The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 19, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    To Investigate
Joe Stecher’s
Zbyszko Bout
NEW YORK, Feb. 18.—George E.
Brower, chairman of the New
York State Athletic commission,
today took his f^rst step in the pro
posed investigation of Joe Stecher's
alleged confession that he ''threw” a
wrest 1!ng bout to Smnislaus Zbyszko
at the instigation of the so-called
"wrestling trust.” Brower’s action, he
• said, would take the form of an ex
amlnation of letters on the case and
newspaper articles detailing Stecher's
alleged confession. I
"I have just received this Informa
tion and will want to examine it thor
oughly before going any furthA-,'’
Brower said. "However, I can make
no predictions as to what action, if
any. is taken, until J have thorough
ly examined the material now In my
Both of the wrestlers Involved sre
former heavyweight champions of the
Huskers Lose
to Jayhawkers
T.awrenre, Kan., Feh. 17.—Kansas
eager* hold'the lead of the Missouri
valley conference undisputed tonight
by virtue of driving through to a vic
tory over"the Nebraska Comhuskers’
hard playing basket ball team, 28 to
20. The Jayhawkers now have won
10 and lost one, while Nebraska has
dropped to second place with six won
and two lost.
It was the second defeat of the sea
son for Nebraska at the hands of
Kansas, and though the Jayhawks
led all Ihrough the game tonight, it
took the hardest kind of battling to
put the Huskers away.
f. ft. f X ft. f
Arksrman. f fi 3 '1 Klspsar, f (l it 0
8-hmldt, f ton t'sher, f t <1 1
Knxl* f lift Krkstrom, f ft 2 2
tvt.rsen c 3 ft -1 Black, f 0 ft ft
■Wilkins, x 0 0 2 Anderson, f ft ft ft
. Beerkls, f ft ft ft
Sinahs. f 1 ft ft
Gondson. a 4 ft 2
Tipton. I 1 ft 2
Yota, X 2 0 3
Tolftll It « 3 Totals 9 3 10
>;eferee: FreC Williams. Missouri. T'm
—Fire; Warren Giles, St Joseph, Mo.
George Sisler Unable
to Talk to Amateurs
Georg# Sisler, manager of the
Cardinals, will be unable to speak
before a mass meeting of the Omhha
amateur b»Jl players at the Audi
torium, February 2*, It was an
nounced this morning:.
FEBRUARY 18, 1905.
BEA1R, Neb.—The Boyle* ^college
basket ball team of Omaha de
feated Dana college of Blair,
11 to 10, in a fa*tly played game.
Dana led at the half, 8 to 4.
DETROIT, Jdtrh.—R. R. Bennett
of the Heron Hill Gun club of
Pittsburgh. Pa., today at the
Kusrh house trap* won the title of
champion live bird shot of North
America by killing 24 out of a pos
sihle 25 birds. He missed his third
NEW YORK.—Officials of the
American and National league
baseball clubs have agreed upon
a seven game world series this fall.
—winning and
holding good will
I % -•
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is NOT on the Box, it is NOT
“There is no other BROMQ QUININE”
Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century aa an
effective remedy for COLDS, GRIP and INFLUENZA, and
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4 j The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet
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Sue owes
t;8 f*''00 THe-oi. i A T**> 0**SJt’'
DftUCrSTD f^e« j SfTvnoN s
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ui4 apple sauce:
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Howard Jones
Will Face Old "
Charge Next Fall
BY a strange twist in fate,
Howard Jones, now football
roarh of the lniversity of
Southern California, will fare his
old charge, Iowa, on the gridirnig
next fall. The Hawkeyes will play
California on the roast next No
vember In the final game of the
season. Jones quit Iowa to be
come roarh at Duke university
and left the South Carolina Insti
tution to go to California.
V- ___ J
Omaha Alleys
to Hold Tournev
THR annual Omaha Bowling alley
handicap pln-tumbllng tourna
ment will start Friday night at
the Omaha alleys, with a record *n
try list ready to start shooting for
the money prizes.
According to T. V. Jameson, mans
ger of the alleys, 45 teams have en
tered'the team events. Five more
teams can he accommodated ami any
squad wanting to participate In the
tourney can do so by getting In touch
with Mr. Jameson.
Ninety bowlers have entered the
singles, while SO two-men teams have
enlisted In the double events.
The team even's will he bowled
Friday and Saturday, while the
doubles and singles will be rolled Sat
urday and Sunday.
Socrerista Meet Tonight.
A meeting of the Omaha District
Soccer league will he held at the city
hall tonight at 8. "Plans for the
spring schedule will be made. Those
Interested In eoccer sre Invited to
WILLIAM JAVIE? WA>0, flrsl bnsv
man-outfishier. NT. JOSEPH.
Horn. Wyandotte, Okla.. May It. 1997.
g HHght. 9 feet. Weight. 197’ pound*.
v Rat* left-handed. Throw* rlcht-handed.
Club* In 1924: Wichita Falls and Dallas.
Teia* leajrve.
Flrsl engagement: Oklahoma City.
Western league. 1917.
finb* since then: Tulsa. 1919: Little
Rock. Southern association. 1920, 1921.
1922; Atlanta. 9. A.. 1922; Dallas. 1923.
1924; Wichita Fall*. 1924.
College record: Five years al Chllaceo
Indian Agricultural college. Participated
In four sports there.• hasehsII. track, has-,
ket ball and football.
1924 record: Game*. 39; al bat. 122;
run*. 22; hit*. 49: doubles, 9; «aerUMce*.
3; batting average. .329. Placed first
‘base. Put outs. 292; assists. 12; error*.
1; fielding average. .997.
Minneapolis, Minn., F*b. 18.—New
high record* are expected to be eet
in the International howling tourna
ment today when a number of crack
bowler* take thei* turn in the two
men event!*- The morning program
included six men from Dubuque, la.
Deader* in the various event* fob
neluded six men from Dubuque, la.
FI.e-Men Ftent. ....
A. O. tT. W. Sr. Paul.-.“ *1*
Bergman'. Spurting floury, St. Paul ■ •..*'**
Jenson Kurnitur. Company. St. Paul.2.M"
Huffman Crorby, omana. -c**
Guarantee Fund, Omaha.,,...12,7.4
M. .lergen.on-M J KI.e.gei, Mlnne
. poll. .. 1.74 2
0 P Binnerud I, Muhr St. Ta ul. . . 1.214
A Bllakl-O. I.., St
Paul .}•!{«
T Uoonev-D. Clark, Omaha .1,1*7
H Thon-a-C T Thnmi t'hlcago .1,1*2
A R Alton T .7, Harg.rten. Mtnn.
apolla .•.MM
r Bell. RockfordWn7,"‘.. 4*2
F Rlchateln. St Paul. »;•
E T Xesls. Omiha . 4*7
Henry Loheyde. Minneapolis.. .. 454
J. H Coffon. Grc*n B*y. Wls. 448
All Events.
1 Bell, Rockford. Ill..1*83
M. J. Minneapolis.1.442
A Vcsmek Cedar Rapids ..1-2*5
K G Scipl# Omshs .1.779
Hsnry Lonsyde. Minneapolis ........1.772
Metropolitan Girl# Defeat
Catholic Daughter Cager#
The Metropolitan Athletic club
girl* defeated the Catholic Daughter*
of America, 15 to 9, In the firet con
test In the city eerie* on the Creigh
ton floor Tuesday night.
ADgr.uTjsrM r. vr.
lake Salt# to Wa#h Kidney#
if Back Pain# Yon or
Bladder Bother#
Flush you rkidneys by drinking a
quart of water each day, alto take
.site occasionally, say* a noted au
thority, who telle us that too much
rich food form* acids which almost
paralyze the kidney* in th^ir efforts
In expel it from the blood They he
come sluggish and weaken' then you
may suffer with a dijll misery In the
kidney region, sharp pains in the
hack or sick headache, dizziness, your
btpmai h amirs, tongue I* mated, and
when the weather Is hud you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine gets
cloudy, full of sedlrtient, the channels
often get sore and irritated, obliging
you tn seek relief twd or line* times
during the night.
To help neutralize these IrrllaUng
acids, if* help cleanse (lie kidneys and
flush off ilie body's urlnoue wesie,
get four ounces of .lad Balls from any
pharmacy here, take a lablespnonfiil
In a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days, snd your kidneys may
then act fine. This famous salts Is
made from the arid of grapes anil
lemon juice, combined with llihla, and
has I teen used for years tn help flush
and stimulate sluggish kidney* ai»o
lo neutralize ;h» acid. In the svsient
so thsy no longer Irritate, thus nflan
rcliavlng bladder wtaknsea '
Baseball Dope
The l>etroll Ttgera do not pul up et
a hotel In their training ramp. Instead
a couple of old colonial nianalona are
rented and the playere live club fashion
tv,th their own staff of nhefiC waiters and
servants Thar sounds nlie and the Timers
seem to have enjoyed It In past seasons
Chicago. Feb. 1*.—Bob Qnlnn, preel
dent of the Iloatoo Red Sox. rates the
title as the Pevid Hamm of baaehal
Quinn regarded as a shrewd Ridge of
players made three deals to nbta'n two
atert he particularly w anted for Boaton a
1I2S team. _ ..
Homer Kisetl «nd Boh Tmthm ire the
two Individuals Involved end thle pair
will battle it out for a permanent berth
Eszel? tu obtained by Quinn in a
trade with the f>t Louie Browns for
Norman McMillan Ess-ll was * ”;ru'*
trfleldar and spent much of hU time on
the bench. Quinn eaw poeslbllltlee In
**The deal whereby Boaton ebtslned
rrnthrn «ai a three club affair Quinn
first traded Howard Shanks to the
Yankees for Mika McNally. Washington
wanted - McNally, so swapped him for
Prothro Shanks and McNally are veter
ans. while Prothro le a youngster.
Official statistics from the offtree nt
the New Tork Yankees bring the n*tvs
that Babe Ruth's weight >e .10 pounda
v#t from Hot Sprang* ha»1
him working hard to get htmself down
to ibout 22* ___
Dave Clark Sets
New Pin Record
DAVE CLARK, member of the
Hoffman Crosby bowling team,
that topped the International
Bowling tournament now In progress
at Minneapolis, for several days,
smashed the high three gam# record
fur Omaha howlers last night at the
Recreational alleys when he chalked
lip a score of 70S for his ^rlo of games.
The old records of 695 waa held by
G*or(t* Kennedy.
Clark rolled game totals of t2*. !*T
and 213. In hla second game he scored
eight consecutive atrlkee.
The Hoffman-Cmshy team defeated
the Omaha Towel Supply.
LEO KAKOWSKI ha* been ap
pointed bualneaa manager of the
Polieh Athletl* club, succeeding
Ed Sledge and will enter • baseball
team In the eenlor league of the
"Muny" association this season.
Last season the Polish boy* had •
team In the Junior Omaha league.
Several of last year * player* will
get the opportunity to advance Into
the higher league. The Polish club
will be given the needed strength of
auch players as Clem Stollnskl, Ben
I<ehre, Ted Veat and Oua Kltdlaca.
nu* Kudlaca. la without a doubt
on# of the beat all round bait player*
on the sand Iota today.
An entertainment Is now bslng ar
ranged for th* baseball team, the
fund* to he used In buying 'new
equipment for the player*.
Miller Park Golf Club
Holds First Meeting of Year
The Miller Park Golf club held It*
first meeting of th# year at the club
house at Miller park Tuesday evening
when plan* were formed for the com
ing season. Th# ne»t meeting will
he held March 17, with election of
TWi com fort in • eery bo* for the I §|p
’ill: piiitat Ibey contain active ingrrdi ^M
■ #*»»• tltat relies * fhe pain and ifi'btnft j||jy
and ara tartly applied |E
»|i Pyramid Pda Kuppoeitoriea nub ihcir ^M
ltoothing. <(i(oa butter baa# and ibelr OBg!
■ Hme tMoH bealmg properties. b*'t IdM?
Iffll bfoiifb* enduring relief to ihoueand* llSi
* 1 bav *itll do tb* «ni« foe you
At Your n*M|firt j'S]
Flrat run: F!' # and one-half furlonga:
Chief Sponsor (Noe) .5 00 3 80 3.30
Melvina (Woodstock) .24.50 * 40
Remnant (Rodriguez) .».*0
Time: 1 07. Lleutenanj Farrell. Serapta.
Frank Sumpter. Mary .lohnaton, Julie,
Si*r Girls. High Priceless. Ada Doe and
Sudan Ureas also ran.
Second rif«: Five and one-half furlonga:
Captain Costlgan ( Bust on). . 4.80 3 30 2 50
Naughty Nigba (Karnes) .....•••5 40 3.40
Rln Tin Tin (F Steven*) .3 1°
Time: 1 07 2-5. Old Paiga. Pentecost a
Last. Carrier. Uncle Jay, Belpre and Fair
Break alao ran. «
Third race Mile and seventy yarde:
Golden Age (Olanelh) .T 20 % JO 2 90
Shanghai (Noe) ..a 00 2
Mlaa Washington (Petfrnei) .3 90
Tim*: ! 44 1-6 Confluent* and Doc
MacMillan alao ran.
Fourth race: S mile:
Grace H. (Ambroae) ..* 30 2 50 2 20
Aatrld (Buxton) . 2 40 2.-9
Atalante (Fields) .2 40
Time: 4* Lemnos. Go Through, Lorin
da R*a! Gold. Jay Bee also ran.
Fifth race 5 furlonga
regaaus (Srutts) .5 oo 4.79 2 49,
Ball Gee (F Srevena) .5 4« 3 oo ,
Fin Lag (We«ne-). ... 2 40
Time 1 12 3-6 8ocggtee. Broomater.
Brice. Brilliant also ran
Sixth race: Mile and a elxteenth
Nettie May (Otanelll) .214* 4 oa 6 To
Tulea t McTIgue > . 3 50 3.20
Be i ay (Perernel) ..12 50
Tim* J So Frank Monroe Phenol,
^quir* W.reins. Acosta. Magician. Attor
ney Muir, May Girl, Mike Morrissey also
Seventh race Mil* and an eighth:
Wrangler (StuMs) . 17.40 7 50 3 00
Bankrupt (Noe) .3 40 ? 40
Ruben Rogue «Malb*n) 2 40
Tim*: 1.54 1-1. Bucado, Brunell, Mark
Over alao ran.
fair riRnrsns.
Flrat race: S(x furlongs
Miranda 1R. Harvey) ..11 4 5 4-5
Transformer (Thomas) ..4-5 2-5
Nora If a \ *■ (t l.sng) .. . 4 5
Time; 1.14 3 5. Storm Cloud. Silent
Lillian. Lieutenant Ruat. High \ tew.
Queen* Mario. La Belle. Tea Trey, Son
of Tromp. Little Pal also ran.
Second race; Six furlongs:
Frightful (Allen) . 4 % .7 4 4 4-51
Galatia <C Lang) .5-1 2*»-l
Outcast ( Yelton ) 14
Time 1 13 2-6- Wahkeena. Telequa, My
Destiny. Star Sweeper, Rosa Greener and
Red Squirrel also ran.
Third race Five and a half fuGongs
Fir# Boy (R Pool). 7-1 2’*-l 4-6
Burk (M»y#r) .20-1 10-1
Huon Pin# (Fronk).«-5
Time DO* 2-5 Dust Flower Brinkley,
The Runt and Leafherwood also ran.
Fourth r»ce: Mil# and a elxteenth:
Honor (Hum).7-5 1-4 eut
Chllhowee (J_ D Mooney).1-4 out
Elector (L Lang).1-3
Time l 45 3-? Duatabout also ran.
Fifth race Mila and a elxteenth
Vu’nad (Allen). . 4-19 13 out
Torlck tvullemot) . 1-5 7-19
Rork (1. A Mooney) ..... 7-19
Time 1 4*. Judge Breuer Promising
Tom Sf. Martina end Blarkolia also ran
flixth race Mila and 70 yards
Contentmant (Allen). .1-1 4-5 1-3
Calembour (Fronk) .5-1 2-1
Sweeptona iVuilemotf . 2-5
Tlmtr 1 44 Sincere Boo Boo Head
Line and Booeter aleo ran
Seventh race: Mile end 75 vard*
Warfare (Telton). l*-5 even 2-1
Grace Troxler (Colin).4-5 7-19
Doc McMahon (Lae) 13
Tim* 1 4*. Parmachenee Belle. Jnhal
Early. Hidden Monfy and A1 Levy also
First race: Purse 17*9. t-yUer-olds. al
lowences. oneself mile:
Guess the TlirfK Hi (F. Rsrnse)
. 5.99 1,99 ? 59
Omnls. 119 (Lllley).Y 20 2 49
Silver State. 122 (Smith).3 29
Time :49 3-5. Moeea. Eleven Sixty.
Athens K . Hama Cecelia and Cuaro also
Second race PiirP# |499, claiming. 4
yesr-olds and up
Twin F->x. Ill (Taplln) 4 49 2 «9 2 49
Sir lohn Vergne, 114 (Ellis)....44 49 9 49
Blanche Mayers. 194 (Smith) s 49
Tint*. 56 Raffles Teas'* H Franc
Tlretir. Herrv Dax1». r. R*en* Fix Al
VanMu Welles Midnight Bel! Tooters.
Coombs and Arthur Middleton •!#<> run
Third race Five furlongs, I >#ar-oM»
and up claiming purs# I***
Mf Shssta i« (Elston). . 6 99 3 49 1 ««
Old Lady. 99 (Griffin) I ?9 3 ;9
xMsrgaret Madison. 44 (Fisher). ... 4*9
Tim* 1 9i 1 \ Ladv Abbott xLady
Small. Effi# Randall Home Run. Mr*
f’at xBnokworm \Plnk Tenny. xNor
ford • Cast. Dan Arxt Smiling and Carrie
Moore aleo ran.
Fourth r*'** MU* and a sixteenth. 4
x ex r«oid* and up claiming pur*s 440*
Sway. l«4 (E’ston * .» 5 99 3 29 3 ?9
('olcnel Lit 194 (Fisher) 7 49 4 99
Alamoiir. 19? (Griffin)
Time 1 47 l 6 Martne Corps Ten
Con. Ik* Harvey. Mannikin 11. Piedra and
Dumbfounder also ran
Fifth rare MU* and a sixteenth. 1
%est olds and up. handicap, purse $1 *>0(t;
1 sills Shax. i F.lstnn). 6 90 * out
Rosea 11 e 11 94 (HnSftlandl 2 29 out
I*t Clark. 44 (Griffin) 'Hit
Time. I 45 3-5 I»n1\ three atgnteie
sixih rare six furlonga. 4 year-olds
■ nil up. puts* 1790:
Moca Fox. II. I" 4 (Griffin).. 5 4o .3 -4 2 29
J H Jordan lo« (Uromley). 4 49 ? 49
June Grnae, 19? (Taplln) . 2 49
T)me: 1:1? Hupei Cargo, The Mohawk
111 HOd Pluikv ihn ran
S*»\gnth rare- Mile and a elxteenth 4
H»| olds and up. Claiming, puie# 5490:
Silent Klua ill (Fills) 4 90 3 00 2 4«
Ui al»c wortnv, 101 (M.IDigh) I7.xu 10«>9
$35° $g50 $750 *gfKi $050 $975 $JQ50
$11*>5 $i2so *130° $1500 $1550 $2385
Says Schlaifer
Deserved Draw
□ifNFI.TCTlN'U reports front I.ok
Angeles regarding the recent
Morrle Schlaifer Dode Bercot
fight tield |aat Friday night, which
went to Hereof on a referee's decision
at the end of iO hard rounds of fight
lug, hate proved food for argument
on Omaha's fight Rialto.
The following was written by Ed
Frayne, boxing expert of the Record
of I .os Angeles. Also the fight by
rounds of the Schlalfer-Hercot bout.
yefe's Frayne's account of the
From start to finish. Schlaifer was
the agglessor. Kercot boxed bis head
off In the first three rounds, but tin
pace told. Dode took as much ss he
sent from the fourth round on and
the Seattle lad was very fortunate to
weather the seventh. Schlaifer dazed
him with a right under the ear and
a stunning left to the jaw. Either
Schlatter's vaunted punch Is a myth
or else Hereof has made good under
the acid test. Dode certainly stood up
welt under a terrific hammering in
this session.
| Fight by Rounds
A DRAW would have been the
—proper verdi^S on the Dod*
Renot-Morrle Srhlaifer bout at
Hollywood Friday night, acrording to
the Record'* round by-round tabula
tion. Such a decision would have
given Schlaifer the rredit he was due
for his gams showing, and It would
have deprived Bercot of nothing. It
is quite a feat for a youngster to beat
such a seasoned old-timer as Schlai
fer. The Record gave four rounds
to Schlaifer, three to Bercot and
three even. Here* th* score and
why: a
Kotin it 1—-Barmt uncorked • rally
shortly after the round opened and
mopped over two hard rights to Srhlai
fers jaw. Schlaifer tvae the aggressor,
hut Bercot was punching faster. Schlai
fer landed low wllh a left to the leg aod
Bercot doubled up wllh pain. Time tvae
taken oui until Hertot regained his
strength The blow was unintentional.
Bercot had a shade on the round
Koimd S— Bercot e round. Fchlalfer
forced the going, but Bercot made him
pause twice with hard lefts to the jaw.
Both punches s'ung the Omaha ho>
Reroot one-lwoH him with a *tiff right
end * fa*t left at I?*** tlm** S<hla*
f*r could oe? len'f solid) >. although he
threw lota of punohea
Round Ren ot a round big H*
• bowed a nice -right hand and h« rut up
Schlaifer with th* punch Srhlaifer hied
freely from th* piouth S'h!alf*r beg*n
to arore with an overhand right to fne
head and body, hut R*r<^ b«nd*d three
to on* and also outboxed Morrie
Round 4—Schlaifer a n?V”r1 Rerrot took
If easy, evidentlv figuring he had done
enough in the opening round* Rercot
tried to outbox the rushing Omaha boy.
hut Srhleifer rearhed him **veral time*
with almgehot right* to the body and
head Berco’ brought up ’he crowd with
a rally hut S-hlaifer fought hark hard
and wa* chafing Dode at th# bell.
Ronnd 5—Even If anyone had a ahade.
t» was Srhlaifer Benot took the fra*
minu’e of the round by outhoxmg Morr*
but Srh!a:f*r *!o»ed hm up with body
niinchr* Bercot »at vlaibly hurt by a
hard right ’o rha jaw had •
• hade en th* last two minu’e* forcing
B*rt ot io retreat ev#ry second.
Round d Srhlaifer a round Morr!*
began io find 'he range and he -hook
tiP Rerrot w th looping r»gh»* to the
chin. Bercot wee hurl and on the def»*n^
• i ve throughout Rode got h'« eerond
wind in the final 30 second* and out
fought Srhlaifer In a ’*Jg It waa too
la** to *v*n ’he *cor* r
Round 7— .Schlaifer won th«a round from
he: e to New Turk He uta-ted Bercot
in’o a eta’e of comma by clouting him
with a terrlfl/ right hook Jut* below th*
e*r The punch almost sank Rerrot As
th* Seattle bov tried to protact th* In
jured left aid*. Schlaifer thudded a stun
ning left hook Into the other aid* of h’*
jaw Schlaifer hit _ Her< ot a* if Pod*
were a punching hag f«»r almo*’ two min
nte* Bercot ’**ok a hard heating *n the
Jiead and body Henot rallied fierce!?
t»ui the aggressive Schlaifer had him.
tick again at the bell.
Round II Even Her cm mad# a aur
rrlting come-back after Srhlaifer had
ratted him herd in the first minute
Srhlaifer staggered Rode with one left
hook ’o th* Jaw Reicot caught Morrie
napping with several hard lefta to >b»
law and the punrhe* flowed un Schiaife
Rerrot outboxed Schlaifer In th# laet two
minute* . _
Round »—Schlaifer a round Rerrot wa#
tired from th* terrific race and he era*
on the defensive ’hroughout th* round
Srhlaifer did not do inv damag*. but h*
«ii the aggr*#eor. and maraged to *!am
over enough atrav right* to the body and
head »o take th# round
Round 1H—Some thought Bercot had
th* round torn* Schlaifer l*.*-1* a
thrilling exhibition of slugging The ho> *
a trod knee to knee ana swapped awat*
Both connected to the Jaw Bercot with
a left and Srhlaifer with a right Bercot
w*nt flving backwards into tha tope*.
Srhlaifer kept coming for more Schlai
fer was the atrenger and landed a few
more pundhe*. but B*rcot met h'm *o
gamely that he»earned an even break on
the eeaalon
THE athletic hoard of Creighton
university last night at a spe
clal meeting decided not to in
dude baseball In the alhletlc actlvl
ties at Creighton this summer.
Idick of suitable grounds on which
"to pisv was given as the cause for
the athletic hoard, composed of Fath
er Corboy. Athletic Ptrector Rehab
Ingcr, Johnny Trautman «nd Rett!
Oarvey. deriding against baseball al
‘ 0
Adam* DpfraU Alexander.
Fort Podge. la., Feb. IT.—"Rocky
Adams. Omaha heavyweight, won the
Iowa state championship here tonight
bv defeating Ralph Alexander of
TVa.terloo In a in round main e\ent
Blue Belt. 1«1 (F.Isiob* •• * *A
Tim# 1 4* Eetlot. Querr#ek
Wood Lady. W*r Zone and Dr. T * '
pthne> aluo rgn . ,.
Eighth fur# ilv furlong# S\e*r-el<l«(
and ur cUiminjr. put*# *7An
Sweet #nd low. lift (Mort#n#on>
ftft. gtt 1 ft I* #
OravsoB. lis (Ftslierl ; <0 t »*
tNlisnv n: ulrlffln' . ’*
Tun. 1 1J I Vlhtater. Umrgfrtt
White, fhllliws, k. tVsrl Herts, flnldea
Its,I aWoodle M«nl|niner> *nd Joe \
• Ito run.
lit n In end S*w\#r #ntri
Ninth race * furlontr 'f»r old# ami
up claiming, put##. •
\m McKinney. II* (Kill#I * 4ft 4ft . -ft
Nrntilah I.#>1. W? t Frederick) . . J «ft - 4ft
MMilnr*. Hi (llaro#i) * ■ ■ "
Tim# 1 U Oreat Flnieher. Fte# Me
■on. Herd i lid. Plow steel. Kmnu WII
hpine aleo ran
Jimmy Slattery
^ Jars Their Slats
SOME! month' ago Pauj Berlen
bach was headed for th» center
of the middleweight stage. He
had set up an Impressive record
against a mixed field of opponents.
Then .lack Delaney, socker ofcaome
fame, was picked a«<an opponent for
him. In view of Berlenhach's record.
Delaney was placed as sort of a ’’*e*
up." ,
When (he hout ended. Rerlenbarh
couldn’t set up—(or several seconds.
Herlenbach had to start hi* drive
all over again. Delaney drew much
attention for a time—until he, too,
was licked.
Then Tiger Flowers plunged to
the foreground by virtue of his
clever boxing and deadly punching.
The promoters offered him a hout
with Delaney and he look it—and
one on the jaw? Another swell start
Knter Jimmy Slattery of Buffalo
and Niagara F'alls.
Slattery, up to a few night* ago
bad followed the footsteps of Berlen
bach and Flower" He had hung up
an Impressive record. H* was credit
ed With 59 fights snd knockout vic
tories in 21 of them Thirty-six were
decision victories. IlV had lost but
two decisions and had never been
knocked out.'
He had fought twice In New York
and the promoters decided he was
about readv to tackle Delaney, who
had become a sort of * testing block
for hopeful contenders for Harry
Grebe crown. Slattery was willing.
Some of hi* friends wept.
Delaney and Slattery met a few
nights ago.
Now Slattery’s tender age pre
vented the bout going more than six
I nder the New York rule* a mitt
pusher must be 21 to engage In long
hout*. Slattery'* adherent* claimed
he wa» olde enough lo vote, hut the
jolly birth records in Buffalo* city
Itali showed James was horn^Yu- ;
gust 25, 1904.
Delaney and hts backer* figured he
wouldn’t need fix round* to finish up
hi* evening * task. But at the end
of six rounds Mr James Buffalo Slat
tery was not only up. but doing the
majority of the lea'dins The judges
gave Slattery the decision on points
and the verdict was well received
Now. ha'lnt r*««'d the Delaney
hazard the world lie* bright ahead
of the young easterner.
And fewer middleweight* cringe
now when Jack Delaney says - woof
and looks mean.
SIXTEEN Omaha w hist player* left j
Omaha this morning for Sioux
City, where thev will compete in
the annual midwinter tournament of
the Central Whist association. St
Toseph whisten accompanied thr
Omaha parly. \
Tuesday the St .toseph players met
the Omaha whisters in a special j
match. The results follow.*
North amt antiih, . ■
P.vt* and I'nwrte:*. H* p.'.r
t»J. Va»t»r»en and He** >V i
77?.*«...(» i*» gweot «nd Ma>.
v’va-v: XT'mStin ■"'« - or,:;;,*1
Jon... IS* meter and grhleae.. '**
The Omaha whist player* who win
compete In the Sioux City tourney
*’,T r and \lr. Barton tent. • »<!,»"
vplmn 1. «* nn*< Mr* i ’
lV* .. nr P K Klh. Murr.. . eoV »1
r>r«% fd«'* .UniPl Hurne*«. » ''
.-rank Wa.te'.'n William P.'V ,'a.k All*
tin. John IVohM
—W-*“-— ‘ “
Creighton Night I-*"
Team Beat* Florence
The Night 1 aw basket hall team
of Creighton university last night at
Hummel hull. Klorencr. defeated the
Florence team hv the mere of 78
to 17. The score at the end of the
ft rat half was, 10 to 1*. In favor of
tha lawyers.
Qut of the 58 point* scored by the
Winners. * Shorty" Sunblad was re
sponsible for 10 and Parmele eight.
The Conroy brother* played the
beat Agame for the loser*
Tha Creighton team will plav the
First M 1‘ team Mood*' evening
Allentown. I'a Feb 1 Harry
o'eh. middleweight champion of the
world tonight e**t!\ won the decision
ov er Billy Britton of Pittsburgh, Kan
N*/ X by" w a G *
HE Western i- igoe club ow
I gt their annual schedule meet
ing at Excelsior Springs, Mo..
Monday, voted to award 1500 to the
club having the largest opening day
attendance. This Is something new
for the ol’ league. East season evi
dently was a goood season financially
for the team owners.
Before the IH'.'i season ended
great Imwls emerged from the vari
ous league rluh owners. Said howls
had lo deal with Ihe poor attend
ante at the ball games. The club
owners were yelling that everything
went out ill salaries to players and
nothing found way to the club cof
fers. ‘
We don't know the financial con
dltlon of each and every Western
league club owner, but we have been
told the league coffer is pretty well
filled at the present.
THE Buffaloes open the season
at Oklahoma City, April IS. Ok
lahoma City has a new ball park,
the largest in the league. The Indian
management can seat more fans stt^^^
fannettes in their park than ran the
Omaha and Denver rluh owners. In
spite of the fact that both Denver
and this city are larger than Okla
homa City.
Jarlt Holland, owner of the Okla
homa City rluh, probably had his
eye on- the attendance award when
he worked around to get the Buf
faloes to open In Oklahoma City.
The Buffaloes are, the 1914 league
champions and would be a big asset
to any team as a drawing card on
the opening day. Holland was on
the schedule committee.
Tulsa opens the Western league
season In Omaha against the Buffa
loes, April 29. There Is no reason
w hy Omaha should _allow towns like
Oklahoma City. Tulsa and St. Joseph
to outdraw Omaha on opening day
attendance. They did last season.
Tir»t raoa, 4 furlonga. 140#. I-Fter-elda.
xElmiraml ....101 iLedr Nad on ..11*
jFw.niawif ..1*2 .Ill
axMr# Moor# ..104 Fuwtll Gardner !! 4
bMl Amigo ..,.107 xVlkir.g .115
Golden Sweep 107 xLady Nun ...1*1
xSannatuga ...107 bSom# Style ...ln4
Dormouae .....107 axLetter Sfx *c
oxFl#x§*ed . . .1*# cJersey Red *'7
jAppleffa'e entry; bAllen entry; ©Ne
vada entry.
Second raca. I furlonga, #40f. 4-yay -
©Ida and up. claiming ^
Alice Harvey 11* Lilt Cfclg .... 1*2
Reaa 1,...11* Big Indian ...112
Too ter* .11* Creat . . 112
R*ro Lady . 11* Harrigan a Hair 113
Mle# F^auland 11* Good Hope ... 1 ' 2
Midnight Bell 11* Home Fla*# ...112
Roxanna ...11* Franc Tireur ..112
P»m'« Young 11*
Third ra e. 4 furlonga M*9. 4-year
old# and up. claiming:
Roa- Roberta 11* H©reb .12
Ethel Brown ..11* Humma . ...
Lucille Ruaaell 110 Sam Freedman!!*
Sure .11* R-> tterer ^ ...
Pecoration Last 11* Mount Roe# . ’12
Al .112 Harry Pavia Jr 112
Pr McArthur 112 Dan Arvl .112
CoL Mall .112
Fourth rare M 'e and ** varda; pure#
#40*; 3-year-olde and up claiming.
Joe Patton .. . >4 xPartam ...1»*
x Marian North .11* xNoaatn .11*
xQuota ...10* xYork La sate . .let
xM!a»o>ila - . . ...1*2 D© . lt»
Age* 1*4 aEye Bright ...111
jM m Fa g# .1** Pemhr©k# ..116
rhirk Barkley ^ 1rt* xSmlling . . ....!**
B’ark Watch .11* a\Xr»! >wm©t .1*4
a F* Atman entry.
Ffth race « furlonga pure# 17"".
ms den #-year-©!da and up*
La*©'a 1*6 Alleviator .. . * ‘ *
Romany R> e ..107 a Oil via . .... 11}
aQumtanaroe 1"" R:ckf©-d .11?
Hedge Fenre’T. 11*
aW kiup entry
S xth race M > pure# «*"" l-f*ar - *9
and up. cla-mirg _ ...
xB©*h . xLadr Ires 1 ?
Sneer Grtet 09 xC k o* Dawn 1*
xWorthman 1*1 Pott D epatch .11*'
xFair R~n e«a .11* C©eur D# Lion ’-*-3
xE dm or
Seventh race Six furlonga rura# II
handicap l-year-olda and up
Poetillion ... *2 Domin'ou#
Fabian .. *3 Cherrv >ie .. 11#
Sanford 99 a Lucky Pity .1*
Firm Friend .1*4 aOgprey . .
AtheT*tone .110
al.exli# er*ry .
Eighth '•ace Five furlonga rura# I
S-veuw}ld* and up claiming:
xMaYiavena 1*3 Great Fl-«eh#r 111
xBeMewood . 1*4 x Ron# war ..111
xSubtle 1*4 xKrewer
xMv Friend Pat 1*5 xCavaat Froptor!]#
vra»nSr0ker 1*5 xTruetv ..114
xFuii point 1'5 Nantwckat *
xGolden Red 1*6 ——
n. i n * h race Fixe furlonga pure# 9
e vear-olda and up. olaiovne
Home Run «# Vie# Nanttr* ' ‘
Tube© .. 1*0 xl.ure of (told .1"*
xl.'ttle Fbaata .1*1 *Rerana ..
x Black foot ...1*5 vFt Churchill .Mj
xMtaa Shaata .1*4 Pennon L;
Merc beta . .1*5 Recruit . • ■ 1
< nven' 1** xBrandcig
Fenny Bunnx ..1*4
Weather clear. Track faM.
F ret rare Turee >1 "** c’a'mfrg: I
old# and up; * furlong#
’Chaa*#ur 1** \Lady Trilby *1
x Rrvxi« A Shoe# 0* Prumtr ©nd %
xNewhoua# s7 xRc-otr *4
Trooper ’** F©ot Be- V* 1*<
Pome ren# .. 104 Foxtail 1 *''}
Go -1 Time 1*3 Ad**i *er 115
xE'u« ' • 9* xt orena Marcella *»
S» Anthony 1*1 xOrlox a *4
M dllng Mattie 1** Valor • 1*1
Second Ra " Puree 11.000; claim
* - ear ">’da SU fu-’
Fa© Gold Ml Had* Me ..114
Been Handlev 11* Ra*e G-t 11*
1 ncl# P !! 11* Maria Baker 111
xPen MfOrt# 'll T.-gM V #w . 116
Black Tee 11* Nadine Nee .. *7
xBurnt 1*« -tan a D 1*.*
Tercher 115 Verv-nua 4b*a 111
Btthtlde Seth 11* Gunnx Sack .. 11#
TV 1 ra • Pu*w I!*** c’aireng f-L
• « »ri mare# * veer-olds and up ©"• • nd "0 vard»
xGo©d Morning M Georgia Vav .1*#
tPrlma Donna 1** Barton ... 1*4
xFlaxv Mae ...1** Twelve Bede .1*4
x Luc kg. 95 Meea'een 114
5'nhx .111 xPaultna ......1**
\ Medina .. 10* xAna Rtaa .....1*1
x«'haplet ..10$ W'oeome Tad# *4
iTi-r«ic« O, .<7 Gypsy Fiver ... *4
x Antonia .14 x Atiractlv* m. 1*6
Fourth race* Pure©. #1.50*1
h*n«i cap.*' I year -olds and upf 9 Dire
• Best Pal ...1*4 Elvina ..kXnbxV#
aJuat David .. 1*4 Tha Runt .,4a#«Y*'6
brertam .ill Tha \Tntna*
t*Marvin Mav . I0f
aS N Holman entry* VJ. MePharacu
Fifth rav-e Puree, #f#0*t Ttliay
oure* " l-Tfir*#M« and ur: ana rotla an A
T' v«rde
George IVmar .. *1 (target ...t»»».l*l
Setting Sun . 1*4 1 adv Belle ... ' v
Berracuba Coat‘gen .... 1*4
Sixth race Puree. fi,*00 claiming
x e# * - old a and up; 1 1 ifth mile# , _
Ktnhum * 4 nmnmwHm
\“ax v© 1*4 xBean King . *"
\Uo\ F in H tn* 1*? xPlua \ ,r* .. * *
x \ I Box .| .1*«
Sax entb race Puree 11 0*0 clie'iwlog;
I '©ar ©Ida and up Ik njttae
The Leopard .1*4 F--.i N“-•'* ’**
\1 tttU 4 nnve *4 x.'hee* el^adar 1 "4
Sgnx Lmh l*t xt *'<irl» 1'4
'« >.xixex in# 111 S#acourt ...%*» 1'4
44-eeto-xgd Ml xDe’#*n .* 1*1
The Fenian t"a Dldttmer ..... Hi
111 xGlad'a T *4
\4l|»i1*r*i 1*4 vS'X Pen©a 1*4
xTaxior Hay 10* T#.e#.-ra 1 »
vAipraotica C;*a» tut.
X .*•