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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1925)
Saturday Is Little Boys' Day in “Babyland” A day of unusual offerings. A jay in which Omaha mothers *>ould supply the many apparel reeds of Daddy’s little Man. Boys' ‘Wash Suits $195 * Middy and Oliver Twist styles. All colors and color combina tions. White and tan collars and cuffs. Hand - smocked, long or short sleeves. s - Play Suits $125 Cunning little styles. Cham bray, romper cloth. Colors: blue and tan with red trim ming. These are very special. Sizes to 4 years. Boys’ Topcoats Sizes 2-3-4 Years • $5— Swagger (tyle* jutt like DadS. Sho wn in tweed*, twill* and flannel*, all wool, both box and belted ityle*. Your lad thould have *uch a coat a* thete. Hats to Match $195 Hat* to match the*e (mart coat*, both tarn* and polo •tyle*. Boys’ Paj amas $195 Crepe*, cro*« bar naintook* and madra*, *ixe* 2 to 8. Thete are very tpecially priced. Boys’ Summer Union Suits 75c 85c Knit v • Nainsook Vise* 2 to 6 year*, *hown in uiit and cro*« bar naintook. • ? Protect Your Furs from * . smpee,a‘!*“n T?- A/r *1. tl c*. Artistic Permanent rire, iviotn, inert \y/ * on either long cocnn In our big modern atorage vault, your fura are abao- ^ Or bobbed hair, V • lutely a.f. during the aummer month.. The coat for If Oj J COUSUlt U* First th.a atorage i. very alight. Phone or call at our Fur OTU t€ rrlTflOUZ jCXTTCtl ^(IQdft C€ j,.,., u ni. Department for particular!. «/ tj Kiddie Hair Bob>, J5(* Fun—Fourth Floor 1519-21 Dou6las Street Beaut)) Parlor—Seventh Floor £2-J S U SATURDAY—A Most Extraordinary Sale of New Spring Si-@ Introducing to Omaha Women “Herzberg Special” HOSIERY A fine quality silk thread hose in both chiffon and service weights. An incom parable value at, the pair— $' 65 Shown in every color. \ Investigate this un O usual value hose, it is the product of Ameri ca’s greatest hosiery maker, and sold under our private label. - Entrance Floor Aft «r. B*-# Saturday—An Unusual Selling of Footwear From our regular stock we have selected (or Saturday selling a score or more of the season’s very smartest styles from higher priced lines and offer at $7.85. This means unusual values at a time when new footwear is most in demand; it means you should come direct to Herzhergs Saturday for your footwear needs. Every New Leather—All the Fav ored Colors—Every Size and Width —all the New HeeldT Mezzanine Floor m__m a© ®§ Madam XStepins Closing out these famous Reducing Garments— 95 Sizes 0to8 • - / Made of finest quality para / rubber and silk, Madame X stepins are pronounced the most successful reducing gar ment. Rubber Reducing Girdles and Brassieres Odds and ends, discontinued T~v e lines, broken sites. Your choice \J f* | (~* f* ot the lot Saturday at only— ^^ *' / Including Such Nationally Known Makes as Betsy Ross, Treo, American Lady, Warner’s Stylish Stout Reducing Garments Styles 806-808. Sizes 24 to 34. First quality para rubber cov- l ered with silk milanese, satin *k trimmed. Beautifully made. A ’ most remarkable opportunity for stout women to sere on a most desirable reducing gar ment. f, Corset Salon— Mezzanine Floor 1 s) Values that compel attention. Beautfiul coats in an array of smart styles so great that you are certain to find several to meet your most exacting style whims. V v v ~ Beautiful Fur Trimmed Coats in Sale at Silk Poplins Poudre Blue Lorsheens Tiger Eye Poiretsheens Chili Pablo Doreena Cravel Twills IVigWam Flannels Black Beige Kasha Navy Here Is another demonstration of Herzberg predominance in value giving. An other opportunity for Omaha women to partake of money savings on new and wanted coats that have no near rival this season. ..-. . \ Final Day of Our 33.75 Sale of Coats A sale that has been accorded the most enthusiastic buy ing crowds of the year. Beautiful befurred coats, de veloped from the most favored fabrics, and offered at a price which in many instances does not represent one half their true worth. >. .. j Rarely Does One Encounter the Equal of This Sale of Girls" Coats More then 200 from which to make your •elections, every coat a jaunty new spring style, a coat that was made to sell at a much higher price. * Sizes 7 to // Years \\roil (ief V dines Every color that any well coaled girl might de»irc; »ome are embroidered, other, trimmed y • with button, and braid, novelty collar, and I'll 1 /"4-#a I of C cuff*. Rarely will you find the equal of tha.e J uniur SdUdla value, in tirl.’ coat.. Sizes 1.1-15-17 ^ Morning Sale of *11 75 200 Girls’Hats ■ ■ A close out of new JH JR| J. ~z; spring hats, every ^^B 4b «4k color, many styles, jffi sizes 6 to 14 years, . Wm. silks, straws and $ Eg combinations. Come T ll Fetching styles for the early please. Ig| high school miss and small woman, a .pl.ndid variety V (llllCS lo $.195 .JR. of styles. Most eatraordi nary values. ,C/r/ir Nook—F if lit Floor New Millinery Emphasizes the Vogue for Sheer Hats Sand Cray Wood Pablo . T errapin - » * • The charm of the picture hat returns with these exquisite models of sheer straw and hair. Embellished with bright flower clusters or large single blooms and combined with clouds of matching lace. Large and small head sizes. • M1 Millinery Salon—Third Floor For Saturday We Offer 'Mfi A Rare Selling of Smart New Ensembles i Beautiful suits, developed from flannels, kashas, charmeen and twill cords. Frocks of pleasing silks. At $24.50 you'll pronounce these the season's greatest values; all of the’ most desirable colors are included. Sises 16 to 44. En sembles for dressier wear as well as for sports wear. Fourth Floor Jaunty Sew " Suspender SKIRTS^ $(^95 Just what you want for •ports wear: very jaunty, shown in many colors and in a variety of suitable fabrics. N Enhance Floor