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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1857)
T'i. i fry; wb' 3 I 3 A Family Newspaper Devoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements and General Intolligonco. VOL. 1. cllcbnc (Sprite. I'L III.ISII 1 11 r.VKRV TllunsilAY BCLLKTl'E UTY, X. T. n y A. STRICKLAND & Terms of Subscription. s. CO. Two 11ot.t..ns per annum. if paid in advance, or $2 fiO if not paid within the year. to ci.r b : Throe copies to one address, in advance " Oil Seven ilo l" do 1" Fifteen (In ilo ' !o 2D ( A ''lull oT seven suliscrilicrs, at $l, will entitle tin person niakinr it up to a ropy fur nix months ; a rlnh of fifteen. ntS.'O.toa copy for on" year. When a elnli of sulwerihers lias lieen forwarded, additions may he made 1o it. on the same terms. BUSINESS CARDS. Bowcn & Strickland, TTORNT.VS AT LAW. Heal l'.slale. -('ilv Lots and Claims hnnijhl and sold. Pnreh iht will Ilo well to call at oar otlice atid nxi!'i!M our list of Cilv T.ots. ,Vc., Iml'ore purrliasing elsewhere. Olliee in Cook" new builiiinir. corner of F1M1 and Main s1 reels. L. It. Bowcn, 'rrortxr.Y axp counsku.ou j LAW, llelleviie, N. T. S. A. Strickland, ATTORXI'V AM) COIWSKI.I.OR. . LAW, lk-llcvuc, N. T. C. T. Ilolloway, , TTonxr.v axo coixsr.M.oit AT l-tf AT l-tf AT l-tf 1Y L. i AW, Hc'Dcviie, X. T. W. II. Cook, G F.XT.n L LAND AXD KKALKSTATF. A(;i:XT, DellevueCity, Nebraska, l-tf r. Rankin, AM) COLXSXLLOR AT 4 TTOUXKY 2Y LAW, Li I'l itte, X T. l-tf J. Sceley, TTORXF.Y AND COUNSLLLOlt AT l-tf IV L. -AW, Omaha, X. T. S. W. Cozzcns, A TTORXF.Y AT LAW and General Land AOF.N T, Omaha city, X. T. Otlice in Henry k. Root's new lirick lilock, Farnham street, no lti-t'un. John W. Pattison, VTOTARY ri'lH.IC AXD RFAL F.ST ATI. IN AOI'.NT, Kontenelle, X. T. l-tf James S. Izard & Co. J AND AGENTS, Omaha, Douglas County, U Nebraska Territory. l-tf Drs. Malcomb & Peck, OMAH A CI TY. Olfice on Harney street, opposite the Post Oltice. Particular at tention veil to S irgery. . l-tf P. E. Shannon, -IJF.AL ESTATE AGENCY, Cerro Goido IV. Post Olliee, St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa. 2 P. E. Shannon, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MI'.R- CHANT. Iowa. !st. Al.iry s Laiulins .Mills I n., tf Peter A. Sarpy, l.ORWARDINO & COMMISSION MER I1 CHANT, llelleviie. N. T., Wholesale Dealer iii Indian Goods, Horses, Mules, and CattUs Mf D. J. Sullivan, M. D., i H YSICIAX and SURGEON. Omce Head of Jlroadway, Council lilnfTs, Iowa. 13 l-tf. D. II. Solomon, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (;ienwood, Mills Co., Iowa, prac tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and N;braska, anil the Supreme Court of Iowa. Land Agency not in the Programme, no l-tf T. 11. rl'MINft. JOHN t. Tl'KK, Cuming &i Turk, t ltlorneys at Low and Real Hsule .Igenfs. OM.Mf.V CITY, N. T., WILL attend faithfully and promptly to all business entrusted to them in the 'Territorial or Iowa courts, to the purchase of lots ard lands, entries and pre-emptions, col lections, Sic. Office in the second story of Henry t Roots jiew building, nearly opposite tlni Western Excliauge Dank, Farnham H'reet. ' Paper in the Territory, Council Blurts Ba fi and Keokuk Times, please fopy and charge Xebraskian otlice. ;eo. sNYPr.R. joiix II. siif.rman. Snyder & Sherman, A TTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT .fY LAV, and NOTARIES PUBLIC. Coun cil Blutl's, Iowa, will practice their profession in all the Courts of Iowa and Nebraska. All collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptly. Especial attention given to buying ami Bell ing real estate, and making pre-emptions in Nebraska. Deeds, Mort ages, and o'her instruments of writing drawn with dispatch; acknowledg ments taken, tc, kr. . i;'i7" Olliee west side of Madison Btreet, lust above Broadway. JJmvi:i . l-tf. Johnson, Casidy & Test, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, 4TT0R- N'EYS ANDCOUNSEI LORS ATIAW, ouncil Klutls, Iowa, will promptly attend to Land Agencies, Collections, Investing Money, L'icatinr and Sellinp l.tiu Warrants, anil .-il other business pertaining to their prorcssion. in Wrs'er.i Iowa nnd Nebriska. l-tf miLLUVUli, BUSINESS CARDS. G. P. Theobald & Co., COMMISSION k FORWARDING .III. No. (J Pi .ne Sriu:i:r, i p ST. LOT IS, MO. I'M IIS, fit" I'nrticular 'attention paid to filling of orders nnd to Sale ol' Produce. no lii-lv. J. POPI'I.K TON. WII.MVM N. bh:h. Popplcton Si Dyers, i TTORNEVS AT LAW. AND GENE- JY UAL LAND AOI'.NTS. Omaha cilv. Nebraska. Land Warrants Imucht and sold. Land Filtered on Tim'-. Special attention !Ti en to the selection and entry of Lauds for Settlers, anil all others dcsiijui; choice loca tions. Land Claims, Town Jots and all kinds of Real F.state, bought and sol 1 and invest ments made for Distant Dealers. , V" A Competent Surveyor andjDranhts inau always in readiness to survey lands, find ami select Lands anil Town lots, and draft City l'luls l-tf Gustav Sccgcr, rnOPOGUAPIIIC AND CIYIL EXGI .L Nl'.ER, I'.xeciites Drawing nnd Paintinir of every style and description. Also, all business in his line. Olfiee on Gregory street, St. Mary, Mills county, Iowa. l-tf Greene, Wcarc & Benton, P ANKERS AND LAW AGENTS. Council I ) lllull's. Potowattamie rnntiiy, Iowa. Greene t Weare, Cellar Rapids, ,iwa. Greene, WVare k Rice. Fort D''S Moines, la. Collections made ;.Taxes pai.l; and Lands purchased and sidd, in any pait of Iowa. Jl-tf Job Printing "Vf I'.VTLY and expeditiously executed, on LN reasonable terms, at this Olfiee. KLLLcvii: ai)Vi:ktisi:iikms. viior,KSAr,K - iriyrAii. STORE IN BELLEVUE. I would respectfully invite the citizens nf llelleviie and Douglas Co., to examine my large and well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, H RDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, HATS & CAPS,. DOORS, SASH, &c, &c, And In fact every variety usually called for in tli o West. 1 am confident that any one wishing to purchase good will be entirely satisfied, ami find it will be to their interest to call and examine my large and well selected assortment of goods. L. B. KINNEY, bellevue, Oct. 23, 1S.V1. l-tf SPLENDID GOODS, at Tin: VARIETY STORE OF n. VALE. Till". Subscriber having just, opened at his store in Bellevue, a fresh supply of goods, of every description, would call the attention of pui chasers, to the fact, that be has the largest, and best selected stock of Goods, to be fouud in Nebraska, and that they will find him sup plied at all times, with SILKS, SATINS, MtLLINARY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, POWDER, SHOT. LEAD, HARDWARE., BOOTS, SHOES, tc. fee. All of which has been selected by himself from the best'cstablishments i'l the country, and which he will sell lower for cash, than th same quality of goods can be purchased at, in any store in' this section of country. He has ulso. a large and well selected stock of READY-MADE Of every description, best quality and finish, and inferior to none in Nebraska. Thankful for past favors, he solicit.3 a con tinuance of public patronage, and hopes that purchasers will call nnd examine his goods, before baying elsewhere. II. VALE. II dlevue, O.'t. 2j, is.v;. l-tf STONE MASON AND Plasterer. rilllE Umb'i -signed having commenced the X above business in Bellevue, n prepared to do all work in his line, at the shortest no tice, in the best manner, and on the limit rea sonable terms. WM. WILEY. ("V" Four or five good Plasterers, will find constant employment, and good wages, on ap plication to the above. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 1S.T1. 2-tf I CAME TO STAY. Tiik undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the citi.ens of Bellevue and vicinity, that he is prepared to lo i iousi :. si ox an d ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GRAINING, M AR11LEING, &c, in all its various branches. PAPER HANGING Executed in the neatest style. V Paints mixed to order, and for sale, oct. 11. 1 J. T. Wl M TJ HOUSE CARPENTER AND VX. BRIGCS, "Fakes this method of In . forming his friends, and the public generally, that he is prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner Dwelling Houses Of every d ?cription of style and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past favors, he holiciu a continuance of public it itrouage. Bellevue, Oi l, HO, !.-.. --tf NlvlHlASKA, THURSDAY, KKMUJAItY 15), 1857. r.i;i.i i:hi: adm iiiimimkms. Charlen E. Watson, CI IV I L 1 '. N G I XI '. I : R ' A N D S I II VI ; Y 0 1 1 , J Bellevue City, Nebraska Territory, pro Cesses to be " posted"' in the lay of the land in this vicinity, ami olli-rs his sei viees to such as in.i y need them, on reasonable terms. C lie will also act as agent, for the pur chase or sale of Real Estate, in the Tei ritory, or West eru Iowa. I nl'oi'inal ion furnished upon application. Declarations tiled and pre-emptions obtained. 1-1 1' A. Sohimonsky, rpOPOGR AP HIC ENGINEER. Executes .1. Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every s'.v ! and description, lam v, Oi na- luental and Plain Painting executed to order. Otlice at the Bellevue House, llelleviie, X. T. Ri-.i F.HENt i:s : P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Judge Gilniore, Bellevue. l-tf foxto'cllk iVwk or iiKiXiTuir. II -1 lev lie, -li askn. S prepared to transact the general business of Hanking, will receive deposits, Discount short paper, buy Bills of Exchange, on all parts ot the Country, ninl sell on M. Louis, Chicago and New York; make collections in the vicinity' ami remit for the game at Current rates of Exchange. ('V Interest allowed on special Deposits. JOHN WEARE, President. Tiios. II. Hun ton, V. Pres. .Tons J. Town. Cashier. l-tf Hanking Hours From ! to 12, A. M., and I to A. P. M. II. T.iORWAHDINi T. Clarke, COM MISSION MER- X' an in PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATJL&c. Rkkkri-.ncks : Gold & Brother and Edward Hempstead. Water street, Chicago ; -J. W. Haskins. Milwaukie. Wis.; R. M. Norton, Pres. Racine co. Bank, Racine, Wis.; C. Barrett, River street, Cleveland, O. ; Fenton "t Brother, Cincinnati, O. ; Tibbie & Hays, Erie, Pa.: C. 11. Wright & Co. Bankers, Erie Pa.; C. H. Wright, Hanker, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Darling, Albert son .t Rose, Front street, X. Y. W. J. Willis. Water street, X. Y. ; R. Ball, Troy, X. Y. ; Mr. llune,ci fend. President Hank ot. Wcstht hl, Westlield, X. V.; Hon. S. Morton, Nebraska City. l-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND arorKrBns. WE would respectfully inform the Inhabi tants of Belleviin and vicinity that we arc prepared to ERECT and FIXISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice", nnd in the most work menliko manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, we feel confident in stating, that all who favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our work. WEST STORKS. Bellevue, Oct 23, 1S.")I".. l-tf GLACKSMITHING. 'IMIE Undersigned beg leave to inf. L the Inhabitants of Douglas county that thev are prepared, to do all work in their line of business, in the best manner, and on the most liberal terms, at their shop in Bellevue. f'yf Having hail several years experience at HORSE-SHOEING, in some of the best shops in Eastern Cities, they will be able to give entire satisfaction, to all who favor tin. in with their patronage, in this line. SHAW & I C ETON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lSjii. 1-fun 33 23! VTJ33 MHIE Propiielor of the above Sa--L loon, takes great pleasure in announcing to the public, that he Is now prepared to serve at all hours, and In the best manlier, WARM OR COLD ME ALS. ' OYSTERS, COOKED IN EVERY STYLE.. SARDINES. PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, BOILED F.GGS AXD GAME IN SEASON. Together with every thing that is usually found in a FIRST CLASS Refreshment Saloon. Having had considerable experience in ca tering for the public taitc, he is sure that all who favor him with a call, will be satisfied. CH ARLES JOHNSON. Bellevue, Oct. 23. isjf, HOUSE CARPENTERS AND .! HXKUS. fDHK undersigned takes pleasure in an L no incing to the inhabitants of Bellevue and vicinity, that tney are now prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner, all styles ol Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, On the shortest notice, and in the most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be also happy to ilo any work in the'ir line of business, which their friends may stand in need of. MYERS k. HILLYARD. Bellevue, Oct. 3d, 1.V.. 2-lf Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respect fully informs the inhabitants of Bellevue and the surrounding country, that he is prepared to dig and finish, WELLS AHU CISTERNS, At the shortest notice, and on the most rea stable terms. . D. A. LOGAN. B-llevue, Oct. 23, ISjo.l-tf Boot cfcs SIlOO MANUFACTURER. AW KIli II I, wouin resperttuliy r-"i , inform the Gentlemen nf Belle- fB vue and vicinity, that he is prepared' W to manufacture, to order, every variety of BOOTS AND SHOES. Of the best finish and Latest Fashion. He is also prepared to mike up in the best manner. I.nitir ii lert I an.l W'UUe.l Mippers, winch 1 w ill warra it to pie i.e nil who favor him w i the iis'oin. Bellevue, Oct. 3, IS."..). 2-tf POETRY. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tlio Driiiikaitl. HY A Vol" Nil i nis H XI N. Look Pot upon the wretched slave of wine As one unworthy of a lender thought ; His heart, tho' darkened now, was pure as thine. Before the demon his destruction wrought. Life's ills came on, and slowly, d.iy by day, His life became a burden to bis soul ; lie drank lo drive bis hitter thoughts away, And fell, alas I a victim to the bowl. Oft has he paused ns friends have plead reform,"' But O how sadly was the promise kept ; His hark too frail for passions angry storm. He sank as pitying nngels bent and wept. Ye who love deeds of mercy to bestow, Behold him sunk in degradation deep ; His history enough of earthly woe To call forth tears from eyes unused to weep. Perhaps he still may have a mother dear A loving sister or still nearer friend; His blackened vice will start the scalding tear. His wretchedness their bosoms lend. Willi quickened step lie (rends the downward course, As one whose heart has never known n fear ; Urged on by thirst, ns by a whirlwind's force, lie hastes to consummate his mad career. On earth he is Ibe object of your scorn ; Loaded with guilt he sinks into the tomb ; There he must sleep till resurrection morn, Atid only 'wake to hear his final doom. Behold yon gloomy church-yard's Briow-cnpped innund, Ye Gods! what brilliant hopes lie buried there ; The body wrapt in slumber most, The soul forever writhing in despair! O grave ! thou great devourer of my race, What mysteries canst thou alone disclose ! O! that all who approach to thy embrace Might find within thy realm a ''sweet repose." O dark abyss! O gulph c f black despair! Vain man! whydid'st thou take this direful roa.l ? Behold thy gloom ! no ray of hope is there ; Mercy shall never enter thy abode I Melhiuks I see the temple of Jehovah's ire, With firey billows cul ling round its dome, I see inscribed upon its door of fire "Here is the Drunkard's long eternal home !' There let him stay! and curse the sulph-rous sea, He knew his duty, hut he did it not ;"' Remorse will feed you through eternity Keveiige will never let him be forgot. Ye who've stood beside the drunkard's bed, And marked his anguish at departing breath; Rescue the son before he too shall tread The path that leads to ruin, shame and death. If thou wonld'st lend poor friends a helping hand, Or gain the favor of our common Lord. Then help to drive the tyrant from our land, And you shall reap a rich and full reward. MISCELLANEOUS. ( riuoliaua In Itli) me. DV TIIK OLD MAN. A lady with a crinoline was walking down the street her feathers llutteicd in the nir her h'vps stuck out n feet. She walked the earth ns if sho felt of it nbo was no putt, nnd proudly did bhc Mep nlong, for pride was in In r heart, t'lm did not see a curly dog which walked cloe bv her Mde, all s-nve the luisLv tad of which her crinoline did bide. His tjil the dog with pleasure shook it fluttered in the wind, and from the lady s crinoline stuck out a fool behind. A crowd the tail did soon espy, as it waved to nnd fro, nnd like a rudder reenu d to point which way the mn'd should go. The curly dog right pleased was ho such quarters be had got, and walked Lei-ide the lady in a kind of doggih trot. Kadi Men the lady now did take, toned to increa her train, while those who followed in her wake roared out with might nnd main. Some held their sides they laughed so hnrd, and many fairly cried, nnd many oven still confess that day they d 'like to died Hut still the lady sailed along, in crinoline and pride, unmindful of the crowd Khind or dog closo by her side. l!ut .soon nn other dog espied iho tail which liultered free it yo provoked his doggish ire lit Could not let it be but with n deep fero cious growl, for buttle straight he went, ninl 'nenth the lady's crinoline both dogs were quickly pent. They fought 'tis said one hour or more the lady nothing knew but with her bond erect sniled on, nnd did her way pursue. Some say sho nev er would have Known nt nil nhout tho fight, hud not one dog mistook nnd nave her "limb" nn awful bite. Hut since that day I've heard it said that lady ne'er was seen upon the street, with so much pride And ifi n crinoline. Who are I tin l.oiiKcst I. It '!'? Thero appears to bo a wide dillerence of opinion between Home nf nur most in telligent nnd respectable cntciupornrios in regard to the subject, who nre tho longest lived of nations ? We copy some nf their remarks: The Americans nre the longest lived of people, notwithstanding nil the humbug about the great uge to which the English live, their superior stamina, etc. And the longest lived of American nro to be found here, in this very New England, although mii h a mess nf stufl' is said about the Yankees working themselves to death, being half starved, and depriving them selves of the enjoyiiieiil.s nf life, thus tend ing to abbreviate it ; and despite the ar guments which nre based upon the change nbilily of the climate, the east wind, nnd nil that. These nre but windy nrgu menu. Statistics tell n different story. llo.ston Evening Ledger. Americans nre not the longest lived people, nnd wo much mistake if wo are destined to be n long-lived tuition, even ! Tho Irish, of whom the writer claims to be u descendant, nre the longest lived ; but wo don't know whether to attribute it to tin ir ( lunate or the suiiplo diet to which the general poverty confines them. Chnrlestou (S. ( .) Mercury. Von should have confined yourself, brother 'Mercury.' before you delivered that bunicut opinion. lumboldl hits placed it beyond ii doubt tho mountaineers of Peru can contest the palm with death longer than anybody else. New Or leans Picayune. That's a lie. Humboldt says no such thing anywhere. New Vork Evange list. Tul, tut, tut. What language for an "evangelist to use: lynti mere uo any wonder iiml naughty boys curse nnd swear, when they have such examples from such quarters? En. Lin: Ii.i.i b- TIIATl:!). Keep cool, gentlemen, or none of you will be long-lived. We believe the great est age of man to be obtained by the Hin- dostunees, and refer the curious in such matters to Ilullbn's interesting account of the people. New Vork Herald. Our American friends nre having n dispute os to what people present the most numerous instances of advanced age in man. Cold regions, we believe, to bo the most favorable to the prolongation of life, but we have nothing to disprove that the Dutch live longer than any other rare too long for their own good, perhaps. Loudon Times-. The London Times bns been having a fling ot tho Dutch, referring to the greut nge to win "h some i-f the Mynheers at lain, though nothing is mentioned about old Hip Van Winkle. The Times is fa mous for wholesale" slurs upon nations. though just now it has not a word to say n gamt its dear neighbor, I- raivo. If we i . ... . t iii !i .o . r' A 1 ouchiug Anecdote. wire asked who lived the "longest of; till people, wo should say tho Patagonians, The Knickerbocker's Editor's Table, for numbers nf them stand full eight feet ! hr January, has tho following: 'In a hijr),. H,"iston Pom. Metropolitan criminal court, eight years Tl. lt., !.... il,;,.!., .1... IVi-wr,,,, le ifcisioii i osi ii i ,s u i' i uiuuoiii- r, i, - ,i . I , ... r ii :...! "Ti...i nils) ii i i or I'MiL,' i v k mii niiuiniiKii iimu maybe; but it U certain that the inhabi-! tantsof tho Himmaleh Mountains live the ! highest. IJo-ton Herald. That may be, too, neighbor ; but a still surer thing is, whether the Vankecs live the longest or not. they are debtined to live the broadest, for e ventually their in stitutions will spread throughout theeuah. Parlor Casket. All right, gentlemen, but our ( pinion is, that thoMS of our Mibacribers who twiv their subscription promptly in advance will live longest. If they don't, it will in I be that wo don't sincerely wish them "long life and prosjerity." Weekly Gazette. () short-sighted mortals and blundering iicwsimper ! A way with all this non sense about high winds, cold regions, hot climates, tall mountains, deep valleys, English lords, Ereiuh ladies, Yankee men, Dutch women, Irish girls, Peruvian I...- .., PniAmminn ci inis C. n lion live fomvr. Thase live longest who do the iiesi. "ve live in years.'. Life Illustrated. deeds, not i He wiio , luru.y fricn-U lias none. NO. 18. 'v MtiiiililM ror lie 1'acKlc Tititlt'. I'urly next summer thero will bo plin.i'd mi tho lViliu con.-,! tho Urgent Mi'iiiiisliii tlmt !ms ever llnntt'il'iipoii tho vvatrrs nf tlmt ocenn. Tin; Now York (oiirirr nml Kiuniirer says; Nlio H now liliil.linjr, l,y Stephen G. ItoKiTl, in tho Wi'Kti-rvelt yard, at tho fiint nf Houston btreet, nnJ will register nhout ;j,(IOO tuns. The only upprouth tlmt luis hocn iimilo to thin uinong tho Pa rihV Mcanier has loi-n by tho (jolJon Ago, nf tim. Tho ilimviision. of the new ili'.imer nro ns follow.! r.utim length un deck, '.V2i feet; length of keel, 'If, r 1 ........ I, I." .r i ... . - nil, ininuiu oi ueiun, teet, depth nf hold, from tho spnr deck, 30 feet. Slip is diagonally braced with heavy iron Htrnps, each of which in fast ened nt tho, head to a bruce, which nur rounds the ship nt tho height of tho main deck, tinder tho rliimp. Jlor floor, and fwtlock timbers nro of white oak, top tiin hers of tnimirni'k, is planked throughout with white onk, nnd ceiled with yellow pino plank, which tiipurs gradually from I 'J inches nt the bilge to M inches at tho ninin-deck clump. 'She will le propelled by one single benm engine, with a DO-iuch cylinder and 1'J feet ftroke, now building at tho Mor gan Iron Works, nnd it is confidently be lieved that hho will hnvo boiler surfaco sullieient to generate nny n mount of steam required this beinrr the point where bo ' many stenmers hnvo failed. Ifer guard, will bo constructed in such a manner as lo nllbrd fueiliiioH for promenading sel dom enjoyed in non-going vessels, and I 1 , m goon veuniiiiioii is secured oy moans or ' largo biilo ports, nnd high, airy between " dei-ka. Ho tlmt, taking everything inUi consideration, hho is calculated to com bine great strength and speed with thoso invnlunblo (Utilities to steamships in a southern latitude roominess and ventila tion. She will be launched some time irL' r I I ...'11 t . . 1 m . Sfe ii, aim win oe reaoy ior sea in tner uiouih of Juno. 'Tho keel of a new steamship, 28fl feet in length, whose breadth of beam ....III.. At.'. I, .1 - - win oe -ii luei, anu ueptn ot noiu au teet, is now laying by the snino builder for th same parties, (.'has. Morgan & Son, nnd i . . . . . . . . mio is iniencied ior mo Lialitornia trade. Sho will be built on tho samo plan, ex cept that, inasmuch as she is intended for tho Atlantic service, bhe will not bo fur nihed with tho same improved guard, and bide ports.' r.uriiiraiu'c of flic Ktils ot JAte. Ncvcnlet ns wonder at anvthinir wo nre lsirn to ; for tnnji has no reason to complain, when wo aro all in the samo condition. Ifo that escapes might have Milllred, nnd it is but equal to submit lo tne laws oi mortality. ve must under go the colds of winter, tho heats of sum, mer, the distemper of the air, and tho disense of the body. A wild beast may meet us in one place, and a man moro brutal in another. It is the part of a grent mind to be temperate in prosperity, nod resolute in adversity ; to despise what tho vulgar admire, and to prefer a medi- ocrity to exresf. We are all subject to accidents, unkind seasons, distempers, and diseases, and why may wo not reckon tho actions of base, designing men, among th'vo awidonts 7 He who is well-tern-, pored, will stnnd all the changing shocks of life, without perturbation. It is only man's inward fear that inukes us curious . to know what is going on abroad u l"T wuiiiiiii, viiioMf uoynau wen i . . i ' witienceii i n ,,t Ierm In tne jveniten- . - , t sr- ,mrv fwrT "ol Provt'.J .' "! V"r .,Io,,or ?"e h,m snoner lerm J no i ... . tt. is a good boy 10 tne, your Honor he always was. I've just mode him some nice clothes, your Honor, which fit him beautifully (and bhe looked ns the said this, as only a mother can look nt her boy), and if you give him a long time to May in prison, the clothe, won't 1 im when ho come, out, for he', a growin' boy. Poor mother! bhe hail I saved much (for Ler) from her scant i earnings to clothe lier boy 'like the neifhlors' children.' This was too much for her son. He melted he wept he repented he was forgiven. And he is now one i f the most promising and hon orable young merchant, in our city. Every word of this u true, and knowu Ui j le so to very many persons. p , A "c i l"lb'iiged a bon to .in- ?'e co!"l!a, Th !'?n dfd'ned accepting ' H vv X fnid the bkunV, "are you I f4 " , 'Vf." replied the lion, "you would only gain fame ly having had the honor to fight a lion, while every one who meets me for a month to come would know that I ha J teen in compatsy with a skunk.