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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1924)
December IS. L. BUTTER. ■ ' Creamery—Local Jobbing prices to rs tillers. Extras, 44c; extras In bU-lb. tubs, .'** standards, 43c; first, 42c. Dairy—Buyers are paying 27c for No. 1 table butter in rolls or tuba* 250 26c for packing stock. BUTTERFAT For No. 1 cream. Omaha buyers are paving 33c per lb. at country stations; 39c delivered at Omaha. FRESH MILK. Price quotable. $2.15 per cwt, for fresh milk testing 3.5 butterfat. delivered on dairy platform, Omaha. EGGS. For eggs delivered at Omaha: No. 1 fresh eggs graded basts, arouud 4Bo per dozen; No. 2, 20031c; cracks, 26027c. Prices above for eggs received In new or No. 1 whitewood cases; a deduction of 25c will be made for second-hand cases. No. 1 eggs must be good average size. 44 lbs. net. No 2 eggs consist of small. ■ lightly dirty, stained or washed eggs, irregular shaped, shrunken or weak-bod ied eggs. In most quarters a premium Is being paid for selected eggs which must not be more than 48 hours old. uniform in size and color (meaning all solid colors— all chalky white or all brown, and of the same shade). The shell must be clean and sound and the eggs weigh 25 ounces per dozen or over. .fobbing prices to retailers: U. S. spe cials, 53c; U. S extras, commonly known as selects, 52c; slpruge selects. 39 042c; No. 1 small, fresh, 38040c; small storage. 36c; checks. 31033c. POULTRY Live poultry irregular, due to embargo on stock from this territory at New York. Some buyers not quoting on chickens. Country ah: ppera are advised to hold stock. Prices quotable for No. 1 stock, alive: Springs, 14 015c; Leghorn springs, 12c, stags, 12c; hens. 4 lbs., 14 016c; hens, under 4 lbs. 12c; Leghorn hens. 12c; roosters, 9 010c; ducks, f. f. f.. young. 13015c: old ducks, f. f. f . 12 013c; geese. iff. f., 12 013c; capons, 22c lb.; turkeys. m fat. 9 Ihg. and up, around 23c; pigeons, Ji .00 pei dozen. Dressed—Cash prices for dressed poul try, No. 1 stock, delivered Omaha, are nominally as follows: Dry-picked young tom turkeys. 11 lbs. and over, 32c; dry picked lifn turkeys, 8 lbs. and over, 3lc; dry-picked old toms, 15 lbs. and over, 26c: good No. 2 turkeys. 20 0 22c; nothing paid for culls. No. 1 ducks, 14015c; No. 2 ducks, 10012c; No. 1 geesp. 14015c; fat scalded hens, over 4 lbs., 16c; under 4 lbs,, lie; fat s.aided springs, lie; No. 2 stock much less; capons, according to si/.c. 25030c. In some quarters dressed poultry Is handled on 10 per cent commission uasis. ■k Jobbing prices of dressed poultry to W retailers are nominally as follows: Springs, soft, 21022c; broilers, 35c: hens, , 20021c; ducks. 22025c; geese, 20025c; turkeys. 25035c. RABBITS. Omaha buyers quoting $1.50 per dos. for cottontails and $1.00 for jacks, de livered at commission houses here. CHEESE. American cheese, fancy grade, Jobbing prices quotable as follows: Single daisies, 24toc; double daisies, 24'ic: square prints, 27c; longhorns. 24toc; brick, 23*Ac; 11m burger. 1-lb. style. $3.25 per dozen; Swiss domestic. 38c- imported Roquefort, 68c* New York, white. 32c. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices quotaole: No. 1 ribs, 26c; No. 2. 21c; No. 3. 14c; No. 1 rounds, ; No. 14 toe: No. 3. 9 toe: No. 1 loins, * .» ^'o. 2, 27c; No. 3, 15c; No. 1 chucks, „ 12c, •* 2. 9c; No. 3. "toe; No. 1 plates, I ‘ 6 toe r*,rea 2. 8c- No. 3. 6c. V FRESH FISH. Jobbing jpn< «a quo uoie as follows; Fancy white fish, 3Uc- lake trout. 30c; buffalo, 16c; bullheads, 24c; northern cat fish, 36c; southern catfish. 27c; fillet of haddock. 26c; black cod sable fish, 18c; red snapper, 27c; flounders, 20c; crappies, 25c; black bass. 32c; carp, medium. 14c; striped bass. 20c* white perch, 17c; sal mon, 30c; frozen fish, 204c lees than prices above; halibut, 27c; silver salmon, Z5c; fall salmon. 22c. Frog saddles, large. $♦50 per dozen. Oysters, $2.8504.10 per gallon. FRUITS. (J Quotable Jobbing prices for No. 1 stock*. N Pears—Extra fancy. bushel basket, • 3 00; box, clairgeaus. $4 50. I Oranges—Navels, extra fancy, per box, 14.0006.00; Florida* and Tangerines, $4.50. Grapefruit—Florida*. $3.76 04.75. Bananas—Per lb.. 10c. Lemons—California, extra fancy. IS.60; I'aiv'y, $*.00; choice, $7.50; limes, 100 r<tunf, carton, $J.OO. Cranberries— 50-lb. box, $7.50; 100-lb. barrel. $15 00; late Howe. box. $8 60. Grapes—Red Emperor. 30-lb. kegs, $6 00 15-lb. box, $4.00; Almerla, 25-lb. box. ♦ 4 75. Apples—In boxes: Extra fancy Delicious, $♦.75; Jonathans. $n.25; choice Delaware Reds, Senators. Black Beni. $2.25; Splt zenbvrgers. $3.50. In baskets: Jonathans, $3.00; Winesaps. $2 2602.50; winter Banana. $2.25; Grime* Golden, $2.25; . j J»arreD, York Imperial. $6.60; StaymaJi Mp ..-saps. $6.60; Ben Davis. Gano. $6.00; CJenetons, black twig, $7.00; Jonathans, $T0U. VEGETABLES. Quotable pobblng prices for No. 1 slock; Sweut Potatoes—50-lb. hampers, $3.00. Jcrsfv. loo-lb.. Cu. umbei — Hothouse, extra fancy, per lozen. $2.50 0 3.00. I'-ppers—Green, market basket, 30c lh. Onions—Spanish, crate. 60 lbs.. $2.50. ?ali(orni* white, in sacks. 5c lb.; red flnb**. in sacks. 3c lb.; yellow. 3toc lb* Roots—Beets and carrots, in sacks. Sc per lb.: turnips and rutabagas. 2toc. Cauliflower—Per crate. $2.260 2.60. Cabbage—2toe per lb.; crates, 2c per lh Tomatoes—California, per crate. as packed. $4.00. Radishes—Southern per dozen bunches, 75c. Potatoes—Home grown, In tacks, ltoe lb . Idaho bakers, sacks, $3.60. Lettuce—Head, per crate, $4.000 4.60; per doz., hot house leaf, 60c. Celery—Oregon, doz., stalks, $1.0002 00; Michigan, doz., "5c; California, rough crate, $6.50. Parsley—Per doz . bunches, 76c. FLOUR. A Price* quotable round lqt* (less than aarload lots) f. o. b. Omaha, follow: ?*Jrst patent In 98-lb. bags. $8.6008 60 per bbl.; fancy clear In 4S-ib. bags. $7.30 0 7 40 ner bbl.; whits or yellow cornmeal, $2.90 per 100 lbs. FEED. Market quotabla per ton, carload lota, f. o. b. Omaha: Digester Feeding. Tankage—60 per cent protein. >60 00. Market strong Hominy Feed—Whit# or yellow. $47 00. Cottonseed Meal—43 per cent protein, 949 50. Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding. 10 bbl. lots, 3 45c per lb.; flake buttermilk, 60ft to 1.000 lbs.. 8e lb. Mill Feeds—Bran. standard prompt, 830 00; brown shorts. $32.60; giay shorts, 134.50; flour middlings. $35.50; reddog. $41 60042.60; mixed cars of flour and feed. 76c0Gt.OO more per ton. Egg Shells—Dried and ground, 100-lb. bag*, ton lots. *25.00 per ton. 1 Alfalfa Meal—Choice, prompt December I delivery, secondhand bags, $28.50; No. 1. 1 December-January delivery, secondhand & bags. $25.00; No. 2 prompt December de ^ livery, secondhand bags. $23.50. Linseed Meal—34 per cent protein, prompt, $61.60. hat. ^ fomlnal quotations, carload lots; i Upland Prairie—No. 1. $12.000 13 00; No. 2. $10.00011.00; No. 3, $8.000 9.00. Midland Prairie—No. 1, $11.00012.00; No. 2, $9.000 1000; No. 3. $7.000 8.00. } Lowland Prairie— No. 1, $9.00010.00; I No. 2, $7.0008.00 Alfalfa—Choice. $20.00 0 21.00; No. 1. 117 00018.00: standard. $16.00017.00; No. 2. $14.00015 00; No. 3. $12.00013.00, Packing Hay—$5.5007.50/ Straw—Oats, $7.5008.00; wheat, $7,000 7.60. ! FIELD SEED. “ , Nominal quotations, per 100 pounds, fair average quality; Alfalfa $17,000 t 19.00; sweet clover. $8 00010 00; red clover, $21.00023.00; timothy. $4.5006 50, ! Sudan grass, $3.7504.25; common millet, $1.3601.50; German millet, fl 6001.75; cane, $1 H © 1 35. k HIDES, WOOL. TALLOW. ^Prlce* are quotable ss follows, dealers' Iretght* and selection: Hides: Reasonable. No. 1 11c; No. 2, i 10c: bulls. 8 0 7c; brands. 807c. glue. 5c; calf. 14 0 12 to r ; kip, 1201Oto«; deacon*. 11.00 e*rh; glue skins. 6c, horsehldes. $6.00 * 4.00; ponies and glues, $2.00 each; colts, 26c each; hog skins. 15c each; dry flint hides, 12c; dry salted hides, 10c; dry flue. 7c. & Wool —Pelt*. $17602.75 ea-h for full worded skins; lambs. 6Or0$l 50 rid), i shearing. 40060c each. depending on length of wool; clips, 16c each, wool, de ( pending on uualit.i. 35050c per lh. Tallow and grease; No. l tallow. *c B tallow, 7c; No. 2 tallow, fl : A grease. 8c; H grease, 7e; yejlow | grease, flo: brown grra^e. pork cracklings, fftO.oo per ton; beef cracklings, $40 per ton; beeswax, 20c per lb. Kansas City Hvrstsrk, Kansas City. Mo., Dsc. 18.—(United Rtate* Department of Agriculture > Uattle—Receipts. 3.60ft head. c»r1\es. 3(>0 head; beef steers flow; few mirly s»lrts at ] 17.0009.00; yearlings, steers and heifers dull, bidding lower; other killing 'lassraj at**.uly. bulk butchers' i-ovvh and heifers. $3 2503.50; canners end (-utters, $2 350 3.16; practical • • i top, $'• 00. *• and feeder* strong, mostly at $5,000 6.75. Hogs Receipt *, 9.500 head; market mostly 15 0 25c higher* top, $9."5; bulk, i $9 0009 60; hulk desirable 190 to :ioo j M ind averages, $9 2509 60; packing now#, !)0i’(/ U.|0: stock pigs. $5,50 0 00. sheep Receipts, 2.0ft0 head. lambs mfr s riM.g to 15c higher; he»t fed lots offiiid] ** $1K 2>. others at 16 16; Cllppeis, $15 66; odd lots sheep strong 4 Itit ago Poultry, Chicago. Dec. 1 *.—Poultfy - 41lve, j bi- tier , fowls, 140 17 to* springs. 19 to roosters, 15c; turkeys, 32', geese, lrc .(lucks. 18c. K New l oft* lotion I lit tires. New York. Do#*. 18 Cotton Future* Opened Sfrriilv December, 2 ’ • *1 usrv, 23 76c, starch, 24 26c; May, 24.65c, July. 24.70U Community Chest Clerk to Tell . Santa Not to Forget Poor “Kiddies” This Is Miss Bertha Lichnovsky, In charge of the Christmas bureau of the Community Chest. The names gathered by all of the charitable organizations of the city as well as the newspapers and churches are “cleared" through her office so that all will get presents and none will be missed. I , * Boy Held by Kidnapers 6 Months to Be Restored to Parents Soon Camden, N. J., Dec. IS.—Found after having been in the hands of kidnapers for six months, 2Vj year-old Itussell Earl Steimling. jr., formerly of Girard Manor, near Mahoney City, Pa., was today awaiting completion of minor legal technicalities before be ing restored to his parents. Last night after the mother had recognized a newspaper photograph of a baby abandoned in a house here as that of her missing child, a Joyful reunion between little Russell and his parents followed. After Russell had been kidnaped, SLAINWIFETOBE BURIEDIIIBLUFFS Relatives of Slayer-Suicide Ignore Notices of Hus • band’s Death. Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Hammond Lang, who was shot and killed Tuesday by her husband. J. G. H. Lang of Lake Manawa, will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at Cutler's chapel, in Council Bluffs. Rev. C. O. Stuckenbruck of First Christian church will conduct the services. Burial will be In Walnut Iiill cemetery, Mrs. A. D. Solonsky of Webster City, la., Mrs. Lang's daughter, ar rived in Council Bluffs Wednesday night and will be present with the other five children at the funeral Friday. Funeral ararngements fnS Lang* who killed himself after shooting bis wife, are being delayed until word is received from the Odd Fellows’ lodge at Atlanta, Kan., of which he was a member. This lodge was notified by the Council Bluffs lodge after Lang's brother, In Ohio, and his daughter, in Arizona, had failed to make any re sponse to the notice of his death. NONSTOP FLIGHT TO AFRICA, PLAN Paris, Dec. IS.—Capt. Georges Pel letier Dolsy, who flew from Paris to Toklo last summer, will attempt a nonstop flight from Paris to Make Chad, Central Africa, on January 2. The distance is 2,1100 miles. The plans provide for the covering of the dis tance In 20 hours. A machine similar to that used In the Parls-Tokio flight will be used and this will he accompanied by a second airplane bearing fuel, with the intention of effecting a transfer of petrol during the flight over Algeria. B'nai B’rith Election. Members of the H'nnl B'rlth will hold their semiannual election of offi cers Thursday night to select a presi dent to succeed Ham Metier. Delegates will also he elected to attend the dis trict convention at Peoria, III. Landowner to Speak. J. H. Hanson, wealthy landowner of Fremont, will address the members of the agricultural committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Friday, De cember 2fl, on the child l.ilmr bill. Hanson will talk against the hill. Dawes Gets New Post. Washington, Dec. 18.—Charles G. Dawes, vice president elect, was elect ed today a member of the board of trustee* of the National Geographic society. /-* Out of the Records Births and Death*. Illrthn. Joe and Mary i.ranaiano, 617 South 23d Hf . boy. Warn and bllilah 7.intky. hoapital, girl. T«aar and Fanny Morgenatern, hoapital. girl Leonard and Sadi# ('hernia*, hoapital. boy otto and Kaale Zumwlnk't, hoapital. hoy John and Vera t’ronland, hoapital. boy John and Katherine Jtergat mm, hoapi tal. hoy. (lien and Tallinn Wash, hoapital girl Frank and Margaret Spellman, hoapital. girl. I’aul and Oulaeppa Splnn, 621 Pier** St . hoy. Dent ha. He** M Hauer. 3H yeara. hoapital Jerry Pelru. 36 yeara, 2603 Inipont Ht Taylor John Trotter, 63 yeara, 4& 14 flouth 12th Ht. Winifred Kaalman, 63 yeara 1109 flouth 33d Ht < 1111d 1 a t'ninn, 26 yeara. hoapital .btlin F. I a > a a f i, 76 yeara, 1001 tirade HI John M Flligerald 64 yeara, 1702 H 26th HI. bilzal.Hh Cooper, 62 yeara. 4211 South 26th Ht. Building Permit;. C Jeaa, "4".o Whitmore A \ . fiame dwelling, $ : ooo II Holt. 4.6 Will I a m, frame dwelling, (ft. OHO. H Hull. 4(11 Pierce, flume dwelling. |3.600. H Hull, 4416 t >■!■*•, fiNioe dwelling, $3,600. In Divorce 4 ioiirt. I*i 11 # I• * it •» Varii age mat HKhaid UuUa, cruaily Mr. and Mrs. Hteimling moved to Philadelphia and directed a search. To obtain funds they sold their home. Mr. Hteimling left for Mahanoy City today to bring back the child's birth certifi cate and other identification papers proving his parentage. Russell, jr., is with is mother at the home of Israel Shatz, where he was found abandoned by a couple who rented a room Tuesday night. Shatz, reporting the finding of the baby yes terday to police, and unaware he had been kidnaped, asked to be allowed to adopt Russell. {$10,000,000 Verdict Returned Against Bank Group Dedham, Mass., Dee. 18.—A ver dict of $10,534,109.07 for the plain tiff waa turned today b.v a jury in the $15,000,000 damage suit brought by George F. Willett against Robert F. Herrick and a group of Boston hankers. Trial of the ease in Norfolk superior court lasted 184 days. The jury had been deliberating since Monday. The case, which set a new mark in American court history for trial length, was brought by Willett to recover from llerriek and the bank ing group sums claimed to have been lost by the plaintiff through an alleged conspiracy in which he was deprived of control of the American Felt and Daniel Green Felt Shoe companies. JULIUS KAHN " SERIOUSLY ILL Han Francisco, Cal., Dec. 18.—Con gressman Julius Kahn was dying at his home here early today. Physicians in attendance expressed belief that "the end was very near" for the veteran California member of the house. Ill for a long period, he suddenly became worse last evening, losing consciousness at 8 o'clock and remaining In that condition through out the night. Mrs. Kahn and their two sons, Con rad and Julius, Jr., were at his bed aide. EBERT ASKS MARX TO FORM CABINET Hjr Aiwirhilril I'rriw*. Berlin, IJec. IS.—President Kbert this morning consulted again with Chancellor Marx and authorized him to make a thorough and final survey of the parliamentary situation in a last attempt to form a ministry which would command the necessary majority in the relchstag. The sum mons followed the failure of Foreign Minister Stiesemann, leader of the (ierman people's party to construct a straight non socialistic cabinet. --- BRIEF CITY ISEfTS V_/ Carroll to Boston—William A. Far* roll, narcotic Inspector In charge of the Omaha district, went to Boston to spend Christmas with his family. Rhine Home Saturday—J. M. I thine, 3208 Oak street, who has been under* I going treatment at St. Joseph hospl* ! tal following »n operation, will rt | turn to his home on Saturday. Law Hass * Vacation—Night law I ' lasses of the University of Omaha, I held at Boyles’ college, will not meet ; during Christmas week, J>*<**11 her 22 to 27. The first classes after Christ mas will bo held December 20. Safely Folks on Radio -The Omaha Safety Council has prepared a mini* ; her of two minute safety talks which I will he broadcasted by WOAW through the courtesy of W. A. Fraser. "All phases of safety are Incorporated in these talks. Cathedral High Play—Cat herbal j High school will present a mediaeval I play, “The Chimes Hang. ' at a | Christmas entertainment at 8t. Ce* j cell* school hall at 8 p. m. Friday. The leading roles will he taken by | Carmellta Kellogg, I<eo Hehenher and 1 David Knnda. ! - Undertaker Offers Prize in Plane Contest lly Intermit Initial »wn H*rvlre. lam Angelea, Cal., I)it. IH.—\ wor, of law Angeles aviators pre pared today to rniupete Sunday In an elev a lion ami drop rare. They will go up 5,000 fret and at a signal ■live to rnrtli. ’tin' first plain' down will lie awarded a nip offered liv .1. .1 Mon tell. Montell wi,til lie wa<< ail aviation enthusiast. lie adinilfid. too. III, ni funl busi ness Wl» undertaking, adding there was no rnnnei tlou iM'lwrrii the race amt Ilia buaiiicaa. Federal Chemist Orders 9,000 Pounds in “Loose” State ' Confiscated. Government, state and local food inspection officials Thursday morn ing condemned nearly 100,000 eggs in two Omaha cold storage establish ments. The first action was taken by Herb ert P. Switzer of Chicago, represent ing the bureau of chemistry. United States Department of Agriculture. After determining the condition of the eggs, Switzer deputized the luealth de partment to dispose of the eggs. In "lAtose" State. These eggs are in the “loose" state in 20 and 30-pound can, having been the contents of what nre known as “cracks." The government Inspector inspected each can by Inserting an electric drill through the frozen con tents. It Is stated that these cans of eggs were Intended for use in baker ies, doughnut factories and similar other Institutions. The owners of the eggs live in vari ous points and had the stock in stor age here for convenience. Weigh 9.000 I’ounds. There are 125 20 pound cans and 203 30-pound cans In the lot, which will be treated with coal oil and eari-^ I away as garbage. The weight Is 9,000 pounds. According to information imparted by the government Inspector to Dr. C. C. Hall, chief inspector of the Omaha health department, the cans contain not only the contents of cracked eggs, hut of spoiled eggs This was the largest single con demnation of eggs in the history of tha Omaha health department. Real Estate Transfers. George Kauffman to Jesse Mat thew*. Grant street. So feet of 30th street, south side, 25x ... 11,300 K. I Hardy to Catherine T. Hardy, southwest corner 41st and Sprague streets. 120x134 . 1 George M. McKltrlck to George K. Turner anti wife. Grant street. 44 feet east of 61st street, north side. 44x110, exchange and. 1 George F Turner and wife to George M. McKltrlck, Templeton s'reot. 519 feet «;»*t of 27th street, north side. 60x132. exchange and 1 Ksthei Nelson to Selma A. Berry, northwest corner 44th and Pine streets. 100x132. 1,125 John E. Jackson and wife to i ;^t ern Mortgage and Loan Co., Franklin street. 150 feet .vest of 32d street, south side. 60x124 . ... 2,500 Laurence A Liddell nml wife to Tony Salanitro. Lake street. 60 feet east of 17th afreet, north ^ side. 11x12X 4.000 Nathan Bernstein to Max Shame* Cuming street, 44 feet went of Florence boulevard, north aide. 22x132 5,000 Frank J. S*rfer and wife to F"**U J Juergen*. 40th avenu« 340 feet north of Fowler avenue. west side. 40x 1 27 . 5,500 F M • . Trenke and wife. Martha street, f ' of iJin street, north side. 60x11.1 . 6.600 Lixxie Cavanaugh to Frank Pisa ale and wife, northetst < urn* r 19th and Marina streets. 66x100 2.606 Standard ftevelopment Co to Ptank J Kulhanek. Wnolworth avenue. 174 feet west of 4€th avenue. 46x 134 725 Herbert D Brown and wife to H. J. Ayres, Northwest corner 64th ave nuf and I’aatelar stieef. 2 44x27 7, ■> anil soulhw-est corner 63d and Castelar street*. 302 3x617 2 Harold J Grove and wife to John J ’ ’ ’ h'' e 4 ' t h a\enti*. 237 feet north of Pinkney street, east side. 4. xi 15 1.000 Georg* F Jones and wlf# tu \1 n • fena I, Davis. Blnney street 60 feet west of 70th stree' north side 40x126 365 Ida F Spalding to Joseph C Schmltx. t'orby street. 0 feet west of 42d street, sou'h side 50x120 356 Cae| Christensen and wife »o Nela Henry Swanson. Cedar atree». »,6 f ee t east .if Sixth street, north s'de. 66x1.12 . .. 2.<00 Ka’hertne Remington to the hoard of regents rf T'niversity of Ne braska Dewey avenue. :o f«et west of 43d avenue south able . 50x127 *4 1.206 Howard F Russell and wife to Harold J. Grove 41d street, 40 feet north of B*d fori! avenue, west aide.. 46x100. . 1 Axel For* and wife to Ftnelia f Wangberg, t'alifornla street, 1<»0 feet east of 43d afreet, south side 50x121 6 . 7.760 Jennie Foulon to Rosaria Garafalo 51st street. .126 feet south of Leavenworth atree’, east aide !JOx 116 ... . 3fl0 N P Dodge, Jr and wife to Ma tilda C. May. Pine street. J15 fe<-t east of 6 2d street, north Side, 4 *■ X 112 . 204 M M S' honhorn to Samuel N Ripe, 21st street, 66 feet north of Cnli f * nla street, e • st side 5 0x66.. 1 5 060 Dundee Realty t *0 to 4'harlotte T. WMfrnmh. northwest corner 5£th ;.nd Webster street-. Irregular. If.OOC Chart** I. Vance et el to V D. S h ’ "I"', 64th street. 160 feet north of llowird street, west *,d*. 8<'x t f t I 1.IU Maybe It wat a landslide fi r Coni Idae. «nd maybe it wax .in irresistible glacial movement.—Little Hock (Ark ) Crt7et te RHEUMATIC NEURITIS Neuritis and Sciatica require external treatment for the relief of pain Trunk** Adecta Liniment quickly penetrate* to the nerve*, which usually respond to It* healing influence quickly. Mr*. Bes sie Foster, Lexington. Mo.. say* in a recent letter--"! have u*ed Trunk’* Adecta Liniment for rheumatism and find nothing to excel It." Thi* state ment i* typical to many endorsing thi* liniment. Trunk'* Adecta Liniment sells for only 60c at drug store*. PYROS “Pyre*" is » modi- SO* D r i n r containing BY ALL healing antiseptic DRUGGISTS agents which penc- or large size trnto through the trial package, gums to the hidden 2ftc from Ilhca pus sacs, the seat Chemical Co., of Denver, Colo. Pqofrhca Don’t Suffer With 11 chin Rushes UseCuticura Belgians’ Agent Sought. The Chamber of Commerce la look ing for an Omahan, who la serious and honest, to act as the Omaha agent for Roger Slot, chemical deal er, Lilly, Relglum. A letter from Slot was received by the Chamber Thurs day. Another letter from a foreign na tion came from Guayaquill, Kcquador, and asked for the latest information of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce's work. A1DKHT1HKMENT. Why Druggists Recommend Swamp-Root For many years druggists have watched with much interest the re markable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp Root Is a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature In tended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on Its merit and It should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Re sure to get Swamp Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, N'. Y., for a sample bottle. \ When writ ing be sure and mention this paper. ^ ADVERTISKMKNT. How to Make Pine Cough Syrup at Home Hu no equal for prompt reanlta. I Take. Imt a moment to prepare, and aavra rou about 9?, Pine is used in nearly all prescrip tions and remedies for cougtis. The reason is that pine contains sevpril elements that hare a remarkable effect in soothing and healing the membranes of the throat and chest. Pine cough syrups are combinations of pine and syrup. The “syruo-’ part is usually plain sugar syrup. To make the best pine cough remedy that money can buy, put 2'/s ounces of Pinex in a pint bottle, anil till up with home-made sugar syrup. Or you ran use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of simar svrup. Either way, you make a full pint— more than you can buy ready-made for three times the money. It is pure, good and tastes very pleasant. You can feel this take hold of a cough or cold in a way that means business. The cough may be dry, hoarse and tight, or mav be persist ently loose from the formation of phlegm. The cause is the same—in flamed membranes—and this Pinex and Svrup combination will stop it —usually in 24 hours or less. Splen did. too, for bronchial asthma, hoarae ness, or any ordinary throat ailment. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, and is famous the world over for its prompt effect upon coughs. Beware of substitutes, Ask your druggist for "2«/, ounces of Pinex” with directions, and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso. lute satisfaction or money refunded. Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. AID KRTIKr.MKNT. If Ruptured See the Experts Representatives of the Famous Rice Rupture Method are Here to Give Free Advice to All Who are Ruptured. .. Rupture in rupture whether In the I three month* old Infant or the octo-1 gonnrlan. Whether a simple protru-j slon or a doable groin rupture, wheth-j er a email femoral rupture or a great' bulging and overhanging rupture fol lowing abdominal operation. And to t»e an expert, it is necessary to have an Intimate knowledge and experience with every kind ami degree of rup ture. and the necessary supports and treatments to successfully ■ cure for1 all of these conditions. The Rice Ex perts are thus fully equipped with knowledge, experience and materials anti all are AT YOUR SERVICE, FREE for demonstration In your own per sonal requirements. Fall at the Rome Hotel. Omaha. N’ebr.. Thursday. Friday or Saturday, Dec. 1*. 19 or 20. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Teiepnone AT inn1 ir inno THE KV KNIN(S RFF THE OMAHA UORNINO PrR. 1 tc per Jin# *«rh oay. l or { days. 17c per lint each day, J or » day* lie per line each day. 7 day* lie per line each day SO dava _ANNOUNCE MKN rs Vault* ami Monuments. 2 "Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vault* recommended by all leading undertaker* Mfd bv Omaha Concrete Hurial Vault Co Kunrral Directors. 3 * HKAFKY A HKAFKY Undertakera and Ktnbaimora -Phone AT 2 SSI Office. 2411 Fa mam _(ESTABLISHED SINCK 1**1) in'I.'1 K A Tiikpkn. At Your Sei vice >??? 24 Cuming FtJA. 1124 Brailey & Dorrance. H» >FFM AN CROSBY ambulance podgr • nil t4th Ht Funeral director* .1A laol N P AW ANS' >\\ 17 .11 A N P CI M INU Qj *»t Dignified Supervision Jiii.N A OKNTI.K M AN HA 1 «l#l I Fernam St C C HAY NFS FFNKRAL H«>MF 3430 N 2(th StKK 0147 Id LIK O. MOURK :tih and Win AY K no 4 7 M K? III RKiTt a son J40I Fatnam. If 1674 HA. 0010. (Ynirtsrlrs. 4 \ IS IT FrTnRST |TV\V n Call at the frmnhi'iun ai entrance of Fro eat Lawn Cemetery (neat of Florence! Order* are being taken fur e\«i green blankets and " n at in itba ftVrnonalA. 9 JOHN WFSI.FV M AimiDH at the of 2 7. 1 • ft hi* home in the Tox« nnlllp of l.ubo. Middle*#*, Ontnrln In 1t»'7, and hr* ln*( hoard of at Hrjant, Dakota. August, llln llo own* lloal and i*er Airnal property in Ontario Information n* to ht** where* bout* If living or proof r»f hla di'ftlh. If dreeaecd I* dealred by hi* aiater*. Mugmet A Tu* k* v and Matv I l.ihhx Addree* M PT'III UHiN A PI'. It PIN. London. (>tu m ><», * an* da. Solid toi * rtf I SALVATION A ft 61 Y i ti d uai r i a I do me solicit* }» ttr <*.d rloihmg furniture, mea* tinea W e collect We distribute I’bon* • A 417fi and our wagon will call Call I n#« h *me III N )|tl» St I'CMI Ihaatrlral hla il magrjus < oat time* <o rent I ehgn 1614 llnwatd i:\PFItT' mm*M. • ira-u hatha Anna D. Fl»het. 2Q4 AnnlU Court AT |_l> 71. Ill Y jour • r*ya *• wholesale I'ttvea Omaha Toy C , 1411 Ham*) SI, ANNOUNCEMENTS._ I'emotialft. 9 MASSAGE, BLUE KAY manicuring Lady operator. 210 North 17th St. I WILL dress your Christmas dolla. alao make baby clothes. 1310 S. 30th Ave. Lost and Found. 10 DOG—Black and tan. small; 3 months old; strayed away from horns last Sunday; small collar. Reward. JA. 2290. LOST—Gold basehall charm with name «'arl Kelley. Downtown. Reward WE. 6429. ~ \M \S~(»IFT SI MiESTIONS. XMAS TIME ia Joy timn for the home owner. Your rent money will practically get you a horns from Grove Company, AT. 1882 222 Bankers Res. Life Bldg Builders of Good Domes. Give your boy or girl one of our HOME BANKS teach him THRIFT 81 start* an account. WE BAY 6 TER CENT STATE SAVINGS Ac LOAN ASSN. S W. Corner 19th and Douglas. Billiard Tables Brunswick home billiard table, a family gift; to while away the evening hours. Prices $47 and up. 1102 Farnam. JA. 3365. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co. Buy One of Mickel's UKULELE SPECIALS. $1.75 Each. Only 200 to Sell at This Price Get yours Early. MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th and Harney.AT. 4301. YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE. PRACTICAL GIFTS BIBLES. DIC TIONARIES. P H O T O ALBUMS. FOUNTAIN PEN SETS. FINE WRIT ING PAPERS. VAST ASSORTMENT XMAS CARPS. ._ W, B. DAILEY CO.. 315 SO. 15TH. 8P A GIFT to be appreciated the year round: A good used car. We have a complete line at terms you can meet. NASH -YRIESKMA AUTO CO. 20f4 Farnam. _A 1. 21H. YOU cun give the wife a real start toward a home of her own. A fine lot. Special for Xrri*4i as low as $25 down. (HAS W YOUNG Ac SON 1402 City Nat. Bank _AT. 9668. IM'PPI EJ or Imported trained police dogs m a ire a fine Xmas present. Cherry croft Farm. 73d and Military Road. WA, 0865. ___ AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT. A HAPPY HOLLOW BUILDING SITE. GEORGE A CO. Realtors. AT. 3024._ CLOSING out all toys, dolls, etc., at big reduction. R. M. Shlaes Co., 218 N. 16th St. _ NECKLACE of email genuine Oriental >earls- a real bargain. Call AT. 6103 afternoons __ XMAS W RI: A TH S NOW LE E L A R M ON. 19 th and Douglas Sts "automobiles. Automobiles for Sale. 11 For the«#» cold and stormy days try one of our closed cars. You can t afford to take the chance in the open one. 34-B Oakland Sedan . UJf 34 C Oakland Sedan . 39a S4• I> Oakland S«dan . 3.-0 34-D Oak lend Sedan . 4 50 (-44 Oakland : i'a-s Coupe . *>?•* 1923 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan .4o0 192 4 Oakland Touring. 4-wheel brakes, glass enclosure, other ex tra, .5® OTHER CARS PRICED RIGHT. We will take your used car In. OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO., AT. 29 29 20fh and Harney T WILL allow Hat price for any Ford. Chevrolet. Overland or Star 1914 model, on popular six-cylinder rsr. Call 1M 1415. * a. m. to 10 a m. and 6 p. m to * p m _ 100 CARS. Ford* and other mahea 160 and up Cash or tetms , GOLD STROM AUTO SALES CO. 2113 Harney _ AT 4544 FOR THE RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD USED CARS SEE OMAHA FLINT COM PANT. Trucks for Salr. 12 USED TRUCKS FROM ONE TO THREE TONS INTERNATIONALS AND OTHERS SEE US IN OUR NEW LOCATION. International Harvester Company, llth »t Jon,* * T»l. AT. OttO. Auto Acre**orie*, Part*. 16 GUARANTEED new ana used au*o part* at a special cut price. Nebraska Auto Parts ltlC'li Harney St JA 4»ll. and 3.<U Cuming St AT ItTO__ FORD tour ng top covers cornplete, 14 40. Kaplan Auto Parts. 3111 Nicholas St. BIS1NRKK HERV1CE._ Kusinpum terrier 11 Ottered. 21 ACtX)RDI<»N. aide knife, boa pleating, covered buttons all style*, hemstitching buttonhole* Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co . 14* Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA 1124 NlFAX PLE A TI NO CO . HemetltchlnK' Covered Buttons. 1S 0 4 Painsm Second Floor. JA 4470 Moving—Trucking—Storage. 26 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING. STORINO Eatimates furrlehed AT 4.30 or JA 431* GORDON'S riRFPKOor VVIIFK A van. 241 North 11th St Phone JA 1032. mov ing. parking, storage shipping Hi; KIN'S OMAHA VAN A STORAGE 16th and l,eav enyrort h fta Packing, mov ing. storage, ahtpplng JA 4)41 l‘ iinimg and r.tpt rfng. 27 Wallpaper paperhanging painting Fred Parka 4T0I «. 14th St MA 0161: AT 7 404 PAM Attorn*-)*. 28 J W. MARTIN. R26 Peter* Trust Bldg . j Omaha, alao Washington Double service. ■ Ingle fee Ateo help sell patents. IVin ling — St.Hioni-ry. 29 ! C IMMKRCl A L PR 1NTING Fddy Printing Co 21? Smith nth St Phone JA MU I’rnfminmil Sortltf. 50 KI.E'TRIC SWEATS; MASS tflK 314 BROKER Rt.DO. AT 4444. RMPIX1YNRNT. Help Wanted—>l«lr 37 Ai I. men women. boys, gtrls. 17 to 41 w illing to accept government pc*,uons 111 ?f; 10 (traveling or stationary) an Its Mr Oiment. 1*4 S» l.euln Mo FI IlK MEN. BRAKEM KN beginner* I 1 |lf*0 (Who h position T) llailws) T-IIAA, [ Omaha Bee. ■■■’■ 1 ' ■ ' 1,1 ■" ' ■■■ Salesmen and ARrnt*. 3D RA1.FRMAN to -ell to ha dware *n»l paint stores a line on commie; ton that leads to permanent territorial connection llefeven* * required lto\ Y-279A. Gmaha Bee IINWtIM _ liitalltrwa 0|tjN*i'f uniUe*. 42 YV ANTED \n *\perlem doctor NVstul ful opportunltj fot w d» awake m»n H**nl lirr. bc*t location *» town For particular* wait# Y-2707, Omaha Hee Krai Ratatr I akin*. 41 *FiMNI» mortgage* or contracts pot chased hv Tukev t mnany. 420 Flt*t Na I • 1 v * t • 190 in Hit 0(»« b-*rt.d prompt service F D. Wead A D H Bowman. Wead Bldg FINANCIAL. Heal Estate Iakuis. 44 MONEY TO Loan On first and second mortgagee. Wa buy outright for rash Existing mortgages and land contracts Prompt Action. II. A. WOLF CO.. M2 Saundera-Kennedy Bldg AT 1110 FARM LOANS. NO COMMISSION. 40-yr. • Nebraska tarm loana 8% per rent Interest, without commission; write to Lincoln Joint Stock Land Hank, Lln coin. Neb. Y>T. E Barkley, prea't. SVfc AND « PER CENT MONEY Loans on Omaha Improved property at lowest ratea. FRANK H. BINDER. „ >21 City National. JA. 1661 SIX per cent loana on Omaha residences. Cash on hand. Prompt servlca. E. H Loanee, Inc.. 638 Keeline Bldg Tow RATE on city property, quickly closed, no monthly payments JA. 1632 W T G RAH A M, 754 Petera Trust. OMAHA HOMES— EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1015 Omaha Nsfl Bank Bldg JA. 3714. 6H AND 8 PER CENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BRQ8.. 845 Omaha Nat l Bldg Farm Loana on West. Neb. and N E. Colo, farms. Kioke Investment Co.. Omaha. Money to Loan. 45 WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY at the lowest rate we have ever made. DON'T PAY HIGH RATES Over *0 years In business assures you t>! a quick, quiet and confidential deal at the lowest possible coet. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 608 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2216. Southeast corner 15tb and Douglas Sta MONEY loaned on diamonds. Jewelry, « lothing. automobiles, at special rates. Croastown Loan Co.. 1808 N 24. WE. "*&49. DIAMOND loana at lowest rates: business strict y confidential. The Diamond Loan Co . 1614 Dodge St. Established 1894 E*H’CATIOXA»,r~ ~~ Loral Instruction Classes. 48 DAY BCHOoT NIGH1 SCHOOL Complete course in all commercial branches Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy, salesmanship, civil service. Phone JA. 1565. Complete catalog frea. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney 8ta.Omaha. Neb. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 ar write American College. 1812 Farnam TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Dodge St. 120* Douglas 8t Call or writs for Information. Musical—Dramatic. 49 POPULAR mimic, taught by orchcatra pl anl.t. E M Kahn. Bldg. AT «m. Dancing Academies. !>V KEEPS CINDERELLA ROOF, 10TH AND DOUGLAS STS. JA. 5470. Class.. Tuesday and Friday. 10 lsssoni. $4 Private lessons anytime. Ten com petent instrut tor*. __ KKL-PINE—Farnam at class and assembly Mon. and Thurs. Nitaa. Private lear-one any time. AT. 7868 Private Instruction. 61 MRS. L. S McConnell will giva private French lessons at home. 4407 leaven worth. Tei. WA. 5412 She is a graduate of University of Paris, France. ~MFRCH:\M)1SE ~ Business Equipments. .58 TYPEWRITERS, — Reasonable RENTAL ratea. New and second-hand machines for sale. Have you seen the Standard Keyboard Remington Portable'* Whatever your needs In the typewriter line call Remington Typewriter Co.. 210 S. 18th St.. JA. 2S76. WE BUY. sell safes. mass desks, show rases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. S W Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724 Household Goods. 64 MOVING out of city; must .sell at once, complete elegant household furnishings, including boby grand piano. 706 No. 50rh St Apt 10 Machinery and Tools. 6? NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos. i.wBrow Electrical Works 118-20 8 12th Musical Instruments. "0 DWORAK Saxophone Studio. Reliable netru t:»-n V. BUg -Vi 4t»1 Wearing .Apparel. 72 ONE gentleman s storm mat. flft. Call ar.d s* - at 2110 Ave. C. Council Bluff*. Wanted to Buy. 73 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed 1207 Farnam St. AT <146. ROOMS FOR KENT. Rooms With Board. 74 CASS. 2241— Warm room, excellent board, cine# In. reasonable. AT SOS*. Furnished Rooms. 73 Furn. rm . at. heat, priv. bath, for men. Far, carline, walk d:». AT 9135 or >**70. T\V ENT Y-THIRD. J*'.'* N —Room for 94 One for <3. tii.od and warm. PLEASANT room, suitable for three. 20* N 2 3.1 St Rooms for Housekeeping. 76 TWENTY KIOHTH. 403 8 Parlor floor. 2-room apartr.ent. 2. 3. 4 room suite* a try reasonable to parties employed. lla*. heat, phone, electricity, garage. cic.aa-H». AT I > 34._____ I0TH and Manderaor.—Two modern, fur wished or unfurnithed. S block from car line also sleeping room* K F. lit*. 1 AND 2 rooms, well furnished, conien - ent I* piated Reasonable rent. 2**4 Douglas. 414 so RTH IT Btaaia hea.le i how keeping room, furmahod. 14.M. HA. **.^7, CAPITOL AYE. 2S4«—Pleaaant h*kp. or •leeping room* Call JA 497*. Where t» Slop In Town. 78 MuTKl. SANK*»RT*—ltth ana Farnam. IIOTKL. 1UNSHA W—l«(h and Farnam. Hi-eclal Rate* to Permanent Q*ie«t» Apartments of Building Owners and Managers Association. Infurnislied. 80b 1.00K AT Ihi, romforlaMa warm Apt . goo<l c|.»»e-ln location, four nicely ar ranged room*: No 7 Troy 3909 Harney Rf at a rental of only t v summer and fCO winter. PETERS TR18T COMPANY. Where Omaha Rent*" AT 0*44 17th and Farnam St*. APARTMENTS and flats for rent W j PALMER (XV AT 9914 Heat Fatal* Management Si ec lanf. a I’M KUS THI ST COM PA N Y WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT o s 4 4 lTth and Farnam *te ONK two *hr*e and four room art* IS* to I DR YKJC RENTAL ACaKNCT Elegant mod * - r steam ht . flee washer, 111 V :th Key at Hunter Inn AT 4944. HKAI ESTATE—FOR RFNT. Aparlinents—I ufurnlslied. 81 Three-Room Apartment Endfne Court 24*2 Dewev At» . • team heat and plenty of it, ren tal. 14* 7* and 1*9.7*. TRAYKR BROS Oanera and Managua YT 4194. M* 1st .Nall Hh Bldg 2949 JACKSON 4 large room* ttcatly new. close In. cioeu lo a* h*'o| and car. 14*. J. L HIATT CO AT 9909. FOH RFNT—hta room*. atl mortem brick tiat hunted cloee to echool, car line reasonable rent, refeienoea tesjuned Tel •V » Af er • e . lock. W A 1144 \FW li » I E \ ICS FOR RENT. N .1 SKCHiMAN A S' NS II A T#4* si! YXl heat 4 apt* I I and '• i i lose in. «| P KtebMn* 1414 Chicago St. Iloiiara for Kent 95 ; ;l* AYE -Facing Hgnecom P*»k. i room strictly nertem bn* k k«*u»e ! ’oubTc garage i'*|| at 1747 So J*d St. | lTel 1 H A 19*4 _ I ROOM mcdein touiao •*' Fer colored | got* fill, m l\ lit. I >k\ k\ R* ‘M U'A >*■ »uliable for tee [ families 919. i»U WuUtA'e, REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. tloukps for Krill. S3 Rents Reduced! New 5-room duplex flat In Dundee, never been occupied, clone to school sml car. rent fCO.OO. Call office and agent. wiU show. E. E. Austin AT 07*5; WA, 8763 UPS First Nat. Bant 611 N. 30TH RT.—7 rooms, newly dec orated; oak finish downstairs; must bs seen to be appreciated. Garage if da sired. HA. 1012. 6-RM. mod ex. ht. cott. colored. $*6. Om Rental Kxhange, JA 361®. HA. 360* 2 210 CALIFORNIA—$*room newly deco rated duplex; garage If desired. AT. 6112 PIERCE. 4210—Four room house, partly modern. 122. KK. €497. _ Farm Lands for Rent. M U0-ACRE farm n,«r Omaha cheap for i ash rent. *06 N. 19th. _ REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. BuslneM Property. ft BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. IDKAL INVESTMENT. NBT. _PLOVER A SPAIN. JA. I8E0. Real Estate—Investment*. >2 INTO ME 12,370. amall apL Bargain. »*,000. Inquire 3*37 South 23rd at. Farms and I.and* for Sale. (3 Improved Farms In eastern North Dakota, $2.00 P*r acre annually for 34 years, which Includes Interest. Best of soil, good water, land adapted for diversified farm ing; corn, alfalfa and hogs. Close to schools and churches and best transporta tion. w’onderful opportunities for farmers of limited means, wanting to secure a home of their own. For full particular/ write: WM BLONDER. AORI. DJV. AGT-, Great Northern Ry„ Dept A., . €22 Paxton Block.Omaha, N*». CASH FOR YOUR LAND. Sales made in sixty counties of Nebraska. Mark Carraher, Real Estate Auctioneer, Central City. Nebraska. House* for Sale. 95 $100 OFF on any house purchased thi# week; choice of locations; aeil one $20o down Shop^n A Co.. Kceline Bidg. T B CAMPBELL, builder of good home*. A few completed. Right location, pries and verms, 229 Keeline. AT. *048. Ho u*e!P—North. 96 Quick Sale Price In Beautiful Parkwood Across the street from Minna L'jsa. Five room# and bath, ail oak and birch, enamel in kitchen. Many built-in features. I want you to see the Interior, only $1.9*0 cash, balance like rent. Price $6,150; this is a sacrifice Let me go over it with you. Paving all paid. tOpen Sunday 2:30 p m. to 4 p m. Can show eve nings). Ask for Mr. Traver. AT. 6*86. E\eninga and Sunday, WA. 831®. Old House, in Prettiest Mile Old house in Prettiest M.le district This is your opportunity to get In a fire dis trict at a poor man » figure. 5 roomi nearly modern. Lot 50x150. south front Just off Florence boulevard on Ogden Ave.; 4 block to car line Everything paid. Price and terms very reasonable. KK 1732. AT. 4066. Five-Room Modern Home $500 Down This Is a very beautiful home. T.ied bath, built-in tub. cak floors, long kitchen cabinet, east front, located at €31® N. 53d ‘St. LICKTY, KK 142®. WILL build and finance your home os easy terma. See us for plane. J C. I Schmltx. 8*1 Omaha National. JA. 1799. STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME. $561 DOWN BUILT-IN FEATURES, OAK FLOORS PAYNE & SONS JA 1®1$. 6012 FLORENCE BLVD —S-rm. mod. Pa>ment*. Creigh. 608 Bee. JA. 020®. j !> E BUCK A CO., buv and aei! homes. House*—South. 97 railroad man Snapnv. New 5-Room Bungalow. . >nlv f'750— $75® Ca*rr i Handv location On beautiful Forest Ave. J Exceptionally well built: 5 large rooms, jail in cho.cext oak be basement floored •attic: permanent asphalt sh'.nrie roof: j paved street. 2 blks. to car If you ara I raying r*nt. you ®a afford to buy this j home. Cail OSBORNE REALTY CO. I 63® Peters Trust Bldg JA. 1293 ifoiiftrs—West. *8 JUST WHAT TOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR” 4-room in a splendid location. Clairroont district. Ji block off paving. oak floors, full cemented basement, strictly modern. 1250 laib will handle. New 5-room, cone to car and school a, oak floor* and finish, complete in every detail F'.etric fixtures. shades and screens. $4.9## with 1250 ash. I-room, r.ght in beautiful Clairmont. Ju*t one year rid. Large 19-ft. living room acres* front of house teo beaut.ful bed rooms. oak floor*, oak back band trim, kitchen built-in features and break fast nook. Better see th:s at c~ • 91,10# cssh will hand’s E\e. WA. StlS. Edward T. Slattery Co., 1 Ml Keellne Bldg* AT #3*?. CLAIRMONT BUNGALOW J six rooms—double boaraok On choirs corner lot. * x er’end.d rooms ail finished :n oak. beauti i ful tils bath large attic and full basement both *;re*ts raved Fast I f*ont—Drettv lawn and shrubs block i to car Price reduced to $4. ft#. Kasr terrr« ORB« RNR REALTY CO 13b r*te^s Trust Hilt JA 12*2 — . - - — — . - Six-Room Home, $5,500 $300 Cash • Located at 333T N 9fth St . living room across front of house, j bedrooms, bath ton second floor, oak floors and f-.n*sh. Lschty. KE. 1#2». 4-ROOM modern home. 5 bedroom* and bath Jd floor. large lot: 1 block to ear; paved street. |4S9#: Evenings ! call KK till, days JA. DM. } 4-ROOM modern oak finish. Field club i district, oniv IT 210. make your own {terms Owner AT #131 HA #441 SEE Morriaoa Lumber and Coal for prtcoa on garages Best construction at m<ni mum cost WE 9M1 FOWLER FINDS folks'Who buv homes. List > vwir urcrertv w th us for results JA 1424 PI RT C. FOWLER CO , Realtors. WILL build to your Order on our beauti ful lota tn Kdarwood very easy tsrma. Phone AT 394# For S.ilf—Aundrs. lii C HOICK DWDM I-OT!* \KW HAPPY HOLLOW ADD Just off boulevard ntca and Isr-pl. *'.*• I#ktl#. h ch and sightly. where values are increasing. Bur now. rrfc* only |t,T4# • OSBORNE REALTY CO 91# Rotors Trust Bids JA till I Uti for S*l*. 1*1 HAVE * few well located lots ta Edge wood for eais For call C A. Orreraei JA till BEAUTIFUL butldng l.'t In Clairmont Addition AT 4>*s C. T Pi.-k wr*. W anlr.)—Krai IvMatr. IW For result* list your proporty with FIRST fKVSf CO AT »T2»_4*4 First Natl Reek. oil AS W YOUNG A SON Beal Estate. Renta’s, Insuienoo l«$2 o.ty Nat i BankAT H<t LIFT year property w th ns or. If yen ■«n* In the m* k*i for •> i#us call L a • I * . Hi f.*r pj k eaiea IIA S14J MA left B K P A N stTTi YOUR r ROTERTY, HAMILTON A COMPANY | :#2 Nan‘la Bl. V_ HIT. U D HI TCH IN SON CiY^ * -• nil re" am Jk • 4 *. I \» (tlONK, \tttilstt MlrS. rURNITVKF »-*-** — % n f» A »seb*n | Be a'so v*,1 at I' i»e a *a‘e AatisPed **« i.'iuei* » e .‘ut * Ue* * went Awe •*>»' m* er.i b.epbensva a. 11*1 J 049*.o* A'K