To Investigate Joe Stecher’s Zbyszko Bout NEW YORK, Feb. 18.—George E. Brower, chairman of the New York State Athletic commission, today took his f^rst step in the pro posed investigation of Joe Stecher's alleged confession that he ''threw” a wrest 1!ng bout to Smnislaus Zbyszko at the instigation of the so-called "wrestling trust.” Brower’s action, he • said, would take the form of an ex amlnation of letters on the case and newspaper articles detailing Stecher's alleged confession. I "I have just received this Informa tion and will want to examine it thor oughly before going any furthA-,'’ Brower said. "However, I can make no predictions as to what action, if any. is taken, until J have thorough ly examined the material now In my possession.” Both of the wrestlers Involved sre former heavyweight champions of the world. Huskers Lose to Jayhawkers T.awrenre, Kan., Feh. 17.—Kansas eager* hold'the lead of the Missouri valley conference undisputed tonight by virtue of driving through to a vic tory over"the Nebraska Comhuskers’ hard playing basket ball team, 28 to 20. The Jayhawkers now have won 10 and lost one, while Nebraska has dropped to second place with six won and two lost. It was the second defeat of the sea son for Nebraska at the hands of Kansas, and though the Jayhawks led all Ihrough the game tonight, it took the hardest kind of battling to put the Huskers away. KANSAS—23 NEBRASKA—2(1. f. ft. f X ft. f Arksrman. f fi 3 '1 Klspsar, f (l it 0 8-hmldt, f ton t'sher, f t <1 1 Knxl* f lift Krkstrom, f ft 2 2 tvt.rsen c 3 ft -1 Black, f 0 ft ft ■Wilkins, x 0 0 2 Anderson, f ft ft ft . Beerkls, f ft ft ft Sinahs. f 1 ft ft Gondson. a 4 ft 2 Tipton. I 1 ft 2 Yota, X 2 0 3 Tolftll It « 3 Totals 9 3 10 >;eferee: FreC Williams. Missouri. T'm —Fire; Warren Giles, St Joseph, Mo. George Sisler Unable to Talk to Amateurs Georg# Sisler, manager of the Cardinals, will be unable to speak before a mass meeting of the Omhha amateur b»Jl players at the Audi torium, February 2*, It was an nounced this morning:. % FEBRUARY 18, 1905. BEA1R, Neb.—The Boyle* ^college basket ball team of Omaha de feated Dana college of Blair, 11 to 10, in a fa*tly played game. Dana led at the half, 8 to 4. DETROIT, Jdtrh.—R. R. Bennett of the Heron Hill Gun club of Pittsburgh. Pa., today at the Kusrh house trap* won the title of champion live bird shot of North America by killing 24 out of a pos sihle 25 birds. He missed his third ■hot. NEW YORK.—Officials of the American and National league baseball clubs have agreed upon a seven game world series this fall. ■ —winning and holding good will I % -• Oakland Product of Gtnetil Motor* is NOT on the Box, it is NOT BROMQ, QUININE “There is no other BROMQ QUININE” Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century aa an effective remedy for COLDS, GRIP and INFLUENZA, and aa a Preventive. Price 30 Centa. I-1'.„" 4 j The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet / . .. | Indoor Sports__ Sue owes t;8 f*''00 THe-oi. i A T**> 0**SJt’' DftUCrSTD f^e« j SfTvnoN s A'2iT.!S-,w«^ »‘*»'l-,- i ««* E THe> "TRim< A- \ ^^hvttER- Bo* ; DN6GET rv+e- istvie c>1~^e TEU- SISTERS' eov- (N1 W ouen. TKERt. 5ON>r&o0MS i 0N t>« " vUua-eur^e ft DO*r BELIZE THEV . 1^0 Sift- TAi wT TR-UE SKwOVM SNKAT AO An* = 5A.0 TB E^£ . tr Boosrco m ^,r ^ M,*"'ri ui4 apple sauce: / THAT&A&B-Y ONES HuTGAwO 'S’ MASTER /a> HlS" KOUSt ~ ' PAW /^AsrGrt _1BT ' * , I ' » IHOOOP- SPoPrS L GETTInCj T>V€ low oovrv £ ON p-*e 7 V/4MM-E rue VjlLLA«i> n pOMPS" oo TV*®* STUFF * AT T^-HF GUTLH£T* Howard Jones Will Face Old " Charge Next Fall BY a strange twist in fate, Howard Jones, now football roarh of the lniversity of Southern California, will fare his old charge, Iowa, on the gridirnig next fall. The Hawkeyes will play California on the roast next No vember In the final game of the season. Jones quit Iowa to be come roarh at Duke university and left the South Carolina Insti tution to go to California. V- ___ J Omaha Alleys to Hold Tournev V THR annual Omaha Bowling alley handicap pln-tumbllng tourna ment will start Friday night at the Omaha alleys, with a record *n try list ready to start shooting for the money prizes. According to T. V. Jameson, mans ger of the alleys, 45 teams have en tered'the team events. Five more teams can he accommodated ami any squad wanting to participate In the tourney can do so by getting In touch with Mr. Jameson. Ninety bowlers have entered the singles, while SO two-men teams have enlisted In the double events. The team even's will he bowled Friday and Saturday, while the doubles and singles will be rolled Sat urday and Sunday. Socrerista Meet Tonight. A meeting of the Omaha District Soccer league will he held at the city hall tonight at 8. "Plans for the spring schedule will be made. Those Interested In eoccer sre Invited to attend. Newcomers TO Wester League... WILLIAM JAVIE? WA>0, flrsl bnsv man-outfishier. NT. JOSEPH. Horn. Wyandotte, Okla.. May It. 1997. g HHght. 9 feet. Weight. 197’ pound*. v Rat* left-handed. Throw* rlcht-handed. Club* In 1924: Wichita Falls and Dallas. Teia* leajrve. Flrsl engagement: Oklahoma City. Western league. 1917. finb* since then: Tulsa. 1919: Little Rock. Southern association. 1920, 1921. 1922; Atlanta. 9. A.. 1922; Dallas. 1923. 1924; Wichita Fall*. 1924. College record: Five years al Chllaceo Indian Agricultural college. Participated In four sports there.• hasehsII. track, has-, ket ball and football. 1924 record: Game*. 39; al bat. 122; run*. 22; hit*. 49: doubles, 9; «aerUMce*. 3; batting average. .329. Placed first ‘base. Put outs. 292; assists. 12; error*. 1; fielding average. .997. ST. PAULBOWLERS LEADING I. Be A. Minneapolis, Minn., F*b. 18.—New high record* are expected to be eet in the International howling tourna ment today when a number of crack bowler* take thei* turn in the two men event!*- The morning program included six men from Dubuque, la. Deader* in the various event* fob neluded six men from Dubuque, la. FI.e-Men Ftent. .... A. O. tT. W. Sr. Paul.-.“ *1* Bergman'. Spurting floury, St. Paul ■ •..*'** Jenson Kurnitur. Company. St. Paul.2.M" Huffman Crorby, omana. -c** Guarantee Fund, Omaha.,,...12,7.4 Double.. M. .lergen.on-M J KI.e.gei, Mlnne . poll. .. 1.74 2 0 P Binnerud I, Muhr St. Ta ul. . . 1.214 A Bllakl-O. I.., St Paul .}•!{« T Uoonev-D. Clark, Omaha .1,1*7 H Thon-a-C T Thnmi t'hlcago .1,1*2 A R Alton T .7, Harg.rten. Mtnn. apolla .•.MM r Bell. RockfordWn7,"‘.. 4*2 F Rlchateln. St Paul. »;• E T Xesls. Omiha . 4*7 Henry Loheyde. Minneapolis.. .. 454 J. H Coffon. Grc*n B*y. Wls. 448 All Events. 1 Bell, Rockford. Ill..1*83 M. J. Minneapolis.1.442 A Vcsmek Cedar Rapids ..1-2*5 K G Scipl# Omshs .1.779 Hsnry Lonsyde. Minneapolis ........1.772 Metropolitan Girl# Defeat Catholic Daughter Cager# The Metropolitan Athletic club girl* defeated the Catholic Daughter* of America, 15 to 9, In the firet con test In the city eerie* on the Creigh ton floor Tuesday night. ADgr.uTjsrM r. vr. __ lake Salt# to Wa#h Kidney# if Back Pain# Yon or Bladder Bother# Flush you rkidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, alto take .site occasionally, say* a noted au thority, who telle us that too much rich food form* acids which almost paralyze the kidney* in th^ir efforts In expel it from the blood They he come sluggish and weaken' then you may suffer with a dijll misery In the kidney region, sharp pains in the hack or sick headache, dizziness, your btpmai h amirs, tongue I* mated, and when the weather Is hud you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sedlrtient, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you tn seek relief twd or line* times during the night. To help neutralize these IrrllaUng acids, if* help cleanse (lie kidneys and flush off ilie body's urlnoue wesie, get four ounces of .lad Balls from any pharmacy here, take a lablespnonfiil In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days, snd your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the arid of grapes anil lemon juice, combined with llihla, and has I teen used for years tn help flush and stimulate sluggish kidney* ai»o lo neutralize ;h» acid. In the svsient so thsy no longer Irritate, thus nflan rcliavlng bladder wtaknsea ' Baseball Dope V---' The l>etroll Ttgera do not pul up et a hotel In their training ramp. Instead a couple of old colonial nianalona are rented and the playere live club fashion tv,th their own staff of nhefiC waiters and servants Thar sounds nlie and the Timers seem to have enjoyed It In past seasons Chicago. Feb. 1*.—Bob Qnlnn, preel dent of the Iloatoo Red Sox. rates the title as the Pevid Hamm of baaehal Quinn regarded as a shrewd Ridge of players made three deals to nbta'n two atert he particularly w anted for Boaton a 1I2S team. _ .. Homer Kisetl «nd Boh Tmthm ire the two Individuals Involved end thle pair will battle it out for a permanent berth Eszel? tu obtained by Quinn in a trade with the f>t Louie Browns for Norman McMillan Ess-ll was * ”;ru'* trfleldar and spent much of hU time on the bench. Quinn eaw poeslbllltlee In **The deal whereby Boaton ebtslned rrnthrn «ai a three club affair Quinn first traded Howard Shanks to the Yankees for Mika McNally. Washington wanted - McNally, so swapped him for Prothro Shanks and McNally are veter ans. while Prothro le a youngster. Official statistics from the offtree nt the New Tork Yankees bring the n*tvs that Babe Ruth's weight >e .10 pounda v#t from Hot Sprang* ha»1 him working hard to get htmself down to ibout 22* ___ Dave Clark Sets New Pin Record DAVE CLARK, member of the Hoffman Crosby bowling team, that topped the International Bowling tournament now In progress at Minneapolis, for several days, smashed the high three gam# record fur Omaha howlers last night at the Recreational alleys when he chalked lip a score of 70S for his ^rlo of games. The old records of 695 waa held by G*or(t* Kennedy. Clark rolled game totals of t2*. !*T and 213. In hla second game he scored eight consecutive atrlkee. The Hoffman-Cmshy team defeated the Omaha Towel Supply. kanowskTwill PILOT POLISH A. C. LEO KAKOWSKI ha* been ap pointed bualneaa manager of the Polieh Athletl* club, succeeding Ed Sledge and will enter • baseball team In the eenlor league of the "Muny" association this season. Last season the Polish boy* had • team In the Junior Omaha league. Several of last year * player* will get the opportunity to advance Into the higher league. The Polish club will be given the needed strength of auch players as Clem Stollnskl, Ben I . 3 50 3.20 Be i ay (Perernel) ..12 50 Tim* J So Frank Monroe Phenol, ^quir* W.reins. Acosta. Magician. Attor ney Muir, May Girl, Mike Morrissey also .an. Seventh race Mil* and an eighth: Wrangler (StuMs) . 17.40 7 50 3 00 Bankrupt (Noe) .3 40 ? 40 Ruben Rogue «Malb*n) 2 40 Tim*: 1.54 1-1. Bucado, Brunell, Mark Over alao ran. fair riRnrsns. Flrat race: S(x furlongs Miranda 1R. Harvey) ..11 4 5 4-5 Transformer (Thomas) ..4-5 2-5 Nora If a \ *■ (t l.sng) .. . 4 5 Time; 1.14 3 5. Storm Cloud. Silent Lillian. Lieutenant Ruat. High \ tew. Queen* Mario. La Belle. Tea Trey, Son of Tromp. Little Pal also ran. Second race; Six furlongs: Frightful (Allen) . 4 % .7 4 4 4-51 Galatia