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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1924)
1M Client Develops Strength, Going Up to New Highs AVire Trouble Hinders Vol ume of Trade; Corn Sick Grain at First, but Recov ers; Oats Come Back. Bv j. unmv. lTniver*ul Service Staff Correspondent. ^ Chicago. Dec. 18.—Developing great sticnxth in the late trading today when emerged from Its erratic course and shot no to new highs for the year at the close, Kxtensive buying of futures was on in response to foreign news, bordering on jvh* sensational, which gave further hint • if the unusual shortage of foodstuffs in Jv.uape Reports that the Balknn stHtee wore taking wheat out. of this country V die of the influential factors of the d. T 1 he»t closed 2 4 to 3 4c higher: corn w •* l «t tti 14c up: oata were 4 to %<• nd need and rye ruled 1 4 to 14c h 1r v .. i,Te trouble hindered the volume ot tr -T during the »*Hrly hours, but husl n t picked up wonderfully at the just. .K .'irtt i's, foreigners and local opera.ota v re generally credited with buying fu 7 on a riggreef^fe scale. Commission h *5es with ••astern connections were e. -billy active on the bull side early ' ic seaboard estlntuted export sales at 7f .'>00 bushels. Bulgaria was reported lr ,ne three cargoes of wheat. Further « of rye to Finland presumahtv for 1 sedan acceptance were also reported 1.. rpool dosed 4 to 2 4 pence higher. • *r>rn wa* a. sick grain during the early hr :*r hut good Inlying developeil on the hr- rik and with the rallv in wheat corn ic overed fast. Covering by shorts In the la t hour wa* active. The movement oT corn from the country is gradually in creasing and the demand for spot offer ing* is not so brisk. Oats sold off early under realizing pr> -sure, but came back in the late trade with other grains. There was excellent buvipg of May oats encountered around 03 4 c. * Rve broke sharply early but more than recovered it« loss. Export buying of this grain was noted, whilp support through commission houses broadened as the ses eion progressed Provisions rallied after an early turn ble. Lard was unchanged to lo cents lower and ribs were ’’4 to 5 cents higher. Pit \»te«. -> During the dav a feeling prevailed In Pianw. uua,'’tcrs that the wheat market was in for' a further reaction of good Mize. Realizing was heavy on the opening bulge which whs caused by the surpris ingly strong cable from Liverpool ion. siderable pressure developed at times hut hIwns the market ;»<i the «>fcr tngsT Tho close which was at the host levels on the crop to the average trader looked exceedingly strong. The demand for cash wheat In this market and in other primary points was I active with premiums well held all round. Winnipeg reported big flour sales for ex port. It is said that Canadian mills today are doing the biggest export business in flour ever experienced The receipts of wheat In TV innlpeg were materially below last year's ,run and prices there were relatively ffrin com pared with Chicago at the last. I The statement made to the llerald and examiner recently by Arthur C utten that the world wheat situation is the strong est he has eve- seen and that the world seems to be naturally cornering the mar ket lias been hailed as a true reflection of present conditions. .. .. Exports of wheat and flour from North .America continue large and In excess at seaports. A large exporter declared to rflay this week's exports have been 2,000. 000 bushels larger than arrivals wt sea ports. The nearby wheat situation in I Europe must be tightening if the action <»f the December delivery in Liverpool M jo be taken as any criterion Supplies I «.f wheat on ocean passage have been steadily decreasing the last month ana they give promise of further reduction for the next few weeks. CHICAGO PRICES. By Updike Grain Co., Atlantia 6312 L 1 Open. I High, i Low. | Close. 1 Yes. Bee*' 1 87%' H> l.*l 1 1 •* 1 55’‘ J;?*u i:?!w Ju,y liiSSlf.!1:!?*] !;l« !:«* Be* 1 1 •«%'; 1.44SI }•«*) MIJJ May 1 t'> j 1.51% 1.41‘i 150% J'l*2 July 1.35 1.36%! 1.31%| 1-32%! l.S*% Bee" 1 1.23%' 1.24%) 1.21%! 1 24%; 1*3% Hay I list % 1.29% 1.26 % i J 29%; }•** July j lj*H »■«*!.»;”»! I;JJ% \?£ l>t‘* ' .59 ' .59 I .67%' .5«%l -6554 i ,594!.I... Hay J .64 I .64%; .63% .64% .84 .lit',. .64 4 .64* Jul. i .624 .634, .62 ' .634. .524 I 1 rl 1 I I I I D,n- 115.72 16.72 *16.72 16.72 16.72 J May- *17.17 ]IT.25 i 16.85 ,17.05 jl7.10 I p >,, | f I i I Jan. 15.00 115.00 1.V0Q 15 14 95 New York Dry Cioods. New York Deo. 16 —Cotton goods mar kets were quiet today In the unfinished I cloth divisions, with prices holding steady and tfomp print cloth numbers advanced. New flannel prices throughout th« mar i ket were lowered 1 cent a vard on wide 1 fabrics for fall, 1825. Trade .In all silks held up w ell a nd new gingham plaids for children's vear were In demand Arti ficial 9-ilk prl< > ■* w »re finer in some quar ters. hut reductions were promised by some Impo-tere to meet current domestD prices. Wool blankets for next fall were in demand, despite a moderate advance In prices. Chicago Cotton. Quotations furnished by J. 8. Bache 'Sr Co.. 224 Omaha National Rank building. Phones Jackson 5167. 5168, f>168. | ' j open. j High. I Low. I Close. 1 Yes. .Tan 23 ?•. 23.*1 23.70 23.75 [23.60 Mar '24.21 124^5 .21.10 24.10 ,24 26 May 24.60 :2 ltl 24 33 24.26 ,24.80 i July . ...24.6a OcL j..(...!.!■.23.30 ! New York Produce. „ , 4 New York. Doc. 18. —Butter—Market gtcady; receipts, 6.4*5 tubs. ■i Kgga—Market steady: receipts, 16.09* 5 cases; nearby hennery browns, extras. >0 <R72c: Pa c t fie coast whites, extras, un quoted* firsts to extra firsts, 61066c; refrigerator firsts, 404 tf#41<\ Cheese—Market firm; receipts, 94,021 pounds. Oils and Kosln. Savannah. On., Dec 1 x—Turpentine— ) Tlrm, 78 4c; sales. 100 bbls : receipts, ;t53 bbls ; shipments, 6 bbls.; stock, 14,69* bbls.' Rosin—Firm; sales, 1.286 casks: re - reipts, 1.608 casks, shipments, none; i litock. 98.4 75 cask*. Quotations: B to T. $6.4?4^ K. 16.10: M. $6.05; N. $6 85; WO, $7.65; W\\. f8.50; N. $**.5008.75._ New York Metals. New1 Tork. Dec. 18.—Gosper—Firm; glectrolytlc. spot and futures. 144c \ Tia-r-Steady; spot and nearby, 55 062c; • future#, 55.75c. Iron—Steady; prlreg unchsnged. ! Ie>ad—Firm: spot, 9.35010.12c. I Zinc—Steady: Last St. Louis, spot. 7.400 7 42c; futures. $7 40 07.46c. Antimony—Spot, 14.06c. I Boston Wool. Boston. Dec 1*—In the wool market } considers M« Inquiry ta current regarding supplies of about all lines the raw mateHsli Romo Idaho fine wools of tho .French combing class have changed hand* on a busis of around $1 45 per ! pound. dean, this market. A fair amount of He of the better class has 1 moved at $1.30 per pound, dean. Chicago potatoes. Chicago, Dec. 1«.—Potatoes—Early trad fng light account late placing of cars, market about steady; receipts, 63 cars total U H shipments. 417 cars; Wiscon sin sacked round whites. 850 95c; bulk. S> to; Minnesota sacked round hifes. 850 itr'c: poor. 80c; Idaho sacked ruaset* mostly ordinary and some frozen, $1,650 1.75. New York Poultrr« 1 New York. Dec. 1“.—Live Poultry—Ir regular. Freight quotations unchsnged. Boilers by express. 36c; turkey* scare* fcnd firm; no sales. Dressed Poultry—Weak; lurkevs wesl o 34042c; turkeys, southwestern, 2i 0 40c. __ New York. Cotton Future* <T«**r. New York, Dec. 18.—Colton—Futurei dom'd barely stnadv December. 34.4*< | January, 23.550CJ3.6Oc; March. 239K4-/. ( 24.00c; May, 24.330 24.36c; July, 24.520 S4.55c. ______ ! New York Rpot C'ottofi. Chicago. Dec. 1*.—Butter —* T^iwer 1 *reHtnery extras, 41c; standards. 3!tc j *xtra firsts. 39045c; firsts, 3640374c *e« onds, 32 034c ( liInigo Poultry. Chicago. Dec. 18.-Poultry--Alive fclgher; fowls, 14017 4c: si rings. 19 4c Boosters, 16c; turkeys, 32c; geese, 17c dicks, 18c. ! ---- New York Cotton. New York. |v, ix The ©ntton niar | Vet eloped lmrelv steady at * net «••> Him *f 23 to 29 point*. Duluth Fins. :i Duluth. Dec 1 it. --Close—FIs». Dei sm $»#r 12.87V*. January, J2!*S; May, 12 994 Kiinsns City Produce. I Kansas City, Dec. It.—ProdUc*—Lm | change' Omaha Grain N/ December 18. Cash wheat sold on th« tables today at unchanged prices to 4c lower. The de mand was good, however, and supplies available were hardly sufficient to sup ply requirements. Receipts were 2 4 cars Dorn was In fairly good demand at firicea ranging from unchanged to 1 4c over. Receipts were 50 cars. Oata sold around %c lower. Receipts were 29 cars. Rye was q ho ted 3c lower and barley nominally unchanged Omaha f'arlot Sale#. WHEAT. No. 1 hard: 1 car. $1,604; 2 cars. $161. No. 2 hard. 1 car. $1 62; 1 car. $1 60 4; 1 car, $1 60- 1 car. $1.69. No. 3 hard: 2 cars. $1 60; 1 car. $1 08 No. 6 hard: 1 car. $1.5*. No. 1 spring' 1 car. $1.76. CORN*. No. 2 white: 1 car. $1.17. No. 4 yellow: 4 cars, $1.16; 1 car. $1,164 No. 5 yellow: 2 cars. $1.14. OATS. No. 3 white: 1 car. 67c: 6 cars, 56 %c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 55 %c. 8aihpie: 1 car, 56 4c; 2 cars. 64 %c. RYE No. 2: 3-5 car, $1.3 5. I car mixed grain (27 per cent barley, 7.1 per cent oats). 57 4c. BARLEY. No. 3: 1 car, 89c. .Sample: 2-5 car. 82c. Daily Inspection of Drain Received. WHEAT. Hard; 2 cats No. 1, 3 cars No. 2. 5 cars No. 3 1 car No. 4, 1 car No. 5, 1 car sample. Spring: 1 car No. 1, 1 car No. 2. Total, 15 cars. c< >rn. Yellow: 1 car No. 2. 3 cars No. 3, 12 cars No. 4. 2 cars No. 6. White: 5 cars No. 2, 1 car No. 3, 1 car No. 4. Mixed. 2 cars No. 2. 1 car No. 3. Total. 28 cars. OATS. 1 car o. 2. 14 cars No. 3, 6 cars No. 4. 3 cars sample. RYE. 2 cars No. 1, 1 car No. 2. Total. 3 car*. BARLEY. t car sample. 1 car. Total cars. 71. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS, (Carlota). Receipts— Today Wk.Ago Yr.Ago. Wheat . 2 4 57 t>3 Corn . 50 32 1'» Oats . 29 1 4 27 Rye . I Harley . 2 1 • Shipments— Wheat . 19 Dorn . 71 13 Oats . 31 30 3b Rye . 3 3 1 Harley . 6 ... EX PORT C L E A Ft A NCES. Bushels— Today Wk.Ago. Yr Ago Wt .v- FI 925.0110 Uol.OOO Corn .. 85,000 Oat* .. • 120.000 103,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlota_ Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wh**at . 28 132 28 Corn . 268 139 2.2 Oats . 98 106 91 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Carlota— Today Wheat . Op Corn . 1°3 Oats . * ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Cariots— Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat . 79 100 58 Corn . 142 63 104 Oats . 32 23 53 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlota-— Today Minneapolis .e. 285 Duluth . 58 Winnipeg . 483 .Minneapolis C’psh Drain. Minneapolis. Minn.. Dec. 18. -Cash: Wheat—No. 1 northern, $1.66® 1.71; No. 1 dark northern spring, choice to fancy, | $51,824$ 1.95; good to choice, $ 1.74 fa 1 *2 : [ordinary to good, $l.68fal.74; No. 1 hard spring. $1.69 4?'1.96; No. 1 dark hard Mon tana. on track. SI.70® 1.87; to arrive. $1,705? 1.87; December, $1.67; May. $1.71. Corn -No. 3 yellow. $1.20 401.23 4 Oats-—No. 3 white, 55% ® 56c. Barley—72 4? 8 0c. Rve—No 2. $1,374 fa 137*i. Flax—No. 1. $2.99®3 02. Chicago Hpot Market. Dec I S, fO :08 a. m. Butter Receipts, 4 460 tubs; last year, receipts. 6.861; 13 old cars; 6 new' cars; extra*. 41c; standards. 39c; extra firsts, 39 ©40c; firsts. 35 4 <Q 37 4c: 89 actum, 37 4c; -88 score, 35c; seconds, 12 014c. Marget easier. Eggs—Receipts, 1.821 cases; last year, 4.03 7 cases: no old care 2 new rars; firsts. 48 (ft 63c; dirts, 33® 34c: check*, 31®32c; refrigerator extras. 38% fa 39c; refrigerator firsts. 37® 38c. Market steady. Kansas City Cash Drain. Kansas CVv. Mo.. Dec. 18 —Wheat—No. 2 hard. $1.604®176: No. 2 red. $173® 1.83; December. $1.60 bid; May. $1 64% bid; July. $1.42% bid. Corn—No 3 white. $1.1601.17; No. 2 vellow. $1.17%® 1.18% : No. 3 yellow. $1.16% fa11.17 % ; No. 2 mixed. $1 14® 1 154; December. $1.17 bid; May. $1.23%; Julv. $1 24%. Hav—Unchanged to $' 00 higher; choice alfalfa. $24.00fa26 50; others unchanged. Chicago Cush 4»r*»ln. Chicago. Dec. 18.—Wheat No sales. Corn —No. 3 mixed, $1,204; No. 3 y#l low, $1.19%® 1.25 Oats—No. 2 white, 60® 614c; No, 3 white. 674ft^84<‘ Rye—No. 3 fl.42fTl.43. Barley —-8 5 fa* 94c. Rfed—Timothy, $6.CO® 7.15; clover. $2* 76® 32.00. Provision—Lard, $16.70; ribs, $13 87; belli**, $15.87. At. Lout* 4.ruin Futures. St Trouts. Mn n*v. 18 -floss - Wheat, December. $1.65; May. $1,72 4 Corn—December. $1,204: May, $1 294 Oats—December. 50 4c; May, 64 %c. Foreign Exchange Kates. Following are today's rates of exchange ns compared with the par valuation. Fur nished by the Peters National bank. Par Val. Today. Austria . 20 .000010 Belgium .195 '>496 Canada ...'1.00 1 00 Czeeho-Rlovakla .20 .03O5 Denmark .27 .1772 F.ngland ..4.8 6 4 6 950 France .l«*3 '*539 Germany .2"'' .2381 Greece .195 .0188 Daly . .195 "432 lugo Slavia .20 "1r4 Norway .2 7 .1519 Sweden .27 .2702 Switzerland .195 .1942 Chicago Kgg and flaircr Futures. Dec 18 Quotations furnished bv Oeorge C Clark 1327 Woodman of the World building EGOR, I Cars. 1 Open. I High. | Low. I <Yowe Den* 146 I . T,9 .39 1 38 % I 38% BUTTER. 1 Cara. I Open. I High. I Low I Close Den. I ‘ 41 ; .38 % .38% I .3*4! .3* 4 .Ian 42 .38 V .38% .38%' .38% Feh ' 10 I .38%' . 38 % ' 38% .38% 4 hl<-Hgn llutter. Chicago, per 18.—Under pressor© to *e!| top score* prices In the butter market today declined 1 cent. Buyer* were show Ing little interest, consequently trading was nt a standstill. The centralized *hi market was week with little buying in terest noted on full 90-score csrs. however; some inquiry was reported on 89 scores Storage centralised cars were steady with practically no bu*lne»s reported. Fresh Butter—92 score. 41c; 91 score, 40c; 90 score. 39c; 89 score, 37 4c; 8 8 score. 354c: 87 score, 34c; 86 score. 32c Centralized Carlota—90 score, 384®39c; 89 scor*. 37 4c; 88 score, 86c. New York Hurnr. New York, Dec. 18.—The row sugar market whs quiet, today and unchanged at 4.77c for Cuban, duty paid, without sates. Raw sugar futures were generally steady on continued buying for Cuban account. December opened 15 points higher on covering reflecting small sup pl!»*» on spot, but later reacted nod closed 8 points n«l higher Later month* sold 2 points lower under liquidation, hut rnl lied, and at the do*© were unchanged to 1 point net lower. December closed 3.63c. March 2.83c, May 2 93c. July 3.63c. Refined sugar continued quiet at for rner price*, which ranged from 7.1Bc® 7.60 for fine gt .1 nutated. Second hands w°re selling at 7.26c. Refined futures were nominal. »«r York Coffee Futures. New York, Dec. 1*—Coff* • future* opened today at a decline of 16 to 25 point* under realizing by recent buyer*, who were probably Influenced by reports of an easier tone in Brazil. March sold off to 19 30c or 81 points net lower, hut there w. re nartfnl rallies on covering in ih#» late trading. March closing at 1 9 46c. The genera I market closed net un changed on December hut 10 to 36 points lower on other deliveries. Hole* were estimate! at (I 000 bags ' Closing nun t a 1 Ions . I >e< Sinbei " I ( . forum I % March. 19.46 c: May. 1 8 60c; July. !«• . September. 17.40c. Hpot coffee, steady; Tllo 7*. 22% ®23c; Santos 4*. 26 4 fa 27c. New York Deneral. New York Dec 18 --Rye .Steady' No 2 western $1,54 4. f n I* . New York, and $1 52,;. c I f. export Wiles t Spot. Ir regular; No. 1 dark northern spring. < I f . New York, lal *» arid rail. $.'034: N*> 2 haul winter, f »> I*, pike and t a11 $1834. No 2 mixed durum, do, *| 8" 4 . No. 1 Manitoba, do, In bond II 95 4 Corn- Hunt, steady; No. * yellow, e t t, track. Nee York, ill rail. $1 1-4 No J nil xed do. $ I 4 I 4 o*t» Hpot, steady; No. ? white, 69 fa 60 4r other article* were um hanged New lurk Mher New York tree 18 Har illvcr—1»7%c. Mexican dollars, 62*iO -.-> Omaha Livestock >__> Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Fheop Official Monday. 7.613 18,083 10.47* Official Tuesday ... 4.590 22.109 10.92> Official Wednesday. 5,007 16.082 10.66* Estimate Thursday.. 3,000 I2,5tl«» 4,50( Pour *lnys this w'k..2O,260 68,774 37.091 Same days last w’k. 36,813 64,884 35,93i Same days 2 w’* ago. 29,762 7*.*R'9 37.40* Same days 3 w'm ago.23 029 37.91.7 20.591 Same days year ago. 26,732 69.192 40,351 rattle Receipts. 3.000 head. The fal • •attle market allowed a rather bullish un dertone again this morning as a result ol continued light supplies. Trading wa* rather slow, but prices ruled unevenly steady’ to 25c higher on most killing grades. Good steers and desirable heifer* were up most. Prime cattle of all weight* were lacking Choice heavy steers sold at $9.5o. For the week steers, yearlings and heifers aue 50e to largely 76c0 $1.00 high er. Cows are 25050c higher. Feeders were nominal today' at the week’s ad vance of mostly 50c. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime yearling*. $12,000 13.|0: good to choice > callings. $9,500)11,60; fair to good year lings. $7.5o ff 9.26; common to fair year lings. $5.76 ff 7.25 ; trashy warmed-up year lings. $4,50 0 5 5o: choice to prime heav y beeves. $8.75 0 9.75: good to choice heavy beeves, $7.750 8.75; fair to good heavy beeves, $6.75 to 7 50; common to fair beeves. $6.00to’6.75; isood to choice fed heifers. $6.7508.00; fair to good fed heif er*. $5,250)6.50; common to fair fed heif ers. $3.2.10 5.25; good to chplce fed cows. $4.1505.00; fair to good fed cows. $3.60 0 4.10; common to fair fed cows, $3.00©) 3.50; canncrs and cutters, $2.3503.00; good to choice feeders. $6,400 7.25; fair to good feeders. $5. *.'5 06.35; common to fair feeders, f I.OOto; 5.00; good to choice stockers $6.65 to 7.36; fair to good stock ers. $5.500 6.60; common to fair stockers. $4.2505.50; trashy stockers, $8.0004.00; stock heifers. $3 00 0.4.50: stock cows, *2.5003.00; stock calves. $3.0006.75; veal ralv. s. $3.00010.00; bulls, stags. etf:., $2.50 0 5.00. BEEF STEERS. No. Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 19 . 982 $ 5 10 II. 602 $ 6 21 41 . . . 108o 6 65 10.. 8 44 7 00 1 s 7 65 26. 665 7 76 39. mg 8 5D J 8.1137 S 65 21 1466 9 50 STEERS AND HEIFERS .70. 692 9 25 <’OWS 4 . 975 2 75 6.1090 3 00 6 . 956 3 25»26 3 35 fk ... 826 3 50 1 1 . 1122 3 75 6.1200 4 0i» 6.1161 4 60 2 . 1350 5 00 ^ HEIFERS. 14 . 622 3 65 6 828 5 00 10 ..677 5 90 6. 660 6 75 18. 8U0 7 10 2. 665 7 25 BP LLS 1 .1650 3 75 2.1465 4 00 ' ALVES. 3 . 303 4 00 1 200 5 1*0 2 . 4-5 5 75 I. 210 8 50 6 . 204 8 73 1 200 9 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 24. 71 o 5 00 Hugs—Receipts, 12.500 head. Only moderate supplies and a broad demand from shipper interests resulted in a 150 25c advance In the lest butcher grades today. Th>* pucker nnrket was slow at the start, hut benmu* active later at uneven upturn*. Hulk >*f all sales was $8,400 9.66 with top. $9.75. HOGS. 99.. 135 ... 8 25 64..267 lift $00 57.. 367 250 9 25 74..233 110 9 40 84 . .207 . 80. . 260 180 9 60 SO 260 ISM 9 50 61..248 ... 9 75 Sheep—Receipts. 4,500 head. An urgent demand from all quarters together with small supplies of fat lambs on offer brought about n 160 25c upturn In prices. Feeder* were scarce and around steady with aged sheep strong to quarter higher. Quotations on sheen and lambs: Lambs, good to chib$13.75014.75; lambs, fair t>* good. $15.00015.85; feeding iambs, $14 000 l 5.2.»; wethers. $7.25010.00; year lings. $9.75 0 12.00; clipped lambs, fed, $12.000 13.00; fat ewes. $6.0008.75, Receipt* ami disposition of livestock st the Union stockyards. Omaha, Neb . fur 24 hours ending at n p. m. I*ecember^S: R fct’KIPTR—CAR LOT. t attle. Hogs. Sh’p. Missouri Pa rifle. 2 2 2 Union Pacific . 27 27 5 *’. X N W, east. 18 i' X N W . west. 42 17 C , St. »*., M. A- 0. 7 > 2 C, B. A Q., east. 14 3 9 tV, H. A Q.. west. 19 23 2 (’., R. I. Ar P., east. 10 5 1 C., R. I. Ar P., west. 2 .. 1 C. R. 3 Z Total receipts.l‘>7 153 17 DISPOSITION—H BAD. •rattle 11 mr*. Sheep. Armour & Co. 527 2.97s sV*j Cudahy Pkg. Co.. 929 2,428 891 Dohl Pkg Co. 42 1,649 .... Morri* Pkg. Co.--* -9 s 1,293 603 Swift Ac Co. 706 2.260 .... Cudahy, Sioux City. 59 3,76'J .... Armour. Sioux City 277 .... .... Hoffman Bros. 3 .... .... Mayerowlch Ac Vail 17 . .... Midwest Pkg. Co.. 6 .... .... Omaha Pkg. Co.... 5 .... .... S. Omaha Pkg. Co. 31 .... .... Murphy . J. VV. 92 5 • • Kenneth A Murray.... 63 .... Lincoln Pkg. Co.. 66 .... .••• Anderson A- Son. . . 45 .... .... Bulla. J H. 1 . Chock. VV. 11. 12 - .... Dennis A- Franc!*.. 51 .... Kill* & Co. 12 • - sOarvey. John . ... 210 .... .... Klrpatrick Bros. .. 2 .... Longman Bros. .... 6 .... .... Mo Kan. C X C. Co. 21 ... • • • • Root. J B. At Co... 39 .... .... Rosenstock Bros. 3 ...» •••• Sargent Ar Finnegan 65 .... •••• W'thtlmer A- Degen 38 -N*,* *••• Other buyers . 136 .... Total.«.Mil 15.36* 4.»ft 4 hh-ago I,Destock. t’hirago. Dec 1' Hogs Receipts, 46. ftOO head; slow; 150 25c higher; mostly 25c higher, big packer* buying slowly, bulk 2 50 to 276-pound average*. ID* DO to 10 15; top. $10.15. 21' to 200-pound average*. $9,400 9 ft*: 18“ to* 290-pound averages mostly. $8.1*10 9 ;<• ; bulk 141* to D-0-pound averagt *. $7.75© 8 60 ; hulk packing sow.. $9 1509.4ft; *t rung weight i igs most 1} $7,00 0 7.41- heavyweight hogs $9.85010.15, medium $8.90010.10; light. $7 75 0 9.50; light Might. $6.7$0 8 76 pa> king hogs, sntootn. $•.2**09.60; packing hogs rough, $9.0009.20; slaugh ter pigs. $6 250 7.50. Cattle- Receipt*. 11.000 head, light ami handyweight fed steers of value to sell ut $9 00 and belter, strong ;«pota higher: others about steudy with t%*nl sharp upturns; common Rird, slow; killing quality comparatively plain; fop yearling, -..rrt'. $1 4 00, some 1.174-pound averages. $12.5ft; well finished bullock* Staling $13.46 pound*, 111.6ft: long fed steers averaging amund 1.6*»0 pounds held at $lft.5ft; *to<k«rs and feeder steers mod eratoly active; fully steady; *he ‘ stock slow; steady; beef halters In liberal sup ply; vealers strong to 26’c higher, bulk good to choice kind around $9.2609 60; outsider* paying upward to $10.50 and above. She*p and Lambs Receipts, 13.00ft head; slow, fat iambs steady to strong; bulk fat natives and fed westerns. $1575 0 1 * ft**, early top $16 25; best held high er; fa* sheep and feeding lambs steady; fat ewe*. $5 76to *.00; inl*erabla feeding lambs, $15.60 019 50. 8loui City hurstork. Sioux *’it>. Iii . Dei 18. --('attle -Re ri ipts, 1.5 ft ft heart, market faKljr active, killers strong, stockers steady; long fed yearling*, lift ftftf/ 12.50’ short feds $4 8**0 8 nO , heavy steer v. $6 .ftft© I 1.0ft; fat cows and heifers. 83.5ft to 1 ft.ftft ; canncrs and (Uttar*. $2.5503.06; veal*. $3 0001.06; bulls. $ 3 Oft 0 . 7 6; feeder*. $4 0006.16; stock era. $.160 0 6 35; *»ock yearlings slid calve*. $tft*»0i 60; feeding r ows ami heif ers. $2 7604. Hogs—Receipts. 15.000 head; market. |ft0 16r itigher, top. $9 8ft; bulk of aales. $8.0009.95. Ilfrhta. $7 KOto9.ftn, but'hers. 49 26 0 8 8*1 riit'f.t $*.25#f9r>0; heavy pat ker*. $9.ftOYr9.50{ slags, $7.0007.10; pigs. $5.0**0 7.00. * sharp—Receipt*. 7f»*> head; market. 26 to>50c higher, ewe*, 25c lower, lamb*, $16.00; ewes, $8.25. li ii dans City I.Deatock. Knnaa* *'i*v M«> , Dec 18—(United States Department of Agriculture * tattle Receipts, 3.BOG head; calve*. 3**0 head; beef steers slow; few early *nle* ut $7.<*0f* 9 lift; yearlings, steers and lieifera dull, bidding lower, other killing Hasses steady; bulk butchers’ cow* ami heifers, l.l 2503 10; cannera end cutters, $2 35ft .1 16; firMitlcal veal top. $9 Oft, Stocker.) nrd feeders strung, must ly at $5,000 6.7 6. Hogs Receipts. 9.50ft head; market nmsth 16 0 21c higher* top, $9 75. bulk. $1* no to 9 Oft. bulk desirable 110 to 300 nound averages. $9 26 0 9.60. packing sows. $8 9j»0 9 10; stock pig*. $16006.on. whesp Receipts. 2.000 heml; lambs s*rn«.gdn 16c higher; be-t fed lofs offered at $15 2:, others at 15 16; clippers, 115.56; odd lot* »henp strong HI. Louis 14fr*t*wk. H*. T.ouU. De« . 1H -Cattle-— Receipts. 1 .no hend: tnaikct strong, native bnT steers. $6 00 to 14.50. yearling elect* and heifers, $3 50 to 1 2 ft" ; COWS, $16006 25. •docker* and feeders. $4.150 6.76; calves. *3 6 ft to I I 00; cannera and (Utters, $2 250 3.54*. . . Hogs- Kccclpt*. Ift.ftftO head; market. 26c up, milted and butcher*, $9.15010°" good hen vies. $99001010; toughs $H 86 Y* 9 ftft; light* $9 16 419 65; pigs, $4 750 8.6°; bulk $9.5O01O"O. Sheep Receipts. f,*)i» tw*d msrkel steady; mutton ewes, $5**008.60; lambs, 41 3.760 JO.00; can tiers and > hoppers, $" °0 0 0ft. Kf. ,losc|»h I.Destock. .Lseph. Mo Her is Hogs—-ID i<<11>Is 9 **<•*' bend: market I**« to Hr higliet . top. $'• 86; bulk, $8 96 0 9 76 (’attle Rci «|plh, 1.4ft** head. market unci. ii. steady to higher, hulk steers. $ ft 75 9 Oft. lop. $9-6. cow* end helfeis. $•1 T. M 9 (Mi , . dives $9,600 8 fill . stui k. n •in,I f.l*i - $.1 Mi vi 7 ft**’ She*" Kci.ipt-*. 1,6 O0 head: mat net steady i" 2 6c hlvtmi ; lamb*. $14 50015.76; Hi I S, 17 60 0 8 7 5 New \ ork lotion • ulnre* \rw Y*»rk **'• 18 Cotton Kuturar opened »*| »m • t . I (seemlier ''' 08, , lull 11 a i y, ... .Mut.l*. 2 1.26, , Mu>, 24.6*', July. 21 7m* Bulls Pleased With Mellon s Announcement Decline in <lull Money Rate Proves Accuracy of Secre tary's Statement Regard ing Credit. Ill RICHARD SPIl.f.ASF.. litlversiil Smlfe Flnancal Editor. New York. Dec. 1*. Secretary Mellon’* <’ imnt'oi today that he did not view the present fluctuations in the stock nutrki‘ na serious or extreme hut natural, was pleasing to bulls and unpleasant and surprising to Dears. A decline in call money rates from 3 per cent to 2% was viewed as proof of the accuracy of the secretary'* statement regarding credit Today's market started as If ft was K« mg to be a repetition of Wednesday's with competitive bidding for control of certain of the rails. Lehigh Valley onened 1 points up and Heading 1% while I'nlou Pacific, Norfolk A Western and Western Pacific had considerable advances. Vn rlous other issues outside the rail group were up from 2 to 5 points in the first half hour. Ralls tvere the feature In the morning and oils In the afternoon. The fils supplanted the rails later In thy dHy, very good progress In a market way being made by nearly all the large companies. The motors were strong with the truck companies, Mack and White, moat in favor. All ihe merchandisers were up. Transactions again exceeded 2,000.00c shares. Money easy. Foreign exchange strong, eterling and francs higher. When* dominated the grains. Corn was Inclined to lag but was swept along by the strength of wheat. Apparently there will be a good market for all the grain America can spare for export to Europe between now arid the time the next crop is harvested. (’otton acted as If tired. With demand reduced prices eased off gradually, the • log* being 23 to 29 points down front Wednesday. Coffee fairly active and closed 1€ to 35 down. Sugar still Is flagging under the pressure of new crop. ✓ New York Quotations __— New York Stock exchange quotations, furnished by' J. S. Bache A Co., 324 Omaha National Bank building: Wed. High. Low. Close. Close. Agriculture (Them. 13% A. iax Rubber. 13% 13% 13% 13% Allied Chemical... 85% 8 4 84% 84% Allis.Chalmers ... 72% 71% 71% 71% Am. Beet Sugar... 43% 43 43 43 Am. B. S. Fdry.. 89 89 American Can ..161 152% 160 161% Am. Car A Fdry.. 181% 179 179 181% Am. Hide & L. 13% 13% Am. H. A L. pfd.. 70% 70% 70% 70 Am. Jht’l Corp . . . 33% 33% 33% 33% Am. Llnaeed Oil.. 25% 25 26 Am. Locomotive.. 93% 91% 92% 90% American Radiator. •••• 134% Am. Ship & Com.12% J-% Am Smelting. 89% 8V% 88% 89% Ant’ Smelt pfd ...105% 105% 105% lof»% Am. Steel Fdry... 44% 41% 44% 44 American Sugar... 64 51% 61% M * American Sumatra 13% 13% 13% 13,* Am. Tel & T. 134% 133% 133% 133% Am. Tobacco. 87% H7% 8i% 8 • % Am. W. ,V. & Elc. 41% 40 40% 39% American Woolen. 68% 66% 67 *7% Anaconda . 42% 41% 41 % 41 % Aws'd Dry Goods.. 140 13* 138% 137% Associated Oil.... 32% 31% 12% 31% Atchison .120% 119% 19% 119% Atlantic C®.147 1-46% 146% 146% At.. Gulf dr W 1. 22 % 21% 21% 22% Atlantic Ref Co.. 92% 91 92% 9" Austin Nichols . 311% 31% 31% 11% Raid win . 12o% 124% 125% *24% Baltimore A- Ohio. 83% 81% 5-% 83% Riirnsdall A.20% 19% 20% 19% Bethlehem Steel .. 49% 48% 46% 49 B. .sch Mag . 33% 33% 33% 34 Brook Man Ry ... 38% 37% 37% 38% R fi.,k.M*«n i»fd. '2% Rrook-E’d Co .121% 131% 121% 122 f Pack .101% 101 101 101% Calif Pet . 23% 23% 23% 22% Cal * Arias Min ... 63 Can Pacific .150% 150% 150% 1*1 Central Leath . .. 2o % 20% Cent Leath pfd .. 58% 56% 56% 5a Cerro de Pasco .. 6'*% 60% 60% 60% • ’handler Motors . 37 36 36% 86 j * 'h-s A' Ohio . 96 96 % 96% 96 Chi G W com _ 10% *% 9% 9% • u i • a go ti >V pfd. 29% 28% 28% 29 Chi A O W . 74% 73% 73% 74% V M A St I* . 16% 16% 16% 16% «’ M A St P pfd 29 % 29 29 % 29% C R I Sr P . 48% 47 47% 47% C St 1* MAO Il> . . 66 96 Chile Copper . ... 34% 2* 34 34 < ’hlno . ... .. 27 % Cluett-Peabody .... . • 60 61% Clueft Peabody pf . 103% Coca-Cola .. 80% 80 80% 80% Colo Fuel a Irn. . 44% 43% 43% 44% Columb c»rbon 6° 49% | Columbia vias .... 46% 46% 46% 48% Congoleum . 43% 43% 43% 43% Con Cigars .27% 27 37% 27% Con G«• . TV 77% 77% 77% font Can . 68% t>7% 6*% 67 font Motors . 8% 8% | Corn Products.... 42% 41% 41*4 41% < Widen .26% 26 26 % 26% Crucible .73% 72% 72% 72*4 Cuba Cane Sug .13% 12% 12% 13% Cuba cane Sug pfd 56% 65% 53% 65% Cuba-Am Sugar . 29% 29% Cuyamel Fruit ... . . ...» 63% 6*% Daniel Bonne .... .... .... 8% ' % Davidson Cham .44% 44 4 4 41 s D*la A Hudson .138% 1 34 1 38 % 133% D.Ir a Lark .148 145% 147% 1« Dupont I >*» Sent .138 1.16% 137 131% Ka«tman Jvodak .11" !©•% )*»9% D'9% Erie . . . " 2 31% U% 32% Electri'- star Hal *»4% * 4 % M % 64% I ' ..,U1 Pltvern . >3% 92 % 92% 91% Fifth \vo H L. 11% Disk Rubber 13% 12’4 12% 13 FleD'hman’a eYeat , 83% 83% Gen Asphalt ..... 58 1 66% 67% 56k Gen Electric _2*5 2*2 28.3 % 279 % Gen Mutora . 61% 60% 60% 61% Cold Dust . . . . . . 42% Goodrich . 37% 36% 37% 36% «. i . Ore .4 | f % 33% 54% Gt No Hy pfd . 74% 73% 73% 74% Gulf St Steel 8 % 8 2% 93 11% Hartmann Trunk . . .. . 37% 27% Hayes Wheel .. ... 87% Hud Motors . 3 4 33% 33% R llorneitake M Co 41% 4! 41 41% Houston Oil . 77% 76% 77% 76% Hupp Motors. 17% 16 8, ill central .118% 116% III Central pfd . . ■ • 116% Inspiration . ..30 29% 29% 30 Inf Eng 47 C . .. 37% 38% 37% 36% Inter Harvester ..107 106% 106% 107 Int M Marine .13% 13% 13% 14 Int M Marine pfd 46% 44% 44% 44% inter Nickel . 24 23% 22% 31% Inter Paper . 64% 62 64% 61% Inter TAT . 9«% 91% Invincible Oil .... 16% 14% 16 16 Jone* Tea .19% 19% 19% 19% Jordan Motor ... 61% 60% 60% 61 K C Southern ... 37% 35% 36% 36% elly Spring . 17% 17% 17% 17% ®Knnecott ....... 64% 64 64 64 % l*e Rubber .13 % U 13 13% Lehigh Valley ... 94% 91% 82% »?*% Lima Locomotive. 69 68 68 68 % Looae-Wliea . 78% 78 78 79 Louis AN .107 106 107 107 % Mack Truck .115% 113% 114% 113% May Dept Store... 113% 111% 111% 111% Max Motor A ... 88% 8 3 12% 8|% Max Motor B ... 37% 37 37 % 27% Mat land . 38% 37% 37% 17% M*ex Seaboard .... 20 6, 20% 20% 20% Miami Copper . 22% ?1% M K A T Ry ... 11 21% 29% 29% Mo PkC . 31% 32% 33% *8% Mo Par pfd ..... 73% 72% *8% 72% Mont-Ward .47 % 44% 4«% 47 Mother Lode ..... 8% 8’* 8% 8% Nash Motor* .192 191 192 1*8 Nat Biscuit ...... .. • •• 71% 71% Nat Enamel . 34% 32 32% *1% Nat L®ad .162% 159% l«l% 1«« N Y A B ..... 1.4 % M 61% 52 N Y Central .1P< 118 118% 117% N Y v’ A St L ...12.1% 122% 123 123 N Y N H A H .. 33% 31% *1% **'% North American .. 42% 42% 4^% Northern Pao .... 72% 71% »1% 72 N A \\ Hy .127% 124 17*% 1*5% v)rph*uiti .. 24% 26% Owens Bottle .... 43% 43% 43% 43% Pacific Oil . 63% 61% 63 51% Packard Motor ... .. 14% 14% Pan American . . 6<>% 69% 60% 59% Pan-American H. . 60% 68% 6"T% 68% Penn R n ... _ 4W % 4 8% 48% 49% People* Gas .116 114% 116 114 Per*1 Marquette... 69 67 % 47% 69 Philadelphia Co ., 65 63% 65 6 4% Phillip* Pet ..... 36% 36% 34% 85% I’lcrce Arrow .... 14% 14 14% 14% Pnatum Cereal . .. .. *7% Pressed steel Car. 69% 57% 61% 68% Prod Mi Ileflnera., 28% 28% 28% 27 Pullman .144% 142% 144% 142% Pun's Ale Sugar.. 39% 3* 39% 40*4 Pure Oil . . . . ... 2»% 29 21% 29 Radio C«»rp ...... 48% 47% 47% 46’* Ry Steel Hpilng 131% 131 131% 120% RwV <'onsulbla l *d . . 16** 16% 16% 16% Heading .79% “7 77 % 77% IDmingle , .. 21 % 21 21 21 IDP Iron A S«®e| . 67% 66 6« 66% RnvaJ Dutch N Y. 48% 47% 48% 47% Sr 1, A s F . 43% 62% 42% 83% Mt I, A S W .68% M 52% 63% S.hul'e Cigar St.. 110% D»9% 110% 109‘* Sears Roebuck i 60 1 44 8, 147% 144% Shell mini! V»'l 21’* 21 21% 31% Simmon* <’e . 33% 32% 3:1 3' Sinclair Oil ..... 16% 14% 16% 14% siufs Sheffield - "1 ■*' Mkelty 011 5 % 21% 2% Si.ut hern P*i. Ifb D» % 103% 103% HG % biWhsin Railway 79% 77% 111 % 71% Misndnrd Oil Cal . 4^% 41 6?% v'ON Standard Oil N J 91 >7% '*% 7% Standsid Pi Glaas, 13% 13% li% »3% Stew art-Werner L’t 71% 71** '< 1 % Strombeig Cm I* 69 49 *4 .ItUdc 'inker , 44% M 44% 43% Sob lien t . .11% 1 I % II % I ' % Tetaa C»* * * % ♦ 41 % 4 % lex vlulf Sul ■ Mi 9 5% 96 9*% Te% mm X l’« 47% 4*% 4* % <4% Timken ft oil Bear 39% 3* % 38', 8'* ' iab l.odu.t* .. 73 * 73 13 U\ Toba.- Prod A ,.MS OSS Trail till .,\ . . 4 * 4 I'nion Par .1514 150 4 IR0«, 1e<> Inlted Fruit .*"4 2«o 17 S Coat Ir P ..153 1494 151V 150 U 8 !n.t Al . S« »4 4 *‘V »*X t: 8 Rubber . 404 4" 40 404 f 8 Rub pfd _ 93 4 93 93 93 4 U 8 8tael .1194 117% H?’4 J1JS V 8 Steel pfd .,13'4 '3>X Utah Copper .. -•••' .... *»% Vanadium . 29% 2k % 2* % -j* % Vis h u< loll . K'» S * Wabash . 22% 22% 22% 22% Wabash A . 69% *«% 68% Western I'nion. ■••• JI5 * West Air Brake.1$*% J*;' We<*t Electric .. 89% 89 69% J»8% While Eagle Oil.. • • • While Motors ... 72% It , Woolworth Co ...126% 1z2% 122% 124% Willy# Over . 10% D>% 10% 10* PWillys - Over pfd 76% I*% <6% 'J% Wilson pfd . 21 % -J i Worthington Pum 70% 69 69 b|% Wrigley CO . 46 44% 44% 45 Vel esh Taxi Co . 60 49% 49% JJ YelA’nb Mfg Co 41% 4 4 44 40% Total sales Wednesday 1.924,100; to day’s 2 pm. sales, 1,620,100. New York. Dec. 18.—Bond prlrea fluctuated within narrow limit.'* today but steady investment buying lmpart**u a firm tone to trading The tinner tend ency of lime monev ami aoi-eptarwe rnlea, due to sear end influences, how-ever, brought moderate ret eaaione in Liberty bonds and discouraged any fresh specula tive operation*. J . ..fl Heavs tiversubsci'lptlon of the f^U.OUO, ooo Belgian loan offered today on a • per cent yield bawls, was the principal feature of Interest in Investment circles. Hankers estimated that subscription# ex ceeded the amount of the loan from truce to five times and said that, the demand for the new bonds compared favorably with the response to the recent French loan. Meanwhile, the new Greek bonds, sold vesterd»y. continued to comntand a substantial premium. , . Negotiations for a loan to Colard or between H0.o00.000 and S40.000.00o re ported under wav in cable dispatches from Warsaw, havp not vet reached th stage where an offering is in sight al though manv of New York bankers have been approached on the proposed li n aiming. The most interneting price changes in bond trading were in indlvidusl issues, the varifius group movements revealing no riearlv defined trend. Among the rail lessen which advanced were Delaware Hudson convertible 6s. Grand '^/unk 7 s. Great Northern 7s. and Central of Georgia •>%s. Bobbin* and .Meyer# 7a lost 6 point# on a small turnover Public offering will ba mad# tomorrow of 97.000.00b Chicago. North Shore * Milwaukee :i0 vear. 6 per cent bonds at 98 to \ ield *;i •' t-cf « ent I nitrd States Bonds. (Sales In $1,000) High Low Close 19 Liberty 3%s ....K'0.31 100.29 IQ0.31 76 Liberty 1st 4 %*.. 101.22 101.20 101.20 361 liberty 2«i 4% *..100.28 100 24 10t».2® 1803 Liberty 3d 4%*..101.12 101.7 loj.K 468 Liberty 4th 4%*..101.28 101.24 DM.26 317 U S Trea* 4%* 106.4 106 111®.3 Foreign. 19 Ant Jur M W 6s.. 88% 88 % 88% 21 Argent Gov 7s ...101% 101% lOl % 67 Argent Gov 6s .... 95% 96% 96% 69 Aust Gov gt lo 7«. 97% 96% 97 32 C of Bordeaux 6s.. 86% 86 M 8 C of Copentaa 5%# 94% 93% 93% 8 C of Or Frag 7%a 91% 91 91 13 City of Lvons 6a . 86% 86% 86% 13 C of Marseille* 6s 86% 86% 86% 7 C of R de .In Sfl ’47 #8 93 91 8 Czecho SI R US ’62.100% 100 100% 10 I)ap of Seine 7s .. 91% 90% 90% 2 Dorn Rep a f 6%s 91% 91% 91% 1 DofC 6%% no ’29.102% 102% 102% 16 D of Can 6s ’52 .102% 103% 102% 34 J> K Ind 6s ’62.... 97% 97% 97% 80 D E I 6 %s rets *53 91 % 91% 91% 24 Krnmerlcan 7%s .. 93% 93% 93% 60 French Hep Ks .104% 103% lv4 60 French Rep 7%a..l00% 100 100% 70 Japanese «%s . 91% 91% 91% 62 Japanese 4s . 83% 83 83% 6 4 K Of B 7 % s ... 11M 109 109 % 91 King of B 6 % s rets 94% 94 9« 2 9 King of Den 6s ...100 99% 99% 46 King of II 7%s 89% K9% 89% 21 K of Neth fes ’72. . . 102 % 102% 102% r-9 K of Neth 6s '64 .100% 100 100 % 21 K of Nor Ka ’43... 9x% 9« 9*% 115 K S <*8 6s . D 97% *7 % 2 King of S 6s .104% 104% 104% 43 urieptal D d 6a... k:. 84% 44% 78 F L M 6e ...... 81% K"% 50% 1? Rep of Bolivia 8s 9?% 97% 92% I Rep of ** 8s 41. . D‘6 % 1"6% 1«J6% 9 Rep of Chile 7s 9'«% 99% 99% 1 Rep of Cnlom 6%a 9**% 99% 9^% 2 R*-p of Cuba .> % g . . V-7* 96 % 96% 14 Rep of K i* S f s « lti , 1 , 4 Hep of Fin #»... x 7 n % K6% 10 Rtata of Q »;«* . . . . 1 u2 % 1"-’% D*2% 9 8 of Rio do 8 3s.. 94% 91 V4 3 Stale of S F s f 8s DG 100% 101 5 Swiss Confed .ms.,.115% 115% 115% 20 Swiss G 5%» 46.... 10o% 100% 100% 465 t’KGUAI .'%• '29..1U% in 115V* 16 CKGHAI5%s *37. .106% B>5 105 31 Hrsxll 8s . 96% 95% 9*% 14 Brazil-Cent R K 7s 82% 82% 82% PommiUr. 9 Am A*r Chen. 7V,» 9? *« V *7 11 Am Chain af deb 5, 97 9tiv 97 1 Am Smeltln* 6, .. 10514 lr,5V 1"5'. 55 Am Hm.ltlnie 6,... 9RV 95*, 95V 22 Am S.irar 5. .Id" 99% 99% 37 An. TAT 61,8 .151V 1"1V 1*1 V 5 Am TAT 5, . 1*1 V 1#»V 1""V 31 Am TAT 4«.95 V 96 V 96 V I" Am W W A K in.. 93", 92V 92V 59 An* Cop 7, ':!»_1»1V 1""V 1"1 71 An, Cop 6, *53 .. 99V 99 99’. 36 Armour Co L),l uV,i 91V 91’i 91', 21 ATA8F *en 4k... "V '“V S ATASF odj 4" »tpd S2V '2 S '2 V 3 At Cut Lin, lit 4, 49 V 59 V 59 V 36 B A O rf, 6» 96 1")V 161V 1*1‘A 5« 11 & O "V tV«. 395, *9 V "9 V 7 Bell Tfl P» lit 5, 161 161 161 41 B.lh St .non 94 93 93 V 1 Brth Kt pur mon 69 96 9U 96 33 Brier Hill St 5>,i.. 97 >i 9755 97Vi 1 Bkyn Fd lern £. 99t, 99V 99ti 97 Bkyn-M,n Tr ef 6k 83V 33V, 33V, I B R A P 4 V ■ 56V 5 6 3, ««*. 1 Ckllf Pet St»« ..101'V 1 *6 V 16" V 11 Can Nor deb 6V,, 1155, 115V, llllv, 41 Cnn Pmr deb 4,.... 7*V 78V 79 1.7 C C A Ohio 6, . 164. s 166 V ldfiV 2 t'en of Q,or|l, 6’," 99', 99V 99 . 35 Cent Lenth 5, . . .3«"V 16, V 10# V 7 Cent l*,c kid 4, ... V7V, *7 V, 37*, 13 Che, A II "V 6« ..166V 10* 1*9 51 Che, A O "V 4 " • 96 94V 94', 37 Ch e A Alton l1,. 97 V 47 V 4 7V 3 O B A Vl rt 5« A 191V 191V 101'. 3 C H A V 4. 6 9 V *'V *9V 31 Chin A K.iel III 6, 76V 76S 7CV 57 Chic HI «>,t 4e 5" V 69 V 69 V 123 C M A St I" .V 4 ,« 51 CUV, 3" V 16 t 31 A St P rf 4t»* 5<V 534* 64 . 11" CM A St P 4« 25. 77 77 V 34 c A North rf* 5a 99', 99 \ 9*6, 12 Chic IU1I 5« . 83 V 13 53 V 23 C R I A C rf* 4» . 54V MS *4’, 4 t'hl* A W*,l Ind 4, 76 76V 76 II 4'hlle Cop 6, .. 103 V 1"7 V 1««'4 36 CCCASt I. rf* 5, D *5', »s *6 in t’lev I'o Term 5e 10" 99V 99V 5 Colo A So rf* 4 V,, 90 !4 90 V 90 V 9 Comm'.nwea I* 6. . 97 % 97 V 97 V 1 c c of Uiry 5, ... 37 V 37V 67V * Coneum Pow 6, .. 90*, 90V *"N 7 . c Sm* drl. 5# ,t . 99 V •• V 9? V 4 Cult* Am Su* 9, , . I" 9 107 V 1".', 55 l>ela A H evt 6, 101 V 100 V, 103 V 10 t>« O A K let rf* 6, 9 3V *3V *1V 16 p A R l» rf* S». . . 57 V 67 57 16 PA K O "on 4,. ... 32 Vi 37V, 3JV, 9 n»trolt K.l rf* 6k 1043, 164V ln5S 3 I'ettrolt n Ry 4t,,. 92 91 H 92 !6 PuP de N 7V« 1675, 107% 1»7V 7 Puyue.n, Llcht 4i ltd 165V * E«»t t'.lhk S 7V,*. .1641, 1"3S 1»1V 41 Emp OAF 7V»«... 97 »*V *7 13 Erik evt 4k 1). 73\ US 73V 1* Erie *en Hen 4k.... 335, 43 V *Jv Elk, Rubber »k ...103 104 108 1 Urn I filer deb 5k. . 105 106 105 20 lloodrlrh 4 V, k . ..1410V, 1"0V 1003, 3 .ioodveor T 5, ’ll.lO*', 109 109 lk Uoo.lVMr T I. *41 11*', II*’, 119V 6 47d fk Ry of c 7k 114’, 113V 11<V 2* O.l Tk Ry of C 5k.l«J 104 l, 103 V 24 c.rekt Nor 7k A_|0* 103 v, 109 3 itreot Northern 6k. 93 92 *2 3 Mkrkhey Choc 4p. 104 1037, 164 9 Hud A M tf* 6k A. 47V 33V »3\ 7 H A M odj in.- 6k 43 9, «3>, «»V 15 Bumble n A It f.t,k 91V, 94 >, 99V, 13 111 Hell T ir* 6k... 97V »7V 97V I HI Cen 5v,e.»M <4 I"*'. 1*7 16 ItVStl.ANO rf* 5k. 96V *65, *«V 3 Inter Hp Tr ?t. *3% •* ,s 31 Inter Hp Tr «k. 723, 72 V 72V 34 In H Tr rf* 6. elpd. *3V «**l ‘55. 27 Ini A Vl N kit 4k.. '*>» 4*V *»>* 7 lnl‘1 A Cl N Ikt 4k .1003, 100 >, 190 V, 7 Inter More Me 4,.. 99 V *«V 5; *• 4 jnler rnptr Re A., 87V, 87V 5*V 1 Km CRj r S 4k.. 813, 41V »' ‘ 80 K t‘ 1* A L t.k. 87 V 95V >*' I Km 3-lty Ho 59 ... >1’. »*’, 8* *9 3 Kan HA E 6k - 95 V *9 93 V 44 Kel Sp Tire la. . *1 *17* •» ! Lee 41 A S I. SV|. *6 V 95V >5 V 3 1, S A MS Sk 11.11. *<V *4V 94 V 84 1.1* A M 6k- 89 99 V *8 . 17 1.4IIII* A NVwh Rk 14.108V, 1"l v 108 >, .1 |.oU A Noah un 4k. 92V 93 92 V 4 I ...vl II A El 5k ... *1 V 90 V, *0", 3 Mo* Cop 7k .120 119V, 110 I Men Si* 7V,, -1003, 10"V >. M ... Ilv 4. . 44 34 44 13 Merkel HI n 99% 99 93 V 1 e 5| hi SI I *7. R, .. 3 ‘ V 97V, v. 7 31 K A T 4a C . 101V 1»1V 1«1V 81 M K A T Ra A . *4 ’, 36V »JV 23n 31 K A T l.k A ... 77V .*S • 27 kin Pec 1« Ik. 9» »♦ V •» 2 1 Mo Pie 4a .. «*V MS JJ ; Mon Ton Rk A 17 5, *7V *7*. 4 2 N K T A T lit 5« 9995 V *• n |4 N nT A M RV" 96 V ** V •• V 4.0 N v Cen d 4, 11 2 V, III " • V 9, N Y Cm l« 96V 99»»V 21 N T C A H I. 8V" *4’, *4 94 3 N r Fill 4* . 111V I tic I ’ 3 * 111 N V N B A M 7" 67’* 84V 94V 444 N V N II A H 7a fr *4 9R 16 64 NTNHAII r *• 41 9«V ‘ V I* 10 N T llye 4k 45 V * V ‘RV I N V Tel rf 4e II 1"6V, 104V, 104V SR N V Tel *n 4l»k. 96', *« 33 N T 3V A 14 ‘ V • 61 *1 «; 19 5 N'nrf A 33' o 4» 12«v, 187 V 18.’, I N'nrf A 33' .11 Ik.. »«S »»•* ** ** 8 Nor An. K.l af le 97 9«’i *‘V 42 Nor rec rf *9 13 .107 101’, 104 V 3 Nor Pan n 8e P *67, 9*V 96V 16 N'l.r Pee P 1 <• ** te No. St" P 3At R" A 9’V 98 n.tV, !> N 33' llrll Tel Ik l"7V 107*8 !"7V - 1 kt Al ’nt Ikt Rk. I"" 7k 1""V I”" * I .. S I rf* 4a 94V 943, 945, 18 nr 33 eel. till AN 4k » « • 'X •I k * 1 IIACI ka 94 V 93 V 94 V R Par TAT Rk Rr 92 V 92', 9f V 24 p nn 911 4 V" ■ no-, 11" '. ’I"V 3 Penn RH *en *k I"" to.., 1..J R peon HR fen 4 ’, k 9"V 91V 9 7V SI I’erk 34,1.1 if I.* 4 6 ., 83 95V 3 rs’l* «•" rf* I, fl* 101 10} 8 f'lt.lo Co R V6 94 V 94 MU 4 Phil A ltd 68 . 100*, 10" 7b Ut>H is Pierre-Arrow 4* .97 4* 98 98 5 Pn, A Ref 6* WW...I10 110 11* 4! Pub Srrv 6« _1044, 104', 104V, 1Punm Alr|i , . 7,. 111!** 1*2', 102 4, 15 Read gen 4V4, ... 94V, 94'* 941* 1 Read gen 4a . 95** 95., 94S 6 Rem Arm, a f la, 98'* *7 7* 98'* 8 K I A A I, 44*» . 874* *7 87 Jt St I* I Mt A S r 4, 92 4* »2 v* 93 4* « Stl.lMAS 4, RAI1 d 87l, 82 V* 83‘a 180 S I. A 8 r P II 4, A 71 \ 7 I H tA4* 62 S t, A S F adj «,. 86', 88 *8 9! St I. * 8 K Inc 8,.. 79 ** 7*'* 784* 82 St 1. S W con 4a... 86 SSI* 95*. J S A P S rfg lla. 99 4* 99 V, MU 64 Sea A T, con 6*.. »»’* 94 4* 84 4* 4 S A 1. adj 6s... 77', 7««* 76S 24 Sea Air 1. rfg 4a.. 68V, 6" 80 V* 14 S Con Oil cqI 7«. 87', 87 87\ 8 sin C Oil «V4,. 88'* »3 *3V* 17 Sin C 011 6 4*9. . .100 99’* 99’* 41 Sin P I.lna S, *3'* 82V, 82 4, 2 South Par cv 4a ... 964, 964* 961* 8 south Car* rfg 4a. .88 88 88 52 So Rv gen «4t»... 1074* -1064* 10««* 11 S Rv gen 6a.1024* 102 102 17 S Ry gen 4e . 741* 78% 74 30 S W B T rfg 6, 96% 96 4* 96% • 35 SO A B cvt 84*,...1064, 1051, 106% 16 Tenn Elec rfg On.. 99 7, 99 994, 23 Third Ave adj 5a... 61 61 61 *2 Third Ave rfg 4a . . 57 67 67 6 Toledo Kdl 7a ...109'i 109% 1094* 12 Hn Pac I at. 4a ... 914, *1 91 13 I'n Par rvt 4a ... 99 !>*% 99 7 ITn Par rfg 4a. 94’* 844* 84% 16 C S Rub 7 4* a . 1054* 106 106 4* 32 V S Rub 5a . 954, *6 1» 85% :i8 IT S Sll e f 5a.. .104'* 104 104'* 13 Utah P A I*t 5, ... 91'* 91 91|* 7 V-C C 7 V,, w w... 44 44 44 15 V-C C Is ........ 71% 70% 704* 9 Va Ry A P ifg 5a. 94'* 93% »S% 26 Va Ry 6, 95% 96 95 4, 2' Wabaab 1,t 5, _100% loll«* 100% 21 West Elec 5, ... 99% 99'i 98% 106 West Mil 1st 4,- 64% 63% 03 v* 12 West Par 6a . 90% 90% 90% 6 Went Pn 6%, .Ill 1">% 11 V est Bier 7, .I "7% 107% 107% 12 West Shote 4,. 83 82% 83 ■J Wlrk-Spen Stl 7, .. 76 76 76 10 Willya-O let 61,, . 100 99 100% 19 WII A Co 1st 6s... 94 93 93 3 WII A Co rv 6a ... 66 at 66 IT, Yeung S A T 96% 95% 96% Tnltfl sales of bond, today were 817. 832 000. compared with 814.780.000 previ ous dsy and 11 1,078,000 a year ago. [ New York Curb Market j V____/ New York Bee. 18.—Business on the Curl, Exehange was marked by heavy trading and a strong lone during the greater p^»rt of th® diy, the oil stocks being added to th® group® In which in creased demand at advancing price® pre vailed. . . . Many of those Issue® were bought on an extremely large (•'■ale. Humble being prom nent because of It® holdinge in the New Wortham Oil field®. Standard OH Of* In dia nu and Htanda rd Oil of New York were both In special demand at higher level* «nd there was good buying of many of the miscellaneous oil issues. Red Rank, however, WH.t weak and there was a lark of nearly auppurt for Kirby Oil, which showed a heavy lone. Tho greatest yitereat. however, contin ued attached to trading in public Utill je«. the largest transaction® being in American Rower and Light, which ro®e 2 i»rdnts. American Light ami Traction made hd advance of more than a point, hut later reacted from ita high level* West ern Power rose 4 point* and a gain of*S points was made in Northern Power and Light Goodyear was one of the itrong fea tures making a fur,her advance in the • arlv trading on large dealing®. New York. Dec. 18.—Following 1® the . ffMa! list of transactions on the New York Curb Kxchange, giving ail itocka and bonda traded in: Induatrials. Pale*. High. Low. Close. 1200 Adriondack PAL. . 27 36 37 ion Allied Rack pr pf. .'«8 54 58 300 Am Cot Fall pfd . It"' 99% 100 3400 Am A K R wl . . . 3.'> % 35 % J5% 700 A tit GA El new .120% IDS 120 100 Am Haw H R .. 12* 12% l-'% 425 Am LATr . 143 143 143 16500 Am PALI new ...67% 54% 66 % 500 Ant Superpow A . 31 % 'JO 31% 400 Am Superpow B. . 31 S 30*4 31% 2»0 Appalach Row ... 79 * 79 79 600 Archer Dan Mid.. 29 29 29 620 Borden® .Milk ...132% 131 122s* 100*C#nt Teres* Sug . 50 50 .60 3«00 t 'entrlfugal Pipe 28 26% 27 100 i’hat ter ton A Son® US 1- S US loo Checker Cab ... 19 % US US 200 Child® Co new 41 S 8 1 41 anti t/uni Pow Corp ..124 123% 1H jnn font Row pfd *2% *-% 82 S 600 Con GAEl Balt nw 33 32 S 33 i SuO <*ont HaUerfea A. 116% 114S 314 S 4 5 00 Cunt 1 take lies B . 2 4 2 S 23% 400 Cunt B-k-rie® pfd. 94 S *3% »* 100 font Tob Inc.... 25 26 26 I 1400 * *uba Company.... 39 S 39 3t I (1000 DeForest Radio... 27 % 26 27 S 11 Del UW Coal HI : . • •* lit 9no Doehler Die Caat. 21% 21% 21% 2100 Dublier CAR .... 65 64 65 200 Dux Co Inc . 27% 27% 27% 220 Faat Penn Klee... 62% 61% 62% no Klee BAS pfd. . . 103 102% i"2% 500 Feder Metal® ....36% 36% 36% 6no Film Inapec . 8 8 8 70 Ford Canada . 62? 6*6 I® Foundation Co pf.118% 1D ’4 111% 9100 Freed Kisemann.. 3! % 29% 31% 2700 Gillette Raxor. 67% 5* % 57% 11600 Goodyear T . 26 % 25% 2«»* loo Oirennun Bak .... 17% 17S 17% 7900 Happiness Cgndy. '% 7% 8% 2500 Haxeiflne Corp . . 4*% 8’% 4t % ion imp Tobacco . 20% 20% 20% 4"® Intercont Rub . . ( *• % • 70U Int Ocean Ttadlo .15 14 14 600 .Jones Radio s% 7% 7% 7300 Lehigh Pow S 96 % 9* 96% 23900 I.ehlgh Val Coal 4 4% 42% 44% 25 i.ehlgh Val Cl Si® 16% If % 86% 2500 Liberty Radio ... 7 f% <% 100 Mesa hi Iron .... 4 4 4 600 Mid West Util ... 7* % 78 78% SO0 Nat Leath . S 4% 5 840 Nat PAL .204 198 20J 50 Nat Tea Co new 247 247 247 1900 Nickel Plate wl.. 84% 85% 83% 1000 Nickel Plate pf wl 87% 84% «7% 3400 Omnibus Corp ctf 17% 17% 17% 474 Rathe Kx A . 49% 47% 48% ion Pyrene Mfg . 10% 10% 10% SO0 R idio Corp . .... 9 S 9% 9 % 400 Rfiva Radio ..11% 11 11% 200 Silica Gel Prod .15% 13 13 6OO0*So CoaJAlron .10 8 10 DO Stand Prtb . 17 27 27 500 Bmtx Motor « 7’a 7% 100 Rwlft Inter .. 3*'% 11' '■ * 3 2% 10 Swift A r.' .109% 109 % 109% lion Ten KI Row. 52% 50% 32% 7. Tenn R R 2d pfd. 73% 71% 73h, 5f'0 Therm "'dyne R t! 14 % 14% 1*% 12 Thompson Radio 13% 13 IS 2 *n Tower Mfg Co. . . 24 2 4 ?4 200 Union Carbide. ... *7 67 47 300 Ltd GA KI new J2 31% 32 100 U'd Profit Rhar .. * 6 6 10O l td >hoc Mi h_ 42% 42% 42% 300 Ward Bak A .... 43% 4"% 41% 1700 Warn Radio . 34% 26% J4% 4 4 00 West Pow . 41 17 4M 470 West P«»w pfd.... *r% 88% % 100 Yell w Taxi 17 17 17 Standard Oils 1000 Anglo Amer OH .. 1’% 17% 17% 300 Chesebrough Mfg. 49 49 49 SO Rureka Pipe Dtn*. 63 31 91 80 (ialeii* S Oil pftl.106 108 10; 3100 Humble Oil . 411, 'OF, 120 Imperial Oil fan.113 111 113 30 Indiana Tips Dine "1 71 71 4100 Ini Pet .23V* 21F* 70 Magnolia Pet ,...134 134 134 SO Northern P li. 75 74 74 700 Ohio Oil .«3<4 J***'» 300 Penn Me* Fuel... 34 33', 34 6X0 Prairie ('All .7‘>»7* S**}* -07 *4 390 Prairie P Din#...1031* 107V* 1*X 9700.Standard Oil Ind. 60S 60 60'* 200 Standard Oil Ky..ll9 11} 1'* 2900 standard Oil N T. 48V* 43% 43V4 1700 Vacuum Oil 80S SO *0 30(1 Ark Nat <ia». 51, }S 200 Carlb Syndicate .. JJ* 40 fit lea Service ....170V* 1'J 1'*}* 500 fltlea Serv pfd .. 606* 60S 80S 25000 Cities Serv *crlp..li2V, 11} 1*|S 200 Creole Syn ....... 9** *1 ?S 1900*01,nroek Oil .... 16 15 15 300 Oulf OH ex dlv... 65 65 6* 800 Kirby Pet . 4S « * 2700. I.affo Pet . *J* ' » .5;} 300 Mountain Prod ... 1«S J»'t 9600 Mutual Oil clfi... ll'i 11'» l'!» 100 New Bedford .... 3S 3S JN 700 New htng Fuel,... 25% 25 * 200 N M A A Land Co 6% 4% JH 200 Peer Oil . 1% *% » 3000*Penn Beaver .... 12 £* 400 Ked Banks Oil ... 2* 23 * 4600 Royal Canadian... 7% 7% *7* 500 Salt Creek Cons.. 6% 6% *% 300 Salt Creek Prod.. 24% 24% *4% •00 Venezuelan Pet... 3% 3% ?% 200 WM«ox Oil . 6% *' » 50O0#‘*Y" Oil A Gas. ... 5 6000*A risnna Globe ... 6 0 ** 2000*Cal A Jerome.... 20 ( 20 i'o 2400 Canario Copper .4% 4 4% i 2000*Etfteka Croesus 10 10 30 1000*First Thought Min 50 6f 6# 2000*Floretioe Goldfield 9 ^ 200t*Gold Zone D M. . -1 3 5000* Harnilll Divide M 10 10 10 2000*Haw thorne Min ..15 15 15 500 Her la Min . 10% 10% 10% 100 Hollinger G Mine. 14% 14% J4% 1500 Howe Sound Co... 3 2% 3 100*Jerome Verde Dlv. 9'J 92 92 9300* J lb Cone . 65 51 53 2200 Kay Copper . 1% 1% Ml 100 Kerry Lake . 1% 1% 1% •®00*Lone Star ....... 4 4 4 1100 Mason Valley .... 1% 1% 1% 8O0#*Moblcan Copper... 12 12 32 20®0 *Na tlona I Tin../,. 6 * 6 470® Ohio Copper ... 1% 1 Ar *% 1000*Parmac Por< uplne 45 45 4:» 4500*P!ymouth Lead <2 71 * 100 Premier Gold. 2% 2% • ■9 2000*Ray Hercules M... 10 1® 1® 6000»fian Toy. .. 4 4 4 50® So Am P 4 G. 3% 2% f * 1000*Spearhead . 6 ® _7 lO®*Tonopah Belmont. 51 51 51 300 Tonopah Ext**. . 2% 2% 2 a 10®0*Unlt#d Eastern ... 36 ** 2®0 United Verde Ext. 24 -* 4800 Wenden Cop Min 2 1% 2 Domestic Bonds. 1 Allied Packer 6... 99V* 90S 90S 1 Aluminum 7* ’26..102% 102% 102% 2 Am Gaa A El t*a. . 95% 95% 9a % 3 Am Ire Co 7s.1®3% 10 Am PwAL 0« old 93% 93% 93% 3 Anaconda Cop 6a..103 102% 103 3 Anglo-A Oil 7 %s .100% 1®0% 1®®% 2 At I Gulf A W I 6a 6® *0 60 3 Heave” Board 6s.. M 8 8 "4 4 Beth Steel 7, "-35 . . 163 '* l*3*x lf,3’« 5 Heaton A Maine 68 9"7, 99 t* 99 7* 2 Can Nal Kv Kij 7,.1"9S 1"9 1"9 icnip 5s* ...ioi mi }*1 „ 2d Child. Co «* . . 107S 1 "6 \ 1“J a I Cities Service 7s It 9'F, 98'. 98 S I Cities Serv Fs K .110 111 116 5 Cities Sv P A i, 6. 9 4 S 94S *4V* 1 Con Fla. Halt 6'*a.l02 1"2 1*}’ : Con Ca. Halt 6S« 109', 1 "91»9S 5 Con Textile *8. 96 *77* J.S 18 Cudahy Pack 5S*- S'*. *' V* *'S 4 Deere A Co 7Sb.,107S 103S 'I'*'* X Detroit Kdl.on 68. ,112V* 112', 112S 9 Dunlap T & K 7a. 99 98 S }» 1 Fed Surer 68 '33 97S »(S 9.S 1 Fl.her Bdy 6. ' 26.1*1 V* 101 S 10JV* 1 Fl.her Hdv 6a '27.1019* 101 b* HIS 6 Fl.lier Hdy 6. '2S.I92S 1X3S 102S 2 Trend Trunk SSe.lo.X, 106 106 299 Tnt'l Match 61*8..115 113 113S 1 Dlbbv McNAD 7*.10"S 109% lno7* 1 Mo Pacific 6* ... 991, 99*. 99 J* 11 Morn8 A Co 7 S.. . 69 F* 98 * 9« ■, 1 Nat l Deather l«. . .1*2 1*2 >** 5 Nil Sts Pow 99N 99 S 99 S 8 No Sts P cv 91,8 lOF-S 106 105 1 Phil K1 S*> 53 1*4 1*4 194 7 PP Sv ft) N J 6b. 91 S * * 4 94 S in Pb Sv Co N .1 «8 »fS »«s »«s 5 Pur, Oil 61*. »'S JIJl 7 Rep Peru X. '44 . 99S 99S »»S 4 Shawaheen 7..103s 108S 103S 27 S'd T A FI .1«*H l*5’, lf|SS 1 Std Oil N T 7. '26.105 105 195 12 Swift A Co 5. 94 S 94 S 94S 2 Union K DAP SSl 9S>. 981. 984, 1 linn O C*I 6i '25.101 101 101 15 l td Drue Co «. KM1. 1*1 l7'}H 1 United "'I Prod a. if, 35-, D > in U Fly of Hav 7 10JS JO'H }**', 1 Vat uum till "*....307 5 Web Mill* 6%* . 103% 101% 101% foreign Bond* 1 C tv Hel-itig 6%»- 00% 0®% 0"% 3 Ind H's of F,n 7... »!• }}S »<S 12 K Nether 6. 72 10 ». 1021. 102S 3 D An. Hy P« S'," **S *5‘» »6S 4 Rep Poland 6a... <3 i3 *3 10 Russian <%* . 14 1* 11 Russ €%• ctf.NC 14 13% 1*% i M"Way A • ’o 6s...l01> JJJ% 5 8w *■ 5%s.1®T^ J03% JUiig 12 Swiss 5s .100% 100% 100 • •Cents a shars. Omaha Produce __' December 18. BT’TTF.R Cream*ry—Le si Jobbing prices to re* tallern Extra*. 44c; extras in 60-lb. tuba. 43<■ ptandards. 43c: first. 4*c^_ Dairy—Buyers are paying 7 table butter in rolls or tuba- ror packing atock. BUTTEREAT For No 1 cream. Omaha buyer* are pav.rr 33c per lb at country stations: 38c delivered at Omaha FRESH MILK. ^ . Price quotable. 82 35 cwt for fresh milk testing 2 5 bulterfat, delivered on dairy platform, Omaha. EGOS. For eggs delivered at Omaha: No. 1 fresh egre graded basis, around 4j> per doaen No 2. Z««21c; .-ra.'k F’rlcea above for egga received »n new or No 1 whltewood cases; a ileductlon of 21 will be made for second-hand cases. No 1 eggs must be good average slxe 44 !b< net No 2 ages cot*:at of small, "lightly dirty, stained or washed eggs. Irregular shaped, shrunken or weak-bod* In Met quarter* a premium is being na:d rT*r selected eggs which must not be more than 4* hours d. uniform In • ire and color (meaning all solid ,co»®r*r" all 4-halky white or all brown, and of ’he same shade) Tbs shell n.ust be c.ean *nd sound and the eggs weigh 25 ounces per dozen or over Jobbing price* to retailers: t 8 tpe 1als 8*c: U S extras, commonly known as selects. 52c; storage selects IlgMZc. N*. 1 small, frssh. 316 40c; email storage, 36c; checks. 11033c POULTRY Live poaltrr irregular, due to embargo on stock from th » territory at New Tor® Snm* buyers not quoting on rhl- km* I Country shippers are edvlsed to *>"w “t'ncn quotable for No. t •lock, Olivo* ftprings. 1«€r l &■'; I.cohorn .prluoa, U'. • tags 11c; hena. < lb*. 14016c. hen under 4 lbe. 12c; Leghorn hena. 1-'. “?o.ler. duck.. L■ f. f. t It® 15c; old ducka, f. f- f. 1-®13C. gee > f f f 12<6 13'*; capon#. 22c lb., turkey#, * fat. 9 lb*. and up. around 23c; pigeon#. $1 hi) per dozen. tvressed—Cash prices for dressed pout. try. No. t atock. delivered Omaha. .14 nominally a. follows; Dry-picked you,,, _ tom turkeys. It Ihs. and over Sic. dry picked hen turkeys. 8 lbe. and over. 31. , dry picked old tome, 16 Iba. and over, Me: good No. 2 turkeya. paid for culle. No. 1 duck*. 14®l»e. N - ducka 10«l2c; No. 1 geeae, 14® 16c, la .raided hena. over 4 lbe. 15c; und-r 3 Ihs 14c; fat scalded springe. 16c; No. stock much leas; capons, according to *12Dv *amne ' quarters dreaaad poultry If being handled on 10 per cent cqmmlaaloo b*Jobbing prices of dreaa'd poultry to retailers are nomlnillf *# follow#. Spring, aoft. 21®22c; broilers. 3*;- h"1" 20® 21c; ducks. 22®25c: geese. 20026c. turkey. ««»'hAUBIT8 Omaha buyers quoting el.50 per dor. for cottontails tpd 11.00 for Jacks, de livered at commission houses nere. CHEESE. _ American cheese, fancy grade. Jobb n;; prices quotable as follows: Single dslrlee. 241*0; double daisies. He: square print., 27c; longhorns 248yc: brick, .3 , c, lltn • burger. 1-lb. style. 1-3.25 per dog; n; 8v ft domestic. 33c- Imported Roquefort. 68t. New York, while. 32c. BEEF cuts. Wholesale prices quotable: No. 1 nhr. 26c • No. 2. 21c: No. 3, 14c; No. 1 rounds. 19c- No. 2, H',c; No. 3. No. I I '' 36o ' No. 2. 27c; No, 3. 16c; No. 1 chucks, 12c; No. 2. 9c; No. 3, 7 V4c; No. 1 platit, nuf \'o 2. fc* No. 3. 6c. • FRESH FISH. Jobbing price* quotabl* a# follow* Fancy white fish, 30c- lake trout. 30c; buffalo 16c; bullheads. 24c: northern cat fish 36c; southern cstflsh, 37c: fillet of haddock 26c; black cod sable fish. 18c, red snapper. 27c, flounders, 20c; crapj.ies. 25c Mack bass. 32c; carp, medium. 14c. striped bats 20c- whlto perch, lie. sal mon 30c; frozen flah. f®«c less 1h»n prhes above: halibut. 27c; allver a. mop. 25c; fall salmon. 22c. Fro* saddles. lare-_ f $4 50 per dozen. Oyitara, $-.554$ 4.10 1 r m **UOn- FRUITS. . t f . r Quotabl# Jobbing price* for No. Peart—Ei'ra fancy. bushel baike., $3.00; box, clalrgeaua. $4-50. Orange#—Nave!#, extra fancy P«r .]>?*• $4.00ft 5.00; Florida# and Tangerine#, $4.90, Grapefruit--Florida#. $3.75 Q 4. < 5. Banana*—Per lb.. 10c. -n Lemons—California, extra fancy, M-JV\ fancy. $#.00; choice. $7.50; lime#, 100 \ count, carton. $2.00. .. Tranberrie#—50-lb. box. f<50: 100-lb. barrel $15 00. late Howe, box Iv**) Grape#—Red Emperor. 30-lb keg*. $6 00: ^5-lb. box, $4.00; AlmOria. 25-lb. bo*. |4Applea— In boxei: Extra fancy Delicious. $4.75: Jonathan* $ .2a 'hole® nela£*yc Red*. Senator#. Bla» k B»?n#. It.**. SpU •/.••nberger#. $1.50. In basket# . Jonathan*. $3.00; W!r-apf- *-• *!?-..' ’• , „ Banana. $2.25; Grime* Golden J. in barrel*. York Imperial. j6.e.p; StavniHn Wlnesap# $6.50; Hen Da vl#.\Gano, Genetpn*. black twig. $7.00; Jonathan*. ** *° VFeOBTA BLF,S. Quotable pabblng prices for No. 1 atock. Sweet Potatoes—;»©-lb. hamper*. $3 ami, J tjuc am her —*H o t*ho uaa, eztra fancy, per d°P*pperemorse0".' market basket 30c lb. Onions—Spanish, crate 60 Iba.. • California white, in sacks 5c lb . red globe. In sacks 3c lb.: yellow. IH' 15 Roots—Beets and carrota. in sacks. 3c per lb : turnips and rutabaeas, -L'tJ Cauliflower—Per crate. •* Cabbage—28»c per lb.; crates. 2c per IU—California. per crate. ej packed. 34.00. -3 Hadiehes—Southern per dozen bur.oees. , ^Potatoes— Home grown. In sack#. lHo fib ; Idaho baker*. »ack». Lettuce—Head, per crate $4.00 ©4.»0. per do*., hot house tear. »Jc. . Celery—Oregon, do*., stalk#. $1,006 2.©t . Michigan, do*.. 75c; California, rough crate. $6-50. Parsley—Per do* , bunch©#, i5e. FLOUR. , 4. Price* quotable round lot* fie## than carload lot.) f. o. b. °m4h}. First patent In tt-lb. bag*. **»««:? A per bbl : fancy clear In 4S-lb. bags. I, - 1 07.40 rer bbl.: white or yellow cornmeal. 32 89 per 100 Iba. FEED. Market quotable per ton. carload lota, f. ii. b- Omaha Digester Feeding Tankage—60 per cent protein. l«o On Market strong ... „„ Hom:ny Feed—White or yellow. K. '0. Cottonseed Meal—41 per cent protein, 149 o Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding. 10 bbl. Iota. 3 45c per Ih.; flake buttermilk. 5ta to 1.060 iba. 6c lb. Mitt Feeds—Bran. standard prompt, 330 00; brown shor e. 332-50; gray ah.-rtr, 134 50: flour middlings. |3» 60: reddos. 141 r.OT?42ro mlaevi ‘era of flour and feed. 75c®31.0H more per ton. Egg SheUe—Hiked end ground. 100- b. bag* ton lota. fP 00 per ton. — . Alfalfa Ileal—Choice, prompt December delivery, secondhand tag*. S.S.SO, No. : Decemher-January delivery, secondhand hags. 3.5 00; No. 2 prompt December de livery eecondhend hag*. 323.50 Linseed 1I->I—34 per cent protein. ; r ;npt, 151 60 H KT Nominel ouotetlon, carload lota: Upland Prairie—No 1. 212.00012 00: No 2 S10.aoeil.06: No. 1. 38.000 0.00. Midland Prairie—No. 1. *12 sUia,K.Mf^i-3t.V-«R*SS.M; N#Alfalfa—i*c he. 320.0«#J1.M: No 1. I*’:AciV.wV No Pecking Hay—35.50® i.50. ,, Straw—Oata. 37.600s.00; wheat. I..000 7 50. FIELD SEED. Nominal quotations, per 101 rounds, fair eversee quality: ^-Halfa, 31* 0. ® 19 00: sneet Mover. 38 00 •I*. OS. red clover 321 00822 00. timothy. 34$0®5SO, •udan' grata. 33 76® 4.23: common mille:. 31 72® 1 60 German millet. 31.3O0l.i6e c,n" ’hIdIs,5 WOOU TALLOW. , y Price* »r# quot*bl* #• follow*. 4*4.©r* ■ w©i»*ht* an»I *#l©ctloo: ,. Hid** Sc#*«.n*bl©. No. 1 Jit: .. l#c; bull*. »$ic; branfi* *6*c. *!u©. F . .-■if KfrHSo: kip. 126I©Sc: deacon*, tl 00 -ach. giu* »k '•a. 6 h«r**htd*# $5 ©• 4 ©0 ponies and g'.ue* $7 0© **©.< : colt*. 2L* each; hor akin*. 15© •Mb; dr? flint b de*. lie; dry *a ted hide*. Itc; dry g)o«. 7c. __ »w York Rubber New York Dec. 1# —Rubber.—Smoke i rihbej sheet*. *pot. $71*c. New YoriT IVc It.—Cottoft—Spot qi: <at m'ddling, 2# SERVICE . -:---- "" Your Order for Future Delivery ot Grain or Provisions Will Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention 4 PRIVATE WIRES to All the Principal Markets I Experienced Efficient Reliable OMAHA OFFICE PHONE, AT lantic 6312 LINCOLN OFFICE PHONES 120 Updike Grain Corporation Omaha Kansas City * Chicago * ^ . - ~~r