lend you to nlmmlon it. IIuvo mimo honest omipntion, and. then stu'k to it i if you nre Mickinif type, stick nway ut tlictn ; if you uro ut law, hold fust to that profession; pursue tho hmd noss you lmvo chosen, persistently, in dustriouHly nnd hopefully, and if there is anything of you, it will nppenr nnd turn tonccount in that as well or heller tlmn in any other riillinir j only if you ai 11 loaf er, forsake that lino of life as Hjieedily as posfti'olc for the longer you stiek to it, tho worso it will "Ktiok" you. Acting Upon rrliirlple. Some years ago, during a sojourn in Montgomery, it was tho writer's good for tune to he numbered umotig the friends of Colonel U. Tho .olonol wus one of thoe in whose, hrcast tho milk of human kind ness overflowed. It was his misfortune thut he was never able to sny no. And to so great nn extent was this weakness carried, that it hud become a notorious fact that tho colonel would lend money to any one on the first asking, rather than refuse it. Hut so often Juki his good na ture lxieu imposed on, that he had estnb lishud a rule for his own government, which he was always enrcful to explain to applicants for funds, nnd usuolly did so after tho following stylo : 'Want ten, do you? Well, you can hnve it. IJut when can yon pay it back ? You see, I've got a grent deal of money lonned out around, and I like to keep it circulating, but I like to know just about the time when it's going to get around back to iiib, and I hnto to bo disappointed. A man that disappoints me once, never gets any more money from mo.' ; . , Thus it became notorious that Colonel (1. would lend money to any one on the first asking, and if they were prompt in re-payment, they could "take him for his pile at least so it was supposed. Acting upon this supposition, ono K., a notorious gambler, applied to tho colonel, ono day, for ono hundred dollars, rather doubtful of his success, however. G. was staggered, but catching his breath, and overcome by good nature, ho replied : Want a hundred! certumly you can havo it ; but when will you pay nie back I I always want to know when my money is coming in, as I may want to use it else where. .. Fix your own day. but be nromnt on the day you fix ; for a man who dis appoints me once never gets any more money from me" K. took the monev, rromisinc to return it on the following Wednesday, and, punc tual to tho day and hour, ho aid return it, Ixirrowing from all his friends to enable him to do so. Accordiiitr to treneral sun position, his credit was thereby opened with CS. to any extent, and two weeks af ter, his friends pressing for re-payment, and wanting a "stake" for himself, ho ap plied boldly to C, nothing doubting his success. ' 'Colonel, let's have a couple of hun dred for a day or so, will you ?' 'Cau't,' says (J. 'Sorry, but can't really you dixappointtd me so about the last; and I told you that a man who dis appointed me once, never could get any moro from me.' 'Disappointed you T said K. Why, I paid colonel, you mistake your man you to tho hour and minute V 4"! IS 'Jlhl exactly! said O., that junl it. You see, I never expected to d uV furious Facts. Serpents are said to obey tho voice of 1 their masters: the trumneter bird nf ! America follows its owner like a spaniel: and the jacuna acts as a guard lo poultry, preserving them in tho fields all the day from birds of prey, and escorting them home regularly at night. In the Mietland Isles there is a ru which defend, the flock from eagles ; it , 11 is therefore regarded as a urivilered bird. 1 lhe chamois, bounding aiuon? tha snowy mountains of the Caucasus, and in debted for their safety in no small degree, to a peculiar species of a pheasant. This bird acts s a sentinel ; for as soon as it gets sight ot a man it whistles, upon hear- . .... inn which, the chamois, knowing ih fc.m ' ter to be not far distant, sets off with the greatest speed, and seeks the, highest peaks of the mountains. The artifices which partridges and plo vers employ to delude their enemies from the nest of their young, may be referred to as a case in point, as well as the adroit contrivance of the hind for the preserve,. tion of her young ; for when she hear 1 the sound of dogs, bhe puis herstlf in the way of the hunters, and starts in a d miners, and starts in a direr- them away from her fawns, of the erN-yt ,f gMPf uinm ' 1 are no less reuiarkaUa. tion to draw th Instances animals also na less reuiarkaLle. The writer alread dy uted saysj , I knew a do" tliat died for tho loas of NO. 17; its mnster, nnd a bullfinch that abstained from singing ten entire months on ac count of tho absence of its mistress, t Oh her return it immediately resumed its song.' Jxrd Kaines relates tho instance of a canary, which, while singing to its mate hntohmg her eggs in a cage, fell dead ; tho female quitted her uest, and finding him dead, rejected all food, and died by liia side. ' ' ' French Uiilllbillt. , Tho last honx of tho season is ono which soino farceur hns just played ofl upon the iViyi newspaper. Thai journal gravely publishes a letter, from the South of France, recounting how a young miuie ciiui, of wonderful power, had just ar rived from tho United States. (Some how tho United States always figure in tulos of tho "extraordinary.'!) I .'.The Hi struincnt" upon which this genius played, according to tho Pay correspondent, was a cargo of ducks, of various sizes and de scriptions. A n electric wire was attached to each fowling" and tho "musiu" was produced by a battery, operated upon ia Mich a manner , as to make the 'ducks quack forth tho liotes ! Tho letter closed with the announcement that, on the pre vious night, the docks hud broken 'out of their cage, attacked their eoceutrio pro prietor in his ln-d, and eaten hint up ahve I This ridiculous story is now going the rounds of tho French press. ' ' , Uone to Dinner.; - , a Gone to dinner. Ikick in fifteen min utes. That notico stands on your office door. ' t ; You gormandizer! you ostrich I' yott great pig! Also, you . lean, scrawny j wizzled, anxious-luokmg ld thbg ! . .You poor, irritable, touchy, snappish fellow J, , My gobbling friend, eating is not a procoss whoso operations and results art wholly confined within -the stomach, as flesh is put to seethe or soak; within am iron pot. It tells upon muscles and vitals, and brain and nerves upon mind and soul. Fifteen minutes ! Fifteen minutes . is enough U eat one cracker in aud to drink a glass of water 1 and see the inasa of victuals tha you are pitch-forking into your countenance, as ii you thought harpy was watching to snatch it from voii. How dare you bolt thow' chunks of meat all soaked with "gravy," and that greasy, sodden pie, and hot cokes, and. hissing, mud-colored coffee, and , theni while your miserable, over-worked old stomach is calling for all ' the disposable' nervous energy of your system to help ll' drudge in its tyrant s task, jumping bead long back into your dark, close counting; room and demand that same nervous en ergy from the same source to engineer your brains and eyes in absorbing exer' tion of making money? ', Ignoramus, hotri dare you! , .., . . , . Well, poor fellow, it's of no use to, scold at, yoa, after all., Tity' is much more appropriate to your sad rasel' "VMao would be such a juiceless,' dirt-complex-' ioned, dried-up husk, for all your, mousy,: or all everybody's else ? It is but a maiio-., ed soup and a deformed body , that , you hnve acquired under that regimen." And' when your old, cracked,' shaky eonsutu-' tion quite breaks up, and you die prema. turely wretched man, who knows what' iiiiserable fate you will hare incurred by) your years of flit-still money-grabbing, and this intensified course of mad aggra-' rations with unchewed meat-chunks and ' hot grcae and drink all ablaze! fLuV luusiraiea. , ... , . rsT The Machinery now employed try' the Federal Government for the menu' , . r eae.ra' we? tor the men' ac,ure '"' " complete. , Jl of the working day from the raw material. ' The machinery is of the most perfect de scription, and does the work with unerring accuracy. It is said that in no deparW) 1 ment of the mechanic arts has the inven . 1 . . "V V,unu exeneU "' mce, astoi. 4 . ur "" proquce a four machines and nearly jive hundred distinct mechanical processes are involved The iron from which the barrels are mada r . ' I I M J I, . ' cows iwo iiunureu qouars per ton, . This. iM f",,i 1 1 ri T mm ri m w. . m . - .... . . .. ..1 17 r . . . . n r""?' B,w fourteen inches ir, length; which, after being drawn-out lor forty inches under a nearly white heat is j cured and welded on steel rods, JJachi, barrel is then bored out, and rediwed in ' weight from ten pounds to four and a half after which M is polished whh! emery 00 ' revolving wheel. ; The quality of werk- manship displayed on those barreU is , exceeueu by any ui the world. , . ' . :- 'k! -1 W should prise wealth not for thi sake of eccumulaiion. but to make a good use of it. He who heap, unrether rK ? wita knowing how to ei.U mem' Uas' r..i..nit.ii).U k ...k. ..k.n v... . . ,1 conienuni(U h h. wK,n . . ii Bt trfat t,MD4a without Win. .U -tY ride, I it : I r