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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1925)
! Animal .Sale ' ... »•"">* 2M *' r,Animal Sale | f1 rUlt Bulbs Kerchiefs Hlouses , Keiehiets Croquettes F]"Ult | T„„„c Ea<h. 3c 3,h., 1.00 124c 95c 135 I 17c »- 39c 39c m„-__ 1 ii f §«J £-1 , .A special purchase of n - . , .. Kntex la • convanience I | LllJw X X \/VIJ Fi'*t quality «i*dioi» Fin# Irish linen "Kmrnt*" hr»"<J <•'**'• l.eoe pair* of full faah- lure Irish linen »v«ry woman «n}oy» X X CCO bulbs, all lovely color- Finpxt K P n t U rkv . . , , , - . cd blouses in fast col- l, ■ n id lr «r,-Vnnfa taklne advantaae of A delieloua confection. j 7b In... to ..II Saturday r lnest K e n t U CKy h a n d k erchiefs in orod broodclotha. mad. iened hoi. in all the h a n d h erch.efs of Say. ."rT.n. 1n. SOS pound, to ha anld 1 I n at thl. low pr.e*. blue grass seed. white and colors. ?“d ,‘PSi.« S°?o SSL*!?*”' Sll,htly good size. With U- d«d a met oecoptabl. Saturday. Rrrular «Oo . 1 Cut Flowara „ , IS. inch hems. one- value. 9 Ml 1^ 1.1 _ M»‘" Fl®®r J) piff. p. r L Ma,n F °°r _ „ . M®'" H®»r , Notion.—Main Floor X 8 I X M _f rifth Floor ^ Fourth Floor Main Floor _'' Mala Floor ^^^XX Apple Trees _______ Yellow Transparent CheiTy Tr6£8 Duchess _Early Richmond ■ '■T "W m ■ M WL W 'W 'jn§ WH Montmorency ] ithe prandeis Store! . i r Three Instructors At Your Service We have three expert in structors in our Art Sec tion every day from 9 till 6. These teachers are competent and anxious to teach you to make beauti ful lamp shades, fancy pil lows, wax work, the newest in embroidery and in the popular Plastolart (making baskets, lamps, boxes, etc.) Take advantage of this free instruction. Hp! Third Floor ij® Fur Storage Protect your furs in our Arctic vaults and help them retain their natural glossy appearance. Second Flocc m Fashionably Au thentic Are Pictorial Review Patterns They are simple to follow, and require the least pos sible yardage. Our sales people are competent to offer suggestions and to advise about materials and colors. Main Floor il^n Convenience The Postoffice From where you may send mail and parcel post. Main Floor. The Check Stand Where yod may check grips and parcels. Where parcels may be wrapped for mail k ing. Basement—West. Pay Telephone and Light Bills At our Bank your checks will be cashed and here you can pay light and telephone bills. Main Floor—West. The Transfer System By which you may have all your purchases assembled at one desk, to he paid for at one time and delivered j to your home town free of : charge. The Rest Rooms For freshening up after your shopping tour. Bal . cony. Is For Luncheon or Dinner Thelmndeis Restaurants A delightful place to meet your friend* or entertain your guests for a pleasur able hour or so. Delicious food, excellent service and splendid music from Art Landry’* Dance Orchestra Luncheon till 2:30 Dinner till 9:00 Theater supper till 12:30 Tenth Floor 1 n ! The Beauty Shop it | Where experienced operator* •killed In the art of “beautify | In*’* do j Hair Dyainy Tinting Water Waving Bleaching Massaging Permanent Waving Manicuring Marcelling Let our rompetent men and women operators hob ot • hinale your hair in the latent fashion. FineToiletries At Very Low Prices _ . . , „ -• | 1.00 Boncilla Beau 10c Colgate s Bar- tifier, - . ber Bar g at 74C Soap, "v „ . _ 5.00 Golliwogg Per 1.60 2-quart I-oun- fume, bulk Q QO *a'n. QQp ounce, Syrincre. j - « 25c and 35c Tooth S«hpB0X 18c f 15c 35c Davol OO at Nurser, C 75c Fitch's PA 2.00 Lunch Kit com- Shampoo, OVC plete with 1-pint 1-00 Herpicide, for f— 1.49 ih.'h*lr' 79c 50c Djer Kiss Face ’4 lb. Cocoa Orf Powder, 0*7 _ Butter, “ • C at 1 pint Norwegian Ambre Royal Cod Liver PA Perfume, O PA Oil, bulk oz., 25c Merck’s Zinc 1.75 Bocabelli Cas- Sterate, I C tile Soap, -l A.7 at 4-lb. bar, * • va pint Imported 3.60 Narcisse De Olive QQ_ Chine Perfume, Oil, bulk O CQ 1.00 Bristle Shav ounce, ing Brush, CQ 1.50 Piver’s Azurea at 027C or Le Trefle Vege- 50c Mennen’s Shav if ; 1.19 Cr"m' 37c 50c Nonspi, O O 4.00 Twinplex Razor at OOC. Blade O AQ 1.60 4711 1 IQ Sharpener, *2/0 Bath Pow. 1.1 21 50c A u t o Strop 1.25 Berry's AO Razor Kremola, 2/OC Blades, OOC Main Floor—West n Delightfully Designed—Showing Every Preference of Line and Coloring at Very Moderate Prices Are These Frocks Printed silks, crepes and georgettes find lovely expression in dresses designed for every possible occasion. In the bright shades— Blonde Rust Tomato Cocoa Green T an Nervy .» • Women’s and misses’ sizes. -m m A popular priced group of dresses where every fashion note has found expression. Gay printed silks, plain and bright colored crepes with effective trimming touches. Women’s and misses’ sizes. 7 his is an unusual opportunity for those who wish to be well dressed at a small cost for they are frocks suitable for wear now and throughout the summer season. g For Quality and Economy the Values Are Indeed Worth While A Real Boy Wants Well Tailored 2-Pant Suits In Newest Colors A large assortment of well tailored all wool suits in light and dark shades. Snappy styles that the boys will like. Cut full. Sizes 8 to 18. Values to 15.00 985 A Vcry Low ■■— Price for This Quality. , i • Boys’ Wash Suits Boys’ Play Suits 1.69 to 5.95 and Koveralls Long and »hort pant*. 1° khaki, heavy and button-on middle atyle*, light weight, plain or some with poplin waist* trimmed, and dark Matin pant*. Site* 3 to 8 — All wash suit*, guaran- 65C to 1.00 tefd fast color*. Size* 9 to 16— Site* 8 to 8. 1.50 to 2.50 The Brandei* Store—Fourth Floor j---v Broken Lots of Kid Gloves 35 Filled if Desired In shades of brown, gray, bea ver, white and black. 53 pairs cuffed floxes, 3 95 values. 205 pairs fancy cuffed gloves, 3.50 values. !j 100 pairs fanrr cuffed end | 2-clasp styles. 4.00 values. 47 pairs clever novelties, regu lar $.50 values. 43 pairs novelties with cuffs, regular 6.00 values. Every size represented, hut not every size In each color. The Brandeis Mere ^ Main Floor ^ Saturday Offering Novelty Slippers That Have Sold Up to 12.50 8 In this special group e\erjr popular footwear note is emphasized—there are straps, pumps and oxfords in Patent Satin Russian Calf mith Spanish or Cuban Heels / hat Have Sold Up to 12.50. Come Early for Best Choice. Third Floor a S=- - V. Scarfs The Rainbow Hue I.«e» knit, econette and f 1 o w • r • d a e a r f a In lovely color : o mbinationa. Shidea to match or con tra at with your every costume. 2.00 to 4.50 Mala Floor m A Morning Frock From Nelly Don 1.50 No. 375—A “sunshiny” frock in soft or bright colors, with clever little touches of trim or cut, that take it out of the house dress class. Third Floor—South -r Just 600 Girls' Fast Color Tub Frocks Priced Only Girls’ fast color tub frocks made in many at tractive little styles, with trimming touches that bring out the simplicity and youthfulness of each model. Made of Broadcloth Cingham Prints Linen in all the wanted colors. Sires 6 to 14 years. Others priced st— 3.50 »nd 6.98 Girls’ Coats Smart models in polo cloth, Eng lish tweeds and novelty materials. In the bright new shades. Sires 6 to 16. 9.50 The Brandcit Store—Second Floor—West If You Have a Corset Problem Miss Jane Olson Expert NEMO Corsetiere Will Be in Our Corset Section to give you individual attention in select ing just the corset that is right for you. She will give you advice and help you in every way. • Smart Women W ill A p preciate the Advantages Her Presence Affords &-» See the Nemo Flex Newer Corsetry Garments Nemo flex corsets—very sturdy but flex ible. combinations—a brassiere cleverly combined with a trim little girdle, Nemo flex girdles and brassieres. Corsets $4 to $15~Brassieres $1 to $3.50 The Branded Store—Thir4 I^Uor M---- ■— Mothers, Three Reasons for Buying Buster Brown Shoes— —Service—Smartness—Comfort— For Boys ^ For Girls The Popular ‘Betty Jane’ Pumps “Tifire” BaSt Dress pumps in patent leather. R ‘ Sizes 11'a to 2, 4.50 In tan Russia calf, with solid, Sizes 2'4 to 7, 5.50 but light welted soles. Made of the best grade of leather. .DlOVVn rSUHt SiiasJ210 2*‘c "i'io Sandals ‘ . Sizes 2 4 to «, C and f> Dress pumps for growing girls lasts, 5.00 in leather or sunset Oxfords and Shoes 2* to 7. 5.00 For dress and play wear, in the Oxfoi’dS) toi* new shades and best materials, rj„„n tj both elk Hiid ealf. k^mall DOyb Sizes 121* to 2, It and D Tan calf, broad-toed oxfords lasts, 3.50 In 5.00 with strong soles. | Sizes 2 It to ti, R and D Sizes 4 to 8, 3.INI lasts, 4.00 and 5.50 Sizes 8'* to 11. 3.25 Brandoia Store —Fourth Floor Brandeit Store—Third Floor -1— r There's Beauty and Practicability in Munsing Silk Hose For They're Finely Fash ioned of Lustrous Silks Service | Chiffon Weights Weights Heavy silk thread. T.hrp*d .ilk and with lisle tap. and ?hLffon. h.°"; reinforced heel and intoned heel and toe. In beaver, pic- t®w *"d e'* * P< adilly, a ire dale, £,h« tot ro"*’ fawn, black, gun- >rfnch taupe, sire metal, piping rock <*•!•. nude, piping and polo *1 CA rV,k' *tnL°*pjlf£? l-50 “ii" 1.75 j Thread Silks ?f|"r Chiffons Silk from top to \S ith lisle top and toe. The ho.e you reinforced heel and want for dre»s-up toe. Thi. ho.e wear. Unbelievably comes in the follow- .oft and clear in ing shades—atmos- texture. Comes in p'nere, French nude. black and the want gunmetal | Qff ed colors. O CH ind black. S *03 \\ « Children’s Munsing Hose ! At ‘25c At 50c Fine cotton ho.e in black and , ... . ., , " brown. A splendid ho.e for hlne h"*(' >" W»''k- whitw. ICbool WHf brOWB ar.1 Mfiovsn 1 he Brandeia Slora—Main Floor